How to Know the Holy Spirit is Moving: 10 IMPORTANT Signs

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i truly believe that as we've gathered here this evening that god's intention tonight is that mantles might fall from heaven and that his people might catch them so later on this evening and i do mean later on this evening because i want to minister the word we're going to take an offering i want to minister to the sick but later on this evening i want to lay hands on every single believer here tonight who wants to receive a touch of god's power and it's going to be a fresh touch of the holy spirit's power he's been doing something fresh in me you know those seasons where god just does something fresh in you i feel like i just came back from the mountaintop just a beautiful presence of the lord i've been enjoying and i know that god is moving the power of the holy spirit is here your faith is stirred you're ready so turn to someone and tell them something good is going to happen to you now you know i have you say that like every service right you know why i have you say that because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word when you speak those things aloud you're stirring faith in your neighbor you're stirring faith in the person you just told that to so turn to someone else look around the room look around your section look for someone who who you think needs to hear this right now i don't know how that would look but look for them anyway and tell them something good is going to happen to you and you watching online i can see your comments coming in type it in the comment section something good is going to happen to you because where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty [Applause] those of you watching online one more quick thing if you have not subscribed to encounter tv whether you're watching this live or you're watching the replay make sure that you subscribe to encounter tv and click that notification bell when you do subscribe so that you can receive notices when we release new content we release teachings and sermons on the holy spirit prayer spiritual warfare evangelism miracles and such topics we also feature the worship ministry of stephen monk the zuma and he releases a beautiful worship cover every single week we do live streams in live events like this you love the presence of the holy spirit you love the power of the holy spirit make sure you're subscribed to encounter tv and do that right now and click that like button we're not just asking you to do it because we're looking for clout that actually helps to expand our reach around the world and it triggers something in the youtube algorithm when you click like it actually expands and that goes for all of you if you're watching encounter even if you don't watch it just click the like button just by faith you'll like it okay but uh we're so honored to be here in the presence of the lord i do are you the lady who who my team was telling me about you are you the mom and your daughter was the one who was healed do you both mind coming to the platform for a second um you know this is this is and i'm sorry could you shout your names at me one more time pardon come up and i'll hear it up here because i'm i'm a little distant from you now um patrick came by the way this is patrick jankowski everybody he does a beautiful job as well um patrick came to the the back and he told me that you had come up to the team and shared a story now for those of you who don't know after these services and when the cameras go off we don't just leave sometimes we have like a flight we have to catch or if my aria is you know in a certain spot where jess is like please just come home now you know i'll leave the service right after but nine times out of ten after a service is over we stick around to see if there's anybody who wants prayer who wants to pray for healing especially because people come from long distances and i'd hate to turn anyone away at least without some prayer you know what i mean and so this mother your name again haiti haiti came up to me and she brought her daughter hayden haiti and hayden i like that and it actually was after the service that they came up to us and they they they came to this spot right here on the side of the stage and i stood there and prayed with them patrick you were there steve you were there and then i even told the security guard what's your name again my friend hector i told hector you saw a real miracle hector because we came to the side of the platform to pray with this young girl who had experienced severe hearing loss and this is after the cameras were put away this is after people were pretty much trickling out there was only about 20 or so people left in the building and can you just tell us what happened from there um glory to god um i wasn't leaving here something in my heart and i know moms know this when you don't want any of your children hurt or anything happening you always say give it to me my daughter lost her hearing back in october um and they gave her medications they gave me no answers um from two different hospitals and i never lost faith or hope um because i've had a mother who's been in three comas and she got out of those three comas and my daughter didn't either she was getting at that point that she was she says mom is god really there grandma got back i'm not losing my faith mom but sometimes i want to turn my back to god and jesus and i said don't do that hayden that's the last thing you should do um how we got here it's something very incredible just the lord uses people but and i'm sorry i'm just um they told me that she was gonna need a cochlear implant and they gave her the medication and the medication caused her to be paralyzed for seven weeks in a wheelchair we didn't know she was gonna walk again it was the hardest moment seeing your child in a wheelchair and her hearing and just i i was like what's gonna happen next i got no answers from doctors we're just gonna they had set up to her cochlear implant and uh we came here and everything like david said at the end i said as a mom i'm not leaving here until he prays over her there was something in my heart and i came up and i asked a gentleman because i seen patrick who was next to him and i came to patrick and i asked him can you can you call him back can he just pray for her please and um he did he went back there david came out and from then on um my daughter just her hearing came back and we had [Applause] i remember praying for you and seeing you just begin to cry what was happening to you in that moment it was a moment where i can't like explain i felt heat go through my body i i just can't explain it but it felt i i was i was very shocked i didn't know what was going on at the moment but somehow my hearing came back and now tell everybody here what this is in your hand these are this is what i wanted um she was set for the implant and i called the doctor's office i called my insurance and i said no i need another audiogram and they said why she's already said she can't hear and what's an audiogram for those who don't know so it's a test where they test for your hearing when we got there that day i told hayden i said hayden you just sit there and you just pray and you just let them do what they got to do the text doctor uh we were there about two hours or so exam that takes that's really fast because they kept on connecting and disconnecting the machines they were just like what's going on and i was in there with her in the