How to List Products on Etsy - Etsy for Beginners 2021

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hey you today we're going to be talking about how to list products on etsy i'm going to walk you step by step through the process of creating a product listing and show you how to optimize that listing so you make the most sales if you're new to etsy and just getting started or if you have your etsy shop and you're just not making the amount of sales that you want to make you want to stay tuned welcome to healthy wealthy skinny where we focus on the steps to help you live a healthy wealthy and skinny life i'm shawn and if you are ready to start thriving and not just surviving go ahead and hit that like button smash that subscribe button and hit the bell icon so you get a notification every week when i drop a new video and be sure to stay until the very end because as always i've got something special for you if you haven't already set up your etsy shop i recommend that you watch my essie tutorial video i'll leave a link to it in the card above me it will walk you step by step through the process of creating your etsy shop and give you 40 free listings so you can get your shop set up and post your first 40 listings for free i recommend that you watch that video before this one because in this video you need to have your shop already set up and be ready to create product listings for the remainder of this video i'm going to switch over to my laptop view so i can walk you step by step through the process we're going to start out on the listings tab in the shop manager if you don't know how to get there it's on the left hand menu you can see here shop manager and if you go down one two three icons you'll see the listings tab so we're gonna click on that and you should be in your listings area so this is inside of my etsy shop and i have a lot of listings here yours may be blank if you're just getting started or you may already have a few listings already set up but we're going to start from this area and we're going to add a new listing we're going to do that by clicking on the add a listing button over here on the top right side there's a black button with a plus icon and it says add a listing and this is where you should see your 40 free listings if you use my link or if you used any other affiliate link to get started on etsy you could you should see your 40 listings here we're just going to click on this button which is going to allow us to start a new listing this is going to take you to the add a listings page the first thing you're going to do when you're adding your listing is add your photos this is a very important part of your listing you want to add as many photos as you can it is good if you can fill in all of these slots showing your product or the thing that you're selling from a lot of different angles and etsy kind of gives you a hint here they say your primary photo every angle every angle show some details show the product in use so the size and scale style scheme and variations so essie is just kind of giving you a hint here to add as many photos as you can so here i am going to add my photos now when i first set up my listings i usually don't have all the photos i need but i go ahead and set it up and get started and i come back and add photos a little bit later so i'm going to go ahead and click add a photo and it's going to open up this directory on my laptop and i am going to create a listing for my content creator shirt and in this listing i'm going to do something a little bit different i am not going to create a separate listing for my t-shirts my hoodies and my sweatshirts i want to put them all in one listing this time so i am going to choose this the content creator white sweatshirt um file first and click ok and then i'm going to go and choose the rest of my photos because i'm not sure which one i want to use is the thumbnail i'm going to add the photos first and then go down here and adjust the thumbnail and the thumbnail is the photo that shows in the sc search listing so this is going to be your main photo for your listing so it needs to be your best photo so i'm just going to choose a few more i know that this is one i am going to choose i think i've done the sweatshirt all right how about the black tea okay so we're going to start with those so i have a t-shirt a sweatshirt and a hoodie and i'll say i'll go with the hoodie as my main image and now i'm just going to adjust the thumbnail so i'm going to click the adjust thumbnail button here and you see it's going to let me zoom in and zoom out and kind of position my image the way i wanted to show on my listing so i'm gonna go in and i like when you can see a lot of the image and it just so happens on this image i have my logo i'm going to i don't want that cut off so i'm going to position it like this so now i can see her face she's smiling and i can see the hoodie and i can see that the logo that's on the hoodie or the wording that says content creator i'm good with that so i'm just gonna go save and you can see my edits are made and this is how my listing is going to appear on etsy all right now i usually have some supporting images that i add to my listings and i'm going to go and choose those right now i'm going to go t-shirt shop images and this is just my way of staying organized i have size charts and color chart charts so i'm going to pick a size chart and since i'm going to add my t-shirts