Stamping Class - Hidden Hinge Gift Card Holder, Card on a Gift Bag Dec 16

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calm it's thursday night and it's gotta be 4 p.m pacific 5 mountain 6 central and 7 eastern because i am live on youtube and look what i have i have a unicorn shooter that shoots rainbow balls out of its butt now if you guys watched me last week you would have seen my stampin besties bombarding me with these little things uh at the beginning of the show and um it was pretty dank funny so i wasn't sure if i wanted to buy some more you know i thought gosh is my family gonna think they're funny well my son had come down here one evening when they were here and he thought having a war with these things was amazing and then my husband also appreciated that so i made a little trip to amazon because we don't have stuff like this in my town because we have no people here and no stores and i bought some so i bought a pink rainbow shooting unicorn i bought a llama with wings that shoots it out of its butt and i bought a snowman so i kind of thought i'll give this snowman to my son because my when my brother comes to visit he's coming next week and when he comes to visit he always likes to play he's like a child honestly he's like a man child and he brings toys to play with with my children and to you know like crafting kits to put together he's he's a man child so he's gonna love this so i thought my son he's kind of manly he's not gonna want you know a pink unicorn or a llama so i thought i'd give my son the unit or the snowman and i can't decide what i'm gonna give my daughter and my brother they neither one of them will probably care my brother will not care at all which one he gets and then of course i have my rainbow shooter i didn't necessarily get one for my husband because i don't feel like he would appreciate it as much as the rest of us and he can play with ours so because i'm figuring i'll probably be making dinner at some point and they can just have a bald war so anyway so it sounds like that some of you guys have also gone shopping on amazon for the shooters they're so funny so anyway i do have to tell you though when you when you first get them they come they come pre-loaded but the one that's loaded into the shooting hole um has it's got like a dent around it and that one does not really shoot out that great so um put that one aside let it kind of get its shape back i don't know how long it takes because mine has been about a week and a half now and it still is not perfectly in shape but the other five balls work great that you can shoot them out at will so we're going to be having some ball shooting fun here as soon as my brother gets here and my daughter gets here so that should be fun all right let's see lisa said she bought a bunch i know they're hilarious um what else do we have here anybody oh you guys oh some of you guys are in that horrible weather area oh i'm so sorry i hope you're all fine and things are good and you didn't lose anything important these storms used around the country these this season is they're crazy they're absolutely crazy so uh good vibes and prayers and thoughts going out to all of you guys um i'm just kind of looking to make sure got her house her and her husband oh that's so funny debbie you guys are gonna have a ball and then you know if you have any people that come to visit if you've got grandkids or kids or neighbors or whatever um they don't hurt when you get shot with them now i guess i can't state for a fact that they don't hurt if you get shot in the eyeball but um we shot a lot of balls around here while they were here and i never got shot on the eyeball once they're kind of hard to aim i mean like from a distance they don't um they're not that great the aiming isn't that great so if you're trying to shoot somebody in the eye just don't okay so um oh a little update on my son he is gonna get released to go back to work next week from his hand surgery so that is a fantastic news we're very excited about that he's he's wanting to go back and make some money because he got paid um last friday and he got paid goose egg because he hadn't worked so he wants to get back to making some money um did we get the snow no we got some we think we got about three inches so you know three to four inches it's nothing to us to get three to four inches of snow so that was no big deal we shoveled it it's gone we're good to go um i'm kind of hoping that we don't have much snow now before my brother gets here he's supposed to fly into billings montana on sunday at some point i don't know when um then my dad's gonna pick him up from the airport cause my dad lives up there and then my dad's gonna drive him down here um drop him off hang out for a little bit and then go back to billings and then he'll come back and pick him up in all six days or so so he should probably be here oh gosh i don't even know i need a calendar i can't i don't know the dates is christmas on saturday or something like that i think he's gonna come on like the 22nd or whatever so uh that should be fun i also have a few other little surprises we have this kind of little thing when my brother's here called obx and they are presents that you open before christmas um and so that's so that we can play you know with stuff for a longer period of time that's why he does that and so these poppers are going to be an obx item for them while um while he's here and i've got a few other little gems and i'm assuming he's going to be bringing some stuff too because he always does he always brings basically it's junk but it's fun junk you know so dollar store stuff that's you know it's it's fun for like you know 20 minutes when you're an adult you know if you're a kid it's probably fun for oh my gosh this is amazing stuff an adult you know you get bored with dollar store toys fairly quickly um so yeah so that's exciting uh what else what else oh i have some fun things to show you guys i had my team meeting slash christmas party on tuesday night and we had a lot of fun things going on we had an ugly sweater contest we had we shared some quick and easy dinner recipes we had the dollar store hack which i'll show you what i made um we played bingo for prizes and what else did we do i told some really bad jokes um i think that was about it we had a fantastic time my brother lives in tucson so he'll be flying in from tucson arizona up to billings montana which is where we are both from we we grew up there um and so that's fun normally when my mother was uh before my mother died my brother would come up every christmas he would fly into billings and he would they would get in her car and he would drive them both down here and then they'd stay for like a week uh but after my mom passed away in 2019 um he did not come last year and of course now her car we have since you know sold that so there's no car up there for him to use so it's just my dad has a car so my dad's gonna drive him down here so that's kind of fun all right any other good comments yes nicole i did grow up in billings montana um i moved there when i was about nine and then i moved from billings to wyoming in the year 2000 with my husband when he got a job down here so i i was basically raised in billings but i've lived most of my adult life you know with kids and everything here in wyoming so but we do go back and forth quite a bit it's only a two hour drive so it's not that big of a deal to go up there and of course we literally have let's see this is the shopping that we have that you guys would know of um walmart and maurices that's it oh we have walgreens but i don't really count that as shopping so that's all the stores we have so when we need to go shopping like my daughter and i went to uh for black friday shopping we go to billings because they have about you know 100 and some thousand people up there so they have quite a bit of stuff shopping wise that you can partake in um and restaurants we don't really have any restaurants here either i mean you've probably heard of perkins maybe that's and of course fast food those are only o and q doba that's our only restaurants aside from some local places you know that we do frequent anyway yes i did grow up in billings montana and oh joy and lynn says she finally caught me live yay julian i'm so glad you know you guys if you actually subscribe to my channel right down here there's a little button that says subscribe if you subscribe and then click there's like a little notification