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you're trying too hard you're not trying hard enough once you stop looking they'll just fall in your lap there's plenty of fish in the sea oh come on don't don't let it get you down you're gonna find somebody there's somebody out there for you uh-huh all right everybody I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you are interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below here is a comedic yet true video for you let's get to it there are eight billion people in this world and per a news Gallup poll about 7.2 percent of adults are gay or lesbian bringing the pot down to 576 million of those 576 million 53 are already married bringing the total available down to 270 million of those 270 million about 49.7 percent are women bringing the number all the way down to 134 000 of those 134 000 people 80 of them are either living paycheck to paycheck or they are in debt as a Frugal millionaire that is not going to fly with me so that brings my eligibility down to 26 million of those 26 million people in the entire world left only 12 percent of the United States live in California however that is the statistic in the United States not the entire world California only holds about four percent of the world's population so that brings my number from 26 million in the world down to about 1 million people in my state that are gay or lesbian of those gays and lesbians you have to remember that half of them are men and half of them are women of the gay people so our number goes down yet again to 500 000. now my County only holds 0.17 percent of the state of California's population the that brings that number down yet again to 3400 people now let's get into a simple thing my age I am middle aged and prefer someone my own age that is around 40. so let's go with about age 37 to 43. that's a simple three-year difference in either direction now it was really difficult to narrow down the age ranges because the statistics that I was reading range between ages 15 and 64. but my best calculation is taking ages 15 to 64 indicating that there are 49 years in between those ages even though it's not likely fully accurate taking the fact that 65 of the population is between those 49 years the separation I simply spread the years out evenly to 0.75 per year I have six years within my age range leaving a number of 4.52 percent take the previous number of 3400 and divide it by 4.52 percent I am left with 153 options okay great 153 options let's go a little bit deeper over some of the simple deal breakers when it comes to a partner drinking and drugs I do not drink I do not do drugs and I will simply not be in a relationship with anyone that does them drug abusestatistics.org indicates that 13.5 percent of Americans are drug and alcohol dependent that takes my 153 people down to 132. okay did you think that we were done because we are not definitely not per the cdc.gov website 12.1 percent of people have serious mobility issues 12.8 percent of people have serious cognitive disabilities 7.2 percent of people have difficulty with independent living and 6.1 percent have hearing loss 4.8 percent have vision problems or blindness and 3.6 percent have self-care difficulty which are things such as bathing or dressing themselves I personally am fully functional and I am a sane adult that wants to be able to spend my life with a partner that can ride my e-bikes walk hike bike and bathe themselves and hear our conversations that now brings my number down to approximately 70 potential Partners but wait we're not done only about 37 percent of female lesbians identify is feminine my personal preference is feminine because if I wanted to be with a man I would just go out and get one that brings the number down to 25. we are already to a number that most people often associate and brag is their current body count while they're still in their early 20s another simple deal breaker for me is belief in God about 10 percent of the people of the entire population do not believe in God that's in the United States and that is a big No-No for this girl bringing the number down to 22. of 8 billion people in the world only 22 people would fit the bill to even get a first date with me I'm not talking about super high standards here I did not even mention Health style and fashion political views children attitude and behavior manners mannerisms family shared interests sexual compatibility or at attraction to each other these are just very simple things that are required to be a decent human being to be a lesbian don't be crazy don't drink or do drugs be financially literate and be physically capable of taking care of yourself my guess is that my odds are pretty much zero of finding someone suitable to share my life with if you are a middle-aged lesbian and you gave up the best years of your life when you were at your Peak to someone that was not worth your time chances are that we are in the same boat with almost no viable prospects all that being said I think you're really cute do you want to go out sometime funny not funny all right everybody that was a little bit of tongue-in-cheek but at the same time the statistics are actually true it's it's kind of a sad Prospect and don't forget the people that look at middle-aged women as emotionally damaged or carrying baggage um you know people who sleep around you know all this other stuff and you know I think that you have to really take into consideration that there are so few seen people left there's nobody who deals with logic there's nobody who like is going to meet very simple qualifications and those are just like don't do drugs don't drink be normal you know just be normal and then we can have a great life together can't even find that can't even find that as a middle-aged lesbian now I would love to say don't give up hope and and you know all of this really crazy stuff but um at this point uh after dating for a while um I've pretty much given up hope uh because everybody's crazy and um women are kind of crazy but I love you all and do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out what get them Nola get a rocky you guys are so silly you guys are so silly my puppies are so silly they got into a real fight the other day over treats see the show them your chin see that that's from you and Nala fighting and you she got it on the head she had a little red mark on her head is it still there no it's not there no more it's not there no more look at these scary eyes so scary [Music] hmm
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 46,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lesbian, dying alone, staying single, single life
Id: rOqv3ydE77M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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