my hoodies and my sweatshirts in this listing i'm going to use multiple size charts so i'm going to choose the size chart for my sweatshirt and let that add then i'm going to choose the size chart for my hoodies now let me get the t-shirts and that'll be this one and then i'm going to choose the side chart size chart for my hoodies and i think it is this one no that's t-shirts again okay so i'm gonna go and find the one for my hoodie later let me try one more time i'm not sure where i have it so i know that's sweatshirts that's bella sweatshirts okay so my organization is off right now and i'll need to go in and find my size chart for my hoodie so i'm going to cancel and i'll find that later if you're doing apparel and you use gildan or bella canvas or next level shirts and hoodies or sweatshirts you can go on etsy and find these mock-ups of the these mock-ups of size tarts already done for you they're usually really pretty cheap a dollar fifty five dollars but they'll save you a lot of time um i you can go and create your own in canva but again if you're looking for something really quick they're pretty cheap on etsy just do a search and you'll find them so we've got size charts i usually add a color chart as well let's go back and for the sake of this listing i'm going to just go with my fall colors because those are usually the ones that i add to the listings and i created my color charts on my own and they're really easy to do using canva or photoshop and i usually have a another supporting image that just talks about my um mailing list and i use one for christmas when there's a cut off time before orders so they can get shipped by christmas but it is april now so i won't add that on this listing i'll go back and add it later and i'll go ahead and put the one where people can join my mailing list and get a discount okay so i've got some supporting documents here and you guys can see i have three spots left and i'll go in and i'll add maybe the t-shirt in white with black writing might add a different color for the hoodie and the sweatshirt as well so you you can see how it's pretty easy for me to fill in all of these slots again i'll go back and do those later all right so we've got the photos now we're going to scroll down and essie gives you an option to add a video to your listing this is also really powerful because it's pretty new on etsy and if you know anything about platforms or if you've watched platforms anytime a platform puts out something new then they're gonna favor it in their search algorithms so if you have a video of your product that you can add in it's great to add it again for me i always go in and add this later for i will do something like show myself folding the hoodie or packaging the hoodie or holding the hoodie or the sweatshirt up so people can see it and that is the video that i add here when you do your video remember that it's only 5 to 15 seconds so think tick tock style really cute and fast and there's no sound so don't record a video where you're talking about the product you need to let what you're doing in the videos speak for itself and on etsy the sc buyers really just want to see what that product is so you can go ahead and add a video i don't have one ready so i am going to skip it for this one and continue all right so now we're in the nitty-gritty we're in the listing details the first item in this section is your title and your title is very very important you can see here it says include keywords that buyers would use to search for your item so if i am going to list a t-shirt or sweatshirt or hoodie and it says content creator i wouldn't want to just name this content creator because someone searching for something on etsy might not search for content creator so we want to put in keywords words that someone would put in if they were searching for the item in etsy so the way i usually start out doing this is i will type what i want to call this item so i'm going to type content creator shirt right and now i'm going to think about what someone might use what word someone might use to search for this so they might be a blogger or they might be a youtuber or they might be an influencer right and you can see here right now i am just brainstorming i'm trying to figure out what someone might search for if they are searching for a shirt with content creator on it or what that person might like because they might be searching around etsy and not know that they are looking for this type of shirt specifically another thing that i like to do is i like to go on etsy and just do a search and see what comes up so i'm going to open a new tab and i'm going to go to essie and then i'm just gonna type content creator and i usually start with just what it is and see what comes up and see here i've got a few shirts i've got one that says content creator don't forget to hit the bell notifications content creator here so we've got a few shirts that are in the realm of what i'm looking for and so let's let's pick this one and i usually try not to pick the ads because on etsy i know the sd sellers are paying for these ads and i don't want to cost them any money if i'm just researching that so i try to be i'm cognizant of that and i don't want people just clicking on my ad so i don't do that to other people so let's just click on this one that says content creator all right here and you can see how in this listing it says content creator shirt influencer we have