booth and i'm just sitting there and hayden looks at me and i'm just like okay and then they would come in and she said are you sure um is there anything wrong did you go somewhere and i said somewhere i go i don't know what you're trying to tell me but i've we've only been to this hospital the other hospital the same things you guys have i have oh no no but i said is there something wrong and she said well yeah we think we're gonna restart the machines we're gonna you know and they just continued and hayden was so annoyed she was just like they kept up just in and out putting different things i didn't get no answer for a while doctor wouldn't even respond back to me i knew why but um that was uh so we ended up getting the records and that's what i wanted to see and her hearing bent from started at 80 lost to 100 she was lost and now she's at 15 back again so [Applause] and you have the medical report to prove it and what did the doctor say when you told did you tell them that it was god who healed her we haven't seen the doctor um i got these facts to her main doctor we haven't seen him so it goes from february where she was at this is just the people who did the test yes yes um to hear hey where's justin come up here and get a shot of this for the live stream viewer here uh tim we should be on that here oh wow look how fast you did that that was really fast he's a marine by the way so next come come get the shot here look at this so explain what they're looking at so we're looking at this here where she was at that she had lost her whole hearing as you can see on the right and left all this the graphs there where you loss of hearing where you need a cochlear implant and stuff all the way up to where she's at now on her right ear and stuff and it says on here where results were obtained in the normal healing range with excellent reliability and to jesus belongs all the praise all the glory all the honor can we give the lord a hand of praise well you go rejoicing in your miracle and remember that it was jesus who did this for you and he'll never leave you nor forsake you he's always with you god bless you you know you look at stories like that and you can't help but be thankful for the power of the holy spirit it's jesus who did that you hear what i said that was jesus who did that there's no denying you you see what i love about miracles is you can't argue with miracles you can't argue with them so i just wanted to share that with you and you watching online if you thought that was a powerful testimony just type amen in the comment section right now you know i've been thinking about what i'm going to share tonight for some time now because we really are in something quite special don't take this for granted i think sometimes especially in places where we're so used to just church anytime we wish sometimes we can take for granted moves of the holy spirit and just like we do with anything in life if we're not careful we can miss what's happening and then one day have to be forced to look back and remember oh those were the good old days do not take for granted what the holy spirit himself is doing in these services in southern california and do not take for granted the move of the spirit that's taking place across the globe right now it is the power of the holy ghost you are seeing miracles we are experiencing the glory of god so tonight i'm going to share a message on 10 signs of a true move of the holy spirit 10 things that begin to happen when the holy spirit is truly moving and then after that i'm going to take an offering after that we will pray for the sick after that we'll pray for everyone else now let me say this as a disclaimer and the reason i like to tell you up front when i'm going to take the offering is because often as is the case with healing ministries there's a misunderstanding with how it works so let me say this now and please remember this during the offering your healing has nothing to do with your giving whether you're wealthy or you're poor whether you have a lot to give or nothing to give jesus will heal you and i think we have a responsibility as ministers of healing ministers of the gospel to help to undo some of these mindsets that people have developed over periods of time because of certain preaching and teaching that has made us think certain ways i want to be absolutely clear you cannot buy your miracle you cannot pay for your healing i just imagine for example a parent like this whose child is sick now what wouldn't she give to see her daughter healed and when you begin to think about how much a parent loves a child you begin to understand why it's so easy for certain individuals to manipulate people into giving vast amounts of money now if god speaks to you to give something significant wonderful but that has nothing to do with your healing it has nothing to do with your miracle it has nothing to do with god healing your body that is an entirely separate thing we don't give to get we give so that the gospel can go forward and so i want to say that up front because again i i really do feel we have a responsibility as ministers of healing to make that absolutely clear i don't ever want anyone to sit in one of my meetings thinking that the more they give the more of a chance they have it being healed or the more of a chance their loved one has it being healed i want to i want to kill that mindset that that misunderstanding right here right now your pocketbook is not tied to your miracle so i'm saying that now which is why i'm giving you this outline because today i'm going to take the offering before the healing testimonies because i don't want to disrupt the flow from when the testimonies begin and then i begin laying hands on people i mean we see testimonies people are getting healed and i take an offering then i try to pray for you it just won't work there's a flow to these things and so i want to make that very clear up front i won't have time to explain this later because of the flow of the service but i want to make that clear down that goes for you watching online as well ten signs of a move of the holy spirit father i pray in the name of jesus that you would have your way in this service lord your people have gathered not to see me not to hear from me they've gathered to see jesus and to hear from the holy spirit so i pray lord that as we extend our faith to you that you would stretch out your hand and perform the miraculous meet us in the place of our needs and do as only you can do we ask this in faith in the name of jesus and all god's people said now ishmael will you do me a favor can you actually sit up by the piano just in case there's a moment that that the spirit begins to move and by the way tomorrow i'm releasing a teaching on how the holy spirit uses music so if you ever wonder why i'm very specific with the team it's because there's a certain flow and that comes out tomorrow ten signs of a move of the holy spirit before i give these to you it's important to remember that in any move of the holy spirit jesus will always be the center healing cannot become the message deliverance cannot become the message prosperity cannot become the message the message must remain centered and focused upon jesus the christ he is the foundation he is the absolute truth he is the measure against which we put all things by him we understand and navigate the realm of the spirit it's by his person that we are grounded in truth while pursuing supernatural moves of the holy spirit the moment you shift your focus from