The NEW 2022 Prosper You Planners | Full Walkthrough Video | Digital Planner & Accessories!

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y'all ready for this [Music] well hey guys welcome back to my channel um i hope you liked my little intro i didn't want to play the actual song space jams because you know copyright but that is the mood i am in this morning i did not go to bed till 4 30 in the morning if you are on instagram and you saw my stories you know this i set my alarm andrew's out getting some breakfast so i am taking advantage and we're going to start filming this video i've got a lot to get through i expect this video to be a pretty long one but it is time it is time to finally finally finally reveal the new planners to you guys oh man i'm kind of emotional because this has been such a huge project a huge undertaking but i could not be happier with how everything turned out i am so excited to share it with you guys so let's not waste any time whatsoever and jump right into it i've got a little like outline for myself here to keep myself on track so the first thing i want to share are the planners themselves so i'm going to go into my launch day material you guys i got myself all sorts of organized so you can probably see the little themes here i'll give you a closer look at the themes in just a moment but yeah let's go ahead and dive into the planner system itself and then we'll go into all the extras and what weekly layouts there are and all that fun stuff so there are going to be three themes offered for the planners and the planner name by the way i've kind of revealed it already somewhat but it is the prosper you planner i named my business after my absolute most favorite bible verse in the world and that is jeremiah 29 11. i literally read this bible verse like every single day it's just such a good reminder that the lord has plans to prosper you prosper you planner not to harm you so for i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future i feel like that's a very encouraging bible verse especially for these times we've been through some crazy times together haven't we so i named the planner the prosper u planner i just think that's a very good reminder so that is the official name and then as far as the themes are concerned there's going to be three themes offered for this launch and in the future i plan to launch three brand new themes every year change it up all that fun stuff but for the themes this year i went with farmhouse boho and black and white so more of like a minimalist type of deal so let's go ahead and share the farmhouse theme first i'm gonna go ahead and flip this around because this is a portrait planner that's the other thing the planners are gonna be offered both in portrait mode and landscape mode i am gonna be organizing my shop sections by the time you guys are seeing this video everything is live in the shop and so i'll be organizing my shop sections instead of throwing everything into a new releases section i went ahead and built out like actual sections for this launch so that you guys could find everything a little bit easier so there are sections for portrait dated portrait undated landscape dated and landscape undated planners so it should be pretty easy to find things so i'm going to share the cover of the farmhouse planner this is the cover very very simple you are going to receive 10 covers that you can switch out that is going to match the theme for your planner there are photos of that on the etsy listing itself and then the dividers which i will be going over the dividers in much more detail in a moment so this is your home screen here in the portrait planner so the dividers when you click on there it's going to take you to the divider section back here where you're gonna have the farmhouse theme dividers and the covers match the dividers so that gives you an idea of what the covers look like the covers are just a little bit different the little label is different and everything like that but those are the divider labels and if you tap right on here it's going to take you back to that home page so those are your dividers you have eight dividers in total and other than that the innards of the actual planner itself i have left very very minimalist and let me just zoom you guys out a little bit because i feel like it's kind of hard to capture everything right now but the actual innards of the planner itself are very minimalist very simple and clean looking so this is the monthly view of the portrait planner this is the undated version of the planner there are dated versions and undated versions so this is the undated that i am sharing right now there's little spots for sidebar stickers which we'll get to those in just a moment there's a mini month where you can fill it in in the data it'll be filled in for you but you can fill this in with numbers anytime if you want to preview the next month there's links to your weekly pages and everything like that so that is the monthly view of the portrait planner and i will share the monthly view of the landscape planner here in just a moment as well and then you're going to get your extra pages down here so you've got your yearly overview well actually let me go back to this home button because there are some things on the home button i wanted to share so for the home page this is like your main hub if you will of the planner so for the undated version you're going to fill in your year the word of the year there's a little place where you can put in a favorite photo or a picture of you or an inspirational quote whatever you want to put there a place to write your name and then there's a little link to the vision board which you can do a little vision board for the year and then there's also a link to a contacts page there's a link to passwords and then there's also a link to the help center which is going to share with you exactly how this planner is built out where to find things there's directions for adding planner add-ons to your planner which i will get to that in a moment and then there's a little note from me here as well as um as well as the discount code that is always good for everything which is prosper15 and then there are some little links down here to certain videos and to a walk-through video of this planner um a spot where you can message me on etsy if you need help and then a little link to our facebook planning group so that's what you can find on the home page in addition to the dividers there and then we've got the yearly overview page so for the undated this is not filled in at all but i did um provide little lines underneath each month where you can write in special events and things like that that was something that was missing from before and i wanted to be sure to add it to this planner and then there's also a second page you just have to swipe over for the portrait view on the landscape you get both years on one view which you guys will see in just a moment but you can fill in next year as well if you want to do like a yearly overview for the upcoming year so that's the yearly overview page and then you've got your master task tracker so for the master task tracker this thing is beastly you've got a spot for your annual tasks your monthly tasks your weekly tasks and your daily tasks so it's just a spot where you can like really keep track of like when am i changing the air filters when am i spraying for bugs when am i doing this that or the other um you know all that fun stuff so that is the master task tracker and i'm just going in order of the icons down here so the next one is this page here which is one of my favorites it's the make a list page because you know there's a lot of times where we just need to make a list so there are six spaces to write out a list i feel like this is perfect for like if you're creating a packing list for each family member if you have certain projects going on at work and you need to like you know kind of break them all out all that kind of stuff it's just kind of a master like brain dump area if you will of things that you need to do so there's plenty of space where you can label each list right above it and yeah all that fun stuff so that's the make a list page i did include a meal planning page so with these planners the big thing i had in mind was that i wanted it to be a great standalone planner that you didn't need anything extra for really if you didn't if you just wanted something like super super simple um i wanted to keep in mind the flexibility the affordability of it all that kind of stuff so i just put pages in here that i felt were the most popular pages so it's