Etsy Shop for Beginners (COMPLETE TUTORIAL) 🙌 | How to start an Etsy shop step by step

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hey friends kate here today's video is going to be a complete tutorial on how to start an etsy shop for beginners this is actually going to be a two-part series for complete beginners walking you through step-by-step first how to open and start your etsy shop and second what to do afterwards and navigating your shop manager and all the tools that are available to you i know it can be super confusing especially when you're first starting so i hope this etsy tutorial can help break it down and walk you through it so if that sounds good just keep watching [Music] welcome back to the channel friends if you're new here i'm kate glad you're here i'm a wife a mom an etsy seller and a business coach and i have this channel to help you beautiful entrepreneurs to level up your shops and reach the point of success i'm thrilled to be able to bring you guys this tutorial today because i can't tell you how many people have reached out to me saying i'm an etsy beginner i'm so confused i don't know how to get my shop set up and then what do i do once it's set up and once it's live it's just so confusing and i know for me it always helps to have someone walk me through step by step when i'm learning something new so i hope that's what i can do for you today it's going to be some really great in-depth information i think it's going to be super helpful so i'm excited to get started but before we dive in i do want to give a quick shout out to the sponsor of today's video retail brew retail brew is an email newsletter that's sent out every monday wednesday and friday and includes info and updates on everything going on in the e-commerce and retail world it gives you really valuable insights on what's currently trending what's currently working for online sellers and gets you up to speed on everything retail pros need to know i love it because it's not dry and boring like your traditional news sources it's actually pretty witty and fun to read i love getting retail brew because it literally takes all the most important e-commerce updates and information that before i probably would have wasted hours and hours sifting through trying to piece together from different websites and articles and puts it all into one place that i can literally scroll through in five minutes for instance i recently learned a new holiday marketing strategy from a free guide that was in one of the retail brew newsletters before i would have wasted so much time online trying to search for these kind of strategies but now it's right there in my inbox three times a week and here's the best part it's completely free just click on the link in the description box below sign up with your email and you're done in 15 seconds or less it's really that easy i highly recommend that you take a couple seconds before watching any more of this video click the link below and sign up you will be super glad you did okay so we're just going to go through this from the very beginning so the first step will be to click the link in the description box below and type that in to sign up for an etsy shop so once you type in that link it'll bring you to a page where you can click open a shop today you're going to click that i'm going to just put in my email that i created for this demo okay it's gonna ask for your first name and a password okay so once you sign up it'll bring you to this page that says shop preferences so it says to protect our marketplace in new sellers a percentage of its earned funds may be set aside and a temporary reserve for some shop so you can click learn more here but basically what that is it's a temporary funds reserve when you first start your shop um they're just doing their due diligence to make sure that you are a real person with a real shop that's going to follow through on your orders and what you say so um as annoying as that is that's just something that happens for new sellers until you prove that you've made some sales and you've actually shipped some things out you're going to choose your shop language here your shop country and the currency you want it in and then it says which of these best describes you the options are selling is my full-time job i sell part-time but hope to sell full-time i sell part-time that's how i like it or other so you can select which of these best fits your circumstance i'm going to say i sell part-time but i hope to sell full-time save and continue right now you're going to name your shop so hopefully you already have an idea of a name for your shop and if you do you would enter that here i'm just gonna put buddy bracelet designs and see if that's available check availability not available so it'll tell you if it's available or not it'll give you some suggestions down here why don't we do this one okay save and continue so now it's time to stock your shop this is where you're gonna start adding your listings and this is where most people get confused so it's really not that hard you just click add a listing and it will give you prompts to go through of what you need to add so first thing is photos you have 10 photo slots that you can use for different styles of photos different angles or variations i'm going to add a few of these photos of our bracelets okay and while those are loading i'm going to scroll down here to our video section so here is where you can add a video the max file size is 100 mb so this basically it can be a shop video it can be a video of some behind the scenes or your process of making your products um you can really be creative with this this is not necessary to have on your listings but i would suggest it if you can make a video um that's high quality to show people and give people another way to see exactly what they're looking at in this listing there's a little link here that says learn how to make videos that sell so i would suggest if you're interested in putting up a video that you click that link and learn how to make a really good quality video alright next is your listing title so with the title this is part of your seo i have some other videos on etsy seo if you're interested um but the basics for the title is that you want to pick keywords and keyword phrases that will help you rank in the search you want it to be accurate to what your listing actually is so that when a shopper types in a search query for that specific thing etsy knows and registers that this listing is an appropriate result to show in the results so um there are different tools you can use for this to figure out what are some good keyword phrases um i personally use sales samurai which i've talked about before if you're interested in that it's um in the description below i'll put a link down there but sale samurai is basically where you can go and you can do some trend research and keyword research to figure out what some good keyword phrases are since we're doing a bracelet i already did some research on this on sale samurai and came up with some