8 LIES About Speaking in Tongues

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john here welcome to viral revival the holy spirit's live stream we are so excited about what the holy spirit is going to do and i pray that he would speak to you through his word today i'm gonna read some hellos and shout outs from over on our youtube chat and i see many of you coming online right now holy spirit ministries welcome tina smith welcome carla leskowski is on with us we also have beth h from australia we have james cook holy ghost have your way tonight oh i guess it's the night time for him um awesome we also have jay said hello and our good friend nini natalie lopez says hello all and james george is putting a waving hand hello james good to have you fearless christian is back with us so we're seeing some familiar names yes yes yes we also have uh uh milika hello milika and we also have our good friend pam mays and she says hello from disney world george moore melody and lba l cells evangeline johnson many of you logging on and we're so thrilled that you could be joining us here today some watching from the philippines you see that there's steve ashira sadie is watching from the philippine islands and we are so thrilled about what god is doing around the world through this broadcast we receive testimonies all the time from people all around the world who are just experiencing the presence and the power of the holy spirit through viral revival we're getting testimonies of people being saved people being healed people being delivered people being set free from different mindsets and we love when we see all the comments coming from around the world because it lets us know that you are being blessed by the broadcast so i'm gonna be talking today about the gift of speaking in tongues now this is a controversial subject and many people have misunderstandings about this beautiful gift that the holy spirit has given to each and every believer and i'm going to go through i'm going to go through the scripture i'm going to go through these misconceptions and i'm going to compare the scripture with the misconceptions and we're going to expose today eight lies that people believe about speaking in tongues this is so key especially if you have been praying for this gift especially if you have been asking god to help you to understand this gift especially if you are passionate about this gift and you want to help others to receive and embrace this wonderful gift of the holy spirit and you're tired of seeing people talk negatively you're tired of seeing people trying to dismiss discredit or debunk this beautiful expression of the presence and power of the holy spirit then you're going to want to listen to what the holy spirit's teaching through his word today we're covering we're exposing we're debunking those eight lies about speaking in tongues and that's what we're going to be doing today of course a couple of announcements here we're going to be coming to austin texas but before we're in austin texas i actually see that we have an event before that on february 28th we're going to be hosting the southern california outpouring this is a monthly meeting that we're doing in southern california and i want you to be a part of this particular sunday night i would like you to be a part of every single one of the monthly services that we do in california but on february 28th we're going to do something special i'm inviting some of my prophetic friends people who are very gifted in the word of knowledge and the gift of prophecy and after i minister to the sick after steve leads us in worship after i minister the word that the holy spirit gave me to speak then we're going to release the prophets in the second half of the service and they're going to just unleash their gift they're going to prophesy over people they're going to give words as the holy spirit leads them it's going to be a holy spirit filled time we're calling it a special night of the prophetic that's on february 28th in orange california make sure you're a part of that it's going to be a spectacular night we're going to see things we're going to experience things that are going to transform us and mark us forever so you don't want to miss that then on march 13th and 14th we're going to be in austin texas by the way if you're a ministry partner or someone who has written to our ministry or someone who's trying to get into contact with us right now right now our ministry is falling behind on correspondence because they're working with spotty power and internet it goes in and out so our we have two branches we have a branch here in california that takes care of the media and the events and then we have a branch over in austin texas that handles the administrative the financial the partner the legal the structure all of that side of the ministry well that side of the ministry has been heavily affected by the storm that's really affecting that whole region so if you're a partner who's messaged us or you're someone who has a question about your donation or anything like that any correspondence really that's gone into our ministry you may not get a response for the next couple of days until they can get that power working and then they got to get the internet working again it's affecting that whole region not just our ministry so please pray for the people in that region i know it's affecting many different states and please pray that god would bring this to an end that god would protect his people that god would keep his people fed and warm during this difficult time and so for those who have been waiting for that response from our ministry that may be why there's a delay our team here in california does not have access to the same systems that they do in texas so you're just going to have to wait for the response so we do apologize for that and we thank you for your patience but this they're saying is like a once in a generation storm it's not always going to be the case so it'll be up and running soon but we're also going to be in austin texas on march 13th and 14th that's a two night miracle service it's going to be powerful come in faith let your faith and expectation rise as you gather to experience the presence and the power of the holy spirit if you've not been to one of our ministry events this would be a great opportunity to be a part of it if you're anywhere in the region don't wait and see if we're going to come any closer just if we're relatively close get down to one of these services again march 13th and 14th we'll be in austin texas this is for two nights it's gonna be a two night miracle service i want you to be a part of it come in faith bring your friends bring your bible study groups bring your church groups come and receive from the holy spirit again that's march 13th and 14th in austin texas for a full list of all of our ministry events and to get more details on any ministry event just go to davidhernandezministries.com events and you'll be able to see a full list of our schedule you can click on any one of the events to get all of the details about that particular event but again february 28th we'll be in orange california for that special night of the prophetic and then march 13th and 14th we will be in austin texas we have many more regions we want to plan for but as things begin to settle down with the covet chaos more doors will open more people will be willing to let us rent their buildings and so forth so until then go to david hernandez ministries dot com slash events to check out the schedule and any details on any ministry event come in faith and be a part of what god is doing in these services and now we're going to get into some worship and then as i said we're going to cover these eight lies we're going to really expose these eight lies about speaking in tongues don't forget to like comment and share so that you can help us spread this live stream all around the internet mr montezuma so i want to share with you guys a few worship songs for this week i want to share with you you deserve the glory as well as where the love lasts forever some really great songs that i believe really will touch your heart so remember we'll be right back worship with us now there's lots more to come here are these songs you deserve the glory and the owner lord we lift the hands in worship as we lift your holy name you deserve the glory and the owner lord we lift our hands in worship as we lift your holy name for you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you there is no one else like you you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you [Music] there is no one else like you [Music] you deserve the glory in the owner lord we lift our hands in worship as we lift your holy name you deserve the glory and the honor lord we lift our hands in worship as we lift your holy name for you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you there is no one else like you for you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you there is no one else like you for you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you there is no one else like you for you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you there is no oneness like you there is no one else like you there is no one else [Music] your mercy found me upon a broken road lifted me beyond my family into your glory my sin and shame is all now forever [Music] to call you more than lord glory friend so i'll throw my life upon all that you are cause i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i'll throw my life up [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] and forever i will say lord forever i will say how you gave your life away just to save me lord you saved me and forever [Music] [Music] how you gave just to save me lord you saved me so i'll throw [Music] cause i know you gave it all for me [Music] [Music] forever [Music] forever [Music] so father in the name of jesus i pray lord that you would use this word to adjust our perspectives lord begin to expose those lies that we have believed and cause us to be corrected humbly by your word we thank you father that we can trust in your word and i pray that by your holy spirit the word would come alive right now in the name of jesus we pray and i want you to say it because you believe it say amen so i'm going to be exposing eight lies that we believe or that many people believe about the gift of speaking in tongues as i was saying earlier on the broadcast the gift of tongues today is a controversial topic unfortunately that's just how it is it's a controversial topic because many people mix their opinions in with the word of god and try to change the word of god to match their comfort level rather than just surrendering to what the holy spirit is actually speaking through the word we must come back to the foundation of the word we must come back to the word as our only source of ultimate truth the word of god is a safety net the word of god is our foundation the word of god is the final authority on any given subject it is elevated high above opinion it is elevated high above philosophy it is elevated high above culture and tradition the word of god is the highest authority on truth period it's not up for debate the word of god we must be convinced of that must be what we base our lives upon and so the same applies to the subject of the gift of speaking in tongues the gift of speaking in tongues is a beautiful expression a beautiful tool that the holy spirit has given to each and every believer by the way that's one of the lies we're going to be exposing today the lie that the gift of tongues is not for every christian i'm going to show you in scripture why that is absolutely false so we're going to look at the eight lines that many who believe about speaking in tongues again this is so important for you to hear if you are a believer who's been struggling with receiving this gift and you've wanted to receive this gift only to be met by a barrier or a wall whether that be an emotional wall or an intellectual wall whatever it is that's preventing you from receiving that gift is rooted in a lie and once that lie is exposed that lie loses its power over you thus removing whatever barriers that you would have between you and that spiritual gift secondly this is so important for every believer to learn especially if you want to help guide other christians in the use of this gift maybe you know some people who have questions about the gift of speaking in tongues maybe you yourself have heard the objections to the gift of speaking in tongues you've heard people speaking against this beautiful manifestation of the holy spirit and maybe you've not quite felt equipped in responding to those criticisms well let god be true and every man a liar his word is ultimate truth and perhaps you're tired of seeing people bullying believers with unfounded doctrine and dogmatic theology that's really just based on their