bell kind of un underneath there somewhere and i think i'm on the right side i don't know if the camera's flipped for me um if you click that bell youtube is supposed to notify you every time i upload a video or go live um and i think even like when i scheduled this video on tuesday i made this live event um i think you get notified of that also if you are a subscriber and have clicked the bell and then you can when you get that email that says oh barb's gonna be live you can click something that says like remind me or something like that if i remember right or you can click the link to come to the video um and then click the remind me button so anyway i think that's how it works uh youtube's algorithms are kind of crazy sometimes they will notify you of your subscriptions sometimes they don't i don't know why or what the deal is but that's just how it works um oh cheryl's on and cheryl says can you guys give barb a thumbs up cheryl's so sweet thank you cheryl and yes please do and please share the video because that really helps my channel um youtube really is all about comments thumbs up and sharing uh that what that's what gets your videos out there and get you noticed uh that means they'll share it so i mean if there are some people out there that watch maybe other stamping channels um because you guys are active on my videos and my channel then uh youtube will send it to those people and say hey this is a channel or a video that you might be interested in so any of those types of things it's totally free for you uh for you to do that to like subscribe and thumbs up so i would appreciate that if you would do that okay i think i'm going to flip the camera because the things that i want to show you um this forward-facing camera the selfie camera i think it's a little more blurry than the down camera um and so i feel like the things just look better on that view so i'm going to go ahead and flip it so this is always a big issue for me because of the way i have my set up so i'm just going to kind of cover the lens for the moment and hope that i can do this quickly and there's my ceiling and i'm going to click the switch camera button which never seems to work for me until i click it twice i don't understand what that's about why do you have to click it twice you should only have to click it once but anyway okay and i think i'm having a hot flash because every single time i go live i have a hot flash so we're gonna get rid of the jacket all right so you guys can see some of my things here so as i told you during my team meeting slash christmas party we did something called a dollar store hack and everyone who participated who did a dollar store hack went into a drawing for a prize and i gave away um a lot of prizes that night um so we had a ton of fun so this was mine so i just found this thing at the dollar store and it had some strings on it that were kind of ugly so i did cut those off but this is how it came it didn't have this bow i put the bow on there so my plan is to make different things for different seasons or different holidays by using magnets so i'm going to put a magnet you know i don't even have to this thing doesn't it doesn't come out but i feel like i can put a magnet in there and put a magnet on the back of this and then i can slide it in so all i did was like you know measure the width of this inside frame and i cut some of that well it's retired now but a lot of you probably have it peaceful place designer series paper i cut a chunk of that and then i also use the peaceful cabin stamp set and the cabin dies and i believe the stamp set is sold out already but the dies are still available to create this cabin and then a little bit of a rolling hill and there's another rolling hill and then i did the trees in black glimmer paper okay so i kind of layered all those things together and let me dump it out again so you can sort of see how i layered it so i have double dimensionals right here between my designer series paper and the cabin i have the trees glued to the back of the cabin piece and then i have a window sheet that i glued only at the bottom so you can't see the glue and then i put dimensionals on this little piece here and put it on the front and then i did do a silver star out of i think it's our star dies that i did that out of and i did that with a dimensional so it would kind of be the same height and now since i said this is a window sheet that my stamping is done on and i used the thinking thanks and peace stamp set i used the piece on earth and when i did this i cut the bird off of it i cut the dove off because i don't always want to have the dove on there and in this case i did not so i can easily put the dub back on if i want but i didn't want to and i did use stazon ink on this stays on jet black ink it's permanent on most surfaces and so that's how i stamped that and then i just tied a bowl with our white glitter ribbon and glued it onto the top of the frame so it'll just set you know on a table or a shelf or something like that and i just thought it was really cool so i was pretty excited about it and the fact that i can take this out and then do something else with it um i find that's going to be pretty and this thing was a dollar you know i just used stuff that i already had in my stamp room to make it um and so yeah i'm pretty i'm pretty happy with it honestly you guys and so we had some amazing things oh yes velcro tana says we could absolutely use velcro on the back but you know honestly i don't even know if i'm gonna need to do that anything it doesn't seem to come out unless i like tip it all the way over you know and shake it out then it will come out but to just have it setting on a table or a shelf i don't know if i don't know as though it would actually come out so i may not have to do anything i would like to figure out something to do with these holes i don't i don't know what to do i guess i could have put different ribbon in there um and i still could i don't know anyway so that was mine i did have some of my team members one of my team members used some small canvases and stacked them together and stamped on them to make it look like a little set of books super cute one of my gals bought some kind of a little wooden oh it looked like a palette but it was tiny and then she embossed and stamped on like a bunch of spatulas i mean it was just they were the cutest things another one of my gals took a little silver tray that she found at the dollar store she spray painted it white and then she found some big foam dice that were about like maybe you know inch and a half across and she painted them white and then she stuck like turtles on one side and hedgehogs on the other since we have hedgehogs coming out in our new catalog and she is gonna give those to her grandkids to play tic-tac-toe i mean we had so many amazing ideas you guys my team members are brilliant and i'm just so thankful for all of them we had so much fun and then we played bingo and yeah it was just a lot of fun so that's that let me get rid of these items because i don't need them on my table then i wanted to give a shout out to some people that sent me some cards this was a card that was included in a box of goodies that one of kelly's team members sent to us when we were they were here last week there was two different kinds of oreos there were some homemade seasoned pretzels some delicious sea salt caramel fudge um two bags of fritos because you can't find fritos in some parts of the u.s and shared wyoming is one of those places that you cannot get fritos and i need fritos for some of my mexican dishes so mary sent us a big box and then she sent this gorgeous card with it so thank you so much mary this is from one of my dear friends in billings montana who is also a stamper this is her christmas card this year gorgeous thank you jackie and then last but not least is one of my very long time customers a sweetheart sweetheart sweet her name is teresa and every time for my birthday and christmas every year she sends me a gorgeous card and then she sends me a starbucks gift card but look at this starbucks card you guys it's shaped like a wreath isn't that awesome oh my gosh yeah so this is like i was super excited about this so while dina and kelly were here this app this happened to arrive so the three of us went to starbucks and had a drink on teresa so thank you so much theresa i appreciate you so much so i'm going to keep this and use it you know because you always need