Praying in the Holy Spirit | David Diga Hernandez | Powerful Message on Prayer!

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i want to talk to you about praying in the holy spirit so father thank you for your word and i pray today that this word would go forth like a seed and take root in the hearts of your people cause them to be transformed not just in this moment but over a lifetime as this word begins to bear fruit in the name of jesus we pray and everyone said the bible says in first corinthians chapter 6 verse 17 he that is joined to the lord is one spirit with him in first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 the scripture alludes to the fact that man exists with three different aspects to his nature his body soul spirit many of you have heard me teach on this before and the reason i teach on this so often is because this is a foundational truth that once you grasp it it actually opens up your understanding to how god operates not just in prayer but also in deliverance and also in healing and also in ministry and also with the anointing once you understand that you have three aspects to your nature so i want everyone to say with me i am a spirit who has a soul that lives in the body one more time i am a spirit who has a soul that lives in a body you are your spirit you are not your soul you are not your body your body is not the source of your identity neither is your body intrinsically evil or evil unto itself the physical body is the temple of the holy spirit and the holy spirit dwells there your physical body is your earth suit so to speak how you interact with the world around you how you interact with everyone in this room and everyone you've ever interacted with before it's through speech it's through sight it's through hearing it's through touch that human interaction comes in the earthly realm through that earthly being the physical body now the physical body is how you get around it's where the decisions of your heart are manifested the soul is the realm of decision it's the neutral ground the mind the will the emotions the personality the mind what you think the will what you desire the emotions what you feel the personality how you behave all of those contribute to what you're going to express in the physical body and then there is a deeper part of you that the scripture refers to as your spirit so the body and the soul are outer shells of who you are they do not make you up in your entirety now here's the issue when we pray and worship because what did jesus say john chapter 7 verse 38 out of your belly the king james version says out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water but what does some translation say the nasb words it out of your inner most being not the body not the soul but the spirit out of the innermost being will flow rivers of living water the baptism with the holy spirit and the evidence of speaking in tongues is not rain from heaven it's a river from within it's not something that i have to receive it's something i must release several years ago a story came out about a man who survived in deep in the atlantic ocean for almost three days his ship had sank and everyone on board was killed but him when the divers went in they thought they were going in to recover bodies but they found the man still alive after three days stuck under water in the boat that's what i said when i read the headline i thought it was click bait as they say so i i go and i read the story it turns out that when the boat sank there was an air pocket that was preserved right where he was he he had found a place where he could breathe and he was surviving on coca-cola and that little bit of air that he had and he was running low on oxygen when they found him his oxygen level was low he was disoriented he was not completely himself they brought him auction brought him up and they had to bring him up slowly because of obviously they didn't want his lungs to become crushed to ascend too quickly and what fascinated me about this was the fact that that man was able to survive because though the boat was in the water the water was not completely in the boat and your flesh finds air pockets to survive in you we say fill me holy spirit yet we insist on being full of ourselves and our own ambitions and instead of yielding those areas of our hearts to him we preserve them out of protection for ourselves or what we imagine to be protection for ourselves we preserve them because of bitterness we preserve them because of a sense of entitlement we preserve them because of how we were raised and we say this is how i am this is how i was raised this is how i was brought up this is how i was trained to think and what begins to happen is we begin to stifle the move of the holy spirit not because we don't have him but because he doesn't have us the holy spirit dwells in me out of your spirit out of your innermost being will flow these rivers of living water the problem is that many believers try to worship and pray and evangelize and live holy out of the flesh rather than out of the spirit i'll never forget one time i was in a church service and there was a woman leading worship you ever see an angry worship leader they're just furious that nobody's responding to their gift and i i know the cliches that they use you know they they i remember we're standing there and i'll just be honest with you it was it was not the greatest music in the world i mean the worship was wonderful the music not so much and i remember i'm trying to worship but i couldn't worship because this worship leader was just yelling at everyone angry come on lift your hands don't just stare at me do something she's like like a militant like i was like oh my gosh she's gonna like make us all run laps right now and and so she begins to to berate the congregation for not responding in the way that she had imagined that they should and then i'll never forget she says this is what it's going to be like in heaven i turned to my neighbor i said i