Tony Robbins and Michael A Singer | Breaking Patterns and Finding Inner Peace

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hey it's Tony Robbins welcome to the podcast I'm very excited about today because it's for 13.8 billion years in the making well explain what that means in a minute but you know most of my life 41 years of my life I have been obsessed with trying to find the ways to help people having a greater quality of life whatever that is for them life on their terms not my idea of what a quality life is but theirs and you know people come to me all the time and come to events and they want to transform their business or they want to transform their body or they want to rebuild or deep in a relationship or create one or they just want to feel joy or happiness we're all pursuing all these things but really it's just this experience of life the life at its highest level that we're all searching for and over the last few decades you know early in my life I figured I didn't have much control of my external world there was so much suffering that I figured I gotta master that and so I worked hard and for decades learning from the smartest people I could how can I achieve succeed breakthrough master myself pushed myself and all those tools you could call maybe the science of achievement it's like how do you take what you envision and make it real how do you go from you know having possibility to actually creating that in your life but as I experienced that over the decades I also noticed that so many people who are great achievers were just not happy I mean I go to India I usually go about every 12 to 18 months and I remember when I first went there is like this poverty was overwhelming to me and it was so confusing to see people so happy you know cuz all around them they seemed to have such squalor I'd say if someone's sitting in the street and there was just so much joy in their eyes if you took the time to feel them and talk with them instead of judging the environment and then I come home to the United States where there's all this external abundance and you'd find people you know any of you know I wrote money master the game I mean there's 50 of the smartest financial people the world's self-made billionaires and not I wouldn't say the majority of them are really happy and has nothing to do with the money it's that the internal world was not mastered so if there's two Sciences or two master skills I think in life that we want it's life we took East and West and put them together and we didn't make the other one wrong we'd say it's mastering the science of achievement but also the art of fulfillment and of the two for the last four or five years haven't travel in the country really trained people to get people to feel and experience the beauty that comes when what's inside is great regardless of what's outside the outside world will never make you happy long-term what you get will never make you happy who you become what you experience what you give that's what makes us really happy so this session is around that deeper part but it's very pragmatic then in fact in this session my wife's age is gonna join us nice to meet our view and we're gonna do this together because this is our mutual passion and also because the man we're about to introduce you to is just so dear to us personally he is he's an extraordinary soul ISM he's a man that is deeply spiritual but also I think for you achievers out there he's built a billion-dollar business at one point here and and he did all that through guidance not so much trying to force it and I'm gonna come to him in just a moment but he wrote an incredible book and maybe how do you talk about what we just got this book deal write a book star and we both saw this book and we both grabbed it after being in India for a period of time but we were so spoken to and honestly and it's just so touch ly deep dirt or so deeply touched our lives it actually ended up being our Christmas gift for all of our beloved's about three years ago Mickey and there's a chapter that we'll share with you but it was just so incredibly poignant for me personally chapter 17 and just the the beautiful inward journey it just gave a lot of perspective and the how the what the why and brought it together in the most beautiful way and we had the privilege to meet Mickey a couple of years ago and just love his spirit and his goodness and his isness and it's just a privilege to be with here today with you Mickey lives you live in a 600 acre paradise that you've kind of uncovered and discovered and created over the years it's in the middle of a forest in Gainesville what the heck made you come out of here I'm honored to be here like your your spirit I loved when you came out and visited me to see the tremendous energy that you managed to bring forward and that you devoted yourself to helping others do that because that's what it's about like I said it's not about the outside who cares about the outside you care about how the outside affects the inside everybody cares about is what's going on in here right the exact same thing turns somebody else on turn somebody else off and what do we mean by that what does it do inside and so I'm very pleased and honored to be with you both and know you both because despite your tremendous success you haven't lost your way you know you've basically realized wait a minute it's not about that it's about the effect that that has in here well why don't my whole thing was why don't I just work in here interested that's what it's about why don't I learn to open the faucet inside so that the energy the beautiful energy you haven't it that people have the beautiful energy can be there not that somebody else has to turn on a faucet yeah not that money is wrong nothing wrong with those things right but you have the right to turn on a faucet and then have fun doing those things instead of needing those things in order to get the energy flowing I always try to be a Trojan horse people come to me for the things they want that are usually external and then my goal is to get them to what they need which is that deeper spiritual sense of aliveness and contribution and growth I want to have you share a bit of your story but I like to start first of all there's of course I wanted to do this because there's a course besides the untethered soul which we recommend you all pick up and secondly we'll talk about the surrender experiment there is a question of no that's online that is extraordinary it's eight sessions eight hours you can do it eight days of row eight weeks in row eight hours in a row whichever you prefer to do we're going to a town or the road kind of people but it really takes all of your work all of your teaching and it shares it and it's kind of the untethered soul in action so speak and in it you know you give a little 30-minute kind of free course upfront like three 10-minute sessions and those three 10-minute sessions you've got to go see these right away you talk about that the mind you know so many people are so stressed in the world would ever say that the mind is a dangerous place we're gonna be a beautiful place tell us a little bit about what that means to you and how you kind of discovered it no I discovered it by what I said realizing having some experiences inside what you all have falling in love having something go your way is realizing it's not gonna stay that way the world keeps changing why and what you're looking for is the experience and so I just I was very young too when my early twenties that I said isn't there a way to feel that all the time not have it conditionally filled all the time and where I went was very different than others is instead of trying to seek that beautiful feeling I tried to see why I don't feel a beautiful feeling what's getting in the way and I started working with okay now I have this beautiful feeling something with my way something worked why does it go away it's in there nobody else is in there but me why is it go away and I watched very carefully like a scientist and saw that it was the mind that my mind would just sit there and say yeah well she says she loves me but other people who told me that that's it the mind the minute of my says that that's all there's love flowing in there right and then they notice that it was always saying that what's doing it and I notice it would say things like well I'll be happy if this happens okay and yes it's true if that happened I'd be happy but there are 700 billion other things that could have happened instead of that and by saying I'll be happy if that happens you said I won't be happy for the rest yeah because I'm looking just for that and I started watching this and a lot of time with that and realize in the mind can be a serious problem all right but it is also true that if you learn to work with it not mind control but learn to understand why the mind is doing what it's doing and undercut that that you will find that it's a tremendously beautiful tool that can serve you beautifully instead of being a party to it so - and and I felt like going through the course itself I felt like it just gave fundamental principles of the why we experience this and it's something that people really don't talk about I mean I think it's the one common ground that unites all of us and this human experience on earth school we all experience pain we all feel fear we all can feel crazy inside of our minds at times and I just felt like it gave just such a beautiful context of the why and understanding that why the clear way to be able to navigate and catch yourself and get some distance to get behind that in the most beautiful way and I just felt like there was just such a you gave such beautiful examples and I was we watched it like a Netflix binge watch it was just you're so beautiful and you gave such consistent context of the understanding that just really created a beautiful unraveling inside Mickey thank you I think people in the West see the power of the mind from the standpoint of like you talked about we split the atom we put a man on the moon for God's sakes but then we don't realize that if we don't train and step out of the mind that it starts to run us especially technology today is really going to refine that so what is it why is it this dangerous place and how can we begin to change it or begin to come to something deeper it took me a long time to actually clearly see what was going on because the first thing you try to do is shut the thing up shut up it's not about mind control right it's why is the mind doing that not don't do that yes why would it do that somebody wants to ask me if slightly read the intelligence all and talk about that voice in your head drives you crazy they literally said why did God put that in there why would he do such a thing right and you're like no no no no that's not what happens all right and then the most succinct way I can say it what happened is as follows all right you have had experiences we all have in our lives that were not pleasant somebody hurt us the house burned down they a broken arm lots of things we saw snake lots of things happen that when they come in we hoard in their don't enjoy the experience they don't like the experience but what we do because we don't want to have the experience is we try to