sample gift cards to put in things even though it's empty it's still you know it's useful just to use as a sample so there we go all right on to the business stuff that we have uh we have classes coming out our borders in bloom online class is going to be ready next week it's nine cards that uses the uh basic border dies so you have this kind of fun rounded die this one has kind of the envelope flap this one uses the cloud die you can kind of see there's some little sneak peek there super fun and we have six more cards in the class um the class itself if you want the online only is 20 bucks if you want a card stock kit with some designer series paper some embellishments and some ribbon 45 or if you want to get your cardstock kit for free then you can order the what we call the whole shebang which is the basic borders dies the in bloom stamp set and the pierced blooms dies uh the black matte dots and the playful pets trim and then you'll get the pattern party dsp also so anyway that's coming out next week my iconic sunny sentiments class is coming out tomorrow and the big deal about this is that i'm using that ombre glimmer paper in it and all the cards are different uh because we have four different colors of ombre glimmer paper in the package i'm going to be using it today so i'll show you and this is one of my cards i actually have a video for this linked in the description of this video if you're interested in checking that out um yeah so this is one of the cards you'll make you'll actually make two of these in the class you make eight total for each to each of four designs and you get in your kit you get all the pre-cut card stock pieces to make the eight cards envelopes and the shipping is included you get the metal moments embossing folders some ombre specialty paper and linen thread and champagne and basic rhinestone jewels so it's a good deal for 45 bucks or you can add the dies for 35.50 and the stamp set for 24.50 all right handmade cards for sale i still have some i have one package of christmas cards left so you can click on that in the link in the description of this video and that will get you a package of um christmas cards i also have tons of all occasion cards they're all 25 for 20 cards plus the shipping and the links are in the description i think i have three of my elegantly said class left they're all fun folds they're amazing and the kits are 45 and you can add on the bundle for a total of 93.50 if you want i think i have six of the eden's garden collection if any of you guys have purchased this this class is beautiful you will not be sorry if you purchase this i still have a couple of the artistically inked class and then my three christmas classes are 25 off if you buy two or more of them so i have three i've got the peaceful deer the christmas season and then the sweet stockings um classes and so if you purchase two or more of these i'll give you 25 off so you can email me barb we can work the details out adhesive kits i always have these for sale they are packaged in these super cute little bags multiple colors ooh pam said she got her catalog in the mail yay that means the january to june holiday or catalogs are going out yay pam thank you for letting me know that um let's see oh you guys are awesome thank you for all the thumbs up and everything that's great um adhesive kits you can buy those either with classes or without links are in the description stamp happy academy i have to tell you we dina kelly and i were here talking about stamp happy academy while they were here and we're going to start giving out random prizes we are we have a facebook group for the live portion of stamp happy academy and we're going to put challenges in there and the winners of those challenges are going to get bundles so that's kind of a big deal we're also going to be doing an open house in the beginning of january that anybody can check out so you can check that out on facebook stamp happy academy i think that's all you got to type in on facebook is stamping academy um and what else yeah we've just got a few fun things that we are um offering uh with stamp dappy academy so uh we can celebrate the members that we already have and then hope to get more members because it's an amazing website full of inspiration you guys will not be sorry if you get in here um everything is available to you if you have a subscription it's kind of like netflix when you if you have your subscription you have access to literally everything on there uh when you cancel your subscription then of course you have access to nothing so it's basically the same thing as long as you're a member you have access to everything we have probably just about 50 classes on there that you have access to all the pdf files and all the videos for all those classes with your basic membership uh we have premium which includes all those classes plus three live classes a month dina just did hers in there today i did mine i think on the third and kelly's doing hers next week so those are about an hour and a half to two hour long live classes uh mostly focused on layouts and using up your designer series paper so hand hint designer series paper we're all hoarding it i know you are you know i am let's use it and that's uh pretty much you'll find a lot of useful layouts in live only class so there you go and finally we are having our new catalog kickoff party um coming up january 4th through the 18th if you are a stamp happy academy basic or live or excuse me basically premium member you get in for free um i think the information is on stamp happy academy website excuse me um if you're also if you're a team member of one of us in our levels one through three you also get into the catalog kicker for free if you're none of those people um and you don't want to get it for free you can pay ten dollars the link is in the description of this video you pay ten dollars you get in um we're going to have a meet and greet live with dena and kelly and myself we're gonna have three live crafting sessions where each one of us will demonstrate projects using new products from the january to june and celebration brochure we're going to have card challenges with prizes a mystery stamping with a prize random prizes we're going to have sample galleries filled with tons of inspiration we always load up all of our swap cards in there for you guys we're gonna have game night not exactly sure what that's going to be as of yet it will not be bingo i can tell you that but it'll be some other fun game and there's more so anyways you guys yeah don't forget to check that out if you're a stamp happy academy basic a premium member you get in for free otherwise you can pay ten dollars not that expensive okay first project it's kind of a double project here i'm gonna pull my hair back really quick because it's always hanging in my face driving me crazy um we are going to be using the pattern party designer series paper this is the paper that is also used in our borders in bloom online class so here's another little fun thing you can do with this paper this happens to be a host only paper meaning if you place 150 order or you have a party that's a minimum of 150 dollars in sales you can buy this paper with your host rewards okay it's 18 i think if your party is exactly 150 you'll pay three bucks for it it's 48 12 by 12 sheets so there you go okay oh nancy says it's well worth the 10 yes nancy is correct but nancy gets in free because she is a team member right nancy yay okay um and jean just got here just in time gene you are correct okay so we're going to be using this paper i'm going to be using the pierce blooms dies that is also in our class um i'm going to be using the scallop contour dies just so i can get one of those fun sculpt rectangles um i've also brought in the wrench tape wretch rectangle stitched framelits debbie i don't know how i remember anything honestly that's why it's all written down um we're gonna be using these frame these framelits also and we're gonna be using i think i might use the stamp set on the inside of the card we'll see when i get there and then i've got a little sneak peek for you of a stamp set that is uh something you can earn during celebration if you place a hundred dollar order during celebration this is something you can choose it's called special moments um i really am happy i'm really excited about this one sometimes they give a stamp set you know these word sets and yeah they're okay but these have a really there's a lot of