sure hope not if this is what it's like in heaven i don't i don't know maybe we should just cease to exist because eternity with that that might be actually more my idea of hell so i remember she's just angry and and i and i i thought about this for a moment i said okay so she's mad that she's trying to push them and she's trying to get them to perform the problem is even if they were to start jumping and clapping and singing and dancing in response to what she was forcing them to do they would be singing but they would not be worshipping john chapter 4 verse 24 says that those who worship him will worship him in spirit and in truth that's the word and the spirit the holy spirit john 14 26 takes the word and creates with it the holy spirit takes the word and brings forth revelation all true worship is a response to revelation if it's not a response to revelation it's a performance not worship and people pray from that outer shell they worship and they try to work up in the flesh what they're trying to accomplish in the spirit not realizing that they're just exhausting themselves now this is by no means a noise complaint i believe in shouting dancing clapping singing do it by all means it's a wonderful celebration of who god is that's not what i'm addressing tonight so do not hear what i am not saying what i am saying however is that sometimes christians become tired and overworked and then they become discouraged they don't want to worship they don't want to pray they don't want to understand the word they don't want to evangelize they grow tired in their fight for holiness all because they don't recognize that they're fighting from the flesh rather than resting in the spirit they're pushing from the outer shell now i know most of you probably would rather communicate through text pastor vlad loves facetime that's like his favorite way to call only with me i guess and a few others and sometimes it's not the best time like oh my goodness pasta i'll put a hat on okay hey pastor vlad my my barber tells me my hair is the most difficult he's ever worked with so this doesn't happen on its own right this is a lot of work and suffering right to get this so sometimes it's just crazy and i'll get a facetime call i just gotta throw a hat on i'll say hello but pastor vlad will facetime me or will text but very few people use phone calls anymore but if you'll remember for those of you who used to use phone calls and maybe maybe i think a better example would be zoom because sometimes you get on these zoom meetings and the holy spirit starts moving and then everything starts breaking up and and you can't really understand them but what you'll which you'll notice invariably is that when people begin to see that the connection starts to drop instead of i just hang up at that point i don't even bother with it i hate sometimes i just tell oh the call dropped but i don't want to deal with i don't want to deal with the bad connection i just hang up and then try it again but what will begin to happen is the connection will start to drop and they'll go from like this to yelling and they go from like this to like this and it's goes from being gibberish to being loud gibberish and i have to explain them i said listen the issue is not the volume it's the connection and just like people will try to make up what lacks in connection with volume while they're on a failing call so many believers try to make up with emotion what they lack in the spirit they imagine that god is really looking out over heaven now i believe in persistent prayer the persistent widow matthew 7 7 ask seek knock we understand that the scripture talks about persistence and that is a very real dynamic of prayer i talk about it often but i think the problem is that we have the wrong mindset and we misunderstand what persistent prayer is you realize that persistent prayer is not you persuading god i mean who could do that if you show me something in scripture they say you know well moses got god to change his mind let me tell you this god's will was that he would show mercy in the first place he was just looking for someone to repeat that back so even in those instances where it appears like a man might be able to persuade god they were only praying according to his will in the first place it's not as if god is looking over the balconies of heaven saying oh if only you had shouted just a little louder if only you had jumped a little higher i mean it does sound comical but imagine how this mindset can apply when you're talking about a parent who has a sick child as if god is withholding that healing saying well you didn't want it bad enough no one is so persuasive as to be able to convince god to do anything and if god missed something if there was an angle that god could not consider what mind what human mind could point it out to him persistent prayer doesn't change god's will persistent prayer puts you in god's will persistent prayer doesn't change god it gets you ready and causes you to be processed and able to receive god's will in the earth now why am i talking about this i'm talking about this because i think we misunderstand what praying in tongues is if i were to ask you what is praying in tongues you would give me a definition that likely includes the sounds and maybe that the holy spirit overtakes you but what exactly is happening when we pray in tongues what is its purpose what does the scripture reveal about it and why is it so powerful i mean you contrast this idea that the holy spirit can pray through you with this idea that many believers pray from the flesh they pray from the emotions and out of praying out of the emotions they find that emotion fails many times people try to guilt god into response god are you listening god if you're there please i told the lord one time lord if you don't respond i have to quit the ministry he said then quit and i'll raise someone else god is not moved by our emotions he's moved by faith by faith by faith now now here's here's the thing we pray from