good keyword phrases for us to use so let's say this is a warrior bracelet i'm going to type in warrior bracelet for women personalized jewelry since they can choose the color gift for her leather bracelets for women customizable bracelet and gift for mom okay so i used most of my characters you can see over here i have seven characters left but um i've used most of them you want to use as many of these characters as you can with your different keyword phrases and again you're going to want to find these by doing some keyword seo research um either on sale samurai or one of the other seo tools okay you're going to answer about this listing who made it what is it a finished product a supplier tool to make things and when did you make it it can be made to order or you select when you made it okay category this is a two or three word description that helps shoppers find things in certain categories so for this one i would just start typing in something that's similar to what my listing is for and see there's some suggestions that come up and you just choose which one is most appropriate for what you're selling so shoppers will find this item in all of these categories jewelry bracelets and cuff bracelets now all of these below here are optional so you'll see beside it if it's optional you can choose if you want to fill this out or not if you fill it out it has more of a chance to be in front of the correct people if it's something very specific for like a specific holiday or you're making it for a specific recipient if it's more of a general item you may not want to fill these out it's up to you but if you do you have recipient you can choose the material there's lots of different materials to choose from and again this is based on what category you chose so since i was in a jewelry category this is giving me suggestions for different jewelry related materials it'll change depending on what your category is okay recycled yes or no i'm going to leave these blank just for the sake of this demo gemstone primary color secondary color bracelet length bracelet width adjustable yes or no spinner style theme can be personalized yes or no occasion so all of these are optional holiday now here where we get to renewal options this is important because you can choose automatic or manual so automatic renewal is basically anytime the listing sells um or it runs out it'll expire at a certain point it will automatically renew itself and that'll cost a 20 cent fee each time if you choose manual this is i'll renew expired listing myself so the thing with manual is that you have to remember if a listing expires it's up to you to go in and manually renew it if you don't remember it will just be expired and it will not be showing up to buyers or in your shop or anything so i recommend automatic that's what i keep all of mine on um but it's up to you which of those you would like to do to renew your listings okay now here description um oh before description we have type so you can choose physical or digital is it a physical tangible item that you'll be shipping to your buyers or is a digital download so if it's a digital when you click that um you will have to upload a file that the buyer downloads so if it's something that is actually a download then that's fine you just upload the file to the listing and they can automatically download it once they purchase if it's something that's more of a service like for instance with my shop critiques that i offer that's not really a file that they can download right because i have to complete the critique and so the what i do is i email the critique to the buyer after i have completed it myself but since it's digital and i have to upload a file i just uploaded like a little thank you image that says thank you so much for order it will be on its way to you shortly in your email so whatever you do if you click digital just keep in mind you're going to have to upload some type of file that they can download all right moving on to description so this is a big area where you can just put in here the description for what you're selling and the important thing here to remember is that number one you want to organically and naturally weave into this description the same keyword phrases that you're using in your title and your tags you want all of your seo keyword phrases to be matching as much as possible and to be used as much in your listing as possible so what i suggest with the description is to start with what i call a hook it's like an attention grabbing hook so it's something that is very friendly sounding very conversational sounding you're not gonna just jump into like the measurements of the item like i wouldn't say i wouldn't just start this description with like this bracelet measures eight inches i'm going to start with some kind of flowy hook that gets their attention to continue reading so for my bracelet it might be something like this this gorgeous warrior bracelet for women see how i used that that was a keyword phrase warrior bracelet for women is the perfect statement piece to remind that overcomer in your life just who she is okay so right there that's tapping into emotion that's tapping into the purpose behind it it's not just jumping into the nitty-gritty details it's kind of giving a little bit of inspiration for why they want this product and that this product is the answer and the solution for the problem they have and it's going to provide what they're looking for so i might continue on to say if you're on the hunt or the perfect personalized jewelry that's a keyword phrase that i used in my title remember so there it is i'm organically and naturally weaving this into the conversation if you're on the hunt for the perfect personalized jewelry that will hold its meaning for years to come you've landed at the right place i'm going to say leather bracelets that's another keyword phrase there leather bracelets for women come in a variety of styles and sizes but our skinny stackables okay here's an example of some really specific phrasing that is um it's attention grabbing and it's very descriptive so skinny stackables that's the kind of bracelet it is are sure to bring the wow factor they are here's some more descriptions modern elegant and just enough to add that simple and sleek touch to any outfit this customizable bracelet there's another keyword phrase custom customizable bracelet makes the perfect gift for mom there's another one gift for mom was a phrase that we used in our title too and then i would go into the must know info so i would say something like here's the must-know info okay now so that the whole first section is kind of like our flowy descriptive um emotional inspirational kind of thing now we're gonna go into the actual like nitty gritty details that they need to know so i'm gonna just kind of bullet point these bracelet is cut from all natural vegetan leather laser engraved and dyed with pro quality leather dye bracelet comes in child 6.5 inches i would say length and standard which is eight and a half inches in length okay next