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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you're interested in purchasing one of my books I will go ahead and leave the link down in the description box below today I want to talk about is prepper princess still even a prepper I guess I'm one of the original ogs of the prepping Community I was here seven years ago and believe it or not this channel started as as a money-saving channel and I was getting no traffic zero traffic started as a money saving Channel I made probably 10 videos and then I talked about like your neighbors during a collapse and it got like 17 000 views and I was like oh my gosh this is crazy people are actually watching and listening to me I got my very first YouTube check that was back when the back when the the requirements to get paid on YouTube were much much lower you didn't have to have a certain amount of hours or subscribers you just needed content so I was pushing out the content I got my first check for 700 but it was like three or four months worth of YouTube because um back then I didn't I I didn't know how AdSense worked so I didn't know that I had to do a certain certain steps and then I finally went went through that step I got my first check for 700 and let me tell you something I needed that money so bad I talk about money on this channel and how I um have invested since I was 18. there are poor people and rich people in in a ton of poor people always ask me why don't you just take money out of your savings to pay for your your uh remodel in your kitchen or why don't you just do this to do that and take money out of here and do that I don't think you all understand that my retirement accounts my 401k my Roth IRAs and my brokerage account once the money is in there it is no longer mine I do not consider it mine until I can no longer work because I am a workaholic so that's a huge difference between the rich and the poor it is no longer my money now back then I was working a ten dollar an hour job and I had a dog my Simba who I can't even talk about to this day without crying so I'm gonna keep this part brief was going through medical issues and I could not afford the vet bill even with a paid off house her vet bills were amounting to probably two thousand dollars a month and I had to start doing YouTube in order to pay for her her health care her vet bills her medications her tests and she uh ultimately ended up dying of Cushing's Disease and that's all I can can say about that before I start getting emotional so that's okay I got Nala she's The Reincarnation of Simba oh so it started off as a money-saving Channel with nobody watching and then I moved into prepping briefly for probably a couple years and um I've always after my house was paid off there was just sort of this progression into prepping it's like okay well I've got that taken care of I've got my retirement hopefully taken care of and then what's next so it's like okay start prepping I spent thousands over time you know 100 a month or something but I in back then food was a lot cheaper but I spent thousands of dollars on freeze-dried food and I couldn't afford a solar generator or a Sun Oven couldn't afford any of that I built my own Sun Oven out of wood and like tin foil and stuff like that just so I would have something in case the world collapsed because um it just that's what naturally went on in my head is that the World's Gonna collapse because I grew up in poverty and I was going through poverty at that time if that makes sense so I grew up not poverty lower middle income so and people talk about my old house in Livermore California which is now worth a million dollars it's a million dollar home but back in 1985 when we moved there nobody knew where Livermore was it was a Cow Town it was literally just Farms um but it has gentrified and gotten huge and it's part of the Bay Area now and remember 1985 internet wasn't a thing so there was no Silicon Valley there was just San Francisco and at the time it was mostly banking stuff so um so I I naturally progressed into prepping so I spent thousands of dollars on on on freeze-dried food and then I started I I remember begging this one company it was a solar tube a solar cooking tube it was like just a tube it wasn't a uh a solar oven or a solar cooker and I I begged this company I was like look I've got like 40 000 subscribers could you please please please send me one of these it was like a 69 Sun Oven or solar tube they're like yeah we'll send you one I was like yes and and they sent me one I was like now I have something to cook with after the collapse yay uh never thought of uh anything else I was just like yes and then I was like okay well you know I don't and then I hit like 60 000 subscribers and I was like there's no way anybody's gonna send me like uh a generator so I called up Champion uh gas generators and they sent me one and I was like oh my gosh people are asking actually giving me stuff that I would have never been able to afford uh if I were not on YouTube there's there's no way I would have been able to afford it and your your mind you you know as you get older you get wiser you start learning new things and all this stuff and now you know I'm on YouTube almost through you know around 300 000 subscribers and I can just call a company and they'll give it to me and trust me I do not take that for granted I mean I've got oh god I've probably got 10 