these outer shells if you're praying from the physical body then you're praying from your cravings your flesh what you desire what you see you're praying for materialism you're praying from ego you pray from the soul you're praying from emotions it is only when you're praying from your spirit that you are truly praying atheists when they get in enough trouble pray buddhists pray muslims pray secular people pray anyone can pray it's praying in the spirit that is our privilege so getting back to this thought first corinthians 6 17 he that is joined to the lord is one spirit with him we often think that prayer is our means of connecting with god that if we can go to pray then i will establish this connection the problem with that kind of thinking is it's performance based and you become so hungry for an encounter or an experience that that desire to have an encounter or an experience itself becomes a distraction to truly praying get all worked up you get all intense wrapped up in our emotions wrapped up in our desires wondering why don't i feel god why why don't i have this experience and the problem is you're focusing on the experience and that experience that you want which is perfectly fine you've seen our services people receive experiences people receive healing but the problem is that you're looking for a physical sensation or an emotional uplift or or a mental clarification when instead you should be going by faith because even experience experiences fade we become worried god that i do something to upset you you're not responding like i thought you should or i don't feel that connection anymore catherine coleman had a dream and in her dream she saw three men kneeling jesus walks into the room the first one he reaches down and gives him a hug the second one he touches his shoulder the third he just looked at and walked right by catherine said to the lord surely you love the first one more than the other says no i love them all equally what the dream represented was different levels of maturity the first one needed that hug but the other one was so built on faith they didn't need the experience to know they were loved by the lord i pray from that place that's what becomes discouraging it becomes discouraging thinking that you have to work for something in prayer now there is an element of discipline to prayer no doubt all spirituality is a combination between discipline and obedience toward god and his power all spirituality but when you approach god with the mindset that okay i have to work for this connection now that becomes discouraging no wonder you don't want to pray no wonder you don't want to come to the worship service you think you're working for god's attention the beautiful thing about praying in the holy spirit is recognizing that i am not praying to connect with god i'm praying from connection with god i don't worship to connect with god i worship out of that connection he that is joined to the lord is one spirit with him that means i'm already one look at let's go to first corinthians chapter two i'm gonna show you something first corinthians chapter two this is one of the only churches where i don't hear pages turning but you all because you all have your phones i just realized i usually hear pages now at that point first corinthians chapter 2 verses 10 through 12. this is what the bible says but it was to us that god revealed these things by his spirit for his spirit searches out everything and shows us god's deep secrets no one can know a person's thoughts except that person's own spirit and no one can know god's thoughts except god's own spirit and we have received god's spirit not the world spirit so we can know the wonderful things god has freely given to us what is this describing this is describing a fellowship with god that is occurring 24 7 on a daily basis in my spirit i know him in my spirit i'm one with him in my spirit i'm already holy in my spirit i know all things that's what first john chapter 2 verse 27 is talking about i received an anointing and i don't need anyone to teach me that i'm saved not i don't need anyone to teach me the word otherwise god wouldn't have given us teachers ephesians 4 11. but god gave us the holy spirit to stir that inner knowing within our hearts and it is by the holy spirit that i come to understand the word it is by the holy spirit that i receive my true inspiration to worship it is by the holy spirit that i pray from confident faith it is by the holy spirit that i overcome sin it is by the holy spirit that i evangelize with boldness it is by the holy spirit that i live this christian life he does all those things that's the work of the spirit in me the work of the spirit energizing my spiritual life the work of the spirit out of that oneness do you realize that revelation is not you learning anything new everything i'm teaching you you already know it in your spirit revelation is not the receiving of new knowledge revelation is when that which i already know in my spirit is manifested in my understanding that truth is already in you that's why as i'm talking something's clicking that's why as i'm talking something's stirring this is spirit to spirit my spirit talking with god's spirit that connection never being undone that connection never being hindered it's what is it then i must surrender to what i already have in my spirit and let it manifest in the soul and the body now watch this i'm going to show you a verse that's most often as far as the subject of speaking in tongues goes this is most often misunderstood romans 8 26 let me come out write and say it this is not talking about speaking in tongues what we're about to read but they are tied together watch this now romans 8 26 and the holy spirit helps us in our weakness for example we don't know what god wants us to pray for you ever been there i don't know what to say i don't know what to pray watch this but the holy spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words okay so so this is this is a powerful