HOW TO LIST AN ITEM ON ETSY THE RIGHT WAY - how to create a listing on etsy - etsy listing tutorial

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do you want to know the secrets on listing on etsy the right way then keep watching this video [Music] hi everyone my name is steph if you are new here and i have been running my six figure handmade online business since 2016 and i'm essentially here to teach you how to do the same thing well today we are going to be talking about listing on etsy so what i'm going to do is i'm going to spin myself round take you into my pc and we are going to be listing an item on etsy together i'm going to be walking you through some of my best tips so should we get into it let's get into it okay guys hello hello hello we are in my pc i've made myself a little bit bigger because on the last video you guys said that you couldn't really see me so i've made myself a little bit bigger i've moved i've moved myself around so what we're going to be doing first so you go on to the add a new listing button right and the first thing i want you guys to do is actually not to crack on and list your item the first thing i want you guys to do is to really really really hone in on what this item is actually used for okay so i've got some questions here so who is your target market what will they use that this item for why is it important for them to have this item what pain point will it solve in their life what possible objections could they have to buying this now so you really want to go ahead and answer those particular questions right the problem is is that if you don't do this research beforehand what actually happens that your listing just ends up sat in your shop for like six months and it doesn't move it doesn't sell it doesn't get any views right so it's really important to actually sit and answer these questions again i'm just going to leave them up on the screen for you before you even start to think about listing your item the next thing that you want to do is you want to make sure that you have done your seo research your search engine optimization research find your keywords make sure that they are relevant make sure that they are long tail keywords because short tail keywords don't convert as well how i like to kind of describe them is that imagine your keyword phrases separated by a comma as little salespeople working for you 24 hours a day right so let's just say for example that you have um strong dog toy comma right and then you have a toy for dog and then you have dog toy right which one of those phrases do you think is going to convert the best yep you're right it is going to be this one here then this one here then this one here and that is because how people search is that they will start off with a search like this and then they will add words into it depending on what the search actually comes back with right so just make sure to use i mean you can use a tool like e-rank a marmalade or you can use free tools it doesn't really matter i like e-rank myself because it just makes it really easy um but again i have got videos on this on my channel that are going to teach you how to do your seo research so again you want to make sure that you have answered these questions and then you've done seo research i'm just going to keep this little thing here so you can kind of see visually what we're going to be doing and when right so the next thing you want to be doing is to create a listing or copy a listing it doesn't matter you can copy an existing listing or create a new one i've actually decided to just create a new one so i can show you exactly what we're going to be doing right so it doesn't necessarily matter um you know whether you're going to copy one that you've that you've already got on your shop where you're going to create a new one it does not matter i just want to make that really really clear right so the first thing i actually do is i i find a category first right so dog toy and this sounds really counter intuitive but i'm going to explain why and the first thing i do is i ignore all of this i ignore this i ignore the title for now i ignore everything and i go straight to the attributes the reason for this is simple we miss them etsy does a really good job of having endless boxes to fill out i go straight to the attributions which is from here down and straight away i'm like right let's do this first because if i don't do it now i'm gonna forget so let's say for example that are and in fact what i'm gonna do is i'm going to upload the photo of our example listing i'm just going to have it here so that you you can see what i'm thinking of right so it's a dog toy okay let's just imagine that you that you make dog toys right so i'm going to go down to here and i'm going to do primary color red all right secondary color um i mean it's still red so i'm not i'm not i'm not going to fill that out right um occasion it is it's a pet loss it's not really for pet loss because you wouldn't buy a toy for a dog that's not with us anymore um i wouldn't necessarily put anything in here it does depend on what your item is now you've got to really pick something that makes the most sense i wouldn't say what i wouldn't do is i wouldn't have like a piece of jewelry because obviously i have a draw a jewelry shop i wouldn't put a piece of jewelry and just like click all of them um or rather not click all of them because you can't but have every listing with a different occasion right that's not what i would do what i would do if you have got time is that i would go in sort of whenever there's like the wedding season which is usually from march to september i would change that in there and then maybe um when it's back to school time i'd put that in there right so if it doesn't make sense to have it in there i wouldn't put it in there okay i'm interrupting my own video to ask you a question so you're watching this because you want more etsy sales right and did you know that conversion rate is absolutely the key if you want to do that on etsy and beyond you want to build a thriving business an amazing brand all on etsy if you want to do that then you need to grab this free master class it's insanely valuable it's happening today secure your free spot using the link in the description box below and i can't wait to see you on the inside now let's get back to the video so in our case it doesn't make sense because we're not i mean we could buy it for a dog's birthday i suppose but it yeah it's a little it's a little a little bit tricky because people usually buy dog toys because they're super frustrated i'm going to be going into that in a second so celebration again for our particular listing i wouldn't be putting that in there um however again maybe when it comes around to father's day easter mother's day new year's i would you know if you've got time and you've got items that could be used for any of these occasions or maybe more than one i would go through and change them um because in fact i'm gonna just quickly show you on etsy how all of these attributions work so you can