push it away we try to control it so it doesn't come all the way into us and it seems natural like if somebody took a swing at you you you put your arm up oh this is like that something comes in and you have hands in there right and you use your will to keep this from coming too close oh you don't realize is that when you do that it stays inside of you gets trapped it stays inside of you it's trapped you trapped the energy with all of that discord right because you didn't let it pass you didn't let it free and by the time you spend a very little period of time on this earth you've collected a bunch of those right psychology says your formative years are what the collection that stuff right it doesn't want to stay in there that's what you understand yeah it's not true that it's burned into your brain and you are holding it there with your will and you know that because every time it comes back up you push it back down somebody's so afraid to feel right somebody says something that disturbs you and you said I need a moment if you're lucky if you don't hit them right I need a moment right and you started with your brass and you put and they say I'm okay now no you're not you pushed it back down okay and so in a to make a long story short it's a long story right what would happen if you collected every single thing that disturbed you during your entire life inside of your mind you would have a disturbed mind and that's what's going on for the vast majority of us so you know one of the things that I loved in the course there was an insight it was so simple but you know I always believed that most of us make things eye to eye so complex and that's the enemy of execution is complexity so you did a beautiful job of simplicity I've shared it many times also to remind myself that whenever we feel stressed we offer frustration anger worry sadness loneliness whatever depression any emotion that disturbs us that what most of us do is we try to focus on the outside world to change something change her a change and change the environment change the job change the culture change the music change the something but we're all trying to change the outside world so that we can feel good on the inside when a reality we just need to go work on the inside so what's the with our triggers you know when when we when life strikes us and we feel that internal reaction to the external world it's still what's going on inside so my experience is first of all there are things you can do but the same things everybody else teaches which is don't hit somebody don't the learns that shut your mouth up you know don't let that express through your mouth because you're gonna pay for that right so the first thing is a certain amount self-control which we all need or not to be successful right but that's not the answer yeah right the answer is every single moment is not the big stuff that you work with that's too late it already bothered you it's you got it yes you have to deal with it yeah but what I want and what I've learned is there is every moment of your life little things that create little irritation the drivers driving 50 miles an hour below the speed limit in front mean you're in a rush it rains when you have to get out and deliver something it's hot it etc etc right somebody doesn't say hello hey Sally how you doing she doesn't turn oh my god you will watch your mind cause serious problems alright so to me that is where the growth comes from in those moments are you willing to say come on what's the cost-benefit analysis of bothering myself about the driver in front of me he's not bothering them I guarantee you that I'm hearing a word you're saying right so as a business person we're supposed to take cost-benefit analysis the maximum benefit for the least cost those are 100% costs zero benefit right or wrong okay so you don't do it so you learn and there are lots of techniques you just learn to work with yourself you can neutralize it by saying something nice you can get a mantra going inside see and pay attention to something else instead of that or my ultimate teaching and this year's also in the sense is you relax you relax you just sit there and say I can relax and breathe it's okay that this is happening and then what you're doing is allowing the energy to release the whole idea is you don't engage with it you sit behind it and you allow it to release and not only do you go through that moment okay now right but you've actually list some of that stored up stuff that's causing the problem like what is road rage it's somebody who because somebody beeped at them or is driving slow has so much stuff inside of them that it needs an excuse to come out yeah that's it okay so we all I hope I hope in on already but we all have stuff inside that we've stored over our lives lost so by backing off and letting go in these simple little situations they matter it matters that you're complaining about the heat yeah you're saying that it's not innocent you're you're permitting sometimes you get very angry about some stupid thing you're giving a channel for your stuff to come up you learn yourself to play exactly and so instead you relax it's go R&R you get our arm back some releases right and what will happen is not only do you make it past that moment without causing a lot of trouble and taking out all kinds of stuff but you let some of that stuff go and you get into the habit of realizing hey I don't want that stuff inside of me yes in order to do that I think you have to see that everything isn't life and death but your preferences are life allow you know because you see people we think if it doesn't happen this way but all hell breaks loose and no if you stay with it I won't break something better will show up you know I interviewed that I used to interview for years I did a course where we had a night we called you have no problems and I would bring in people who had what you most people consider to be a real problem you know somebody who was a woman who was raped by her father when if you went to it house speech impediment couldn't speak well and how hard of hearing and when she tried to tell somebody he had her institutionalized that she's a comedian or names the Cathy Buckley dear friend of mine or a young man who was you know six foot two blond blue-eyed you know girls loved him lifeguard in Newport Beach California and one day 24 years old he dives in a wave and boom breaks his neck quadriplegic for life and I bring them on stage and interview them because the ones I look for over the ones that have this incredible joy every moment of their life and he can't move in his mouth to write and to push the buttons and move things around and I never asked him and reason I was saying the story as I said to him you know how do you do it he goes told me good guys like you're not great at the boulders of life you know sits the pebbles that f you up he goes the things you're not ready for you step on so what you just said is so true talk about if you would for us how we make our preferences life and death and how do we let go that how because for achievers letting go is not a termination like surrender sounds like giving up and letting go but really what to me it is is look you look at what's the diminished in fear and faith they're both made up well you're really saying when you're letting go you're having faith that there's something even greater will come from there something good will come to this that there's a higher guidance in this process that's my perception and I want to know yours my perception is that's fine and I agree it's it's more grounded it's more base great to sit there and say if I am driving down the street and that person is driving below the speed limit and I am causing myself anxiety in trouble right and getting ulcers and then getting mad at the kids or whatever the heck it is right yeah that I don't want that so it's not so much getting what I want it's seeing some bottom-line stuff why am i doing that doesn't make right and so I would encourage people to just even look at that low-hanging fruit yeah what's getting in the way that's right you're doing it yeah the ones that you're doing completely yourself and say can I learn to not do this alright how you go about it it's a very personal thing right but it's something you start owning that how can I be happy if I'm making myself unhappy so what people do is they make themselves unhappy then try to find a situation that will compensate for it yeah look that's ridiculous like I I'm insecure and I don't feel loved and nobody can really love me and I got all these emotional problems I need to find somebody that will make me fill up yeah that's ridiculous you live in there you're doing this yeah if you would just work with yourself you're gonna find out that everything makes you feel loved cuz you stop closing yourself yeah that's what comes down to for myself what's so interesting just on my own path it's for those of you listening it starts because you're we're in there at the beginning I didn't even know what I was believing in thinking you know you just you feel the resistance or you feel the discomfort physically and then it's like the once you have the awareness you're able to get a bit of distance behind it and then it was almost like I felt like I was watching myself like well that's dramatic I would literally be like well that was a dramatic response that's unnecessary and what came for at the beginning it was for myself anyways it was almost hard to catch it because it was happening so often I was unaware of what I was aware of you told him you know at the very beginning but with the awareness of mind and using for myself my body I just look at when I'd felt the resistance it's like we know when we're open and you're connected but when I'd start to feel like resistance or a shutdown or attention I've been like what on God's green earth it literally took that to actually start to identify what I was actually feeling or thinking and then with that awareness it was like well this is I get a bit of distance behind and have the awareness how ridiculous it was and almost saw myself and it brought humor it brought humor rather than the charge of being in it and caught by it it's so beautiful and it's a endless daily beautiful humbling practice it's it's truly it yes freeing yourself daily on in life brings things that's like as soon as you start to get transcendence or understanding in one area then life will give you something else and it's like oh this too and that's the beautiful endless inward journey of really freeing ourselves in experiencing internal liberation if you're having that stress just driving in the car because someone is doing something you can't control it's probably not just that right it's a stacking of all those things through time so you ask a question early in the untethered soul will you say do you really want to be how do you want to be happy do you know or do you not want to be happy and you talk about making that decision and that's something we had just made ironically the foot read the book so it was so like guiding affirmed but let's talk about that look why aren't most people happy and they have the ability to be happy they think something in the outside will make them happy they get it and maybe they're happy or