powerful revelation first corinthians 6 17 tells me that he that is joined to the lord is one spirit with him so the spirit and i are one romans 8 26 tells me that the holy spirit prays prayers over me when i don't know what to pray first corinthians chapter 14 verse 2 tells me that when i speak in an unknown tongue nobody understands me because i'm speaking to god first corinthians chapter 14 4 tells me that when i'm praying in tongues i'm praying in the spirit now watch this watch this many people travel the world and there's nothing wrong with this because i still do it if i know there's a man or woman of god in town i'm going to make my way over there or even sometimes i'll fly i want them to lay hands on me there's impartation we saw this today i think that's another thing i'm going to steal i'm going to start pulling pouring oil on people's heads but that's a powerful symbol that's how they did it in the scripture but we saw that there was impartation that took place do you realize that the holy spirit prays for you with groanings that cannot be uttered think about what the scripture is saying he prays for me with groanings that cannot be uttered no one knows god like god's spirit knows him no one knows me like my spirit knows me so the one who knows me better than anyone else knows me prays for me like no one else can pray for me the holy spirit prays for me with more love with more passion than would a grandmother pray for a grandchild he prays for me with more love and concern than would a parent pray for a child groanings groanings groanings it tells me of this intensity to his prayer life the holy spirit has a prayer life he groans it's a deep yearning an urge deep within that is so profound that it will transform who you are if you could see the holy spirit praying if you could witness him in physical form praying you would see him with tears streaming down his face he would speak with a voice so booming it would shake the room i dare even say you would see him pounding his fist to the floor when the holy spirit prays for you he prays with groanings deep passion love knowing all your flaws knowing all your hang-ups knowing all of those things about you that you don't want anyone else to know about you and the bible says he doesn't just pray with groanings romans 8 26 says he prays with groanings according to the will of god meaning his prayers bend us toward the will of god his prayers incline our hearts now i'm talking about this impartation i'll travel the world i'll have anybody lay hands on me i love it i've had many mighty women of god and men of god lay hands on me but think about this fact the holy spirit wants to lay hands on you himself if only you would give him a mouth the holy spirit wants to lay hands on you himself if only you'd give him a body to do it first corinthians 6 17 he that is joined to the lord is one spirit so we're we're not we're not two spirits in you it's one it's not your spirit and the holy spirit you're one that's who you really are now if the holy spirit prays for me and my spirit agrees with the holy spirit praise we're praying the same thing so therefore when i pray in the spirit i'm praying what the holy spirit is praying first corinthians 14 4 that when i pray in tongues i'm not praying my spirit is praying when i pray in tongues i'm praying with the language of heaven i'm praying with the language of surrender there's a story about a pastor who is trying to teach his daughter to pray she was a little girl and he pulled her aside and said look before bed each night i wanna i want you to start praying and i'm gonna listen in and we're gonna talk to god together so the first night he prays and she repeats after him second night she starts to pray her own prayers making requests she would pray for her mom and her dad and her friends and her grandparents and so the next night comes and he decides i'm going to let her learn on her own now i'm just going to let her pray let her do her own thing he comes by the door cups his ear to the door leans in and he hears her little voice praying c d e f g [Music] i'm not gonna sing the rest she starts singing the alphabet he he chuckled it was funny he went on his way the next night he comes back cups his ear leans against the door again a b c d e f g now he's growing concerned did i teach her to pray properly how do i talk to her about this because i don't want to stifle that passion she has for prayer now he says i'll let it go one more night tomorrow night if she does it again i'll talk to her third night he interrupts the alphabet he walks in sweetie listen we talked about this when you pray you're talking to god you're you're speaking your request to him you're letting him know what you need and how much you love him you're just singing the alphabet you're not praying she says daddy i am praying i just give him the letters and let him arrange him however he wants that's what it means to pray in tongues you see when i pray with my own language right now i'm speaking words that are communicating ideas that i want communicated when i pray in tongues my words become void of my own meaning my words that i speak become void of my intention and therefore my pollution when i pray with my understanding i can mix in some of my desires in there when i pray with my understanding i i pray just from the outer shells of who i am the flesh and the soul and emotions and cravings and desires of this world but when i pray in tongues the groanings that come from the spirit deep within the groanings that bend me toward the will of god begin to pour out of my mouth i set it at the top of the message we want to be filled with the holy spirit the problem is we're so often filled with ourselves but when i pray in tongues my words become empty of me and those words are surrendered syllables and sounds i could feel the anointing right now surrendered syllables and sounds so that when i'm praying in tongues the holy spirit is praying for me through me when i pray in tongues