not going to have absolutely everything that everyone wants because that's not possible but i did put in pages that i felt were like pretty essential so meal planning was a very very popular extra page that people wanted to see in the planner so i did include it so it's just a very simple you know spot where you can write out your meal plan put your grocery list and then i did add a little spot here where you can write out your meal prep for the for the week um so if you you know need to cook some rice for the week you need to roast some veggies for the week whatever it may be you can kind of keep a running list here of things that you want to do to meal prep and then we have our notes page which i love the way that this turned out so instead of doing just one big lined page i wanted to do little sections where it's almost like a post-it note where you can just write little notes to yourself for certain things so there's little like four little notes sections there and then there is a built-in notebook with a ton of spaces you guys for this so that's the little notebook icon there and there are 30 spots for just individual inserts if you want to organize your stickers in this book if there's like frequently used stickers so instead of labeling it sticker book i just kept it like very generic so that you guys can use this for whatever you want but it's a secret little well not so secret but it's you know very non-intrusive i don't know if that's the right word you guys i'm running off five hours of sleep okay so just bear with me but um i just wanted to include something where you can kind of build stuff out a little bit more if you'd like to organize your stickers if you'd like to put like i'm gonna be offering you know singu single insert budget inserts things like that in my shop so you can include that so these are all hyperlinked so you can what you can do is you can just simply label this so say i want to use this for stickers i can just put stickers here you can use the text tool and you can make it you know however you want and then these are hyperlinks when you tap on it it's going to take you just to a blank page as you can see it's fully blank and you can just put whatever you want there you can put an insert there you can put stickers there whatever you would like the top here is hyperlinked to go back but you can also at any time tap the little notebook here and that'll take you back as well so and then the last button here is the power button and that is going to take you to the cover of the book and you're going to also include in addition to additional covers that you can switch out you are also going to get cover labels so you can label your planner and stuff like that um so those are really fun i'll share those with you once i am sharing more about the covers and everything okay so next let's go ahead and look at the boho theme so i'm just going to go back to the cover here so this is the cover of the boho theme the main cover again you're going to get 10 covers total that you can use and it's so so easy to switch out your covers i am going to create a dedicated video all about just switching out covers um for you guys but it's very simple even do it a little bit later in this video but this is the main cover for the boho theme and then when you tap on the label here it's going to take you to the home page you can also just always swipe over if you would like and then let's go ahead and scroll through the dividers so this is divider one two three four five six seven and eight so again the only place where you're gonna find the theme is the dividers themselves and the covers and then you're gonna get a matching sticker set i did that intentionally so that you can switch up the color scheme do whatever you want with any month week page of the year i wanted to keep it very very flexible for you guys and there are certain stickers that i've included in my sticker kit where you can switch up the whole look of the page so so easily and i'm really excited to get to that so that is the boho theme and then let's go ahead and open up the black and white theme i'm going to switch this back to landscape mode the portrait and landscape planners are going to fit really well on any size planner by the way and i did size them to where it's not going to impact the highlighter or pen tool or anything like that so that is all fixed but this is the main cover of the black and white theme and then let's go to divider one and see i already put i was like kind of testing it out so this is one of the labels you can get for one of the add-ons when you purchase the add-ons you get labels automatically so you can label it here is divider two three four i love like the metallics it just i don't know there's just something about it it um makes the whole thing like pop even more especially the sticker kit i cannot wait to share the sticker kit with you guys there's um i lost track of the numbers but there's the next one there's another one with that like metallic ring pattern another black and white one and then the last one is another metallic themed one and yeah you can get back to the homepage at any time by tapping on the big white rectangle there okay so i want to share the landscape version just a quick little flip through so you guys can see the difference the vision board is on the same page as like the home screen here there's not a separate button for it like there is in the portrait planner there's also in the yearly overview page um the 2022 and 2023 the months and weeks same for the undated i forgot to mention this these are all hyperlinked there are no daily pages in this planner but i'm gonna get to that in a second so don't worry my daily planner people you guys are gonna be taken care of trust me um and then the links over here are not hyperlinked but it's just another overview where you can kind of see the upcoming year put in like important dates things like that so you get both ears on one page this is the master task tracker for the landscape version here is the make a list page you guys 12 spots 12 spots for lists in this one because there's just more space that's the the beauty of the landscape planner is that there's just more space so you get a little bit more with the landscape but i wanted to still create the portrait because i know especially after getting feedback from the prosper daily planner i know a lot of you really have been enjoying the portrait planner i'm still torn personally i don't know which one i'm going to use but anyways and then we've got the meal planning page where you've got your meal plan over here your grocery list and then meal prep there's a little spot too where you can put in the week here's your notes page so these just look like long post-it notes so there's four of them as well on the notes page here is the index where you're going to get again 30 spots for you know whatever you want to put in here and these are all hyperlinked just the same way and then here is the power button and then i wanted to share to the monthly view for the landscape because it's definitely different from the portrait so this is the monthly view for the landscape again you're gonna get spots for your um sidebar stickers and then this is the dated so this is what the dated looks like pretty much the same as the undated you just have dates in there so this mini month has dates and everything that month is hyperlinked these weeks are hyperlinked the weeks are um titled instead of one through six on every month it's every week of the year you know exactly which week it is so when it's week 30 you'll know when it's week 30 and all that good stuff one thing i did forget to mention in the undated version is that there is a link to the monthly dashboard anytime you tap on the month here on the monthly page it's going to take you to the monthly dashboard page so this looks the same in the portrait planner i'll bring it up though in just a minute just to share with you guys but there's a spot for a vision board or like if you want to put favorite memories there whatever you want to do there's just a board for you to do whatever you would like with um for the month and then there's a spot for your currently stuff so currently reading watching listening to working on loving feeling and looking forward to and then there's little spots for your top priorities important dates and goals and then also a habit tracker here too for every day of the month you can keep track of your monthly you know habits and everything so in the portrait planner it looks pretty much exactly the same you're gonna again this is the dated version of the portrait