would be leather thickness is a quarter inch bracelet hardware is aged brass and comes with an adjustable chain extender bracelet color options so i'll put you always want to have a few options for some kind of customization or personalization if possible that's something that i definitely recommend because it makes people feel like they are getting to put their personal touch on it and it's a great idea to just have a limited amount so see i'm only offering four different color options here you can offer more than that if you want but the more you offer sometimes the more confusing it gets to the buyer so you want to have options but you want them to be somewhat limited if possible all right and then you always want to include care instructions if it's anything they have to care for maybe a rush listing like if they want to rush their purchase and get it in like a day or two you could have options for like expedited shipping and then i always encourage people to put put some links at the bottom some of your other listings so that if if they've stumbled upon this listing but it's maybe not exactly quite what they're looking for they can click on one of these other links and go to your other listings okay so next is going to be production partners so this is not required for everyone this is only if you have a production partner so this would be anyone that's not actually a team member of your etsy shop that you're relying on for help with production you can click this link right here to see more about if this is required for you if it is you would just click add and you would put the name of the production partner their location a little description of who they are and answer some questions about your partnership i'm not going to add that right now because i want to move on to section so you definitely need to have shop sections this is the way your shop is going to be organized when a buyer clicks on your main shop page they can see it broken up into categories so let's say you have a jewelry shop you might have a section for bracelets a section for necklaces a section for rings and so forth so this is just a great way to organize and you want to make it super easy to understand and really simple for the buyer so let's add our first section i'm going to type in bracelets and each time you add a new listing you can either choose to include it in a previous section or add a new section all right now we're here to our tag section which you definitely want to use all 13 available tags and these are where you put your same keyword phrases that you used up in your title so if you forgot scroll back up to your title now the thing with tags is that they have to be under a certain character length so some of these main keyword phrases may be too long to use as a complete tag but we'll just kind of type some of these in and see if they'll fit so we have warrior bracelet for women that's probably going to be too long but we could type in warrior bracelet okay and i know we had personalized jewelry okay let's see what else we have gift for her leather bracelets for women are two different ones gift for her leather bracelets for women oh too long okay let's just type in leather bracelets and then maybe bracelets for women okay then we have customizable bracelet and gift for mom customizable bracelet too long so let's put custom bracelet gift for mom now we have six left we've used all the ones basically in our um title so this is where you could go back on sale samurai and do some more keyword research or you could just type some um keywords into the etsy search bar and see what suggestions pop up but they just need to be related and they need to be accurate for what you're selling on this listing so i do recommend that you use all 13 so at this point we would want to find six more to type in now here materials this is optional but you can put whatever materials that you use um just to give it some more specific information okay now we're down to inventory and pricing so here's where you would put your price now below this we do have an option for variations and if you have different pricing for specific variations of your item that's where you would input the price so i'm just going to show you now assuming we don't have variations and it's just one flat price let's say this bracelet costs thirty dollars and then you input the quantity that you have so we have 20 in stock and then here you have an option for a sku you can not use this or use it if you want to and a sku is basically just a way for you to track your inventory and keep track of everything there's a link that says learn more about sku so i would recommend if you're thinking about using sku numbers that you click on this and learn a little bit but if you wanted to usually people will have like a couple initials for something that it stands for and then some numbers with it to organize so if i wanted to do something for a leather bracelet i might type lb 101 that would be like leather bracelet 101 there's a personalization option so do you want to offer a personalization for people on this listing if so you click it on and then here you would put the instructions for the buyers this is what the buyer will see over here you can see an example it'll say add your personalization so if we want to say something like please give name and date okay so that's what they would see and then they would have a box to input their information okay you can click personalization is optional so that's if they can choose it if they want to or not or if you want everyone to have to personalize something you can leave it off it's not optional they have to do it there's also a character limit here you can choose how many characters they're available to personalize with now here because we chose digital file up at the top this is where you would click to upload that digital file you can add up to five more files um so this is where you know if even if there's a couple they would get all of their files after the purchase directly from etsy so that they could click to download now i want to show you if we scroll back up and we choose physical product it changes a few things here so we're scrolling down now after our personalization section now we have a shipping section so this is where you will put input all of your shipping information so here you have the option for your shipping prices to have etsy calculate them for you or to enter them manually yourself so the calculated shipping is really easy all you do is if it's a physical product you would input down here we're going to put our measurements for our box and the weight once it's packed and then once etsy has a purchase and a destination they can actually use the height and length and weight to calculate what the precise shipping cost would be that would be calculating them for you otherwise if you click manual you have the option to input all of your information the country of origin the origin zip code the processing time and then and then you can actually add a specific price i'm going to go back to