i'm praying pure simple god-centered prayers leave it to god to hide such immense power such earth shattering power behind such a childlike act surrendered syllables and sounds when i'm praying in tongues that river from deep within is flowing out moving through the soul touching the body and coming out on my voice can you be saved and not pray in tongues sure you can can you be filled with the holy spirit and not pray in tongues i don't know what pastor vlad teaches so i'm not going to say either way you'll have to fill me in on that one later never never ever speak against the doctrine of the house either way doesn't matter because that gift of speaking in tongues comes when i begin to surrender my voice to him i begin to surrender those things about me that i don't even know i'm surrendering he begins you know sometimes i pray in tongues i won't know what i'm praying about and then i'll just notice a small change in my character and i had no idea i was i was rebuking myself you know when when i pray in tongues out loud when putting together messages the holy spirit will speak to my spirit through my own voice and what i hear though it's the language of the spirit it becomes revelation and i write it down now this beautiful prayer language that god has given to us and i don't have time to go into all of these because i want to pray for some of you there are three expressions of this gift number one is the proof tongue it's found in acts chapter two that's when they spoke a language aloud and everybody in that region heard the group speaking in their own language now the interesting thing about this particular expression of the gift of tongues is that we don't know whether the miracle was manifested on the speaker's end or the hearer's end read it very carefully because many of the people who watched the church praying thought they were drunk often skeptics will point to this portion of scripture and they'll say this is proof that it's an earthly language well compare that with first first corinthians chapter 14 to which clearly says it's not an earthly language and then look at what it says that each one heard the entire group speaking in his own language the entire group couldn't all have been at the same time speaking multiple different languages i think the listener heard the group as the holy spirit interpreted it that's acts chapter 2 that's the proof tongue then there's the prophetic tongue this is to be used in the collection of believers of the body this is where one stands up prays in tongues somebody else interprets it that's the gift of tongues and tongues interpretation this is what paul the apostle was referring to in first corinthians 14 and this is what he was referring to in first corinthians 12 where it says do all pray in tongues what he was saying is do all pray in tongues and interpret in other words the public expression of the gift this is not what the scripture was was referring to as the third one the personal tongue that's first corinthians chapter 14 verses one through four the personal tongue benefits the individual first corinthians 14 4 the prophetic tongue benefits the church first corinthians 12 7 and 14 26 the proof tongue benefits the unbeliever first corinthians 14 22 by the way for those who say that we shouldn't pray in tongues in front of unbelievers how is it supposed to be assigned to the unbelievers if they never hear it not to mention that every time the holy spirit would fall in the early church they would all begin praying in tongues publicly paul the apostle or peter didn't stand up and say hey everybody knock it off go home and pray privately why would the holy spirit manifest his gift in a public setting if that's not what it was meant for the personal tongue requires no interpreter or interpretation to be beneficial to the individual the prophetic tongue requires an interpreter to benefit the church the proof tongue requires no interpreter for the interpretation to be understood by the unbeliever the personal tongue is understood by no one but god the prophetic tongue is understood by the church with the aid of an interpreter the proof tongue is supernaturally understood by the unbeliever it's a communications of the spirit now i don't have time to go on all the misconceptions so i want to tell you just one thing that's going to block you from receiving your gift in acts chapter 2 peter stands up he says what you see in here is for all generations and for all who believe what were they seeing what they were hearing they were seeing the power of the holy spirit they were hearing them praying in tongues that was the promise of the father for all believers paul said i desire that you all pray in tongues now why would paul the apostle desire something that was contrary to the will of god and why would he put it in the scripture and why would the holy spirit allow that to be in the word if that wasn't god's will so we can go on all day about why the gifts of tongues are for every believer but the main thing the main reason here and you're not going to like what i have to say i'm not a contrarian i don't like to be controversial just for the sake of being controversial when there's controversial situations that require that i be bold i do it like in california with our demon possessed governor who wants to shut down churches that's a time to be bold and say we need to come up against that okay so so there are times to be bold but whenever there is a time to be bold my goal is not to be controversial i didn't say that to be controversial the man is demon-possessed it's a reality i'm not trying to stir up strife or ruffle feathers it's a reality it needs to be said now in regards to what's happening in the church today and the gift of speaking in tongues i'm going to tell you a truth that many of you at first your reaction is going to be wait a minute you're going to be a little offended at that but then i want you to listen to the explanation so that you can receive your gifts i know why you can't