How to Make a Multidec Rhinestone & Glitter Holiday Shirt | Black Friday Deals

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what's going on there crew let me know if you can see me let me know if you can hear me let's get tick tock in here let's get instagram in here let's go super excited when my order from trw came today awesome dan appreciate the support what's up lisa what's up vy what's up julie dale tan you debbie dar audrey how are you sheila what's up mary alice what's up kristen tick tock what's going on instagram what's up sweet t41 how you guys doing over there so here's the deal youtube's gonna get the best views tick tock's gonna be second tonight instagram you're gonna hang out with me for a little while then i gotta hop over to uh facebook and make sure the facebook crew knows what's going on but here's the deal we are going to be we're going to be knocking out a few different shirts okay we're going to be knocking out a few different shirts and we are also as you guys know black friday deals are going on right now okay we have we have technically sold out of a couple color stones however we did get a couple new ones in and we got restocked on a few as well today and we made sure to get them back up in time for black friday deals so a lot of you have been asking about the diamond cut strawberry stones which is our most popular red color now red siam is awesome but the strawberry just has a different look to it we got those back in stock today so they are on there now and then we got two brand brand new colors in today we got the wisteria is this one wisteria is a light purple diamond cut stones and what's up bella how are you light color diamond cut stone where when you hit a different angle it has kind of a blue tint to it it's freaking sweet no stone we don't have any stones like this at all and then we also got the solar flare the solar flare is sick i'm going to make an entrepreneur shirt i think yeah i'm going to make an entrepreneur shirt out of this tonight as well so we got a few different things i'm going gonna make at least one two maybe three shirts a mask but i do have a challenge i'm gonna put out okay a few different things number one youtube let's go let's get this youtube share let's get to our 500 so we can give away a silhouette cameo four okay however i have another challenge for all of you on tick tock so tick tock tap that screen up let's go tik tok if we get to if we get to 500 live tonight on tick tock on tick tock i will give away this full jet black diamond cut rhinestone tumbler on tick tock if we get to 500 live on tick tock will be this and then once we hit 500 maybe i'll do some more giveaways and we'll keep upping the annie all right so here's what we're going to do first first thing we're going to do is we're going to create a multi-deck design and it's going to be a pretty detailed multi-deck design that's in one of our mini packs okay it's going to be a pretty sweet one so right now youtube we have 185 190 of you on youtube right now we have a hundred of you on tick tock instagram i know you guys are all starting to move over i see you guys saying i came from instagram so instagram i'm gonna hang out with you for a little while longer but make sure to head over to you aren't gonna be on my c my screen and everything okay so make sure to head over to youtube and tick tock to be able to see everything all right just my trw design what is it that's what i'm talking about christina thank you um by the way all of you all star and hall of fame peeps all of all star and hall of fame members we have so many new trw design wizard and coreldraw users now that are also all hall of fame and all-star members tomorrow's tomorrow i'm going to be doing it probably later after noonish early evening and the all-star training is going to be kind of um uh kind of a getting started but those of you who have had the wizard and corel for a while it's going to help you guys as well and that is a free training for all hall all-star and hall of fame members it is a free training but what's unique about it is only all-star and hall of fame members can come to that one so the numbers are a lot lower so i can answer the questions better got it so youtube get shared we need 500 for the cameo 4 giveaway and tick tock let's get those um make sure you're tapping that screen up let's get some people in here make sure to share it tick tock again instagram head over to talking youtube here we go all right i'm going to flip my screen around here for you tic toc so you guys can see what's going on and i'm just going to show you the vertical view and i'll just stay zoomed out a little bit and let me flip hold on let me get it so it stays boom there we go it's like in the move a lot right now all right hold on tick tock i got you there we go and youtube let me get you guys over to the screen camera here so this design right here is actually in one of our mini packs on the website so with the black friday deals as you guys know the mini packs are 40 off of the already discounted sixty percent off price all right so when i'm going to cut a file like this when i'm in the trw design wizard in coreldraw all i need to do is i need i need to highlight now does some of you have seen this design before and some of you may have it anybody that does have it or anybody that gets it i actually added to this file i added which all of you that have this file right now that may have got it before just to let you know all of this um kind of sprinkle of rhinestones around it right here was not on this before i just added a new file to the mini pack okay um view so yes v y you got this one last year i added the sprinkle of rhinestones to it so if you go back even if you've ordered it before if you go back to your order history and go in there that new download will be in there as well okay so those extra stones are on this design now now again when i want to cut this i'm going to go to templates i'm going to go to my vinyl overcut and what that's going to do is it's going to give me my color separations like this okay now when i'm going to cut this file okay first thing i'm going to cut is the rhinestone side of it and i just know you know what i take that back i'm going to cut the vinyl side of it first that way i can weed the vinyl while it's cutting the actual magic flock material because that takes a little bit longer to cut okay yes that file i added for free for all of you guys that have purchased this mini pack and i'll show you the mini pack at the end of the training don't worry so first color we're going to cut is we're going to go with the red so i'm going to highlight this now see these tiny little small areas right here chances are those areas are not going to weed okay i know that i don't have a problem with that but i'm just going to put them in there anyway just in case all right so i'm going to highlight this i'm going to go to launch and cut plot cm4 and then i am going to bring you guys over to our production view now and so you guys can kind of see what's going on here and we'll get the materials loaded and get this going all right so let me get you guys here and instagram i'm just going to kind of flip you guys around here a little bit actually i'll just move there you go instagram at least then you can kind of see what's going on still if you if you just have instagram all right so i'm going to use again my red glitter heat transfer vinyl for this one so this is my caesar red glitter loaded into my 15-inch graftec and that looks good to go there lock that down i'm going to hit one for front edge okay that's going to bring it to the front edge there so once i have it at the front edge i'm going to come back over to my software here and i know that i have an older blade so i'm going to do a force of about 26 i'm going to slow down my speed to about 30 and quality of one all right and then i want this rotated the other way so i'm rotated there this is my red and i'm going to hit send so this is cutting now i'm going to peek over here and check for questions and stuff so if we get 500 people on tick-tock and we've done it before if we get 500 of you on tick tock make sure to go share it with your friends i will give away this full rhinestone tumbler to tic toc 500 on youtube we're going to be giving away the silhouette cameo for not the one with the rhinestones but a brand new one which is even better i just bought a cameo for can't wait for it to come awesome jesse freaking sweet let's go what's up k what's up everybody how are you oh i'm gonna hit one continue job make sure oh i know what's happening one again it's um the back part of it is lifting up because it's pushing against the wall right there so the sensor in the back thinks that it's out of material the great thing about the graphtec is when that happens it doesn't actually stop your cut and you can continue your cut and keep going um the settings for now again this blade is about a year and a half old and i'm going to probably have my setting at about a 26 with a single over cut for the magic flock material all right and let me get you guys over here a little bit better view there we go i have that camera just pointing in some random spot and then the second color i'm going to cut is going to be my green grass glitter heat transfer vinyl so it's set