Design a Hyperlinked Digital Planner using CANVA and PowerPoint | DIGITAL PLANNER TUTORIAL

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can you design a digital planner in canva in short yes you can create your layout and make it look pretty but you cannot hyperlink or add shadows or at least you know at the time of this recording you'll need to add those using different software like adobe keynote powerpoint or even google slides if you want to watch me quickly design a digital planner just a very simple one that can be used in apps like good notes note shelf zoom nodes just keep watching but if you just want a done for you template that you can easily customize check the description below for a link we will be using canva pro but i'm sure you can achieve a very similar result in the free version of canva then i will export the design to powerpoint to add the hyperlinks and some shadowing and you know just finishing touches like that but you can do the same thing in keynote if that's what you prefer i won't go into the details of canva i'm assuming you have a general knowledge of how of how canva and powerpoint work so let's get started so the first thing we're going to do is create our file inside of canva and i googled the measurements and i have it right here of the ipad pro the the screen size of the ipad pro because that's what i have and i find it a very good size even if you have a smaller ipad like a 9 inch or a 10 inch this will work pretty well so i'm going to make this this big so i'm going to make it 20 48 wide let me go back to canva create a design custom side width 20 48 and then 27 32 height 27 32 pixels and create new design i want a vertical planner um so that's what i do if you want to keep it simple you can do like a us letter size or something like that then i'm going to put the title i'm going to put master vertical planner and that's it that's my title um so first of all i want to add a background to this so let me see in photos if i can get like a wood no not woods like a wood background something like this i don't know my goodness this could take forever because i can never make a decision so that's the first thing i'm gonna see this feels a little no that's too much um wood let me just put wood i see okay this is better okay maybe something like this i want something very subdued if that makes sense do we want gray i don't know you can do like whatever type of background you want it doesn't have to be wood i just you know prefer this because it looks pretty okay so once it's there i'm going to lock it that way i'm not moving it around so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab an element and what i'm trying to do is design the the base basically so let me change the color of this just so i can see it better okay let's do it that way and that's looking good let me leave some space for the rings so i'm going to leave some space here on the left for the rings and then i'm going to leave some space on the right for the tabs so notice that this space on the right is a little bit bigger this is a little bit smaller i might have to change that in a little bit and i do have some rings here in my uploads um wait i just want to grab it how do i grab it there we go and um even though i'm not going to leave them there right now all i want to do is make sure it fits why is it there we go okay so let me move it a little bit it is just a matter of making sure that they're not getting cut off or something like that so i think that's good i'm gonna make this a little bit longer and these rings by the way they're from etsy okay okay that looks good i wish i could make them smaller but if i make them smaller i don't think they're gonna look as good let me see see because that is like too much of a space no make them bigger and this just depends on which rings you get if you get rings that are a bit a little bit thinner then you won't have this problem but you know what that looks good i'm going to remove them for now and add them once i'm done or actually you know what no i'm going to leave them um i kind of changed my mind about this square right here let me go to elements grab a grid and make the grid the size of this square awesome let me position it backwards so i can grab the square delete it now i just have this grid right here because if i go back to my uploads i remember i have here somewhere okay right here i had uploaded some um images of textures see that looks bad no different textures that i could use see that looks good i'm not sure about the color maybe that one um let's do something dark yeah let's do something there because we're gonna put paper on top so see what i just did is drag that image that i have uploaded here previously then i added it so now i can start adding some paper and for that i will need just like a basic square this is going to be white where's the white color here on top of this about like that i want to make this about this size that's good let me position it backward okay so the rings sit on top you know what i can make this yeah like that and then make this a little bit about right here there that way i have some space here for the tabs now let me move this a little bit more closer about like that so we have enough space to write on so what i want to do is i want to add some tabs so let me go to shapes should we grab this one probably if we made it like this and then a lot smaller we can probably place it here and i'm making a very very simple tab and these could probably a color like this maybe this one yeah let's use that one i want something very subtle now this one yeah let's just use that one i just want something very subtle kind of like that okay so it's probably gonna have to be smaller about right there let's duplicate and about right here because remember we need 12 you know for each month of the digital planner that is four and we're going to keep resizing as we go just to make sure that they fit because right