visually see what's happening through the buyers eyes so i've just done a search for dog toy right and um you can see here that you've got free delivery on sale all that good stuff and you scroll down and it's got celebration color um and all that good stuff right so i just really wanted quickly to hop on here and show you exactly how attributions and all that good stuff works through an actual search right through an actual literal search that we are doing on etsy so you can kind of see how all of these boxes and gums that look super complicated how it works in real life right so that's what i would do first is i would go through and do all of the attributions now also what i would do is i wouldn't put it on automatic renewal i would not advise against that because etsy's taking 20 cents every four months and you have no way of knowing if that listing is performing well without you going into like every single listing and then changing it what i do is that i do a manual renewal um and then when they expire they go into my expired listings and then that gives me like a nice little list of things i need to go through and change right so then we've done that and then i'd go and add in your images and your titles and your tags so i'm just going to put i know that we've got this little thing here put your images in there now use every single photo slot studies have shown that the more photos you have of that item the higher the conversion rate and this even goes as to fun i wouldn't recommend you do this but it even goes as far as to say that having images of the same image of the same item multiple times because they're scrolling on their phones they're swiping they're swiping does increase conversion rate right so i have videos on my channel showing you how how to take good photos and what to include in each slot but be creative if you don't have to just put photos of the item in there you can show modeled shots lifestyle shots you can even bust customer objections through these images so it's just good to just be super super creative now for your title um i know that etsy have said that they prefer shorter titles however if you've got like i mean how many characters do we have 140 characters of yummy seo space to use i'm for sure gonna be using it all right so i'm gonna be doing a long title um strong dog toy toy for dog dog toy um a toy for big dog by the way i'm not actually researching this i'm just literally coming up with it right but just imagine this is a longer title right a gift for dog birthday gotcha day dog gift right that's just going to be my title because this video is going to be like two hours long right so imagine this is your title full of highly converting long tail keywords that you have thoroughly researched based off of the answers to these questions you can see now why these were super super important right so what i'm actually going to do and i've run quite a few tests on this myself and whenever i copy my title and put it in my tags the listing does perform better i know etsy has officially come out and said that you don't need to do this but i do and the reason for this is the exact matches and repetition in a listing seems to be the the top two things in regards to like seo in general that seem to work so what i would then do is that i would then go where of tags go here i would then go and i would copy and paste them in there now what you're going to come up with is that you can't enter more than 20 characters in attack and that's what you're going to come up against so what i would do is that i would split those up now split it up where it makes sense so we could do gift for and then we could do dog birthday um what i wouldn't recommend you do is have single word tags because that doesn't really make sense it's actually better to do it like that right so that's what i would do use all 13 tags do not miss out any of your tags even if they are rubbish and you're like i haven't researched these but you know whatever just put tags in there right so at this point we have a listing that's got our photos all done we've got a highly researched title um we have got tags all done in there so those are like the three main elements of a listing right the three most important elements now also do not forget to go through and do stuff like this but i'm pretty sure you guys know that you have to fill out um about this listing basically anything with a star next to it you have to fill out right so then we move on to our description right now what i recommend you do with this is that you create a template for yourself i have a good two to i think three now videos on my channel basically explaining how to write how to craft i should say how to craft a um highly converting description you don't want to be like hi guys welcome to my listing this is a dog that's not that's not what you want you want to grab those questions again these questions who is my target market what will they use it for why is it important for them to have it what pain point will it solve for them what possible objections could they have to buying this now and you want to create a kind of template for you and in that template you could have you mean you could even copy these questions guys and put it in your template um and do something like this where you where you have these questions and you answer those first and then you have something like um shine a light on their objections and like little notes in there to kind of help you and then at the very end you could have something like um find us on instagram and then have your handle um favorite favorite hour shop you guys you guys get that get the gist right where you um are just kind of giving yourself not a blank page to start with there's nothing more intimidating right let me know in the comments is this you there's nothing more intimidating than having a blank bloomin blank screen when you're trying to write a description so write yourself a template out the elements you have to really include are you have to shine a light on your customers pain point which in this example we have a dog that is an adolescent dog which is tearing up all these toys right we're spending hundreds of dollars on dog toys and just getting torn to shreds within like a day right so we need a strong dog toy but we don't want to buy dog toys that have got harmful plastics and all that stuff in so we head to etsy because we want to find someone that's put care and attention into this dog toy right we are a crazy crazy crazy dog mum we love our dog our dog is our baby and i know because i am a dog mum and my dog is my baby right so that is my pain point so you have to shine a light on that pain point make it ten times bigger be like the problem with shot bought dog toys that there are harmful things in them that may you know hurt or even seriously injure your dog right you want to be like oh my goodness make the person say i never knew this oh no i need to stop buying shop bought dog toys then you introduce your product as the solution and then you list the features and the benefits so i'm not