5 Keys to Living Your Best Post-Pandemic Life | Tony Robbins

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Homeless boy—- I’m still waiting

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Reasonable-Deal9552 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
as you're gearing up to step back into your normal life if you haven't already done that um i thought i'd just give you five little quick little triggers just reminders that are so simple but these are the five things that i personally did when i first got kicked out of my house uh some of you know the story my mom was a very powerful woman i had four different fathers and she kicked my dad out and on christmas eve she decided i was on his side so she kicked me out too and i had nothing and i had to figure out what to do she got my 1960 volkswagen i weren't burned at 40 a week and don't get me wrong i love my mom but she abused alcohol and prescription drugs and when people do that they're not themselves they do little crazy things but i'm i am who i am because of her and part of that was even that first step where i had to just figure out what to do with my life but it was incredibly depressing i have a younger brother five years younger younger sisters seven years younger i love them loves of my life and i was separated from my brother and sister and i'm walking in the rain trying to figure out what the hell i'm gonna do and i'm still in high school so one of the things that i did is i slept on this mountain top um and of course it rained and so the next day i talked to a friend a lady friend not a girlfriend but a girl who was a friend and i that her parents let me stay in their laundry room and america is so depressed i don't know if you've ever been to that place where you're like wondering why you're even around or whether you should be around it was a pretty brutal time uh but what turned me around was feeding my mind what i mean by that is um about a year earlier i've gone to this seminar by jim rohn i know many of you have heard of jim he's no longer alive past some years ago but he was a mentor of mine and i went to a seminar with 17 and in the seminar he really talked about the importance of feeding your mind and you've got to feed it because otherwise things come at you and so i remember i i took a little bit of change i had left in my pocket and i got on a bus and i drove uh they drove me anywhere on the bus for about i don't know it's about an hour's away from where i was because i've been to this place once before at this amazing bookstore and i figure i'll go in there and i'll just read a bunch of books while i'm in there because they can't afford any and then i picked up a book called the magic of believing by claude m bristol and in this book it talked about training and conditioning your mind and how what goes in your mind becomes the experience of your life and how to do it and i was so depressed i didn't know what to do and so i went and i'll never forget i went back to this little laundry room and there was a mirror there and the book said you know put your goals in the mirror so you look through your own eyes into your goals and you see in your own eyes and you read those goals do it with soap and so i do in the mirror and i made these little posters that said things like only a loser is depressed now that's not true uh because but i felt like i'm not a loser and that was the leverage i had right i can't be depressed if the loser's depressed and so i just try to work on everything but gradually i started turning my life around and i did five things and i did them again i got to tell you and multiple times in my life when i hit really bad places when i was told i had a tumor in my brain and that you know i might die you know when i uh buried all four of my fathers over the course of a year and a half and my mother those are rough times they start to shift you when 2008 happened and looked like everything was going under and i went back and i reapplied in here at the beginning of the pandemic as well so they're really simple but first of the five keys to transform your life i don't care where you are how great it is if you get to the next level the first step is stand guard the door of your mind and i got that from my teacher jim rohn i remember he came to me one day and i was really frustrated and saying you know i'm just i'm working so hard and nothing's really working and i don't understand it and and i was just i was super frustrated and remember he came and he said tony he said listen to me he said think of tell me who's what are you reading he said tell me who you're talking to he said tell me who you're surrounding yourself with and i said well i'm mostly isolated by myself and i said but i'm so frustrated listen to me he said answer this question for me he said what happens in the world if let's say you know your worst enemy comes by and drops sugar in your coffee and then i said well you'd have sweet coffee he said well what if your best friend even by accident drops one drop of strychnine what if it's your brother your sister your mother your father somebody you love accidentally drops one drop of strict nut i said well then you'd be dead he goes that's right so remember life is both sugar and strychnine so watch your coffee and what he really meant was stand guard at the door of your mind because today we live in a world where the media they're not bad people they're good people but they're companies and they got to take care of their shareholders and the only way they win is by getting your eyeballs and the only way to get your eyeballs in a world where there's so much information is to startle you the news is not designed to educate you inform you you know that that's why it says water drinking water may kill you film at 