that down t-shirt vlogger shirt social media tee social media tea social media tea and t-shirts about different race a crew neck shirt an aesthetic t-shirt right so that gives us some good ideas of keywords that we can use another great trick about keywords now we knew once we put in content creator shirt this listing came up so we know it is optimized for content creator so we're going to scroll down to the bottom all the way down to the bottom of the page and look at where etsy says explore related searches so here these are all great great great keywords to use in your titles and in your tags now we haven't gotten to the tags yet but we're gonna go there next or as we keep going and you'll see what i mean so content creator is a good keyword influencer is a good keyword crew neck oversized t-shirt influencer shirt influencer t-shirt shirt t-shirt of course now i'm not sure how disney shirts unisex adult clothing tops and tees these are real these are real generic and disney shirts doesn't really apply so i wouldn't put that and then you can look down even further and we've got clothing this peachy lemonade press that is this actual listing so we wouldn't want to use that vlogger shirt social media t-shirt tick tocker and t-shirts all of these are great keywords so we're going to use these in our title so i think we already have content creator um i think we have influencer i-n-f-l-u-e-n-c-e-r and i usually try to check my spelling because i am horrible with spelling clicking on the right thing okay we're gonna go back to the listing i like a vlogger shirt and i also like social media so i'm gonna put that in here and you can see how i'm alternating the way i put the word shirt so here i've got shirt vlogger i might put t t-e-e youtuber influencer vlogger i got shirt again social media i've got t-shirt so just a different way someone might put a shirt now again in this one i am going to do my hoodies and my sweatshirts and my t-shirts in the same listing so i think i might add those here so i behind youtuber i might put sweatshirt and then behind influencer i might put hoodie so you see how i'm just trying to put in all the keywords i can into this title and there's a count a counter here which tells me how many characters i have left and i usually try to fill in all of the characters because i want my listing to be as searchable as possible and adding keywords in your title is just a way for you to optimize your listing so let's go back and finish adding in keywords i'm going to go back to my listing at the bottom and we've got influencer already in there and you don't need to repeat words so you see how influencer here influencer shirt influencer t-shirt i've got influencers so i don't need to keep repeating that let's see um i think i added vlogger let's see if i did social media t-shirt and this is t-space shirt so oh okay so i have social media let's do t-space shirt here all right i've got social media i don't have tick tocker let's do that one all right so we've got a lot of keywords i still have a little bit of space here so i'll leave that in case i think of some more things but i again i want to put all of the keywords i can put in this title so i'm going to go with that for now and usually more keywords come to me and i move things around but i think this looks pretty good for now so what you want to do again is think about your product and think about the keywords that someone's going to use to search for them i cannot stress that enough because it's very important for you to be found in sc search because that is how you're going to make your money people have to find your listing in order for you to make a sale okay so now i'm going to go to about this listing and who made it click on the drop down i made it so i'm going to choose i did or i make it what is it for me mine is a finished product but you can choose a finished product or a supply or tool to make things so mine is a finished product and then when did you make it you have some options here can be recently vintage i make my shirts to order so i'm going to choose made to order okay that was pretty simple and next we're going to go to category and i'm going to go back a little bit so you can see based on the selections that i made etsy is saying this item is handmade and it is all right so next i'm going to do a category and choosing your category you basically just type two or three words that describe what you're selling so i'm gonna do i'm gonna say a shirts and you see you can have shirts in t-shirts shirts and graphic tees shirts and t-shirts tops and tees that's about the same thing shirts and graphic things so i usually just choose the one that's closest to what i am selling so i'm gonna do shirts and t-shirts tops and tees and you see how it gives me these categories clothing men's clothing shirts and tees t-shirts women clothing and tops and tees so these are suggestions that it's using and that is okay for my listing and i'm going to go with that when you're doing yours again just start typing in what you're selling if you're selling planters or if you're selling knit blankets or whatever just start typing in that and etsy is going to suggest a category for you now i'm going to scroll down and now we have size and it says optional to optimize my listings i usually try to fill in all of these optional selections some of them don't necessarily apply if it's too far off i'll skip it but i usually try to