planner um super cute by the way i really like the way that this looks up here with like the 2022 faded in the background but you're gonna get your like little mini month filled out with the dates and stuff but then here is the monthly dashboard page so you've got a little board here and then a spot for currently top priorities important dates and goals and then a habit tracker down here as well so that's the monthly dashboard page again it can be accessed by tapping on the month and you can also on the monthly dashboard page tap on the month up here or you can always tap down here but i like to keep things very hyperlinked for ease of use so you can tap up here and it'll take you back to that month these files are very small compared to what i've released in the past so the lag is non-existent in these planners as you can probably tell i'm flipping through things real quick in these planners this is the journaling layout for the portrait version so you can see there's like dates and stuff but i will get to the weekly layouts here in just a moment okay so next let's go ahead and dive in to the weekly layouts so there are going to be eight eight yes different weekly layouts for both the portrait and the landscape planner and i should also mention two and i've mentioned this quite a bit in videos but there's gonna be three different versions of the planner two so there's a monday start month with a monday start week a sunday start month with a monday start week and a sunday start month with a sunday start week so you'll get all three versions of the planner when you purchase so you can pick whichever start days you know work best for you but anyways let's go ahead and dive into the weekly layouts so i'm going to open up this folder here and i created this little pdf document for myself so here is the first weekly layout for the portrait planner and it is the dashboard layout this is a request i got from a couple people i really loved the idea of it it's just a very flexible space where you can put in appointments or whatever you would like organize it however you would like so there's a box for each day of the week and then there's also a box here for notes and at the bottom of every page for the portrait planner you're going to have spots for your sidebar stickers as well as a mini month and the undated version of this weekly layout is exactly the same all the weekly layouts actually are exactly the same the only difference will be that there will not be any dates up here and then this mini month will be blank for you to write in your own dates so but that is the dashboard layout next we have a dot grid vertical layout and that just has the dot grid pattern in each column perfect for like drawing lines and all that kind of stuff again you've got your little spots down here but that is the dot grid vertical and then there's a flexible vertical so i got quite a few requests for just blank long vertical columns and so i wanted to deliver on that and so these so this weekly layout is pretty much exactly i swear i get these scam likely calls like no joke like at least five times a day okay so um it's exactly the same as the dot grid vertical it just doesn't have the pattern in it so that's the flexible vertical here is the hourly so you've got your times from five all the way until 11 down here and then there's a little faint line here to kind of mark like half hours and everything so that is the hourly here is the journaling layout and this is the layout that those who purchase the prosper daily planner are going to receive it's pretty much exactly the same as the prosper daily planner but the um obviously like the rows were it's not one long row it's like two rows because i wanted to make space for the sidebar sticker area there so that's the journaling layout then you have a lined vertical so this is just a columns with a whole bunch of lines in there for you and then we of course i had to include the productivity layout the productivity is one of my favorite favorite layouts i've done quite a few digital plan with me's with them i know you guys have tried the productivity layout and you've loved it as well so you've got five boxes per day and then you've got this little spot over here where you can write in what the category is so you can have like weather to-do list appointments for the day gratitude whatever you want to put there i am going to be creating script stickers i really wanted to have them available for this launch i just did not have time to get to it so i will be creating script stickers that will be available in the shop very very soon that and the january sticker kits are my top priority right now so and the budget add-on because i didn't get around to doing a budget add-on so i think those are my top three priorities the january kits the script stickers and the budget add-on i want to hopefully get those done i'm hoping by the end of the month but we shall see i'm definitely gonna take like a day or two off so we'll see um how quick i can get all that done but that is the productivity layout and then the last one for the portrait is the traditional vertical layout so this is like the ec inspired you know your traditional vertical sort of layout so everything i've offered in the past plus a couple extra layouts and then we get into the landscape planner layouts and i love love love landscape planner i'm honestly still very torn on which one i'm going to use i don't know but for the landscape planner on the weekly layout you're going to have by the way this links to the monthly dashboard on the portrait page the link to the monthly dashboard is actually in the mini month because i didn't have a spot obviously to put like a big month in the portrait page and then you can always get to the month by going to these little buttons down here as well so i didn't want to include a button to the month both here and there because i felt like that would be redundant so i did a link to the monthly dashboard on the portrait page for the landscape page the mini month down here that is going to take you to the month itself the weeks and then this little um where it says january up here where the month is up here that will take you to the monthly dashboard and then you have your sidebar spots for your sidebar stickers and again i don't know if i mentioned this is the dashboard layout for the landscape planner so there's four spots for sidebar stickers same thing here there's four spots and then you've got these big boxes i'm i really love the landscape i love how big everything is and as you can tell it fills up the screen space really really nicely i tested this out on both my 12.9 inch and my mini and it looks great on all three of them on the 12.9 inch i will say there's some space more like at the top and bottom it doesn't fill up the screen as much but i have found that it's practically impossible to get the fit of it to go on all three ipads but i got it as dang near close as i could but it works really really well on the air this is the air 4 or 10.9 11 inch screen and the mini and then again it does work really well on the 12.9 inch as well the portrait looks great on all three the portrait was super easy but the landscape was a little bit more difficult for me to figure out especially while maintaining the highlighter tool which i will demonstrate for you guys here because i know this was a big piece of feedback i received so as you can tell your highlighter tool you can make it as big as you want and it's going to actually make it big and same thing with the pen if i want to make my pen super super thick it's going to make a really thick line that was something that was um missing in the daily and as well as my other planners it's something i never noticed before um no one ever brought it up to me until recently but i wanted to fix it for you guys because i can understand if you want a thicker pen thicker highlighter i didn't want the my planners to impact that if that makes sense so again that is the dashboard for the landscape here is the dot grid vertical so again you've got those dot grid patterns in each of the vertical boxes super huge so you got plenty of space for all of your planning here is the vertical layout or vertical layout the flexible vertical layout so just blank long columns here is the hourly so again you've got your hours off to the side and then a little um spot for each day of the week here's the journaling layout so i really love how this turned out as well i figured that you know you could use this to journal each day if you don't want to keep track of your appointments in your weekly view you just want to