Window AC Unit Install - Midea 12,000 BTU (MAW12HV1CWT)

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all right it's gonna be a video on installing this uh medea 12 000 btu uh window ac unit i got this from costco it's not the u-shaped fancy one it's your your standard uh generic one that sits normally in the window but yeah we're going to use it in our kind of sun room playroom area it's also acts as my home office when i work from home and it just gets a little bit warmer than the rest of the house so here's the uh energy guide info yeah so here's the model number down there i'll make sure to keep that in the uh information for the video just some other details there i want to pause and look at it but i'll i'll try to include a link to the uh the costco site where i bought it i can still find it so again this will just be uh installation and put in that window right there and uh just kind of a quick run through of its features and how we like it okay so here's kind of the unboxing so uh there's a box opened up it came packaged pretty well have this on top uh here's the ac unit i'll take some measurements real quick to make sure you know if you're looking at it you know double check it fits in your window and then this is everything that came on top so it looks like we've got a user manual smart kit stuff registration card a pretty pretty nice looking remote batteries and then the installation kit this uh pretty sure goes around it in the window some some gasketing material to make sure you have a good seal some double-sided tape maybe or some cushioning we'll see what that's for and then a bracket with a couple of screws so i'm not sure if uh you know i'll be required to drill and install this but um you know we'll definitely find out when we go through the uh installation manual and uh just one other thing real quick i saw here is uh you know i live in louisiana so we're not going to use this for heat ever but you know if you're looking to use this for heat you know it's just a quick quick tidbit there it's not not meant to be a main heat source in your home for for all up north so all right we'll get started with the uh installation manual one thing i want to mention before i get started is i you know i think the best thing to do is to follow the instructions line by line i hope if you're installing this that is what you're doing this video should just be you know in addition to that to help you in case you maybe are confused on on some places you know this should show you what i did and hopefully give you a better idea all right there's a unit out of the box i got on this bench so we can uh work with it a little bit easier one thing i want to mention before you get too far along is uh i'm keeping the box trying to keep it in good shape both the top and bottom pieces where you know if we want to take this out during the winter time or anything like that or store it um you know i'm going to hold onto the box from the attic and the styrofoam so that i have a nice safe place to keep it so i just wanted to mention that real quick but um here it is looks like it might have gotten a little beat up and shipping but uh hopefully still works okay so it looks like from the front top side and then the bottom so you can see this channel right here is what's going to sit inside of the window sill doesn't look like it goes all the way across just on either side and i did uh kind of scanning through the instructions um see that those screws that come with it are actually screwing to the top of this to attach a rail so might still have to do some screwing into the window but um but the ones that came with it are for the top here so we'll get started with that all right so first step is just to uh take the top frame rail line it up with the four holes right there going to screw in the four screws uh just with a screwdriver i'm not going to use a power tool you don't want to over torque these and damage anything so just make sure you use a screwdriver for this all right so i'm just screwing these into the first two and i'm just going until it uh gets hard to turn making sure they're nice and snug so this is a pretty critical part of the installation because this is what's gonna really support the whole you know top of the air conditioner from from falling out so make sure you don't overdo it but you know once it gets nice and snug uh you know make sure you keep going until it's tight just don't over tighten it it's easy to turn on the sides here whenever you get there it's nice and flush doesn't want to turn anymore all right next step all right next we're going to install the the rails on either side so these are going to slide out from the ac and kind of block the gap between the unit and the sides of the window uh one interesting thing i keep seeing is that it talks about how um the whole unit kind of when it installs in the window it's going to be at a slant you know kind of like that so that as it makes water and condensation in the back it's going to drip out the back of the window so you can kind of see that here where the rails install hopefully it shows up in the video well but you can see this is kind of level and straight up and down is here but where the window is going to hit the side is kind of at an angle which means that the whole window unit is going to lean backwards so um that's one thing they keep talking about instructions is make sure when you're done that you have a good kind of slant backwards so that all the water and condensation goes out the back not inside of your house but um yeah for these sills it looks pretty easy we'll just pop it into the sides and then slide them onto the window unit so do that now this might be a little hard with one hand but um this is the right one you know it's nice since to the right so if you're looking at the front right side um just test tells you to grab the inside of this panel