now we have eight and we still need four more it's not gonna fit so we're gonna keep resizing i think they need to be a little bit smaller still about right there we're going to keep rearranging still a little bit smaller about like that awesome let's grab another four and no still needs to be smaller in order to fit so let's keep resizing okay i think this will be fine and about right there okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select everything go to position make sure i'm going to click your space evenly vertically i can make them a little bit bigger so i'm pulling to make them bigger and i'm going to move them a little bit towards the top and a tiny bit in let me see okay i think that looks good so we're going to do is we're going to select everything again position backward so now they are behind the paper and it doesn't look like much right now because it doesn't have any shadowing going on um because you know camera doesn't let you do that but i do have there's some shadows that i created right here and the shadows that i had created somewhere else and i imported here so this is something that i could use to give it some shadowing and let me let me show you what i mean i can make the square about the same size of my paper about like that maybe a tiny bit smaller tiny bit smaller okay that's my position backward and backward again to make sure that it is behind the paper and then i'm moving it i'm moving it with my um keyboard that was moving so slow but what i want to do is bring it all the way to the edge of the paper about right there and now i have some shadow it is very big and it is covering these um tabs right here so i can probably let me select the shadow again go here to transparency and play around with the transparency you know either no shadow or all the way this is something that you can play with um or you can make it smaller and then okay let me get over again and they kind of move it to bring it to where you want i'm not sure i want it on top of the tabs so let me flip it see if i flip it this way no there we go okay now let me so now the shadowing is going to be on the other side and i'm going to bring it see now the shadow look at the left side now the shadowing is going on the other side behind the paper so let me do something let me send it backward behind the actual cover and now it is behind this cover right here we have the shadow right here so now it's giving shadow to the cover against the background and we can see it looks a little bit more like it's it looks see the rings stand out a lot more here on this side like it's not necessarily flat and i really like that so let me do something i'm gonna grab this paper i'm going to duplicate it i'm going to put it on top but i wanted the tiniest bit smaller not much just the tiniest bit smaller and i wanted right here i'm going to grab this shadow that i have on the back i'm going to duplicate it and what i want to do now is send it backward and hold on i need to send this paper backward so again backward backwards so the rings are sitting on top then grab the shadow backward behind the paper so now the shadow is wait send it backwards again okay so now the shadow is in between the papers so i'm going to flip it this way let me grab the shadow i'm going to move it a little bit keep moving it down till i see that shadow okay now you can start seeing it and you can see at least it might move it all the way down no that's too much um and you can see here how the paper you can start let me make it a lot closer you can see here how you have this is the what i'm selecting right now is the shadow so the shadows in between this shape and the shape at the bottom which are the two papers that we have and you start seeing like this page is sitting on top of the other one and you can start seeing a little bit of that um um realistic look you can make that shadow a little bit bigger i wonder make it bigger okay now i'm using my keyboard to pull it up a bit a little bit more because i can still see it awesome awesome this is awesome okay great and now i can see it here not so much at the top i just wanted like a very subtle shadowing right here oh it looks so beautiful okay and we can even give a little bit of shadow to these tabs right here now this is something that you can do when you export as a powerpoint it's something that you can do in powerpoint keynote whatever you decide to use but if you have shadows here instead of canva this is something you can achieve as well now could i use this one no i don't want to use this one i made different ones this one looks like a sticker see and i'm not sure if i can use it for these if it's even gonna look good let me get very very close so we can take a closer look at these tabs and what i'm trying to do is to place this behind the tab so position backward until there you go it's behind the tab uh oh uh oh oh see remember we have those frames so i'm just going to use my keyboard it takes forever and i'm just trying to see if this shadow looks good with this tab which i'm not sure i need to make it smaller which i'm not sure if that's you know if that's actually going to work because it's a rounded shadow so the shadow might not place where i want it let me go back fit and you can see this beaking here it's not quite nice i don't like it um let me play around with the shadows a little bit so i just realized i need to make a shadow to match this type of shape with like a rounded corner but i'm not going to worry about that because i'm exporting to people to powerpoint anyway and i can add shadows there so right now i'm just going to move on and worry about the shadows later so what i want to do now is click on text add heading i always use heading and i'm going to change it or actually i'm going to make it smaller and what i want to do is add the text to the tabs and here i'm going to put jan for january and there we go 90 degrees and i want to put it over here make it