maybe use that for your monthly view but a journaling sort of system is something i've gotten a lot of requests for so i really love how this turned out and everything and then here is the lined vertical here's the productivity so again you got your spots for your labels i really love the productivity i i don't know what layout i'm going to use either yet like i still need to figure all this out um and then here's the traditional vertical so those are the weekly layouts and now let's go ahead and check out the add-ons this is a super new product to the shop something that i'm so incredibly excited about so i'm going to go ahead and go to the home screen where the dividers are and i will show you guys how these work so i was testing this out earlier in the landscape so i've got my label there and then you'll see here's one of the add-ons now the beauty of this the beauty of this is this is a landscape planner but you can insert portrait add-ons oh yes and then you can flip it and all of a sudden you've got the pages that you want in portrait mode in portrait mode so the daily page i feel like is a great page to have in portrait mode so this is the daily add-on so you can add your days and this is why i was saying earlier that if you're a daily planner person this is going to work so well for you so a few qualms i've had with linked daily pages in the past a it adds a ton of bulk to the planner it makes the file size huge adding all of those daily pages and then also some days you don't need a daily page if it's a really chill day you don't have a lot going on you don't really need to use it so then that makes you kind of feel at least for me anyways i would feel kind of guilty not using the daily page especially if it's like a dated planner because then you're like wow i just like wasted that page or whatever the beauty of this daily add-on is that it is dated without being dated if that makes sense so the way i have it set up down here is that when you tap on a month it's going to load the days for that month so if i want to go to january 23rd i just tap on 23 and then you see i've got january 23rd up there there's a little spot where you can take your highlighter tool and you can put like oh it's friday you know or you can circle the day whatever you want to do there's a spot over here for your times like building out your you know time blocking schedule and then there's also spots here for your top three to do's and then a regular to-do list and then there's this whole big blank spot here that you can do whatever you would like with now the beauty of the add-ons too is that you can use them by themselves you don't have to use them with the prosper you planner so if you just want a daily like notepad if you will then the add-on's going to be perfect for you so again this thing is massively massively hyperlinked so when i tap on june it's going to take me to june 1st and then when i tap on the 19th it's going to take me to june 19th i don't think you guys can see that but there's june july august september october so on and so forth and yeah so pretty cool for february i did also include 29 days for those years that we have a leap year so you can reuse this bad boy over and over and over again if you would like so i'm going to share the three there's three add-ons currently available in the shop i'm gonna be creating way more you guys the budget there's gonna be a budget add-on um for the planners which is very exciting so whenever you tap on the um like say i'm in september say i'm on like september 25th whenever you tap on the day here it's gonna take you to the very first page um of the add-on and then all you have to do is swipe over tap and it's gonna take you back to your home page so the way that the plan planner add-ons work well actually i'm getting ahead of myself real quick let's let's go over the actual add-ons themselves oops okay so prosper you add on so i just shared the daily add-on then i also have a notes add-on so the notes add-on is set up the same way as the daily but for each page of the year as you can see here you're going to get just a regular notes page and it's going to have the day up here and then a whole bunch of lined pages this is perfect if you want to journal i feel like this is a really great journaling option it's great for just taking notes and meetings and things like that whatever it may be you've got a whole big notebook and there's a notes page for every single day of the year and you guys like this planner system i've mentioned this before but i feel like this is like the product the little baby if you will of everything i've created in my shop to this point but with it with a few things in mind i wanted it to be very functional i wanted to be super simple super clean i wanted the file sizes to be smaller all these different things these add-ons by the way are 5 mb or less they are not very big files at all so when you add them to your planner it's not going to add a ton of bulk to it like as far as file size and stuff like that so again when you tap up here it's going to take you to the first day of the add-on and then you just swipe and all that and then the third one that i'm launching today is the five-year journal so this is a concept i actually learned about through brightline eating which is just like a it's like a food program thing i won't go into detail about that now but um the five year journal is a really really cool concept so as you can see there's little spots here where you can write in the dates so this is 20 whoops that is a seam i told you guys the pens can be very thick if you want them to be so you can put in 2022 2023 [Applause] 2024 and so on and so forth and you can write in a little journal for each um for each year on that day and then at the end of it you have a five year journal where you've just kind of kept track of your thoughts what's going on in life i felt like this would just be such a cool way to like kind of keep track of like you know things your kids are doing or big moments in your life or whatever it may be the beauty of it too is that you can add photos to these days very easily if you want to you can use it for memory keeping you can use it for gratitude i feel like gratitude is a really great one so this is the five year journal and it's built the same way as the notes in the daily one down here as far as being able to tap on a month and have that come up tap on the day for that month you've got june 20th and all that and all the pages are the same so you're going to be able to write in your years and all that fun stuff and then again when you tap on the little date up here it's going to take you back to that front page so i'm going to create a separate video for the add-ons how to use them and everything in more detail but just to give you guys a little overview of how it works let me just close that because it's going to keep confusing me so so simple you guys so easy to add the planner add-ons to your planner so what you're going to do you're going to open your divider that you want it under it's blank it's not labeled right now you're going to receive labels for the dividers so let's do i'm going to do a journal let's say i'm going to make this my journal so this is one of the labels you'll receive with all the add-ons you'll receive different style labels so it's super easy for you to label both um both the divider itself and the section here in fact let me go ahead and go back here so i can share with you guys how this works i'll just use the same one for this but i can put here this is my journal and then when i tap on here it's going to go back to that divider journal and then you're going to stay on your divider page you're going to click this little add button here and then you're going to click on import and i did research this works in all other note-taking apps as well perfectly well essentially what you're doing is you're merging documents so in good notes i don't have the other systems but in good notes you go to import and then you're going to go to let's see i'm going to put my five year journal here and these are so you get the labels for the five-year journal here's the actual document it's 4 mb i think that stands for megabytes and then so i'm going to tap on that it's going to import the five-year journal and then there we go it has imported the five-year journal after that and by the way i forgot to mention that when you do the ad add a page you're going to want to make sure it's after after the divider it defaults to after for me but you'll just want to make sure after's here and these directions by the way are in the help section of the