The COLDEST And QUIETEST AC Unit Ever Made! Still Use Your Window!

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in this video I'm going be showing a very close look at and also the steps to installing what many are touting as the closest you can get to the efficiency of a mini split system in a window AC unit it is supposed to be ultra quiet and is also supposed to allow you to continue using your window just like you would if there was no AC unit there so we're going to cover all of that and then we're going to do some testing at the end just to see how well it actually does work so let's go ahead and Jump Right In All right so really quickly let's just go over the features that is being adverted on this box this is a Meda AC unit it is a 12,000 BTU unit they do make units that are smaller than this but at this size you can expect for it to be able to cover up to 550 Square ft if we look down here to the bottom left you'll see where it says ultra quiet operation as low as 32 DB It also says that you can have your window free and what they mean by that is if we look at this diagram right here you will see that the unit has a u shape to it that is for the window to be able to go up and down in that u channel right there whereas with most other AC units you're not able to do that at all once the unit is in place that window cannot just be going up and down it needs to stay exactly where it is now for me the big one is inverter technology this is going to kind of go back to the ultra quiet operation this is part of the reason why it should be extra quiet with inverter technology it's just more efficient it's going to blow colder and not use as much power now the first thing we want to do obviously is we need to take the screen out of the window because the unit has to go through it so I've already done that so now all I need to do is take my support bracket put it through the window set it down so just for the sake of the length of this video I kind of cheated and dry fit mine prior to showing you how this works but you've got these two bars on each side that are easily adjustable just by pushing in these pins and then adjusting them into into each of the individual holes depending on how wide your window is you want it extending all the way out to where it's either touching or getting very close to touching both sides of the window opening on this side of the window now the key is we want the middle part of this bracket in the middle of the window sill now I'm going to take a 1/8 in drill bit I'm going to drill out pilot holes on each side of these brackets and then after those pilot holes are drilled then I'm to insert some half2 in screws that are supplied in the kit now I'm able to just put these two screws in on each end because I have this lip here on my window sill if you do not have a lip and it's just going straight down to the seill the bottom of the window is just flat down there then that's where you can use these holes that are in this support arm on each side and put a screw down in it and a screw down in this side and then that's what's going to secure this in place if again you don't have a lip at the bottom of your window now here on the outside of the house this is where we want to get our angle supports and make sure that this is all adjusted properly to where those angle supports the footing is up against the side of the house there and they can be easily adjusted just by removing this pin and sliding those arms in the track now ultimately where we want to get with these is we want this to be slightly unlevel but we actually want it sloping down down a little bit out and away from the house so that way the condensation can easily drain out of the unit and then down onto the ground now I've already got mine adjusted but I'll put my level on here so you can see exactly where we want it to be and as you can see on this level right here the bubble is just barely across the line that is going towards the house that means we do have that slightly downward slope going out to where we should get good drainage out of the unit and now this is where I can pick up my AC unit and put it out and on onto that mounting bracket now these can be pretty heavy so it would always be best if you've got a second person that can give you a hand that just kind of put this in place and so once we've got this pretty much all centered up that's when we want to take our window just make sure it's able to fit down in that U shape there's not going to be any impedance at all and so that's one of the really cool factors of this AC unit is that the window does go down inside of the unit there is going to be a gap here which we're going to fill with foam in a little bit but you don't lose the use of your window so obviously now I can just open it up if I want to all right so now that we've got the AC unit positioned where it needs to be now we need to actually anchor it down to this track so that the AC unit can't just move or even fall out and we're going to do that by using this bracket right here and the way this works is this bracket will get anchored down into the track here and then anchored into the side of this AC unit and of course all the screws are included in the kit and I'm going to have to do this on both sides now you can use a traditional or manual screw screwdriver in order to do this but I personally prefer to use an electric screwdriver it just makes the job a whole lot faster and a whole lot easier so I would strongly recommend getting one not just for this project but for future projects and like always I'll have links for that screwdriver along with the AC unit and all of the other tools and materials that you'll see in this video I'll have links for all of it down in the description down below when you click on those links it will take you directly to them and you can check them all out for yourself all right so now that my AC unit is anchored now I need to take some of the foam that's provided and fill this Gap here so I need to get a measurement from inside of this arm here to this other side and I'll also need to do it on the other side as well so all I'm going to do is my measurement was 7 and 3/4 now according to the instructions you want to add a/4 inch to your measurement so if it was 7 and 3/4 if we add a/4 of an inch to that that makes it 8 in and I'll just do the same on this block up here as well then I'll take a square just so I can get a nice straight line all the way down and so now I need to cut these down to size so I always recommend having a really sharp razor blade around I like to use these retractable razor knives this is a pretty big block of foam so we want it to be fairly long in order to