at the 20 now i want to show you guys because i had this question a lot as far as some people that were looking into the 15 inch cutter versus the 24 inch cutter i want to show you guys something here real quick the question was can you cut 20-inch material on the 15-inch cutter so technically yes you can so the area where you load the material is actually wide enough to take the 20 inch material however what happens is and i'm going to show you guys over here what happens is the pinch roller only goes from there to there so what that means and i can only push it over that far so i'm going to lose about two inches of the material on this side and probably about three inches of the material on that side so i'm still going to lose about five inches of that material and the thing that kind of stinks about it is you can't just move it to where you lose all five inches on one side and you have that for scraps now so that part is kind of a pain so what i normally do is i still come in here and i trim down the glitter heat transfer vinyl and i normally try to about cut it in half just so i know that it's going to be wide enough for obviously whatever i'm cutting as well so loading the green grass in here now and i can rotate my design as well if i need to so that looks good there now anytime i cut something with scissors okay i always make sure just in case i cut it crooked all right so the way that i make sure is i just hit down fast and basically scroll it out as far as i think the design would be it didn't go outside my pinch rollers so i know that i'm good to go and i can go ahead and cut this all right so and i'm going to move this away from the wall a little bit just so it doesn't keep hitting that wall insane load material all right good to go there and let's head back over to my cutter here or over to the software and i'm going to start this second cuts okay start the second cut here so i know that this cut is about 10 inches by 10.5 inches i'm going to go launch cut plot cm4 and again i'm going to use that same cut force and speed that i used on the first one and let's go ahead and hit send so now that that's cutting i'm going to bring you guys over here and we're going to start weeding our first design so this was our red glitter of our first design here let's get these other glitters out of the way and i'm going to use my pen tool here so i just need to see where that's why i always do a weed box so i can see these cut lines good now what i'm also going to do is i'm going to come over here to the heat press real quick and i'm going to turn it around so you can see um let me just move you guys i'm going to rotate you guys here real quick just so you can see what i'm doing all right i'm going to heat up my bottom platen and then i'm just going to put my vinyl here for a second it's going to kind of warm up my vinyl a little bit and what that's going to allow it to do is just peel easier how many of you guys do this already it's a little kind of a little cheat code for vinyl when you're weeding because it just allows it to release easier now don't heat it up too much because if you heat it up too much it's going to ruin the adhesive but see how easy that red glitter just peeled off there and then i'm going to come over here grab this and then let's see how many of those little spots okay so i can see there's two of the little spots right there and again those are so small i don't have a problem with those coming up so i actually let that little spot come up right there and i'm good with that good there i'm going to come over here grab this spot and again because it's warm that's what's allowing it to peel so much and i'll show you where the little spot is as well where it's actually the part that i'm saying that i'm not even worried about because you can see the tiny little cut lines on the carrier sheet so that's good there this is good here and you can see how easy this is weeding for me now inside part of my little snowflakes right here knock those out got this part here all of this here and i'm almost done weeding this already and the snowflakes you can see i'll show you up close here the snowflakes are pretty detailed but here is just so you guys can see can you see the little cut spots right there at all or no there's one right there where i'm pointing there's a little cut spot right there okay and again that spot was so small i'm not even worried about it because i'm going to have stones going through there and everything so it's still going to look great okay so good with that you can see all my snowflakes look good i got a little spot in there i'm going to go ahead and trim this off and then i'm going to grab the green part but before i even start cutting the green part or before i even start weeding i'm sorry the green part i'm gonna see make sure it cut good so finding my weed box right there okay that looks good that's peeling up good so now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna come over and grab my magic flock which is right here and we are going to throw our magic block onto the graphtec over here so magic flock onto the graphtec let's get this all lined up good that looks good to me i'm going to hit one for front edge bring it to the front got to bring it down just a tiny bit set my origin now i got to bring you back over here just for a second actually uh you guys will be able to see let me switch my screen real quick on youtube tick tock you're not going to be able to see right now but i'm going to tell you what the setting is just so i don't have to move the camera all around again so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to get rid of my weed box here because i'm just going to trim it okay because i'm pretty close to the full 12 inches then i'm going to go cut plot cm4 all right and with my cut plot cm4 right here i want to do a force i'm going to do a force of about a 28 force of 28 speed of 60 quality of 3 or acceleration of 3. so watch this come over here i got a force speed quality and let's go ahead and hit send all right let's move back over to my production view that's cutting and now we're going to go ahead and weed the green here the machine that i'm using tyler is the graph deck and like i said and like some of you know already we have all of our black friday deals going on right now on the website we do have some different deals with the cutters and the heat presses as well a ton of deals huge deals with the stones and vinyls and everything all right so again using my little hack here it's going to warm it up a little bit for me so this material is easier to pull off oh yeah works great around these snowflakes too come around this side so a lot of you have probably weeded the glitter heat transfer vinyl before right and sometimes the glitter heat transfer vinyl can be a little bit more difficult to weed when you use this hack where you heat it up a little bit now remember i'm not heating directly the glitter like i didn't press this or anything i'm just using the heat of the bottom platen to kind of make it warm which allows it all to weed easier so pulling there that looks great there all right so now i'm going to pick my inside areas of the snowflake here i'll keep you guys here so you can see as i'm doing it um the pick tool i'm using is our pen tool so it's super sharp get my trash can over here super sharp but you can kind of take it in and out like a pen so it's not always poking you when you have it in a desk or something you need to grab it out now i haven't weeded this design in a little while i oh you know how sometimes especially when you have different script letters you're wondering okay where is their little inside cavities where's their inside areas i know there is obviously in the a here i know there is in the bottom of the s down here so christmas looks good let's get the rest of the snowflake here come down there and now we got mary and i'm doing the e right there i think there's yep in the top of the r's there's a little spot that looks good and then let's get out of the snowflakes here uh my heat press is going to be at about 325 degrees so that's kind of my perfect temperature to be able to do glitter and rhinestones without having to adjust it so the glitter is normally going to be around 300 degrees i do have a light pad i'm just not using it tonight this is the light pad that i usually use right here this one's awesome all right so that looks good there let's go ahead and bring this out let's find out where my circles end okay so they're going to start right around this area i'm just cutting off the magic flock over here real quick and i know some of you guys can still see me and i just got to see where it ends over here this is the difficult part when you don't man this is harder than i thought it was gonna be when you don't do a weed box you gotta guess so i'm gonna i'm gonna guess hi i just guessed hi because i'm honestly not sure where that started let's see here how many of you here have never used the magic flock template oh i didn't guess too bad how many of you have never used the magic flock template material let me know by the way that is perfect right there look at that so what i'm going to do now is that top part where i cut off a little bit too much i'll still be able to use this for a custom name or something so i'm actually going