own opinions and tradition and you want to see the truth that you might be able to see through those lies you're going to want to stick around for this message again like comment share it helps us to spread the word all over the place so i want you to first understand when it comes to the gift of speaking in tongues you must understand first and foremost that the scripture really describes three realities and these three realities concerning the gift of speaking in tongues or these three expressions of the gift of speaking in tongues are really important to understand because when you understand these three expressions of the gift of speaking in tongues then you can better discern what the scripture is saying concerning the gift of speaking in tongues so i've given them terms to help us memorize the functions of the gift of speaking in tongues now you won't find these terms regarding the gift of tongues in scripture but these terms are based on biblical principles so i'm going to give you these three terms these three types of speaking in tongues and then i'm going to show you in the scripture where they are so number one there's the personal tongue if you're writing these down i suggest you write if you're taking notes i suggest you write these three down their main points here the personal tongue that's number one number two is the proof tongue number three is the prophetic tongue so number one the personal number two the proof number three the prophetic and again these terms will not be found in scripture but in principle you will find these realities concerning the gift of tongues and i'll show you those right now so the first personal tongue the personal tongue is called the personal tongue because it edifies self when you use the personal tongue your spirit is being strengthened but the spirit of others is not first corinthians chapter 14 verses 1 through 4 those are the key verses concerning the personal tongue so first corinthians chapter 14 verses one through four say this let love be your highest goal but you should also desire the special abilities the spirit gives especially the ability to prophesy for if you have the ability to speak in tongues you will be talking only to god since people won't be able to understand you you will be speaking by the power of the spirit but it will all be mysterious but one who prophesies strengthens others encourages them and comforts them a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church so here we see it very clearly spelled out in scripture that a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally now this has to be a different expression of the gift of tongues from say the prophetic tongue or the proof tongue because as we're about to see the other two expressions of the gift benefit others but here in 1st corinthians chapter 14 verses 1 through 4 we see that there's an expression about this gift there's an expression of the gift of tongues that benefits me personally so that's number one personal you were gonna say something i was gonna say over on youtube we're actually already seeing some people that have questions and i just wanted to read this one because i know this is gonna help you patricia she wanted she actually said i do want to receive this gift but i don't know why it's so hard for me so i think this message is going to touch her absolutely everyone that's watching and i think that's i'm glad you asked that question because as we go through these and expose the lies concerning speaking in tongues you're going to be able to see how it was those mental intellectual or emotional barriers that kept you from receiving this gift so this is foundation i'm giving you foundation right now and first and foremost there is the personal tongue first corinthians 14 1-4 the personal tongue so this right here is for me when i use it it strengthens me when i use it it edifies my spirit it strengthens my spirit we just read that in 1st corinthians 14 1-4 so no one can doubt that the gift of tongues strengthens you personally it says it right there in scripture so that's firmly established in the scripture whatever you've heard that's what the bible says the bible says very clearly here that a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally so this particular expression of the gift of tongues is for my personal benefit number two is the proof tongue and again the personal tongue is different than the proof in the prophetic tongue that difference is very clear especially since the proof tongue and the prophetic tongue benefit others and the personal tongue benefits me now watch this acts chapter 2 verses 4 through 6 and everyone present was filled with the holy spirit and began speaking in other languages as the holy spirit gave them this ability at that time there were devout jews from every nation living in jerusalem when they heard the loud noise everyone came running and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers so this was heard as a language an actual language on earth when the believers spoke aloud in this heavenly expression those who were present heard the believers speaking in their own earthly languages this is a proof tongue these are unbelievers this was a demonstration to those who did not yet believe so the personal tongue strengthens me personally and very clearly the scripture says concerning the personal expression of the gift of tongues that nobody understands you so there's the personal tongue which strengthens me personally there's the proof tongue which when spoken aloud can be heard by both believers and unbelievers as an earthly language thus it's called the proof tongue number three the prophetic tongue first corinthians chapter 14 verses 26 to 28 say this well my brothers and sisters let's summarize when you meet together one will sing another will teach another will tell some special revelation god has given one will speak in tongues and another will interpret what is said but everything that is done must strengthen all of you no more than two or three should speak in tongues they must speak one at a time and someone must interpret what they say but if no one is present who can interpret they must be silent in your church meeting and speak in tongues to god privately so the way this looks in a church setting i've actually seen this in action the prophetic expression of the gift of tongues is that expression of the gift of tongues which commands the collective attention of the room so i've seen it work like this i'll be attending a church service suddenly there's a real reverence that comes over the room you can't quite explain it other than to say that right a reverence and steve you've been in those services too where just a reverence comes on the room it sort of just goes quiet for a moment and then one person will stand up and begin to speak aloud in tongues then that person will finish speaking in that tongue another person will stand up and begin to interpret by the holy ghost what was said from that tongue what message was communicated from that tongue but this right here is the prophetic expression why because anything that takes from god's heart and is expressed to humanity is by definition prophetic the prophetic is simply expressing the heart of god whether i'm hearing him speak to me whether i'm reading his word the prophetic is simply to take from the heavenly and communicate to the earthly that's the prophetic to take from the heavenly and communicate to the earthly so then the prophetic expression of the gift of tongues is to speak aloud in tongues by heavenly inspiration and then someone also through heavenly inspiration that interpretation is given and so therefore the heavenly is communicated to the earthly so that's the prophetic expression now i want to show you why these three are different and i want to really embolden those lines of distinction between these various expressions of the gift of tongues they have to be three different expressions there's no way they're not and i'll show you why in first corinthians chapter 14 verse 4 we see that the personal tongue benefits the individual again that's first corinthians 14 4. the prophetic tongue there's another expression here that the scripture describes found in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 and 1st corinthians chapter 14 verse 26 this form of tongues the prophetic tongue benefits the church so we read first corinthians 14 4 about an expression of the gift of tongues which benefits the individual we read in first corinthians 12 7 and 14 26 about the prophetic tongue which benefits the church and then first corinthians chapter 14 verse 22 tells us that there's even another expression the proof tongue which benefits the unbeliever now these could not be the same expression they can be one gift but they must be different expressions of the gift otherwise they would all serve the same exact function they would all give the same exact benefit but in fact we do not see that in scripture again we see very clearly that there's an expression of the gift of tongues that benefits the individual there's a different expression of the gift of tongues that benefits the church and there's yet another expression of the gift of tongues which benefits the unbeliever reference is again the personal tongue benefits the individual first corinthians 14 4 the prophetic tongue benefits the church first corinthians 12 7 and 14 26 the proved tongue benefits the unbeliever first corinthians chapter 14 verse 22 and then there are different stipulations for how we hear the message behind the gift of tongues look at this the interpretation the process for interpretation is even completely different for each expression of the gift of tongues the personal tongue requires no interpreter or interpretation to benefit the individual the prophetic tongue requires an interpreter to benefit the church the proof tongue watch this now as we see in acts 2 8 the proof tongue requires no interpreter for the interpretation to be understood by the unbeliever so not only do we see three distinct benefits coming from the gift of tongues we also see three different rules or methods of interpretation and again the personal tongue requires no interpreter or interpretation to be beneficial to the individual the prophetic tongue requires an interpreter to benefit the church the proof tongue requires no interpreter for the interpretation to be understood by the unbeliever so not only again not only are different interpretation requirements met for each expression but the end result benefits a different group not only that the way they're understood is very different the personal tongue is understood by no one but god first corinthians 14 2 says no one understands him the prophetic tongue is understood by the church with the aid of an interpreter that's first corinthians 14 27 the proof tongue is supernaturally understood by the unbeliever so again we see different modes of interpretation that result in different ways of benefiting three different groups and on top of that they're understood through different supernatural means elbe over on youtube writes just felt the holy spirit come over me and i spoke in tongues so people are getting set free people are getting filled with the holy spirit even as they yeah well that's what it does it it starts to clarify and even just the the word produces faith when you start talking about something and it's true the faith for that truth manifest that reality so again these are three different distinctions between the gift expressions so again there's the personal tongue there's the proof tongue there's the prophetic tongue and in the scripture we very clearly see that because there are different benefits different modes of interpretation and different ways that these expressions are understood that therefore there must be at least three different types of expression it's a versatile gift the gift of tongues so with that framework in mind now that that foundation has been laid we can now approach the subject of the gift of speaking in tongues by knocking down some of these myths that have really polluted some of the doctrine in the church today and i'm just going to be very real with you guys you know i'm not mean for the sake of being mean or harsh for the sake of being harsh but sometimes when you're truthful in exposing lies it offends people but i would rather offend you with the truth than comfort you with a lie so with that said let's now go to the scripture with our understanding of this gift and let's take these myths these lies down one by one so lie number one lie number one paul the apostle discouraged believers from praying in tongues and this is kind of the the mindset that people have concerning the gift of tongues they think that paul the apostle was against this gift and in fact many people in the church today teach as if tongues is just something we should tolerate but only a little bit they teach