jesus who he is to what he does you're in danger the moment it becomes about the miracles you're in danger the moment it becomes about the deliverance of people who are demon-possessed you're in danger the moment it becomes about prosperity about prophecy about end-time theology about all of these wonderful and interesting things that we all need the moment the focus shifts to those things we begin to wander in the strange and the superstitious world of unbiblical foundations now of course we believe in the power of the holy ghost we believe jesus heals delivers speaks prophetic words we believe that the bible gives us insight as to how things will unfold in the final days but we must not become so obsessed with our doctrines ideas and theologies that our eyes move away from jesus why because he is not just the giver of these things he is the substance itself jesus does not give healing he is healing jesus does not cause deliverance he is deliverance jesus does not just cause people to prophesy he is the centerpiece of prophecy he is the all in all he is the center of our focus he is the foundation of all things spiritual he is the absolute truth he does not point the way he is the way he does not give life he is life he does not cause resurrection he is resurrection jesus is these things and so much more and so when asking for a move of the spirit you must realize that a true move of the spirit will always be marked by a focus on the person of jesus if you're not careful you'll miss what he's doing in this day now jesus does not change but methods do the message stays the same but methods must be adjusted for highest possible impact think about the fact that today we have cameras here that are streaming this all around the world that's a different method i promise you paul the apostle did not talk about live streaming why because they didn't have it it's a different method same message now god does do new things but he'll never do anything so different that it causes you to be in heresy is important god will do new things but he'll never do something so new so different that it will contradict the scripture the scripture is our basis for understanding how god moves so if ever you hear of anything that contradicts what the bible says as convincing as it may be it's important that you recognize that yes god does do new things but he will never do anything so different that it contradicts his word the holy spirit is moving in a fresh way now and if we're not careful that wave can just pass us by now i believe in living in such a way that the power of god is constantly demonstrated through our lives i believe in living a lifestyle of evangelism of the supernatural all of these things you hear people talk about revival and you'll often get two different ideas from the body of christ on one side they say i'm not waiting for revival i am a revival and i understand that thinking to some degree on the other side there are those who say we're waiting on the move of god because we can't cause him to do anything outside of his will both of them are correct moves of the holy spirit can be a lifestyle while at the same time there are certain seasons in this lifetime that god will with his holy spirit breathe fresh upon a generation and i believe that's what he's doing now the first sign that the holy spirit is moving number one the lost are saved acts chapter 2 verses 1 through 4 say this on the day of pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place suddenly i love that about the holy spirit things are just mediocre you look around the plane ordinary settings of everyday life and then suddenly there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm and it filled the house where they were sitting then what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them and everyone present was filled with the holy spirit and began speaking in other languages as the holy spirit gave them this ability so here we see the new testament church united gathering in faith at the command that jesus had given they're gathered they're praying they're focused on the lord when suddenly the holy spirit begins to move now what was the result of this yes they began to pray in other tongues yes they began to see greater demonstrations of miracles but look down over at verse 40. this was the true result of pentecost acts 2 i'm going to read 40 and 41. then peter continued preaching for a long time strongly urging all his listeners so there the first church service he set the pace this is why preachers go along save it it's a joke save yourselves someone's going to write that down don't write that down it was a joke save yourselves from this crooked generation those who believed what peter said were baptized and added to the church that day about 3 000 in all so the holy spirit comes like a mighty rushing wind flames or tongues of fire were settled upon each of their heads people heard and saw the holy spirit at work around them and as a result peter stands up begins to preach and 3 000 people likely more were added to that number meaning 3 000 people gave their lives to the lord this is the first and primary mark of a move of the holy spirit is there is this great sweeping in of souls you often hear stories and so do i of how god moved during the jesus people movement now i wasn't alive then but i knew people who were and there are many many testimonies of radical conversions and the salvation of people you never thought would even want to step into a church there was this great sweeping in of souls and the ones who they least thought would ever turn to jesus became the most radical i believe that i'm praying for that this day that god would save the most radical in the world i pray he saves members of antifa i pray he saves all those people who are rioting and burning down cities i pray that he saves those who stand most boldly for perversion and heights of political power i pray that god begins to convert the least likely and i believe that we're just about to see that in fact we are seeing it now we have to be careful that we don't get stuck in our revival rhetoric and all this talk of oh one day and we get caught in between saying oh one day and oh how it used to be that right there will get you stuck and you'll miss a move of the holy spirit stop waiting for god to do what he did back then stop waiting for it to look exactly the same in principle it will look the same but there will be different methods and modes of delivering that message and stop longing for the day that one day god will do it i believe we're in it now souls are being saved that day is now we see it as we travel around the world many of you know this next month when it comes to the events as we travel around the world we have to stop renting church buildings we're moving to conference centers now and what we see at these moves of the holy spirit what we see at these events is the same thing over and over people come forward and give their lives to jesus and this is something that's happening not just in our ministry god is doing it all over the world a true move of the spirit will shift the statistics and demographics a true move of the spirit will lower the crime rate will lower the poverty rate will lower the divorce rates suicide rates will begin to drop when the power of the holy ghost begins to move cities and regions will be transformed when the power of the holy ghost begins to move god will clean the human heart and he'll also clean up the streets when the power of the holy ghost