going to go through and type it all out because again this video would be a long but i am going to say that those are the kind of elements that you need in your descriptions so now what we want to do is we want to make sure um that we filled out the rest right so we want to do a section in our shop now if you've not got a section you can add these in i have got a video on my channel i'm showing you how to do that and what to put in them and all that sort of stuff pretty pretty simple um you want to be putting materials in there as well um i would say that the more detail you can put in here the better but don't be like if you're selling prints don't put like paper um be more specific than that right this really makes people um appreciate the amount of work that's gone into your listing right you then want to be putting in the price i'm not going to go too far into pricing again i have videos on my channel for every single element i i have videos on my channel right you want to be doing the quantity now i would recommend i mean i've tested it with both i would say with things that people don't normally buy multiple quantities of i would put only one in because what it does is that when you go onto a listing when it's only got one it comes up with a big red thing that's like this is the last one left and it gives people major fomo so they they just like well i can't leave it i have to buy it now because there's only one left and i have had customers message me frantically like oh i need to buy this can you like renew it whereas if i had like 20 in stock actually on the listing i don't think it would be it would it would work as well right so you can also put skus in there if you want to i would allow restock requests this is only if you're on etsy plus by the way so if you have it i would allow it by all means variations so if you have different colors you can put colors in there so let's say different colors we have um beige we have blue we have brown whatever now if prices do vary quantities do various usually vary you can do all of this here and then you can change the price depending right so let's say for example this is 29.95 you can you know do all that sort of stuff make sure to put a price in for each one if you offer personalization at all then you can do this here this is the instructions so one one thing i would say here is you have to be super in your face so if it's like please do not buy without you know leaving a name or let's say for example that you just need to make sure that people are filling this out then you can then do not do not tick this okay you want to make sure that because what it will do is it will put this here which means that people can check out without doing this you want to leave this blank but also i would say um please leave your name below uh four to ten characters only right now obviously like i've done that in cats because i clicked the keyboard thing but you kind of get my point right um so let's just take that off for now because that won't let us save it now delivery profiles again i've got a video for it on my channel so create a delivery profile i would say that's the easiest way don't do it for each individual listing you can market your listings if you are new i wouldn't recommend doing that and all that good stuff if you have translations then do that then i'd scroll way back up and i would go through again okay now i am going to say if you have got a video definitely add it it does increase conversions um have a little look through your entire listing and make sure that everything on the back end is sorted out now the next thing to do is to i'm just going to click that there um in fact let's just put in prices you might come up against this when you try to save as draft or preview or whatever it's going to come up with big red boxes right so this is our listing okay so what what it will do is that when you click preview so let's just go back and just show you exactly what to do do not click any of these always click preview right and it's just done it and now it's telling me i need to fill out all of the fields which i've done there we go super weird so this is like a little preview of your listing now what i want you to do is i want you then to go back to these questions guys go back to these questions look at your listing from a shopper's perspective and really really really try to decipher whether or not your target market would be interested in this item so this is really just a case of you reviewing your own listing now you can see here that it's got only one avail available so that's just going to make me be like oh i need to buy it more right so if you need to change anything go back and do that now the next thing i would say for you to do is to save it as a draft do not publish it straight away save it as a draft and then make four to five copies of this particular item and keyword them for different occasions okay so so let's say for example that with this i would do one as a dog birthday one as a new pet gift i'd have themes for each of the four to five listings what that does is that number one it gets the amount of items in your shop up quicker and number two is that it makes different pools of people come into your listing who are more than likely to buy if you're just keywording it as dog toy dog toy dot as i've done here then you're only gonna get people that are looking for dog toy dog toy strong dog toy etc right do you see what i mean so that is when doing those those four to five copies of that item is gonna be a complete winner for you right so guys i really hope that was helpful for you but now what's your next step so you've kind of got a really good idea of how to list things on etsy the right way but what's next well what's the point in making listings on etsy if they don't convert right what is the actual point little spoiler alert there is none so that's why i have created especially for you boss a free 80-minute master class called the three-step framework to skyrocket your etsy conversion rate you can save your c in the description box below it's super super valuable you definitely want to get in on that master class if you want to be making the good money on etsy and beyond so don't forget to grab your seat and give this video a big big thumbs up if you enjoyed it subscribe if you haven't already but for now guys i shall catch you in the next video bye everyone
Channel: Handmade Bosses
Views: 4,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to list on etsy step by step, how to list on etsy with iphone, how to list on etsy 2020, how to list on etsy uk, how to list digital downloads on etsy, how to list variations on etsy, how to sell on etsy, how to start an etsy shop, how to create an etsy listing, etsy listing tutorial, how to start an etsy shop step by step, etsy product listing walkthrough, how to list an item on etsy, etsy listing walkthrough, how to list items on etsy, etsy listing step by step
Id: KfmOX8lGHC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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