How to Identify a Toxic Man | Stephanie Lyn Coaching

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Hey guys, welcome back thanks for joining me for another video if you are new to my channel, my name is Stephanie I'm a life and relationship coach if you are a subscriber, welcome back. Thank you so much for your love and support This week. I want to get into some ways that you can tell someone that you're dating is toxic. So ladies Let's get into this. Let's talk about five specific things that make a man toxic So if you are out there and you're dating and you are struggling especially after coming off of a bad breakup or relationship and you're one of those women that's like I'm not gonna be able to trust myself. How can I trust anyone else again? These are things that you have to learn and educate yourself on so you make good decisions So learning these signs on what makes a guy toxic is absolutely huge I wish I would have learned this stuff growing up because Definitely wouldn't have been so attracted to the bad boys. I would have known that They're unhealthy and I would have known what a healthy relationship looks like but I digress so one of the first things that can definitely be a sign that someone is toxic unhealthy and possibly even Narcissistic is it is all about him wherever you want to go. Whatever you want to do. It's all about him The conversation is all about him This person never asks you how your day is and even if they do you just can tell you know intuitively ladies This is something that comes very very easy To not just women but men as well But especially with women your intuition is bar none the best out there So use that intuition to your advantage, you know hands down when you are with someone and it feels off You know when it feels like it's just all about this person. They never really care about me And what's going on with me, everything always goes back to what is going on in his life. It's all about him And what's convenient for him and what he wants to do first sign that you're with someone that is definitely toxic and unhealthy the next sign that you are possibly dating someone that is toxic is They when they talk about their ex they always blame their ex. They're always bad-mouthing them now. Don't get me wrong We're coming out of a relationship It is normal sometimes for our ego to get right front and center and want to just bash and blame the other person For everything that went wrong in a relationship and why she's crazy and why she did this that was always, you know she was always so jealous and all those things but The true test of a man is going to be how he owned his part in that Relationship so someone that's healthy no matter what the other person did to you They're going to be able to own what they did in the relationship That was I don't want to say wrong but their part in their relationship as well and it could be that maybe I was weak And I didn't stand up to this person There has to be some responsibility or accountability for their part in the relationship because it takes two to tango so How do they respond to? The past relationships that they have in their life was everyone crazy was everyone to blame Are they always pretending like they're perfect then they do nothing wrong and if they don't pretend like they're perfect if they if they verbally say because I have been with someone that Used to do this all the time that they would say. I'm not perfect. I'm not perfect. But yet they would never know Okay Well, what is what is it about you that you do need to work on and if you do know what it is Are you consciously taking steps to actually work on that that definitely is a test between not just someone who's toxic? but just someone who just isn't healthy isn't in touch of themselves doesn't have self-awareness is not going to always be aware of When you're having a disagreement when you're having to compromise on something when something when you're going through something challenging in your relationship Are they gonna be able to stand up and raise their hand and say, okay? This was my part and why this maybe had been a difficult situation or why we couldn't overcome this You know, what? Am I doing that? I need to constantly be working on to within myself because no one's perfect We all have baggage and stuff You want to be with someone who has that kind of awareness and is constantly Wanting to grow and learn and better themselves and not just put everything that goes wrong in their life on someone else so the next thing and definitely ties in to that last point is does this person know where their wounds are so You know as we're getting to know a person and we he the stories we hear about what our childhood was like What was our experiences you know in our 20s and 30s what are things that we've had to go through in life? What are the things that we should have struggled at in our life? What are the tough times that we've been through? What are the wounds that are going on inside of me? I think that that's absolutely huge because if you are with someone that has that type of self-awareness No matter what difficult times you go through and you're gonna go through them because that's life and that's relationships is this person going to be able to rise up and to want to work on things or are they gonna be the type of person that when things get a little muddy and difficult that They just bail or that they just put everything on you or that their bad behavior There's no accountability for their bad behavior, and they'll just flip the script and call you crazy so or jealous or whatever So it's not a matter of that man reflecting and saying, okay My girlfriend is being a little jealous right now but maybe the reason why she's being jealous is because I've done things to cause that jealousy to actually happen and again If you're the woman also being able to self-reflect and saying am I being jealous am I overreacting? And being honest with yourself when you say no I'm not overreacting. I have every right to feel this way, especially When someone is giving me reasons to feel this way, maybe they haven't cheated or done, you know anything too too drastic but they've definitely done things that have made me feel uncomfortable and I don't like it and