begins to move regions are taken for the kingdom of god souls are saved and we're in it the second thing that happens in a true move of the holy spirit the sick are healed acts chapter 10 verse 38 says and you know that god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy spirit and with power then jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for god was with him jesus used the healing of the sick as a part of his ministry strategy now that may sound odd to some of you who think that jesus was just this hippie-like figure who roamed the streets wandering around kind of just doing whatever came his way no he was very intentional and strategic and one of the strategies that he used for furthering the gospel message was the healing of the sick now i said this a couple months ago and we're starting to see it now but what we are seeing is this intensification of healing miracles that testimony you heard tonight that's just the beginning some of you were here last month when that woman's tumor disappeared right here in the service some of you will be healed even as the ministry is going on right now through the preaching of the word you probably won't even know it until we we start to ask you to check for your healing but miracles are a mark of a move of the holy spirit in mark 16 15-18 the scripture tells us of the signs that follow the believer you walk with the holy spirit you don't have to follow signs signs will follow you miracles will follow you ears will be opened blind eyes will see people will begin coming out of wheelchairs paralysis will be healed nerves will be restored tumors will disappear skin disorder will disappear god heals the sick when the holy spirit begins to move mark 16 20 says and the disciples went everywhere and preached and the lord worked through them confirming what they said by many miraculous signs god will always back his word with miracles remember this god backs his message with miracles you want to see miracles stop preaching your opinion and start preaching the gospel you want to see miracles stop preaching your political preferences and start preaching the gospel god will not anoint our opinions our ideas or man's philosophy god will only anoint one message and that's the gospel and the gospel is always accompanied by healing miracles number three in a move of the holy spirit the captives are set free when the holy spirit moves god's people are set free from strongholds addictions and deception john 8 36 says so if the son sets you free you are free indeed truly free from within to without total liberation now it's a well-known biblical truth that christians can't be possessed they cannot be they cannot be cursed and other words for this are demonized or oppressed but hear me now this does not mean that christians cannot be influenced by demonic power demons may not be able to attach to you they may not be able to control your physical movement they may not be able to speak for you do not see ever in the new testament a born-again believer having a demon uses their body to speak it does not happen and the scary truth is if that happens they're likely not saved i'm just telling you what the scripture says guys but the reality is that we are engaged in war and the enemy can deceive the believer how does this work the enemy always attacks the believer through deception they can affect you don't be ignorant of the enemies ways watch because your enemy prowls about like a roaring lion the enemy will speak lies deception now here's the crazy thing people who are deceived never know they're deceived so when the enemy speaks a lie to you it's because as a truth you have not yet come to know and believe but a lie is only a lie when you believe it that's when a lie becomes deception and so once you've come to embrace that lie it affects the way you think and the way you think affects the way you feel and the way you feel affects the way you behave and the way you behave can become addiction and bondage now why is it important to know this why not just leave it be because if i call something cancer when it's a broken bone or if i call something a broken bone when it's cancer if i don't give the proper diagnosis i can never apply the proper prognosis if you don't know what the sickness is you'll never choose the correct cure and what happens is believers then get caught up thinking they need exorcisms when what they need is for the holy spirit to break a stronghold over their mind now in short christians need deliverance from strongholds unbelievers need deliverance from demons some have said why would you cast demons out of an unbeliever if seven others could come back far worse well first of all there are several reasons why you would want to do that number one being we're not promised tomorrow let me leave that in you on the off chance that one day you might get saved number two the scripture says that when we're born again and if we fall away from the truth it's better that we never knew the truth to begin with does this mean we don't preach salvation to people because who knows one day they may fall away from the faith no way it's god's compassion that begins to move in fact if you look through the scripture consider also the man in mark 5. if you look through the scripture you'll find that those who were delivered almost always got saved number three the reason you do it is because it's god's goodness that leads a man to repentance what a notion i see you're in torment i see you have a devil but i'm not going to cast it out because my theology says not to no when the holy ghost begins to move demons start coming out of people when the holy ghost begins to move demonic power starts to lose its grip on the life of those that are bound where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty and there is no fight for the holy ghost you see i think sometimes we imagine that the holy ghost is fighting with devils the holy spirit does not deal with demons he dominates them [Applause] it's not an equal struggle i promise you like fragile sand castles dissolving under a mighty ocean wave so demonic powers lose influence under the light of the holy spirit when he begins to move demons start coming out of people the scripture says in matthew 12 28 but if i am casting out demons by the spirit of god then the kingdom of god has arrived among you demonic manifestations are a sign that the holy ghost is moving and i think sometimes sometimes in religious fashion people become uncomfortable when demons begin to manifest they don't like the idea of a devil screaming now granted sometimes demons manifest because the person wants deliverance and sometimes demons manifest because the person wants to distract you got to know the difference and the difference is you either cast the demon out or you throw the person out one of the two depending upon why they came to the service those who were at the holy spirit conference i got up at the first night began to preach a guy stands up and starts manifesting cussing me out you knew he was there to distract they moved him out of the service it was one of the best ways to start a service man people were so energized you want a good way to start a service let a demon manifest shows the people that there's spiritual power at work and that something is shifting but but we have to be we have to be balanced because i think there's two extremes on one side there are those of us who don't ever want to deal with demons who don't believe in exorcism who don't believe that demonic