planner as well so if you get lost or need some help um you can go there now that i have the five-year journal and i'm just going to swipe to the right there's my five-year journal again i'm in a landscape planner but this is a portrait add-on so it gives you that combo of the landscape and the portrait when you need it and now we have our five-year journal in there so let's say it's october well let's go to today it's november 17th and everything and i'm going to write in that today is launch day so 2022 today is launch day so let's do a smiley face just because you know we're very happy about this i can't believe this day is here it's like feels so surreal to me but anyways so let's say i'm on there so i've filled in my journal whatever you just tap here you can also just tap on january down here and it's going to take you to the first page but again i like to really hyperlink things so tap on the day up here it's going to take you back to that first page swipe to the swipe over and then now you're back on the divider tap here it's going to take you back to the home screen so super super easy to use again i'm going to create a dedicated video just for using the add-ons just to kind of go through it a little bit more slowly and everything but like i said there are instructions for how to insert the planner add-ons in the help section too so you can always refer to that if needed so those are the planner add-ons again i've got a lot of add-ons in the works i want to create the budget one that's definitely a big priority i want to create a health and fitness one a faith-based one there's a bunch of them that i want to create hopefully before the new year so there's going to be a lot coming in december that i'm going to get started on but i wanted to share those three with you guys for now so now let's go ahead and go over the covers real quick and how to use those so for the covers like i said you're going to get three different options for the covers or i'm sorry you're gonna get 10 different options for the covers for the three different themes is what i meant to say so let's say i want to switch out from the super adorable cheetah print and i want to use these little squiggly lines oh that is a portrait one let's make sure i grab the right one oh here let's let's uh do the boho let's say i want to go ahead and switch out my theme to boho for the cover so with the landscape planners i feel like it's easiest to flip it to portrait mode when you're putting the planners in but you're essentially just laying a photo on top of the existing one so you just want to enlarge it to where it fits and then let's go ahead and put in a little title all right so here is one of the title options that i have for your cover so now that we've put in the title and the cover when you go out to your thumbnail here as you see it updates it so there's the cover and the titles on there and all that fun stuff let's say i want to switch it up and i'm going to put a different cover on i can cut that and then i'm going to change my cover to i don't know a farmhouse style so again you're just going to enlarge it until it fits the screen and then we'll use the lasso we will paste the title on and now again when you go out it's going to change the thumbnail and you're going to have the title of your book there so that is how the covers work and again the covers match the dividers and there are pictures of the covers in the listing photo all right now let's cruise right along this is again going to be a really long video i think this is going to be at least an hour long and i need to wrap up because i need to get it edited and uploaded to go live here soon so let's move right along to the very exciting part that i'm so excited to share the sticker kits have gotten a massive massive upgrade you guys the sticker kits are they are gorgeous i okay let's dive into it okay so you're going to get automatically when you purchase a planner you're going to get your 10 covers you're going to get your your planner itself in the three different versions and then you're also going to get the matching sticker kit so like i said the guts of the planner are very very blank so you can decorate as much as you would like and everything was intentional like the build your own concept i took it like a step further as far as decorating and stuff like that is concerned i just wanted it to be such a flexible system for you guys that you never had to worry about colors clashing and you never had to worry about getting like sick of a certain theme or anything like that so yeah let's dive into it i'm so excited okay so here are the farmhouse stickers now the one important note to make about sticker kits as well a when you purchase the planner do not purchase a separate sticker kit because you already get it in the dropbox so there's no need to purchase an uh the matching sticker kit when you purchase the planner you're automatically going to get the matching one but now i've got both complete sticker kit options so you can get all of the stickers or you can get things all a cart so i've got pattern labels date dots and scripts icons functional stickers clip art stickers budget stickers and sidebar stickers those will all be different sections in the shop as well so again all the stickers are going to be in their respective sections in the shop versus all in new releases just because again i wanted to make it very easy for you guys to find things i'm also gonna start using a number system for the kit so that when you're going to purchase kits in the shop you can just search for like kit one and it'll pop up everything for kit one the covers all the different sticker options so you can either purchase the complete kit or you can purchase ad like the little sections of it say you don't use pattern labels but you want the functional stickers only or something like that it just so gives you that extra level of being able to customize it to work for you and your needs so the really cool thing about these stickers too you're going to get some flat images where those are perfect for like i feel like covering up like the monthly view or using in the the monthly view and all that so you get your flat ones there with thick and thin options but then you've also got these really cool like i'm so excited about these 3d effect stickers that make it look like it's just popping off the page and it's got that like little torn edge so it looks more like torn washi tape i'm obsessed obsessed with these so you've got thick and thin ones of those you've got pattern labels two of them are 3d two are not so one thing that i had in mind too for these planners is layering so certain like stickers that are 3d you don't want to layer like 3d on top of 3d on top of 3d because i feel like it's just going to look funky a little bit so i wanted to give both 3d options and flat options because then you can layer more 3d stickers on top of the flat options or you if you just want to do some handwriting or script or some other flat option on top of a 3d like you can do that so there's always going to be two 3d and two non-3d options so you can kind of tell the difference here when i zoom in so this is a 3d one and as you can see this is more of a flat option same thing with the circles down here there's more of a 3d one and then the flat options there i'm obsessed with these patterns you guys like then you've got your rectangle pattern labels there as well so those are the pattern labels and then you're also going to get matching and i am obsessed i've done so many sneak peeks of these in the planners as well these are picture frames you guys and they are so fun to use and they're in the matching theme so when i copy this over and let's see i'm going to paste it here on my vision board just for ease of use so it's transparent in the middle which makes it really easy to layer on top of a photo so i'm going to go ahead and pick a photo let's see i'm going to do this goofy one of maddie and andrew that i've used quite a quite a few times so all you have to do is layer your little picture frame on top of your picture it's going to fit so easily so perfectly in there you don't have to worry about like lining it up and voila now you've got a polaroid frame of some of your favorite pictures these are going to be super fun for memory keeping and everything but yeah now i've got this whole thing and if i lasso it all together i can resize it add pictures wherever i want look at those two little goofballs this is one of my favorite favorite pictures of them of all time it's so cute so yeah you're going to get um let's see i've got so many tabs