when I verbally communicate that to him How does he respond? Does he flip it and blame it on me or does he say you know what? Yeah, I see your point I understand where you're coming from and even sometimes maybe he won't see your point But he'll at least respect how you feel So the next thing is he's not consistent and this is not just the sign of someone that's toxic it definitely is but it also could just be the sign for someone that Doesn't know what they want and maybe they do know what they want, but they don't want to communicate that with you They're not gonna tell you Hey, what I'm looking to do is just be intimate with you for about six months And then I'm gonna venture off or I just want to get in your pants So basically in two months from now I can still be day like doing my thing in different ways so maybe someone doesn't want to Say that to you because they want to abuse you they want to get whatever they want out of you being manipulative but on the flip side if you're not holding someone accountable and If verbally communicating hey, like you're not consistent with me like you say you want a relationship but then when when push comes to shove and it's Friday night and we make plans and you bail ass men or When I'm talking to you You know consistently throughout the week and then all of a sudden the weekend comes and you go am ia if you don't know how to Verbalize that stuff and if you don't ever stand up for yourself Then you're gonna go on the hamster wheel and this does gonna happen time and time again And you're gonna get stuck and you're gonna get more Emotionally invested in this relationship and then it's gonna be harder to leave this relationship And also you're teaching people how you want to be treated by what you're tolerating. So if you're tolerating someone who is inconsistent who? Doesn't do what he says he's gonna do you know someone that you're okay with just flaking on you the last minute and you never basically Setting a standard and being able to communicate with this person If you're not that kind of a woman you're always going to get or attract men that are gonna be abusive that are gonna take advantage of you and that will cheat on you or leave you or whatever because there's no There's no Level of confidence in yourself to say hey I love myself, and I want to be with you, but this stuff needs to change and if it doesn't change I know that I will find someone that would be Willing and glad to give me the things that I'm actually looking for which is quite frankly if we're talking about this subject what you're looking for is just Basic respect we're talking about bare minimum right now. We're not even like raising the bar. We're just talking about point blank basic communication and respect between two people You know, let's even talk about just like a friendship not even really a romantic partner And the last thing is and I hate to even say this because it should just be common sense. But if We're coming from that Codependency if we're coming from lack every and desperate and we feel like we need to be in a relationship We need a man to fill me up inside if you have all of that stuff going on inside of you You will a thousand percent overlooked substance abuse sexual abuse physical abuse verbal abuse can sometimes be a little bit tricky because we tend to Think that it's okay for someone to say a word to us or to yell at us or be Passive-aggressive or do any of those emotionally abusive tactics? because we haven't learned that you know what that's just as Severe as someone putting their hands on you or doing anything else because again it gets into your psyche it gets into your you know Your head and it messes with you and it can do more damage Than you can honestly even think so being aware of Does this person have any type of abusive problems? How do they handle confrontation? How do they handle when I say something to them and they don't like it? You know, how does this person respond to me? That is really where you're gonna find whether or not someone is toxic unhealthy versus someone who is healthy has self-awareness loves themselves and taking Responsibility for their own self in this relationship. Remember one of the biggest things with relationships in general not just Partnerships and romantic love I'm talking about friendships co-workers people that you work with family members anything Learning how to love yourself. This is why I created this channel. This is why I coach this is why I make these videos Learning how to have confidence in yourself learning how to self-soothe this stuff is so important because all of this fluff stuff Me teaching you like okay. These are the these are what this is What emotional abuse looks like this is what a toxic man looks like, you know This is what manipulation looks like all of this stuff. Yes. We have to learn it We have to know that way when we see it. We know what it is. We can label it. Okay, this person's been manipulative Okay, this person's having some narcissistic tendencies right now. That's absolutely huge. But What are you going to do inside of yourself? That's causing you to engage with this person that's causing you to tolerate this behavior. That's the stuff that we always to work on so I hope that this has helped you definitely go check out my videos on how to increase your conference how to learn how to parent yourself learning how to self-soothe so so important stuff if you have liked this video, please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and don't forget to hit subscribe and the Notification bell and I will see you next week
Channel: Stephanie Lyn Coaching
Views: 212,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hope they will come back, hope they will love me, why didn't the narcissist love me, healing after disappointment, overcoming feelings of disappointment, the urge to fix others, wanting to fix others, wanting others to approve of you, needing others to like you, being taken advantage of in relationships, how to spot manipulative behavior, defend yourself from abuse, learn how to be love, learn how to create love, stephanie lyn coaching, toxic men traits
Id: C0hfXHpL8jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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