If You Died Today, How Would You Love? | A Powerful Moment with Tony & Sage

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the reason for the emotion is because we make it all like relationship is like life and death and you think about it it's because our deepest fears are there who else can make you feel completely insignificant and unloved more than the person whose love you desire most there is none and when you feel worthless and unloved that is psychological death in fact when people consider suicide it's usually because they believe that their life is worthless that they have no love and so they think that maybe dying would be less painful than living so it is an area that has so much charge and if there's one thing that we want to do here is we want to take some of that charge away meaning you can anyone everyone's a great communicator when they're in a great state is it true but when people are pissed when people are frustrated when people are fearful whenever you go into that survival brain of yours no one's a great communicator i'm not a great communicator in that place and so the biggest thing we want to do is break the charge and we're going to give you tons of tools to do that because that's what's messing up your relationship you can solve anything you can come up with agreements on everything if you don't have such a charge and the charges are really not coming from your partner the charges are coming from your history they're coming from your background they're coming from your conditioning they're coming from your culture it's coming from your models of the world including the models you don't like so maybe we start with a mindset that if you were facing death where would who would you want to spend time with what would you do what would you communicate to the person that yours your beloved what would you give up what story would you let go of if you guys are both facing death and i say that because in our last year year and a half i'm in the last two weeks even i've had four different people that have been diagnosed with cancer or died or have a near-death experiences and then we were just the other day it's been wild how much it's been around us we were flying where are we flying to we were actually flying to los angeles oh flying to la that's right before we came here and we were at high altitude and we lost an engine on the plane and the stewardess money pro was asleep and they were asleep and then the plane dropped on one side i'm used to you know i know a plane i'm pilot you know and you get really rough but it was very different one side of the plane went down and my gut went down and all sudden the stewards came back and said you gotta all buckle up we've lost an engine yeah it was it was really incredible we were on the plane or on the plane and earlier when we actually were sitting having dinner uh i don't know why like tony mentioned a very dear friend of ours john turbot we love you john who's you know a part of this team he was most recently diagnosed with cancer and we actually didn't know at this point that he actually had cancer but he was you know getting tests and so forth and we were waiting for the results and so i was flipping through and i found this poem on death and uh we were having dinner and i was really moved by it he was less moved by it and uh so there's three of us mary was there tone was there mary and i both said do not send that to john the beginning was beautiful the rest of it was really really bleak but but but she'll discover tonight this is a fire sign and she finds joy in everything death yes i i was deeply moved so i was sharing this so this was about an hour before this happened we ate our dinner we went to sleep and uh you know i felt the plane drop but i just thought it was turbulence at that point and the airline stewardess came and she knocked on or you know she tapped on me and said listen you guys need to come and buckle up she said we've lost an engine and we need to have an emergency landing at the first airport and so it was just and i said to her i said is this real like is this is this really real and she says it's very real and so you know we all got up and we sat in our seats and we buckled up and in that moment a text came through and our dear beloved friend john we just found out he was diagnosed with leukemia and so the death of ourself or the possibility of the death of ourself in that moment plus just reading his own experience we sat there we looked at each other we held hands we prayed uh we shared just how deeply we loved each other and it just struck me how incredibly peaceful it was you know to actually choose in that moment we all chose to stay connected we all chose to stay in love in that moment and earlier that day you know i wasn't thinking of death besides that poem in that moment but it made it acutely real and i thought oh my gosh if this is my last moment of life i don't want to miss it being in the future i might die being in panic i just it was just so savoring the moment savoring the moment of that connection and being present to life being present to each other it was gorgeous and we all thanked each other for this beautiful beautiful life and this beautiful beautiful family and we sat there and we let go and we watched out the window as the plane was descending and as the plane was descending we were watching and i'm looking out in the window and there was all these ambulances like maybe five ambulances and fire trucks and like what on god's green earth are they all doing down there because it just like i don't even know but it just made it and i was like holy smokes in that moment realizing that this fbo this airport was open so that we could land the plane and all these you know medics and so forth were rushing there and it was just such a surreal gorgeous moment of life and it just struck me that death and life are so close and it was just really no different than living if you let go of the future projection of the fear of what may come and it was such an intimate amazing moment and by the grace of god our plane landed so beautifully and uh here we are but it was just it was such an incredible moment of just an acute realization that this life is so precious and we never never know and to love at that level to choose love each and every day to choose love with your beloved it's like one thing to say i love you and it's another thing to actually offer that currency to actually offer that presence to offer that joy to offer that connection to each other to your beloved rather than the expectation what they should be giving us and ask yourself if you were to die today how would you love how would you give to your to everyone in your life not even just your beloved your parents your children to actually show up and expose your heart and give all of you in that moment i think it's what we're really destined and called to do and i had the privilege to live that truth of this man and my family and mayor the other day it was so incredibly gorgeous and it hasn't left me it just i felt it changed me as a human being and i was humbled and i was ripped wide open to we were ripped wide open to the gift of life and don't let or allow life to come with a death sentence and at that moment start to live and we've had the privilege of the humbling experience of that with our own bodies in this last couple years of our lives and it's it wakes you up so we're here to wake you up together that we can all wake up together to just how beautiful it really is and to love so completely and totally and leave nothing on the table um i think it's our destiny to love at that level so thank you i love you [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Tony Robbins
Views: 76,229
Rating: 4.956388 out of 5
Keywords: tony robbins, motivation, inspiration
Id: UtwO_yWJ834
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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