11. you know anything that grabs you and so we're living in a culture of so much fear so if you're going to take your life back you gotta take into a limited amount of that media and be able to pursue it not let it pursue you today most people like in order to get your attention we all know what they do it's called clickbait let me create a headline that'll grab you it doesn't matter if the content is even real news or not a lot of times the headline isn't really what the whole story is but it pulls you in there's whole groups of people whose entire life is designing algorithms and language to make you stay online more so they can make more money but it isn't necessarily to your advantage so what jim rohn used to say to me is he said tony this is your new daily practice because this is what i really want to get to you guys here is if you want to keep momentum if you join me for those few days they have the five six days or seven i guess we did for the challenge or you went immersion with me as well the key is to get momentum and keep momentum if you work your tail off to get momentum going and then you drop it oh my god you got to start all over again and so the way you do that is you have a daily practice it's not like you know years ago i went to a seminar by jim rohn and then my life was perfect it's like i kept immersing myself in all these things but i also made sure each day i was making some form of progress if you want to know what makes people happy write down progress equals happiness think about it you can achieve everything in the world and still go is this all there is you can achieve something and be excited but for how long the only way you stay happy and excited is to keep growing progress is everything if you're making progress on your body progress in your mind progress in your motion you're gonna feel happy when you get there you feel excited but again for how long a year no six months three months three weeks three days three hours because we're not made to just sit and you know be successful we're made to grow we're made to then as we grow we have something to give so step one is let's see if you can put a little system standing guard at your mind and jim rohn said to me back then the number one thing you have to do is read 30 minutes a day so never less than 20 minutes and i'm not talking about what comes to your phone i'm not talking about clickbait i mean a book i mean something that you pursue great ideas are never going to interrupt you they have to be pursued and you if you don't pursue them you're going to get what everybody else has which is all this fear all this uncertainty all this stuff won't work because everybody's focused on what won't work what can't happen why because they're afraid they're afraid to fail they're afraid to try and feel like they're not enough so you got to stand guard that mind by feeding your mind you know jim rohn used to say to me success leaves clues if you want thing to get better you got to get better if you want things to change you got to change but you got to do it deliberately and consciously and he used to say to me constantly said tony you've got to constantly find a way to feed that mind something that's got strategy in it philosophy something that's going to improve the quality of your life and if you really learn it you can help the people you love with the things you learn and so i got hooked and so i decided i'm going to read a book a day i took a speed reading course and i didn't read a book a day but i read 700 books over the period of seven years all in the area of philosophy physiology emotion the things to me that mattered most and what i really try to do is each day try to use something i learn not just read not just let my learning lead to knowledge you know jim used to say if you let your learning lead to knowledge you become a fool if you let you learn lead to action that's when your life changes so i started being aware of who was saying what what i was taking in you know jim used to say you know success leaves clues if someone's successful they're not lucky they're doing something different than you figure out what they're doing different he said the first thing is find out what they're reading he said because he said i remember he said me something funny he said find out what poor people read and don't read it and we said poor he didn't just mean financially poor he meant people that were unhappy people that were had no sense of meaning in their life people that were financially strapped because they weren't managing to add value to other people people that found themselves not taking your relationships their body poor isn't just money wealth isn't just money it's emotional spiritual everything he said so find out what successful people do what wealthy people read what happy people and read that feed your mind so step number one is every single day you got to do something to feed your mind and if you do that if you just made that habit say even five days a week i swear to you it'll change your life but again not what comes to you what you pursue something that has real value a strategy that can change the game for your business your life a philosophy that can make you more fulfilled or happy a way to make a difference for the people you love that's a daily sought out practice for me started when i was 17 i'm now 61. that's why i have the privilege to be able to work with so many people but most importantly i've applied these things to me so i have the life that i want i don't have a life that i'm promoting to other people so that's number one what's number two real fast if you really feed your mind every day feed and strengthen your mind with a 30 minute practice and by the way i started out reading all the time but then i realized i was in