and grab this uh this kind of t part that's inside so this is all soft here and inside here is a hard plastic kind of a t piece see right there and that basically has to slide into these notches so i'm gonna pull this out and slide that into the notches from the top down and uh do that for both sides okay so here you can see i just uh got it through the first one first and so for the top one first i mean so you can see that hard plastic piece just goes inside of those and slide that down make sure it uh it goes into each one of those clips again hard to do with one hand but uh easy with two all right so there you go that was easy enough so went through one two three and then uh again you just kind of keep this pulled out so that it slides in easy and then once it goes down all the way uh then you can start letting this back in and make sure that it top one goes in this channel here and the bottom one slides into the bottom channel there so now we'll just do the same for the other side the important thing to remember is is you're pulling that the end of this thing out you know past the top and bottom plastic rails so that you can access that uh hard plastic piece there and get it in so that's really the only difficult part about this is make sure you pull it out past the top and bottom rails as you're installing it this is what it looks like when you mess it up i missed the bottom one so got to redo that okay so i'm getting ready now to uh to drop in the window so um here's the window let's open it up as big as i need and then um just make sure i get the power cord in first and i'll pick it up and uh drop it in so basically i'm gonna aim for this piece right here see there's a channel right there i want that to fall into this channel right here the bottom and then the top again this is the top frame support i want this basically the window to drop in and sit inside of here so hopefully i can do that it's pretty heavy i'll see if i can find a weight on it um if i do i'll put it kind of right here in the bottom of the video but i should be able to do it by myself we'll see okay there it is uh just just dropped in just finished putting it in so uh looks looks okay i can tell there's you know definitely some air gaps around here so it's good that they include some uh insulation and stuff to uh clear some of that off but uh you know just looking at it right now looks like i do have a good probably hard to tell in the video but there's a good lean it's uh tilting backwards you know that way like it said it should and um so that's what i was most worried about but dropped in pretty easy so we'll look at what's next to uh i guess probably secure it to the window inside so next step is to uh to lock the um kind of extension on either side in place and uh i was looking for my locks couldn't find them anywhere and they were still in this bag that the uh you know the extensions and everything came in so make sure you don't throw those away so here's that um so i've got a vinyl cloud window so i'll probably do some drilling in order to install these locks inside so i'll go i'll go get my drill and we'll let you know what size drill bit i use one thing i should have done to start off with which i recommend is hey make sure it everything works so you know plug it in and before you start drilling anything and doing anything um that you can't reverse you know make sure you know the unit works whoops take that piece of tape off uh make sure it doesn't make any weird noises or anything so this appears to be working good it's blowing blowing cool air so i'll move forward with drilling holes and adding screws but yeah definitely something you should just double check make sure it powers up before you get too far all right so again i've got the vinyl clad windows that's uh this vinyl piece right here that the window's sitting on so i'm gonna have to use the uh vinyl clad clips these so basically all they do is uh just drop down in here around the front of your window just make sure that it grabs the uh the window louver and these don't really matter i think where they go they're not locking anything left and right i think it's just front to back so i'm just gonna put mine here drill a small hole to the bottom here and then i'll take one of my screws and put it in okay so when i screw this in it actually does uh anchor this left and right you can see once i screwed it in i can't move this around anymore at least a hard plastic part so again it doesn't matter where you drill it but once you screw it in make sure that you're pulling this all the way flush against the side of the window uh you know so hold that against the window then screw it in and then it'll hold the bottom in place from opening up on here there's a lot of daylight right there all right so i did the screw on the right side turn off the ac so you can hear me um this one didn't seem to block it from going left and right so i don't know why i did on the right on the left side but then on the right um but anyways next is the next step is to drill and put a screw through the top frame of the ac unit and so that's uh this one right here so this one will definitely position the air conditioner unit so if you want it you know centered in the window now would be the time to to take some measurements with your tape measure on either side make sure it's centered for my setup you can kind of see my my desk is right here for my home office so i'm gonna shift the unit all the way to the left actually um as much as i can to try to try to clear the uh the desk and make sure enough air blows out of it but um one side once i adjust it where i need it then then i'll drill this top hole in the frame and drive a screw through there because that's what's going to attach the ac unit to the uh to the bottom of the window so i scooch mine over to the left you can see it's compressed here and still kind of stretched