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my graduates from my school being forbes back drop back drop my drop back drop all right guys welcome back eyl this is a very very um dope dope addition that we we have for a variety of different reasons so you know it's always dope to find you know young entrepreneurs at the beginning stages i think that that's what earn your legion was built on like you know this we can run through the resume of people that you might probably have never heard of before they came or in your leisure including including including an img the mortgage guy including wall street chapter including ian dunlap including who else alex good energy mobile homes elite the list goes on um our most recent one like that was uh paula mccarthy that was crazy her growth out of nowhere right we actually go from 100 to like 10 000 in less than 25 hours that's record-breaking like the motown of business for sure man uh so this this this falls right right in line with that so we got two young men um by way of africa originally yes sir yes sir shouts out the homeland the gold continent yes and um now they're in the dmv then they grew up in the dmv area so francis quay and jehu graham yes sir i say the names correct yes sir nailed it yeah right these young men have a fintech company called um cheat code algo and um they actually did a lot of work for us already if you're a member of ewi university they've um taught several different classes for us they've become regulars at this point yeah they're young they're young men out of uh the dmv area i believe 29 and 30 or something like that 30. i'm 27. 27 27 27 and 30 years old and they created well they'll explain it but they created a fintech company um that allows you to actually track to see when is a good entry point to get into a stock when they get out of a stock technical analysis we talk about technical analysis a lot on market monday so they created their own algorithm their own proprietary software called chico and they also you know do other kind of educational stuff involved with that as far as investing and things of that nature but it's all built around investing stock market investing entry points exit points sprinkled with fundamental analysis as well so a whole um fintech company around investing so yeah we're going to have a very interesting conversation every time i speak to them they are based up for 20 hours yeah yeah that's a fact this is a true honor and pleasure to have you all here welcome welcome welcome to the lab thank you for joining i appreciate it absolutely man we appreciate you guys man i've been a blessing this whole since we started man yeah i mean since the very first very first version you know what i mean we had our initial conversation so yeah man appreciate you guys you know the way we met was crazy that was yeah man it's yeah it's so unusual got to talk talk talk people so we i think we just created version one yeah um we just created version one just got it out there we had a beta test tested with a hundred people yep and we're like yo this thing is a hit man people love it you know we gotta we gotta get this out there so we're like yo who can we you know say reach out so i was like oh yeah sent out messages or something like that to you guys um somebody your team responded yeah we set up the meeting and it just so happened like finally when y'all got back around to us it was like uh my daughter was supposed to be born september 25th indeed and uh jayla's birthday was october 6. she's like yo she's gonna be born on my birthday man i'm like nah out the gate so she has a blade october 16 then your team get back like yo we're gonna uh we're gonna set up meeting october 6th at noon i'm like damn i'm like man should we uh should we should we push it back or no and my girl's like nah do it just go do it i'll be i'll be fine yeah yeah yeah the real one i'll never forget the call we were on the call and you like fellas i apologize but my daughter's being born and we're like oh okay congratulations yeah you mean like right now yeah like right this second yeah yeah yeah that's a fact i just goes to show you man it's the business congratulations for that that was uh welcome to the to the fatherhood club yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're getting any sleep or oh yeah i mean well she she did fine like the first couple months was i was rough you know what i'm saying but um but yeah she's fine now you know okay okay i don't get any sleep because of chico that's the like third baby yeah yeah for sure all right so let's get into this story yeah all right so how do you guys connect and how do you guys start to come so are you originally born in africa are you born in america yeah so i was actually born and raised in ghana um i spent half of my life in ghana and half here so i came here about when i was like 13 years old um and that's you know i went through the school system all that crazy crazy culture shock you know what i'm saying from what i was used to but um something special man and it's just being able to adapt you know get familiar with the system here like teenager you came yeah teenager i came it was it was different how was it how was it how was it how was it listen man let me tell you a story so in ghana right first of all the school system is it's a completely different component like in ghana you have you know where we have like 40 kids maybe in the classroom um the teachers come to us like for different subjects we have like 10 subjects you know we learn about religion different religions um environmental studies integrated science mathematic you know just a vast amount of uh different subjects and then when you come here it's like you