as if the gift of tongues is problematic or that it's something we should hide or that it's something we shouldn't emphasize or that it's something that we shouldn't practice in front of unbelievers and this attitude toward the gift of tongues really comes about as a misunderstanding of the teaching of scripture because if you understand the teaching of scripture and you go by what the bible says not by what your tradition says then you have a great appreciation for and a great reverence of this very powerful expression of the holy spirit's presence and power so this lie that paul discouraged believers from praying in tongues is founded upon a misunderstanding as all these lies are these lies are all founded upon misunderstandings about particular portions of scripture so let's go to first corinthians chapter 14 verses one through four here's an often misunderstood text watch this now let love be your highest goal but you should also desire the special abilities the spirit gives especially the ability to prophesy for if you have the ability to speak in tongues you will be talking only to god since people won't be able to understand you you will be speaking by the power of the spirit but it will all be mysterious but one who prophesies strengthens others encourages them and comforts them a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church so this is misunderstood because people have taken paul the apostles words here to mean that he was discouraging the practice of using the gift of speaking in tongues but paul here is not criticizing the gift of tongues he's comparing the gift of tongues to the gift of prophecy he's not saying that tongues is bad he's saying that prophecy is better in the context of the gathering of believers so this is not a condemnation of the gift this is a comparison of the gift to the gift of prophecy so paul was not against the gift of tongues but he definitely favored the gift of prophecy he was comparing not condemning he was not saying the gift of tongues has no purpose he was saying that prophecy has a greater purpose in fact he encouraged the gift of speaking in tongues we see this in first corinthians chapter 14 verse number five where the bible says i wish you could all speak in tongues well it doesn't sound like he's against the gift right there but even more and here's the comparison again but even more i wish you could all prophesy for prophecy is greater than speaking in tongues unless someone interprets what you are saying so that the whole church will be strengthened but in saying that the interpretation is required for the whole church to be strengthened he is implying as he was talking about in verses one through four that the gift of tongues does in fact strengthen you individually even if it doesn't have an interpretation so again he's not saying that there is no purpose to the expression of this gift he's simply saying that if it doesn't benefit the whole church or you're not using the expression of the gift that benefits the entire church that therefore prophecy is better because it does benefit the entire church first corinthians chapter 14 verse 39 says so my dear brothers and sisters be eager to prophesy and don't forbid speaking in tongues so again myth number one lie number one paul the apostle discouraged believers from praying in tongues after reviewing the scripture we find that is not true paul the apostle was not condemning the gift of tongues he was comparing it to the gift of prophecy and of course because prophecy in this particular instance that he was describing would be a better benefit to the collective body of believers gathered he concluded that the gift of prophecy in that specific setting is better because it edifies others karla leskowski over on youtube she said when we pray in tongues we bypass our human thoughts to tap into god's higher thoughts we build up and edify ourselves absolutely and in fact i have a teaching on that it's called what is speaking in tongues it's a moment of truth uh sermon i think it's under 10 minutes so just a few minutes that explains what speaking in tongues is so let's go now to myth number two lie number two praying in tongues should not be practiced in public or in group settings how many times have you heard this well you should use that gift but hide that away it's the only gift that we seem to be ashamed of at least in a general sense i'm not ashamed of the gift of tongues i know you're not but some believers are why because they think it's strange or they think people might criticize us or they're worried about their reputations the fact of the matter is that the bible does not discourage you from praying in tongues in public settings in the way that you think it does or the way that the critic thinks it does i'm going to show you here what paul the apostle is talking about so imagine this imagine you come to a church service and you're a visitor and you're sitting in your seat listening to a powerful message on hope or on forgiveness or on salvation and it's really ministering to you and then all of a sudden out of nowhere halfway through the sermon the pastor begins to speak in tongues now if he spoke in tongues for a couple minutes it might weird you out but if he went back to preaching the word you would benefit from him having finished his sermon but imagine that everything that was communicated from the pulpit was communicated in tongues imagine that every time someone had a word that was encouraging that was that was helping you to see truth in a greater light that somebody stood up began to speak in tongues and interrupt what was being said and what was blessing you now imagine everything from the worship to the preaching to the offering to the announcements to the altar call to the people greeting you to the people next to you during the worship service imagine all of that is just expressed in the gift of tongues everyone who prayed in tongues would leave there edified spiritually you would leave there with absolutely nothing but questions so this is the setting that paul the apostle is trying to prevent if you study what was happening in the corinthian church you'll find this was the scenario that paul was trying to prevent he was not trying to get rid of the gift of speaking in tongues he was not trying to abolish the use of this gift he was simply trying to avoid these scenarios where people come in and all they do is speak in tongues and everybody leaves their having received nothing except for the self-edification of that came from speaking in tongues themselves so in first corinthians chapter 14 this is what paul the apostle is specifically dealing with context matters and if you try to force your meaning upon scripture the context will fight you on it every single time so in first corinthians chapter 14 verse 6 i'm going to read verses 6 and 19. this is what the bible says with that in mind with that context in mind see how this makes more sense first corinthians 14 6 and verse 19. dear brothers and sisters if i should come to you speaking in an unknown language how would that help you but if i bring you a revelation or some special knowledge or prophecy or teaching that will be helpful but in a church meeting i would rather speak five understandable words to help others than ten thousand words in an unknown language simply put he brought order so this was his conclusion look at verse 26 well my brothers and sisters let's summarize when you meet together one will sing another will teach another will tell some special revelation god has given one will speak in tongues and another will interpret what is said but everything that is done must strengthen all of you so again here he's talking about the gathering of believers and he's saying that if you're going to gather as a body and you're going to command the collective attention of those who are gathered in that assembly then what you're offering should benefit everyone and not just yourself he's not saying that the gift of tongues doesn't benefit you personally he's not saying that the personal gift of the tongue does not bear any fruit he's not saying that this gift should never be practiced in any public setting in fact church gatherings were a public setting and they did have some unbelievers there with them and he's saying you should speak in tongues but he's saying that make sure when you do all of these things that everything is done decently and in order and with the benefit of all then he goes on to say another will interpret what is said that was a big point that he was making that people can't just interrupt the service speak in tongues and sit back down what would have been the point of interrupting and getting everyone's attention if everyone didn't benefit from what was spoken aloud in that spiritual expression of the gift of tongues what he's saying here is that it should be interpreted but this does not mean that there's no benefit to speaking in tongues for your personal use so this also doesn't mean by the way that we should never pray in tongues collectively i'm going to show you that in the scripture right now so paul the apostle is talking about the stipulations in place for when you do use the gift of tongues in public and therefore this lie that the gift of tongues should not be practiced in public is just nonsense acts chapter 2 verse 4 says and everyone present was filled with the holy spirit and began speaking in other languages as the holy spirit gave them this ability well there we see right there that everyone present received the gift of the holy spirit and everyone present began speaking in tongues did did the apostles get to go wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute what are you all doing speaking in tongues we know you're receiving the holy spirit but all of you should go home and do this privately did they say wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute this requires interpretation everybody sit down and let's do this one at a time no when the holy spirit came upon them they all began speaking in tongues acts chapter 19 verse 6 then when paul laid his hands on them that's collective the holy spirit came on them that's collective and they spoke in tongues and prophesied that is the public expression of the gift they are using that gift in a public setting so nobody stood up and scolded the group of believers gathered the holy spirit didn't pull back and demand that they wait until a later moment to pray in tongues why would the holy spirit pour out the gift in a public setting if it was meant to only be used in private the holy spirit would not pour out the gift publicly if it was only meant to be used in privacy so then what's the balance here paul is saying don't let these services just become all about the gift of tongues to where that's all anyone ever does because they want to be looked at as spiritual let it benefit everybody even so when the scripture talks about this order that's brought to the church pray in tongues to god privately well that means i can use my gift of speaking in tongues to pray to god so during the worship service if i'm praying in tongues and i'm being edified personally how does that distract anyone how does that bring disorder how does that cause people to be taken off course it doesn't so paul is talking about balance not removing the expression of the gift of tongues so this myth that the gift shouldn't be used in public setting is just that it's a myth it's a lie it's something that people who don't like the gift push on others because they want to try to push it away as far as possible in fact when it talks about the gift of tongues in the scripture it actually says it'll be a sign to the unbelievers how is it supposed to be assigned to the unbelievers if i'm constantly praying in tongues privately well some would say well that's why it needs to be interpreted every time yes the prophetic expression of the gift of tongues that demands the collective attention of the room again context is key that demands the collective attention of the room and changes the direction of the service that should be interpreted but if a pastor sends up stands up and says everybody we're going to take this moment to pray in tongues collectively we see reference to references to that too all he's talking about here is don't disrupt the service don't let it be taken over by just this gift and make sure everyone's benefiting from these church services that is all that's being said here to push it any further is to push your wishful thinking and try to force your doctrine on what the bible is actually saying and i want to read a few comments here um andre said powerful tinsy true very very powerful dahlia hallelujah force in truth uh our good friend pam may such a good word so there's a lot of people that are receiving this and really really understanding it's powerful well praise god i'm glad to hear that and i can see all of the comments coming