Pocket Warhammer Just Got EVEN BETTER

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what's up Hobby friends my name is Casey and welcome to another miniature rescue this week I'm taking pocket Hammer to a new level of TV time [Music] about a year ago I discovered small-scale Miniatures and I'm not talking about your average small-scale war game pieces but something completely different pocket Hammer now this idea isn't exactly new by any means the game War Master is in fact a small version of Warhammer fantasy that was discontinued in 2013 By Games Workshop there's even a fantastic box set that I hope to get my hands on someday called The Battle of Five Armies the Lord of the Rings version of that game that came out a little before the game's demise and of course we can't talk about pocket Hammer without mentioning epic 40K a small-scale version of Warhammer 40K that was discontinued sometime around 2007. although discontinued is maybe a bit strong the game still sees a ton of community updates as well as a pretty large amount of support in the 3D printing community so even if games workshops stop caring the players definitely did not bringing us a little closer to today we are starting to see a little bit of a Renaissance period for small-scale war gaming in the Warhammer Universe hobbyists are jumping on 3D printing more than ever and creating tiny armies to battle their friends something that doesn't take up an entire room or dining table in the process personally I'm all for it I feel like we're seeing the hobby stretch with newer technology and people are creating something new with games that are long dead enjoying the Hobby in a new way and bringing people together to play tabletop games what I want to focus on this week though is something a little bit different something that brings us into the future of pocket hammer and creates a starting place for anyone who wants to jump in the problem is that most of us don't really know where to start and that can be a huge barrier to entry for any part of the hobby well hobby friends let me take you on a journey into the world of teeny tiny war cry now there are a couple of reasons I decided on this game to help you get started the game itself is an entry point for a ton of people into the world of Warhammer games and I happen to think it's a worthwhile game in and of itself the other reason is that Games Workshop decided to release the basic rulebook and Army list for the game for free which I'm actually pretty stunned by that and I think they deserve a jolly head nod for helping people get into tabletop gaming that much easier yes so the rules are available online and I'll provide links in the description so you can go download those if you'd like as well as for anything else that I mentioned in this video now that we have a rule set we can move on to the slightly more important bits the actual models [Music] more bands that work for the game is an important step towards building our game I want to keep the model count relatively low so everything can fit into a small portable box and something that still has a war cry feel to it the warbands in war cry are all pretty unique and I want my warbands to have that uniqueness and still look good at a smaller scale the last time I made a video about pocket Hammer I exclusively used a company called Forest Dragon it's a monthly patreon STL company that delivers very high quality 10 millimeter Miniatures for use in Fantasy games so there are a good amount of models to choose from in that line already if you own a 3D printer however there are plenty of companies out there that sell 10 to 15 millimeter smaller scale Miniatures in fantasy and sci-fi lines so while 3D printing is not necessary I still recommend it simply because of the number of models you have access to that are already in that proper scale and more importantly the ones that aren't the other thing I talked about in that older video was scaling down full-size wargaming models and creating an army out of those but I never actually tested that out I didn't print any models this time around I decided to put in some work and print out a ton of multi-part models at varying scales in order to figure out what works best for a scale somewhere between 10 to 15 millimeter after building two warbands using the free Warcraft rules I decided on stormcasted terms and the slaves to Darkness and I went looking for minis luckily trusty old Force Dragon actually had a great set called the spoilers that will be perfect for building out a warband the models are 10 millimeter and don't come on bases but there are some fun tricks that we can use to make these models not only easy to print out but get them on the properly sized bases while we're at it for the storm cast I found an awesome set of models from a titanforge set called The Lost Crusade these minis have varying styles of armor and weaponry that will proxy in perfectly for tiny stormcast units and they already exactly stormcast models but in at least one way they do have the perfect look the helmets right yeah I I thought so these helmets definitely give me that stormcast Vibe so I'll make sure that a majority of the models have them with a few exceptions to give the models a little bit more variety printing these models is relatively straightforward but I want to share a few tips that will make it a whole lot smoother [Music] I started by printing these minis as is and they printed well enough but they still didn't give me the proper feel for a small scale Skirmish game the square bases on the force Dragon minis while fine for movement traits don't exactly work for war cry where everything is on round bases so here's how I went about solving that problem taking basins into my slicer program I'm using the free version of lychee here I was able to essentially mesh these files together scaling down the base to 50 of 25 millimeters gives us 14 and a half millimeters which is pretty much where we need to be in order to have these models make sense on a tiny base I also scaled up these Forest Dragon to spoilers by 50 to get to that desired 15 millimeter scale that's not an exact perfect fit but it works very well and still looks absolutely incredible on the table the important thing to note here is that nothing has supports and we're using the bases to hide the square bases and letting the feet or contact points of each model overlap each other so that they're held in place properly once printed here's where the cool trick happens after all the models are in place I export the scene as its own STL file the entire plate is now one big file I'll go ahead and get rid of the working scene after I save it just in case I want to lose all that work and import the newly created STL file it looks exactly the same as before but the difference is that the parts are all now one solid piece what this does is give us something to support that won't be sitting flat on the build plate and we can get extremely clean models out of the printer that are pretty much ready to go overall it's so much less work and it gives way better results I use all light supports