learn just it's different the way you learn you learn everything that has to do with america even history we learn about world history you know everything so it's like you're aware of different cultures and you're able to respect you know different cultures just because you understand what they do i know muslims play five times a day so if i have a friend that's muslim and they have to go pray like i understand you know i'm saying there's no you know difference right there you're not shocked that something's happened but here it's like you learn just about like you know it's christian you know of course in ghana it's also like you know trust and you know the the creed and things like that but here's in god we trust perfectly understandable but when you go to come to the school system here it's like okay yeah european perspective so here it's like okay you get here um the teachers you go to the teachers right it's it's mad house through the system like you know you go to the hallways but it's a different system it's something that you can you can definitely learn from when it came to the history side like i was never like i never liked american history not because like i didn't know american history i knew a little bit of american history like also one thing in ghana like you know you really learn to appreciate what like like you learn about and you love people right like even when like let's see caucasians or any europeans come to ghana like we follow them as kids like you follow them like oh yeah like you know welcome to the you know i mean that type of that type of vibe but it was like the real shock was coming here and realizing like you know like that just like yo black people are like yo you know what i'm saying like different different like it's like you know the receiving and the receptiveness of that that was very very uh shocking just going through a system and then you know being in class my teacher my language as teacher in seventh grade asked me if i had a pet tiger i can't make it up i swear to god so then she was being serious yeah that's interesting a lot of time like we just used to racism because we you know that's part of america that's part of but when you go to a different country where black people and you're not the minority right it's a different perspective because you know i mean other you know there's different classisms and you know stuff like that right as far as that level right it's different it's different because you are in control and you are you are seen on tv right you are seen in magazines you are the norm yes exactly but yeah that was definitely a different uh different perspective but my education level was like skyrocket like in math like i was in seventh grade but i was doing like high school like probably like 11th grade math i was gonna calculate everything like so coming here like almost like i took a step back like kind of like learning just because i felt like even in class i was passing tests like i didn't like homework i was never like an institutionalized minded type of person and i also understood business because like eight like a day of age of eight i was already like running my own business like my mom like put me in front of the store doing transactions with like you know grown men and things like that so yeah this is in ghana i had like coconut trees i sell coconuts and things like that um living by myself like three years my mom came here before we did um my brother and i that is but yeah it's just it's just a culture shock man but it's a it's a good thing i'm glad like you know i was able to get a little bit of there and a little bit of here and just kind of like mesh that together it gives me a really big perspective on just life in general so yeah and you you're from america that's for all born in maryland where's your parents from my dad's from ghana my mom's um librarian and lebanese okay he's a mix so so all right so how do you guys connect and how did how does this lead to yeah so so we ended up connecting through a mutual friend of ours he had a a company um selling clothing you know african century uh like modern african clothing called flashy shout out flashy yeah um and um so you know we were all part of the team and then uh you know he was already part of it and and um bro he he know me from starting other businesses you know in my social circle because i've been doing this for i've been entrepreneurs since like 21 so 2011 is when i started and so he knew me from that he asked me to come be part of the team he was already part of the team we connected um and then we kind of built that company up and then you know one thing led to another he had kind of been behind me for a long time and like really get out and start teaching the stocks i was always telling everybody around me about stocks and options and doing stuff like that and trading and you know before it was really you know as trendy as it is now and then uh you know when the market started really taking the turn he was like oh you really need to get this information out there and uh he's more extroverted and stuff like that he's much more social person he was like yo i'm gonna start a group just teach you what i'm saying the group you know means we start with 16 people on instagram and yeah instagram group chat and then everybody started making a ton of money and then they started telling other people and then they kind of just grew organically from that point that's how i kind of we started to build the community and then through the community we realized all right people need a little extra help you know maybe because some people got nine to five jobs some people don't understand technicals some people don't understand how to do