How To Level Up FAST In Helldivers 2

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the fastest way that I found to level up in Hell divers 2 isn't from playing on the hardest difficulty I've actually found that playing on the easiest difficulty while Less Fun is the fastest way to level up and it's the easiest way to unlock uh better strateg gems so as you'll see you're going to want to find an extermination one this works for both the automatons and the bugs and you'll select it on trivial and we'll jump there real quick system so now that we're here we're going to get in our hellot and we'll select our strems you're going to want to Dive Right Between the enemy and your extract so that you're close to both and then for our Shad gems it's not too important but I would take like one Sentry the jetpack for faster moving and then make sure you choose stuff that helps you kill the enemy so like the eagle and then we could choose either the orbital we'll just go for the orbital thing and then we can get our booster as well and this will allow us to kill it really quickly and then extract and basically instead of doing one mission where you stay in it for a long time you're going to want to do a mission for or you're going to want to finish the mission as fast fast as possible and the reason is is that higher difficulty missions while uh you know there's more stuff on the map they actually don't give that much more XP if you look at the XP uh that you get from harder missions from like destroying nests and secondary objectives it's barely anything so what you're going to want to do now that we're here is you're going to want to go and find first thing we'll do is call an our you are the best of the best jump pack but you're going to want to find where the bug is so somewhere over there and we're just going to call down an air strike on it and do our best to kill it as fast as possible full our jump pack M probably in front of us over here so actually now that we're here we can just throw that down it may not hit them but we can also throw down our Sentry as well okay we can throw that over there and we'll just start running forward and see if we can find then see where that's going to it is really dark on this P there we go we killed The Brood Commander that fast and now it is time to run to extract and this is what the jetpack is good for it really lets you move quickly and basically while not anything special and it doesn't look fancy this will let you get XP a lot faster than if you play on the harder difficulty because as you can see we get 100 XP for finishing this it'll take us not that long why is it not letting us oh Maps open side up up up down right up oh no I mess it up there we go so anyways you will get XP a lot faster per minute if you do it this way than if you play the harder missions cuz the harder missions just take so much longer especially uh you know if you're fighting multiple Chargers something a caveat here is the fastest way to do this is actually to play with friends because if you're multiplayer um you get like 20 extra XP per person that you finish the mission with so I would suggest if possible playing with friends but not everyone has friends and you know this is actually very viable as a solo player whereas playing on hard missions can be especially rough if you're trying to play um you know by yourself so that's something to keep in mind I know sometimes it can take a while to you know group up with people so but yeah it's a 2minute extract and that's probably the slowest part of the mission other if it didn't take that long to extract you could probably make this a lot faster another thing you can do is you can hold open the map and see where they're spawning from and then just throw down your orbital or whatever you have should do a pretty good job of taking them out as they come think I didn't throw it far enough think that got them though down our resupply even though we don't really need it yeah this is a really dark planet I'm not a fan but if you just repeat these you can sort of pretty much do these every four minutes so you'll be getting these usually come out to about 200 to 250 depending on whether you have teammates so 250 XP every you know 40 minutes where or every 4 minutes so that's like for 40 minutes which is what it uh you know a harder difficulty Mission would take you can like get 2,500 XP whereas like a hard mission may give you like 800 right so this is a lot more efficient per minute XP at least from what I found if you found a faster way let me know in the comments below but as you can see nice and easy really quick you can do it solo you don't have to worry about it uh you know a caveat is you could do this on easy mode too it's basically just as easy it's it's really not that hard and um if you want to do it on easy that gives you the option of secondary objectives and I'd say those are usually worth doing CU they're about 50 XP for you know for a little bit more EXT time extra and you get um you know you can get like find super credits and war bonds easier on the easy missions the tri trivial ones is pretty hard to find um or bonds and metals and stuff like that as you can see we'll get our XP from the main objective which is 100 that doesn't change really you know if you're doing an easy I think it's still 100 and see is 20 per hell diver extracted so if you have three more you'll get you know 80 instead of just 20 and then the time remaining it gives you 90 extra XP which comes out to 200 XP so and if you just do these over and over again you'll level up extremely fast um and it's very efficient you got one metal even the metals per minute it's pretty good it's like one metal every form minutes which again if you're doing a hard Mission and it's taking you the whole time uh that that's still pretty fast that's like 10 10 medals every 40 minutes like that 15 medals per hour yeah so I just wanted to show you a couple of other ways to make this easier on yourself if you go into the galactic War chart uh and you know you're on trivial and you're looking through stuff so say you're in the automatons I really like you and you can't find any of the Miss Anda any missions that are destruct cuz as you can see none of these missions are uh just the killing you can always check a different one and sometimes you'll find missions there on the other map that are just destroying um as you can see they're just like aren't any missions right now which is interesting so there are two things you can do you can either go over to the bugs which is what I did for the video actually and you know search on these maps and see if you can find one of the terminate ones just cuz the killing the enemies is way faster than any of the other types of missions uh these the raising the flag you have to wait a long time the broadcast is is probably a second best if you really can't find any um but I feel like most of the time if you just look on all of them you can eventually find them like here's an extermination uh there's another extermination so you know you can definitely find them eventually if you look well enough but I think like you know when it was only Angel's Venture Heath and then those two it was sometimes hard to find them so what you can do is if you can't find any of those instead of doing uh this on trivial you can go to easy and search there as well as there's a slightly different array of missions on easy versus um trivial and this is actually a pretty nice mission where you just have to uh deal with an antenna which is really really easy uh it doesn't take much time at all and then you know there's also ones where you can eliminate them you have to eliminate two but again it's really not that hard and um so so that's another nice one to do if you can't find them on trivial and again all this can really be done solo um you know and for for weapons it's is it's largely personal preference I think most of the weapons in this game are pretty strong uh By Design but if you want my opinion on it this is specific to the tomaton I would just go with the main assault rifle it's really strong against them do go for head shots it's it's just really strong I think against bugs my fa favorite would either be the this SMG or the shotgun they're both found from the what in the world okay it's not letting me click on the war bond right now they're both found from that war bond so uh but yeah and I don't really like that gun the r36 is okay but the magazine size is not great this gun sucks don't I just don't even use that one the nice thing about the machine gun is it is one-handed so if you need to carry something you can shoot this while still carrying but yeah the shotgun is probably my favorite overall but this is really good for the tomons cuz they shoot back and this is just a good overall SMG anyway I hope youall found this video helpful I'll continue to make hell divers content this week I have a tips and tricks video in the works that I'll have coming out soon and other than that I hope you all enjoyed thanks for watching all and I'll see you next time
Channel: Nova Gaming
Views: 168,758
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Id: 4zzcGKn4Vdc
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Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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