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hello everybody I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you're interested in purchasing my book I'll go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below it is now available in paperback form so this is going to be take two of the video I already filmed and edited and uploaded and created a thumbnail and links and end elements and everything for this entire video and I got a copyright claim because MacGyver was on in the background and I didn't even film showing the television it just caught the sound from the background and I got a copyright claim so I apologize I have to do this whole video over so this we we have been going through some pretty crazy times and especially in the UK not necessarily here in the United States but in the UK Energy prices have just skyrocketed they've gone up here as well and it's getting down to the point where you're reading all of these things that say heat or eat people have to literally choose between heating their homes or eating because they simply don't have enough money to do both so I wanted to go over a video real quick about five top things that you can do in order to keep warm without turning your heater on the first thing that you want to do is start with your body and then anything that is exterior to that and then anything that is exterior to that meaning body first then the surrounding area of your body and then the environment surrounding you I hope that that makes sense so here are five products that I use the first one is going to be heated socks so this is something that I guess has been familiar to people in Canada for several years I was not made aware of this until recently when a subscriber reached out to me and told me about them so I decided to pick up a pair for 25 and they work really great now I'm going to show you the example of the ones that I have and I will leave links in the description box below for everything that I've purchased or anything that is similar and keep in mind when I go over the prices on here this is the price that I paid when I purchased them but as you all know the prices are going up like crazy so it's probably going to be more expensive than anything that I say in this video so these socks I got for 23 dollars and they're these socks that go pretty much all the way up to your knee and it's different from a normal sock because if you look on the top there's a pocket right here and in this pocket out comes this little cord okay and it's attached to the sock and you have a battery or two batteries because there's two socks and they're attached to a simple USB cord and then you just take the batteries out okay this oh this one I just turned on by accident and then you take the battery and you connect it to the sock and you have three options you've got low medium and high fee so and then once you have plugged in the battery you put it into that little pocket in your sock and then you keep it nice and pulled up because it has an elastic top I haven't had any problems with the sock sagging due to the weight of the battery I guess if you have really thick thighs um not thighs shins really thick shins that could be a possibility but I haven't had any problems with it and I tried this out like probably 20 times now and I absolutely love it if the house is about 50 to 55 degrees and I'm walking around in my robe and I've got my slippers I'll put these bad boys on turn them on high and within about 15 minutes I actually have to turn them down because they become too hot all right so that is the first one and I love them the second one I am wearing it so what this is is a heated vest now I sometimes switch between a heated vest and a heated jacket and you can buy them some that be careful what you buy because some vests come with the battery pack and some come without but this is your standard battery pack and there's always a pocket it might be on the outside might be on the inside and it's just like the sock there is a connected there's a connected USB port in the pocket it is connected all right and then you just plug it into the battery you might be able to see it right here up see there it goes so you've got three different you've got red which is hot white which is medium and blue which is low and then you just turn on the battery you turn on your heated vest and within 10 minutes you're gonna be hot now every vest is different some of them have heating on the back some have them up here on the breast and then some of them have them down here in the stomach area and some have lower back upper back chest area breast area and the the stomach so it really depends on what you want like how much heat do you want and this on high lasts about four hours on low it lasts about eight hours I used to use these back when I was working in my original California house we had company meetings but they were the meetings took place in the warehouse at the place that I worked and I don't know if you guys have ever worked in a warehouse but those warehouses get down to like 20 degrees and they always made us sit on these metal seats and I was like what do you guys thinking metal seats 20 degree warehouse this is not going to work so I ended up getting my the vest I had previously was a lot more fancy than this one but I was wearing the vest whenever we would go out to meetings and I've had them ever since so let's go ahead and get on to now we've done the body part let's get to the the closer surrounding area part let me go grab those things all right so the next one is very very old this is a heating pad once it gets hot it's a lot more flexible than this rigid thing that I end up rolling up but I have been using