possession is real it's real guys but we have to understand how it works so we're not running around in fear going oh my goodness am i going to be possessed you're filled with the spirit of god you need to stop that on the other end there are people who are so deep they're drowning so we must avoid both extremes the religious side that denies that the holy spirit does this and the superstitious side that makes everything a devil the devil of bad traffic the devil of i spilled my coffee on myself the devil of making me tired in this service that's not biblical okay so we must find that balance but we must embrace this and i want to talk about this i'm spending a little time on this because it's so important that we get this because the deliverance of the demon possess is is a true mark of the holy spirit moving and i know these kind of conversations make people uncomfortable because they think well it seems a little disorderly well yeah a devil is coming out of someone's physical body that's not going to look pretty that happens and it's real and when the holy spirit does it we must celebrate with that person that they're free don't be like the people who turn jesus away because he drove a devil out of a man they say get away from us now this is all too freaky for us all too scary when the holy spirit moves the captives are set free believers are set free from strongholds and addictions and mindsets and that heaviness that weighs on them as a result of the deception and on the other hand unbelievers they get set free too and you have a responsibility people of god to take authority over demonic powers god has given that to you number four in a move of the holy spirit holiness is emphasized the brighter the light of god's glory the more visible our flaws become some people think that the more frustrated they get with themselves the more they're regressing in their spiritual growth that's not the case many times the noticing of all your flaws is actually a sign that you're drawing closer to the lord because what happens is your desires that once lured you in those desires begin to become disgusting to you what once tempted you will disgust you now all believers everywhere must always strive for holiness to the highest possible degree in their everyday lives but something happens when the holy spirit begins to move i remember i was ministering at a youth service this was probably 12 to 14 years ago i'm preaching at a youth service and i began to talk about the holiness of god and how the holy spirit can be grieved by our sin and there was probably no more than 60 70 teenagers there but when the holy ghost began to move upon that room every single teenager teenagers now you know how that is for the most part people say are you are you generalizing yes because generally speaking they're like this that was then that was then nowadays they're like this while you're preaching for the most part but god is moving and i remember they weren't necessarily responsive to the message when the weight of god's glory came on that room every single one of them i god as my witness every single one of them was on their face weeping and travailing and they began to recognize the heartbreak that sin causes the holy spirit first peter 1 2 says god the father knew you and chose you long ago and his spirit has made you holy as a result you have obeyed him and have been cleansed by the blood of jesus christ may god give you more and more grace and peace revival begins in repentance revival stirs our passions for holiness i remember some revivals where people would run up to the microphone grab it and begin confessing their sins right on stage in front of everybody this was before live stream i don't know how well that would go over these days but the church wouldn't condemn they would celebrate with them as they confess these sins not not celebrating the sin but celebrating the fact that they were acknowledging this sin and turning from it that's what god is doing maybe these past few months maybe this past year you've just really been reflective about the way you are perhaps you've become frustrated with your own sin nature and there's in this wrestling this fighting this this this struggle to overcome that i'm here to tell you there's revival taking place in you the holy spirit is stirring that number five so number one the lost are saved number two the sick are healed number three the captives are set free number four holiness is emphasized number five the fire of evangelism is ignited acts chapter 1 verse 8 says but you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses telling people about me everywhere in jerusalem throughout judea in samaria and to the ends of the earth the purpose of power is proclamation ye shall receive power and then what and you'll become witnesses when the holy spirit begins to move upon a people the fires of evangelism are lit once again and you begin to look out into crowds of people you begin to see people as you walk through them all as you drive through traffic as you look around the workplace as people pass you by there's this magnetism this pool on your heart for them and everything in you says i want them to know jesus and you begin to wonder things like where are they going when they die has anyone told them about the power of the blood of jesus has anyone told them about the cross what's the state of their soul has anyone ever preached the gospel to them you begin to lie awake at night tossing and turning troubled by the thought that souls are slipping into eternity without the security of salvation in christ jesus and there's a stirring an anguish if you will in the heart think of how moses came into contact with the burning bush and the moment he touched that fire he received this new mandate and what did his focus become delivering a people from bondage do you know that israel in slavery to the egyptians is a prophetic picture of the world in sin moses comes into contact with this fire and it ignites something in him to go after souls a true move of god will always reproduce itself believer well i am not trying to make you feel guilt or shame because those aren't necessarily always productive i do want to challenge you to consider the question when was the last time you told someone about the gospel when was the last time you not invited someone to a church service but shared the good news of the gospel with them when the holy ghost begins to move the fire of evangelism is ignited the church becomes focused on souls again the church begins to build for eternity not just the here and now not just focused only on buildings and programs but on souls and eternity number six the gifts of the holy spirit are stirred now in acts chapter 13 verses 8 through 11 there's a biblical narrative about paul the apostle trying to preach the gospel to high-ranking government officials and as paul is sharing the gospel with these high-ranking government officials a sorcerer comes in and tries to disrupt what paul is doing and is trying to ensure that those in power don't believe the gospel now the bible says that paul looked at him and paul the scripture says filled with the holy spirit spoke that sorcerer became blind started trying to fill his way out of the building freaking out asking for someone to guide him by the hand but that phrase there in that context and paul filled with the spirit some translations filled with the holy spirit that phrase in the original language means something quite interesting it actually implies a sudden access