maybe they go is this all there is but what is it that's missing it what is that decision that's missing and when people make that decision how does life change I'm a foundational person all right yeah foundation is because you've collected all this stuff inside that was not pleasant you're not doing okay in there right if you collected every bad smell you ever had in your life and dumped into your house your house wouldn't smell too good right you've literally collect made a collection the bad experiences yeah so therefore it's not comfortable in there so shorts long story short you go to the mind which is brilliant and you say Oh mind what needs to happen so that it doesn't get worse and so I feel better and it goes to its memory bank experiences had and I said well when she said she loved me I felt better when I would do Europe I felt better when everybody applauded oh my god I felt better right so the mind builds this model of how the world needs to be for me to feel better than I feel and then you go out there and try to make it happen so that is to me a losing battle all right because of the world you don't own the world I think so larious how we think right what's going on everywhere so you're having one moment and you don't control all the rest of the moments but you think I control that one I can get every moment that passes by me to be who I want it to be how are you gonna do that how do you make the weather be what you want how will you make her be in the mood you yeah they're saying that so what you said in essence is there's only one way like a laser beam one way that the woman in front of me can be that I will feel better yeah well then you're not gonna feel better once in a while it will happen but the vast majority of the time you won't so the answer once you understand the foundation is to take a look at that and say well that's a silly way to try and be okay if I'm not feeling well inside okay why don't I go in there and get rid of the stuff that's making me not feel well and so you don't achieve me you don't sit there and define this is what I need I need a boat I need a boat bigger than Tony's right right and that's what we'll do it well then you're gonna spend your whole life a lot of anyways not being okay because you have that boat yeah all right instead you sit there and say what I need to do is clean up in here yes that's what I need to do and how do that clean up you clean up my way which is different in others is you deal with these simple little things of life every day as they come up and people are saying oh how do I know that I'm so much in you I don't know to deal with next you'll know it's not some Herculean thing it's just if it is coming up and disturbing me I am going to do something to work with it right as opposed to compensate for it or risa press it right and I teach lately there's three main cat or right you can sit there and use positive thinking affirmation right that's what a lot of them teach so that if it's complaining about the car in front of you I do that with my mind cuz he likes to complain about that I would sit there and say right I have a way I like to drive I like to drive five miles our lucila not too much I want your ticket five miles over the speed limit you're probably more that's right well this person has the way they like to drive 50 miles that it should be my way then I talked I would talk that that's called positive thinking all right and then I feel well I'm being nice I want to give this person the right to drive the way they do deserve all right but it feels good me that's a giving yes right this you let that's a kind of surrender you're letting go of that part of your being to honor respect reality right and the other that I have found is very powerful it's a traditional technique is train your mind not on the site but when you're meditating when you're driving but somebody train your mind to say something over and over again all right it can be a mantra it can be though when people are into all that stuff I tell them just say I can handle this just train your mind today I can handle this I can handle this I can handle this then when something takes place that tries to pull your consciousness your awareness into that negativity you'll find this is still going on because it's a habit the - full of habit says no you made a good habit so now you have a choice put your consciousness on the noise or put your consciousness on the repetition you know the mantra the higher mind yeah right and that works - so now that you've moved your consciousness instead of having to change the mind right the mind is free to release the whole idea is releasing because when you let it release it's releasing the stuff that made it be like that and all of a sudden over time right you'll start to be happier for no reason of course there's a reason you're not carrying the garbage inside it yeah and you relax supporting ultimately get in its relaxation yes ultimately you can use all these techniques but when you really are getting there you just relax keep your hands off its judo right something attacked you let it go right there's a whole blade of grass versus the oak tree yes a hurricane can't rip off a great glass may break break break an oak tree that's right you just and that's what surrendered me surrender does not mean not doing your best at what you're doing and not being competitive and or giving stuff it doesn't mean that it means are you willing to let go of your resistance one - what's going on outside and your resistance to letting go of the thing that's ruining your life which is the stuff you stored inside yeah like people get divorced okay it happens people get divorced religion no work but they don't really get divorced they keep having the same argument going on inside the mind for years right they're afraid to go to a party with their ex they're not divorced yeah they're only divorced outside you don't need to carry this stuff inside it's not true that it's burned into your brain all right when all those metaphors of people use lock them in place you know those metaphors make you start to believe that life is your metaphor you have the right to relax instead of resist one of the chapters Nanta soul is a spiritual path of non-resistance yes yes right and if you will do that I'm telling you with not even did nothing else if you do that you will start to get higher naturally and then the bigger stuff will come up but because you trained we've talked about building horsemen yes this is your inner core strength that's great right because you know that's right you press exactly you built the ability to handle the discomfort because it was stored with pain it's gonna come back with pain but would you rather have the pain stay in there get it over with the one chapter in untethered soul that served me so greatly was and I actually recommend when we give the book I recommend I sits I literally will say chapter by chapter xvii the chapter of death and for myself it was so profound reading that chapter and it completely shifted how I relate to life and just those incidental moments not that I can't still get hooked but it gave me the understanding of if this was my last day on this planet and to really live that truth it shifted completely how just the little pebbles and if I felt myself hooked I would just be like this is you living your life this is me living my life and I don't want to miss a moment it's too precious and that chapter that understanding and using death or just that chapter multiple times and it just brings life the preciousness of life sometimes when we get caught up in our mind or thoughts get in the way to actually just let it go and to connect to the dearness it really it was such a beautiful profound chapter Mickey so I'm interested in course I love the jewel turret the course yeah like to me I've written the books they were popular and so on the course was the first time that I had the time to say what I want to say I'm really talking now or a long hour and a half something like that yeah right and you you see what I did and you hang it down logical what affected you almost what did you get the most from the course what this is which which of the sessions yeah I think there's so many pieces I think well the first thing is one I mentioned earlier which is really realizing that I do it too that there are times when inside doesn't feel good frustration whatever it is and then I'm looking to fix things on the outside I'm good at that but I also know the futile nough satin the end because none of that lasts right so I just just the awareness about alone she said I've caught myself starting to do that no no no no let's stay right here right now and then when you say relax I had to create something you know I'm an achiever like you are but you you have two different lifestyle and somebody relaxing so how the hell you do that you know so for me it's taking the breath it's just taking the breath and slowing it down because when it slows down and it doesn't have the urgency that makes things grow and makes them bigger than they are and the other thing I think I realized was and I realized this before but I thought in a different way was you know the perfection I've always known like when I stand up and speak or someone stands up in their need it's done when I stand up and that's not an ego thing it's not me it's like it comes through me I just know if they're standing up in this moment it's done and then it unfolds and I see where it is but that's true when I'm serving others but I don't know if that's true I use that so much everywhere else I began to realize just how cheap my happiness was because I have all these rules I have all these companies and people and things that are going on and you know you've run a very large company and I've got 54 companies now to give you an idea and 1400 employees and so what are the chances if I pick up my phone right now that somebody's messing up if my definition of messing up is doing different than I think so I realize all it took for me to be unhappy was that I'm happier if they got is my phone right I'm popping uh-oh and we ride that road love it you know I think the average person really Oh today we watch books her phone 86 times a day and they're under 30 127 I probably come up with these numbers but that's what they've averaged but it's a dopamine hit up and down they're just realizing oh my god if everyone has to behave the way I think they should for me to be able to let go then I'm gonna be like going rare moments you know and so I think that part I think the other part was and I'd love maybe if you give the riff we talked about people are so stressed about this is gonna work or not and talking about this moment is really made up of 13.8 billion years would you maybe give a little format I think that would be really beautiful for people just as that's an example of where I love the course because I had the time yes yes so what what we do in the second session was to sit there and say I mean basically let's just start there that what the course is basically saying is hello are you in there who are you - I know you said I'm in there right all these years hello you in there yeah no one ever said no hi are you in who are you alright so just whoever you are you know you're