pray in tongues it's a fact there's there's after studying the scripture on this subject again and again and again there's only one reason why you can't it's not because the gift isn't for all believers the gift is the reason you cannot pray in tongues comes down to one word ego now ego is not pride pride is a manifestation of the ego pride is not confidence pride is self-sufficience worry am i going to look silly if i pray in tongues yes yes you will people are going to make fun of me yes they will i i am one of those crazy tongue talkers if that's what you want to label me i am i believe in praying in tongues because there's power in it you're going to look silly you're gonna look ridiculous it's a fact to the world we look ridiculous but you see i'm not really concerned with what the world thinks of me i want everything that god has why would i want to receive any less than all for which christ died to give me so so here's what it comes down to someone lays hands on you to receive the gift here's what happens in your head let me show you you feel this unction you open your mouth most people go praise god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah what are they doing they're filling their mouth with words of their understanding why because they're uncomfortable and they're leaving no room for the holy spirit and then as they're they feel the unction to start praying in tongues what do they start saying to themselves this is just me this is just me this is just me well this could be demonic this could be well how could it be like i don't understand how people take it so far like even if the critics are right and the gifts have ceased that i make some some verbal expressions with no meaning in adoration and worship toward god that that's somehow demonic if the gift of tongues have ceased then me it would be like me humming a tune there's no understanding or words in there be like crying tears that's just an emotional expression of worship at the very worst it's just an emotional expression of worship but it is a gift of tongues it is a gift of the holy spirit and you're not going to receive a demon jesus said if you ask for the holy spirit i'm not going to send you something else he said well how do i know i trust not in my ability i trust not in my ability to receive i trust in his ability to give so so i trust him so that's the first one this this is just me it's just me it's just me it's just me i'm going to get a demon i'm going to get a demon i'm going to get or or you think god's going to get mad at you because people think it's the blasphemy of the holy spirit if they pray in tongues but what if it wasn't god and i tried it that's fear that's doubt it's hesitancy that self-consciousness that's all ego i don't know the biggest lie concerning the gift of speaking in tongues that keeps people from praying in tongues the biggest lie the most effective lie i should say is this idea that the holy spirit is going to come and grab your tongue start moving it up and down now some people report their stories they say well when i receive the gift you know it's kind of a point of contention there when i received the gift nobody taught me and i just received it and i just i couldn't control it yes you could yeah you could you know how i know because the bible tells me first corinthians 4 you may have felt like you couldn't control it but you can control it and it was you participating with the holy spirit so so sometimes people's experiences can discourage us from having our own because they well they they they they couldn't even control it it just came out no no they felt like it and that's what they think so they're communicating it to you and you're believing that lie so when the holy spirit comes upon you it's like starting an engine to the car i always i mean i i used to be pastor vlad i used to be and i'm confessing here in front of everybody i used to speed when i would drive i was uh yeah i know that and i used to take you know from the wall the water cup i would take soda i know i know i always wanted those testimonies like ex-gang member x this i don't have that my testimony is god kept me from all that but but you know the the the truth of the matter is i used to do that and i don't understand i don't understand i never did i mean i drove big fast because i thought it was fun or i was in a hurry but i never understood this idea that people when they drive their cars really fast they feel cool like we all know it's not you going that fast it's the car like why are we why should we why should that impress us i feel like such an old man steve's a witness every time we're on the road in a car zooms by i'm like oh just so foolish what is he what is he trying to prove i go yes we're all very impressed that you had the skill to put your foot on the pedal it doesn't make any sense to me and i i think about it people people kind of think yeah that was me i went 80 miles and like no you didn't that was your car you're ridiculously loud car but that's how it is when you pray in tongues you see it's not really you doing it but it is it's the same thing in the same sense we fulfill the law through christ how do we fulfill the law well you put your foot on the tab the the pedal and the engine takes over you put your faith in christ he fulfills the law for you when i pray in tongues i'm not no i'm not the one doing it it's my spirit the scripture tells us it's my spirit praying so when i'm praying in tongues me putting my foot on the pedal is releasing the sounds you have to release the sounds and then you're going to sense the takeover i'm praying in tongues is this just me yeah partially do i look silly absolutely but that's okay and it starts to come out you begin to pray in tongues and the holy spirit adds his power the holy spirit adds his intention the holy spirit adds his own meaning and purposes but it's going to always come full circle you you can tell me i have people tell me i've been to all the altar calls i've tried so many