in myself as i teach so we very much appreciate you being a part of what the holy spirit is doing so let's go now to myth number three myth number three lie number three the gift of tongues or tongues is only an earthly language not a heavenly one now this is a popular view that's held by many across the church world but is not it's not at all scriptural so in first corinthians chapter 14 verse 2 we already read this for you if you have the ability to speak in tongues you will be talking only to god since people won't be able to understand you you will be speaking by the power of the spirit but it will all be mysterious so if i'm talking only to god i'm not speaking in an earthly language it's a very clear portion of scripture and the only ones who have trouble understanding it are the ones who are trying to force a meaning on scripture that just isn't there again it's still beneficial look at verse 4 a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally that's without interpretation but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church verse 14 for i pray in tongues this is powerful if i pray in tongues my spirit is praying but i don't understand what i'm saying my spirit is praying in acts chapter 2 verse 6 look at this now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language so this is where this myth comes from let's say well in acts chapter 2 when the gift the tongues first showed up on the scene everyone around them was able to hear their own language being spoken now each heard the crowd collectively speaking in his own language i want you to really follow this here's the scene we're being given in the book of acts the believers are gathered the holy spirit comes upon them that noise attracts crowds of people from different cultural backgrounds who spoke various different languages and when that gift began to manifest through the believers each person heard the collective group of believers speaking in his own language now how is that possible that the believers were all speaking multiple languages at one time if they were heard collectively speaking so in other words if they were you know they're speaking a certain language the person who hears the crowd he hears the whole crowd of believers speaking his language and then another man who speaks a different language heard the whole crowd of believers speaking a different language how could the whole crowd of believers be speaking a different language at the same time this leads me to conclude and i'm not dogmatic on this point by any means but the interpretation must have been on the listener's end to say that the gift of tongues is only spoken as an earthly language is an assumption a big assumption so how was it that that collective group of believers was heard speaking in different languages at the same time some would say well each one was speaking possibly a different language well let's read that again the multitude came together and we're confounded because every man heard that's each man heard them the group speaking in his own language so if each one heard the whole group speaking in his own language it couldn't be that they were each actually speaking his own language because otherwise there would have been nothing but confusion in fact it was true that they were being heard supernaturally by the listener in their own language thus the gift was interpreted on the listener's end in fact there were some who were present who didn't hear them speaking any language how do i know that because they called them drunks acts chapter 2 verse 13 says but others in the crowd ridiculed them saying they're just drunk that's all now why would they think they're drunk because they weren't making any sense so some heard the collective group of believers speaking in his own language and others heard nothing but gibberish and said they're all drunk otherwise you can't explain why they thought they were drunk so this idea that tongues is only an earthly language if you look at first corinthians chapter 14 2 4 and 14 just goes away and the only defense that anyone really has of this belief is acts chapter 2 but even if you take acts chapter 2 there's nothing in acts chapter 2 that tells us very clearly or makes it absolutely positively that they each spoke in a different language no each one heard them that's what the bible clearly says every man heard them speak in a different language thus the supernatural interpretation so it would be an assumption to say that they were speaking earthly languages at best and the other portions of scripture tell us that this is actually not the case so that lie cannot be stood upon so when we're faced with the scripture see we're left with a choice do i go with what tradition taught me do i go with what my mindset tells me do i go with the old paradigm or do i take the word and allow it to correct my beliefs i'd rather allow the word to correct my beliefs and here we see the scripture very clearly telling us that the gift of tongues is mysteries being spoken aloud your spirit is praying and acts chapter 2 if that was anyone's defense of this idea that the gift of tongues is just earthly languages is based solely upon an assumption that assumption being that they actually spoke that language as opposed to the listeners hearing them in that language so again another big assumption there we're going to go now to line number four line number 4 the gift of tongues is not for every believer now let me be very clear here because i think sometimes people might misunderstand what i'm saying i've put out lessons called how to pray in tongues how to receive the gift of tongues and you will not believe how many times the responses come in and it's like it's almost like they're all getting it from the same place but the answers are typically the same the responses are typically the same from the critics it's always the same thing if i put any video on how to activate the spiritual gift or how to activate the gift of prophecy or how to pray in tongues invariably the response will be you can't teach people how to pray in tongues only the holy spirit can give them that and i'm thinking okay yes that's true and that's that's something i agree with but when i talk about how to speak in tongues i'm not teaching you how to get the gift i'm not teaching you how to give it to yourself how to receive that gift i'm teaching you how to activate what the holy spirit has given you so yes only the holy spirit can give you the gift of tongues but everything the holy spirit does with us requires our participation everything you can't name an act of faith maybe you can but very few of them don't require our participation so i understand gifts cannot be taught i understand that the spiritual senses you're born with when you're born again just like i can't teach you to hear or see but i can teach you to listen and observe so the same thing is true of the gifts of the spirit when i am born again my spirit senses come to life when i am born again i receive new ways about me and in the same way when the holy spirit deposits this spiritual gift i can't cause myself to have the gift i can't cause myself to receive the gift but i can cause myself to use that which the holy spirit has given to me so when i talk about how to speak in tongues or that every believer can pray in tongues i'm not saying that you yourself can give yourself the gift i'm saying this is how you surrender to that which the holy spirit is doing so first corinthians chapter 12 is where this misunderstanding comes from first corinthians chapter 12 i'm going to read verses 29 through 31 are we all apostles are we all prophets are we all teachers do we all have the power to do miracles do we all have the gift of healing do we all have the ability to speak in unknown languages or tongues do we all have the ability to interpret unknown languages of course not so you should earnestly desire the most helpful gifts but now let me show you a way of life that is best of all so here paul the apostle is asking several rhetorical questions the obvious answer to these rhetorical questions is no but when we look at first corinthians chapter 12 and the gifts that are listed there you'll see the word of wisdom word of knowledge faith healing miracles prophecy discernment tongues and interpretation of tongues these nine gifts that are listed in first corinthians chapter 12 are all gifts that are given to us to benefit the public church watch this first corinthians 12 7 says a spiritual gift is given to each of us why so we can help each other so then word of wisdom were to knowledge faith healing and so forth all of these gifts are for others they are not for the use of self-edification so each one of the spiritual gifts is intended to help the body of christ here's something i wrote i'm reading it to you in other words the one who uses the gift isn't the one who benefits from the gift we are given spiritual gifts to benefit others not self so the gift of faith couldn't be having faith it would have to be the ability to stir faith in others the gift of healing isn't being healed it's the grace to heal others by the power of the holy spirit the same would apply to every gift about which paul wrote in first corinthians 12 all of the spiritual gifts in first corinthians 12 are others focused never self-focused so the expression of this gift of tongues couldn't possibly be the self-editifying use of the gift in other words these are all public gifts these are all gifts to be used in the context of a church body and therefore paul the apostle here is not talking about the personal expression of the gift of tongues why because first corinthians chapter 12 or chapter 14 verses one through four tells us very clearly that when i pray in a personal tongue i'm edified personally so do all have the gift of tongues that's used in a public setting and paired with the gift of interpretation no but in no way is paul the apostle here talking about that personal use of the gift of tongues that one he does not say is only for a select few first corinthians chapter 14 verses 4 and 5 say this a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally remember this but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church i wish you could all speak in tongues but even more i wish you could all prophesy for prophecy is greater than speaking in tongues unless someone interprets what you are saying so that the whole church will be strengthened now why would paul the apostle listen listen what he said he said i wish you could all speak in tongues now i don't think we realize how important that is here to understanding this particular gift but why would paul the apostle wish for something that was contrary to the will of god if it's not god's will that everyone spoke in tongues why would paul the apostle wish for that and why would he write that in his instructions to the church so why would paul the apostle wish for something that was contrary to the will of god and why would the holy spirit allow for that desire to be recorded in the holy scripture if it were indeed contrary to god's will this is an epistle this is instruction for christian living and paul the apostle saying i would that you all speak in tongues why would the holy spirit allow that to be in there if that wasn't god's will especially coming from an apostle so not all have the gift of tongues and tongues interpretation but every believer can pray in a personal tongue to god the bible doesn't say some were filled it says all were filled acts 2 4 all of them were filled with the holy spirit and began to speak in tongues as the holy spirit enabled them now getting back to this public expression versus private use of the gift remember at the beginning of this message i showed you very clearly in the scripture that there were bold lines of distinction between the three gifts of tongues but think about if we apply this same reasoning to every single gift of the spirit listed in first corinthians chapter 12. for example take faith there is a gift of faith which is a special empowered grace an area a specific focus that causes me to allow others to have their faith lifted in other words god works through me through the gift of faith to intensify and strengthen the faith of other believers now if i were to say that the gift of faith is only for some that would be correct but the function of encouraging others and helping them to be strengthened in their faith is that truly only limited to the people with the gift of faith no but the people with the gift of faith have a greater grace for that in their lives think about the gift of healing i mean the bible clearly tells us in mark chapter 16 that those who believe would lay hands on the sick and see them recover the book of james tells us to lay hands with oil or take those who are sick to the elders of the church not just to those who have that particular gift jesus said anyone who believes in