really nice sentiments in here and i like the fonts of them so i'm just i'm really happy with this i'm super excited it's a celebration reward choice okay so the first thing we're going to be creating here today is a gift bag okay let me get this stuff out of the way so we're going to be creating a gift bag and i already have some of this stuff done so what i've got here is it takes a full sheet of cardstock you cut it in half you have two pieces five and a half by eight and a half okay easy peasy then you're going to take your designer series paper whatever pattern you want that coordinates with your cardstock and you're going to cut this to five and a quarter by eight and a quarter okay and then we're going to glue this to our card stock layer so let me just get glue all the way around this and i like to use liquid glue on some of these projects just because you know it's i can be cheap sometimes and liquid glue is pretty inexpensive when you have to cover a big surface like this and we're gonna get this on here try to get it centered and i think that's i think that's pretty good okay so you can see i've already cut a hole out of this so i'm going to cut a whole lot of this for you live i actually brought my stampin cutting emboss machine over here so i will be cutting that hole but i wanted to mention this first this is one of those like cheap lunch sacks and i bought these oh my gosh like a million years ago okay not really that time oh we have somebody here watching for the first time and i'm gonna butcher your name i'm gonna this is it eine key i know i butchered that and i'm totally sorry we have a new watcher yay thank you so much for watching um so these are like just lunch sacks they come either in like a brown crafty kind of color i have white and brown craft so i picked white i'm i think you can still buy these somewhere i don't know where but anyway i cut it to where's my trimmer six and a half i think is what i did so i put my bag on my trimmer this is the bottom of the bag and i lined it up at six and a half and i chopped it off yep that's exactly what i did six and a half inches and i chopped off the top okay so that's what we're going that's actually going to be our bag for what we're doing here so i need to run this through with the die so i said i was using the rectang rectangle stitched framelits erect well they're not called framelits anymore these are this is an old set they're just called dies now rectangle stitched dies and so i'm going to bring my stampin cutting emboss machine in here and i apologize for the loudness of this silicone mat but this is a tip for you guys i put my machine on my table on a silicone mat and that sucker does not move when i am using it a lot of times when you're like cranking your stuff through on your handle the machine is flying all over the place not with this thing this is like a baking mat is what this is i got this at i think somebody gave it to me as a gift um and so it just sits on my table and um yeah this thing will not go anywhere oh good carol says walmart has the bags perfect okay so it's just a standard sandwich plate two oh i have a piece of paper in there plate one and plate two cutting plate three um i'm gonna add this on to i'm gonna put my die on here and yes i in fact that kelly and deena were at my house last year and i they saw mine they were like oh my gosh so we had to run to walmart so they could buy some so they both have these mats so it's not the same but it's a similar thing okay i'm just trying to make sure that this isn't about the right same the same spot as it is on my other piece i'm going to tape it with a piece of washi tape and then i'm gonna run this through so now my machine will not move because it's stuck on my silicone mat and so i just went one way and then back the other way and then we'll be done i don't normally do my die cutting live just because my machine is over in another part of my stamp room and i just yeah i just don't want to bring it over here all the time and it takes more time unless you i like to die cut things beforehand okay so there that's gonna be my handles so i'm gonna push this out of here okay so now i have two pieces to make my bag and i have my bag let me get rid of the rest of these things here and this okay so now what you do is you glue the bag in between the um layers of cardstock so i'm going to kind of push this flat like that so when i open it it'll still open up nice and i can put my treats in there but i'm going to attach it to the in in between these two pieces of cardstock like so so i'm going to first add glue to this side so i'm just going to use liquid glue again because it's a quite the large surface that i need to cover and there we go we're just going to kind of lay this and these bags are not cut perfectly straight by any means you can totally see down here it's not straight but it's straight enough that it'll work okay so now we're going to bring our glue in and do this other side and just i'm not putting like a ton of glue the beads that i'm using are very small and so i just want to line up these two pieces of card stock now i don't care where the bag is i just want to line up my card stock pieces okay there we go and so then we can open up our bag and we can put stuff in it like who wouldn't want to get a seal and a seal plus and a liquid glue right and so we can put all those things in our bag and then we can tie it shut with some ribbon if that's what we want to do or whatever but wouldn't it be cool if we had a matching card for this bag that was on the bag it would so let me do that so i'm going to bring in my pieces and parts for that okay here's that and then i used the pierced blooms dies and i went over to my machine today and i went hog wild look at that and i just die cut a million not a million but i don't know a lot um i did a whole bunch of green leaves out of granny apple and then i did a whole bunch of different size flowers out of flirty real red coastal cabana and a few little accent pieces in bermuda bay and so we're gonna make a quick card with these so here's the pieces that i need at least i think these are the pieces i need i guess we'll find out won't we okay so we have a bermuda bay card base easy peasy eight and a half by five and a half oh i have a sneak peek for you guys i have a bermuda bay layer this is four by five and a quarter and i ran it through my stamp and cut an emboss machine with a brand new folder called gingham it's a standard folder so not um 3d so you just need your platform and then your cutting plate your embossing folder and your cutting plate and when you use embossing folders and this is any embossing folder that you use you put your paper in it okay you stick it on your platform and you want to run it through hinge first okay you want to make sure that the hinge is the first thing that hits your roller because that way when it's going through and it's super tight the air can leak the air can come out of this open end here if you put it in open end first and you run it through you get a lot of air pressure built up in there and sometimes it can crack your folder and actually cut in half the air pressure coming out of there so always put your folders in hinge first okay pro tip for you guys all right so we don't need the folder anymore so this is going to go on here obviously oh here's my little stems i didn't want them to get bent so i stuck them in with my large papers and then here is that little white layer that i told you about um out of the color and contour size scalloped contours okay so we're gonna do our decorating on this little piece right here and the first thing i want to do is kind of arrange my stems and so i'm going to use one or two blue dots with for this not sure exactly how many i'm going to need to use but i am just going to start putting some of these things kind of together okay i think i'm going to have to use another glue dot so i'm going to pull one off with my fingernail and stick it on top of these and then we're going to add a couple more stems you can see that the stem you can put it either direction it doesn't you know you can put it so it's facing one direction or the other either way it's fine and i just want them to kind of be apart a little bit okay and then i'm going to add one more glue dot to the front here i think okay and then i can kind of arrange them how i want them to look and then i'm going to add this to the front of this layer so i'm going to put it about like