to stick this right back on there a lot of you cricket and cameo users you've seen me do this a lot where you just stick it right to the cutting mat so this is an awesome scrap for our giveaway scrapbox right so some i see some of you saying it looks like it missed some of the c and some of the h no it was actually supposed to miss those because of the design right here all right so we got our green here we got our stones there and i'm actually going to use we actually got some new crystal a b stones and i want to try them tonight because they look man our our crystal a b used to be amazing our new version of the crystal a b are in my opinion way better that's why we made the change so you're going to see a huge huge difference they just when we compare them side by side they just had so much more sparkle to them all right so that looks good there for my green i always like to put the design together just to be safe so i'm going to take my design and put it together like this right here that looks good and boom so there's my design there okay and now we just need to brush in the rhinestone side of it now i could do just this as my design right i could just be done with it and make an awesome looking shirt with glitter heat transfer vinyl like this but i'm going to add all of the kind of snow flurry of stones around it and then stones all through the merry in the christmas yep all right so these are gonna be the crystal a b right here and they're just gonna have they got a sweet look to them all right so let's drop that there i need to grab my hotfix tape which i have right over here crystal a b stones and my rhinestone brush uh what does the shirt in the back say this one it's just a few of our designs this one says this is in some of our opal color spark heat transfer vinyl snowflakes are kisses from heaven and this is our soft metallic and our calypso soft metallic pretty sweet right um the other one is show you before we get this everywhere so this one's got holographic um snowflakes all over it and it's got the happy holidays design with the little lights and all the different holographic inside the lights there and then the whole back has the little snowflakes as well these are all files we have on the website yes and then the other one which is my favorite one is the chilling with my nomi's design so it's got the gnome snowman the reindeer and the penguin and we did those in all glitter so even that white right there is glitter as well pretty sweet right all right let's brush in these stones i'm hoping yeah this is plenty i don't think this design has that many in it yeah it doesn't okay so with these right here okay again all of these random stones and random spots right here are the scatter that i added to this file and like i said earlier if you guys weren't here now what i don't have is i'm not going to have a lot of extra stones here i'm hoping i have enough to finish this design i should the biggest thing when you're brushing in stones and you guys see me do it all the time is to have a ton more stones than you need okay i have plenty of stones for this design i can see but i don't have a huge bulk a huge group of stones in there oh let me move you guys over a little bit tick-tock and let me move you down a little bit too let you guys see better there you go um but the more stones you have to be able to brush around the quicker and the easier your design is going to go in okay just because the reason why all of the stones fall in the right way is when you have extra stones on there as you're brushing in circles what it's doing is it's actually any stones that go in upside down which some of them do right off the start right it's actually replacing all of those when you're brushing more stones around so it kicks the upside down one out and i'm trying to see if i can find an upside down one to show you and of course none of them are falling in upside down right now something going upside down let's go nope nope nope nope gotta dang it it's a good thing and a bad thing when they when they all work the way that they're supposed to here you know what i'm going to do i'm going to grab a crystal katana and i'm just going to flip one upside down so let me grab you guys on youtube here so youtube this stone right here is upside down right now that's the gray glue that you can see okay and this one doesn't have one yet when i bring more stones over there okay that's upside down when i bring more stones over here and i brush around now that's fixed see that so that's what happens all the time when you're brushing all of your stones around is they're actually fixing each other because when they fall in upside down when it's upside down it's kind of sitting on the point of the rhinestone so it's kind of teeter-tottering back and forth as you keep brushing one of the flat stones actually get to it and pushes it out once the flat one's in there then it doesn't come out so the only thing i'm checking for now is that there's no extra stones in there so a lot of times i just like to kind of get even with the table here and that looks good there so i'm going to put these stones back in their bag um i would say i use ss 10 stones 98 of the time they're the easiest to work with they look the best and it makes it so you don't have to buy an extra a ton of extra stuff i got an extra one by the h i don't see do i have an extra one by the h i don't think i do i might have had an extra one over there but i think i got it out yeah i think we're good and we'll see we'll see if we do once we get the uh half x tape on so hot fix tape oh maybe you were saying i was missing one by the h which i was hot fix tape just making sure it's wide enough that looks good there now the hotfix tape what's awesome about it is you can always reuse hotfix tape okay um used ss6 for the first time yesterday i agree that's a good good example good description of it and not horrible but definitely tricky i agree um ss6 is definitely more difficult to work with so get my hotfix tape here i'm just going to drop it down straight on top and then i'm just going to go over this with my hand and basically what i'm doing is by going over this is it's just allowing all the stones to stick to the hotfix tape and that is what is making what is now my rhinestone transfer and there's my rhinestone transfer ready to go pretty sweet isn't it um do you have cut settings for the ce7000 they're going to be the same as the 6000 the same is what i'm using but remember your cut settings are always going to be determined by your blade mainly the newer your blade the older your blade and so on all right so let's flip on over here we're going to press this one to a white shirt we don't normally do a whole lot of white shirts right but we're doing a white shirt tonight i got a white bella canvas extra large shirt here let's do it so get my shirt on here now with the glitters very first press of the glitter is going to be our tack press okay we got to be careful with our pressing on this because if we over press this we are going to have issues with shrinkage okay so i'm going to put my entire design on here first now i know i'm going to push it up higher because of these little dots near the top so left edge right edge that looks pretty good to me you guys know me i'm good with pretty good now we do have also we need to worry about a little bit some stones that are going up in this top area so we can't get too too close to the collar just for that reasoning and i'm good with this so i'm going to peel off the green here and we are going to press the red where it is and i'm making sure my edges are good i'm gonna press this for about two to three seconds so that's what we call the tack press so i'm gonna slowly peel this off because we didn't go the full time and temperature we just need to make sure it all stays down now i'm going to come back with my green and when i'm doing my green here i'm just looking at my spacing here and saying okay i need to get this space to where i know those stones are still going to fit in there so i'm kind of looking to make sure my spacing is pretty even throughout my design right there and i'm pretty happy with that so i'm gonna go ahead and press and this press is gonna be about eight to ten seconds um i like well my customers always love the bella canvas because they have a really really soft feel to it i even wear the bella canvas men's shirts so i like them now this shirt could be done if we wanted to right now and it looks pretty awesome as it is as you guys can see okay it looks pretty awesome just as a glitter shirt but what i want to do is i'm going to add a lot of value to this shirt and we're going to add all of these rhinestones so peel my backing off there and let's get this lined up now if all goes well oh all's going well and these diamond cut crystal a b stones are going to look freaking amazing on this because they have like a blue and a green and different as you hit different angles like different looks to it this is going to look so damn good let me see if you guys can get just so you can see kind of how it's lining up here check that out so sweet isn't it all right so that looks good there everything's covered so it's all protected the only one thing i don't like i got one extra stone that fell in the santa hat right there and it would look