me will do these works and even greater works also so then if those who believe do the same works jesus did would that not include healing so if we were to apply the same reasoning to the gift of healing that we do to the gift of tongues then we should be able to say to others don't lay hands on the sick don't believe for healing the same would apply for miracles don't believe for miracles the same would apply apply to prophecy well yes not everyone has the gift of prophecy but every believer can hear from god and every every believer can share what god has spoken to them the same would it would apply to the gift of discernment well since you don't have that gift you shouldn't be discerning what nonsense is that and why do we only apply that to the gift of tongues so then are all apostles no but should we all work to help establish ministries absolutely are all teachers no but should we all seek to understand yes because the bible even says be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within you do the work of evangelist the scripture says well wait a minute i thought only some were evangelists absolutely there are some who are gifted in that area especially but everyone should evangelize this would be true of the prophet this would be true of the pastor for example the pastor counsels and guides people spiritually does that mean none of us should ever give any counsel or guidance to a fellow believer absolutely not this is talking about specific areas of focused grace intensified gifting in these areas for the use in public church settings this has nothing to do with those personal functions in our lives so if we apply the same reasoning that we do to tongues to the rest of the gifts listed in first corinthians 12 then none of you should ever stir anyone's faith none of you should ever pray for healing for anyone else or even believe it for your own family members or yourself none of you should ever ask god for a miracle because only some people with the gift of miracles should have that wow why not apply that to ephesians 4 11 as well only the teachers should teach and understand the word only the evangelists should evangelize only the pastor should give counsel and guide on and on and on and on but we don't apply that same reasoning for good reason because we understand that there's a difference between the office the gift function and then that lifestyle of living out these realities in everyday christian living so why don't we treat the gift of tongues the same way and just say there's a public expression an intensified spec an intensified specified area of grace for that gift of tongues but then there's also the personal tongue and i like uh i just want to share this i like what sonia says here sony said concerning the gifts of the holy spirit i always imagine a 24 7 toolbox where anyone can access and use the gifts of the holy spirit including the gifts of tongues i thought that comment was so cool and to some degree that's what it may be like but the bible does also indicate that there are certain gifts for certain people so so for example on the gift of tongues does everyone have that expression of the gift where they can use it in a public church setting and someone stands up and gives the interpretation no not every believer has that particular function of the gift of tongues but every believer has that personal prayer language again why would paul the apostle wish for this why would the holy spirit allow this to be recorded in scripture why in acts chapter 2 was everyone filled with the holy spirit why did every believer start speaking in tongues and then why did peter say this look at acts chapter 2 verse 39 the promise is to you to your children and to those far away all who have been called by the lord are god so peter here is saying that the promise of the father is for anyone who will ever believe period that includes you so what was the promise of the father what did that include we'll go up a few verses to verse 33 and the scripture says and the father as he had promised gave him the holy spirit to pour out upon us just as you see and hear today what were they saying they were seeing the fire of the holy spirit being given to the church what were they hearing they were hearing the believers speaking in tongues therefore the fire of the holy spirit and that gift of tongues was for all who believe even for your children's children's children's children the gift of tongues is for you maybe not that public expression of the gift of tongues that's used in conjunction with the gift of tongues interpretation maybe not that public expression specifically mentioned in first corinthians 12 but as we mentioned at the top of this lesson there are three different types of expressions of the gift of tongues that the scripture makes absolutely clear so then this myth this lie that the gift of tongues is not for every believer is based on a misunderstanding of first corinthians chapter 12 and you can dismiss it especially since paul the apostle wished we all had it especially since you see in almost every instance of people receiving the holy spirit in the new testament that they also all spoke in tongues and especially since peter said the promise was for everyone who believed and he specified that the promise included what they heard which was the gift of speaking in tongues i want to read a few comments here uh tina smith said this is awesome mimi is in agreement says amen and amen tinsey praying in taunt praying in tongues helps us with helps us with praying in god's will and holy spirit ministry says wow god bless you pastor so a lot of people are receiving what you're saying and these are some really interesting amazing truths that you're speaking so well praise god i'm glad it's helping to hopefully break some mindsets off of some people and i know this is very popular to teach against the gift of tongues these days but we have to be equipped and ready look don't be intimidated by people who say the gifts have ceased i'm going to address this right now don't be intimidated by them facebook instagram theologians who go around googling things while they're in a conversation with you let me tell you they put your faith in the word not in these people who are overly confident in their debate skills go now to we're going to go actually many different portions of scripture but i want to address this next one myth number five myth number five the spiritual gifts are no longer in operation what a lie this is but before we do that we're going to take a quick break with worship and then i'm going to come back and start addressing myth number five don't go anywhere we come back i'm talking about this lie that the spiritual gifts are no longer in operation here is we will not be shaken we'll be right back and through his unfailing mind we will not be shaken we will not be shaken we will not be shaken [Music] for we trust in our god and through his unfailing love we will not be shaken we will not be shaken we will not be shaken for we will not be shaken we will not be shaken we will not be shaken [Music] for in the hour of our darkest day we will not tremble we won't be afraid hope is rising like the light of dawn our god is for us he will overcome for in the hour of our darkest day we will not tremble we won't be afraid hope is rising like the light of dawn our god is for us he has overcome for we trust in our god and through his unfailing love we will not be shaken we will not be shaken we will not be shaken [Music] we will not be shaken we will not be shaken we will not be shaken for we will not be shaken we will not be shaken we will not be shaken [Music] for we will not be shaken we will not be shaken we will not be shaken [Music] okay guys this is a big one this is a common lie outright lie that some who claim the name of jesus are spreading for no good reason really this lie which is myth number five lie number five is that the spiritual gifts are no longer in operation now i want to be very clear here because i want to do things just a little bit differently we must not demonize other believers who believe differently than we do there are some believers who will demonize me who will demonize you they will call you a heretic a false teacher false prophet they will say that you're not truly saved because you don't believe every point of doctrine just as they do but i don't want to go that route i think that we who have truth should not be afraid of people who confront us with their lies especially if we're grounded in the truth we have nothing to fear but we must be gentle we must be loving we must be kind of course firm on our beliefs absolutely convinced on what the word of god says and maybe even a little a bit fiery when presenting the truth that exposes the lies but we must never ever ever treat people as lesser than whenever i come against a mindset my goal is never to attack a person i attack principles not people i expose lies not personality so you'll never hear me calling out someone and attacking them directly i just won't do it it's not godly so having said that we have to recognize that there is a divide in the body of christ right now there are those who believe that spiritual gifts are still in operation and they're right because that's what the bible teaches and there are those who believe that the spiritual gifts have ceased they are wrong because that's not what the bible teaches but just because they're wrong doesn't mean they're not our brothers and sisters and it doesn't mean that we should demonize them it doesn't mean that we should be condescending i don't like snarky remarks like oh well we have the power you got nothing like but they're saved that's the power of salvation nor am i going to say that they don't have the holy spirit if you're saved you have the holy spirit so we have to stop demonizing one another and i don't want to dehumanize anyone i don't want to demonize anyone i don't want to attack anyone i just want to help us come into truth so if you're someone who believes differently than i do i don't demonize you i'm not going to call you a heretic and i think sometimes we feel that we have the right to do that because we have some false sense of authority because we think we're teaching the word when we're not and that's dangerous the truth of the matter is if we agree on christ then we agree you may teach something different about healing you may teach something different about prophecy you may even teach something different about money people don't like my doctrines on money they'd rather maybe believe what what i call the poverty gospel i don't believe the poverty gospel i believe god wants to bless his people now is that the central message of the gospel no does that mean we'll never suffer no but we disagree on lots of things the early church had disagreements on many things but so long as we agree on christ we agree so having said that i want to say this to anybody who considers me a mentor or a leader and i so appreciate when people send me those messages but please remember you're not following me you're following jesus but if i could say anything it's that we should be gentle we should be kind we should never attack people because they get it wrong on this area that's not what we're called to do we should lovingly and gently and graciously and kindly guide people to the truth and the demonstration of power by talking down to people like you're smarter than them or by by by being condescending or snarky or rude it doesn't accomplish anything so even if you see in the comment sections here of people being real snarky with me we're not going to return that maybe i might quit back and and hit their arguments but we're not going to attack them personally so i want to say this to my viewers those of you who are part of the viral revival family spirit church maybe our partners let's be different than that let's not be harsh let's not be condescending let's not be rude let's not be puffed up with pride and ego and totally reliant upon intellect let's demonstrate the love of the spirit while we demonstrate truth so having said that i'm going to get into this because there are believers who who don't believe in the spiritual gifts or they believe there were spiritual gifts but they've now ceased and there are many definitions for people like this and again i'm not trying to dehumanize but we have to understand terms and if we understand terms it helps us to have a more clearly communicated conversation so a cessationist is someone who believes that the spiritual gifts are no longer in operation that's a very simple way of putting it there are different variations of cessationism but that is basically it then there is cessationism cessationism is the belief that the spiritual gifts are no longer an operation again that's an oversimplification um cessationism is nuanced there are even disagreements among cessationists as to how it all works but just