and let the program place them wherever it thinks they're needed this creates a boat with a lot of little supports everywhere but remember these minis are really really tiny so light supports are more than enough to keep them from going weird during the print this also means that you can fill up a build plate with as much as you possibly want and it should print out pretty well I ended up printing a fair amount of models this way and had great success with each print and best of all because it's so small it doesn't take very long to print everything out now I figured printing out the force Dragon minis would work pretty well but I was very surprised and delighted that my scaled down multi-part kits actually worked just as well as those did the process is pretty much the same although I ended up scaling these down to 70 percent that way they still fit into the scale as stormcast models that are a little bit bigger and their weapons weren't too flimsy this may be different for each type of model it just happens that these models look properly scaled at 70 percent instead of 50. so mileage may vary from company to Company still I filled my build plate with bases and minis Then followed up with the weapon options that I wanted for those minis then I exported that and supported the entire plate just like before the kits printed out quickly and with no issues for me this opens up large possibilities for building warbands for this pocket-sized war cry set because we use light supports these minis are very easy to clean up and prepare I give them a dip in hot water for a minute and they come off the supports in the most satisfying velcro rip kind of way that you could imagine the supports are barely there and the models only have a few little pieces that need to be taken off of them the multi-part models are almost as satisfying the larger bodies attached to the bases are easy enough to peel away from their supports but the weapons are a bit thin so they need to be handled a little more delicately still I didn't end up breaking anything removing them from the supports so that bodes well for some of the more spindly models out there once they were cleaned up I let them cure for a few minutes under UV light then I assembled them like you would any other model I gotta say too that assembling tiny models is actually pretty fun you still get to pick how they're posed and what kind of Loadout they have and they glue together really quick these tiny stormcast past ended up coming out so nice they had the proper proportions they really feel like a good representation of the types of models I want to field for the game a variety of weapon options as well as really cool standout HQ units this video is sponsored by Idols of Torment a dark Skirmish game by Blackmagic craft forged in a dark original vision of the afterlife Idols of Torment is a Sinister new tabletop Skirmish game developed by black magic craft from its Inception every aspect of Idols of Torment has been driven by the desire to create a unique and thematic gaming experience suited to newcomers and experienced wargamers alike Idols of torment's carefully curated aesthetic brims with stunning imagery and profound themes supported by an easy to learn yet incredibly strategic set of rules with the support of a team of experienced industry professionals the setting game system and physical products have all been cohesively brought to life the only thing missing is you Jeremy over at blackmagiccraft sent me some of the minis that come with this Kickstarter to check out and I've got to say that they are very cool the design is incredibly unique and really leans into that dark setting that this game has these are definitely models that will stand out in your collection action as well as on the table now one of the great things about Idols of Torment is that even though you can get 72 absolutely awesome models to play in this game the game itself is considered miniature agnostic meaning that in true Blackmagic craft form you are encouraged to scratch build and kit bash your own set of minis for use in the game or use models in your existing collection to play either way you are sure to have a good time printing building painting and playing Idols of Torment the kickstarter is live right now and already fully funded congrats Jeremy but make sure you get in now before it ends on October 13th thank you Blackmagic craft and Idols of Torment for sponsoring this video now let's get back to those teeny tiny minis there are so many great models out there that I feel confident can be printed at a smaller scale and assembled the real gist here is that there are a ton of models on the market that I don't I know that useful but in the smaller scale I think they might actually have a home and now that I've begun this journey I'm looking at monthly STL dumps in a whole new light there may be models that come out that I would never print at a normal scale that would fit perfectly into a warband and honestly the more STL files I acquire the less I feel like printing them out they just collect dust in a digital folder and that fact alone makes this as much of a rescue as anything else I'm here to save stls and give them a place on the table top and for me the smaller they get the more likely they're going to see some play [Music] foreign now that we have our warbands printed and ready to go it's time to turn our attention to the other half of the game the board and terrain I really wanted to do something nice for this set because as much as I like the idea of putting models in a fanny pack I also wanted to have something that would be a viable option to pull out on any given evening and play a game with the requirements for this box are pretty specific it needs storage for all the game pieces terrain booklets and tokens needs to be large enough that when open can double as the actual game board so I went looking for boxes after an exhaustive search I ended up going with a wooden art storage box from a craft store it has internal storage that can be removed which is perfect for the game board in the separated sections should work really well for keeping everything in one place while traveling this box does need a little bit of work though so let me walk you through some of the upgrades that I made I use foam to line the entire box so that anything sitting on it would have a harder time shifting around and be more protected some cutting and gluing and those pieces went in without any issues this particular box comes with a pallet holder and a pallet for painting or drawing I couldn't really think of a good reason to keep that in the box so I unscrewed it and just took it out that also leaves a little bit of extra room on top just in case there are any taller pieces that need to go in at another time right now everything kind of sits flat the insert for this box is going to be the game board that we're going to be playing on it's pretty large and should fit the scale pretty well it's actually about a quarter of the size of the full war cry board for the ground covering of the board I went with some roll out grass paper