or probably 10 10 solar generators in the shed and I can and my house came with solar I so I don't need them unless the electricity goes out which it hasn't yet and um and I am in a really really great great place right now but I stopped the prepping talking about the prepping because it just brought negativity into my life it brought the anxious people it brought the uh doomsdayers the doomsayers the threateners it brought people showing up to my house people started calling me and texting me it just pretty much turned into a whole bunch of lack of privacy and stalking from these people who are already mentally unstable and have anxiety issues because that's what the prepping Community is and you want to be justified in your thought process so you go onto YouTube and you seek out these places that justify your way of thinking about the apocalypse or some people out there actually want the apocalypse to happen so because they're not making it in the real world and they think that somehow in a a dystopian desolate future they would somehow become Kings of the earth and they'd be okay or they just want everyone else to suffer as bad as they have suffered throughout their lives because they consider consider themselves victims so I wanted to get away from that but am I still a prepper well let me tell you I've got 10 solar generators I've got 10 e-bikes and I've lost count of how many are on the way I've got communication I am within a walking distance to a river that has been there for thousands of years so I don't need water catchment I can just walk down to the river and I think that I am I am and I S I have food but the freeze-dried food oh my gosh you guys seriously I have tried Thrive Augustine Farms Mountain House I I've tried pretty much every major brand out there that you can think of and I am not a picky eater I'm not a picky eater I'll I have literally eaten like a roadkill like somebody found some roadkill a butcher a friend of mine found some roadkill cooked it up and I ate it it was good good stuff I've eaten snake for breakfast I've eaten bats like I I have eaten crazy I've eaten uh cockroach chips is it cockroach no grasshopper uh whatever those chip protein their protein chips made out of out of like grasshopper protein or something I don't know I've eaten some crazy stuff and I'm not picky you know I think that if somebody offers you you food it's it's um what's the word it's an insult not to accept it um but that food that freeze-dried food everything I tasted was inedible I couldn't eat it it just tasted like I was chewing on salt it was horrible Backpackers Pantry oh my God you you can't eat that stuff I'm telling you so if you and some people are out there are like I've tried freeze-dried food it's delicious I'm like can you cook like rice like seriously it's horrible I and I ended up giving it all away because I'm like in an apocalypse I would rather die than eat this this is that bad um so I stopped doing any sort of uh promotions of those products the 72-hour emergency kits and stuff like that and and my I changed my my food preparedness from freeze-dried food that you just you set it and forget it just in case there's an emergency to a rotating stock and people assume that because I got rid of all my freeze-dried food that I'm not a prepper anymore no I'm I still have six months worth of food with the freeze dried I probably had two or two years I think I had two years worth of food for I think it was six people which was a lot but I would much rather now I I'm I live alone and I live too far away from my family to worry about them I'm still close enough driving distance I go there in a day and I come home but um I'm not worried about my family anymore it's up to them it's up to them to take care of themselves if they come here I'll take care of them if they pull their own weight but they got to pull their own weight you got to get your own food you got to go fishing with me you gotta collect water you gotta boil it you got to do laundry you got to clean that sort of thing pull your own weight that's all you got to do but um not with I'm not doing the freeze-dried food anymore no way no way and I actually regret I've greatly regret spending so much money on that freeze-dried food when it comes to when it comes to talking about products on my channel the solar generators and the e-bikes those are things that like knowing what I know now okay like back then I didn't I didn't know anything about them now I feel like I'm I'm pretty moderately you know I'm good about I I understand these things so if if I had it let's say I had nothing and I wanted to be prepared I had nothing um I would start with like a super cheap gas generator and just store 10 gallons of gas that would get me through two weeks of keeping my refrigerator cold and watching TV I'm a TV person that's where I'd start then I'd say I would save up my money and then I would I would get a solar generator that has a uh that can take in at least 400 watts and discharge at least 2 000 Watts now my personal favorite solar product and I've gone I've probably done 30 reviews 30 or 40. I've gone through like 30 or 40 solar generators my personal favorite is the energy Apex um I have never had a problem with them even when I was in the desert and they Mac they usually max out at 104 degrees it it worked through a storm where we were getting 118 degree temperatures it worked nothing went wrong it is