open let's see let me close those okay here we go so you're going to get the standard like polaroid size and you're also going to get these wider ones here too you can layer like a little color block on top of those if you want to label it or anything like that but how adorable are those and then on the kits themselves it's going to tell you if it's kit 1 it's going to tell you what page it is and then i've got the hex codes built into the pdf which is really nice so it's just right there all the time i wanted to give the sticker kits a very clean look i wanted to utilize space a lot better instead of having like big clip art images and things like that i wanted to really just put as much as i could um on the page so those are the pattern labels again those will be a separate category or you're going to get the full kit as well and then you have date dots so you're gonna have date dots that have like a colored option there and then the scripts are going to be colorful as well for both the days of the week and the months and then you also get a second set which these have a white background so let me go ahead and grab some washi let's do this one here and i will show you guys how this looks so i'm gonna just put my washi here and for the white background you're going to grab like say it's a tuesday see how it's got that white outline so it's perfect for layering on top of things and say it's the 22nd the circles have a white background as well so that is really good for like yeah just creating your own little stickers for the dates and all that fun stuff so you've got the white outline as well as the colored outline there are 15 sheets 15 sheets of stickers in this bad boy you guys it's crazy but again like it's just yeah i wanted these things to be i wanted the stickers to be just very sustainable stand the test of time all that so i've got these super adorable icons that i am completely smitten with over here as well so i created some new icons here i did more of a color variety in the past i've only stuck with one color one color for the icons but i did more of a variety of all the colors and then you've got these really really cute icons here so again you can purchase the date dots and scripts completely by themselves you can purchase the icons completely by themselves or you can you can purchase the full kit whatever works best for you but i am completely obsessed with these so let's grab like the coffee cup because i've got coffee on my mind right now so let's say i want to put that here now the icons are 3d and they've got a slight white outline there so you can kind of see the little white outline around it and look how cute that is so perfect for layering on top of different stickers you have tons of options you've got airplanes and books and weights and all sorts of things lots of things this is just the first page you guys so you got your circle icons there you've got some icons up here and then you've got your second page which is gonna have some weather stickers um this little thing which this little sticker kit which i think will be so cute for marking when new releases are a little bed where you can put like you know you got to make the bed recycling a little scale a little ipad if you want to mark you know when you're doing your your planning and all that kind of stuff on your digital planner so super fun i've got this little nail polish thing here to mark when you go get manicures which i just did a manicure just for this video and then some medicine if you need to mark like when you're taking your medication just all sorts of options like so many options so these are the icons there's two sheets of icons and you have another option for weather stickers as well which i'll share with you in just a moment definitely check out my digital plan with me videos for moving forward because i'll be using some of the new stickers and you can kind of see how i'm using things i feel like that's one of the best ways to learn how to do all of that so here are the sidebar stickers and you guys i am completely obsessed with the sidebar stickers and i'm gonna be even more obsessed when the script stickers are available because you can layer the script stickers on top of some of these things so for the sidebar stickers you've got a checklist here and you can use a script sticker or you can even just write in like say i want to write in in white over here i'm going to make this my to-do's you can just label it so easily like that so there's one long to-do list there's a couple divided to-do lists which i did a sneak of this in the facebook group but this is really perfect for to go and to call or you can do am routine and pm routine you can kind of divide those up i wanted to make like shorter to-do list options and then long ones too and then you also have these big pattern sidebar stickers here too which is perfect for like layering clipart on it whatever it may be so the way the sidebar stickers work they are proportioned to fit perfectly in the sidebar spots in both the portrait and the landscape planner so all you have to do is copy it and then let's go ahead and go to january and let's say i'm going to put a little sticker up here you just take your little lasso we'll paste it you fit it here and like i said the proportions are made to fit perfectly um on here so you just make it fit and there's a glare so it's kind of hard for me to see so only thing about the i have glass screen protectors on now and i feel like there's always more of a glare so hopefully i did that as well as i could but um okay so there's the sidebar sticker there and yeah you can layer some you know clipart on top if you want to do that you can put a picture let's say i want to do my to-do list in my monthly view as well you can bring that on over and i copied my handwriting too so it's going to just bring it right on over and i think i've got that proportion there but the the proportions work out perfectly to where it's going to fit perfect in those gray spaces so and then i should also mention you're going to receive some transparent sidebar stickers as well so if you don't want to use like more of the pattern ones or you're not a sticker person in general but you still want to use utilize these spaces there are transparent stickers as well which i should have um let's see if i still have them somewhere yeah so here are like the transparent um stickers so here's like the days of the week i put that in there so you can easily just put these in right here and i love this one because you can use like a white pen and you can write in say these are going to be my meals for the week you can put monday tuesday wednesday monday you have tacos tuesday you have meatloaf wednesday of leftovers so on and so forth so there's transparent stickers as well as the pattern ones that you're going to automatically receive so just wanted to mention that real quick so that's how they work and then you get three sheets of them so you're gonna get these like basic outline labels there these ones are perfect for memory keeping so you can put a little like picture right on top let's do this cute one of maddie so you can put a picture right on top make that more of like a square shape and i shared a sneak of this as well in there and then you can write in you know some memories so maddie is a sucker so yeah sidebar stickers and then you've also got this like long notes one here more long notes ones there's a bunch of different color options there's an ombre checklist that you can use some solid colors which i feel like are perfect backgrounds like if you want to put a quote or something which that's going to be something that's going to be offered in my shop too is like quotes with white outlines you can put clipart on top of there you can put photos all sorts of different things and then there's these little review ones here too where you can like review a movie or a book an audio book a podcast whatever you want to do you can put in how many stars it got and a little note about it there so those are the sidebar stickers so adorable here are the functional stickers so i've got different options for weather right here so this is um the second option for weather i wanted something a little easy to do so you could do it's like 100 degrees and the low is like 81 and you can put whatever you know the weather is there's a sunny partly cloudy cloudy rainy stormy windy and snowy and then there's these really cute workout stickers where you can put what the workout is how many calories you burned little hydrate stickers habit trackers here which i left totally open so you can do monday to sunday or