on the right side um i lifted the frame the window up a little bit to make it easier to move now that i got it back down uh make sure you push the window down all the way and as soon as that's you know down all the way and snug then you can go ahead and drill that hole and put the screw in to attach the ac unit frame to the window frame okay so that's screwed in and now i'm just going to drill out these two holes on the top of the uh louvers on either side and make sure that's pulled out all the way as far as it goes and then i'll drill that hole to put screws in those two to uh fix these all right so that's all installed down there the last thing it does is uh recommends you install this they call a sash lock uh you can see the picture right there and that's basically meant to go in between the kind of lower part of the window and the upper part so right here and it's supposed to kind of lock you know your window in place so that you can't basically to prevent people from coming from the outside and picking the window up since you can't lock it anymore um i'm kind of scared to do that on this window because i think if i drill these holes i'll probably crack the glass or something so i'll probably just cut a piece of 2x4 or something paint it white and put it you know between this top surface here and the bottom surface of the frame right here to uh to prevent this window from being able to to pick up so if uh if yours makes sense then uh you know this definitely seems like a nicer cleaner version or way of doing that so uh if you were to do that you just drill those holes here and put some screws in okay so with that the last thing is to uh just kind of install some insulation or you know gasketing sealing around there again you know you can see you can see some good amount of daylight right there kind of along the bottom you can see daylight coming in uh you know around the sides a little bit like there so i'm gonna i'm gonna see what the insulation stripping they gave me to see how much uh i can do but the one thing that they do i recommend you do is uh looks like there's some foam seal it came with and that goes in between the spaces between the upper and lower windows sash as they call it so that would be like again here's where your window locks are you know normal windows like that uh to stuff it in between that gap so uh i'm gonna see what it came with and cut a strip to put in between this gap right here where uh i guess a lot of air can come in and out easily so i'll do that first and then uh look at insulating around here i just want to show the insulation it comes with so here's one piece that's like a double-sided foam or i'm sorry not double-sided but it's sticky on one side so you can kind of tape it to stuff and then there's another piece that's kind of thicker but doesn't have sticky tape and here's two kind of really dense pieces that uh you can pull off and and i think there's yeah they're sticky on the back side so not clear what goes where they don't really tell you so i guess i don't use this thick stuff to try to put in between the two different uh window sections so i got the thicker stuff that doesn't have the tape and i actually did it from the outside in um because i didn't want bugs getting up under here and in between the two panes of glass and like spiders building web and stuff so i know from the outside hopefully keep some bugs out and i just tore it with my hands and stuffed it in there with my fingers so we'll see where else i can shove some of this foam so whatever's left of this uh non-sticky thick stuff i'm gonna shove up under here uh on the bottom i'm going to try to push inside of these rails on either side too to get some extra blockage so see if i can get that to work and then i'm going to install it so it's uh taller to try to fill that gap i guess with this stuff i'm just going to trim it with some scissors and uh you know just kind of find random gaps i'll probably put some in there and maybe stack some up and shove it in there so i'll do that next with this all right so i ended up coming back on the inside to do uh some of the sticky insulation tape basically unscrewed uh the top and bottom of this uh sliding piece uh pushed it in and then stuck this you know on the inside a wall did that on the other side and then uh pushed it back out and screwed it back in so i've got a insulation there then i used some of this white stuff with the tape and kind of taped it around the uh onto the ac unit in a few spots where i could see light showing through so do a little bit of that there same thing around here stuff some of the [Music] uh insulation in there but again you can still see some light uh previously when we had a window unit i took an old um like a styrofoam ice chest you get from the gas station and cut out panels and put them here as well so i'll probably do that later on you know cut a piece to fit here another piece to fit over there but for now i think this will do good so with that it is installed plugged in um like i said make sure you find a way to lock your window if you want i'll probably do a piece of 2x4 that's what we did last time we had a window unit but um yeah with that it blows cold works good i'll probably do a separate video on uh you know features and how we like it and and things like that once we use it for a few weeks but uh but from now hey it blows really cold um it's got a cool remote control and uh and i installed pretty easily so hopefully this was helpful um and i'll drop a link in the info below once i upload another video on the you know features and and maybe a review after you've used it for a few months maybe a couple of weeks thanks for watching you
Channel: fiveohmxco
Views: 63,635
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Id: jlVEgg63tiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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