in there what's it like in there and that's what the course does what's it like and what's your experience of being in there and what you realize is well I experience the outside world that's all I experience I have a mind yeah going on in there and I have this thing called a heart that emanates emotions and that's your experience is that you are in their experience in these things and then in the course each session we take one of those things at a time right to say well what really is the mind what really is the outside what we're really is your heart and what is your relationship to it and what can be a relationship to it right so you're asking about the section that said what is the world and it is it is it has helped me so much in my growth to case that perspective right and you sit there and you realize did you make the moment in front of you Tony you're very powerful people people see you're very successful right how much of this you see in front of did you make you to mint the camera no dude you've met these people do you know them right since then the entire thing around you has nothing to do with you yes pendant yes right and yet you I love what you said you define the only way you're gonna be okay as if it's exactly what you made up yeah well you're not yeah all right and so you ask the real question of why is it the way it is where did it come from yeah and that course starts back with cosmology it starts with the Big Bang because all scientists agree that's where I came from what does that mean right and you come back out of the cosmic soup all right invasive these atoms get created you didn't do that did you I don't think she did either right and all this goes and then they they they bond together because of the laws of of electromagnetics right then the way the atoms get together and electrons get together in all of quantum physics and all that stuff you have to understand it you just understand you didn't do it nor did Einstein nor does the quantum physicists that named it quantum or particles big the quantum particles they didn't do it it happened by itself through all these years right and then eventually it made this this molecule called DNA yeah whoa right and that DNA created every single animal in humans and why your eyes are blue you didn't do any of it so for 13.8 billion years this went on right and the end result is in front of you how do you not go WOW I mean the one that I really see people's mouths drop so I sit there and say wait a minute if you don't get this right if your great-great-great grandmother didn't meet your great-great great-grandfather you ain't here yeah that's right and they go whoa that's true of everything if if they sometimes I don't know II told the story of the course but I make up a story right that there were dinosaurs in Florida okay dinosaur tell the story right and one dinosaur during a mud storm stepped his big foot somewheres right and of course the water went in and this and that that's what Lake it's true every single thing happen by itself and now you drop down with your consciousness and what's there now after 30 minute billion years comes into your consciousness and all you do is compare it against what you made up you compare it against your past experience of like and dislike and you get mad at the way it is or you run after it yeah it's crazy yeah it's crazy to fight what life has given us as opposed to appreciate what life's not essentially how to utilize what the key is to sit there and say what I rather be on Mars or an empty outer space and have nothing going on no but this is the gift that was given to me what at the moment in front of you yes right but it's not what I wanted what are you a two-year-old like there's nothing to do is what you wanted but the only way I can be happy was what I wanted you did that yes why don't you sit there and say I want it to be the way it is so that I can have the honor of appreciating with 13.8 billion years in all of physics and science created for me to play with learn from challenge by rights like a sport nobody says it has to be the way you want when you play sports the other team's not gonna do what you want or think that's right you got to be on your toes and have enjoy the experience and being the zone right you should live in the zone can't do that if what you've done is developed a mindset that's saying the only ones would be okay is if it's this way yeah right so that's where you're 13.8 billion years comes from yeah right and that notion make you for myself in the course you know you get in life and we can all innocently and ignorantly fall asleep and you get up and you see your partner your spouse you go to work you come home and there's just this monotonous energy that we can all fall asleep in and what I so loved in the beginning I said if you were my science teacher in school I would have been obsessed because it just gave this broader understanding but in that broader understanding that gave perspective and just going out further it created more ah it created more wonder for just life itself for actually living and breathing I remember the one of the first times I was ever in India we went to Varanasi and I was standing there there was just like these sea of humans that looks like chaos and yet everything has everything's all just happening perfectly and I'd never felt more in Sigmund in the most beautiful way like it was just a sense that whether I'm here or not all this life is happening and I felt that you demonstrated that in a way in such a and in like literally where we like life itself you know something's beating this heart and we don't even have an awareness and appreciation of that and so that just really I don't know it brought more ah and wonder and just humility of just this miracle of life in itself and you did such a masterful job in you're just in your own passion and enthusiasm came through that it just it engaged us in such a beautiful way and I loved every minute I loved everything surely surely it's beautiful examples though you remind me of what we talked about over the courses like there's something like ten trillion cells in your body that are communicating working living breathing eating and so on it's all done perfectly right and you sit there and you say well I need the business to be this way right what was last time you thanked your liver was that you think yes plane and pancreas if they went wrong you ain't got no business it's right and you start just take it all for granted yeah and then your mind defines this little tiny thing saying I'm only okay if this happens why are you doing that so it doesn't mean that you're not a great business person or a great athlete or so on it just means you unburden yourself from this negativity that the mind is create and the limitation of saying I'm only okay if this happens right now you can bring your whole being into the decision-making process into the sports process into your relationships instead of trying to use the outside to compensate for the problems you're having it's a whole different life than that it's it's people and our culture I've been conditioned to value things different than what really matters and it's like even happiness is poo-pooed and happiness is an advantage happy people are better relationships having people you want to be around them happy people are better parents happy people do better in business happy people have more connections to happy but more health and so the question that you're asking really is what's keeping me from the happiness and some people think it was Airy but you really got to see his it's your constriction of everything happened to be a certain way for you to be happy that's the only thing getting in the way and if you can learn to appreciate whatever life is offering you right now you can still appreciate use it and then shape what you're capable of shaping whatever God in the universe is giving you that's a different world I want to bring forth to know something I think it's important cuz you some viewers can be sitting or listeners can be sitting back string airy-fairy stuff but you use this one of these life so much respect for you is not only the poetry of your soul and how do you communicate especially in your writing and especially in this course but it's also you've lived this you know you you live you know kind of I'm gonna set my static commas lifestyle for most people's perception you in the forest and you you have your classes and the people you with it's beautiful but you've also a man of the world them you built a billion-dollar computer company and you know the surrender experiment you really talked about your journey I wonder if you'd share with us a little bit of journey like only was it's eight years ago you went through about a seven-year cycle the government coming at you unfairly could you talk about that cuz I think it'll give more gravitas to people might be sitting down okay these guys are talking to happiness and letting go and yeah yeah be spiritual and all that crap let's talk about for pragmatic perspective tell people what you built and what would happen if you would experiment which is very difficult to write to me a long time to write that book and get it to where it wasn't I don't want people to take it as my autobiography because it wasn't meant to be that yes it was meant to get across how do you live this life I'll show you by example yes yes that's when people are getting it oh yeah but basically because I was doing this work on myself because I found to myself I'm not going out there and bothering other people to be the way I need them to be because I have problems it's not nice sound nice everybody's trying to make everybody else believe what I believe or you're evil do what I believe okay a few more young holes between Republican Democrat editor that's right so I decided to do this work on myself and I've devoted that my life to that that each situation I'm gonna let go of what I can that's disturbing and what happened and I'm not the only person has happens to I don't have truth has happened that you haven't anybody who's really successful yeah if you really look at it you didn't do it you know came and you can't anticipate it right but it the uterus unfolded in a way that presented opportunities to you there's no right to take credit for that even if you're very smart how do you know how to be smart who gave you your brain Yeah right what if your brain stopped coming up with answers you wouldn't know what to do right and so you become humbled a little bit to realize you're given the gifts of your love your body of your life of your brain of your heart of your abilities being born in this time in history every everything alright and so I kept letting go and what happened is somehow the universe I the story of the computer right as I walked into a radio sex store and my god it must have been 19 1978 all right when the first pcs were coming out they weren't even quote PC Jie an IBM hadn't even thought about putting a computer out I was that little Radio Shack trs-80 so I use a little keyboard and it just fascinated me you know and that's more of the kind of stuff you talk about somebody's passion and where that comes from right yeah I can't explain that for all I know is but you finally touch the keys