Digital Planning For Beginners | Digital Planning 101

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have you ever heard of digital planning well if you've been around my channel for like more than a minute I know you have but if you're brand-new to it holy moly buckle your seat belt because this is something spectacular hey hey y'all if you are brand new here my name is Jessica Stansbury and I am here to help you turn your dreams into reality maybe even turn them into money work less live more and all things in between so if that sounds like something you're interested in definitely hit subscribe below this video is sponsored by paper like they create screen protectors for your iPad that make your iPad feel like paper and it's really cool because I felt like my handwriting was always really sloppy when I would write in my digital planner or when I would write using my Apple pencil on my iPad and ever since I put this puppy on here it feels so much better because it really is like you're riding on paper and so my handwriting I feel like looks the same now on my iPad as it did on it as it does on like a normal notebook with a pencil or a pen whereas before I feel like it kind of looks like my six-year-old drew it you know just saying so this video is sponsored by paper like I mention them throughout the video but I need you to know that I would never promote something that I didn't authentically love so I promise you even though this video is sponsored it is very much so all of my honest opinion and you're gonna learn a ton so let's just get into it now like I said if you've been here for more than like 12 and a half seconds you know that digital planning is something that I'm kind of obsessed with it I found it like a year well probably a year and a half ago now and as someone who was a previous paper planner lover who had come to terms with the fact that she never actually wrote in her paper planner it seemed little bit too good to be true but it's not I have been using my digital planner for over a year now and I am here to teach you all the things so here's what's up if you are brand new to digital planning I need you to know what it is why it's cool all the things and then I'm going to show you how to use it and I'm gonna show you a fun trick slash hack that I've just discovered that is so flippin amazing okay so first and foremost what is digital planning so basically it is just like if you took that paper planner that you love and like you know took it in one hand and took your iPad or your tablet or whatever in another and with it made your planner go into your iPad and it worked the same like as if you could still turn the pages and you could still write on it and you could still add stickers if you could do everything you could do on a paper planner digitally that's what digital planning is and it's possible and it's awesome so here's what you need to get started one you need an iPad I use a non-pro iPad my iPad is just a standard version it is not one of the pro lines but it is the one that's not pro that's compatible with the Apple pencil I'll link it below - a nine point seven inch and you can get them pretty cheap honestly and then you can obviously do this on an Apple pro or on any of the other models that let you use a pencil now let me let me put an asterisk here because I know in if somebody's gonna ask me this can you do this on non Apple products absolutely but here's the thing you're gonna need a stylus that acts like a pencil like this one does not one that has just like a blunt tip like you know like the end of this is so if your tablet allows you to write on it with a stylus that you know writes like a pencil and if you can use your tablet with a program that allows interactive PDFs you can do this I recommend that iPad because it's it's like super simple and easy and it's what I know and use and it's what most people that I've seen who do anything like this use it as well so again mine is the non pro version and I have an Apple pencil to go with it holy moly oh by the way I just got sent this awesome awesome new like hacky tricky thing if you're gonna do this and I'll talk more about it in a minute but on a regular on the regular app head screen so yeah I've been doing this for a year and I just got this and it is going to you game-changer so on the regular screen your pencil cut in even on like a regular screen protector the pencil kind of slides around like you have to learn how to write on it again because it's very different than writing on paper with a pencil or with a pen or whatever I got this paper like it's literally the name of the company paper like screen protector that makes it feel like paper and it makes it feel like I'm writing on paper oh my gosh it's gonna be a game-changer so I'll show you that in a minute but it's one of the hacks that I have found for digital planning and I will link them below and tell you more about them in a minute but okay so to get started you need I pad and pencil preferably if you have another tablet that will work that is totally fine but you need that I recommend that you need this paper like screen protector because it's gonna make you not have to like relearn how to write on an iPad and your handwriting is gonna look like it does normally and not like a kindergarteners like mine did for a year so you need that that's the equipment you need as far as the software if you're on an iPad you need the program called good notes now good notes is a note-taking program within iPad only right now and it allows you to import PDFs notebooks JPEGs anything you want and write on them so not only can you do digital planning with this but you can like take notes you can you know download worksheets for school or if you're business owner like I am if you're learning or taking a course you can download the worksheets over the course and put them on your iPad and take physical notes it's amazing so you'll need a program like good notes if you're on Android I have linked some programs below that I've heard good things about but I can't personally attest to any of them since that is not what I use but as long as it will open and allow you to manipulate an interactive PDF you're good ok so I pad pencil paper like screen protector good notes or similar program there's another one called notable that I've heard really great things about but I personally use good nuts and then you need an actual digital planner now these digital planners are literally designed just like a regular planner so let me show you here mmm that's gonna be hard to see I will flip the camera around in a second but it is designed just like a an actual planner there's a cover to it you can in flip the pages you can add things like stickers you can add worksheets there are blank sheets there are calendar sheets I've written all over that one there are just all kinds of things that are basically exactly the same as a regular planner now I'm gonna shift my camera screen here in just a minute and show you an actual bird's-eye view of what this looks like but you will need a digital planner now where to buy where should you buy a digital planner essentially you can buy them anywhere like Etsy creative market on other people's websites etc etc I personally am going to be using one that is available in my shop that I will show you here but you can find them to suit your tastes or your needs super easily on Etsy and creative market if you want something different than what I'm showing you here but if you do want to my planners I will happily link them below so you can go check them out because they're available in the design I'm going to show you but also in some more simplistic more colorful whatever designs you want so let's just let's just make sure we've got this straight you need an iPad you need an Apple pencil you