fill them in so i'm going to choose the scale and i always think this is really weird because if you're selling a ladies item the option here is always men's but we're just going to go ahead and choose it and you can see how men's clothing is here but women's clothing is also here so i'm not quite sure why the listings always give you a size for men but i just choose it and i say i offer more than one right so just giving you a lot of options then primary color for me i sell my t-shirts in multiple colors so what i do is i usually pick one a lot of times i go with a black or red or anything and this just these options come into play when a person uses the filters that are on etsy so if someone says that i'm specifically looking for a black shirt then this primary color will help them in that case so again just to increase my chances i go in and i choose a primary and a secondary color so i'm going to go black and then i'll probably make my secondary color white next we've got clothing style and again this is optional and then these options are showing up because i chose this category if you're saying that you're selling something that is not clothing then you won't get this option so i'm just going to say mine is i usually like to choose i'm going to choose athletic this time sometimes i choose athletic sometimes i choose streetwear i go back and forth now here we've got occasion and it is optional and for content creator shirt it really doesn't fit any of the occasions here so i might leave this one as blank but i have let's say i have a lot of birthday shirts so i have a sweet 16 shirt so i will choose this one if i'm um doing something let's say this for a birthday party or group shirts like for a bachelorette party i'll choose that but not in every case there's not an occasion that'll fit so i'm going to leave that one blank for this and same thing with holiday i have a lot of shirts that are christmas shirts or father's day shirts so these really fit mother's day shirts i have an etsy vlog where i did shirts that where i showed where i was creating shirts for valentine's day and those fit but again in this case there's no holiday option that fits a content creator shirt so i'm just going to leave that one blank now for a sleeve length in this one again i have t-shirts hoodies and sweatshirts in here so i'm gonna pick one and i'm just gonna go with short sleeve first because i can't pick multiple but again once the person is on the listing if they find a listing in another way where they aren't just searching by sleeve length then they'll see the other options and then again neckline i'm going to choose crew okay now we're up to the renewal options and this is how you're going to renew your listing whenever you sell an item your listing has to be renewed or if the period for that listing expires or that listing expires then it has to be renewed and you can choose to whether you want your listing to renew automatically meaning that when they when the listing expires etsy will automatically renew it charge you your 20 cent or use one of your free listings or manual meaning that you'll have to go in when the listing expires and put it back yourself for me i have all i have a lot going on i don't have a time to look for my listings that expire and do them manually so i always choose automatic and again that is completely up to you it's just based on how you feel about it so choose automatic which is recommended or manual next you have to choose the type of item it is whether it is a physical item something that someone can hold or a digital item i have both physical items and digital items in my etsy shop this one right now we're talking about a t-shirt a kitty or sweatshirt so of course it is a physical item and so i'm going to choose physical and your options from this point on will change depending on whether it is a physical item or a digital item so you'll need to choose the right option here next we have where you get a description or you add a description of your item and i usually describe my items in a very similar fashion so what i usually do is go in and i go to one of my other listings copy and i paste so i can keep my shop looking very symmetrical or identical or just so i can just keep my shop looking the same my listings looking the same so i am just going to go and find one of my listings and do a copy and a paste so i'm going to find me all right so here's my etsy shop and i'm doing a content creator shirt so let's see which one i'm gonna choose i'll just i'll just choose anything so i'll go to this graduation shirt and choose this one and again you can see my keywords here graduation shirt done class of 2021 class of 2021 shirt senior t-shirt just not another example of how you can do your keywords and i am going to the piece that i want is this description so i use the same description on all of my shirts so i'm just going to go and i'm going to copy and paste all right so let's go to our listing and i'm going to paste that in and in my descriptions and i've seen really short descriptions and i've seen long descriptions like i'm using i really like just telling my buyers everything about the shirt i tell them what types of shirts i use what blanks i use i use bella and canvas and next level and tell them a little bit about the shirt how to choose a size how to choose a color how to place an order when to expect your order processing time and things like that again