and they came up on a screen I'd never seen that before ever no one had yeah you typed the typewriter came out of a piece of paper not just touched it came up on a computer screen right and so I took one home and I taught myself the program alright and so yes it took a certain amount of intelligence and whatever it is but a lot of everybody has is we have human brains they're very smart right we just use them for the wrong thing all right and basically as one thing unfolded to another I ended up the book tells the story ended up writing a medical billing package people asked me to I didn't decide asked me to and I wrote it and it went crazy there was some point 25% of all independent physician nights space reason my software in 25% of all independent Oh states of america we're using that software while all right and that went out in 81-82 first in the market and that yeah national distributor picked it up people's not these odd version but that piece of software the medical manager is still being somebody the other day told me that they went out and had a way to check that forty four thousand people at that moment were logged into medical manager i said thirty-five years later Wow that's ridiculous right so technology well it evolved but it was still the same software right good so in any event basically I learned this thing which I call surrender which is I don't have to do this what I have to do is be open ready in the zone that's the word you all use yes and participate in what is unfolding in front of me and my experience is if I do that it's there later look it's higher than me deciding what it all should be right and kind of participating as an inspiration comes event it's a it's miraculous really all right but life is miraculous is that yeah alright and then you asked me to talk to really talk about it but at some point in this giant company bill we went public all this stuff happening at one point I had twenty three hundred employees reporting to me all right I'm CEO I'm running this stuff okay I mean obviously I'm not doing any thoughts of other people working all right but I'm in charge right yeah and all of a sudden one day somebody gives me a call and says you better come back to the office they said why because the FBI is here but why is the FBI here well it did somebody get lost it's already it's a raid the entire Sheriff's Department is here there's ten FBI people running around they have guns they're armed they've taken over the facility what and my wildest dreams I couldn't it was going on Wow all right and so what happened is one of the employees that did not work and where I worked or I was worked from his home remotely had been stealing you know it had been doing kickbacks I'm doing very bad things all right which we knew nothing about all right we had actually the lawyers had caught something they were getting when investigating but what he did was I don't need to tell the story again in the book is he used his his manipulative power slice that it earned millions of ill-gotten dollars and went and faded he was caught so he went to the government and said we told him to do it that the entire executive team knew it how could they not know what he was doing come on right right and they bought into it right and he turned witness right against and the people are trying to do their jobs I don't blame them you follow me for the entire FBI and the entire just Department there were three raids of three different cities and they said for six years that every single thing they could to prove that we that we knew what he was doing that we should be responsive what he did and he got off he served one year but they say they let him off of everything right and so that was a heck of a thing to go through it was times in that did you tell the story looked like your lawyer who was really fighting for you and starting to make progress develops cancer and now yes go off and get cancer treatment and then the judge gets changed I mean you had so many things that you could not control that would seem insane and yet through it all you would stop breathe relax let go and just trust that this is guy guiding you to higher place what happened well my view was I wasn't even the higher place thing my view was I devoted my life to letting go of the garbage that comes up inside of me you're saying you're the mastermind behind this great they really did ten of us and they were all in us in the entire they did that there are General Counsel the CPA the outside accounting firm they had to prove everybody was wrong if they were gonna sit there and say it was a conspiracy right so basically I kept letting go that's what I do I just kept letting go honoring the experience honoring the purification and I did not let my mind say it'll work out fine that's what's so I can handle this and miraculously the whole thing went away was just as if somebody pulled a string they dropped all the charges they've dropped everybody else's charges it's like a judge very very very rare that would take place how far gone now that I went through all of these processes by letting go yes yes by surrendering doesn't mean I didn't have a great lawyer and a big it was a big case all right and all the finest lawyers in Washington and everybody work on this thing so you didn't see me you don't do but then you're surrounded whatever week I surrendered what was coming up inside of me that was having difficulty situation I want to be able to sit on a planet spin through space while I'm here and enjoy the journey and boy that's a lot easier that's part of the journey yeah all right how many people get to tell that story Leroy I've got to tell my grandkids but you also got spiritual muscle you women it's like as soon as you claim okay I'm gonna be happy no matter what no matter you know the rains on my parade of people are in Tuscon they're gonna be a just gonna rain you pray but the minute you do that you get tested I found that my own life health-wise your tests was so large that you expanded through that and now that's why we're easy to give your gift of millions of people but I want people to know you're not to sit here talking a good game say yeah relax and let go you've lived it in the real world and because of that you have the joy that you continuously have today the neatest parts of this I I think I said in this render experiment is the untethered soul is a very popular book sold millions of copies Oprah literally said it was the new bill burr gives away to everybody right yeah that book was written in the midst of this investigation Wow they were after me while all that was happening shows if you're willing to let go you go about your life's business you do not let these things bother you yes right and I remember when I told her that right she what I remember doing the interview with her she said I wish I knew you because she said I can't do that then they pick up me I get in trouble right yeah I wish I knew you back right and she didn't show it on the show she took it out of the interview but I said open you did it she just was like that and I said you didn't know me said why I said that book you like so much right I wrote that during that time it's incredible so there you got to know me cool so that's that's how good you can be all right you see you're right you have to build your muscle you look you do it with the fact that somebody peeped at you if you can't handle that you can't handle this I want to say again on untethered soul hope is your friend of ours she's giving this to everybody but like Ray Kurzweil who many of you know create a digital music created you know Siri creator than you make a great a scientist alive anybody who really picks this up pragmatic or spiritual doesn't matter what you think you are you're gonna find answers in this book and you'll find answers in this course and I just I really want to promote the course for you because most people don't read please read it but it read it and do the course because you know the course the little bite-size at a time at how at a time or just go online and do the 30 minute version and it will hook you because right now we have this limited amount of time and Nicky's sharing from his heart and we're interacting but wait that's just pure his soul saying here's how you find peace joy love in your life no matter what here's how you have sustained happiness that's a promise that just anybody would be crazy not to take up on well honestly I just wanted to say thank you Mickey because you navigated that time in your life so consciously and you brought meaning and you unraveled and you let go something was so struck me out of the course besides the decision of making the decision of living you know in happiness and in living fulfilled in a happy life was actually being able to sit with pain that notion out of the the course itself for myself it's like say if something happens it's unpleasant or it's painful it's fear for whatever the emotion is that's passing through what I found was it was like with the awareness of the preciousness that today could be the last day of life then there was like an appreciation rather than a resistance the experience it's like okay this is life too and finding beauty and meaning and then it was like getting behind there a bit and noticing that okay sensations funny feeling in my gut funny feeling you know demeaning you just started notice sensations and as I noticed sensations it was easier to get behind it and less identify with it and have less of a charge and that's a constant process it's a constant process but I'm so deeply grateful to you for walking that path as clearly as you did because that unraveling that happened for you it's happening for me and I'm and I truly just want to say thank you because it's one thing to find meaning when life not only looking a certain way but on that inner world of happiness or experiencing whatever that joy or connectedness or intimacy of dearness or love or preciousness but then actually being able to sit with an experience and actually feel that fully and it's like just the awareness that wow this is just a sensation you know the thought and getting behind that it was just transformational for me personally so I just wanted to say thank you making slowing down or the relaxation I think of relaxation I prefer me I think of it I've got to slow it down when it slows down it doesn't have the bite it doesn't have the power I'm able to become the witness how do you slow it down and is that an important part of it or not I don't any longer have to slow it down it's the walk side by different stages right now so first and in the book there's a chapter called but over said was her favorite chapter was called let go now or fall yes the moment is very much but you're on it the moment you see like anger doesn't happen all the once it starts there it starts down there that's when you have to deal with it yes seer enough to say I don't even want to know what I'm about to get angry about yes I know that that's not a part of my being I need to listen to alright so when it starts you relax right it's that commitment to rely on you relax your shoulders relax your chest relax your tummy doesn't take time there's nothing you have to put aside time to do this right you just have to be conscious there's