for the sake of conversation i'm going to stick with those definitions a cessationist is someone who believes that the gifts are no longer an operation cessationism is the belief that the spiritual gifts have ceased so it's difficult to address a cessationist because though they claim that their beliefs are based on the bible they actually don't base it on anything but their experience that's that's the truth of the matter there is nothing in all of scripture and believe me i read genesis to revelation genesis to revelation genesis to revelation genesis to revelation there's nothing in all of scripture that even comes close to indicating that the spiritual gifts have ceased the cessationist has a lot of work to do if they want to be even somewhat convincing that in teaching that the spiritual gifts have ceased so generally speaking a cessationist will use one of the three types of arguments and again this is myth number five lie number five that the spiritual gifts are no longer in operation this is one of the lies that people believe about speaking in tongues so before we get into that steve how's our chat doing uh they're doing really well and a lot of them are really interested in this uh this actual point that you're making here and i can see a lot of comments um evangeline is just saying powerful uh james amen holy spirit ministries i understand completely um pam mays you're such a great example of this thank you for always pointing us to jesus awesome awesome stuff here so a lot of people receiving and again guys like comment and share if you know somebody that needs this message send it to him right now via text i guarantee you it'll change your life so whenever you start to talk about the spiritual gifts people will say well we're not focused on the gifts we're focused on jesus i'll shake your hand and say great me too i'm focused on jesus but to pretend like the spiritual gifts aren't to reality is to deny what scripture says and to use that as a defense is really weak in other words if you even mention spiritual gifts i'm going to slap a label on you and say you're you're not focused you're you're you're you're you're one of those people who's hyper focused on gifts or whenever we have a service or we pray for the sick well it's not about healing it's about jesus i agree how do you think the healing even happens it's jesus um you know there's nothing wrong with mentioning healing or mentioning the spiritual gifts or even believing in them strongly because they're taught in scripture it seems to me that whenever you get what they would say off topic that they attack you as not being focused on jesus but the mention of something that's mentioned in scripture is not to lose focus on jesus is to teach the bible in its entirety so no we're not hyper focused on gifts but the gifts help aid us in our presentation of the gospel message which is ultimately focused on jesus so look out for those types of um straw men arguments is what we call them in other words they they speak against something we're not actually saying okay so here are the different arguments that a cessationist will use and remember a cessationist has no biblical grounding whatsoever they may have a lot of persuasive words they may have things that they say that sound intellectual that sound biblically grounded but you'll never see them actually show you an instance in scripture that demonstrates that what they're teaching is absolute so then the three arguments that people use who are cessationists number one speculation now example number one for speculation they'll say something like only the early epistles mention the spiritual gifts but later ones make no mention of him so the spiritual gifts must have ceased example number two paul the apostle is said to have had poor eyesight because god didn't heal him that demonstrates that the gift of healing and other gifts along with it has ceased now here's the issue with that sort of reasoning in order to demonstrate biblically that the spiritual gifts have ceased you have to be able to point to the verse in the bible that tells us so otherwise you're just left with speculation the biblical evidence is overwhelmingly supportive of the spiritual gifts it's not even close so some would say well you didn't use any scripture in responding to that well typically when a cessationist just speculates on things like that they're inferring well paul the apostle may have had bad eyesight or timothy had a problem with his stomach well that must mean the spiritual gifts have ceased but that's not at all what the scripture teaches and there were people in the old testament who were sick there were people in the new testament all throughout jesus ministry who we encountered who were sick in fact the man at gate beautiful who jesus never healed though he crossed by that gate quite often is an example of someone who didn't receive healing when jesus was around so to pretend like this inference is a strong ground to stand on is just that you're pretending and it's not really a biblical argument number two they'll make arguments from history an example of this is they'll say some of the early church fathers believed that the spiritual gifts have ceased and therefore we should believe the same now this is interesting because all they're really proving if you can prove by the way if you can prove that there were some of the members of the early church that believed that the spiritual gifts had ceased all you're proving is that there were cessationists even in the early church and the debate was happening then too you don't prove that the teachings of scripture teach that the gifts have ceased so we can honor early church fathers we can honor the early church but we mustn't idolize them the question is never what did the early church fathers believe it's always what does the bible actually teach example number two still under the same line of reasoning that they use so number one is speculation i gave two examples of that now i'm giving the arguments from history that they give i gave you one example here's a second example of an argument from history they'll say church history records um church history records show a decline in the use of spiritual gifts so the early church recorded a decline in the use of spiritual gifts now here i wrote this the cessationist is being presumptuous when he claims that generations of believers didn't pray in tongues how on earth could the cessationists know what didn't happen in the early church to know that one would have to have a complete record of every life of every believer a record detailing even daily activity we don't have that in fact to make the claim that a certain christian figure or group of people certainly didn't pray in tongues we would need a record of them telling us just that so anyone who tells you that the early church didn't pray in tongues is making a big assumption in fact it's presumptive to make that claim about any believer in history's timeline in other words just to say well we we see a a a decline in the recording of the practice of the gift of tongues so we see a decline in the use of the gifts of the spirit throughout church history that therefore that proves that the gifts had ceased no all you're proving is that they didn't record it as often and even if the early church did stop using it at some point or even if the early church did shy away from it again all that shows is that there was a debate about that even then it does nothing to change the teaching of scriptures it does nothing to alter what the bible actually says concerning the topic so if a cessationist is going to want us to believe that the gifts of the spirit have ceased then they have to do better than speculation and arguments from history the strongest argument they can make sadly is poor biblical interpretation the burden of proof is always left unfulfilled by the cessationists you got to show me in the scripture where it says that these things have ceased you can't just make up these things and say well this is what scholars believe so therefore it's something we're applying you have to show me in the teachings of scriptures so at this point the cessationists will retreat and they'll say things like no no we still believe god heals we still believe god does miracles we still believe in the gifts of the spirit in a different way they'll say we believe god heals we just don't believe a man can wield the gift to use however he wants but this is a retraction this is a retreat in the face of the biblical evidence the very fact that a cessationist has to say this is proof that they are in fact retreating so when they say we believe god heals still but we just don't believe that man has the power to operate in the gift of healing it's semantics they're dodging the point uh really it's quite simple we believe that just as god moved according to his will through people in the old and new testament so god moves according to his will through people now the spiritual gifts are no exception to god's sovereignty so we don't believe that moses just wielded power however he wanted we don't believe that elijah just wielded power however he wanted we didn't we don't believe that paul the apostle or peter just wielded the power however they wanted in fact timothy is proof of that why didn't paul just heal timothy why didn't timothy just heal himself because even as it goes with the spiritual gifts the sovereignty of god still applies yes the sovereignty of god still applies even in the case of the use of spiritual gifts so we simply believe that just as god moved sovereignly through people back then so god moves sovereignly through people today and when we don't see the result that we want to see we don't therefore throw out the whole idea of healing or the spiritual gift much like they didn't do it in the new testament or even the old testament think about the fact that even for periods of time before christ came god stopped doing certain miracles not because he wasn't interacting with man but because there were generations of disobedience and no one wanted to pick up the mantle of what god wanted to do in the earth so to say that that is some random spot on the timeline where god suddenly ceased doing his work would be also to say that that's it god's done it's never going to happen again yet we do know that because of the new testament records we have perfect reason to believe that god had been moving even after those periods of time where it seemed like he had stopped working it's always been about man responding and surrendering to what god is doing through these things so truthfully the best assassination a cessationists can offer the best they can offer is a misapplication or a misinterpretation of this portion of scripture i'll read it to you now first corinthians 13 8-10 this is all they got prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless that's biblical but love will last forever now our knowledge is partial and incomplete and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture but when the time of perfection comes these partial things will be useless so there's coming a time of perfection when the spiritual gifts will cease to be now this is where the cessationists will say well that's happened when did it happen they'll say well when the scripture was canonized or when when when we finalized what the bible would be from genesis to revelation or they'll just throw something out or maybe the the establishment of the church but neither of those match what the bible actually says and if you look down in the next few verses it says very clearly when i was a child i've spoken thought and reasoned as a child when i grew up i put away childish things now it's not saying here that prophecy and the gift of tongues is childish that's not at all what the scripture is saying paul the apostle is simply talking about a transition from things that that that that we moved on from because of maturity and because of things we didn't need anymore so it's not childish to prophesy it's not useless to prophesy he's just talking about how in eternity those things will no longer be needed so not it's not used as a criticism i should clarify here paul is not saying this as a criticism like oh praying in tongues that's childish oh believe for healing that's childish much like some of the cessations would want you to think he means it but now we see things imperfectly like puzzling reflections in a mirror but then what's he talking about then that time of perfection we will see everything with perfect clarity do you see everything with perfect clarity no do i no all that i know is now partial and incomplete but then so now he's describing that time of perfection i will know everything completely just as god now knows me completely now wait a minute do you know everything completely does anybody know anything completely some cessationist might think they do but no no one knows