How to make Chicken Fried Steak

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hi everybody I'm back and today I'm going to show you all how to make chicken-fried steak here's what you will need you will need steak and you're more than welcome to use any type of steak that you want to use I know a lot of people when they make this recipe they will use cube steak I don't choose to use cube steak because it's a tougher piece of meat today I'm going to use a beef chuck blade steak boneless you will need parsley salt pepper garlic powder over here I have three eggs that I'm gonna beaten up alright let's go ahead and beat this up pour some milk down into these eggs because we need to dredge our so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna pour some milk right into those eggs so now we have an egg and milk mixture we're gonna dredge our meat in and then you will need flour over here I have flour on the plate that I'll be able to dredge my meat into okay so the first thing that I'll need to do yes let's come down onto these beautiful steaks yeah you can use ribeye you can use any cut of steak that you would like to use for this recipe this recipe is so easy guys it doesn't cause for hardly any any ingredients is so quick and fast and yet so tender and it's crunchy on the outside and this moist on the inside and then I'm gonna put a beautiful white sauce on the top oh guys listen I am cooking tonight you hear me it's Friday night and we're having chicken fried steak yes we are so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna cut this I'm cooking for for tonight alright so I need to cut four pieces just like so all right and I have a frying pan over here to the left of me and I have some oil in the pan and let me show you Hannah cause I want to show you how much oil I have in the pan can you get an idea because we're gonna fry this as as if it was chicken so I have a nice amount of oil in that pinyon today alright so now let's go ahead in and we need to season our beautiful steaks alright so let me wash my hands since I handle the meat I don't after handling that raw meat because you don't want to transfer bacteria so anytime you handle raw meats when I always wash your hands before you touch your spices alright so then let's go in with some salt let me turn this around and season it up good guys alright don't be afraid to season your meat everybody you hear me you want some flavor you season that meat up alright let's get some black pepper in I love black pepper black pepper is nice and healthy for you it has antioxidants in it alright get you some black pepper on there and what we're going to do we're going to season both sides so that our meat can be well seasoned I hope you all have had a great Friday night I hope you all enjoyed the video for the Buckeyes that me and Dakota did that was a lot of fun and the colors recital went well alright so then we're gonna go in with garlic powder just like so all right and one thing that I've done is I've had this meat setting out for 25 minutes on the counter because one thing that you don't want to do and I say it a lot you don't want to take your meat right out of the refrigerator and cook it because it'll be tough all right you let it set out and you let that meat rest on the counter or wherever you set it and it'll get nice and relaxed the proteins will relax and then when it hits that hot pan you know it won't seize up and get dry on this alright it'll be nice and juicy and tender so then what we're gonna do I'll use a fork so that I don't have to wash my hands again and we're going to season the other side when we season the other side you just be very careful of your salt because remember we put salt on the other side you really don't need a lot if you want it to you don't have to put salt on this side all right I'm just using salt pepper and garlic powder because this dish is so flavorful that's all you need it is and you want to taste that steak you don't want to overpower the flavor of the steak you want to taste that too if you can understand what I'm saying okay we'll go in with some salt but just a little bit excuse me everybody excuse me the black pepper really got to me and the funny thing is I was trying to hold that in ever since I was shaking that pepper I felt they comin absolutely I did all right but I'd like to do I want for the seasoning to soak down into my meat all right so what I'm gonna do before I even start to dredge this I'm gonna let this seasoning soak down into this meat for about seven to ten minutes after that I'll come back I'll show you how to dredge this and we'll get this fried up guys be right back okay everybody our meat has soaked well our spices have soaked down into the meat for around seven to ten minutes so here's what we're going to do let's go ahead and take our meat and you want to dredge it this way you're gonna dip it into flour okay just like so all right we're gonna dip it into egg oh yeah just get it in there just like that and then can you all see back into the flour I'll try my best so you all can see that so it's just flour egg and flour all right and then we're gonna set it aside put these bad boys and that in there frying pan and fry them up like this was chicken you hear me and you're gonna have one of the best chicken-fried steaks that you have ever that you have ever tasted or ever seen