How to Turn Your Home Toilet Into an Emergency Porta-Potty

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have you thought about how you are going to dispose of human waste when disaster strikes well in today's video we're going to show you how you can use garbage bags to turn your regular toilet into a permanent porta potty you're going to want to watch this hey Provident Preppers I'm Jonathan preparing for emergencies means dealing with every basic human need including disposing of human waste there are two scenarios that we're going to consider first one where you don't have running water but you do have a a functioning sewer or septic system and the second would be a situation where all of your utilities are down the septic the sewer and the water are not working in the first scenario we can flush the toilet using water that we've stored or gray water and we can just make sure that we know how much that's going to take so that we know in advance and and we don't waste a lot of water now let's talk about scenario number two in this scenario you not only have no running water but your septic tank or your sewer system cannot be used you've got to dispose of this human waste without flushing it away we're going to take our standard toilet and we're going to turn it into a permanent porta potty so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to come down here and we're going to turn off our water supply even if you don't have water we want to make sure that you have turned that off and then we want to evacuate the bowl whatever you have to do to get that water to leave if you can still flush it down great if you need to use a toilet plunger great if you need to use a cup to take out the rest of the water and dispose of it that's what you need to do but you want an empty toilet bowl and then if you're using these black bags these are biodegradable which are great because they will just break down so if you have to bury it these aren't going to last forever they'll disintegrate with the waist that you've buried but they're harder to fit on the bowl what I have right here is just a standard kitchen garbage bag you just slide it right over the bowl now this is an elongated bowl if you have a standard Bowl it's a whole lot easier and then you just tape it you want to tape it so that it's secure and you don't have any problems with it coming apart you can use two kinds of tapes well actually you could use any tape that you had to but duct tape or paint tape both will work if you are able to separate your urine from the feces then you have a lot less contaminants to take care of so what I like to have is this is just a urine hat is what they call it in the hospital it's used to collect urine specimens works really easy they're very inexpensive you put it right here you put your lid down and then when you urinate it is captured in here now the urine you can totally just take this dilute it with a little bit of gray water and dump it on your trees or bushes and use it as a fertilizer so that's safe you cannot do that with the rest of it so with with your feces you can do several different things and you don't have to change this every time but you can use something like this poo powder that helps to um solidify the solids helps it not to smell as much you can use sawdust or soil or kitty litter anything like that to be able to help it not smell as much and help with the germs you can use a disinfectant if you want but personally if I have enough garbage bags I'm not going to let this get too full when I go to change this I would always keep my bucket very close and all you do is you take this tape you pull this up the nice thing about the kitchen garbage bags is they have these drawrings which I sealed over with my tape but that can pull it tight you take it you put it directly into the bucket for transport outside well transport wherever you have to if you're Sheltering in place you're going to need to store it in buckets you can bury it you can burn it do what you need to do to be able to say stay safe but it depends on your situation and always think about your neighbors and the consequences down the line and that's for another video it's going to smell right and so if you can keeping the lid down helps a little bit but you may want to take a lawn and leaf bag and put it over it a standard toilet you could put it all the way over the top but because this is an elongated even this big bag won't fit maybe you could buy something that that might and keep it in your little kit your emergency toilet can be as simple as this little container just stashed underneath a bathroom sink and you're ready to go in this I've got the Hat this is one of the Costco tote so it's a little bit bigger than the shoe box but it works really well and I have all the supplies that I need to be able to dispose of the human waste that my family creates this bucket would be great and quite frankly we always keep a lot of kitchen bags on hand because they're good for so many things and especially during an emergency situation they would be very valuable there we have a couple of solutions that can help you remember having these supplies on hand is pretty important because human waste is dangerous we have to be able to treat it appropriately this is just an excellent solution if you can use your own toilet instead of trying to sit on a bucket without tipping over or some other messy solution this is ideal and now for the question of the day what is your plan to deal with human waste comment below and thanks for being part of the solution
Channel: The Provident Prepper
Views: 497,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Emergency Sanitation, Disaster Sanitation, Alternative Toilets, Low Water Handwashing, Power Out Sanitation, SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, Prepper, The Provident Prepper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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