just kind of random having one stone in the santa hat so none of my stones are on my glitter all looks good let's go ahead and press and i'm gonna go for a full 15 seconds for my rhinestones here what's up tina what's up holly how are you what's up belle how are you miss lizzy on tick tock how you guys doing all right we're all good there i'm to bring you guys back over here and let's take this thing off come on over all right so taking this off here all we're gonna do just slowly peel this off here and you guys can already see i i know you can see it in the in the video that's why i did it this way see as i slowly pull this hotfix tape off how you can already see all the stones these crystal a b stones are ridiculous are they not all right this i'm going to save all right so i'm going to come back here put this back onto my backer because i could reuse this probably six to ten times and now those stones are good and ready to go so check this out i'll bring you guys down first to talk um i agree the camera does not do it justice at all because this thing right here it when it this gets outside in the sun it's going to be absolutely look at here man tick tock tick tock can see all the different colors of the a b right here you guys see that look at oh my goodness tick tock's got the freaking best view right now can you see tick-tock all the different colors the new crystal ab hits oh that looks so damn good let me see if youtube can see that as much tick tock just got a good view of that all right let's see youtube you guys kind of can as what kind of can here let's see if i go closer there there there there it is there it is not quite as good as tic toc's view but see all those different colors that the new crystal ab gets you can see it pretty good there it's focusing pretty good but not great oh that looks so sweet all right shirt number one done shirt number one down let's move on to the next one all right where are we at by the way tick tock we got 140 of you 140 of you on tick yes these are actually our new crystal a b stones so these are the crystal a b that we will have from now on um they're just honestly better like everybody in the warehouse everybody at that i showed when i compared the two of them they liked these better so we made the change to these crystal ab this shirt yeah i'm sure we'll probably be giving it away tonight right let's go now my magic flock template again we're at 394 on youtube let's go baby let's go youtube step it up youtube let's get it do we need the youtube cheat code youtube here's the deal youtube come here youtube youtube make sure you're on multiple devices grab your sons grab your daughters grab your spouses if your dog has an ipad grab your dog's ipad log on to multiple devices let's get to 500 so we can do that cameo for giveaway as well all right next one we're going to do is i want to show you real quick these new solar flare stones so we're just gonna do it's not a christmas theme but we're gonna do the entrepreneur template and we are going to use the new brand new just listed on the website today solar flare diamond cut rhinestones all right um if you order crystal a b tonight you'll get the new ones yes [Music] we actually waited to even release them until we completely sold out of the other ones all right solar flare ready this is honestly this is the first time i've brushed in the solar flare so let's see what we got here let's see what they're brushing is like oh this is nice so this design has i want to say just over a thousand rhinestones in it so what you'll see is i kind of work my way from the right to the left kind of in big circles work my way from the right to the left and then as i'm working my way down if i see one that's upside down i'll bring some more stones back there oh i see how much easier it is when i pour a boatload of stones on i'm already done with only reason why i'm struggling to get to that size i don't want to get in front of the camera so you guys can still see so i'm going to start working it this way good there and this again about a thousand rhinestones in this design and we are done that's it check it out see if i can get it to zoom in and come on come on camera there we go every one of them and they're perfect i actually want to see what this looks like i'm going to put the solar flare on a black shirt because i want to see what they look like on a black shirt because they're dark stones and i always like to test stuff like this out because then it allows you guys to know if it's something like that's going to work or not and i might as well reuse my hotfix tape that we just did right drop that down this is a hotfix tape we just used on the last design you can see as it's way too big and you don't have to cut it a lot of people will always cut the hotfix tape you can see i just put it up near the top of it and there's my transfer i think the solar flare is going to look nicer and i'm guessing on a white shirt however i'm cut you guys let me know i think it'll look nicer on a white shirt but i'm kind of interested to see what it would look like on a black shirt so you guys let me know what you want yeah how easy was that to brush those in right there right it's about as easy as it gets right there um i see everybody i see most of you are saying try it on the black shirt i see some of you saying try it on a black shirt because i want to see if it'll work and i don't want to waste a black shirt or the stones hey that's what i'm here for right i'm interested to see what it's going to look like on i know it's going to look awesome in the daytime on a black shirt because when the sun hits it with the lights in here i'm interested to see what it's going to look like so let's get this lined up i think it's still going to look oh my goodness as soon as i put it on this black shirt can you guys see all the orange and the reds that popped out from the solar flare look at that when we were just looking at these colors look at the purples the purples the oranges the golds all of those colors as soon as it hit this black shirt that just popped out let me show you guys tick tock look at oh tick tock's got that good view oh my goodness that looks so good okay it's gonna look good on a black shirt i changed my mind am i allowed to change my mind i just changed my mind it's gonna look good on a black shirt i did not think it would pop this much all right a little bit off my left edge a little bit off my right edge checking my armpits armpits are right there this design is going to be angled a tiny bit so i'm good with that and let's go ahead and press yeah it has like a pink purple gold yellow orange it's pretty cool all right and i'm going to bring it over here again wow and then as soon as i put it under this light over here it loses all those colors which is kind of cool because it kind of changes with the light that it's in see how it got so much darker now all right let's see oh yeah look at that oh my goodness look at that i it looks good even on youtube how about it youtube it's like the asmr right oh my goodness let's go all right gonna store this back on here because we're gonna use it again and oh yeah that looks pretty cool it is like a solar flare right hence the solar flare name so i'm trying to get down here a little bit closer i'm gonna get a good video of this in the sun tomorrow because this is gonna look ridiculous in the sun it looks so cool when you put like as soon as you're pulling it off doesn't it you can kind of get the oranges and the reds but everybody sees the colors right now let me bring it back over to the heat press and see if we get a different look at it oh yeah it definitely does look at this that's pretty cool how it just completely changes now when we're over here it has almost a completely different look doesn't it now i am i'm going to be honest with you okay the solar flare stones oh tick tock's got it the solar flare stones and the wisteria stones we don't have a ton of stock of them they are brand new just got in today we actually i released them to the all-star and the hall of fame members first and they did buy up a good amount of them okay so there is a chance that these stones will sell out with the black friday deals because black friday the diamond cut stones are 25 off plus you get the bulk pricing all right so it's like a double discount all right let me grab one of my bags here i'm going to clean these up quick and then we are going to make one more shirt and plur bought them all no they aren't they aren't a full purple they aren't a polar purple all right good to go there let's pull this template up oh i could have used uh the hotfix tape i had on the back of the template right there that i've probably used six or seven times already that one's good and then the last one we're gonna make is we're just gonna do a little happy holidays shirt again just a rhinestone template that we have on the site however this one i want to do a few different colors on this one what do i want to do and i'm going to do it with one template so that's why you see my painters tape here all right so i'm going to do holidays as one color happy as another in the snowflake as another so let's go just to show you kind of how you can do multiple colors without necessarily having multiple templates so i'm just covering up the top part of my