this a lot so i was like all right well let's let's uh sit down and figure out how we can make something that can help out and that's how we just kind of sat down a lot locked into a room for like two weeks but i was like up you know in the living room actually my girls are going back and forth and i'm just learning how to like code all this stuff uh to kind of create the software so we end up creating the first version of software to help out the community and then end up turning into something that was like it could help out way more than it should be so where do you get introduced to stocks because i know that's this is something that you've been studying oh yeah i mean you said 12 years i'm thinking like oh this guy must be mid-30s but no you talking about in your teenage years yeah so who introduced you to stocks where did you find a love for it yeah my father my father put me on the stocks when i was a shout out pops man yeah so this is why it's important for everybody to really understand that what you invest into your children pays out multiple fold you know down the line and so he he introduced me to the concept of stocks at 13 in 2003. so he's he showed me about uh microstrategy was a company that he was he's in tech he's a software engineer and so he's like yeah you know this is how you do it set me up with a little account and from there i just took a real deep interest into it because i've always been an entrepreneurial mind i never really you know like he was talking about never been interested interested in uh doing a nine to five thing so i learned how to how to just kind of do research on my first real major trade was gold actually 2000 and i think 2004 gold was like 300 outs or something like that i did a lot of research into it and uh gold ended up going to like eighteen hundred dollars a house the next year and that was like my real first big trade and then um you know all throughout teenage years i did it you know penny stock stuff like that i was a little bit of a knucklehead in high school and and it took me it took me a while you know no matter what i was doing i'll go out and do whatever i'm doing and i'll take that money and then go back put in the stock market and try to flip it that way and uh yeah the 21 came and i just turned around like look i'm gonna just go full time in a day trading and learn how to day trade and that's when i really just took off with it you know so and this i mean obviously financial literacy especially the stocks uh trendy right now everybody's talking about it but i'm thinking at this time early 2000s dmv what they're telling you like yo get out of here you know what you're talking about oh yeah for sure i mean and at the time at that time you know the only place that really was to learn a lot about at least that i found about this type of stuff this is there wasn't as many youtube channels and things like that there are now right so i used to drive to as a company called sky trade uh brokerage yeah seven hours of trade yeah exactly both ways and then and then you paying for options contracts you pay like another like 45 cents per contract both ways so you know it's a lot different than what it is now so um they used to hold classes in their first in their locations they had physical loads locations like in shopping centers so i go and i was at the time i was working construction i was getting like 350 a week you know what i mean doing like uh you know digging ditches for electrical wires and i was a junior electrician and uh and then i'll drive on my after work i'll go uh i go and at the time i had my son my son was just born and so i was like i gotta figure something out you know because i got you know record and all types of stuff at this point i just i needed to figure out something to do so yeah i'll go to the skytrain i'll just sit through all the classes then talk about macd's and rsis and stuff like that and i'll be the only black person there the only young person there you know to me and um and from that that's what kind of gave me my base of knowledge and technicals and then when i started to figure out that stocks don't just move just don't go up and down randomly just because like there's something that really is called is letting you know that the socket is going to go down for like this is what i need yeah so that's why i really dug really really deep into it and i've been at this ever since ever since i was 2011. so let's let's let's have this conversation um i want to ask you about how you taught yourself how to code but even before that so um all right so you're saying stocks don't just go up and down randomly so if anybody that's not aware we you should definitely watch marketing one day that's exactly yeah yeah so fundamental analysis and technical analysis is the two most common way that people evaluate stocks right fundamental analysis is looking at the fundamentals of a company like how much revenue is being brought in how much debt does the company have things of that nature and then technical analysis is actually looking at charts so if you ever see a stock chart where it goes you know up and down and then it looks like you know a bunch of like candles that's like candlesticks and stuff like that so like craziness yeah so people's actually you know looking at that so we've talked about that before but all right technical analysis like what's uh for somebody that's just learning about stocks how what's the best way if you can explain technical i would say this i'll say fundamentals is how you know what to trade right you know what is a good company that you want to trade whether it's you want to find a stock going up right a company is good solid solid fundamentals that's undervalued