Fear of Confrontation | Stephanie Lyn Coaching

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Hey guys, welcome back thanks for joining me for another video if you are new to my channel, my name is Stephanie I am a life and relationship coach If you are a subscriber and you're part of the notification and community here Thank you guys so much for joining me and for all of your love and support This week. I want to dive into a great topic. It's the fear of confrontation And if you are codependent if you don't have a strong sense of self if you don't have you know Really healthy self confidence and you have to deal with someone who's narcissistic you have to deal with someone who's highly manipulative Having this fear of confrontation can sometimes be really challenging and so in this video? I want to give you some insight as to why you have this fear, and also the things that you can do to overcome fearing Basically verbally communicating with people on your standards So like always if you have not subscribed Please click the subscribe button down below and don't forget to click on the notification bell The notification Bell is really huge and it will inform you each time and do upload a new video with a new topic And a giveaway, so I do giveaways on this channel of free coaching sessions periodically throughout the month It's just my way of giving back and saying thank you guys so much for all of your love and support over the years Helping to really grow and build this channel so fear of confrontation, let's get into this So people that have a fear of confrontation basically what it means is you get nervous scared anxious Having to verbally communicate Yourself your standards how you feel? What someone said that maybe hurt your feelings to other people? So you are the person that never wants to rock the boat. You don't want people to think that you're too much too Pushy, you know asking for too much Being labeled as being difficult or too demanding or high-maintenance or like any of those words? So you're the person that wants everything to be calm all the time and you don't like to ruffle feathers and so you have a belief that if I confront someone with Something that they did that upset me. I don't want to also upset them I don't want them to feel bad because I've said this You know this standard to them also these fears that we have on why we don't like to communicate with other people why? Fear confrontation it comes back to basically the feeling about not enough So if I have a fear that if I tell you what I think and how I feel I in my subconscious My real fear is that you won't like me that you won't love me That you'll abandon me that you don't validate me, right? maybe you won't agree with what it is that I think and how I feel and I don't want to feel that type of Disappointment and sorrow and uncomfortable feelings. So why do we have a fear of confrontation? This is really important so if you grew up in a household where a couple of these things happen number one if there were a lot of Times when discussions turn to arguments. So if you lived in a house whether it was mom or dad or sister, brother Whoever doesn't matter where most of the time the example that you saw is that when people had a discussion it turned to a full-blown argument where the Two people in your life your role models didn't teach you how to have healthy? Communication. So when you lived in a household where discussions became arguments all the time? There was a lot of yelling going on there was a lot of talking over each other That becomes your blueprint and so as an adult Of course, we have logic as an adult to know that that wasn't okay that that's the example that we saw but we don't know how to fix it because You are a product of your environment. And so if that's what you saw and that became your blueprint, even though logically You know that it's not okay oftentimes. We don't know how to fix it We don't know how to change those behaviors that have been downloaded into us The next reason why we fear confrontation is because we fear of what someone's reaction will be to what it is that we're saying So the reason why we have this fear The reason why we're scared of a reaction is one of two things Number one we could have had an interaction with this person in the past and time and time again They prove that they completely blow up that they flip it on us that they become manipulative that they have told us that were too much that we're You know high maintenance or our standards are too high or maybe they invalidate us or Perhaps we've never had a confrontation with this person before but we have all of these assumptions that were Making which creates this story on? This person's not gonna like you they might overreact they might get mad at you for what they say You don't want to seem too pushy and so you've created this story based on assumptions and that story is controlling you from actually confronting this person on what you think of how you feel one of the things that's really Important to understand when you don't stand up for yourself When you don't confront other people what you're doing is essentially you're suppressing how you feel You're basically putting someone else in front of yourself When you suppress that part of yourself It's going to manifest in other ways and you have to accept that So it might manifest into anxiety it might manifest into panic stress Depression or quite frankly you just becoming very resentful towards another person Which is something that happens very very often in relationships So then the next thing that's really important is you don't have confidence in your ability to communicate so if I'm not confident with myself If I don't really love myself if I haven't learned how to self-soothe I haven't learned how to parent myself which I talk about in a lot of videos extensively if I haven't learned how to soothe myself that when someone Doesn't validate me or someone says something that's hurtful or something that lets me down because I had an expectation that they were gonna say Something that was gonna be positive and uplifting and loving and supportive if I don't know how to do all of that stuff for myself Then I will never have confidence to be able to communicate Anything to anyone else? I won't have confidence to be me and to show you who I am I'll always be sluggish. I'll always be worried I'll always have self-doubt that maybe perhaps if I say something that you won't like me that you'll lead me that you'll abandon me Right. This is where the codependency comes into play. This is where needing someone else to validate me to tell me that I'm enough or that when someone's trying to maybe Manipulate me or take advantage of me or does something that hurts me or bothers me if I never say anything to anyone Then I not taking care of myself and that's gonna always create more problems Than if you just got the courage to actually tell someone what you think and how you feel How do we begin to overcome this fear of confrontation? And these are really important things that like I always say in all my videos all of this stuff that we talked about These are practices This isn't something that you're you know, it'll get easier the more you do it for sure but you'll be challenged by another person that you might fear or feel uncomfortable to actually have this conversation with and it's a matter of Constantly proving to yourself that hey I love myself I'm gonna take care of myself and I have to be the person that takes care of myself stands up for myself And can verbally communicate myself to other people because no one else is gonna do that for you So you have to start being that person and here's the PS People love that person the person that has healthy self-confidence