Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Gandalf's Pipe!

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foreign hey everybody you shall not pass uh this is uh the WETA Workshop replica of one of Gandalf's stabs from The Lord of the Rings films I have each of the replicas they have made of different staffs the lit Hobbit staff uh this I right now at this moment in time I can't remember which movie this one is from you know I just like there's too many things floating around in this Noggin right now but one of the things I love about this replica in particular is that it came with this pipe and it this this business right of both the the nail which is awesome uh and this church wardens pipe Gandalf smokes but when I bought this and it came low reader it turned out the pipe wasn't real it was just a single piece of cast resin and I don't smoke and yet I I'm always looking for an experience with a prop I want it to feel authentic and the resin pipe just didn't do it for me and actually I talked to Richard Taylor from what a workshop about it and he explained actually that there are export laws about pipes in New Zealand which totally makes sense it is a a an object over which the state exerts some control so they can't ship out a real pipe so I made one this is the one that I made and um again I don't smoke I did buy a single bag just like a couple years ago now of tobacco and I put it in and I I just wanted I just I smoked a little bit just so I could get it to smell like tobacco I just that's the experience I wanted and this has been sitting with this staff this whole time and I just pulled it out to show somebody and I was telling that story and I thought I should tell you that story in fact I'm going to go even farther than that and I think today's one day build is going to be that I'm going to show you how I made one and we'll make one together it was really easy I make no warranties about the safety of making your own pipe when I say I smoked I mean I literally like put tobacco in it lit it I didn't inhale any I didn't inhale ladies and gentlemen um I was just imparting the smell but this is not about making a pipe that is safe to smoke from I wouldn't smoke from it at all you know if you want it to smell like tobacco you could do as I did but this isn't a I don't want to get in trouble for this so this isn't a real pipe what we're making is a a very reasonable simulacrum of a pipe but uh I I again I do not want a warrant that you should be smoking out of this Pine pipe I'm going to show you how to make so let's be clear I didn't um yeah so yeah I love these things these these every one of Gandalf's stabs and radagasts are magnificent I also have one of Sauron I don't have a Gandalf the White those went really expensive really quickly and I haven't found what I love but it's the only one I don't have so we are gonna I have a piece of simple Pine board here and out of this we're gonna make a church Warden pay I think that's what this is referred to as well I'm aware now as I've looked into the manufacture of pipes that one of the ways they are often made is a long drill uh a whole a long hole is drilled through a straight piece of wood and then that wood is steamed for this curve I'm going to be doing a much simpler straightforward I don't have a steamer version which is uh I'm going to make it in two halves and I'm going to cut I'm going to Chisel out the the uh oh tobacco smell uh I'm gonna chisel out the the you know the hole in here and then I will glue the two halves together yeah you can see that's okay two out of this we'll see just do a rough Trace yeah so let's do this cut there and there I uh I just made a slice and actually I'm really proud with how this came out look at that oh I like it when my powers of estimation are good wow it really is barely enough space all right oh oh that's closer than I want to be okay that's gonna be too thick which is fine [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] slightly tapered uh double helix cut hardened bit uh it's a carton bit foreign [Music] oh ouch ouch got a little Splinter yeah [Music] all right so uh what I've done is I've used an X-Acto to carve the first channel and I did that by cutting well actually I used a snap blade knife I did it by cutting down first how do I show you this let me show you this if that's my piece of wood the first cut I made was down the center with the exacto blade and then I came in from one side and cut to that and the other side and cut to that and then I used the Dremel two there we go to take out that entire Notch I carried it through to here so that when I uh glue these together when I glue these together I end up with a channel that goes all the way from there out to there and then I have some Marks here and I've made some extra marks this is where it gets quite thin on this side out towards the edge so I'm just letting myself know to be a little careful with the gluing there uh and I'm about to Crazy Glue this whole thing together and then I'll start to slice it down and make a pipe out of it again the use of crazy glue should make it clear that this is not a regular smoking pipe this is a prop it is a prop it's a prop it's a prop with the same topography as a pipe but not necessarily the same functionality I met this like six-year-old recently and they were asking me about spacesuits and I showed them the spacesuit that I made the one from G4 it's my lock screen and this five-year-old looks at my space so then he goes is any of dysfunctional best question anyway now forever after when I say the word functional or functionality I'm gonna think about that kid so uh we're gonna glue this all together I'm gonna use some of my new foreign flexible CA glue and over there that's the thin spot so I'm gonna so I'm definitely gonna make that part just a little bit proud so glue on one side accelerator on the other get them over each other you'd want to not be spraying your your accelerator near the open top of your glue if you can help it these aren't perfectly aligned but they're lined enough I'm trying out this new accelerator uh star Bond we'll see how it goes all right so uh now technically we have a pipe we don't have a pipe we have a PSO a pipe shaped object that's what we're building today a pipe shaped object that's what we're calling it not a pipe [Music] I don't know much about carving but what I'm learning is you want to get your overall shapes right before you start like rounding things out [Applause] foreign foreign this is shaping up nicely well the plan I'm following with this is I think it would be easy to look at this and be like I don't know how to do that and the answer is I don't know how to do this I'm just you see how I'm starting I have a structure inside I'm trying to avoid blowing a hole between my outside and the structure but that is really my my biggest plan here is just to make sure I don't somehow compromise the structural Integrity of this and you know as I'm spinning this as I'm spinning this I'm just looking for irregularities high spots to take off and allowed to be a slightly better shape and it's just like keep on looking all right that's a little bit of a problem we'll hit that and at this point I think I could move to sandpaper oh yeah all right ah now I want to carve out the middle of this guy so let's just shape here oh [Music] place to start so let's