it's a company you want to trade to alongside companies got bad fundamentals and still trading high some you want to trade to the downside right and the technical analysis is knowing when you want to trade that company right so with every company whether it's a great company fundamentally or not there's going to be a time to go long it's going to be time to go short might say go along go short going long just meaning you're going to be betting on the company going up and there's gonna be times you're gonna be bent on the company going down even if it's a really good fundamentally sound company sometimes it's just over overbought and sometimes it's time for the company to pull back a little bit you gotta know when it's time to switch um and so technicals is just knowing when is the right time to trade in which direction um and so it takes in factors of data of you know of uh price action when the stock is is doing certain things because stocks trading patterns and i think it's something very important for people to understand is that there's a pattern and a rhythm to to ever to to as a stock movement and individually and then also the stock market as a whole markets go in cycles right we have bullish cycles we have bearish cycles we have consolidation cycles and it all kind of just you know goes in one right continuous one thing one thing i always say with that is that wherever there's numbers there's always a pattern right like if if you any any historical data that you will find out there um you know going back as far as like you know 10 000 years whatever it is like bc even creating the egyptians they always find symmetrical like you know uh geometric numbers and things like that but wherever there's numbers there's patterns so you just got to be able to understand what those numbers mean the story that they're telling and then you can be able to come up with a uh an educated guess right like an hypothesis of what is going to happen next just based on on the scientific aspect of it so if i'm using technicals i'm a right a beginner like what are some of the i guess indicators for a beginner to use to actually figure out when these things are going to happen right chico number one number one and you know i say that jokingly but i also say seriously only because the thing about it is it's in its indicator set that's really what it is it's an indicator set of a set of indicators and we created it to be a comprehensive system so that it kind of takes into factors so typically what i would say to answer that question before chica i'll be like okay yeah macd rsi learning support and resistances right and so what we did was we built it we improved the magnet improved the rsi what's what what is that what's the map uh macd is basically two oscillate or two um two oscillating uh moving averages so moving averages if you were to take the price of a particular stock over a period of time and average it out and it would creates one kind of smooth line depending 20-day 50-day exactly that's just the average of all the prices the price action over the past 200 days averaged out and it's gonna give you one point a lot of little points will create a line right and so that line is where you can look at and that'll give you information as far as support and resistances things like that so it's really really good information important information so the macd is really just two of those type of moving averages one fast one slow they oscillate and one once they cross over it'll tell you that you're getting into bearish action um or potentially potentially going to downside and when they cross over to the upside you got bullish action um and so and then the rsi would be something where um it basically tells you uh when the stock is essentially reaching into um overbought levels so and when i say overbought if you think of like a car engine you know if you run the car really really for really really long it'll overheat um so you know that's when you have an issue right or if the car's been sitting too long and it's cold you know you know you got cold cranking amps you needed to warm up back well at least back in the day calls now now yeah yeah but you know you can say so like you have oversold conditions so uh what we did was we really combined those concepts improved upon them and then that's how we kind of created a lot of the components of qi codes we're in a constant state of improvement so as we trade with it personally and with the community we said okay yeah it'd be nice if we had some you know something that could tell us when this was getting overbought right so we created the cc swing all right with the cc squeeze and we added little clouds and little different pieces of information that tell us when things are happening and so that's why we did it um did it the way we did um to make it so that even a beginner you know could use i told my son's eight and he i taught him how to trade with chipotle he learned first and foremost how to trade with a cheat code in his first trade he made 600 doing and that was just him playing around you know on uh and learning how to do it so it's it's a very simple straightforward type of type of thing that's not that's not what that yeah [Laughter] so i've done the rsi so that's the relative strength yeah and we spoke about this again on market mondays where it's like if you see that 80 or 20 yeah that's usually i want to be in somewhere in that middle range to say like all right this is a good position to get in and i've never seen the cc squeeze on the indicators on yahoo so i'm like oh yeah i mean that's just something that i didn't know it was yours yeah yeah yeah yeah chico squeeze yeah so you know squeezing squeeze indicators