this and i'm going to end up cutting off these little stems these extra ones so i will be doing that later after we get the whole thing done okay so that's kind of what i want it to look like a little bit actually i think i'm going to throw another glue dot on there because it doesn't look like it wants to stay where i want it to stay there we go okay so then we just need to kind of like put all of our flowers together and i'm going to put my little cheater piece up here out of the way so you guys can't really see it cause i don't want you to see it just yet but i need to be able to see what i'm doing sometimes i can't remember what the heck i figure out okay so i've got two of these little guys in coastal cabana i've also got two of them in real red and i'm going to glue them together and i'm going to offset them so they kind of make like a full bloom so just like that and like that okay and then these little guys are gonna go on and we're gonna use some dimensionals i'm gonna use mini dimensionals for all of these pieces just because that way i can tuck my leaves under and my dimensional won't get in the way oh that did not stay together what the heck either i didn't use enough glue or something oh debbie says her husband got home and is really hungry for dinner barb or greg yeah i think you can do nachos absolutely my husband is probably home too but he knows it's facebook live day there's no dinner happening right now okay and if you want dinner right now you get it yourself that's kind of how it works okay so we're going to put those two little goodies on there and then i have two of these flowers they look the same they're the same shape so i'm going to add a little bit of glue to the center of both of these and then i have these other little tiny flowers there's just so much to choose from in these dies it's just it's crazy and we're gonna add the little guy like that and this one i think this one i'm gonna kind of tuck in behind that so let me grab a dimensional here and we'll do that i'm excited to hear how the nachos go over debbie okay so we'll stick that there and then this you know what i may have to move this no it's too late it's going to be fine and then this is going to go over here somewhere and then we have this little guy and this little guy and they're gonna have the same centers as those other flowers did and these little dies are really fun because these little tiny ones there's two of them on there oh that die looks that got a little cut off well hopefully nobody will notice and only you guys will notice now because i probably i told you so i probably could have kept it a secret if i wouldn't have said anything although i doubt it you guys are pretty pretty johnny on the spot you would have noticed oh i have too many dimensionals here that's what's going on i have a dimensional literally stuck on the edge of my fingernail oh my gosh get off that one's going in the trash because i feel like it got screwed up okay flower arranging takes a long time maybe like [Music] that and then maybe like this maybe underneath is that how that's gonna work like that maybe okay then we also have this fantastic bow that look at that where we had our glue dots the bow can cover so that's fun and then they have a bunch of leaves that we need to stick on here and these are also in the die set there are so many things in this die set it's crazy so i'm gonna add a few a couple not a few two two is a couple let's tell my son that he's like what does that mean i'm like um a few is more than two but like not ten how do you know this i i don't know you just know i'm trying to get this leaf underneath here there we go i'm gonna take your pick tool i kinda wanna manipulate this a little bit there we go okay then i have these big flowers these big leaf images here and i'm going to use just a lot or i'm just going to use glue dots on these so i'm just going to kind of cut these right down the middle and then if i have to snip off these little excess pieces i will so i lied this is not a quick card but it's amazing it's an amazing slow card because it depends depends on how much putzing you feel like doing with it apparently i felt like doing a bunch so i'm just adding a little bit of glue to the backs of these leaves and since i use those small dimensionals i'm not having any issues with tucking my leaves underneath they're tucking under really nicely i feel like if you have if i would have used large dimensionals um i may have had a bit more of a struggle to get all these under than i'm having right now that's gonna have to come down i think okay and then lastly i'm gonna use these tiny little flowers here and i'm gonna switch my take your pick tool whoops to a different end if i can even find it oh my what did i do with it well i can't find it so i'm gonna pull this stylus out of my scoring board the other end of this the piece you can switch it out with is a dual ended um what is this called i just said it like a scoring tool now i can't remember it's got a special name can anybody help me out what are these called i don't know but anyways i'm using it to like make these flowers a little bit more 3d so i'm gonna press the middle of the flower with the whatever stylus i think that's what it's called right stylus with my stylus and that way when i add them to the card they'll be a little bit more 3d ish yes you guys gosh what the heck sometimes words are just really really hard okay so we need our glue dots again so i'm gonna add these little flowers to my roll of glue dots and then i will pull them off and place them where i want them to go all right okay oh for those of you we were talking about this a few weeks ago on one of the lives that i did we were talking about a show on hulu called only murders in the building and it was a show that had selena gomez martin short and steve martin i mean what a combination of people and it was awesome absolutely awesome it was not the suspense of the end was not what i anticipated um but it was awesome so if you guys haven't watched it and you have hulu i highly highly recommend watching it because it was great okay so i am going to come in here and kind of snip off excuse me these little stems because i don't want them hanging off of my layer but before i do that i need to put some i do need to put some rhinestones in here or you know what we have these brand new iridescent rhinestones that are coming out in the new catalog and they're really amazing look at how pretty they are yeah they make me happy so we are gonna use let's see how big is a big one that seems a bit large we're gonna go with medium and i'm gonna put them here and here so that these two little flowers that don't have a center will now have one and then i'm gonna pull these small ones off and put them on these other flowers that have the smaller or the colored centers so we're using a lot but it's okay this card is amazing you're not going to mail this this is a card that you are going to hand deliver to somebody because it's going to be attached to the amazing bag that you created for the card also okay so we are going to attach this layer to our embossed layer here so i'm just going to try to line that up so it's all centered i hope that's good and then because this is embossed again i'm going to use liquid glue and we're going to use this to attach it to the front of the main card base here i like that idea having debbie's husband get pizza he could go get it for both of you debbie that's a fantastic idea okay so there is the card mostly and then i do have a little inside thing i think i think i'm just gonna add this i couldn't decide if i wanted it at the bottom or on the side i'm going to go ahead and put it at the bottom so it was long enough to go up the side but we don't need it to be that long so we're going to just stick it at the bottom that way we just have a little bit of fun on the inside of the card too so it's not just the outside of the card that's fine it's the inside also and get this lined up i should be doing this the way i normally do but i did okay there we go what was the name of it sorry string burger oh was the stylist debbie that's what we decided it was called okay so here is our card so pretty oh my gosh i just love looking at it and so now we need to well i have to dump out the gifts that are in here and i'm going to fold it back up and so what i'm going to do is i am going to take one of our clear envelopes and i'm going to cut this part of it off okay so i'm