you can do what you like here i would just say be descriptive and allow the buyer to read and know all about your product and it also helps if you add keywords in the description section as well so all of this looks good i know i'm using that because i'm copying pasting and that is my description so i'm going to move forward next you have production partners if you have someone that is a part of your etsy shop that helps you make your products you can add them here as a production partner i do not next we have a section and this is another thing that's optional and the sections just allow you to organize your shop so i'm going to go back to my etsy shop so i can show you what the sections look like if we go back to the main page of my etsy shop and i scroll down here are the sections here so you can see i have a section for my finance printables my cash envelopes i have general t-shirts and then i have things like halloween t-shirts or christmas t-shirts birthday shirts so a way for me to just section off my shop as my shop has grown my sections have grown i started out with maybe just the t-shirt section and just a hoodie section but once i started getting multiple birthday shirts i figured it it's an easy way for a person to go in and see just those birthday shirts so this is what the sections look like so for this shirt let's see i would probably let me see i have it's not mother's day christmas i would normally put it in t-shirts or hoodies again i'm going to try a listing where i'm putting it in multiple places so we're going to start off and i'm just going to put it in the t-shirts section so i go here and the sections that i already have set up show up in the drop down and you see how if it says couldn't find a section so if you don't have a section that meets your needs here you can say add a section so right now i'm just going to choose see t-shirts but if you don't have any sections of course you need to select add a section and name your section okay next we have tags and tags says optional but they are very very very important they are how people find your listing remember when we looked at this listing and we scrolled all the way down to the bottom these are keywords that you would want to put in your tags so i'm going to go ahead and add some of these i'm going to do the same thing i did with my title so content creator we know we want that one and you can put in 13 tags and i recommend for the most optimized listing that you use all 13 of your tags so content creator we're going to go um influencer we're gonna go tick tocker i remember seeing that one we saw social media i'm gonna go back and look again um we see crew neck and oversize oh vlogger shirt let's go with that one all right so um i'm gonna go blocker shirt and these are some that i don't see at the bottom of that listing but ones that i want to add so i'm going to go youtuber because youtubers vloggers videographers those are all content creators so they might be interested in this shirt um i'm gonna say i've got social media in here let's go instagram instagrammer gift something like that and i don't know if instagrammer is a real word i'm gonna add that here but i'm just gonna just in case um i've got tick-tocker let's go take tock shirt right so i've got two left um sometimes i do things like if i don't have if i can't think of any more keywords i'll go um this might be a good shirt for teen teen gift and i might go women's shirt right so it's just me trying to use all of my tags a lot of times i'll go back and think of better tags but again let's go with these so we've got our content creator cover we've got our influencer cover tick talkers social media vloggers it's crew neck blogger shirt a youtuber instagrammer instagram tic toc teen and women so we're gonna go with that and then you can also add materials so if you use certain materials to create your shirts so for me a lot of times i will use vinyl on my shirt but for this shirt it's not vinyl i use screen printed transfers so i'm going to say screen print here just anything that will help the buyer know what your item is made out of and on this one you have 12 options but on this one not as important that you use all 12 just you put what you need so i'm just going to go screen print here to let the buyer know that this is screen print and not vinyl okay now we're down to your inventory and your pricing so here i'm going to have my pricing is going to vary based on the variation and my variations i'm going to use style which is going to be whether you want a t-shirt a hoodie or a sweatshirt and i'm going to use color so i'm going to start off with the price for my t-shirts and just put 24 quantity look if you are keeping a stock if you have stock of your product you can put thick here it is hard for me to keep stock on my shirts because i keep blank shirts and then i create whatever i need to create out of those shirts so i could use a small heather brown for any number of shirts in my stock in my shop so keeping stock is kind of hard so what i do is i usually just make this 999 and it's just going to count down and keep auto renewing so i don't have to worry about me selling out of this item but if you create unique handmade things where you only have five of that thing in stock definitely put the right quantity here and then we have skus i also use skus you may not and this is totally just for you i use another tool to track my inventory and to ship