we we committed all right so you relax it and you lean away you just lean away from the noise right and you actually don't realize that at first it feels good because you didn't get angry you didn't get all involved or neurotic or whatever was right you react but you're actually leaning into a deeper part of your being when you lean away from the lower part of your being and I want to do one little thing because a lot of your people are very successful obviously they work with you so they get successful right and I often have people say to me I don't want to give up the fear I don't want to give the anger it's what drives me it's what I use come on it's an old track you know they say that searching it's what I use to be successful right if I give that up why would I get it up in the morning they actually ask them right and what what you're missing is for one thing there are lots of things you can use drugs all kinds of things please note alright that temporarily will momentarily can give you some energy right but they will destroy you anger will destroy your fear will destroy you they burn out your adrenals they burn out your system so it's not a long-term solution and this question of if I don't have that to drive me why would anything drive me right have your phone loved who's ever fallen in love do you find that you're driven to be with the person do you finally want to get things for him or her do you fight right yes love is a motivator way greater than fear or for anxiety or or any of that kind of things you know anger love motivates you to give and express itself love wants to express itself so what happens is when you let go of this lower stuff you start noticing love starts to come up you're starting to open up to the higher energies and love can run business you look at Steve Jobs they fired him when he came back look what he did to that company why because he was inspired that's a fear that's not anger yeah right it's inspiration yeah an inspiration can't happen when you're giving your way to the lower parts of your being right and so that's the real understand is there's work to do to raise your energies up to a higher level then let those motivate you and they don't burn out love doesn't burn out well like we'll never last come on will you gotta learn well but will doesn't last not the difference do you push and pull with a fear it will are pushes you know love this poet imposes on like you said forever there's an energy inside of us you have a lot of it know that there's an energy inside and say everybody though it's much right there's an energy inside of every single person that if they take away the walls and the blockages is inspiring it's uplifting it feeds you from inside people people that are into religion and stuff we don't talk about about that but in the Bible Christ said man does not live by bread alone but by every word that leave at the mouth of the Father believe it or not that's what he's talking yes that you don't get your energy from outside yeah right you get it from this beautiful flow inside right call it whatever you want call it inspiration called spirit call it Chuck Daly and east we call it that right it's it's the energy of your being but it's blocked so instead of trying to push through the blockages and make it flow anyways by finding something that turns you on remove the blockages and you wake up in the morning giggle right and what can happen today is you build a billion-dollar company I don't care it doesn't have to whatever and you become inspired inspired being and then it's contagious it's like you are everybody gets turned on by somebody who's turned on so it's a if you bring to the world turned on because it's our true nature all it is is it's flipping on the light it was like darkness only exists what I'm hearing you say is it's often times I'll try to get people the metaphor of how people tell me their most stressful thought often very often and they'll say oh we're gonna make it up ladies my business is gonna make it am i doing enough for my kid you know all the things that people do in their heads and in a large room 10 15 ounce people say who else has the spots been around for a thousand years you really think is your thought and so that process but what shifts the energy for me is to often use the metaphor of like turning the you know a cable TV you turn to one channel and it's all horror pictures to another it's all calling romance you have developed these ways of lifting the energy to those higher energy levels and it's higher energy it's like it connects you to a different thought pattern or different emotion different experience what are the ways you've described that this the you mean have to worry about slowing down anymore but the letting it down letting it go relaxing separating back from the away from but going deeper into the deepest true self is there anything else that people can do or any other triggers you can give them that can help them to make that separation and come back to the truth in the traditionally and and you know tradition sometimes have meaning and purposes there's this thing called meditation right and it's becoming very popular but not you know meditation you get enlightened and not meditate for hours isn't necessarily right 15 minutes in the morning 15 minutes in the evening it's like you work out just like you work with your diet right yes and you use that time to come in tune with yourself it doesn't be spiritual experiences or white lights or anything like that yeah you use that time to sit there and say what is my mind doing you're gonna be afraid to look right and practice witness consciousness what you're talking about and what will happen if you do that is just exactly what sage said your seat will become more we call it becoming established in the seat of self yes okay you're just there your consciousness you're there right and you realize I'm looking if let's say someone came to you and said my heart hurts right normally a normal person with therapy and what's wrong and who did what they don't want to come to me right will them do it because I'm gonna say the same thing every time how do you know you should see their face if you say that how do you know your heart hurts it's like that's not what you supposed to say how do you know your horrors and eventually to get mad at me I say because I'm in here and I see it and I'll print on to them who's in there who's in there right you're not the hurting heart you're the one who's experiencing the hurting heart so the more you come back in tune with yourself yes right the easier it is to let go so meditation taking a little bit of time for working with yourself you develop these habits they're just good habits right just like if you want to build a business or service and if there's something broken you go to a doctor you work on it you talk about that on the book and in the course if your your heart was already armed sort of used to go to somebody but when your mind is constantly chattering with what you aren't doing it's not enough you're not pretty enough you're not strong enough smart enough or whatever people do inside their heads or it isn't working the way it should we don't do anything with it so you're saying take 15 minutes twice a day and get some witness get some experience from that let go of that and develop the habit of that so that when it does happen in a life you've already got that muscle built that's right and I'll share from my own experience it's clunky in the beginning just for those of you that are watching because it doesn't happen immediately and it really is practice and for myself if I would say if we were relating and I came in hot one day and hours already and I was already in it so I was charged I was already it was already happening in the moment that for myself I don't know the statement helps me so much this is me living my life and then note once again it's just like bringing death right there and it's like I don't want to relate that way and so in the moment I have awareness for myself I just own it and take responsibility and say sorry because to say sorry it just it's like it connects you and it offers a different currency I think what's so beautiful too is you know as speaking of the higher energies it's a currency it's an energy and in love gives of itself and as we get more out of our way rather than I want the external to love mirror I want this to make me feel good it's like this flowering of this opening as we continue to let go that this love just it just wants to give it just wants to serve and it's so natural and for myself if there's a moment that you know I don't feel that I'm my best self to actually own that into just communicate that and convey then I'll just say listen I was just crazy and I was blind I'm sorry can we please reset and until this day that we do it no matter what immediately it's the agreement that starts with it either one of us gets saved that's all it takes no both good saying mm-hmm and to really deeply connect to that cuz in the awareness stand I don't know just that I'm sorry and to mean it from your soul it just cuts it just cuts it harmonizes and you get some distance and it's like okay now let's relate from here and it just becomes that habit of in the moment you have awareness that you're crazy you're unconscious you're blinded for myself anyways I just just speak that it breaks the pattern so this is the last moment you're gonna have a life with your beloved is this the leaf bondage and you know what news on that last one what's gonna be so we use that that frame of reference with each other as well and we both take on a percent responsibility it's like Jesus you can never say I'm Spotswood say no any I have to see what it cuz everything that's co-creators you know we know that experience but it cuts it so quickly when you're into that place tell me you know there's so much joy in your heart Nikki visits we've off-camera talking with you it's just such a pleasure to be around you that pleasure is you said is infectious and I know you've worked in the prison system as well tell me guys in prison there you know I've seen guys in prison that are free no you have to because they're free in here and I've seen guys in prison that you know I've seen people on the outside they're not in prison that's most people are not free what tell us how you approach things we go to prison because I think it's a good metaphor for all of us that maybe not acknowledging that we've got all mental prisons it does I don't I don't go in anymore I went for thirty years back maximum-security prisons that when the lawsuit happened actually was a sailor thing I said in the book that they said you can't come in well that's going on oh that broke there was a tragedy so that stuff but the net result is I was going into maximum security prisons you know most guys will never get out yeah floor state prison and Union Correctional up here and my attitude ever since I started teaching is I don't think was I was a teacher I just sharing my experience is I don't change what I have to say anytime nobody says yeah when I walk in that prison and I said that one what would the inmates with my voice Amen right I say exactly what I say sitting in the temple or when I say talking to you right and what is amazing