How to install Midea U Window Air Conditioner

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remote over there actually this whole piece oh that's I think further if you have a flop now that's what the black foam yeah well no there was something else with it yes all right someone's hairs on it no but peace oh yeah no he's got to stay here but this bee stinging come out before here tape there I'll do that once we're getting it all out [Music] ah here's a deal it's oh yeah r32 good yeah the new refrigerant alright so I have taken everything out of the packaging here is the unit I'm not trying to show the tag there because it's got my address on it but here's the idea window air conditioner here's all the information about this one I got the 8,000 BTU and it's also got smart feature all this it's or anything on the back worth showing oh yeah this estimated yearly energy cost is 39 combined energy efficiency ratios 15 there's no model back model [Music] plus I got one year warranty that I'm definitely gonna do it's all right in here all the books and stuff and here the phone box you put on the side so that way you can still see off a little gap that's under the window bolts stuff bracket here's the remote [Applause] [Music] here's the remote [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you see how this goes hot it's pretty easy and going one more he went going home you know that's probably fine merit that cuz we'll just probably screw alright oh wait upside down down from here right this and I'm like that's good enough yeah that's about level oh I would do that way I thought whether it keeps that and keeps that uncovered [Music] [Music] got that schooling and that one and then we have to stop because it started raining all right so this is just a quick little update video doing the install as you probably hear this thunder and it's raining pretty bad now we got the bracket in some bibles we're probably gonna get it hurts rain starting to calm down so we'll probably start installing the unit again so yeah we got the one screw there I already mentioned that so I'm not gonna bother saying it again but rain staff like calming down both units all right just in case my camera didn't pick it up earlier I put it on too and pretty sturdy like I'm leaning completely on this right now and it stays we screwed it in once over here can't rice crude and over here on this side though but it's there it's for the most part centered as well we didn't pay too much attention to actually keeping it Center just won't care whether it's Center or not but we got it as close to centered on accident kind of it's a really old stick back too [Music] Reince definitely start to calm down got blue skies over there a little like that's dark right now but I think like our biggest storms are over with the pro start installing me in it again very soon this use the window these are also supposed to be pulled down all right so we have installed the tilt bracket here so it won't really tilt got that one in the other one now we're gonna measure the foam block that goes from here to here and set it there and then we can close the window a little bit but first we're gonna get these pieces out here to that middle piece right here and then it'll basically be installed it's about installed now for him that he's grabbing the tape measure and we're gonna measure from here to here [Music] help you home all the way okay jump Gordon you're just in case it would be late huh yeah press the reset button which is oh thanks load it up okay did you [Music] it's cold but for some reason the fans make enough time yeah that's true this is also on auto so it's probably on high because of how hot it is in here what's the temperature in here 77 okay alright so in the book it says the turnout all the way down I let the room cool off first so that's what I'm doing and I got this on swing so there's you know moving around better and I decided to pull out my screen on my window and actually hear it and it's pretty quiet here I get to the other side I'm gonna see if I can get a better shot from there we go that's where the compressor actually is on the other side of there probably best shot I'm gonna be able to get here's the walk there I'm not gonna bother putting them out because there's not enough room for me to great open it that's the gap in between the unit in the window it's like inch has space right there's the board to like behind that little plate there that's actually part of it right there I think but it's also isolated off I already got a bug friend trying to find your way in you're not gonna get there though sir this hole here app just slipped off oh my god was hot hold on I have a sweaty this thing right here so it looks like it's about 49 degrees probably yeah we'll say it's blown about 49 degrees that's pretty cold I mean this thing we're gonna do a better install because like I didn't do that great well insulation installs great but I just didn't quite we want to get different stuff because this is gonna be more of a permanent install kind of thing so we kind of just wanted to do something now and then later on actually install something much much better so that's what we're doing but it's gonna be definitely a much much better installation but let's see what's the temperature in here it's probably 70 in my room it was 77 when I first turned it on and I only had it on 72 I didn't realize that we were supposed to turn this on until I started reading through the book but I do also have ego on I'm probably gonna leave that on forever I may do a few videos with her off but most the time it'll be
Channel: HVAC Adventures
Views: 100,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midea U, Midea Window Unit, Midea U AC Unit, Midea U AC, Midea Air Conditioner, Midea U window air conditioner, Midea Window air conditioner, Midea U Install, How to install Midea U, How to install window ac, how to install window ac unit, Midea U shaped window ac, midea air conditioner, midea window ac, midea u ac, midea ac, cheap ac unit, best window ac 2020, best window air conditioner 2020, energy efficient, u shape ac, midea u shaped ac, midea unicon, unicon, midea
Id: hUZdTvmiX2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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