my car all the time in those days i was like i'm going to turn this to a university on wheels and i'm all done i remember cassette tapes and probably most of you don't even know what the hell i'm talking about not real the real but the book is updates you know we didn't have where you could put 10 000 songs in your phone or go to youtube and have a million different videos you can watch over and over again and the value for me on that quite honestly was that i had to pay for this stuff so i had to value it and really use it like when you part with a certain amount of money and in those days you know six cassettes six one hour cassettes and a couple workbooks was like 300 it was like the standard offer and i remember i went down this place called night education night like with a sword you know and the shield k and ight and it was this jewish man beautiful man named mario that i became friends with i was a little 17 year old kid my little pot belly i was fat and i drove all the way down downtown l.a be about in those days like an hour and 20 minute drive and my little old volkswagen with no reverse park on the hill so it wouldn't because i could get out and um and i got to be friends with this man and he had collected is how old it was all these albums of some of the great motivational speakers and psychologists and psychiatrists and business people and then gradually those things got to actually the cassette tapes and so you had all these things i'd say like what's what's the most valuable thing he said well what do you want to work on i said well my body and my emotions and my mind and my spirit he was like you want everything and he said okay let's start with this one and i take 300 i was making 40 a week as a janitor so this is literally the money i'd saved and i'd absorb it and i'd be like i can't afford this and i'd like well i can't afford not to because unless i get these answers i'll still not be able to pay my basic bills i'll still be struggling so i was one of the smart things i invested in myself and so i go down and because i invested 300 and six tapes i remember jerome said repetition is the mother of skill here's something once and you kind of understand it here again you kind of feel heard enough he said listen to stuff every day until pretty soon the things i was hearing in my head were these new thoughts from brilliant people instead of the old thoughts that were basically whatever i'd been around before and it changed my life it started to shift me because i fed my mind but then number two you got to everyday feed and strengthen your body and you got to do something even in the middle of covet if it's still there even lockdown because if you don't take care of your body it affects your mind doesn't it i mean think about this what is it that screws up everybody's life fear is the number one thing it's keeps people from doing what's necessary and anger and rage well it can mobilize us if it becomes part of your life on a regular basis it destroys it so how do you balance that out well fear anger they're both physical aren't they think about what do you feel like if you're really ever been so afraid that your throat got really dry you feel this feeling in your gut right that's physical courage is also physical again courage does not mean you're not afraid courage means you're afraid but you do it anyway right it's a way of being in your body so one of the things that i started doing early on is understanding and those of you who spent four days with me you know day and night because we did it and it's in your body still how to change the way you feel instantly by a radical change in your body and so i really want to recommend you do something at least five days a week first thing when you wake up in the morning i don't it doesn't have to be an hour workout even 30 minutes it can be something as little as five or ten minutes there is not a day when i wake up i've shared with some of you this already first thing i do i go outside if i'm lucky enough to be at one of my homes anyway i have homes in different parts of the world because i've traveled the world and done this i'm very fortunate but i have a cold punch i've installed in everyone 56 degrees and my home in sun valley i don't know i don't have a cold punch i don't need it i walked through the snow in the winter or in the summer i walk through the grass and i get in the river and then literally the river is usually about 39 to 42 degrees to give you an idea every cell in your body is moved the blood rushes through everything right and i do it for two reasons there's never a day i look forward to doing it i don't go oh i can't wait to go in there i do it number one because it transforms your body the blood flow the lymph flow is unbelievable from a health perspective you just go in for a minute pop out it's like a different world right i don't care what it is or you could take a freezing shower would be the minimum way you could do this you couldn't do this but it's about changing your body so radically and it's also about developing a simple daily discipline it's like i don't negotiate with myself i tell my brain i don't go oh wait i'm not ready or let me let me count to ten or maybe i'll do it tomorrow that pattern of thinking is what destroys most people's lives and their dreams you can settle for a life like most people have or you can create your dreams but to do it you need to be able to push yourself so you need to train yourself in little ways or it could be just going and lifting weights and you're going to do like 10 minutes of pushing yourself or a sprint or really fast walk anything because when you get your blood pushing when you push beyond what's comfortable it develops this determination inside you this sense of will that you will then use