template here all the way down to the top of oh got a little bit extra there so i'll just throw another piece of tape there so cover that up okay i know tik tok does show much so much cleaner as far as the colors than youtube does i agree um what colors do we want to use let's see let's see let's see we will do it on a oh do i have maybe i have some of the new opals i've been wanting to use one of the new opals um got the old school prism let's see i i just brought home those new opals the other day let me see if i still have some of them here i don't think oh here we go here we go here we go i got the lunar opal maybe i'll use the lunar opal for the snowflake that's that blue opal and then we have the fairy opals the pink and the jade opal is the green so let's go with lunar opal we're gonna use that for the snowflake and then for happy holidays yes this is the red that we just got back in stock this is the strawberry red and then what do i want for the other color the crystal a b maybe i should have enough of the crystal a b crystal a b red and light blue oh my what was that that was pretty cool whatever just happened there thank you so much whoever uh just dropped that arrow on tick-tock that's freaking amazing appreciate you where'd you go ms where'd you go i'll see you at the end we'll drop a follow that's sweet all right so happy holidays let's go with maybe we do the crystal a b as the snowflake happy as the red and holidays as the lunar opal let's try that i'm interested to see what it'll look like i'm just trying random stuff just to see and then you guys can say man i love that color combination or ah i would go something else man i'll tell you what these brush in good so good that's done oh i got one boom look at that quick fix there we go done oh and this is gonna fit perfect we're at 4 44. let's get it let's go 500 cameo 4 giveaway i see a lot of you asking so the black friday deals are probably going to go through wednesday okay probably through wednesday so you still have a couple days however like i said more and more colors are going to keep selling out so just be careful with how long you wait if there's a specific color that you want does that make sense and look i'm just reusing my painters tape i moved it from happy to holidays and then actually what i'm going to do is i'm even going to do this watch this we're going to get fancy here crystal ab is there and i'm just going to brush in the snowflake we're getting fancy like oh yeah perfect there's my crystal a b push those out of the way and now i'm going to grab my strawberry red let me put those next to that and because the crystal a b is in there as i'm brushing the strawberry red if any head over that way basically those circles those holes are already filled so the strawberry red won't even fall in there so if you're doing red this is again my opinion but if you're doing red on a black shirt like we're about to do i do recommend the strawberry red because it is a lighter red which on the blacker shirts has a lot more pop all right i got one there and boom good to go so for this part we got to be a little bit careful okay i could eyeball it but what i like to do is i'm going to see if i have a decent sized piece here probably don't because i'm in the middle of a live oh this isn't a bad sized piece i got my parchment paper right and i'm going to drop my parchment paper down there just like i do with regular vinyl right get this lined up and say okay that looks good right about do i want to line those up perfectly i'm going to line the h's up perfectly i don't even know if the design is that way but i'm going to do it because i think it's going to look good boom and then i'll drop this down i'll pick this up i'll pull my parchment paper out i'll drop this hotfix tape back down and now i have a perfect two color design where if i would have just eyeballed it and would have been a little bit off i ruined my whole transfer now i have a perfect two color transfer perfectly lined up happy holidays let's go all right let's press this to a shirt bring you guys over here where are we at numbers wise are we there yet we're at 2 20 on tick tock let's go tik tok don't be scared tick-tock tap that screen if we get i'm telling you guys right now you got a chance tick-tock if we get to 500 live viewers on tick-tock i'm giving away this full rhinestone tumbler tick-tock let's go step it up all right i got to get another black shirt out here all right got my shirt out let's get this lined up again using one of my bella canvas shirts here if you put your shirt on crooked you're going to put your design on crooked make sure your shirt's straight quick little pre-press that looks good to me and let's come back with our design here now it looks like what do i have there i have a second is that a second piece can you guys see that it is what side is that on what's going on here i have like a second piece of hotfix tape on here but i can't tell what's oh it's on that side okay it's good though it's good i just messed up a couple of the stones because it had me worried it must have been something with the design that i did before on this but it had me worried that it was on top of my stones but it's not all right we're good to go we're good to go so let's take our design here i'm looking at the left edge see now that i moved that now it's going to be a pain in the butt for me isn't it i'm not sure if you guys can see it but there's actu and it doesn't have a good amount of stickiness this is really weird i'll show you guys up close so you can kind of see what i'm talking about it must have been from when i did the last design because i'm reusing this same hotfix tape which i won't reuse again after this because i can see that it isn't quite as sticky anymore and the reason i can tell that is some of the stones are coming up like this right but look at can you guys see with the h and the o right there that extra piece of hotfix tape that's what's causing my issues because it isn't very sticky so when i'm flipping the stones over the stones are moving it just did it again but i'm just going to be able to eyeball this drop that down and that looks good to me i'm good with pretty good and now i'm just going to have to come back and do this this way this is what happens when you try and use hot fix tape too much see i see a couple of them moving now so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna pull these out look even one of the red ones did it now but we're good because i'm going to show you a fix for it all right we're good it looks straight we're good to go ahead and press so i got my armpits i got good room there everything looks fine i got one stone here trying to move a little bit a great way check this out here's another little tip if you use your super sharp pick tool and poke through the hotfix tape you can actually move stones a little bit like that beautiful and i'm going to press and then i'm going to come back place those three stones and then it's going to line up so i'm going to guess the way that that was doing that and the stones were moving i'm gonna guess that i've probably used that piece of hotfix tape at least six to ten times because i could tell it was kind of at its end just because the stones were coming off it now what i'll do now is still use a little bit of this hotfix tape because i don't want to waste any others i'm going to place a couple of the stones down in that one spot so i'm just going to cut off a little piece of this hotfix tape these three stones where the blue was all right and watch don't just put them on here and assume that they're going to stay in the same place okay because i promise you they will move so we're going to put this one right there and then we're going to move these two i'm going to put this one right there and then this one right there but then i'm going to grab hot fix tape and kind of seal them into place that's going to hold them there use my cover sheet and press got it so as you guys know when i i try to reuse materials as much as i possibly can as do you guys so when you have reused a material too much those are the type of things that can happen so let me bring you guys back over here and show you what we got in this design right here oh that red looks good i like that red check it out can you guys see how bright that red is let me get you down here youtube so even though it's on a black shirt you can see that red and how much it pops how long do they last on the shirt these stones will not come off this shirt they will if they are pressed on a quality heat press if they are pressed on a quality heat press the stones will outlast the shirt like it gets to the point and i did it years back where i would try to pick off a stone and it ripped a perfect size circle in the shirt because the stone was on there so good do you guys see what i'm talking about with the red and how much that red pops right there where the red siam looks amazing the red siam looks amazing on white shirts it looks good on black shirts it's just the strawberries a lighter red where on the black shirts it's ridiculous all right we'll do a giveaway for this shirt as well so let me get this one folded up here where are we at numbers so we got to give away this shirt we got to give away this shirt we got to give away this shirt let's head