Signs that It is REACTIVE ABUSE

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so the next sign that it's reactive abuse is that you were not the one to act first the other person knowingly set you off and they probably did it in a series of events that led to your eventual breakdown and now I want to say this the longer you are with or exposed to an abusive person the easier it is for them to trigger you so think of the series of events as happening over months years decades it all builds up they can trigger you very very easily in front of a crowd and the most important sign that you are not the narcissist and you're dealing with reactive abuse is that you are not abusive to other people so if this is literally the only relationship where you get to your breaking point and you consistently do or say things that you regret or feel guilty about that's a sign that you're definitely not the narcissist
Channel: Common Ego
Views: 9,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EFSSxbvxjxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 56sec (56 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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