a little bit smaller put it right here let me get closer let me do 100 okay and i need this white you can do it any color you want of course a lot smaller and then we can just place it right here so i'm going to duplicate that text and put it on top of the tabs and just change the text to the month so i'm going to do that and i'll come right back so i'm done with this and what i want to do is i'm going to duplicate this page and i have two pages now so i'm going to go to the first page right here grab this um the cover and i'm going to bring this cover all the way to the front to front awesome i'm going to grab the rings all the way to the front and i'm going to grab the shadow the shadow on the back not not the shadow that we placed in between the pages and i want to bring that shadow all the way to the front and then i'm going to do backward backward so now it is um behind this cover right here and this would be my cover let me do this so now we have the cover and we have page one right here and we have right here the um the these little tabs um if i were not to make to um to make any other changes i would just export like this and make some duplicating and shadowing and hyperlinking on powerpoint but something that you could do and you know this could make things a lot more complicated but something you could do is select the tab and the text just like this and you could go position and do forward ah not forward hold on hold on hold on let me do backward okay so now the tab and let me make it a lot closer so you can see exactly what i mean you're placing that tab in between the shadow and the last page so you have this how do i okay so now we have this shape which is paper number one we have this shadow which is the shadow in between the pages we have the um tab and then on the back we have the other shape which is the other piece of paper so as you can see if you look at these two tabs this tab is looking like it's kind of in between those pages and it creates a little bit more of that um realistic look another thing you could do is actually just bring it all the way to the front so you go front and you can bring it all the way to the front and let me go back to fit so you see how that looks so that way you have this tab on top of the page and it looks like you know you are there and as you flip pages it looks like that so this is an option if you want to go a little bit more advanced but i want to keep it very simple i will be changing the colors of the tabs maybe making it a little bit darker that is something else that you can do and let me send this backward to where it was okay and what i mean is that you could probably okay let's um since you're here this would be the first place of january you will grab the tab and you can make that tab maybe a darker color something like this then duplicate make this tab back to that color that it was and make february you grab the tab only and make it this darker color so basically it it gives you a visual cue that this is your january page this is your february page then you would just duplicate and now march would be your darker color february goes back to that lighter color and again it's just a visual cue of this is january this is february and this is march um you don't have to you can keep it as simple as you want but these um the the positioning of the um let me do it here the positioning of the tab and the text and changing the color gives it a better visual cue then you go backward backward and now we have both look at this effect right here this now looks it's a darker color so immediately we know oh this is the february page and also we place the tab behind this shape and behind the shadow so it looks like it's in between pages so that is something else that you can do of course this is you know whatever you want whatever you want to do um you can make as many changes as you want so basically um i just convinced myself that's what i'm going to do so position forward um something to backward no again forward awesome and now generally sitting in between the pages i'm going to grab march position forward and then backward until it sits behind the shadow and i'm just going to continue doing that let me go ahead and duplicate and what you could do is you can select both position and you can send it backwards so it goes where it's supposed to be this goes back to the normal color then we select april click here make it dark position forward and then backward twice and there we go you could do that i'm going to keep doing that until i have the entire file done and i will come back okay i'm done so that's what i have done um i am done with all 12 months and that's it i have 13 pages that's exactly what i should have and you could even do like let me duplicate the first one then this one i'm going to drag all the way here let me go to this one and what we could do is if we want to make this like the back of the planner basically as if we have just closed the planner and everything is gone so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to start deleting the text um and you'll see why this is important just this text right here i'm going to delete that because when we flip the planner all of that would be gone so then i'm going to select everything everything everything on the page make sure nothing is locked i'm going to rotate it 180 degrees um yep right there and now i'm just going to position um correctly i'm have to use my arrow key on my keyboard and that looks about yeah perfect so now it looks that we have closed our planner and now we have 14 slides all the way from the beginning to the end and this would be great i mean if you don't care about hyperlinking then this is great just export as a pdf and you're done and then you can you know you can add whatever layouts you want to this um i'm going to show you quickly how to add layouts let's say that you have created another planner so this right here is a free template that i have