to power now every believer who is a true believer has the holy spirit within them but not every believer allows themselves to access the power that's provided by the holy spirit within them so if you read the scriptures you'll notice especially in the old testament that often the bible will say and the spirit of the lord came powerfully upon like with samson and people get scared when they read verses like and samson did not realize that the lord had left him you have to realize that when the scripture talks about the influence upon you that that is describing the power of god not the presence within you the holy spirit does not come and go he doesn't leave you when you make a mistake but your ability to access that power is what's affected when you're not walking attentive to the voice and commands of the holy spirit and so paul is said to have had a sudden access to power a fresh touch ephesians 5 18 but be not drunk with wine because that will ruin your lives instead be ye filled with the holy ghost that phrase again be filled is talking about a sudden but continual feeling with the holy spirit and so when the holy spirit begins to move your spiritual gifts are stirred people say do i have a spiritual gift absolutely you do the scripture in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 makes that absolutely clear that each of us have been given a spiritual gift that we might serve one another within you there is a gift of prophecy within you there's a gift of healing there's a gift of miracles there's a gift of tongues and tongues interpretation all of the abilities that we see in scripture dreams and dream interpretations the ability to see visions the ability to preach the gospel all of it lays dormant within the believer and the holy spirit is the one who chooses how to stir those abilities in us now when the holy ghost starts to flow in a service like this he begins to stir those spiritual deposits within each and every one of you some of you will leave here tonight and as you sleep tonight you'll have prophetic dreams some of you will leave here tonight as you're walking out of the building you're going to notice an activation of discernment as you look at people as they trickle out of the building some of you tonight are gonna sense this unction to begin praying for the sick and you'll notice that there's this heat on my hands when i get around sick people and when i start praying and believing some of you will sense this urge to prophesy this desire to speak forth the oracles of god there is a stirring of the spirit and when the holy ghost begins to stir your spirit gifts begin to manifest all around you i'm going to go through the next few points rather briefly and then maybe i'll do this on a live stream in a couple months so i can really take my time how many are being blessed by this this evening i do want to make sure i lay hands on everyone tonight so i'll just go a little briefer on each point but you know how that goes when preachers promise that number seven believers become raptured in glorious worship the bible says in john chapter 4 verse 24 for god is spirit so those who worship him must worship worship in spirit and in truth for god is spirit listen to this for god is spirit so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth you know how worship works this is how worship works i give god glory as i see god's glory when i capture a glimpse of an aspect of his nature that revelation inspires in me the proclamation and adoration that flows from my heart worship is the intensity of attention did you hear what i said worship is the intensity of attention therefore you can worship other things besides god it's what your attention is intensely focused on worship if i may word it this way is somewhat of an obsession worship is obsessive attention given intently to one thing now only the holy spirit can do that those who worship must worship in what spirit and truth that's the word and spirit you see if you have only truth you're being given information about god this is why atheists can study theology and not worship they're told of his attributes they have the information but never do they come to appreciate the revelation because only the holy spirit can give revelation so so they they receive this knowledge that goes to their intellect but not to their spirit and so they know something about god without being inspired to worship because they have truth but no spirit now some people have the spirit god's moving in their lives but they're not in the word so their worship goes up and down depending upon how they're feeling that week they worship god not based upon the truth of the word but upon their circumstance and how god they feel is performing that week in their lives no you need both word and spirit the holy spirit takes the truth of the word the information of the word and causes it to become revelation that revelation becomes the inspiration of worship now this is why you can't mandate worship i've told this story before i was in a church service and the worship team that was playing wasn't quite skilled don't look at me like that all all holy and act like you've never been in a service like that you have to worship despite the music you know what i'm talking about i'll put it very bluntly it was it was just awful it was distracting is what it was and i'll never forget the worship leader she starts to yell at people like you ever see the drill sergeant worship leaders i don't see you jumping well i don't see you dancing you can tell i'm a pastor's kid we have this kind of humor and what they're trying to do is they're trying to get you to express with your voice or with your body or with a dance move from the exterior you can sing without worshiping you can dance without worshiping you can shout you can jump up and down you can clap without worshipping only the holy ghost can inspire that worship worship isn't worked up from the exterior worship is brought about from within the holy spirit reveals god and i worship this is why when someone doesn't worship and you feel like they don't get it that's exactly right they don't get it they can't worship because they haven't seen god they haven't caught a glimpse for themselves when the holy ghost moves he stirs something deep but then you worship when it's true it's not something you have to try to do or work yourself into when worship is truly by the spirit it takes everything within you to contain it you become like jeremiah who says it's like fire in my bones and it's not that i'm trying to work something up it's not that i'm trying to cause my emotional stirrings to make up for what i lack in the spirit yeah i may be going through a difficult situation yes i may be experiencing heartache and tragedy and confusion and no everything may not be going on the way i want it to go on around me but there's something deep down within me that's causing this worship to overflow from the depths of who i am and everything in me is causing me to shout to dance to sing to clap to wave my hands to pray in tongues to get lost in the adoration of who he is that's what the holy ghost does i can sense it now that's what the holy ghost does number eight prayer becomes a priority prayer helps to bring about moves of the spirit moves of the spirit likewise help to bring about prayer it's a never-ending cycle of intensification one causes the other and as we pray as we seek the lord something in the heavens i don't quite you know i don't quite understand it i've searched the