calculate them for me and let's just go through these we got our origin zip code select your processing time let's say three to five business days we're all ships so so this can be united states and worldwide that's the default but you can always change this if there's any specific countries you don't want to ship to or if you want to only ship to your country you can deselect all of these and just click your domestic shipping for your country that is completely up to you and then also you can choose down here your shipping classes so you've got all the different usps for united states these are the different usps options you can also go back later into your listings and change it to fedex if you have larger packages i recommend fedex and then you have advanced shipping services which are options as well so as many of these as you want to offer these will show as options for your buyer that they can choose at checkout and it will give them the specific price for the one that they've chosen another option is you can offer free shipping so this is optional but if you want to offer free shipping you can offer free domestic shipping or free international shipping or both i definitely recommend offering free shipping if you can if you can build that price into the cost because having free shipping available is definitely an incentive to a buyer and it also helps to rank you in search you also have an option for a handling fee so this is an amount that's added to the buyer's total and they won't see it separately it'll just automatically be added in so you might do like a 50 cents handling fee so now you have the option to click this save as a shipping profile so if you want to save this as a shipping profile you can name it and you can reuse all of these settings as basically a shipping preset the next time you do a listing so why don't we say bracelet box is the name of this shipping profile so anytime i create another bracelet listing that i want to ship in the exact same way it'll show up as an option bracelet box so i don't have to go through every time and input all that information i can just choose this already created shipping profile or i can choose this to enter the custom ones again all right now if you are shipping internationally you need to look at this tariff number section this is for customs and the requirements vary based on the carrier and the shipping destination so you need to be able to know what your tariff number is for the specific type of product that you are selling and the tariff number is a code that's used to describe imported taxable items at custom so it varies by country that it's going to so i'm going to put a link in the description box below that you can click on to learn more about finding what your tariff number is and how to complete this section now here at the end you have your item weight so you would just input how many pounds and ounces your length and then down here you can preview what the shipping price would be based on the item's weight and size that you put in and location so if you choose denver you would see what the shipping price estimate would be now right here this little note says save time and money by shipping this item with an etsy shipping label i don't have time in this video to go into this but i definitely would recommend looking into purchasing your shipping labels through etsy especially if you're using usps because you can definitely save money doing that now we have most of our information filled out on our listing and there we can see our listing is showing up right here and you can go back into this at any time and rearrange your photos rearrange anything you want or edit it you can delete it you can add another listing here but we're going to click save and continue to go into the next part of this setup which is how you'll get paid so when you're first setting up your etsy shop you have to give information for tax purposes so here in this first section it's asking what type of seller are you etsy uses this to verify your information and it won't affect the status of your etsy shop at all most etsy sellers fall into the first category when first joining which is individual or sole proprietorship um the only reason you wouldn't fall into this is if you are actually a registered legal entity as an incorporated business so most people if you're just starting out and you don't have an incorporated business you would choose this first one and then you're going to come down here and just fill in this information for etsy your name your country of residence your date of birth your home address where is your bank located okay so once you choose the country that your bank is located in it'll tell you what type of currency you'll be getting your deposit in and then you come down here and it's asking for your account type your routing number and your account number now since i'm not actually setting up this as a real etsy shop i'm not going to continue in putting my bank information but basically the rest of the etsy shop setup is super simple all you're going to do is input your bank information that's so that they know where to deposit your funds and the last step is in putting the same information for your billing so you would just continue following the prompts and filling out the information through that last step which is super easy so there you go friends that's it it is actually pretty simple and easy when you walk through all the steps i know it's a lot to complete but once you get that initial setup going then all you really have to do is keep adding your listings making sure that your photography is up to par and getting the word out about your shop so i hope that was helpful remember to tune in for our next video which is going to be part two of this series and it's going to be all about what to do once your shop is live once it's published and i'm going to show you guys a lot of the tools that you can use on the shop manager to further customize and level up your shop if you found this video helpful will you give it a big thumbs up and also comment down below what you sell on as year what you want to sell i want to connect with you guys and know what your shops are all about also don't forget to click the link in the description box below to sign up for retail brew so that you can stay up to date on everything that's trending see you next time friends
Channel: Kate Hayes
Views: 12,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy shop for beginners, how to start an etsy shop, etsy shop, sell on etsy, etsy, selling on etsy, make money on etsy, etsy business, etsy tutorial for beginners, etsy tips for beginners 2021, etsy tips for beginners, etsy tips for new sellers, etsy shop tips for beginners, make money online, open an etsy shop, etsy seller, etsy 2021, etsy beginners guide, etsy seo, etsy seo 2021, work from home jobs no experience, etsy shop for beginners 2021, etsy shop tips, etsy store
Id: UtL45pw_J0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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