Tony Robbins 60th Birthday Party - What a beautiful soul

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clapping 60 years alive the one common thread is that we all in some way had been touched by this beautiful man's life by his generous heart honey happy birthday yeah I'm just grateful that you were born this day [Applause] they asked me to say a few remarks for you three a sixtieth birthday now that you're middle-aged and I just want to wish you a very very very very happy birthday but I want to tell you at sixty how many people you know 120 middle-aged make the next 60 good actually my first seminar and I went to 20 Robin's I was 15 years old and I've been making my move ever since all I want to know is that you're ready I think so no you're not uh crush okay no all right make your move and do your spin boom yes you have come from near and far to honor a man whose life has been far very far from ordinary it's extraordinary that we have over 3,000 people here and all of a sudden this hand like a catcher's mitt sister Ann goes in the door and pulls an open like Moses parting the Red Sea and there there he was seven stories white teeth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tournament impact of his life and love resonate far beyond this theater his Reach is truly globally transformative you start doing things for others you start living your life with a purpose and oh he is the most inspirational when it comes to doing things to help make the world a better place because ultimately that is the greatest greatest greatest feeling and if I had to take all the things I've learned in 28 years it comes back to the greatest lesson you've ever taught me which is service servanthood and a simple act of kindness [Music] restored my pride you've restored my dignity and allowed me to know God's plan for me and I promise you that I will always always listen to the language of the soul and not be trapped by the words of the mouth you keep inspiring people and lighting the lives of others like you did with mine god bless you brother I hope you live 100 year more man you deserve it thank you for giving me a voice to help others at no limits for deaf children and helping them to have a voice as well no deaf child should have to go through life without spoken language so thank you Tony I love your big boys taught me that life was happening for me not to me and that has been my guiding force too many challenges in my life so when something horrible happens am i doing this is happening for me I love you and I think you are the most special human we are also lucky to have you and I need to wake addition for Tony Robbins the movie so I want to share a quote one of my favorite of Tony's that's always stuck with me and it's why I live an ordinary life when you can live an extraordinary one and if we live by that every day we can make a difference in our lives and in the lives of everyone around us more importantly so thank you for the inspiration because of you we get to save lives and free these angelic console's this things that sex trafficking and human chakra will continue we have to change the minds and consciousness of humanity I knew that was a moment of destiny for me it was a moment for me as a filmmaker to try to make a difference so I knew I had to talk same story he didn't want to just write a check he wanted to get his hands dirty he wanted to go into the darkness to shield these kids there are millions of children right now at a five or six times a day having unspeakable acts done to them there are children being bought for ten thousand dollars and they're harvesting their organs because a heart is worth two hundred fifty thousand dollars when you hear numbers like that it's so overwhelming but it's helping one child that maps but I want you leave here uplifted because you're part of the solution and if you do nothing else but tell people more about this you do nothing else but show them the film or get connected or volunteer some time it'll make a giant difference and thank you Tony and sage for sending this army now out to liberate the Lost Children and bring them home thank you god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] our fight that's why we're here those kids need us and looking at the wonderful people we have in the room all of you all friends of Tony together I know we can make a change in the world we have to open our ears and our eyes and focus on this mark and Lin Benioff couldn't be here but they wanted us to kick off tonight [Music] [Music] for everybody darkness laughs cuz we don't bring our light to it and I can't thank you enough I know you came here to give up their time cuz I know how much you love me and I love you but I cannot thank you enough for what this means cuz this is a party with a frickin purpose there's a party to change lives so you participate in something extraordinary tonight so I want to thank you personally I want to thank my family I want to thank my incredible wife would you please give a hand for Sage I truly feel that you know we were all guided here for a higher purpose and when collectively we come together we can actually choose to be a force for good I'm just eternally grateful thank you for your presence thank you for your love thank you for your participation it makes this night not only possible as well this mission thank you I love you amazing when you can get amazing people together to do things that can change the world right now as we're sitting here standing here there are children that are praying to God to be saved on their knees suffering a level you can't even humanly imagine and tonight their prayers were heard by all of us here and they will be rescued because of this man his wife their teams and all of us tonight is an unbelievable victory for the light god bless you all face for being here god bless you thank you [Applause] happy birthday man happy birthday thank you so much deep deep love happy birthday Tony how can you be sixty when you're eternal they keep inspiring keep morphing keep doing what you're doing your best is still yet to come wishing you a healthy solution both of you cheese fudge baby special special man happy present usual [Applause]
Channel: Anric Blatt
Views: 698,170
Rating: 4.9449015 out of 5
Keywords: Operation Underground Railroad, TonyRobbins
Id: 6_HaSpRPkdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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