scripture genesis to revelation again again and again and again and i don't quite understand all the dynamics of what is actually happening in the spirit realm all i know is that when i pray persistently something in the heavenly realm begins to change something begins to happen and i can't quite explain it when the holy spirit begins to move he begins to draw his people back to the places of prayer do you remember when you first gave your heart to the lord and you picked up your first bible i remember that it was a thin line esv some people on youtube might say yes v they'll have there's a conspiracy theory tied to every translation so it's very difficult pick one but that's what i had and i had these special highlighters that wouldn't bleed through the pages i still remember the smell of that bible i still remember carrying around cases of cds with worship on there i remember putting those cds on and you know when you began to first dig those wells of prayer wasn't there and this is the word i used to describe it wasn't there a sweetness to it do you remember that that that sweetness to it you don't have to say goodbye to the days of sweetness found in prayer because with the lord there's always something new there's always something exciting always something thrilling people of god he's calling you back to the places of prayer [Applause] when the holy spirit moves prayer becomes a priority number ten or number nine excuse me believers step into their callings in matthew chapter 9 verse 37 the bible says he said to his disciples the harvest is great but the workers are few so pray to the lord who is in charge of the harvest ask him to send more workers into his field now this is interesting to me because that's matthew chapter 9 verse 37 and he's telling them his disciples that is pray you pray you pray that god will send workers into the harvest field so those disciples go and pray god send workers into the harvest field but then if you look at chapter 10 verse 1 the very next verse the very next chapter the scripture tells us that jesus sends those very same disciples as the harvest workers which leads us to the conclusion that when god tells you to pray for something usually he's preparing you as the answer god do something about the wickedness in this generation he's doing something in you god do something about the nations that need you he's stirring something in you god do something to bring salvation to my region he's stirring something in you when you begin to pray for something god begins to stir that in you there are people who are just about to step into callings when the move of the holy spirit starts to stir when the holy ghost begins to have his way missionaries start being sent when the holy ghost begins to have his way men and women become evangelists and prophets and apostles and teachers and pastors it's time church of the living god to step into what god has for you number 10 which is the final one a move of the holy spirit will bring controversy and criticism do you know who is offended by true moves of the holy spirit wicked people and religious people the move of the holy ghost will bring controversy and criticism but please don't misunderstand what i'm saying just because you have controversy and criticism doesn't mean you're of god you get people who will preach some of the strangest most unbiblical things and then complain when people criticize them for it if you're doing something strange something weird you're preaching things that are not in the scripture or quite contradictory to the scripture or you're just being weird in general you're going to invite criticism i mean every church has at least two or three of those and you want to know why people don't invite you for lunch after service it's not because you're too spiritual i'm just going to say it now you're just too weird god called us to be spiritual that is strange enough in and of itself without you adding your weirdness to it i'm just being real with you tonight that's the truth some of the distracting things that people do some of the strange things some of the weird odds not even demonic doctrines just really bizarre doctrines that are more distracting and confusing than they are helpful that's going to attract criticism and rightfully so just because controversy follows you just because you're criticized doesn't necessarily mean you're of god however on the other side of that coin we see that true moves of the holy spirit do in fact draw controversy and criticism oral robert said this about the healing ministry he said the healing ministry attracts three things crowds controversy and criticism are you willing to be criticized for standing with the holy spirit you see because when you get saved you lose your unsaved friends some of them at least but when you start experiencing a move of the holy spirit in your life you're going to lose your lukewarm friends too [Applause] religious spirits attack what's fresh what's new what's a little unruly like saul coming after david people tried to kill the move of god don't let the souls in your life kill what the holy spirit is doing in you now again as with everything i say this needs to be balanced because some people take that as a license to just go and do and preach and be and behave however they wish if you want god to move in your life it's going to cost you something people will criticize people will think you strange well when jesus drove those devils out of that man in mark five what did the people in the town tell him they said please get away from us we don't want anything to do with you do you know why society pushes the church and tries to push the church out of places of influence it's because there's power in what we do it's because the holy ghost is with us people of god the most misunderstood person here upon the earth is the holy spirit he is the most misunderstood and if you want him to move in your life you too will be misunderstood people will turn from you criticize you that's to be expected so when the holy ghost begins to move i'll say this one more time a true move of the spirit the lost are saved the sick are healed the captives are set free holiness is emphasized the fire of evangelism is ignited the gifts of the holy spirit are stirred believers become raptured in glorious worship prayer becomes the priority believers step into their callings and controversy and criticism are attracted do you want god to move in your life just lift your hands all across this room you watching online you want god to move in your life even if you're watching on the replay i want you to say this as a public declaration you watching online just put it right there in the comment section say move in my life just write those words move in my life and he will do it and i'm seeing those of you joining us from around the world now i want you sitting here to begin to pray in the holy ghost right now just softly softly jesus just soften you online begin to pray in the holy ghost jesus we love you he's looking for a place to move he's looking for someone who will host his presence jesus in this moment you're going to have an altar call right there in your seat embrace what he's doing surrender your heart to him make yourself available young and old rich and poor all races men and women just make yourself available to him jesus hey patrick can you grab this guy in the green sweater please bring him up on the platform everyone continuing to pray please jesus what's your name louise lift your hands louise i look