make our cut all the way through all right so I'm just going to take this arm right here which is where the foam is going to get inserted into just going to put it in the up position slightly till I push that foam all the way in and then once it's in place I can shove that foam down into the track want make sure it's down all the way at the bottom just going to take that other piece do the exact same thing that I did on the first side insert that foam into that arm and then wedge it down in between the AC unit and the side of the window and push it all the way down make sure we got a nice seal all right so what I was Finding when I was letting the window down is the window was not able to come all the way down and create a good seal down here in this channel this was not up high enough so I ended up having to put some additional foam down here at the bottom they include this in the kit it can just be added at the bottom to make this taller so if it's not up high enough you're going to have to add some of that foam down there at the bottom to bring it up a little bit all right so now to finish securing this unit into the window here you'll see this track right here well there's one on both sides and once I remove that screw right there this is going to extend out and it's going to go all the way into the side of the window sill here and then once I've got it extended all the way out I'll reinsert the screw which will then hold this track in place so by the time we're done with this if you want to take this window unit you're going to have to take the whole window with you all right so now that everything's attached and locked into place now I can let the window down inside of the unit now obviously since the window is slightly raised we're no longer going to be able to use our locks anymore so one thing that media did that's really really smart since you can't lock the window anymore is on each side there are these little integrated window locks and all you got to do is pull that out and then once the window is pushed down once it's pushed down and these are extended out the window will not be able to pull up anymore the lip that's on the inside portion of the majority of Windows is going to get caught on that and you're not just going to be able to pull this up now this is plastic and it could be broken if somebody wanted to get in badly enough but I will say I have tried with these extended and the window down and you would just really really really want to get in in order to break these off all right so the last place that we need to seal up and make sure air can't come in or go out is we need to put some foam up here at the top all right so now everything is installed it is plugged in now all I need to do is turn the unit on so we can get a deciel reading just so we can tell just how loud or how quiet this unit actually is and then after that I'll take a temperature reading to see just how cold the air is that is coming out of this unit so I'm just going to go ahead and push the onoff button that is on the unit the door is now opening up to allow that cold air out all right so here we are we're about 5 ft away from the unit now I've got my decel meter here and now we're going to take a reading just to see how loud this unit actually is so as you can see we're averaging around 49 DB that is incredibly incredibly quiet for an AC unit and that is with all the settings all maxed out so this is as loud as it's going to get at about 5 ft away I personally have never heard a window AC unit that is nearly this quiet all right so overall I'm super impressed with how quiet this is but let's see how cold the air is that's actually coming out of this vent right here and if you look right over here to the right I've got a thermometer set up and it's currently reading 48.7 de F and I will just tell you for me personally that's about 7 to 8° colder than the air that comes out of my vents that are connected to my Central AC in the house I can totally see it cooling down a 500 ft 600t room very very quickly and now it's actually below 48 and it's at 47.7 so we dropped the degree just in the time I've been talking to you and as I mentioned earlier it also comes with this remote control it has all of the buttons and features on it that you will need in order to totally control the unit it also has an analog display up here that clearly tells you what the temperature is set to what the fans speed is and also what modee it is in in addition to that and what I use the most is the app because the app has a ton of information in it that's very useful and also can control everything about this unit it communicates with the unit through your Wi-Fi and it's able to tell me what I currently have my unit set to it tells me what the outdoor temperature is with it's showing 80° when I first turn this on a couple of hours ago before the rain came through it was 92° and then over here it's showing us what the indoor temperature is so the unit has already gotten our temperature down to 72° F but in just a couple of hours we were able to go from 92° in this 500t room down to 72° so all very useful information and gives you total control over the unit whether you're standing right next to it or if you're in a totally different state or country I'm overall super impressed with this unit I'm glad that I picked this one because I have never gotten results like this out of any of the other window AC units that I've used in the past and just to put this out there this is not a sponsored video I was not even sent this unit for free I paid for it with my own money so these are my honest opinions of this now if you found value in this video then you'll definitely find Value in this video right over here I go over some of the top things that AC companies don't really want you to know about so if that's of interest to you all you have to do is click on that right there it will take you directly to that video so I really hope that you found value in this and if you did if you could do me a huge favor hit that thumbs up button right down below and of course if you have any questions or comments still you can leave those down in the comment section and I'll catch youall in the next one see you
Channel: How To Home
Views: 402,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiet Technology, Technology Integration, Midea, Energy Efficient, HVAC, Window AC, Quiet AC, U Shape AC, Energy Savings, Smart AC, Innovative Design, Smart Home, Home Comfort, Air Quality, Air Conditioner, Home Improvement, Powerful AC, Cooling Solutions, Cooling, Midea U Shape AC Unit
Id: _Qa5teuVPRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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