over here and see what we got come on over here tick-tock i'm gonna turn off the press real quick give me one second all right how far away from 500 let's go we are at 450. we're at 450 youtube let's go step it up right now do we need to bring the facebook crew in here for a game changer so we can do this cameo 4 giveaway let me know if we do i can head over here to my phone let's go all of you on tick tock make sure you're on youtube we only need 50 more for the cameo giveaway i am heading here and let's hit the facebook real quick all right facebook there we go and i am going to the rhinestone world boom and [Music] create a post live video and cameo for giveaway all right i'm starting a live video on facebook right now we need the facebookers we need them to make the difference let's go facebook what's up facebook we are live we're on tick tock we're on youtube we just made how many shirts did we make guys we made one two we just made three shirts um from scratch basically and we are trying to give away a silhouette cameo for all right facebook we're trying to give away a silhouette cameo for we want to give it away but we are about 50 people short on youtube right now alright so on facebook i'm going to show you what we made here we made this merry christmas glitter and stone shirt we made this entrepreneur shirt oh that looks so freaking good with facebook we made this entrepreneur shirt right here we're gonna give this away and i'll show you guys as well tik tok and youtube and then we also made this happy holidays rhinestone shirt we're going to give this one away as well but here's the deal facebook and then this merry christmas shirt here but facebook let me flip around here facebook we only came on here for a minute okay there's 50 of you on facebook right now all right here's the deal facebook if all 50 of you came over to youtube right now then we're going to do a silhouette cameo for a giveaway and i'm going to give away each of these shirts and i'm going to give away some mini packs and i'm going to tell you about all the black friday deals and cyber monday deals that are still going on all right so facebook head over to youtube right now the rhinestone world youtube channel head over there right now we're gonna give away all of these rhinestone shirts and hopefully with there's 60 of you on facebook oh we got the facebook crew guys i think facebook i think facebook is going to make it happen facebook let's go make it happen we're at 465. let's go facebook the rhinestone world youtube channel right now we get to 500 we only need 35 more 35 more we got a silhouette cameo for a giveaway 300 cutter facebook all right facebook i'm going to leave you guys down here just so as more of you come in all right so here's the deal what i'm going to show you is the different black friday deals that we have going on so the black friday deals like i said they will end on probably wednesday is the plan right now so peggy shirt shirts craft appreciate your support for the roses thank you guys we're at 497 let's go oh shoot we just went to 494. facebook get over there where you at 493 why we just went down what's going on here 492. we were just at 497. let's go facebook the rhinestone world 497 again here it goes here it goes here it goes 4.99 i'm flipping around so tick-tock can see it boom 499 and let's go don't go the wrong way again 496. gosh dang it 4.99 again 4.99 500 500 going once going twice 508 baby let's go ding ding ding cameo 4 giveaways happening tonight facebook appreciate your guys support thank you so much we'll see you on youtube later let's go all right we got man tell you what guys we got a boatload of giveaways tonight we got a boatload of giveaways tonight let's go all right so my goal my goal was to be done my goal was to be done with the giveaways by 9 45 and i think we're going to be able to easily do that i think we got that covered so i'm going to flip you guys around here tick tock just so you guys can see what's going on youtube i'm going to flip you guys around to my screen camera and i will show you the different materials that we used in these different shirts here tonight and then also what the deals are for all of the black friday deals got it all right let's go so oh let me do one thing here real quick let's go here and um pilar do you have the link to the catalog that you can post if you do plar the link to the catalog so they can see it and then i am going to head over here to the channel uh are some of the training i don't think i have all um debbie you should i don't oh as far as buying them individually oh i don't know on that i'm not 100 sure shoot an email and they'll be able to see they'll be able to see all right black friday deals let's go so when you're on the website what you're gonna do is you're gonna click on the main banner where you see the black friday sale okay oh there's the here we go and if you click on the link pilar just posted right there that's gonna make it even easier to shop the black friday deals okay so we're just gonna run through them we're gonna run through them real quick here for you guys now the wizard corral bundles this is something we've never offered before we've never offered this before the price is still the same but you can get with the wizard corel bundle you get a hundred dollar store credit and five mini packs with the wizard you get a 50 store credit and five mini packs so we've never technically discounted the price of the wizard in the history of his existence however we've never given a store credit before either okay so those are the black friday deals for the wizard corel and the wizard now again our biggest and most popular deal our biggest and most popular deal of black friday is this one here as you guys know our full artwork packs have a boatload of designs in them right we have 58 full artwork packs to choose from this deal right here it's 20 full artwork packs that are normally around 120 each so you're looking at over 2 000 plus dollars but with the black friday deal it's only 49.95 per pack plus you get a free silhouette cameo for so for the 999 you get 20 full artwork packs plus you get a free silhouette cameo for and the 20 artwork packs is whatever of the 58 you want it's your choice of your favorite of the 2 of the 58 packs you get 20 of them got it all right next page here and yeah i'll post the link as well so the link if you guys anybody that's missing the link just let me know pilar posted it a few times as well um 20 off all color spark adhesive vinyl and heat transfer vinyl okay 20 off all color spark adhesive vinyl and heat transfer vinyl 15 off caesar glitter and regular caesar heat transfer vinyls and then 15 percent off the fdc and 25 percent off the shimaka all right next page here bling anything htv anything in vinyl shield htv anything is what you use to make the glitter and rhinestone tumblers bling anything is to make full rhinestone decals vinyl shield is what protects your adhesive vinyl and you can see little examples of them right there and then over here is all of our application tape that's also 20 off okay um wendy i've had a couple people ask and we're at we we haven't made the decision yet but we are actually thinking about wendy we've had different people say that they get paid on thursday and is there any way to extend the black friday deals from wednesday to thursday i can't guarantee it but we are going to be talking about it probably tomorrow okay all right assortment packs 20 off all of our adhesive assortment packs okay 20 off so these different assortment packs like all 13 sheets of our color spark opal 12 by 12 inch seats well the 32.99 you get 20 off of that price come the end of the black friday it's going to be the regular price right now this is a different wizard corel bundle okay this is a different wizard corel bundle where instead of the hundred dollar um store credit and the 50 store credit you can get two full artwork packs instead so technically this is a better value but some people say okay well i have the five mini packs i really want to use the hundred dollar store credit to go get some vinyl or something later so it's your choice all right next one here all full artwork packs mini packs fonts and designs are 40 off and as you guys remember about man what was it it was probably about two or three months ago we marked all of the designs down 60 all day every day all right but there are just an additional forty percent off of that these are our full artwork bundles where you can get nine full packs 12 20 or all 58 next page here 20 off training so the one-on-one trainings with bobby for different software and cutter stuff 20 off of those probably by far our best training that we've ever done on the wizard this one right here it's only a hundred dollars they're recorded sessions now where they were live sessions okay but they're recorded now but you're going to get over a hundred hours of wizard and corel training from beginner to immediate intermediate to advanced you're going to get hundreds of free designs in it as well and i know a lot of you guys attended this live right all right flip over here now with the vinyl cutters okay the jaguars we those will be drop shipped if you get a jaguar i recommend if you're going with the gcc the puma and the puma we did get a few more of them in