one of these since high school age they're typically used for sports people who have sports or people who have back problems you put it on your lower back and it'll get it heated up and sort of loosen up those tight knots that you've got but this one is a Gillette heat wrap which I don't think that they even use them anymore and it's so old that it no longer has the dial so whenever I use it I put a penny in there and my penny is my dial it takes me back to my youth when I had a 1985 Honda Civic hatchback DX and the radio didn't have any knobs so I had pennies as radio knobs but this is really great it's probably the cheapest option that you're going to have available and you can wrap it around oh it's so nice to wrap around your neck but they don't usually have they don't have them in plastic anymore it's usually going to be a much more comfortable material and it's going to be a lot less rigid than this one so I'll go ahead and leave a link for a nice nicely priced one in the description box that has a nice cover to it that I think that you guys would really like if that's an option for you the next one is one of my new favorites it's a heated electric throw now this one oh it's fluffy it's very very fluffy I typically don't like soft but this one is like super soft and I just have to get used to it but this one is like super hot uh it has a super fast heating action I think it gets up to 140 degrees 140 140 degrees uh and it has an option of a timer so it does one two four six and eight hours I believe so if you fall asleep on it and you've got your timer set for an hour or two uh it'll turn off automatically and you won't have to worry about you know waking up sweating because it really is that hot but this is a really great and it's a nice design too I really I'm really into Grays and whites I'm not sure if you can tell by the background get it raisin whites okay so uh that is number four is a throw and you know I think that all of these would make excellent excellent presents um also so let's go ahead and go to number five all right number five is something that I always talk about and that is my heated mattress pad so what I do with the heated mattress pad it is one thing I like about them is instead of it being a blanket on the top it's the the mattress pad on the bottom and the blankets are on top and you got to remember heat rises so if it's a mattress pad it's rising up to the blankets instead of it being a blanket and Rising above the blankets and heating the air above it so this one Heats more inside the bed as opposed to on top of the bed so I turn it on about an hour before bedtime and then I will take the covers and pull them down on one side and then the dogs know that it's almost time to go to bed so they'll come up and they'll they'll get in their little ball on the side that whatever side I pulled the blankets down on and they'll fall asleep and then I know I get whatever other side of the bed that they are not on uh but this thing works out great and I have used them for I don't know how many years and I'm sure that somebody said second cousin's baby sister and Uncle burned down their house by having an electric blanket in 1950 but technology is a lot better than it used to be and personally I've never heard of anybody burning down their house using an electric blanket especially if they're using their electric blanket while they're actually in bed as opposed to turning on the electric blanket and leaving which you should never do you should never have any Electronics on at your house when you're not there it's just like burning a candle but I will go ahead and leave all the links down in the description box below and you guys can check out the products for yourself but I highly recommend all of them if you are looking to save money keep warm and not have to turn on your heater to your entire house just because you yourself are cold all right folks that is what I've got for you today I really hope that this video has helped if you have any tips and tricks leave them down in the description box below and I almost forgot I have two more things I almost forgot oh my dog nipped me this morning on accident she got me pretty good two other things one if you have an empty empty laundry bottle go ahead and fill that laundry bottle with hot water and if you're wearing a robe put it under your robe wrap it up and just hug the bottle just hug it and it's going to keep your Center nice and warm and you won't have to hopefully turn on the heat another thing that you can do is if if you can't afford to heat your hot water or your hot water heater you can't afford to heat your water heater one thing you can do and I know that this place is a mess this is the before picture we all know that I'm going through home renovations if you're cooking in your oven and you're cooking a chicken or you're baking cookies uh fill up a pot that has the capabilities that you can use it in an oven fill it up with hot with water to get it hot and then once the water is hot but not hot enough to burn your skin disclaimer use common sense you can soak your feet in it and when you're soaking your feet in hot water it really does warm up your entire body and since you were using the oven anyway it's absolutely no additional cost to you all right there you go folks I hope this video has been helpful do what you can with what you've got prep a princess out amazing wow wow what getting the degrees foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 140,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Saving money on electricity, finance, budget
Id: XiBTDibY3iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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