sunday to saturday whatever works best for you there's these work stickers a lot of these are 3d as well so they're going to pop off the page which is really nice so you've got work to and from meeting to and from appointments your top three to-do's your gratitude for the day these really cute scallop labels some arrows some weekend banners and the sticky notes so that's there's three pages for the functional stickers so um i feel like this video is going to end up going up a little bit late which is kind of a bummer but it's okay we're getting through it right okay so here's more functional stickers so you've got your just rectangle and square labels you've got appointment labels there two different options there's these ones here that are more of like a rounded edge and then you've got this one here that i thought was super cute with like the flag and the two tones some stars some white circle outlines some hexagons and then the checklist flags and then the third sheet is going to have these are really fun so these are a request i've gotten from a couple customers for like a transparent checklist so when you want to create like a checklist i'm just going to do it on the monthly view even though it doesn't make sense but for sake of time so this is just a checklist that you can put wherever you would like and what's really nice about this is you can resize it to fit any space and then also you can crop it so let's say i only need three little boxes i can just crop it like that and have three little boxes and it's transparent so you can just put it wherever you want i can put it for example on top of this pattern label over here if i want to make a checklist on my pattern label it's going to be a transparent checklist and i can just check things off so woohoo and then you've got some flags here both a solid color and one with an outline there's your check boxes here some solid color blocks and then for transparent stickers transparent transparent stickers are a huge hit with you guys so you've got your rectangles here but also these circles and these squares are transparent as well and my thought process behind that was that if you wanted to add date dots to your monthly view you can do that with the transparent circles if you would like to obviously you don't have to but if you would like to you want to add like a transparent circle there or a square there you can do that if you want to kind of make your date thoughts stand out more you can also use that for color coding you can use it for marking certain things so you're going to get a bunch of transparent options these time labels are really fun so these are really fun to use in the weekly view let's say i want to go i don't know which planner this is the hourly well it doesn't really make sense to use an hourly but let's pretend that this is the lined vertical and you want to just put that you've got an appointment somewhere you can use your time label and you can put that i've got a doctor appointment at 12. so those time labels are really fun for that purpose so you get your time labels and some corner flags and those are all of the functional stickers so many options you guys so many and then we get to budget stickers so budget stickers i have simplified so much so now you're gonna get your expense tracking stickers your bill do stickers and then just a couple little like popular clip art options up there as well so you've got a no spend sticker i didn't want to get rid of that your calculator your credit card i see a lot of you with your budget spreads and i see these three clip art options the most so i wanted to keep those but one request i've gotten numerous times is to do both the american dollar and the euro so i'm happy to say now there is an american dollar and yes the euro is there now as well i am so excited about that because i know you guys have been really wanting that for those of you who are overseas um so yeah so now you've got your american dollar and your euro which is really exciting and the budget stickers you can purchase as a separate option but if you get the complete kit the budget the budget stickers are going to automatically be included now which is very very exciting so then we get into clip art and this is the last section of the complete kit and then i'll just do a quick flip through of the other themes for you guys so here's the clip art for the farmhouse and this is all you know like 3d it's got white outlines there's tons of different options just to decorate your planner i know some of you don't decorate this is where like getting the sections for the kits like the a la carte option is so helpful so that's sheet one you'll always get two sheets of clip art so here's sheet two and i am pretty stinking obsessed with this like little swing i don't know what it is but it's just so adorable that you can just put like wherever i could put it up here um i could layer it on top of a sidebar sticker so many cute fun and quick ways to create a really decorative fun spread so you got a windmill a lantern this little barn down here super cute the kitchenaid mixer fig leaf plant a blanket just all things that reminded me of farmhouse are in the clip art so that is the full kit for kit one of the farmhouse stickers all right and then let's go ahead and take a peek at the other two kits so here are the boho stickers and now i do want to say too the complete kit is a huge file you guys it's a lot a lot of stickers 15 pages of stickers so sometimes you will see that like little quick glitch thing it's totally normal it usually just takes a few seconds not a big deal really i haven't noticed any super lagging issues with goodnotes using these files and you're also going to get individual png images so if you don't use goodnotes you will get individual png images that you can use to um to use in other programs like notability note shelf zodo things like that so again here are the boho ones i'll kind of zoom in here for you guys all the pattern labels so super cute and then here are the polaroid frames the script stickers both colorful and white outline again you got the hex codes up here too i think it's so helpful just to have the hex codes right there and you know exactly what color they're for and then you've got your icons here all of the circle ones and the regular ones i'll be using this one frequently for lash appointments i'm very excited about that one and then your icons here as well here's your sidebar stickers here's like the pattern labels more up close how adorable are those and more sidebar stickers and then your functional stickers i love these little sticky notes as well more functional so yeah i mean if you wanted to you could just get the pattern labels and the functional stickers and be good to go if you want to do that like i love the a la carte option i think a lot of you guys are going to like that for those of you who are wanting to just get what you need and and all of that and it makes it more affordable too because the a la carte is cheaper obviously so there's the budget stickers and oh this clip art you guys this clip art is so stinking adorable for the boho so i love this little chair here you got butterflies and rainbows all things boho here's the second page of clip art so really cute cute options for the boho and if you want to get a closer look at everything too because i know i'm flipping through kind of fast um you can also look at the listing photos okay and then the last one is the black and white sticker theme so this one is so pretty you guys i love how this turned out like mixing in the metallics and everything so here are the pattern labels for the black and white theme you can see like that metallic there is so cool it's like just really looks cool like mixed together and stuff that like glitter one [Music] more of the black and white paper and the rectangle labels the circles squares all that here's your picture frames which i'm obsessed with so you've got more of your metallics there too how fun is that and then your date dots and scripts the icons which these are perfect if you want super neutral icons where you just kind of color it in however you would like like you can easily just color this in however you would like to um i'm not going to like show off my coloring skills but here's like green if you just wanna like i don't know if you feel like coloring or something i feel like these are really good option for that so if you wanted to purchase just like super neutral icons by themselves you can now do that with the a la carte option so there's all the icons there and here are these icons again very neutral i've got this