is no matter who they are where they came from they get it exactly right to this day I said I don't go in they still write me I get lots of letters from the inmates we send her books in free you know we do the things but they stayed for in fact there was a neat experience I had just before before the whole thing happened I couldn't go in anymore they decided to separate the men in prisons where the older ones would go to a prison they broke the prison system up a different way and so these men that had gone together we're meditating together and had support groups together got torn apart and literally a three in the morning they would come in say we want to tell them they want trouble they would take them but they couldn't take the books didn't do anything it's not nice to think about right and they took it well one of one of the men all right the black man probably in his 30 40s but he's very sincere right and and he was trying to meditate him so on and he used to say to me when they go into prison he look at me and say I'm still watching still watching okay and so he got torn away and flown down to some prison you know somewheres in Florida and he wrote us and it I will never it touch me so deeply he said this was one of the worst experiences I've ever gone through and thanks to your teachings I have gone through it instead of letting it destroy me and I'm still watching saying something new sin I want to make that point because we've done my surrender but that's sure you need to take the course to understand what you ever means it's all right it's not a difficult thing right when you were talking about being honest and saying I was in a bad space yes right isn't it true with both of you that there's a party that doesn't want to do that of course surrender means the willingness to surrender that part of your being amen so that's why right but that's ego hurry right yeah I want to blame it on him oh good I was wrong right man the breaking of that habit I remember in my business and I shouldn't use the name but I will wear the eds perrault's company right they want to have something to do with our business so they flew there the you know senior VP's president as a division everything of health care out to my place and they flew me over there to play know where they are and I remember that that we were sitting sitting on the plane right and he was talking to me and this particular person sat there and told me that they were trying to change the culture in this company to where they literally were training their executives to say I was wrong and he liked it right he said that's he's empower people right but they literally had a higher level of that company had caught on then if you're not willing to say you were wrong right you you can't be right that's what you're doing we all need to do even in business just that don't worry about what you look like that's ridiculous worry about how you're helping the situation outside it's not about you it's about your contribution to the overall whole that's what business is right if you make it be about you it's dead you're not doing so well to do that you have to be clear that's right you have not the energy come through you can't have all this muck that's what I call the zone that's right in the muck is not there oh my god yeah it flows right I was watching the football game the other day and I was so impressed they were sitting to talk about some of the rookies that there was this other quarterbacks which are the Rogers right as long as some of the rookies aren't ready yet because they're still thinking wow that deep so Karen right they're still thinking and you can't do it right while you're thinking that's right it has to be and that trigger is maybe doing something enough you know I can add like an out whatever the case may be to you let go and the flow just happen every time you let go you are open they're like blinds you have blinds closed that are not letting light in all right it's not more light energy right it's not about finding more light or sending up artificial light it's about opening the blinds yeah and this is what we're talking about anyway obviously I'm very impressed you guys got it that's why you're so successful all right that's why your relationship is nestled it's beautiful know that you'll love each other that level is essential in time right and everyone should learn from that and what it is is about the willingness to open the blinds if you open the blinds the enemy your blinds if I get just QD but they open the blinds and see this you that's what most of us do and I've certainly been guilty about the past but when you open your own blinds then everything you know if you closed inside the energy doesn't come nowhere willingness to take that risk of letting go of the party that's limiting yourself which is the ego self-concept and all this stuff right which is just another word rego just fear you know so my people make me go like it's this thing to get if I just fear that's really what it is it's the fear you're not enough that's the fear you won't be loved it's those unconscious fears and if you will relax and let go you find out the fear is unfounded it's like how many things in your life have you been fearful about it frustrated or worried about and I never came to be and you spend all that time being stressed I love that old quote that says you know that you know coward dies a thousand deaths the courageous man only wants a woman only once right it's just like let's just deal with it as it comes up as opposed to what we do in our mind so much of our pain and our stress in our lives it's just made up by the mind and getting out of that back into the heart the spirit muscles what it's all about and it also and it also it ends he should she should these ridiculous unconscious expectations of another and unconscious blame or unconscious judgments and when you have that full responsibility and you claim that for yourself it's like oh you turn that around I should all this advice that we're giving to whomever in our life it's like if you're actually willing to like turn that around and take responsibility for that and then offer that it just it neutralizes it it completely unravels these internal knots that we have and the insane expectation that somebody is supposed to behave or do something different or speak differently or that's just craziness and yet when you're in it you don't see it but when you actually have that understanding it's like oh my gosh I'm so sorry and that's just such freedom it's trading the expectations for appreciation it's like that's when suffering stops you know it's like all the expectations are not going to be met doesn't matter how hard you work we're gonna be people are gonna be in a different state a different situation they're gonna have different goal of it you might have a better way to do it you just doesn't match your picture but what I found is what I start to expect like just let go there take and find things to appreciate there's always million things to appreciate sufferings knowing the joy Recovery's immediately it's not like something you're gonna get someday when it's there I want to come back to something you mentioned earlier but I'd love it if you just plan it a little deeper and I know we're gonna wrap up our conversation soon but what do you say one of the most important questions to answer is who are you who's in there you kind of start allude to a bit of you have several metaphors you've used before to get through to people so they get to see that who they are is not their emotions who they are not even would you share maybe a moment or two about that's the deepest teaching there is I think the main thing is to ask yourself right when you go to sleep you dream you wake up and you tell her your dream right I don't understand were you there who saw the dream was it the same person who watched the dream who's looking out for your eyes that's you understand that yes right so your body went to sleep but your consciousness your awareness of being right you're not you don't say I am the dream you said I had a dream I saw a dream you should see what I dreamt who is this I who is this awareness of being that watches the dream looks out through the eyes hears through the ears here's the mind being neurotic right if I sit there and talk about that voice in your head that drives you crazy why did I say that oh my god that was stupid oh my god on the cylinder what is that right it's not you you're doing this here you say that and that's the awakening right where you're it's not very far it's sort of like you're watching TV and you're sucked into the TV right well you're stuck in the TV you don't have a family they're not in a house you've projected your consciousness into a we call the object of consciousness that's right and all of a sudden something happens you're back on the couch when you're back in the couch there's a whole room there's people and there's food and right well there wasn't before and then oh by the way there's a TV over there it's just nothing that's what your mind is the talkee talkee mind your consciousness got absorbed I would quote the in the eye channel over has an O channel you have an iChat so basically it got absorbed in that channel you don't have to you can come back to the couch that's what the seat of Celsius and the beauty and you're all finding that you know that is not only then do you not have the problems that are created if you talked about if you're watching a horror show you feel horrible yeah right you don't have to go out there and yell at the producers right you don't have to watch the show you don't have to go to channel whatever you don't have to go there and fix all these things that are going on in your mind I told you why they're there because you store all this garbage right yeah you don't have to watch that show you can turn your consciousness elsewhere right and not only then do you not suffer because of the garbage that's going on in the mind and the heart and your judgment of the world you talked about it but you're gonna find out that you in there which is what you asked me to talk about and I don't throw you in there are beyond your comprehension your experience of that where you subscribe you're looking in the mirror over the years you're seeing something different but it's still you seeing anything or the emotions that you have they're constantly changing you're not the emotions you're the witness of those emotions if you get a few forget you'll think you are those emotions then you'll feel the pain of that as well I think it's important for people to realize there's something that we call ourselves that is greater than anything that ever happened to you anything you could ever experience and if you come back to that that's the sea of the soul that's where there's no pain that's where you're able to experience all of life and see that it's all this beautiful game that's here for you to appreciate as opposed to judge and be upset by and frustrated with and try to control when you can and when it's done that's where all the energy comes from yes the freedom it but it is the source of this quote it from the Bible right my bread alone every word to leave in the mouth of a father you will realize when you let go enough of