on the free vault so if you're not part of that just grab the link sign up for that so you can get this template for free and this is just a planner layout that i had created previously and what you can do is export let's say this is what you want to put on your planner right so you can export this as a png and you download it and then you will have to re-upload to your upload so you click here on uploads you have to re-upload those pngs that you just exported and put them on here but i'm not going to do that right now i'm going to use just to show you i'm going to use like whatever i have on here so something that you could do is i'm going to my uploads and you could start adding pages on there so let's say that this is what i want so i'm going to size it to where it fits perfectly and that is about it maybe a little bit bigger okay no that's too big too big too big okay i think that's that's about it and that's it you could you know start adding your layouts in here or you could export and then add layouts later whatever you want um and you have a little bit of space like here and here you could leave it like that it does not bother me or to fix something like this you could add something here you can add some decorations a canva has so many options that they let you use you could add any stickers from here if that is something that you would want to do just to make things look pretty if you are into that or if you're like me and you like it very very simple you could just leave it like that so that is how you would add layouts in here before you export and add all of those um hyperlinks that i'm going to show you but i'm going to delete that because i don't want any layouts right now and this is exactly what i'm going to export so i'm going to go here where it says download i'm going to select a file actually no let me do something else i'm going to export over here in the three dots and i'm going to look css right here on microsoft powerpoint so i'm just going to click that i want all 14 pages download and it's downloading to my computer okay here's my file and as you can see it exported very very nicely from canva all of our work is in there and it's all nice um now let me show you something that you can do for shadowing um if you wanted let me go to this one you could here you just select the tab don't select the taxi i'm selecting the text now you can select the tab right click format shape and right here which is format shape let me go right here the middle one click on shadow and here you can start playing around with what kind of shadow you want in this case let's say i want something like this it places a shadow and you can start playing around with sizing see it can go pretty um pretty crazy and you can start playing around you know with the blur the angle if you want it in like this not a one it's so big i'm actually a little bit smaller about like that distance see what that does and you can you know play around with it and kind of make sure it looks the way you want i think that looks pretty good so what i would do is just you know just make those changes on all of the tabs this is something that i am not going to do right now because i would have to do it for every single tab on every single slide over here and that is not something that i want to do but this is something that if you wanted to do it when you are in canva let me put canva again when you are here in canva instead of making all of these changes that i made here you know what i just showed you about changing the color of the tabs placing the tabs in between the pages then you know duplicating all the pages and making those changes um to each of the tabs one per month instead of doing all of that in canva you can make all those changes in powerpoint instead that way you make all those changes once and then you duplicate the pages kind of the same exact process that i just went through here in canva but you wouldn't do it in here you would just do it on powerpoint and that way you can have those beautiful shadows inside of powerpoint so um what i want to do is add the hyperlinking because this is the important part the shadowing and all of that it just depends on what you're trying to create but the hyperlinking is what i want to show you and i'm going to show you the easiest way honestly just grab a shape right and this can be any shape i'm just going to grab a square and i'm going to draw a square that is about the size of this tab you see it right there let me click out it's about the size it doesn't have to be perfect i would actually make it even a tiny tiny tiny bit smaller place it right on top and i'm trying to make it awesome just like that um and just place it on in on top now with that selected i'm going to click on you know solid fill and the color it doesn't matter i'm going to leave it blue but you know it could be whatever just make sure that the line it says no line just so you don't have to do this process twice so go ahead and select it and here where's this transparency put it all the way to 100. that way it is transparent it's still there see i'm selecting it it's still there but now it is um transparent so go ahead and right click and hyperlink we want this document slide titles and january would be slide two because this right here on the left we can see that is slide two so i'm going to select slide two and okay so now what i want to do is duplicate or you know copy paste this square right here so i'm going to right click copy right click paste and place it on top of february about like there about right there now i'm going to go ahead and right click hyperlink edit hyperlink and i'm going to make it slide 3 because february is on slide 3 i'm going to click ok now i'm going again to right click copy right click paste put it over here on top of march right click hyperlink edit hyperlink march would be slide 4 so click ok and from now on that's what i want to do copy paste place it on top of april