Midea U Shaped Window Air Conditioner 12,000 BTU Review

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what's going on youtube i'm making a review video of the medea u-shaped window air conditioner this is the 12 000 btu unit they offer it in a 10 000 and an 8 000. i went with 12 000 because i'm cooling down the entire first floor of my house which i didn't realize i was going to be able to do which is kind of why i'm making this video because i don't usually make review videos i've never been that impressed by a product to where i had to take a video and post it and show the world but this impressed me so much i was like i gotta post this and let people know about this because this thing is innovative and just hits all the marks as far as window units go so the first thing if you're familiar with window ac units at all the fact that i'm standing just a few feet away from one and talking at a normal tone is amazing because them things are loud and this is not loud and the reason why it's not loud is because partially because you have this design this awesome design this u-shaped design allows you to close your window between the condenser and the air handler if anybody's familiar with hvac at all if you know what a mini split system is that is pretty much what this is you have your um in a traditional mini split system you have your condenser would be like outside on the ground and then you'd have a line set running to an air handler you know mounted up on your wall or something like that but in this case it's a mini split pretty much they don't market it as a mini split but that's pretty much what this is except your unit your air handling unit and your condensing unit are connected right underneath the window and when you close the window like this it does so many things it makes it look better for one for two it minimizes the amount the potential of airflow or bugs or whatever getting through so it increases the efficiency of it a ton and thirdly and most importantly it completely removes the noise of the condenser motor you can't even hear the thing running all you can hear is the sound of cold air flowing into your house it's it is remarkable um i can't say anything i don't like about it the the cooling capability is when i got home from work i my jaw hit the floor when i walked in the door so my house is a decent sized house i think my first floor if i had to guess maybe a thousand square feet i don't know maybe and on the box for the 12 000 btu unit it says that it has the capability to cool 550 square feet so i'm gonna walk and i'm not lying here into my kitchen which was in addition to this house and stand all the way over here in the corner there's no fans in here no air is running at all and i'm telling you it is just as cooler in here as it is in my living room and that that thing hasn't even been running all day it's only been running for a couple hours into the dining room definitely just as cool and then you come in here definitely the coolest room but uh it's pretty even temperature wise throughout the house and let me show you guys got my other phone here just to show you something we are currently in a heat advisory in monroe county michigan it's 95 degrees outside it was a hundred degrees earlier i think the real feel with the heat index and everything it was like 105. and i have this thing set at 74. and it is 74 in here and it will go lower i just have it at 74 because that's livable to me i know some people out there probably are saying oh my god you got to turn it down to 70. but i'm telling you what when i'm sitting on the couch which is what i'm doing today after work just relaxing when this thing's blowing on you 74 is just fine um yeah i kind of wish i would have made an installation video on it now that i have installed it and enjoy it so much to help you guys out with it more but um the amount of foam the different types of foam they provide you with for this is is awesome not a lot of uh units will do that for you it definitely beats the old-school uh accordion flap type of deal going on this provides so much better protection from the outdoors this is one thing i did have to do because i have old wooden windows in my house i don't think you'll have to do this with vinyl windows you might have to i just might be mistaken here but there's the gap here on my old window when it's partially open like this and it allows some air flow through here so i just had to stuff some of this foam in there for now i'll probably find a different way to do that that looks better but um yeah and the the remote it comes with nice little screen on it it's got a little cool feature you press the swing button here and the louver will move up and down very slowly make like a little draft i'll probably never use that but it's a cool touch if you need it and it is smart compatible so i can turn this on from work i could be 30 minutes away at work and turn this thing on and it'll be cool in here by the time i get home from work 30 minutes away that's what i did today um i don't know how hot it was in my house at the time when i turned it on if i had to guess it was probably about 85 in here and i turned it on 30 minutes before i left for work with it set at 74 and it was 76 when i walked in so it took 30 minutes just guessing that it was 85 to drop down to 76 and then i got home and uh not long later it was down to 74. so yeah the future is here and so is the medea u-shaped mini split i'm gonna call it which isn't actually what it's called but awesome unit uh i think it costed me four hundred dollars for the uh 12 000 btu the 8 000 and 10 000 are cheaper i think they go down in like 50 increments uh if you're just buying for a bedroom you definitely don't need the 12 000 btu you can go with the 8 000 or maybe the 10 000 depending on the size of your room but i'll tell you what they're selling themselves they're selling their selves short with their uh capability on this because the box like i said it said 550 square feet of cooling this thing does my whole first floor with no problems on a 95 degree day so the cat's loving it enjoying himself on his window perch that's another thing i could probably review while i'm here these little window if you got cats they suction cup to your window you put a little blanket on it they love it they're up there all the time anyway get yourself the medea u-shaped window air conditioning unit
Channel: Gabriel Page
Views: 111,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9kGtocHEJOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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