house here where you can mark like if you have things to clean i'm pretty obsessed with this ipad i'm not gonna lie oh so cute here's the sidebar sticker so very neutral options there these black ones are really fun to write on like with a white pen i feel like that's just really fun to do that you know okay so there's sidebar stickers here are your functional stickers and the second page third page time labels these are all transparent as well so these are really good for like you know graying out certain boxes if you want if you're more of like a black and white like very minimalist planner you don't like a lot of color in your spread i feel like this is the kit for you i'm excited to use it because i want to see how a spread comes together with just the black and white i've seen other people do that on like different plane with me videos and i think it looks really cool so here's the budget page and then the clip art's really fun it's got a mix of like the metallics black and white and all of that so just some random like really fun clip art options for those like the puzzle piece and this little camera like how cute is that so that is kit three so for those of you who purchased the prosper daily planner i wanted to be sure to go over this as well you are going to get a couple things so if you go to your pdf that you received when you purchase the prosper daily planner in that same dropbox folder you're going to find a new folder that is going to be for your goodies so you're going to receive the undated version of the journaling portrait planner and it's going to be in the same theme of the prosper daily so there's a colorful and a neutral option and so you'll get the the undated journaling one and because you guys purchased a daily planner you're going to get a couple bonuses here so you're going to not only get your replacement planner that's going to have all the upgrades all the new like layouts of the new system and stuff like that but you're also going to get the daily add-on i didn't want to leave you guys hanging i assumed if you purchased a daily planner you're probably going to want daily pages so you're going to get the daily add-on as a bonus and you're going to get the transparent sidebar stickers as a bonus as well so those are for all of you who purchased the prosper daily planner i wanted to give you guys the system um honestly i'm super proud of that planner and i love it i still do love it but i was definitely really striving towards a system like this where it's something i can reuse every year and all that so the prosper daily all the planners in my shop will be retiring soon because i want to switch solely to this system just to simplify things as much as possible for not only myself because you know it can be hard to come up with like brand new giant planners all the time but also for you guys so i feel like you can know what to expect more and there's more consistency as far as what i'm you know offering i'm going into i've been open for a year now with my shop and i've really i've been digital planning for a year i've thought a lot about how i want to use things and how i want things to function and all of that and this system is my personal like dream system and i hope you guys love it as well um just the whole concept of being able to build your own planner but have it be super simple you know there are build your own planners where you're copying pages inserting pages like kind of doing all that the hyperlinks don't intermingle the same way and so i feel like with the add-ons the planner add-ons being able to put them into your planner with the dividers really creating the planner to work for you you know what do you prioritize do you prioritize health and fitness do you not do you prioritize budget budgeting do you not do you like with all in one planner system well i think it's really nice and convenient there are definitely sections that don't get used and that can feel wasteful to you so i wanted to avoid that i wanted to provide like the meat and potatoes in the planner system itself your monthly view your you know weekly view all of the like essential pages so it can also stand alone by itself but then also offer that add-on option so you can really build it out to make it yours and make it work for you so i'm really excited about that so i i don't regret like launching the prosper daily but um if i could go back in time i probably would have skipped it and just done this so i wanted to make sure that those who purchased the prosper daily that you guys were taking care of so you're going to get the replacement planner plus two bonuses of the daily page add-on the daily add-on as well as the transparent sidebar stickers so that will be in the dropbox as of this video so look so definitely check that out if you have trouble finding it just let me know okay so that is everything you guys i wanted to take a moment too just to talk to you guys about discounts now the whole concept of this too was to create a more affordable system in the past i've done like sales with every launch i am going to step away from doing that because now the planners are priced much more affordably this planner system is 21.99 you can do the sticker kits a la carte the one thing that will still be available is the 15 off discount so you can always always save 15 off any item in my shop with the code prosper15 i will still do flash sales and sales for the holidays and things like that but i won't be doing sales with every single launch moving forward because again the idea behind this planner system was to make it more affordable i know my planners were much more highly priced some of the highest priced planners on the market it's because of everything they had in them and so i wanted to offer a discount like a bigger discount than the 15 for those but moving forward you can save the 15 using prosper15 that will still be here i am going to create a patreon very soon too where you can sign up and get deeper discounts than the 15 and then again i will still do like flash sales and holiday sales and stuff like that but definitely plug in the code prosper15 at checkout to save your 15 off and then lastly i just wanted to say thank you thank you thank you so much you guys for all of your support it's been so amazing seeing all of your excitement for this launch in our facebook group and through your messages and stuff i i love what i do i am obsessed with like planning and all things type a related so i i don't know it's just it's really such a huge incredible blessing to be able to do what you love and help others while you're doing it like that is just the greatest gift and see i'm getting emotional but it's the greatest gift i could ever ask for and your support just means the world to me i've worked so hard on these planners and i've got like the worst butterflies ever in my stomach but i hope you guys absolutely love them let me know what you think in the comments and everything let me know which planner you're picking up what's your favorite theme what's your favorite weekly layout or you're going are you going landscape are you going portrait let me know down below but thank you again your guys's support just always blows me away and i love this little community that we've built together it just it's a huge blessing in my life and in my family's life and just thank you thank you so much all right i need to edit this video because i need to get it up for you guys it's a little after 11. it's probably going to go up kind of late but um i will update you guys in the facebook group try to edit this as quick as i can and get it up and we will officially launch the new planner system so again thank you guys so much for watching thank you for all your support and i will see you guys tomorrow for our budget check-in video because i haven't checked in with our budget in two weeks so that's fun okay i'll chat with you all later bye [Music] you
Channel: Planning to Prosper
Views: 4,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New releases, digital stickers, planner stickers, Etsy stickers, Etsy shop, new products, digital planner, digital planning, Etsy, small business, budget stickers, budget worksheets, budget printable, budget inserts, budget tools, planner accessories, iPad planner, productivity tools, how to stay organized, organization tools, planning to prosper, iPad, Goodnotes, Goodnotes 5, Goodnotes stickers, Goodnotes planner, Goodnotes covers
Id: kiK0Q4JOnto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 31sec (4531 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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