and basically i'm going to keep repeating the same process until i go all the way to december so this would be slide five copy paste drag it over here right click hyperlink edit hyperlink go to slide six okay i'm going to keep doing that and i will come back okay so i'm finished and before i go ahead and show you the rest let's make sure they work so i'm gonna click on slideshow current slide so when i click oh i realized that it's cut off a bit but i'm going to click here in january and it's supposed to stay in january february takes me to february march april and what i'm doing is i'm clicking on these right may june okay so they work and let's go over here let me do current slide if i click in july do you see the little hand that because the hyperlinks are there so if i click on july it should take me to july okay so the hyperlinks seem to work so what i'm going to do is right here on slide 2 where i put on my hyperlinks i'm going to click on the first shape right here hold down the shift key and start clicking all of those shapes now i have all 13 selected now what i'm going to do is i'm going to hit command c for copy or if you're on a pc would be ctrl c that means copy now i'm going to go to slide 3 and command v for paste or ctrl v for paste then that's what i'm going to do i'm going to go to every single slide and click paste to paste all of those hyperlinks on each page and this should take you only a few seconds it doesn't really take that long there we go i'm going to go ahead and do that and i'll come back awesome i'm done so let's play from start so if i click let me click for example october it should take me to october april december again october august january i'm just randomly clicking making sure that i'm going where i'm supposed to go and the fact that i changed the color of the tabs on each month it gives me that visual cue that the pages are moving and i'm where i'm supposed to be so where i click on august now it gives me that visual cue right here that's why i like doing that kind of thing so you know what everything is hyperlinked our work is done all that's left to do really is add some um planner layouts and all you need to do is you know open i have a few here let me go my downloads this should be here i have let me just do this one and all i'm doing you know it's just dragging and i can go ahead and resize and do what i do and just add whatever pages i want and there you go i have my layout added i don't want it so i'm going to delete it so you might be thinking hey yes yeah i actually need three pages on each month because i have three layers that i need to add or you know it could be any number let's say you have 10 layouts that you need to add but to keep it simple let's say three pages for each month will the um hyperlinks break um no this is what you would need to do so we are in january here so i'm going to add i'm going to duplicate this generate page and i'm going to right click here on the actual slide over here and i'm going to duplicate slide and i'm going to again duplicate slide and just to have like a visual cue let me go to home select a text box and i'm going to put here um january and i'm gonna put number one this needs to be bigger just so we can see it okay okay that's great and i'm actually going to copy this ctrl c i'm going to the next generation i have here paste it here make this one generate two and this is just to to have a visual cue this is our original january it has nothing this is the january that we duplicated january 1 this is the other one that we duplicated january 2. so now i have three slides these three slides for january and let's see if the hyperlinks broke so let's go to slideshow play from start and let me click on march for example and we can see that they are still working march it's still there let me click october they're still there so let me go back to january and i'm going to use my arrow key and there you go generator one i'm hitting the arrow key again january 2. so our pages are there where you would put whatever layout you want and our hyperlinks are still working i'm clicking on november and it takes me to november i click on august and it takes me to august so those hyperlinks did not um break so i'm going to delete those two pages that i just added because i don't need them so jerry one i'm going to delete and generate two i'm going to delete and i'm back to my original um 14 slides let's say that you're done right so you would export you have added and duplicated whatever you want you're done you're ready to sell or you're ready to use if you're trying to use it so what i would do is just export it as a pdf so i would just go save as i want to save it to my desktop and i want to save it as a pdf right here pdf you can change the name i'm just going to leave it as is i'm just going to put pdf okay and i'm going to export and it is saving it to my desktop as a pdf okay here is it okay i'm opening it let me make it oh that is huge that is huge how do i change this let me see view okay this is a little bit better okay so yeah that's it we have this is our pdf for final pdf and that is it so what you would do from here on is either import to you know whatever app you want to use notability note shelf good notes zoom nodes whatever app you want to use for digital planning or if you are selling your design so this is what you would actually give to your customer this pdf and that's it i know it was a long one i hope you learned something out of this and you are creating your own planners either for sale or just for use for yourself if you have any questions just leave a comment down below or email me i'm happy to help bye bye till the next one
Channel: Online Template Shop
Views: 219,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CkFwpQKBvNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 15sec (2595 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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