gonna bring in my trimmer and i'm gonna put this in just so it's just barely over the line you know the the and track that cut that off yes it did so now i just have a little pouch and i can put my card into the pouch get in there you okay oh what do we got here we got a dimensional backing and then i'm gonna bring in some tear and tape and i'm gonna put that right here at the top of the envelope so these clear envelopes we sell in the catalog and then i'm gonna pick off the backing if i can get it off i feel like it's coming off or is the whole thing coming off well we're good okay and then i'm gonna stick this on the front of the card i hope we want to get it in there evenly okay so now we have a gift with a card on the front that you can remove out of the plastic sleeve and then the last thing we would do is find some real red ribbon here's some and you would just tie it around here and tie it into a bow i'm not sure if this bow is going to turn out no that was horrid i think i need to have it come through the hole like this first struggle is real you guys okay so we're gonna do this and then we're gonna try to take a little more care in wrapping our ribbon around here to make oh my gosh what the heck i think this is like some super slippery ribbon and so i'm on the struggle bus with it because it's so slippery wow i am there okay so we got that bring out some scissors snip that off and there we have it so there is project number one it's actually two projects it's a bag and a card so it's a card on a bag okay yay i love this so give that a thumbs up if you guys wouldn't mind because that's pretty amazing i must say so myself so i have to show you where my inspiration came from i had received a swap at a founder's circle event it was a stampin up event that i went to oh dear lord i'm going to say 10 years ago and i received this as a swap from a very lovely demonstrator named ruth bingle she is one of my dear friends and this is where the idea came from so i never gave this away because i always wanted to keep it so that i could recreate it every so often when i thought about it and she used the same thing the white bag this was back when we had oval punches you know to make the hole or maybe it was a circle i don't know whatever but punches would work really easily to make your holes and of course the same thing clear envelope card on the bag and then about three years ago i made this one using the products that were available at the time it's the same thing but this time i used a craft colored bag and so yeah so i have a few samples to share with you guys christmas christmas and then not christmas since i don't know about you guys but i am i'm tired of making christmas crafts honestly i've been making christmas crafts since like july so i want to make some new stuff like this okay so let me put that aside and i'm going to bring in the supplies for my next project i'm going to put my dye away though so i don't lose it oh here's another little sneak peak item that i didn't actually use oh you know what i meant to do i meant to stamp on that card duh i told you i was going to use that stamp set from celebrations and i never did it i'm going to use basic gray the ribbon that i used is our real red 3 8 inch double stitched satin ribbon the item is one five one one five five pretty pretty ribbon we have someone else joining for the first time this is marcia hello marsha thank you so much for joining us all right guys so i meant to do this before i got done with the whole thing so now we're going to do it now let's hope we can get it on here straight just a little high from me and then we can slide this card back into our sleeve and then it's on our bag and now it's done okay so let me get all this stuff out of the way and oh this is another little sneak peak that i didn't use but look at our new brass butterflies they're super thin they won't give the post office any problems so you can just load your card up with these things and the mailman will care these they're a little bit bumpy but i think you can get i get away with them if you put like a cover on your card or something like that that's typically what i do when i'm mailing them out okay we've got a bit of a mess going on here with all kinds of stuff around we don't need that we don't need that probably don't need the stylus i'm sure we'll need some scissors we don't need all these bits so we're gonna get those off and this okay let me get my next project so this is actually project number three technically okay so we are going to be using this ombre specialty paper it's basically glitter paper as far as i'm concerned and it's full sheets and this is actually kept to six by twelve but you get them at there's there's a full sheet of each color so you have a full sheet of yellow so you have the lighter yellow at this end and then it kind of gets ombre down to the dark uh the blue is the same you have the light up here and then it comes down comes down to like the dark same with the purple starts light ends up dark and then the poppy parade same thing awesome so this is i decided to use a little bit of this i did use this in my iconic funny sentiments class i showed you the card at the beginning of the show here i'm also going to use these few things i'm actually going to be making a gift card holder you guys because i'm pretty sure that a lot of you are still shopping you don't know what to buy those teenagers on your list or your son who doesn't need or want anything but you want to get him something so you give him a gift card to home depot so he can like do some home improvements on his house so we always need gift card holder so i'm going to make one today and it's kind of a cool one it's called a hidden hinge gift card holder i found it in my files on my computer i think it was about 10 years ago that i made one before and i had forgotten all about it i didn't save it but i ran across it i got a new computer so i'm transferring things over and so as i'm transferring things i'm noticing things that i had saved that i hadn't actually used and so this is something that's it's it's been a long time okay so we're going to be using a bit of our neutral 6x6 paper i'm using the night of navy pattern so we have all the different colors in our neutrals collection you get four sheets of each color two of each pattern in that color so i chose to use this particular pattern on my kef quartiles this is kind of going to be more masculine based gift card holder than female based but of course you can i mean it's not it couldn't be for a female and it doesn't have to be for a man but you know what i'm saying so it's kind of more manly colors i guess so i've got some night of navy ink i've got our banners pick a punch i've got some versamark i've got my favorite um holiday greeting set called holly jolly wishes and we're going to be using the merry christmas here uh on this gift card holder i've got that right there we're also going to be using the seasonal labels dies only because i needed a tiny circle and so i found this little tiny die in there and i got my little circle so that's the only reason i use that if you have like a small circle punch or something like that it would be perfect pretending to look like i'm working while i'm watching you oh carol you're hilarious [Laughter] that is so funny um and so then i picked out the snowflake wishes and the so many snowflakes dies i know we had another snowflake die set in the holiday catalog but i believe they're sold out so i wanted to use something that if you didn't have it you could still get it or a lot of you probably have this um in your arsenal of stamping stuff okay so we have a gift card of course we have our little piece of designer series paper and i forgot to write down what it measured it is one and five eighths by four and seven eighths that's the size of the dsp okay then we have two pieces of knight of navy we have one piece that measures oh this one's cut wrong this is two and a half by eleven okay so it's a long strip two and a half and this is supposed to be three and three quarters by 10 but i forgot to do the 10 and i left it at 11 inches long so we're going to cut this off um at 10 over there on the edge hope you can't even see what i'm doing okay so now we have the proper pieces okay oh i guess we need to open this up again i need another 25 to 30 year more oh i know what you're saying debbie i yeah okay so our skinny piece our two and a half by eleven we're going to score this at