and those are the dollar store credit of free artwork pack and three mini packs now the graph text i'm telling you guys the 15 inch graph tech is sold out and they will not be in until january okay the 24-inch graftec we have we sold out of our initial stock but we do have about 10 more coming in at the end of this week or beginning of next week so those are going to be basically first come first serve but after those if you order during the black friday deals you'll be locked into one of those if you're one of the first ten okay i got the 24 and got it all ready let's go kim you know they ship out fast you know we're good um but again after those are gone then the graph decks are until january as well okay nancy first time commenting thank you heat presses you're looking basically anywhere about four to eight weeks but if you have to wait for it away eight weeks you might as well get a deal on it as well so we do have different black friday deals on the heat presses as well all right next page here this page is all of our different cameo kits okay they come with extra mini packs for all the black friday deals and all of these as you guys see if you go to different websites a silhouette cameo is 299 dollars right maybe a little bit less for black friday but normally 2.99 with ours it's 2.99 but you get all of these supplies that you see so you kind of get a little mini business starter kit with it with some designs as well for the same price okay next page here got mine in less than 24 hours merry christmas to me let's go marine benefit of being in florida right now magic flock every roll of magic flock will get a 50 gross of ss10 crystal korean low-lead stones plus a bonus tin gross color of a korean stone and a free rhinestone font okay next rhinestone deals this by far our biggest of the year okay not only do you save these discounts for the black friday deals you also get the bulk discount okay i want to give you an example real quick of what that does 35 off korean stones right check this out watch what's gonna happen right here i go to rhinestones hot fix rhinestones and i'm going to go to my korean low-lead ss10 and i want to get let's just say some of the red siam stones right now a 10 gross is 10.28 okay however the way that we do our black friday sales is different than others you get quantity pricing plus you get the deal so what if you needed a hunter growth or even better you can mix and match watch this i want to get five red siams okay i want to get let's head over here i want to get three a 30 gross of the sapphire and then i want to get a 20 gross of the topaz all of them ten dollars and twenty eight cents per bag right watch this when i get ten plus bags i get thirty percent off so watch i go to my cart and instead of ten twenty 28 each they're now seven dollars and 20 cents each i save three dollars per bag with the bulk discount then i come over to my subtotal i get the 35 off for black friday and i just saved another 25 and 20 cents so you literally just paid 4.68 per bag when black friday is over and you get one bag they're 10.28 that's pretty crazy isn't it when the deals double up and you kind of get both deals for our black friday stuff you get the bulk discount plus the 35 off discount it is freaking ridiculous so i always tell you guys when it comes to black friday okay um and if you order to over 200 then you get free shipping as well yes but listen the rhinestones are not gonna go bad on you okay i have rhinestones that have been sitting in here for a year and a half plus easy that i use all the time okay so when you can pay less for stones that means the shirt that you make for your customer costs you less you're charging your customer the same price which means you're making more money right so doubling up on the deals it's crazy a lot of people always think oh 35 off that's awesome but you're actually getting 30 off then 35 off of that price okay and all of just to let you know all of that exact same stuff works with the vinyls as well so if you are looking at a color spark opal vinyl look if i got five to nine rolls i get an additional ten percent off and then i'm going to get an additional 20 off of that if i got 10 rolls say you got one roll of 10 different colors 15 off plus an additional 20 off of that for the black friday deal got it all right bling sheets 20 off next page these are all of our different um kits our essential tool kit which is over here in the corner this one's awesome this one comes with all the pick tools the pen tool the scoop the squeegee the brushes everything normally 55 dollars 45 cents it's 30 for black friday um rhinestone kit no the retail value 320 for 125 and then last page is just all the different tools and supplies oh and yes let me show you i see a few of you asking where's the color changing adhesive vinyl you're just going to go right here to adhesive vinyl and color spark and then you have uv color changing or temperature color changing the ones that i've been using recently are the temperature color changing okay for the tumblers so these are the ones that go from pink to purple when it's on a tumbler and you have cold water in it or if you have hot water in a coffee cup this one goes from black to red so those are the temperature color changing adhesive vinyls okay all right last thing real quick before we start the giveaways if you guys can click on that link right there that pilar just posted we have the two regular guys reggie voting so these are the industry awards that the two regular guys do each year so we would appreciate it if you guys did click on here spend two minutes and run through and get your votes in real quick okay so we were only allowed to be in a few categories this year all right we were only allowed to be in a few categories because i think they got tired of trw winning in the mall because you guys are so awesome but if you scroll down a little bit industry educator there it is right there hook it up let's go appreciate you guys scroll down a little bit more we got the best podcast or online education now it won't allow you to enter the rhinestone world youtube channel or the rhinestone world tick tock channel so it looks like we got to go with one of these other ones right here and again i'll leave it up to you guys as far as what you think is the best one industry trade show again kind of leave it up to you guys next one here is most influential and upcomer in the industry we got crystal here crystal new to the trw team so fire away let's go let's get crystal a dub women in garment decorating award we got pilar down here let's go get pilar that dub inspirational deck uh community member now this is the one i tried to ask them to take me out of but they didn't again i don't think i'm a necessarily a community member i i think of all of you guys as being as being members so i really don't want to win this so don't vote for me i guess i'm asking i mean you got todd and pilar here who will battle it out let's go let's get it to them um best oh but we got to we got todd down here best guess on the two regular guys podcast so let's get todd there and then when we go back down here to ambassador for the industry me and todd got a little battle going on right here we all love todd but not that much so let's go ahead and take the dub here let's go you guys got it you guys know what to do and again eric's freaking awesome aaron's awesome so everybody that's in here in these awards is awesome so support them all but we appreciate you guys all right you guys ready for some giveaways i'm ready for some giveaways let's go we got a lot to give away tonight we got a lot to give away let me flip tick tock around here let's do this so here's the deal yes i'm i'm serious i see some people uh best new product i didn't get any on best new product did i really [Music] industry educator no no no i wasn't cool enough for that one yet oh we got todd on there though let's go i see why you said that todd uh get that plug in let's go we got the gtf transfers we can we can do that we're good with that all right let me flip around here here's the deal i got a lot to give away i got three shirts i'm gonna give away a couple of these on tick-tock though three shirts i got a silhouette cameo four and then how many mini packs do we got tonight for a giveaway mini packs we have four mini packs if we get 40 39 more likes we'll get a fifth mini pack so let's go if we get to 500 likes we got five mini packs can we do it let's see it all right first thing i'm giving away is on tick-tock tick-tock we're going to give away this entrepreneur design with our new solar flare solar flare rhinestones on tick-tock here we go now any of these items that need to be shipped just to let you know any items that need to be shipped will be shipped with your next order that requires shipping on the website okay so you'll just let them know hey i won the entrepreneur solar flare shirt the warehouse will compare it with my notes as far as who was the winner and if you were they'll put it in your order for you all right so the winner for the entrepreneur solar flare diamond cut rhinestone shirt is this person right here i got boom hold on gold but watch i gotta have the shirt in the picture so they know hold on all right there we go all right i had the winner let me go find the winner again