this stuff has some flocking on it it gives it a little bit of texture and is most often used for dioramas this ended up working out perfectly the paper is easy to cut and once I got it lined up and glued down it acted as an extra bit of padding for whatever is going to be stored underneath [Music] as far as the terrain goes I ended up finding a pretty neat set from the Mayan Factory from my mini Factory called Skirmish in the cursed ruins it's got broken down buildings columns statues walkways and ladders all the things that you need for a good game of war cry I printed them out at half of their original size and that was just enough for most of the minis to fit through the doorways I printed it using the same steps that I did for all of the other Miniatures including using small supports being so small everything just prints out so easily and makes for simple cleanup it's actually really refreshing so we have a really cool storage solution we have a board and we have Minis let's quickly paint these guys up and get them on the table [Music] [Music] if there's any good reason to take an already small Skirmish game compared to a full game of war cry at least and make it tiny is that painting small scale Miniatures is seriously one of the greatest joys in this hobby at 15 ish millimeters these models still pack in a ton of great detail and there really is enough room to practice and improve your painting skills your brush can be loaded up enough to complete large sections of the bottle at one time and you can try things that you may or may not want to do or are afraid to do on larger more expensive models there's also the speed factor to consider you can sit down and paint one of these little guys to a pretty good standard in not a lot of time the same steps you would take on a normal model are just shrunk down so things like glazing and painting more complicated gradients just take less time washing your models is also a bit more satisfying remember that water doesn't actually scale so at a smaller scale the lines of wash tend to be a little bit bigger exaggerating the parts and pieces of your model even more generally giving you a more defined Mini even then layering up paints looks less messy on a smaller model because you're just never going to be that close to it Blends in layers look smoother because you're really looking at them from technically six feet away instead of three that also means that you need to go a little bit heavier on the highlights to get things to stand out on the tiny table but even when you don't the models just look a little bit better than their larger counterparts personally it took me a few days to finish these War bands a few hours each night I feel like they were painted to a pretty good standard I went a little bit further than I normally would for a normal size model but because they're so small it didn't take much effort to give them that extra time I mean we're talking 15-20 minutes per model to look pretty good all in all not a bad look for both of these warbands and once they're on the table they should look even better [Music] foreign so in a nutshell here's exactly how everything works let's just pile it all together and run through that you have your free rules in the war cry rules from Games Workshop thank you then you find your models and you take those models in and you scale them to the proper size if they're smaller you might need to scale them up if they're bigger scale them down you export all of those files on your build plate as a single STL bring that back into the program and support that using light supports in light sheet slicer I just let the program do its magic once you have your supported minis then you can output that you can print that out and you have a full build plate of theoretically perfectly printed out minis for the terrain same exact thing you find some good terrain you print it out the same way that you did the minis in that scale you can even take some of your scaled down stls that you already have and make sure that they slide through the doors of whatever terrain that you're building that way everything is in its own system the last thing you need is a good box to keep it in now I chose to go with an art box and those links will be in the description if you want to pick up something similar or the same but something like a small lunchbox or a tackle box would work just as well pretty much anything that you have laying around that can carry things in a compartmentalized way is a great way to go you can also use something like a large mouse pad as a game board something that rolls up to put in the bottom of that container whatever you have the most important thing is that we know that you can find models whatever models you want print them down into that scale use free rules and create your own entire game World it doesn't have to be Games Workshop Centric it can literally be anything you want and my goal here is to try and help you start to try and get everything set up and done in a process that way it's replicable you can continue to add to your game [Music] so here we have it pocket Hammer 2.0 war cry Edition everything is in its place and ready to go this evening on this project is still really high and there's even a ton of room left in my custom box to fill it with more warbands I now wait eagerly for those monthly STL packs to come out and see if there happens to be anything to add to this box and now that there's a system for outputting models at this size that really works I am way more likely to actually print minis out on the regular no more digital pile of shame that kind of sounds pretty awesome on top of that companies that make physical models at smaller scales or sell printed stls are now another option to look at when trying to find a fun project to paint up [Music] I do hope that this video helped you out in one way or another it was a pretty massive undertaking and not one that I was actually expecting this kind of came out of left field and just had me from the start and I wanted to make sure to include as much of the process as I could so that other people could jump in and get going as fast as possible when starting something like a 10 to 15 millimeter war game thank you again for joining me on another miniature rescue if you like something about this video please like share and subscribe as it really helps out the channel once again I'm Casey and I will see you in the next video
Channel: eBay Miniature Rescues
Views: 66,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Age of Sigmar, Warhammer40k, AOS, WHFB, Painting Miniatures, Ebay Rescue, ebay miniature rescue, emr, airbrushing, 40k painting, Beginner mini painting, beginner warhammer, start painting, rescue mini, model, miniature restoration, epic 40k, warmaster, pocket hammer warhammer, 15mm miniature bases, 15mm miniatures, 6mm miniatures, 6mm miniature wargaming, warcry heart of ghur, warhammer 40k, miniature painting, games workshop, painting warhammer, warhammer 40000
Id: 2gBEKt7u8K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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