what i forgot already what did i do with my little cheater piece oh my it's not gonna be good if i can't find it okay here we go this is actually scored at five and ten i should have remembered that that's like super easy get my cutting blade out of the way and we've got it at five and now we're gonna slide it over to 10 score it again and then i'm going to rotate it and line it up at three quarters of an inch on that side of the track i just find it's easier so i can hold on to it with my left hand and operate the blade with my right so i'm going to line it up at three quarters of an inch and we're going to score it again okay and then we're going to do a little cutting so we're going to start our cutting blade here at the top and we're going to cut down to that first score line then we're going to pick it up so it doesn't cut and we're going to bring it down to that other score line and we're going to cut straight down so this is we kind of have these little flaps now on the ends okay so our other piece that's three and three quarters by ten we're going to score this at four and a half get my cutting blade out of the way again four and a half and nine okay let me get that to nine we're gonna score that we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna rotate it find that three quarter inch mark on the right side of the track we're gonna score it and then we're gonna cut again down to the first score line lift move and cut again okay so we should be done with that so now we have these this kind of thing going on here so i am going to snip off this little corner just like that and i did that at a bit of an angle this one i am also going to do at a bit of an angle okay and i'm going to do the same thing on this little piece here cutting that at an angle i'm also going to cut this little tab at an angle so i feel like it's just going to fit together better if you do this if you angle them just slightly okay so now we need to uh work with our this is the top of the hinged gift card holder it's actually the hidden hinge and so we're gonna fold on that score line furnish that and then we're gonna fold this one in this little guy and i'm making sure it lines up at the top here and then the third fold is going to be this last piece and the same thing i'm going to make sure it lines up at the top and the edge here and then we're gonna do that with it okay so that's what we have and now we're gonna put this piece together so we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna fold on that long line so that's number one here this is number two making sure it lines up at the top and it does and then number three is gonna come over and we're making sure it all lines up as well so this one we can actually glue together now okay so i'm going to put a tiny bit of glue here and i'm going to fold this piece over all right then i'm going to put glue all over this edge piece here and i want to make sure that it gets to the edges so i'm using the liquid glue and you can see that the beads that i'm squirting out are so tiny but yet it is enough that it will stick okay and i'm going to bring that over onto this piece here and do the same thing all right so then i'm going to kind of hold this down fold that over make sure it's all nice and good here's my bone folder so now i have like a little pocket a little pouch okay so then i'm going to bring my lid back and i need a piercing mat here we go and i'm going to poke a hole in this little part right here with my take your pick tool i'm going to center it from side to side and i'm going to bring it up about a quarter of an inch okay there's no real right or wrong here it's just it's a guesstimation all right then i'm going to bring my pouch and you decide what side you want to be the front typically when you're working with the fronts of things it's the nicest most finished piece or finished size so we're going to say that this is going to be the front okay so i'm going to flip that over so the front is facing down now and i'm going to line it up between this fold line and this fold line okay and i've got about a quarter inch i know it's really hard to see because it's the same color paper but it's about a quarter inch from the top of my bottom piece to the top of this little flap here okay so we're gonna fold or lay that down and i'm gonna fold this over and i'm going to kind of give myself a little mark where i can see it so now i can see where i need to poke a hole and then i'm going to poke a hole okay so then i'm going to bring in our little brads those are not brads these are brads are square and circle brads and since my card stock is dark i'm going to pick a black one and i'm going to bring that little brad through this piece and this piece here okay so there's my brad and i recommend snipping off the legs because they're kind of long and so just find some what i call cruddy scissors these are ones i used to cut my stamps and cut off some of the leg because you don't need it all it's too long and then we're going to separate the legs of the brad okay and we're going to press them down so that's all we've done so far we just have this little mechanism here and i like to take a hammer and kind of hammer it so it's kind of flat it still rotates but it's a lot flatter and you can see that's a little bit flatter also okay so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to do a little stamping on this and i should have i do this every time you guys probably know and you're probably just waiting for me to mess up i should have stamped this before but it is what it is i'm going to do it now so again this is the front of the card so i'm going to use versamark and this tiny little set of snowflakes this little guy right here it's so cute and so dainty that it won't be too much for a man card i don't think and i'm just going to use versamark and then i'm just going to randomly stamp this guy all over and i always start in the middle when i'm doing any sort of random stamping i always start in the middle and work my way out if you don't do that a lot of times you'll end up where you have too much space the space is like just not quite small enough for one more stamp or it's too big for two stamps so if you start in the middle and work your way out um you'll have better luck okay i need to bring in a scratch paper so i can go off the edge here and so i'm just inking this up in my versamark and now i can just pretty much finish this up going around the outer edges now because i did all the stuff on the inside and now i'm on my way out okay so this might be hard for you guys to see but it is pretty cute i'll bring it up closer so you can see how cute that is and i decided to use versamark because i wanted you to be able to see it but i didn't want it to be like if i did it in night of navy it's like pretty dark you can see the difference okay i didn't want it to be quite that dark so that's why i used this okay uh see i do need that again but i don't need this at the moment okay so we're getting close to being done here all right so then what you want to do is you're going to fold that in and then you're going to fold this over and then we have our little mechanism here that's how it hides and then we put our gift card in there it's amazing okay but first i need to add my designer series paper so i'm going to do that and i feel like i got ink on this and i'm kind of mad at myself but it's fine okay where's my seal i can use my seal to add this whoops i want this side to be showing so this is where i'm going to put the adhesive so we're going to add this to the little top flap here and it should be just enough and we just have a little bit showing a little bit of the night of navy card stock okay oh so much fun okay so i'm going to go ahead and stick my gift card on you realize this doesn't open up all the way that's totally fine because the gift card is just going to slide in there and stick up like that and then you're just going to close the lid on it and then you're just going to whip it open and then they can have access to the gift card and then it just closes right back down so we want to glue this closed now so i recommend having your gift card in there having your having it all done so that there's enough thickness there that when you fold it up and close it that it it's going to want to go back and forth into the same spot okay so what we want to do now is we want to close up the top so we're going to add our glue to the top here get going you