where'd you go where'd you go i remember the name i remember the name there we go oh shoot it just went away again i got to get a screenshot of it quit going away stop it there you are gold butterfly creations got it gold butterfly creations entrepreneur is yours let's go all right next one is the happy holiday shirt we are going to do this one on tick tock as well happy holiday shirt on tick tock as well and the winner for this one is scrolling through i'm gonna stop on this name right here and we got this person right here i gotta freeze it so i can say the name and the name is kimberly kimberly vela veller finley kimberly finley congratulations kimberly winner of the happy holiday rhinestone shirt let's go all right the juiced up multi-deck shirt this one's going on youtube merry christmas rhinestone shirt giveaway on youtube here we go i am going to scroll through the youtube names we got 498 likes you see me stalling just in time to be able to get it let's get to 500 likes we need two more for five mini packs the winner for the merry christmas rhinestone shirt on youtube is this person right here boom we got l lynch l lynch gotta take a picture l lynch you are the winner for the merry christmas rhinestone and glitter shirt congratulations let's go all right we hit 506 likes here goes five mini pack winners on youtube scrolling through and our five mini pack winners are starting right here i got shane martin tony larios billy weir karen sackmore and d garner hunter shane martin tony laurios billy weir karen sycamore and d garner hunter five winners for a mini pack of choice congratulations to you guys all right time for the big boy so with the silhouette cameo four it will ship with your next order that requires shipping within the 48 states okay if you are outside of the 48 continental united states then alaska hawaii europe asia australia canada wherever right you just have to pay the shipping cost but you still get a free 300 cutter still worth it right you guys ready so i'm going to highlight a name the top name the top name that i highlight is the winner remember black friday week deals as of right now they plan on ending on wednesday with a possible extension we will see okay but again we are starting to sell out of some different colors so if you wait till tuesday or wednesday and we're out of colors we won't have them back in and there's no rain checks when it's when stuff does come back in all right here we go the winner i don't even know what one we're on man mike i have no clue um like the 275th silhouette cameo we've given away maybe maybe more right probably all right here we go our winner for let's let's call it the 270 man we might be at 280. i think we oh mike just said 280. yes this is the 280th silhouette cameo four we given away 280th let's go and the winner for the 280th silhouette cameo four from is this person right just scrolling all around names just to find a random name to stop on and we are stopping on this person right here i got boom amanda january amanda january amanda january here's the deal amanda you need to comment within the next three minutes so we know that you know that you won if you don't respond within three minutes then we pick a new winner and the reason why i do this is i want you guys to all know that we give away all of these cameos it isn't a scam you guys keep your eyes out for amanda um i don't know if amanda was a winner or not let's see oh there's a another amanda but not amanda january [Music] anybody see amanda yet juliana appreciate you thank you so much all-star member be ready for that all-star training tomorrow i see some people saying i see her amanda january where are you at i see another person say i saw her someone said she commented amanda put like a bunch of emojis or something like a bunch of emojis in a row something that stands out because obviously there's 500 people on here i see edith say i saw her i saw her where you at amanda we got about a minute and a half left amanda let's go boom there she is that's me amanda congratulations you're the winner 300 silhouette cameo four let's go sweet all right let me move the comments back over here and as always make sure to hit that subscribe um any of you that are looking to come to the trw design wizard and coreldraw training um if you become an all-star or a hall of fame member on the youtube channel by tomorrow then you'll be able to attend the training you'll see the the the note that i send out or the message that i send out to all the all-star and um hall of fame members and it will give you the link but even if you have the link you have to be an all-star hall of fame member otherwise it won't let you in but it is a special free training that all star and hall of fame members get every single month and i normally try to do it the last few days of the month so it will be going over the trw design wizard and coreldraw showing kind of how to get started and different things that you can do with it especially with all of our new users that we have um i don't know ronnie i'm thinking i'm trying to think as far as um i'm gonna probably guess do you guys like this eight o'clock time like eight to nine it might be eight to nine nine thirty do you like this time let me know all star in hall of famers is this a good time for you oh that michigan game was crazy wasn't it how about the alabama game um lisa the light bulb one yeah this shirt i see most people saying yes so i'll probably do it either seven or eight o'clock but i'll probably post it here later tonight on the community tab as far as the link because i see a lot of people saying yes that works um let me see real quick alicia as far as if that was an individual design or if it was in one of our packs let's see if i can find it quick boom there it is this design is literally going to be i discounted it look at you teagan every time thank you appreciate you you're awesome not needed but thank you so much um holy cow it's going to be 40 off of four dollars this this design is going to be like 2.50 to be able to make this shirt just search happy holidays 19. awesome alright thank you all so much you guys are all freaking awesome hopefully you guys all had hopefully you guys all had an amazing amazing thanksgiving with your friends and family hopefully you got some good stuff on black friday cyber monday but deals will be going at least through wednesday okay now i see some people asking um let me check real quick so i'm just looking up the solar stones some i saw somebody asked if the solar stones were sold out yet i don't think they're sold out um i wouldn't guess so we got a decent amount of them not a ton of them but no but we have sold through about probably about 60 percent of them already well basically right at 60 of them we got a thousand bags of them for the small order off the start and we're already down to four 385. um the graphtec if you go to equipment and vinyl cutters the 24 inch graftec is this one here and it is 18.95 but for the black friday deals you get a 50 store credit you get a full artwork pack and you get five mini packs yep and then probably around seven either seven or eight pm tomorrow for the all-star training good to go and l lynch you'll be at the all-star training tomorrow appreciate your support all-star member let's go um the all-stars don't know or i'm sorry not the all-stars the heat presses karen don't necessarily need a dedicated um circuit just depending on what else is all on that circuit so i have a dedicated one in this room because i have eight computer screens i have two heat presses i have vinyl cutters i have computers i have all of it but yeah it really depends on how much is on that plug basically if it's basically that and a light or something then you're normally good and obviously you'll know because your breaker will just trip um what do you like better out of the solar flare or the phoenix oh that's a good question peggy honestly peggy it really depends on what the project is i guess i really like the solar flare like i really like the way they look and i like that i could use it uh honestly i could use the solar flare for the for a a woman's shirt or a men's shirt the way that it looks yes agree all right hey appreciate all of you guys you guys all have an amazing night thank you for your support tic tac i'm out later youtube i will see you guys soon i'll probably go be going live tomorrow wednesday um wednesday we do have we will have wednesday or instagram live as well 3 p.m eastern time okay all right crew you guys have an amazing night we'll see you guys soon later
Channel: TheRhinestoneWorld
Views: 27,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Rhinestone World, starting a decal business, silhouette cameo 3 giveaway, vinyl car window decals, heat transfer vinyl, start a business from home, matt vassallo, #askmatt, vinyl, sign vinyl, reflective shirt, siser htv, cricut, cricut maker, cricut explore air, explore air 2, cricut made, siser easyweed, craft vinyl, etsy seller, tshirt business, heat press, hustle, side hustle, giveaway, black friday, holiday, christmas, gift, diy crafts, how to, Rhinestone Shirt, Bling
Id: w2hKHoPVx4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 45sec (6945 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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