the most reliable it doesn't have the highest output or the highest input of any generator out there but it is the most reliable one I've ever worked with um when it comes to um e-bikes like knowing what I know now I would spend money knowing what I know I would have I would save money even if I were low income I would save money for a solar generator and I would use it a gas generator is okay if you want just for emergencies but I choose a solar generator over a gas generator because I can use it and diminish my electricity bill to the point where that unit pays for itself so I would just plug it and that's what I did I had that thing in Livermore I had it in Arizona and I I had the solar going on the roof and I plugged it into my refrigerator and my T my living room my TV I had the cords going all across you couldn't even tell it you couldn't even tell that my entire living room and my refrigerator were on solar for like two years my my energy bills they had like a 20 charge just for having it but my my solar bills or my electricity bills were like only like 30 or 40 dollars because most of it was used through the solar generator so it paid for itself it and ultimately I gave that to somebody in need because I have generators coming in and out all the time so it's not really a big deal for me and I have solar on my on my roof the house came with it I didn't pay for it but um so solar generators are great to have as backup so I don't need to use the generator in my living room in my fridge right now because it's I already have excess energy from my my solar units and I'm actually going to get a pretty darn big check probably about 700 from PG e um because I use less than I make I use less than I produce in solar um but again if I were if even if I were on a low income even if I were only making a thousand dollars a month I would find a way to save up for a solar generator same thing with e-bikes so if if there's ever a collapse you need Transportation you need you need electricity transportation and communication those are the three major things because you can get into first aid and stuff like that but without if if you need an appendix removed you know you can't do that with a first aid kit at home I mean I wouldn't so you need communication to get help if if something big happens but electricity Transportation communication those are the big things so if you have a if you have a solar array on your house with backup power and you can power your Tesla awesome good for you um yeah I'm I'm not going to buy a car with that much technology until it becomes completely driverless and I can just take a nap in the back seat and it runs completely on solar that's the next new car I will buy but until that happens I'm gonna stick with my 98 Camry but anyway so backup Transportation e-bikes go to you can get Class 2 or class three they go about 20 or they go about 30 miles per hour now you can deck these things out with front and back baskets so that if you are going foraging you know picking berries or apples or tomatoes or you know Cattails whatever it is that you're picking because Cattails do taste like celery at the bottom anyway so if you're if you're out there you need something to carry it because and if you have a electric bike you can carry a lot more same thing with water so not a lot of people have the space to store water on their property but people like me I live I have always lived within 10 miles of a lake stream or river so in Livermore I lived by Lake Del Val in Arizona I lived a quarter mile from the Colorado River here uh where I live now I'm about three miles from the Sacramento River so I need to be near a water source but I need transportation to fill up my buckets of water every day and then I can come in put it into a 50 gallon barrel and then you know make that last for a week after I've boiled it but yes I believe that even if I were poor and on a limited income I would have an e-bike now I'm not telling you which one yet because um I've got a whole bunch of them and I'm going to make a video on my two favorite and my two least favorite e-bikes once I have like a certain amount of e-bikes I think I said 10 or 12 I don't know I have like 90 I don't I have to go out in there and count I've lost count honestly but I do want to do a comparison on my favorite e-bikes but you already know that the energy Apex out of all of the solar generators that I have done reviews on they are the most reliable easiest to use never broke down on me got me through a storm blah blah blah blah and then e-bikes okay that's important also what is important is a way to cook so you can do it on an open flame right now I don't have a barbecue so I use a um a little bonfire thing it's like a decorative bonfire but it has a grill on top so I collect wood while I when I go on my walks in my hikes with my dogs I just collect wood into a backpack I throw it in a pile on the side of the house and then when it comes time to cook something I just put it in that little bonfire thing I stick the grill the grate on top and I cook by fire in fact I have stuff in my fridge right now I made some pork ribs and I've got five days worth of pork ribs that I cooked on an open fire outside but there's also um the solar oven the All-American solar oven I have one of those I believe that they are overpriced for what they are but in a all-out collapse where you have to wait three to five years to get help