things out i use ship station and when i'm in ship station the skus really help me so i'm going to go ahead and add a skew here but again you do not have to do this and actually i'm going to add my skus to my individual variations because again i'm doing a lot of different kinds and one listing so i'm going to go in and add my variations i'm going to click add variations now what i'm going to do here is not use the size variation that etsy adds because then they're going to give me those wonky min sizes so i'm going to hit delete here and then i'm going to say that i'm going to create a new variation and then i'm going to call it size and hit add and then it's going to let me name my sizes myself so i'm going to go small at i'm going to do medium and i like caps here at large at extra large 2x oops 2x 3x and 4x okay so now i have my sizes here now i've got some options here prices vary for each size quantity vary for each size skews vary for each size so for me my prices vary and my skus vary so i'm going to check those blocks and then another variation is color or style i am thinking them as i keep moving i'm thinking i am probably just going to make this my t-shirt listing just to make things easier and not group them even though i really want to i'm going back and forth on that but for the sake of this video let's make it simple and next i'm going to do color and again i don't like it when mine says primary color or secondary color i really just wanted to say color so i'm going to create a variation i don't want it all caps okay and i'm going to add now i have the same options prices vary for each color quantities vary skews vary and i do not vary my prices quantities are skews by color so i'm going to leave those blank and then just add in my colors so i know i want to carry this in white and black for now there is a sand color that i'd like to carry it in but sand is never in stock right now i am i'm going to go ahead and add the sand in and i will just make it show as out of stock because i i know i want to carry that color so i'm going to go white black insane so again when you are creating your listings your sizes your colors or your variations might be different than mine but as you can see esse will allow you to use some of their pre-configured variation titles or you can create your own so i'm just going to go update here and you can see here it's letting me add my skus and add my prices because i said that they vary based on based on size so i'm going to go back and look at one of my other listings let's go back and i want to use that same shirt that i used before if i can find it and of course now i don't see it i'll use this senior shirt right here same thing and just looking at it and making sure i make my prices match and you can see here i can see my prices so on the 2x i go to 26 28 and 30. i always have to take a look at that so i know i want this to be 26. 28 dollars and 30 and these are all 24. [Music] okay so now i have my prices in and i will go ahead and do my skus a t-e-e that tells me it's a t-shirt um i'm gonna put this in my small business kind of category spo and then i usually do what kind of a abbreviation or four characters what kind of shirt it is um so i'll do co c r sorry content creator and you can when you're doing skus it could be anything you want it to be anything that makes sense to you but when i see this skew it needs to be something where i automatically understand what the surety is just by looking at the skew and so a t e is like an adult t if i do hoodies i do hood if i do sweatshirts i do swt so just something that i made up for my system again whatever works for you or you cannot do skus at all and that's perfectly fine so i'm going to just copy these down and then i'm going to change the sizes so i'm going to go that's my medium that's my large my extra large my 2x my 3x and my 4x now i will say things like the skews not very important to etsy search and optimizing your listings but they will be very important when you start making a lot of sales if you're doing very unique handmade things where you're going to make just a few at a time again i think not very important for me the more my shop scales up and the more t-shirts i sell it is very important to me when i'm trying to keep track of things and look at reporting that i have skews so i can see exactly what's selling and it allows me to save some of my shipping settings inside of ship station so the skus are very important to me especially when it comes to the different sizes because the shirts weigh different things so again not the topic of this video but when you're first starting out if you're doing apparel or anything like that i will say go ahead and set up your sku system early so you don't have to go back and do it later for a whole lot of project products so just saving you some time all right so i'm going to scroll down and then we have colors and again there's no variations or skew changes based on the color so those are there and they are fine now we have personalization so if this was a shirt that someone could personalize put their name on tell me they want a different color things of that nature i would turn personalization on so you definitely need to do that if you have a personal listing i have a lot of them out there that i do allow to be personalized but this one is just content creator so it's standard so i do not need to turn my personalization on next i'm