need the paper like screen protector so it's not like a nerd gardener trying to slide across an iPad then you need a good notes app or something similar that will help you import this digital planner and use it and then you actually need to buy the digital planner now I need to tell you something and I tell you how this works because this is such a common question essentially you will buy a digital file from someone when you buy a digital planner so like if you go by my planner then you will purchase and I will email you or you'll be given a link right then and there to grab the digital planner then you'll download it then upload it into goodnotes to use it so no physical products are actually happening there okay one last thing before I actually turn my camera over and show you how it works you can buy all sorts of things for digital planners if they're just like paper planners and how you can buy all the accessories you can do the same thing with digital so you can buy a digital planner that is you know somewhat what you want but maybe you want to add a meal tracker or a habit tracker or something like that you can actually insert pages into digital painters super easily and insert inserts into digital planners really easily so for instance on my planners I have a lot of blank pages where you could easily insert anything you want in there and draw on it just the same okay so um you can do stickers you can do whatever you want there and goodnotes allows you to also you know use whatever pen thickness you want and colors you want and all the things so I'm going to take you over show you how it works and I'm going to you know write in it so you see how realistic it is and all the things let's go so this is what it looks like on my iPad so I've got my pencil here I've got my paper like screen protector on here and so I can scroll now with my finger through this planner or I can use my pencil to also scroll through this planner now they weren't literally just like a regular planner so I just clicked on the January tab it took me to January if I click on the February tab it's gonna take me to February and this is just a mess where I was showing some things it's gonna take me here which by the way this was just an example of things but if you will look at how sloppy that handwriting is that does not look my normal camera handwriting is but now that I have this paper thing on the screen protector I can write it so much neater on here and it's making me happy okay so this was those things were written before I got the paper like screen protector okay so anyway I can keep clicking through these months and it will take me to whatever month I click on which by the way I can also go in and erase anything I don't want there anymore so that was just chicken scratch for me to show something it wasn't really anything I actually needed so I can just erase it which is really really cool so in this particular planner like I say this is actually one of my planners and I'll link those below but there's buttons at the top so you can go home you can go home you can then see like the inside cover you can write who this belongs to here so if I wanted to write Jessica oh it feels so much better with the different screen protector okay so if I wanted to write Jessica there I can I can then continue to like scroll through this and see like that was written without the paper like protector and now it just it's just so much easier to write so if I increase the size of my pen oh it just feels so much better sorry I'm geeking out a little bit over this because that is what my normal handwriting looks like and this is what it looked like before I had the paper like thing on here so anyway you can write on this just like a normal paper planner you can also go through the months just like a normal paper planner and a lot of planners come with stickers so I can actually take these stickers and place them other places in the planner so if I go to the sticker page here and I this sticker I just take my little lasso tool here I draw a circle around it I copy it and then I take it wherever I want it and I paste it so stickers can be used in here there are all kinds of things you can do and I have plenty of other videos that show you more of the intricate pieces of digital planning but essentially you can insert your own things in here so here's like a daily planner that's built into the planner but there can also be things that you insert here so if you want like a meal tracker or whatever you can insert that in here and then in the in the planner just like a normal planner you can absolutely plan out your month in your days so for instance if I want to write here on July 10th then I am going to go in and I'm gonna grab my grab my pencil and I'm gonna say somebody's do you hear that it makes it like literally feel like you're writing with a regular pencil so somebody's birthday and then maybe over here I want to write go away coded 19 you know like you can write whatever you want to it's really awesome and then if you flip over here's like a weekly planning page that's built into this planner again every planner is gonna be different so if yours doesn't have this it'll probably have something similar and then you can insert daily planning pages if you would like throughout the planner so for instance if you wanted to use the daily planner every single day then you could either go up here to daily plan and you can write in it so like if the plan is to film a video and take dog to that like if that's your plan for the day you can either duplicate this and have 365 of these or you can just go in at the end of the day and erase it and start over at the beginning of each day so it's a really really fun thing that literally is just like a paper planner and just like that you learned everything you need to know about digital planning you learned the equipment you need the software you need and the actual products and how to use them so here's what I want you to do next if you are looking to get started digital planning I have listed out all of the supplies you need in the description below so you can go straight to purchase the iPad from Amazon straight to purchase the Apple pencil from Amazon and if you want to grab one of those really awesome paper like screen protectors go do that too it's linked below and I'm telling you I have never thought I would love a screen protector quite as much as I love that one because now I don't write like my six-year-old on my planner so if you want one of those it's linked below if you want to check out good notes or go download good notes it's also linked below if you're on an iPad and my planners are linked below as well so whether you're wanting to plan out your next business move or you're a student or you're a teacher or hashtag whatever you now can do it with just a simple iPad and pencil and nothing else right so you don't have to lug around that planner anymore you don't have to carry heavy things in your purse it's gonna save your back and it's really cool and a fun conversation piece when you drag it out in meetings so go down below to the description check everything out and I will see y'all later bye
Channel: Jessica Stansberry
Views: 121,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Digital planning for beginners, digital planning 101, digital planner goodnotes, digital planner 101, digital planner for beginners, paperlike screen protector, digital planner, how to use digital planner in goodnotes, how to use digital planner, get started with digital planning, get started with digital planners, digital planning ipad, what is digital planning, ipad planner, digital notes, paperless planning, goodnotes planner
Id: Tgz14zsPevM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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