different times i've tried so many different ways even in my service they say you said i would pray in tongues and i didn't i said well why didn't you i watch them they stand they're frozen and this is by no means criticism of you but i'm trying to help you break this mindset how am i on time i don't see a clock anywhere okay good this guy's pointing at the clock but there's nothing on there it tells me what time it is i don't know how much time i have left anyway i'll just take that from pastor vlad he says just go but you're waiting for that moment that the holy spirit but i'm telling you it like anything that you do that's spiritual it's a partnership you don't say well the holy spirit's the one evangelizing through me so i'm just gonna stand here hopefully that person gets saved no you're not the one saving souls you're not the one presenting the power of the gospel but you're opening your mouth you're not the one worshiping you're worshiping in spirit and as you worship in spirit the holy spirit takes over same thing with the gift of speaking in tongues it is a partnership with god that requires your total trust and surrender i just gotta trust that when i start doing it he's not just gonna leave me alone to just be doing it he'll catch you and then this is something you can exercise i'm telling you it will transform your life i'll tell you a story and then we're going to get right into praying for you several years ago i had and i'm not saying this to sound spiritual you know i don't know if it was a dream or a vision i really don't and i'm not trying to sound like paul the apostle okay i'm not trying to be spiritual i honestly don't know whether or not i fell asleep while i was praying so it could have been a vision it could have been a dream i will call it for the sake of conversation a dream and in my dream i'm standing before this large cave-like structure very dark i couldn't see that far into it and right to my right is this bright glowing presence i didn't look to see who it was but i knew it was the lord just because of what i sensed emanating from that light and i'll never forget the lord asked me can we enter so we entered into the cave and when we did light filled that structure revealing all of the walls revealing all of the details revealing all of the rocky curves and so we went in and when we did i saw that there were still more tunnels to enter now here's the thing about the lord that was amazing is each time we'd come to the entryway of a new portion of the cave he would only ask me once and then he wouldn't pressure me he would say can we enter here may i have this may i have that and every time i said yes lord you could enter we would enter and the room would fill with light there were some rooms i hesitated a little i don't know why i just did and i would just sense him there patiently humbly standing by just looking at me you see the lord will speak and then not speak again until you've obeyed what he's already spoken the lord will speak and then not speak again until you've obeyed what he's already spoken so we go room by room each room filling with light until we came to one point and to this day i still don't know what this represented in my dream probably just some deep wickedness in my heart or something i don't know we come to this room though i can't explain it any other way except that the darkness was darker and deeper and the lord said may i have this room too i remember feeling i i could i was i felt so vulnerable i could feel him looking into me seeing my motives and my secrets and my heart and everything about me and i stood there hesitating within myself should i give him the room i don't want to should i give him the room what will he see should i give him the room how will he judge me after battling back and forth i simply said yes lord you can have this room too and then i woke up the room filled with light and i woke up the lord revealed to me that cave represented me my heart who i am there are things in you that you've carried for years and you may think that your breakthrough comes through some dramatic transformation and outward circumstance when in fact your breakthrough comes from some small internal shift a simple moment of surrender let him fill you with light there are areas of bitterness and unforgiveness there are areas of secret sin there are areas of hurt there are areas of pride there are areas of impure motives there are areas of greed that whatever it is there are things hidden in us that have to be surrendered at salvation you surrender your will to him but you'll spend the rest of your life surrendering everything else it's time what is the baptism with the holy spirit simply when i surrender to him and he fills me from the inside out and i become immersed in who he is what does it mean to pray in the holy spirit it means to pray in agreement with according to the will of and in the power of the holy spirit [Music] and that manifests that gift you're not just rambling words it's not just some ritual it's not just something that we do because it's a part of charismatic culture but it's what god gave us to pray in agreement with the holy spirit those pure and simple prayers i want everything he has for me what i want to do in this moment [Music] before we pray for those of you who want to receive this gift and you will tonight you will tonight [Music] but what i want to do is take a moment to surrender to him everything again i i often say if you if you have to crown him lord every morning do it every morning [Music] every morning he'll take you back he won't reject you so hands lifted eyes closed thank you for watching encounter tv don't forget to subscribe and click the notification bell also help us spread the gospel of jesus christ in the power of the holy spirit make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 137,094
Rating: 4.910078 out of 5
Id: -QFhv6eNRWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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