going to go down to shipping and in the shipping area you can see here i have a lot of predefined shipping options set up you will need to set up your shipping options and i don't want to go too deep into that because that is a lot it's really going to depend on how you want to ship whether you're shipping domestic or internationally it's your processing time how long you are going to take to make your item it is where you're shipping from your zip code all of that goes into these different shipping options or shipping profiles and for me i have some pre-set up so i have a certain profile for my shirt orders none shirt orders hoodies aprons because it takes me a different amount of time to do different things so that's why i have so many options but again this is a shirt order i do them in one to three business days and i have free shipping for domestic orders and all of that set up and i'm just going to choose this option if you guys want me to do a video where i go deep into the different shipping options and shipping profiles and how to set all of this up leave me a comment in the comment section and i will definitely do that video so i'm going to scroll past that and then you're going to put the weight of you of your item now i normally just use 11 ounces for t-shirts they will sometimes be a little um not higher than that but lower than that but if a person has to let's say if it's a international order and they have to pay for their shipping i don't want to choose um that the shirt weighs five ounces and it's a shirt that weighs you know eight ounces and they don't pay enough so i want to make sure i get that and i usually just adjust that when i'm processing the order and then we're gonna go down and it is item size when it's packed so this is the size of the poly millers or whatever you're going to use to ship your items and i use my poly millers are 13 by 10 and by and one because they're pretty flat so that is just a standard size polymer that you can use for t-shirts and i use that same one for hoodies and sweatshirts one will fit in that size and again if they order multiple then i change it but again you handle you can handle all of that when you're doing shipping so you'll need to figure out the standard box size or poly miller or whatever you're going to use to ship out your items and put those measurements there and you have your length your width and your height and just keep in mind that your length is always the longest side of the item the other is the width and of course how tall it is it's going to be your height so you get that in and then you can see a preview of the shipping price and when someone orders from you etsy will try to give them a calculation of what it's going to cost them to have it shipped so from my location in duluth georgia to someone ordering something in chicago you know it's going to say free shipping here but let's say if i wasn't offering she's free shipping it would tell them it's going to cost you 3.46 to ship and that's using first class mail and then it will give the total price so just a a glimpse into what your customer is going to see right and we scroll down and then etsy is also going to give you a little plug to tell you if you use their shipping labels you're going to sell i mean you're going to save money you're going to save a dollar and 48 cents if you went to usps and bought that label over the counter so just a little plug there to let you know and then last but not least you have the marketing section and this is where you say whether you want this listing to be included in your etsy ads campaign and i do have an etsy ads campaign running so i might say yes and if i don't want it included in that campaign i would say maybe later so for this shirt is content creator i think i do want it included in my campaign i usually add my new listings into my campaign and see how they do and if they're not taking up too much money or if they don't have a lot of search volume i might take them out so but i usually put them in there to start off and just see how it's going to go and adjust later there's an area in your marketing area you can go in right over here and adjust that so now that is it we're at the end of this listing and i'm just going to scroll up before we hit publish and just check a few things and again my important things i want to make sure my images are nice clear and i have a good amount of image images in and again i will go back and add more i want to make sure my thumbnail is exactly how i want it and adjust it another thing that's very important is my title now i do see something i want to change here and this is just totally for my aesthetic when i do my titles instead of dashes i usually do this line so i want all of my listings to look alike so i'm going to add this lining here for my research it doesn't matter which one you do if anyone has found that the dash does better than the line definitely let me know i just usually like the way the line looks better and i also have this thing i have two etsy shops and on one of my shops i use the line the other one i use a dash and when i see my listings i can tell right off which shop it is by how i put it in here so i'm going to do that and again this title is a bit short for me i'm going to go and do some more keyword research i do have etsy keyword research tools that i use and i'll probably do a whole video on that so i'll usually go to one of those tools or i'll