because that's how long it would take to get new Transformers if the electricity went out three to five years because they're made in South Korea China and Germany so you have to be prepared for three to five years that's what you'll need in order for the electricity to come back on in a worst case scenario but that would be the the fire would be my first alternative form of transportation I would use the solar in order to power my food dehydrator I'd be dehydrating a lot of food making a lot of jerky doing a lot of fishing um and that's an option but I again I think that they are overpriced but they are the best and sometimes you get what you pay for um and when I do my e-bike review you'll actually be surprised at one of the cheapest ones is one of my favorites and and one of the more expensive ones anyway and then when it comes to my least favorite the most expensive one is my least favorite we'll get to that but anyway um so if I weren't a low income and I really wanted to be a prepper I would and it's pretty much what I do now um and if I were on a low income I would have a solar generator I would have an e-bike and I would have an alternative form of cooking so if you can't do it on an open fire you don't want you don't have the money for a solar oven you can buy a single burner that works on propane or butane whatever um and those are about I think a camping one is like thirty dollars and then the propane will probably set you back seven bucks a canister but for me um when I was living in Arizona I didn't have the gas turned on forever because I didn't want it to be turned on until my kitchen was finished and then I finished my kitchen and I was perfectly happy using my sun oven and my my single burner my propane burner and I didn't want to waste the propane so like I didn't have uh the gas turned on in my house for like a year and three months because I simply didn't use it I just used that single propane burner and it was actually very easy to use but um those little canisters are like six or seven dollars it's been a while since I've bought them and I found a lot at the beach so I have a ton of canisters and I still have my propane burner but gas is turned on in this house but that is an option so you need a way to cook and you can do that for free with an open flame as long as you're you know you've got it in a burn barrel or something that is designated for the earnings so yes so am I still a prepper yes I am but I don't talk about it as much and also with the crazy stuff that goes on on YouTube I don't know I don't want people to know everything that I have I think that that's that's uh actually getting dangerous because people do have a people want to flex they want to brag about all the cool stuff that they have they really do and that's just a normal part of nature like you want you want people to understand like um I have more than you and it goes back into our DNA where the weakest link is always the one first one to be uh taken by the predator and the one who has the most does not consider themselves the weakest link they are the Apex and then the Predator will not go after them that's just a part of life that's in our DNA but from me I do have self-confidence and I don't really have to I don't have to prove it I have nothing to prove to anyone nothing I I don't have to prove anything to anyone on YouTube um so I think that it's best not to show what I have um because a lot of the world is becoming unhinged and there's a lot of mental illness out there a lot of mental illness out there and I don't need people uh showing up to my house again um wanting to meet my dogs or waking me up from a nap or asking for a selfie so um I think it's a good idea to keep those things under wraps but yes I am still a prepper I have solar I have solar backup I have water and water filtration I have Alternative forms of transportation that go 30 miles per hour I think one of them actually goes 32 miles per hour I have a rotating food stock I have a way to cook my food and I am currently growing a garden um a non -work Garden a lazy garden stuff that you plant and you leave it alone you plant you water it until it is mature and then you just leave it alone you don't have to do anything and it just grows food for you so those are the things that I have as a prepper I'm also a very good Fisher and a very good forager those are my my major skills in a collapse would be foraging fishing and making a house a home it'll be warm in the winter it'll be cool in the summer I find ways to make that happen and I think that as a woman and as a prepper those things and and yes I do believe that men are awesome and I think that men should be part of any group and if the man wants to go out and hunt and fish and forage and kill something and drag it drag it back home it is a woman's job to make the home to make the house a home to make it comfortable to um support to provide support and I think that that is very undervalued in this day and age providing support for those that are part of a group and take care of each other all right folks that is what I've got for today yes I'm still a prepper even though I don't talk about it very much do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 41,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prepping, SHTF, power outage
Id: k2DZ8ml8z1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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