absolutely and take your time like I always like to say have patience have patience when you get in this kitchen guys you hear me all right and make sure that flour is nice on there all right so I have a plate over here then I'm going to set my finished product don't write here just like so and then we're gonna I'm gonna do one more for you and I'll do the other two off-camera so we're going to flower just like so put this bad boy down into this let's see can you see right down into that egg get down in there oh yeah baby I'm really cooking in here guys you hear me all right and then flour flour well Peck that flour down on there okay so that we can get a beautiful crust okay almost like a fried chicken crust all right pack that on there just like so I'm going to continue to do the others I'll be back when they're all done and then we'll fry these up okay everyone I'm back now we have everything dredged and I have to pants because I think I'll probably have to use two pans in order to cook them all so I put some oil in this one also all right so we're gonna go in and grab our steak shake it a little shake it off a little put it right down in this oil just like so okay can you all see over there absolutely okay and then we'll grab another and put it in the same pan okay we'll just do to each pin all right that way we don't have to worry about overcrowding it alright I have that on a medium-high and then we'll go in with this one is closest to the camera we're gonna do the same just lay it down in there guys don't be afraid to cook this this is easy it's not hard nothing hard about this recipe or anything that I cook in this kitchen alright so that little bit of oil will do the trick don't go in poking at it or using your spatula or peeking at it it'll be just fine let it get nice and golden brown all right once it once you can see like a golden brown rings around the bottom then we'll flip it alright cuz you want that nice crispy you want that nice crispy crust don't you so leave it alone all the way through your body it starts like that's your fingers and in it that chill goes all the way through you and with some hot water guys alright so we're just gonna let this let it be alright don't cook it on that too high okay if you have your temperature too hot what will happen is your state won't get done okay and what I mean is the outside of the steak might look nice and golden brown or dark brown but the inside will be wrong that's why you want to cook it at a medium temperature like a medium high medium and it'll turn out just perfect trust me guys when I tell you this all right trust me all right it smells so good already and so will we make and when I make my gravy I'm going to use milk I'm gonna use well I'll show ya I'll show you and I think I'm gonna put a little bit of chicken boy on in just for some flavor this is gonna be a white gravy and that's typically what they use when you're making chicken-fried steak it's the white gravy and it has a salt and black pepper in it but I want a little bit more flavor and money guys all right let me show you all something someone bought me the best gift ever this is gotta be the best gift I've ever received thank you so much parsley you know how I always tell you guys I can't live without God and I cannot live without my parsley thank you so much I'll never run out of parsley now thank you so much I can really use that because literally I like I promise you I'm not even lying once every two weeks oh I'm buying more parsley yes absolutely that's how much right use parsley I love it so thank you again absolutely it's starting again let me show you I'm gonna peak in down into this one and you can see over in this area where it's starting to get a golden-brown color but I know it has been cooked long enough and it's not ready so I'm not going to touch it and we're just gonna let it go for a while I'll show you these whoops it's look beautiful okay we're gonna let these get nice and brown and cook for a while once I'm ready to turn them I'll be back everyone okay everyone time to turn these now I'm going to start with the ones that I put into the pan first because those will be done before the ones that are put in last be gentle take your time all right and don't let it flatter because if it splatters it'll splatter your way I'm gonna be very careful when you're dealing with a nice amount of oil all right once of these ones can you see that oh my word oh my goodness let's see come on and work with me baby oh you're gonna be sander ain't you not gonna fight with you okay awesome all right let's do this beautiful okay and now we want to work on the other side and then we'll let these rest on our cutting board while I'll show you how to make this beautiful white gravy that's so easy guys you hear me and on the side on the side today I have garlic mashed potatoes and I have some sweet yellow corn that I've seasoned with salt and pepper and just salted butter all right oh yeah just let this go see how this has a crust just like a fried chicken would that's what you're looking for and make sure make sure you don't turn this up on too high all right look at that guy just let it cook my whole house is perfumed right now and it smells like I said I want that inside to be done we're not doing any medium rare steaks today because when you make this you want it to to be done okay at least I do