anything completely just as god now knows me completely therefore this time of perfection has not come and therefore this one portion of scripture that they use is not a reason to believe in cessationism everything else they'll point out will fall under speculation and inference arguments from history or poor biblical interpretation so you can do away with that lie that the gifts are no longer an operation nothing in scripture has shown it and they'll try to put that burden of proof on you they'll say show me where it says the gifts are still in operation you have to tell them show me where it says they stopped they'll point to that verse and then you can show them two verses later where it says the time of perfection is when we know all things even as god knows all things and that time has definitely not come i love what uh tanya wrote here tanya wrote i love the way you speak and teach you're always biblically biblically grounded in what you speak so she is definitely receiving that as well well i appreciate that and you know it's we have to be humble in our approach to the word but when when we have the truth to be firm on it guys we can't don't be intimidated by the people who who teach otherwise don't be intimidated by them people who love to debate people who love to show off how much scripture they know don't be intimidated by that it's it's a it's a power thing it's a it's born of insecurity and you it's better to pray for people like that pray for them love them love them love them because you got to break that hard-heartedness otherwise they won't ever be able to receive okay myth number six lie number six because jesus didn't pray in tongues neither should we now okay i admit it's most likely that jesus did not pray in tongues i don't teach that jesus prayed in tongues so don't misunderstand what i'm saying here the lie is that because jesus didn't pray in tongues neither should we i'm not saying it's a lie that jesus didn't pray in tongues he probably didn't pray in tongues in fact i'm confident he didn't scripture doesn't say either way but i'm pretty sure the scripture would have told us if he did now the myth is the lie is that because he didn't that therefore we should not we've already granted that jesus didn't bring tongues let's just grant that let's just say it let's just be clear i'm giving you my opinion there but i think it's a well-grounded opinion jesus didn't pray in tongues okay let's let's start there but the lie is that because jesus didn't pray in tongues neither should we so here's what i wrote concerning this matter why didn't jesus pray in tongues the same reason jesus never shared a testimony of being saved from sin he was perfect praying in tongues supplements my ability to pray jesus lacked no ability to pray praying in tongues helps me when i don't know what to pray jesus always knew what he should pray praying in tongues helps me to pray according to god's will jesus was god's will in action so why didn't jesus pray in tongues because he didn't need it he had a perfect prayer life he was god's will we need it because we don't always know what we want to pray it's as simple as that so this idea that because jesus didn't pray in tongues neither should we if that was the case the new testament church would have never prayed in tongues wow wow i love it and uh it's interesting here because a lot of the comments on this portion that you're speaking about um a lot of them uh they're agreeing completely with you here and then some of these comments are quite interesting uh this one's from friday thanks a lot sir i learned so much from your teachings as well as teensy saying uh just reiterating what you're saying about jesus uh praying in tongues or didn't pray in tongues exactly so myth number seven you can become demonized if you attempt to pray in tongues now this is just a fear tactic that people use to try to discourage you from welcoming the holy spirit in your life to the expression of the gift of tongues fear tactics are just ridiculous in fact i did a an e-course on demons in spiritual warfare people didn't like what i had to say on that e-course and the only responses they had weren't scripture it was well my experience was or they would say this guy's leading people astray and if you listen to him you're going to get demonized fear tactic because they have no argument and so they have no argument because they're not basing it on scripture look i was i was delivered from an old religious mindset i'm not sitting here saying i know it all i have all the answers i'm sitting here telling you god delivered me from a religious mindset concerning spiritual warfare and he rescued me from that and i didn't deserve that but he did and because he did i'm very passionate about getting people to see the truth so in the same way fear tactics are used concerning the gift of tongues if they can't convince you with scripture they'll try to scare you with more lies if they can't convince you with scripture they'll try to manipulate you how many times have you seen people try to manipulate god's people you see it when when someone leaves a church and the pastor says well if you want to fulfill god's will you've got to stay under me up red flag manipulation if you leave my church if you leave my covering you're going to be cursed up manipulation these are things that people say because they're losing their grip on people but once you know the truth the truth will set you free i'm not afraid of some man's curse you can't curse what god blessed you can't you can't speak against what god speaks for no weapon formed against me shall prosper so you have to be very careful when people try to speak these fear tactics into your life and one of these fear tactics is oh you know you'll catch the spirit like this this idea of kundalini kundalini spirit and i've seen it all over my youtube videos especially on the youtube videos where people are being touched by god's power and the commenter always thinks they're saying something that no one's ever heard before no no i'm exposing the truth this is kundalini and this isn't anything that god is doing and the reason they say that is because there are some similarities between when the holy spirit's moving and when these counterfeit moves of spiritual power are happening in other parts of the world or in other cultures or in other religions then that's reason to believe that the fake also applies to the real or how you would reason with the fake it's nonsense god's power is duplicated or it's attempted to be duplicated the enemy tries to duplicate what god does and that's how you get the counterfeit so when you see someone being touched by god's power they fall out in the spirit okay that's the holy spirit moving just because some devil somewhere is trying to mimic that doesn't mean that the original therefore is all fake and so that's another example of fear tactics and they'll tell you let's say speaking in tongues being slain of the spirit and they kind of lump it all into one thing and they say that's all kundalini or that's a false spirit or be careful you might pick up some demons now first of all if you're a believer no second of all what does the scripture say actually first of all what does the scripture say and then the other point could be second luke chapter 11 verses 11 through 13 say this you fathers if your children ask for a fish do you give them a snake instead or if they ask for an egg do you give them a scorpion of course not so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give the holy spirit to those who ask him if you're asking god the father in the name of jesus for a gift of the holy spirit do you really think that god's going to say oh you didn't ask correctly here's a demon instead it's fear-mongering it's superstitious nonsense jesus said that your heavenly father will give the holy spirit to those who ask you're not going to get something else god's not going to trick you god's not going to allow your prayers to him to become an open door to the enemy i trust not in my ability to receive properly i trust in his ability to give and i say that again because that will liberate some i trust not in my ability to receive properly i trust in his ability to give now consider it a little bit more deeply here think about the fact that they say you'll be demonized i'm thinking demonized really really demonized when i clap my hands in praise to god there's nothing i'm saying there's no words being communicated there's no message when i clap my hands in praise to god it's just a sound i make when i offer praise to him when i shout for joy and worship services i'm not saying anything i'm just releasing a sound in offering to god if i'm humming a song if i'm crying tears of joy is that is that a message no not really it's an expression so at best it's a heavenly gift at worst it's just another expression that we give to god in praise and adoration do you really think that if i lift up the sound of my voice to god in prayer praise and worship that he's going to look down and say wait a minute that's that's that's too strange of an expression let me allow a demon to enter there no if at at best it's the gift of the holy spirit at worst it's just another expression when i mean when you cry it's an emotional expression when you clap it's a joyful expression if the gift of speaking in tongues weren't real which it is real but let's just say it isn't the worst it would be is another expression of sound that you're offering to god in praise and prayer how is that going to allow a demon into my life it just doesn't make any sense so demonized people are just getting paranoid at that point um so according to scripture if we ask for the holy spirit god's not gonna send something else so let's not let's not go along with all that crazy conspiracy theory nonsense uh so that's lie number seven you can become demonized if you attempt to pray in tongues which i don't know how they got to that conclusion okay maybe you don't believe in the gift of tongues but to get to that conclusion that therefore you will become demonized it's just craziness to me okay lie number eight before we get on to line number eight the final lie steve how's our chat doing our chat's doing really well um a lot of people are agreeing and i love that point that you made right now about being demonized it kind of made me think i'm assuming that those people that are saying that kind of stuff they believed it was a little too odd so they didn't know what to put on it or what to to label it as and i think it was just uh i was just thinking about that when you were talking about that yeah and it's true i mean why do people come to the like the most paranoid conclusions okay i pray in tongues it's an expression of sound to god if it's not actually a gift of the holy spirit it's something i'm offering to god out of the the the my spirit and i'm joyful and i'm i'm i'm it's equivalent to humming a melody there's no words in that you're just releasing a sound how is that going to demonize you it's just i i just i just don't know how people make that leap it's just pure craziness okay myth number eight lie number eight you cannot control the gift of tongues now skeptics believe this and they push this idea that if it really was the gift of the holy spirit that you wouldn't have to do anything and this right here when you when you come to realize that this is a lie that you can't control the gift it actually enables you to receive the gift because there are some believers who want the gift of the holy spirit they want the gift of speaking you receive the holy spirit when you're saved to be clear but they want the gift of speaking in tongues and then they'll say well i was just kind of waiting and god didn't do anything what spiritual gift can you name me another spiritual gift that doesn't require your participation go ahead think about any of the spiritual gifts which spiritual gift doesn't require your participation why would the gift of tongues be any different why would we think that god's gonna force that gift upon us or take over our physical capacities and make us speak in tongues it's not gonna happen you have to choose to release the syllables and the sounds so first corinthians chapter 14 is my argument against this idea that you cannot control the gifts just read first corinthians 14 paul the apostle spends almost an entire chapter teaching people why they should control the gift how they can control the gift what are the procedures in using the gift in a public church setting with that specific expression of the gift why would paul the apostle teach on what to do when controlling the gift if the gift could not be controlled all spiritual gifts require some exercise of faith on the part of the one using them why would speaking in tongues be any different you've got to release it you've got to release the sound you've got to give them the syllables you've got to offer