probably go to one of those tools do some research so i can clean this up and fill this out a little bit more but for you i want you to think of all of the keywords that you can think of for your item and put them in this title to this number goes to zero okay so i'm good with that and the next thing i want to check is my tags because that's most another very very important thing when it comes to being found in search and i've used up all 13 of my tags so i'm good there and i think i am now good to post so i'm going to scroll down and you can see here you can preview save as a draft or publish so let's say you come in here and you can't fill in everything in one sitting and when you first get started that will be the case a lot so don't worry about that you can always save as a draft and save your place and come back and add things later but i think this is good so i am going to hit publish it's going to tell me i'm about to publish a new listing this will use one of my 2165 free listings so i'm okay with that if you don't have any free listings it's going to tell you that it's going to cost you 20 cents and it's going to tell you the publication date will reset to today's date and the listing will expire four months from today so that's that listing period that i was telling you about it's four months i can never remember whether it's four to six so it is actually four months so four months before your listing will expire and depending on whether you have it on manual or auto renew and you can see here i chose auto renew so they're saying will auto renew every four months at 20 cent per listing right and you can change your listing at any time without having to repay for this that's why i can go back and add in pictures and things like that so i'm just gonna hit publish okay and then you can see my listing is here my content creator shirt and then if i choose here choose this um icon i mean gear icon go down and i can view my shirt on etsy by clicking that and this is what my listing looks like so we've got that picture shows up nice and big and we can scroll through and see there's the sweatshirt there's the t-shirt this is my size shirt my size chart for my sweatshirt size chart for my t-shirt and then i'm going to go back and add a size chart for the hoodie or i'm going to take the sweatshirt off and just make another listing i'm still in debates about that again i've got the colors and you'll notice that for here i only chose white and black um and sand so i am going to actually take this off because i'm not offering this shirt in my normal colors so i'm going to take this off and i probably won't add a a color chart here because again i'm showing pictures i'm showing what the shirt looks like in black and i could possibly show what it looks like in white so i'll probably just take this off altogether and then i have one where people can join my mailing list and i just take them to my website etsy and they can get on my mailing list and save 30 percent so that's um just a nice to have and you can see this is the title these are the keywords we chose these were the sizes that we chose here are my colors white black and sand and then you can see where it's showing that it's handmade because of those options that i selected the materials you can see that is screen there's screen print and then here is that description that i use on all of my listings that i like copied and pasted and feel free to choose anything out of my description that you like um i know it's kind of hard thinking of what you want to put there so feel free to borrow any of that information and then you can see estimator arrival information i set mine to free shipping so costa ship is free and on my shop i for my returns and exchanges i say not accepted but i do everything i can to fix an order if any of my customers have a problem so i i use that option and again my shipping profile dictates that it delivers to the united states and is starting at three zero zero nine six that's my zip code from duluth georgia and there you go so that is my listing and that is how you create a listing that sells again remember the title and the tags most important so there you have it that is exactly how you list your products on essie so they can be found in sc search and you can make more sales i hope you found these tips valuable and like i promised i've got something special for you all you have to do is look down the description click on the link give me your email address and i'll send it your way but before you do that i'd like for you to watch the video right below me yes that one right there click on that video because i've got some more cool stuff to share with you i'll meet you over there
Channel: Healthy Wealthy Skinny
Views: 3,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to list products on etsy, how to list an item on etsy, how to list digital downloads on etsy, how to list digital products on etsy, how to list on etsy step by step, how to create an etsy listing, how to create etsy listing, how to sell on etsy, sell on etsy, selling on etsy for beginners, selling on etsy for beginners 2020, etsy listing tips, etsy listing tutorial, etsy listing walkthrough, etsy product listing, etsy tips, etsy tutorial, Etsy for Beginners 2021
Id: -RKFUyb3nQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 44sec (3524 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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