okay yep come across and then we're going to add the glue to this little piece right here and then that's it and the reason i flattened like i smashed that little brad down so it was a little bit flat so that it can actually hopefully get glued down oh i do need to go all the way in here like this okay so now we're going to bring this over we're going to close it we're going to make sure that it all lines up nicely so we got the top and we have this little side right here okay i feel like i just got i must have oh i do i have some adhesive on this piece of scratch paper and i got it on my layer there okay so now that's what we have so we have our little thing and you can get your gift card out you can close it back up and it come it kind of looks like a little package which i think is kind of fun so then what i have here is some strips i have a little strip for my sentiment this is three three and a half by three quarters and then with the snowflake dies i did cut the darkest end of that glitter paper i cut out so you can see this is nice and shiny and fun so i cut that out of the darkest end and then i cut a smaller one out of white okay so we're just going to add some adhesive to the center of this little snowflake here i wish i had some more samples to show you guys i didn't have a chance to make any more today um because i was just i had other things going on uh so we're only gonna get a christmas one but i'm sure i'll revisit this because this this is a fun little thing and then as i told you before i used the seasonal labels guys because i needed a tiny circle we don't sell a circle punch anymore you probably have some in your arsenal so if you do that's that's the perfect thing to do but i don't have one so i am just going to snip this little edge off here and so now i have a little tiny circle that i can now add to the center of my snowflake so i can have a little bit more a glitter and i get it's glitter and i'm making it for a guy but i kind of feel like you get a little bit of leeway at christmas with bling when you're talking about men and men's cards i don't think they would really have much to say you know christmas so um i need some rhinestones though because i do need to put a rhinestone in the middle where are they here they are because i thought you know i'm just going to go for it whoops are those i need like a big one oh what am i what am i doing here i don't have any big ones hold on i have to say that's pretty rare when i use up all the big gems on the sheet before i use up the small ones so we're just going to get a new sheet out here and get our big gem out of the center there we go okay so now i'm going to attach this to the top but i'm going to make sure i don't put it down here so i'm just going to i'm just going to add glue to like these three snowflake what do you even call these arms do snowflakes have arms i don't know we're going to say they do so we're going to put those right there and so while those do a little bit of drying we are going to um bring in our sentiment stamp and now i don't want um i only wanted to say merry christmas i don't want whatever whatever else this says and i can't remember what it is but i don't want it i just want merry christmas so i'm going to mask that off with some scotch tape and then i'm going to ink it up in my navy pad and then the most important step of this is to remove your tape and so then i'm going to stamp this on my little skinny strip here i think i told you this was three quarters um by about three and a half oh that looks good now i'm going to throw this in the garbage so but i don't have to deal with that again because that'll make a mess all right and then i'm going to snip off the end of this because we're going to put it right to the edge of the card here there we go and then we're going to use our banners pick a punch and i'm going to snip off the end that's perfect and i just noticed when i stuck this in the banners pick a punch that this is not a straight cut at all there okay and i was i should have done this before well i have a cheater one that i've already done because it's not quite dry yet and if i try to do this little thing i'm gonna do i'm gonna i'm gonna muck it up so i'm gonna turn this over and i'm gonna very gently kind of pretend like i'm curling ribbon on the end and then i'm going to curl it in the center and then i'm going to curl it out so this again might not be something that you you would maybe want to hand deliver this or put it under your christmas tree or something like that so this doesn't get smashed because this is kind of a cool little effect when you do that with your label strips um that they make these kind of puffy banners and they're pretty cool looking okay so you can see there's a little bit of 3d action on that sentiment strip and that's it you guys you just open it up you pull out your gift card you can put the gift part card right back in there close it up and there it is so it did take a little while to do but once you like and i would say i would suggest watching this video again and using like some crappy cardstock that you don't care about or even some typing paper to practice making one first um just so you don't mess up your good cardstock or your good designer series paper so just do a little practicing on it um because it's not hard to do the measurements are very straightforward very easy um and it's not hard but it's just it looks complicated but it really isn't so there we go so we've got that was one of our projects today and then i'll bring in my other fantastic project which was the old card on a gift bag so we used a little lunch sack that you can buy at walmart and this is one sheet of cardstock this is two five and a half by eight and a half pieces of cardstock um designer series paper stuck on them five and a quarter eight and a quarter and then one of our clear envelopes is attached to the front and then the card just slides in and out of that so there you go guys now i think i don't think i'm going to be live until the new year and i hate to say that because i really enjoy doing this for you guys but next week is christmas my brother and my daughter are both going to be here and i don't want to take time away from them because i don't get to see them very often it takes me an entire day to plan these projects i swear i am the worst designer in the history of the world and it just takes me forever to design things so it takes me all day to get prepared for this class that i do for you guys on thursday nights um so i don't think i'm gonna be live again until the new year um we'll see i mean i may just randomly pop on who knows but don't count on it okay so as always i would appreciate your orders in my store link below uh my host code for the month is also listed down there all the links to my classes are down there again if you want any of my christmas card classes um that are 25 off message me i'm either here through facebook or not facebook message me or you can message me on facebook or email me um and i can send you a paypal invoice or the rest of the links to my classes are in the description so don't forget to register for the new catalog kickoff that starts january 4th if you're stamp happy lie or premium or basic member or one of my team members in levels one through three and kelly and dean is two that's free um otherwise it's only ten dollars so ten dollars is a pretty good price for everything that we offer you guys in those classes so um you won't be sorry okay i think that's it you guys thank you so much for all your thumbs up all you're subscribing i think it's down here subscribe down here ring the bell after that you'll be notified when i go live um thank you so much i appreciate it and i hope you guys have a very very merry christmas wonderful holiday season whatever you celebrate and of course a happy new year so i will probably see you guys next year with brand new products okay guys bye bye
Channel: Barb stamps
Views: 1,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stampin up, stamping up, card making, barbstamps, barb mullikin, stampinismyjob, stampin is my job, paper crafting, DIY, big shot, silhouette machine, gemini, die cutting, cricut, cuttlebug, tips, tricks, designer series paper, jennifer mcguire, Stampin cut emboss, big boss, baby boss
Id: 4jG1iBGxwgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 40sec (4360 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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