do this and I'm gonna try this I'm going to come here and no we're not that's not gonna work so now I'm thinking oh wait I can see if this works there we go hey yeah you don't want to inhale that but exhaling that's fine I know what I could use it could be this all right let's try this so it's gonna go oh yeah it's gonna go all the way hey let's just double check and go all the way [Music] that goes all the way down yeah foreign [Music] templates for the wind [Music] hey hey hey hey stop it there we go [Applause] yeah that should reach all the way in it's nice and clear foreign much better much better much better okay uh so now I'm gonna do some shaping of this outside and get that close because then I'll finish uh the bowl based on that outer shape we're going to go to the Belt Sander first [Music] all of a sudden the shape is really starting to take take form yeah and again every time I'm doing this I'm just like all right where next can I uh add some detail where next can I and it's just about that slowly methodically hogged off most of the hoggable stuff [Applause] [Music] stop [Music] laughs so now I'm doing a little bit of carving just to get this shape these this transition here it looks ugly right now I just want it to look pretty I uh I'm just going to keep on literally chipping away at it [Music] foreign sanding down different bits until can't find any more bits that seem to need to be sanded down [Music] there's that famous Michelangelo quote I simply removed all the parts of the marble that didn't look like David um and this is it yeah I'm just removing all the pieces of wood I don't look like a fight [Music] okay it is the moment of truth I'm very happy with the transition I'm happy with how this feels at a certain point I stopped trying to copy the other pipe exactly because the pipes just got to be its own thing that transition it's just got to work for itself it's never gonna get it perfect but now I want to find out if it fits in here and the answer is perfectly perfectly dude I've you know ever since I built that other one off camera I've been wanting to show you this this build and I'm really pleased with how it went this is this is just great that is honestly WETA you guys are my heroes every single time that is a beautiful piece of engineering right there um so yeah the next step is uh I'm gonna stain this and then I'm going to seal it and then we're gonna have a in case you were wondering what kind of plane I was using this is a little convex uh belly plane called a violin plane and it's for hogging out the inside of a violin carving it was absolutely perfect for sort of taking off long long thin pieces of this it was great for reducing it I love these things they're only like 20 bucks I'll include I actually can't remember exactly how much they are so don't go by me but we'll include a link in the description below time for some stain I'm gonna use a dark mahogany on this I just love putting stain on wood it is a very satisfying High return endeavor I think my total time on this is less than about two and a half hours this is a very very satisfying and quick build I really if you're at all inclined to try this just um trust me and try it the way I have just done it it's it's faster than you think the results are better than you expect uh and those are always good bills to do they very they're very energy generating so I want this to kind of like soak in so I'm really gonna Really Gonna slather it and let it sit there think about what it did foreign I'm going to let this dry right now uh for a day or so and then I'm going to hit it with some slightly darker paints uh and then probably a clear coat or two yeah we'll see I'm really happy with that which is great we've got our stained pipe is still a little bit of a light value and I want to take that value down so I'm going to hit it with a couple of things of some paint some acrylic paint try and get it uh try and get it looking more see how this has that kind of yeah that's sort of use worn uh semi-gloss finish that's what I want to get this still looks like brand new from the pipe shop [Music] we'll take a little bit of uh a little bit of paint of artists medium and I'm just going to hit this with some black all the way up black acrylic first pass uh I would normally I think I usually do the darker colors first so that they're on the underside of the paint job and I'm attacking the paint job the same way I attacked the carving just looking for high spots to stick out to my eye and darkening them or lightening them as I see fit [Music] now I've got some uh burnt umber is that what I've got here burnt umber yep so now I'm going to go back over and in the end I'm kind of giving this thing a faux wood grain thank you foreign I am really really pleased with how this came out for reference this is the uh the Lord of the Rings replica that I made based on the resin one that came with the Gandalf staff I've been looking for the resin one I can't find it I don't know where it is I might have given it to someone it could be sitting at the bottom of a bin somewhere who knows but that's the one I made a few years ago this is the one I made today uh with you and I'm really pleased with it uh I think you can see how nice that paint job is the black on the underside with brown on top just feels like the right kind of weathering the the clear coat is a a color tone guitar lacquer Nitro cellulose I really like how this stuff goes on the blow dryer dries it nicely and I put on not a thick coat so I end up with a kind of a semi-gloss and I can I can take this down but before I give this any sanding I'm just going to let it sit for a day but it fits beautifully into the Gandalf staff yeah we'll get some b-roll of that yeah you see how that weathering is there's a lot of subtlety to it and it lends a lot of uh a lot of Storytelling I'm also really pleased with this transition here it feels right um yeah that's the one I made a few years ago it's been banging around this whole time this is today's look at these beautiful things I really you know there's a point at which when you're getting into the final the final shaping of stuff like this you really got to just do it to itself you know just got to feel like an organic kind of thing but I love that that started out as like just this dumb piece of pine well I think that's another excellent one day build under our belt thank you everybody this is Adam Savage saying The Salted pork is particularly good with apologies to my friend Billy Boyd um thank you guys for joining me don't smoke out of these pipes I didn't show you how to make a pipe I showed you how to make a pipe shaped object stay safe take care of each other and I'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 1,931,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, one day builds, adam savage one day build, adam savage tested, adam savages one day builds, one day build, one day builds adam savage, tested one day builds, tested adam savage one day build, tested adam savage, adams one day builds, adam savage props, adam one day build, adam savage builds, prop replica, lord of the rings, gandalf, wood pipe, woodworking, how to make gandalf's pipe, how to make a wood pipe, how to make a pipe, how to make a pipe prop
Id: zTiQspqrThU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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