that they can talk to other people With love not with arrogance just with self-acceptance and that they view themselves in such a way that they're not intimidated to have those difficult conversations That's the person that's attractive. That's the person that we want to be around. That's the energy that's contagious. So always working on yourself While it feels great, right? That's where your happiness actually comes from It's also that's the energy that we all want to be. That's the energy that we're attracted to So if you're trying to find a great partner if you're trying to, you know have great friends in your life Then you need to be the person that you want to attract. So learning how to take care of yourself and not fearing telling people what you think and how you feel or having a difficult conversation with someone that is Constant validation that hey I am enough I'm enough to have this uncomfortable conversation and no matter what happens throughout that Conversation because we can't control how someone else is going to react we can only control our own emotional state That is huge towards building yourself Confidence towards proving to yourself. Look I did it. I Confronted this person on something that I didn't want to and made me feel a little uncomfortable Maybe they had a great reaction Wonderful. Maybe they didn't and even if they didn't that still is another layer of the test to prove to yourself that okay While they're giving me all this backlash. How do I stand up for myself? How do I you know, how do I basically validate myself? Self-soothe, how do I create that bubble that bounces all that stuff off of me because it has nothing to do with me They're just projecting all of their stuff onto me all of these things are constant tests for you to practice this stuff of learning how to love yourself and having that confidence in yourself so the first thing that you have to do to overcome The fear of confrontation is you have to get rid of all of the assumptions so all of those assumptions that you're making on Why you shouldn't have this conversation all the reasons why someone may be upset with you for saying what you're saying or? Think that you're unreasonable for saying something that you have to say All of that has to completely go out the window and just know all of those stories are coming from your ego because your ego Doesn't want you to stand up for itself, you know The ego is a tricky thing because on one hand when your ego is in the way it Wants to prove itself to other people Right and I'm gonna show you who I am and this is where that that ego comes into play and also the the wounded self that part about ourselves is Coming from that ego place as well in terms of it doesn't want you to be a different version of yourself It doesn't want you to grow. It doesn't want you to be healthy It likes where it's at because it never has to feel anything. It doesn't have to feel uncomfortable It doesn't have to stretch yourself to grow and to be a better version of yourself, right? So because we have that scared part of ourselves, that doesn't want to push us out of our comfort Zone so we can grow and get better It's going to tell you stories as to why you shouldn't do this why you should fear actually having this conversation with this person but the reality is is that no matter what the reaction is from someone else whether it's if it's supportive and and loving Great, but if it's not That isn't your concern your concern is learning how to take care of yourself So if someone gets a by something that you say or quite frankly, they just don't want to hear what you have to say That's not your problem that's their problem to tend to whatever feelings of disappointment or anger or whatever are going on inside of them your Responsibility is to be able to verbally communicate other people your standards and relationships What you will do what you will not do what you will tolerate what you will not tolerate remember confronting other people is Self-care that is self-care 101 because you cannot suppress what it is that you really feel So if you have a fear of confrontation, no matter what the confrontation is, whether it's just saying hey You know when you did this it kind of upset me and I really got offended by something that you said whether it's hey you Know you're always 15 minutes late and that tends to really bother me because I'm a punctual person and I deem that Disrespectful whatever your set of values are whatever your standards Are you communicating that to other people that is you loving yourself? That is self-care. And when we don't do that, like I said, we're suppressing that part of ourselves We're putting someone else's own needs and wants and what they want to do in front of ourselves, and we're teaching people essentially how they can treat us and what will tolerate and if we never communicate these standards with people if we never Confront anyone then. You're always going to get abused. That just is the reality of life So one of the things that I always suggest that people do is write down what you want to say, you know, maybe not necessarily Journaling it, but if you want to go right ahead, but it's it's important to kind of clear your mind and figure out Okay. Well, what are the points that I want to make number one? we want to talk about what it is that happen that maybe I didn't like or or Something that may have upset me We want to kind of go there in that conversation so we can show someone Hey when you did this when you said this this is what bothered me and always using eyes Statements because we don't want to blame someone else. We don't want to put accuse anyone of anything We just want to talk about how something made us feel the next thing. That is huge We're confronting someone is we can tell someone all day long. Hey this bothered me Hey, I didn't like it when you did this or this situation made me feel uncomfortable Whatever the scenario is, but we have to also teach people what we actually would like from them so a lot of the times when I'm talking about boundaries with clients they struggle with Teaching someone. Okay when you did this it bothered me but they don't ever tell them what they would have liked them to actually do so this is you really Showing someone verbally Communicating with someone on what it is that you will tolerate and giving examples you know instead of being 15 minutes late because I it really bothers me and I think it's Disrespectful for me. What I would love is 15 minutes before, you know, you're going to be late Shoot me attacks and just let me know. Hey, I'm running late. I'm so sorry I'll be there at whatever ten past eleven. So teaching people not just saying hey when you did this it bothered me and getting all defensive and getting emotionally charged up but being able to call and Communicate yourself with other people that shows an enormous amount of self love and confidence and yourself So I hope that you will practice these techniques think about this video watch it time and time again If you need to please leave any comments down below. I love to hear from you guys Please don't forget to hit subscribe and click on the notification bell as well. And I will see you in my next video
Channel: Stephanie Lyn Coaching
Views: 183,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: being taken advantage of at work, stop falling for manipulation, wanting others to love me, overcoming fear of confrontation, stand up for yourself motivation, practice standing up for yourself, overcoming feelings of disappointment, the urge to fix people, how to communicate your standards, how to communicate your boundaries
Id: vjtj6xwU3x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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