everywhere else i always say if you discipline yourself in one area of your life you're going to be able to do it even more in other areas you get momentum momentum is everything so if you train your mind great but you got to change your body as well in some way and i don't care again if it's five or ten minutes where you really push yourself or a full-blown workout it's got to get there because when you do that regularly you're gonna find yourself having a better mind the mind and body can't be separated they're completely connected you work on both of them you're going to have a different world and you're not going to be shut down and when other people like oh it can't be done just move i'll handle it it's a different way of being isn't it third key in order to really believe you can turn things around you need a role model and so throughout my life i looked at different ones the earliest one i looked for since i grew up poor we had no money and you know that seemed to be the real issue my mom left all four of my fathers but as i look back on it really wasn't money they could have had all the money in the world they still would have fought but it looked like money so i thought wow if i could make money my family will never have this pain so i looked around for role models and i grew up in a place where there were no financial role models everyone was broke we have money for food it's why i provide 100 million meals a year through feeding america for the last six years by the way we're up to 700 million meals now i said we'd feed a billion in 10 years we're a year ahead we're going to hit it but the bottom line is it comes because i had nothing and i found it's like who who also started with nothing like me and then turned it around and grew and who comes from humble beginnings and i saw you know sir john templeton some of you may have heard of him brilliant man first billionaire investor started with nothing and the way he did it is he saved money and he invested during the darkest times and so i saw sir john as that and when i was around when covert happened i started looking around to see what are people in businesses that haven't given up even though everything's shut down they found a way to serve their clients and even though their way wasn't my way it reminded me and inspired me to say there is a way that's how i started building the way that we now deliver for so many people virtually around the world so find a role model and get a plan so number one feed and strengthen your mind every day 30 minutes a day uh to me now audio is even better because i can do it while i'm running i can do it while i'm working out i can do it while i'm cleaning the house i can do it in my car so i use audio that's why i've used it forever in that area because it just gives you more rhythm but it's either reader audio something you pursued every day strength and feed your body can make it stronger so that you're psychologically short find the role model get a plan what's for massive action like everybody wants to say well i don't know where to start what do i do first well listen i got all kinds of tools to help people do that but the most important thing is do something you know you don't do throw the rock wherever it lands talk to the next person right it's like you need massive action and then you need to see what's working or not keep changing and you'll get there anyone can get to where they want to go as long as they get in motion but again it's about momentum and that's the main reason i came to join you last one step five real fast give more than you expect to receive if you are constantly trying to take care of people give to people if your worst time of your life you can give to people i promise you everything will change i won't tell you the whole story bore you with it right now because i want to do this real quick for you but you know one of the most difficult times in my life when i was completely broke not not even enough gas in my car trying to figure out how to survive not able to pay my rent and i i had one more with the story but i had an experience where i took the last 19 dollars i had and i gave it to somebody who else that needed it and afterwards i was euphoric it made no sense but it was the first time in my life you know people say i got to get beyond scarcity you never get beyond scarcity you got to start beyond scarcity you got to declare you got to take the last seed you got and plant them and i remember you know the next day i got a check for 1200 which in those days i could have survived on for almost a month from somebody who owed it to me and not paid me for two years the very next day after i gave every dime i had had no idea i was even gonna eat i just it was the right moment was the right situation and i just i did what was right so find someone who's worse off than you are in the middle of it do something for them and i promise you you'll remember how great your life is and you'll feel fulfilled because we all it's not about us you know what i mean it's like it's not about me it's about we and the more you can get connected either people you love or even strangers and do things not for brownie points just because it's right somehow inside your own soul your own spirit you remember that problems are not permanent only your soul is permanent and you remember that i'm made for more than just solving this stupid little problem it just it lifts the human spirit so those five keys i really encourage you to consider as you're dealing with covet or coming out of it here to maximize
Channel: Tony Robbins
Views: 468,519
Rating: 4.9413605 out of 5
Keywords: tony robbins, motivation, inspiration
Id: Aupn1QUSxdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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