all right oh this is what makes me happy guys Friday night dinners I'm having country or in that country fried steak chicken fried steak mashed potatoes and corn and for dessert we have that strawberry jell-o cake and when I get up in the morning I'm making fried potatoes I'm gonna make them some cheese eggs and I was thinking about I don't know if I'm gonna fry some ham up or just make some bobfm sausage in the end tomorrow I'm gonna rest I'm gonna message you all back I'm gonna message everybody that I can back get some Christmas shopping done what little bit that I can do [Music] absolutely so that's my plans for tomorrow but I want to start it off with a good breakfast there may be some what was that game where I say maybe some coffee with eggnog in it oh absolutely I'll be right back guys everybody look at this I wanted to cut down into my steak one of them just again Doug one of them just to see if it was done and then perfectly hard on it take that right there back oh yeah taste that okay so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get these out of the frying pan one through my cutting board and I'm going to show you how to make our gravy be right back okay everyone so here's what you want to do when you want to make this gravy not quite sure but I think this gravy is called country gravy don't quote me on that guys so now we have all of these bits that came from our steak and we have some oil in there I've poured off some of the oil because we didn't need all of the oil that was in there we're gonna put us some flour in there all right and we're gonna make what you call a root okay so we need to just mix our rule around with the oil and the bits and pieces that have came off of the steak so now not only do you have this oil but you have the flavor that we put onto the steak which is that salt net pepper in it garlic powder and then you also have the flavor from the meat all right and so what we're making right now like I said is the roof and we're going to mix milk in there who is that we're gonna mix milk into our room well it's action who was that cuz I heard somebody guys put somebody at my door all right I'm gonna mix this milk in just like so okay in the end I think I need a little bit more flour just a little bit more okay and then what you're gonna do is you're going to pour your milk in instead of pouring like chicken broth or water or beef broth this time we're using milk if you want it to you can use a heavy whipping cream also this is what you're looking for absolutely now let's let this cook let's let this cook alright it's gonna get nice and velvety and we're gonna cook it long enough so that flour tastes sorry guys so that flour taste comes out of it alright so then what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and season this up a little bit of garlic powder just like so absolutely a little bit of black pepper oh yeah baby I am playing the day a little bit of salt in V and I'd like to go in with my chicken Boyan we're gonna go ahead and put that in there anytime I can put extra flavor in there oh I'm all for it I'm all for flavor guys you hear me I gotta have flavor in my food it's funny cuz even my 9 year old he knows what flavor is he'll tell me he he was making some ramen noodles and one time he said I need some flavor and he made those ramen noodles guys he put cheese in there he put hot sauce and he was just putting all kinds of stuff by time we tasted his noodles those noodles was so good you hear me and that was his flavor he put garlic powder and everything in there hold on everybody ok everyone I'm back let's go ahead and see how its thick what you want to do keep pouring your liquid in until it thins out oh I don't thin and by you keep stirring this way keep stirring and stirring and stirring you won't have one single lump you hear me trust me guys when I tell you this okay all right this is the sauce that we're looking for absolutely and if you need to thin it out some more put you some more liquid in there no problem all right keep on stir until this gets nice and velvety and we're gonna finish off with a little bit of butter and that butter will bring it all together and really help with the velvetiness if that makes any sense absolutely I might have to put a little bit of water in here to get it just a little thinner and we have chicken-fried steak fully let's take a peek in at these bad boys look at this guy's oh my goodness I know like I'm drooling right now absolutely I am that's a little bit of water like I said it's just to thin out my beautiful sauce and I'm gonna taste my gravy all right this is how you make the base for sausage gravy and you ground up that breakfast sausage oh and you pour this over some discus guys mm-hmm I'm talking now right shut your mouth Gina shut your mouth Carol all right I'm gonna taste it this is what I'm looking for look how beautiful and we got all those beautiful bits of that steak now what you can do if you want it to you can take those steaks and just nestle them right down in here but I'm not gonna do that what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let them pour the sauce right over their steak if they want it or put it on the side and they can dip their steak into it however they want to do all right so I'm gonna clean my stove off I'm getting ready to make a plate one thing I need to do I have to taste