that to god if you don't nothing's going to come out and people don't do it because they're blocked mentally emotionally they have these barriers these walls up and they don't want to overcome those thoughts they're standing there thinking this is just me they're standing there thinking oh this could be some demon standing thinking oh this is all fake and never once releasing a sound to god and that is why they can't receive it because they're so stuck on these myths so again to recap guys there are three expressions of the gift of tongues the personal tongue the proof tongue the prophetic tongue here are the eight lies about speaking in tongues that we've debunked today so please don't ever go back to these they've been debunked you can leave them where they are now lie number one paul discouraged believers from praying in tongues lie number two praying in tongues should not be practiced in public or in group settings lie number three the gift of tongues is only an earthly language not a heavenly one lie number four the gift of tongues is not for every believer lie number five the spiritual gifts are no longer in operation lie number six because jesus didn't pray in tongues neither should we lie number seven you could become demonized if you attempt to pray in tongues and line number eight you cannot control the gift of tongues i pray today lord in the name of jesus some of you gonna receive this gift right now i pray today lord in the name of jesus that your people would be free from lies i come against every demonic spirit that would try to reinforce a lie that would limit the power that's demonstrated to the lives of your people and i ask you lord to pour out your spirit upon each and every one i want you praying the holy ghost right now some of you right now that gift is coming on you in the name of jesus the truth shall set you free father in jesus name i rebuke every barrier to the receiving of this gift and i pray lord that you would pour out your spirit fresh upon your people baptize them with fire and with the holy spirit i pray let the anointing begin to flow and break those bondages in the name of jesus i rebuke addiction right now in the name of jesus i rebuke sickness right now in the name of jesus i rebuke doubt right now in the name of jesus lord these are your people set them free i pray visit their homes with your glory i pray deliver their families i pray the matchless name of jesus i want you to say it because you believe it say amen well that's going to do it for the lesson don't go anywhere i'm going to take your questions right now we're going to interact with you we have some time we're going to sit here take your questions your comments and we're going to enjoy our time together but let's worship now for a moment and after we worship i'm coming right back any questions you have we'll get into them even if you have some objections i'd be happy to take some objections too because that's how you learn and we will go into the word so that's coming up right after this worship song here's a beautiful song as the deer remember we'll be right back with q a here's the song [Music] after [Music] [Music] the water [Music] you are my heart [Applause] for you [Applause] [Music] [Music] here [Music] me [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm going to take your questions and your comments in just a moment but i want to read a portion of scripture to you this is found in second corinthians chapter 9 and i'm going to begin reading at verse number 6. this is one of my favorite portions of scripture on this particular topic and i want you to listen because i believe the holy spirit wants to speak to you this is important that you hear this second corinthians chapter nine verse six remember this a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop but the one who plants generously will get a generous crop you must each decide in your heart how much to give and don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure for god loves a person who gives cheerfully paul the apostle here is talking specifically about finances and he's saying that the more you give the more potential you have to receive now we as believers don't give to get we give because we love jesus we give because he's been so good to us we give because he has our affection he has our minds our hearts he has us all even our money but the bible also does make promises now again i'm not a prosperity preacher by definition but i do believe what the bible says about prosperity i acknowledge that some have twisted the scripture and taken this doctrine to extremes it was never meant to go to but that doesn't mean this is him is it this isn't important this is important for you to hear this is important for you to hear some of you are stuck financially some of you are stuck in your business some of you feel like you're hitting a wall every time and you can't get through it because you don't know the truth now i love you enough to tell you the truth even though some people would criticize me for even talking about this it's in the bible so i'm going to talk about it and i'm not going to apologize for it you need this this is true from the word of god it set me free and i know it will set you free too so paul is talking about finances and here's what he says what happens when you become a cheerful giver watch this verse 8 and god will generously provide all you need then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others now tim our phone lines are down fyi and god will generously provide all you need then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others i saw the phone number up on the screen our texas branch is getting hit hard with the winter storm right now so the phone line will not work for today if you watch this after this has gone off live you should be good um the bible says in verse 8 and god will generously provide all you need that's in response to the generous giver the cheerful giver god will generously provide all you need i love this promise then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others think about that that's a promise from his word that when i give to the gospel god's not only going to meet my need he's going to provide me enough left over to be a blessing to others that's a promise from the word verse 10 says for god is the one who provides seeds for the farmer and then bread to eat in the same way he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you in other words as you give you're showing god that he can trust you with more resources and you become a resource center for the gospel here in the earth god sees there's someone i can trust there's someone i can deposit in there's someone who's a good steward of what i've given them so my question to you is can god trust you with the seed to sow can god trust you with resources you may wonder why you're having trouble with breakthrough in this area we've got to learn to be cheerful givers it's biblical it's part of being a disciple of christ it's part of giving all to him some of us compartmentalize and we give god certain aspects of our lives when it comes to certain things we say but that i'm going to keep and many of us that's how it is with finances we'll criticize the preacher rather than address the issue in our own hearts we'll make excuses by saying all they want is your money or all those ministries talking about finances oh brother you shouldn't take offerings oh brother you shouldn't mention money paul the apostle did and the reason we make these excuses is because we don't want to deal with the issues in our hearts i used to be like this and it wasn't until i started becoming a generous giver that i saw the flow of finances come into my life into my my home and into our marriage into to bless my daughter it all came as a result of being a cheerful giver so i want to encourage you today there are some who i'm talking to right now you're a giver no issue you're going to give any time there's an opportunity there are others who maybe it's a little challenging and i understand i understand that i've been there it's challenging sometimes especially these days we say well i don't know what tomorrow holds i don't know what the economic future is i don't know about the stability of the economy or the systems we don't trust in systems anyway we trust in god as our source so i want to encourage you give a one-time gift into this ministry today right now respond in faith to his word and trust that he's going to use your resources to further the gospel remember we don't give to get he may bless you with something tomorrow that's up to him that's not for me to promise that would be deceptive of me to try to promise specific things for you like that unless god actually spoke to me but god's not giving me specifics for you it's as simple as stepping out in trust we say god as soon as you bless me as soon as that job happens as soon as things start picking up a little more as soon as i can see a clear future then i'll become a giver no no it doesn't work that way it works by faith we say god bless me and i'll give god says give and i'll bless you how he'll bless you i cannot say when he'll bless you i cannot say that he'll bless you that's a promise from the word and he'll take care of you and he'll meet every need and he'll cause you to be someone who can be a blessing to others that's what happens when you give to the gospel you're not giving to david hernandez you're giving to a ministry so that we can continue our work we can continue with live streams and events and the holy spirit school and all of the wonderful things that we do and we offer for free we can offer it for free because the generous supporters like you i know you love the lord i know you want to give some of you just needed a little stirring in your faith so i challenge you today give something for the gospel go to davidhernandezministries.com donate right now give a one-time gift become a monthly supporter there are wonderful benefits when you sign it to become a monthly supporter including access to a an exclusive zoom call with steve and i where we give you monthly updates and inside information you as a partner monthly are the first to hear ministry announcements you get a 10 discount on apparel you get a beautiful dove lapel pin there's many benefits at the 10 a month level the 30 month level 100 months level but here's the bottom line do something for the gospel right now some of you can give a gift of 25. some of you can give a gift to 50. some of you can give a gift of 100 some of you could do even more than that and some of you can partner on a monthly basis think about what we spend our money on think about how we waste it on certain things that won't matter in a week or two let's put our resources in things that long term will matter so again david hernandez ministries.com donate as you give i'll actually be able to see your names coming up if you're giving while we're live uh kylie thank you for your one-time gift we so appreciate you i also see marita beau our good friend marina we'd love to come host you if you come to the us we'll we'll have some of our team members hosted there's a i know my wife would love to meet you and steve's wife would love to meet you um and you too uh sharoon those are our moderators there on the comments um the patrick family speaking of sharon patrick the patrick family just gave a very generous one-time gift thank you patrick family we love you celine de cambre just gave a one-time gift pam and galen mays just gave a one-time gift we so appreciate your support and we so appreciate all the wonderful work your son does here with us at the ministry so go right now davidhernandezministries.com.net you won't miss anything we're going to give you a minute or so to give it should take no more than a minute or two very simple form you can give from anywhere in the world keep in mind also guys we're still fundraising for our building projects so make sure when you're giving if you want to give to the building project to build that new studio make sure you go to that webpage but all other donations just for general giving davidhernandezministries.com donate we uh we can also give on the youtube super chat but as you give on davidhernandezministries.com donate it will come up on my screen here on my phone and i'll be able to say thank you but whatever you do do it right now step out in faith trust that god's going to meet the need trust that god's going to bless the business trust that god's going to bring the dream to pass for his glory not ours for the kingdom for not for for his kingdom and his purpose is not for ours
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 22,299
Rating: 4.9292336 out of 5
Id: 8fzrwtR-Sik
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Length: 118min 40sec (7120 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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