over i see this group sitting on the floor hungry for god's power louise do you want god to use you church do you want god to use you then surrender your life right now in a fresh way jesus we honor you everyone just for a moment pray in the holy spirit while i minister to louise [Music] [Music] stretch your hands toward louise jesus touch him now [Music] [Music] just pray for him he's communing with the holy spirit now he's communing with the holy spirit if you can i surrender all what are you saying i'm sensing on you right now louise yes it's just the presence of god just overwhelming me right now it's the holy spirit just the presence of him there's peace use me for your glory lord use me for your glory god let it be you in my life lord god let it not be me anymore let it be you jesus let it be you lord god use all of me god i give you all lord all of me for your glory god whatever you want to do i'm yours i surrender and i make myself available to you lord he's asked you louise stands here today father surrendering his life to you and father i pray that tonight there be a portion of impartation upon his life do for louise what you did for me do for louise what you did for me lord jesus there is such a strong anointing here church can you guys up front sense that right there it's strong isn't it wow what does it feel like she just started laughing she can't even respond [Music] that's god's power on you [Music] the rest of you lift your hand and sing this song i surrender all tell him to and i surrender [Music] on [Music] all to thee my blessed [Music] eyes surrender [Music] on [Applause] oh i surrendered [Music] oh [Music] your eyes [Music] just as you play in my life and be glorified [Music] luke chapter 5 verses one through nine one day as jesus was preaching on the shore of the sea of galilee great crowds pressed in on to listen to him to listen to the word of god he noticed two empty boats at the water's edge for the fishermen had left them and were washing their nets stepping into one of the boats jesus asked simon its owner to push it out into the water so he sat in the boat and taught the crowds from there when he had finished speaking he said to simon now go out where it is deeper and let down your nets to catch some fish master simon replied we worked hard all last night and didn't catch a thing but if you say so i'll let down the nets again and this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear a shout for help brought their partners a shout for help brought their partners in the other boat and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking when simon peter realized what had happened he fell to his knees before jesus and said oh lord please leave me i'm such a sinful man for we for he was awe struck by the number of fish they had caught as were the others with them now you have to realize that a boat for a fisherman is everything [Music] for peter that boat represented his livelihood that vote represented the means by which he fed his family his wife his children for peter that boat was how he paid his rent how he paid his bills how he lived and existed in this world now the night before he's out fishing can't catch a thing not a thing comes back empty-handed i think we've all been there where despite your efforts things just don't seem to be going the way you want them to go and so jesus steps into peter's boat and peter lets him now who knew what was going to happen i don't think they had insurance back in these days what if jesus said something offensive and the crowds tried to overtake him and destroyed the boat what if the roman soldiers didn't like what they were hearing and the roman government shut down his business because he was allowing jesus to use his boat there were lots of consequences that could have been there were many risks involved with letting jesus use that boat but peter surrendered it to jesus now jesus steps into the boat proclaims the word of god teaches truth and when he was done using peter's boat he blessed him he tells peter go back now try to catch again peter says we were out all last night i couldn't do it nothing [Music] just do it again so peter goes [Music] the lord told him to actually go deeper he goes and there are so many fish that peter has to call for help from his friends and not only does his net his boat become full but so did the boats of all of those around him not only did peter get blessed those around him got blessed too why why why it all came back to peter saying to jesus you can use my boat what is your boat it's your resources it's your income it's your investments it's your savings it's your property it's your material wealth say this after me say blessings on my boat maybe you tried things in your own strength and power and failed but when you let jesus use your boat there's blessings on your boat resources and what was impossible what was difficult becomes easy and not only do you receive but those around you receive as well so i want to challenge you here tonight you want to help us spread this gospel message let me reiterate again we're going to pray for the sick right now and then we're going to pray for everyone this is going to go by like a whirlwind but for the moment i need to make this clear your giving is not tied to your healing don't give out of desperation give out of generosity [Music] you are the people of god you watching you're the people of god you love the gospel you love the lord you love souls you are generous kind-hearted people so all i know i need to tell you is that if you give i'm not promising you blessings untold for the rest of your life i'm simply saying that as you give we're going to take the resources that you donate and we're going to ask ourselves what's the best way to maximize these resources so that we can win people to jesus and it's all of us together so these events cost probably more than people realize but rather than tell you an amount tonight sometimes i do tonight i just sense you just need to ask the holy spirit ask him what you should give you watching online you can go right now to david hernandez donate give a one-time gift become a monthly supporter give toward the gospel give because you love souls give because you believe in this cause help us we don't charge for events or live streams or media or anything at all ever we give freely because freely we received all of it is donor supported people like you who are generous and love the lord who say you know what i want to be a part of that if you want to help us win souls you want to be a part of this consider a gift of 25 consider a gift of 50. consider a gift of 100. some of you sitting here businessmen people who are doing well you can do more than that don't do it out of obligation do it because you believe in the cause
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 58,851
Rating: 4.9513731 out of 5
Keywords: How to know the Holy Spirit is moving, Is this the Holy Spirit, How to know the Holy Spirit is talking to you, How to have a move of the Holy Spirit, How do we know the Holy Spirit is in us, The Holy Spirit moving, the holy spirit explained youtube, Bible teachings on the Holy Spirit, Sermons on the Holy Spirit, Sermons on the Holy Spirit YouTube, David Diga Hernandez Holy Spirit, Encounter tv Holy Spirit, a true move of the holy spirit, Holy Spirit sermon, Holy Spirit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 0sec (5220 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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