yourself that all that good juice that you got because things are what he wanted was coming from there oh love love does not come from the heart it comes from there down through the heart because the mind lets it or doesn't let it yes right so human love we experienced that way but what we call spiritual love the deep stuff is coming from the core as I say God is love right is the core of your being so you now you're talking deeply spiritual stuff and when you start to identify and rest back into your soul back into the seat of your being but the beauty is all of that beautiful energy you have that's where it comes from it is the source of your being and every has the same amount and more than you do alright and period and and even the people on the side of the street that is right it's just that they're closed and so the whole key is how do you open and that's what the course is about well you got it you got to do the course he's not so you know we want you all to experience it because we've had a little hour here or so but you want to tap into that I want to mention one thing though you just you triggered me on you know when you when you look at people's lives most people have been taught God is love on the surface but they also think God is a judgment and the mind is really the judgment today how do you get people from God as judgments but many people who raise that way they've been conditioned to think that way depending on how they were raised religiously or non religiously to where God really is love and where joy is the natural experience of an expectation of life by doing every single thing we talkin back to your core like an important the Bible in here but in the Old Testament it says man was created in the image of God that doesn't mean God got two arms two legs and a beard that's God is creating the image of man alright yeah and you're gonna find out and I don't want to be the one who tells you that as you come back in here more you know you feel that closeness and you realize that is my nature and divine in nature right I'm watching a human but that which is watching is spirit and that's where it falls away and you start feeling loved and there's a chap from the book like that last chapter you start feeling love and joy and you realize is that what's back here is that what God is love joy acceptance or the Holborn the direct experiencing opposed to someone telling you what is yes exactly you have had I was one of the books I remember where but you alluded to and your life is kind of expression of you move from seclusion to service to some extent and you and we were telling me off-camera here that this is one of your finest pieces of work tell me what is your legacy what is it that you're trying to give this work because I know Mickey in there will just love to hang out and just experience that's for the real Mickey we talked about that right by himself and total joy and happier than the damn thing but Mickey also has called this part of him this higher party has been called to serve weird we've been so touched by your service I know somebody watching already have been touched by your service even before this interview and I know it'll be more but tell us what what pulls you out now to serve like that still even though there's you know there's sometimes that feeling want to be back there and what is your legacy what are you wanting to leave here well first answer is surrender which again the course is called living from a place of surrender the untethered soul in action right that's because people can't get surrender by the word the word surrender means you know I surrender okay I give up right Sherman surrendered all right and so basically why I teach and why the service is taking place is because I've learned to respect the moments unfold in front of me and those are the moments unfold in front of me I sit out whatever words of the woods and kids come out and people come out so I teach right and so on right it's not a thing I'm doing it's a service I'm performing because of the moments that are unfolding in front of me right and it becomes really easy when you live that way it's not a conceptual way of living and the whole business grew that way yeah right we don't understand yeah right and as far as the legacy when I did with sounds troops produced the course when I did the course what sounds true but everything inside of me said was this is my legacy this is what I get to leave behind if people want to learn what I learned people want to hear how all this happened right I get to have these eight to nine hours in eight sessions or I can say what it is I want to say to you I care about you right I'm looking in the camera right I don't care if I know you or not I care about you because I know it can be way more beautiful and standing than these artificial things right and this lays that out we're deeply appreciative of all that you've gone through no one lover no all you've gone through to find this you know before we began here doing a little meditation together and you should something that really touched me you share a little bit of just the aw of your story of how does this man yourself be guided from where you were and I'd love you should have kind of what your background was for a moment to moving into the forest and then going through the incredibly deep meditations and commitments to building this business to now being a spiritual teacher I mean if there's any sense of all in life I look at the same thing in my home life in a different way but would you just share that little journey for a moment just so that people get a sense and word and what you feel when you think about it today well the main the main thing I learned and the main thing I see and I live is if I had listened to me it would not have happened mmm okay there was me meaning Miki me meaning the voice the preferences the whole thing there's no way right the direction you're heading initially was what I was gonna be professor in economics so my doctorate degree in economics right and but I didn't make that decision sort of like how life pushed you yeah and then I had a deep very deep meditation and I where that came from I can't answer it but I decided I had no choice it was so deep that it moved me so deeply that I said I can't go on in life without exploring this and my thought was I knew a third was but then I learned that as long as I was in there struggling with myself fighting with myself with my you know all the noise and the problem that I couldn't ever be free because I was fighting with myself you know the worst battle you ever want to have is the one between your left arm and your right arm don't arm them fight with yourself you know you lose all right and that's when I learned I talked about that in the surrender experiment that's where I learned that the only way I can do this is to let go and honor a force stronger than me which is life right to start to do that so this whole journey was a question of am I ready willing and able to let go of the parts of me all right that are resisting what is unfolding all right and so I started doing that I think the ultimate example is at one point people were coming out and or on my land I didn't want them out there I didn't my mind was bothering me I just want to meditate leave me alone no but they were coming out people want to meditate with me all right so on and we ended up building this temple and I was a builder I wasn't a builder at that time is how I learned to build right and we built it ourselves we did have any money all right and we built this this building and I was the head carpenter on it and so on and at one point after some people helped I was the only carpenter ah I'm telling you the truth I'm not embarrassed while I'm laying down the planks putting up the boards all right every single time my mind is saying what are you doing it's a fad people will stop coming out here it'll be a few months you'll have this building in the middle your land I thought you were out here to respect nature it was given me a very hard time right and I just kept building I had no answers not to answer it yes I just kept ignoring it not suppressing it going about my business that was a great learning right that building was built in 1975 we do no mailings no invitations and every single Sunday for what now 43 years all right 60 70 80 people find their way out there to that building every single Sunday from that time right and that I look at him and I stick my tongue out like you didn't know what you were talking about that's what I've learned he doesn't know what he's talking about how could he he only knows the little things that have happened to him right you know the bigger picture he doesn't mean the idea what's going on and so what I learned and what I what I feel now is that that there's only one way to live your life and that is life not mind yes right and so I what what I feel is a great joy of having learned that and having let go of myself to whatever degree I'm not high or anywhere special but having let go enough to where there's just constant joy in here and then I know that exists inside of everybody and of course I'm going to if I don't go out there to push the teachings but if people come of course I'm gonna do my best to try to help their Sydney young ones when they come home that's very moving you know you get 19 20 year old college students come out right and they're sitting there like this right and just say well my god and that to realize that right so yeah that's my answer to you thank you you're a beautiful soul that's a giant both are very grateful that you know call you a friend and to just know your spirit and I'm just grateful to the force of nature the force of God before to the universe that's brought you through this evolution and that you were willing as I say to go through so much pain no no no all that you've gone through but you found your way through that to the deeper and richer part of what life really is about and I just on behalf of all those that are listening all those that are watching all those adventure books just one of the millions here to thank you once again for being the beautiful so you learn to thank you want to get the course yeah just go online yeah we're gonna put we're gonna put a link for you watch we're gonna put a link for you so you can go directly to it just tap into it immediately I think you'll be thrilled I don't think I know you'll be thrilled when use it so thanks for joining us again for another podcast thank you thank you is very beautiful thanks so much thanks sounds true as well take care bye-bye
Channel: Sounds True
Views: 609,251
Rating: 4.842988 out of 5
Keywords: tony robbins michael singer, michael singer the untethered soul, michael a. singer, tony robbins, gaining inner peace, the untethered soul, transform your life, tony robbins motivational, michael singer, inner fulfilment, spiritual teacher, inner peace, peace, mindfulness, fulfillment, spiritual, spiritualism, The Mind Can Be a Dangerous Place or a Great Gift, LIVING FROM A PLACE OF SURRENDER The Untethered Soul in Action,, Sounds True, anthony robbins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 6sec (5106 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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