this because I need to know if it has the right amount of seasoning so let's go in and do just that taste our beautiful sauce ooh this reminds me of sausage gravy look at this guy's taste that right there oh yeah oooh so good whoa here's my knee give me a little bit of garlic powder a little bit more black pepper and that's why we taste things cuz you need some out and I'm gonna put my other piece of the chicken boy on this all right that is so tasty guys you hear me oh I'm gonna smash my boy on just like so there we go that way I can be assured that it it melts for me because it takes a while for those Boyan cubes to milk oh yeah I am ready to make our plate guys we're gonna give this a try and I'm gonna say good night to you all until tomorrow I'm gonna have a great video for you all tomorrow to seven days a week I'm trying to cook two videos two videos a day guys that's 60 videos for months guys you hear me I am in this kitchen and I'm putting in some work because I love you guys and I appreciate you all you hear me and I am here for you I am here for you to show you recipes to share my recipes to help people cook absolutely I am seven days a week you can find me on YouTube guys yes you can not a new video once a week oh no oh no but a new video every day I'm gonna taste this guys oh yes yeah baby all right that's it I'm turning this off let's look at it look at this look at this I wish you all could taste this I wish you guys were here right now oh my goodness oh oh all right let's make this plate guys I'll be right back and want to get me something to drink be right back everyone you guys thought I forgot you thought I forgot but not before kind of put me some parsley in there not before I put my parsley in there I never forget guys be right back ok everyone I'm trying to distinguish which one I want which one do I want I think I'm going right oh my goodness I think I'm doing this one right here I don't want to be too greedy and grab the biggest one even though I want that even though I want that one it's huge oh my word we'll save that big one for my husband now just come down onto this thing mm-hmm Oh all jokes aside all jokes aside guys you hear me whoo all right now look at this guy's look at this chicken fried steak 101 if you all never had any of this you better make you some you better make you some and try my recipe make it for your family and friends let them know you got this recipe from Gina yow and they say Gina young whoo and you're gonna say oh you didn't know you didn't know all right I am struggling to get a great picture all right there we go there we go baby now we're talking all right let's drizzle this beautifully oh my goodness you hear me girl ooh I'm not playing this right here the country fried steak chicken fried steak whatever you want to call it 101 you hear me Oh let's look at this beautiful thank you Jesus god bless this meal thank you Lord for feeding me and my family blessing us and taking care of us every day oh my word let's go in country fried steak 101 all right whoa starting to sweat so excited over here let's see my son just brought me some water where's it at I'm getting so excited put me a little bit of parsley on there cuz it's so beautiful oh yeah oh yeah that's what I'm talking about guys you all got some black pepper on there just a little bit just a little tiny bit what let's go guys if you all enjoyed this recipe hey give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe and make sure you click on that notification bell so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes absolutely let's go in right here oh and I'm so glad I let it cool down a little bit so I'm not gonna burn the daylights out of my mouth I'm gonna let you all taste the first bite and what I like about this steak it didn't have a whole lot of fat on it and yet it's still tender oh I got some corn under there I gotta grab that guys that's beautiful mmm look at this chicken-fried steak 101 look at it guys taste that bite right there just right here I have been guys seriously I have been cooking my butt off from the clam chowder mmm - this here Wow Wow that's all I can say it's so delicious oh my word taste this guy mm-hmm taste that again Oh chicken front and look how crispy so crispy it's so moist and tender in the inside you see that [Music] [Music] I'm sorry guys it's just so good whew it's funny because it kind of tastes like a fried pork chop it kind of tastes like fried chicken mmm and then it really tastes like a steak man is good you guys have to taste this again you like you have to right here I'm gonna be honest with you hmmm I'm gonna be honest with you guys I can't stop guys this gravy is so good you can eat it alone you hear me you can eat it alone it's so good Wow one thing I'm not gonna do is eat this whole thing on camera but I could it's just that to it my goodness look at this perfectly done not dry not dry at all taste that right there guys oh I know you all can hear I know you all can hear the crunch from that crust and this has been made I mean been out of that pan at least for ten minutes and it's still so nice and crunchy god bless you all have a great night thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 84,194
Rating: 4.9215055 out of 5
Id: Q-CtQc9T77U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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