is another combination because ttm squeeze is a common indicator that's out there and it basically identifies periods in which a stock is squeezing or it has a lot of pressure built up and is ready to expand to the upside and so you know we traded with that and we you know i there was always some little issue that i had with it you know something i wanted to take a step further and make it better so we improved upon it based it off of different uh data and then we got a better result and that's how we kind of created that so so all right so um let's have this conversation as far as how you start the company how did you teach yourself how to code i was just one thing i'll tell anybody and everybody you know that when you want to learn something uh i think our public school system kind of does us a little bit of a disservice sometimes and shout out to all our teachers out there educators and not trying to miss anybody but i feel like public school teaches you how to think and not uh or teach you what to think and not how to think right and so for me i always was a person i was like if i want to learn something this resource is out there i can i can teach myself how to do anything i don't care if it's engineering or whatever difference if i want to be dedicated enough i'll do it so basically all it was was just sitting down one day i decided listen i need to create this what do i need to learn to create it take out all filter out all the nonsense that i don't need right and just say this is what i need to learn and so i went in learning javascript yeah i learned a javascript and learned another scripting language uh that is unique to the platform that we built the sheet code on and uh and i did that you know pretty much just locked myself into a room for for a couple months um and just really went at it you know just learning it and also my dad you know he's a software engineer talk it might be an innate thing you know because i never really learned from him but it could have got the mind for it you guys understand you know anybody that anybody can do because personally too like like i understand these concepts just because um like you know a strong suit of like math and science right like because also on that on the point of like because i ate like when i first came into this country at like 13 like i picked up like because i never had access to computers and stuff like that back home in ghana right like i really like when i came here i was obsessed with learning you know computer language and things like that so eyl university is the biggest online platform for education but it's much much more it's actually a community our private facebook group has over 8 000 members and 20 infinity groups the students teach themselves just as much as the professors do we have weekly webinars we have over 100 past webinars you get access to mg the mortgage guys real estate blueprint you get access to monthly financial planning calls with yours truly you get access to our monthly group chat investment calls and much much more so go to right now and take advantage of our limited offer blow out sales 65 off of the annual membership right now like if if you have a gift or something like that with our community too usually the kids are able to have these type of gifts like in different communities like that's not going to be like you know stunted essentially like stunting growth of like certain there's a lot of talent there's a lot of time now yeah there's a lot of time about that it doesn't get doesn't get fostered in right other communities right yeah same thing in in low income areas we all know you know we have talent everywhere our community is some of the most talented people on the planet right you know what i mean if you look at uh whether it's africa whether it's the caribbean islands or whether it's here in the states we have some of the most creative minds on the planet that just don't get fostered and they don't get uh nurtured in the way that they should so i think that's that's basically what you know what these what do you say encourage that type of thing yeah essentially so the java you googled on youtube yeah y'all did youtube i bought about classes i went out and found classes on it you know i mean and then like online little courses a lot of youtube said there's just a lot of plan it's another thing is i didn't go through like right now if i needed to code something in java or any other scripting language i probably couldn't do it the way that somebody else could i just learned enough that i needed to know to do what i needed to do right which was to create the indicators that i needed it was really the skill set that i had in trading i needed to know how to how to manifest the uh trading strategy that i already had and then put it into a software so anything that i did at that point was literally just geared towards that right so i didn't go through the whole like learning how to do ever you know from scratch descending third and build a app and all this other type of stuff i literally just learned enough that i needed to get my first version out and i did the version two and then i went out from version two once we created an actual product and realized this was something we had on our hands now it only took me about so far and some things i needed that i just couldn't code myself so i when i got brought people in onto our team and we expanded our tech team to start you know doing things like that now as we as we expect so you learned stock early on yeah so when did you become involved he's teaching you the stocks yeah and then so he's teaching you how to code too so what's happening and so that that's that's i'm glad you asked that because like i'm essentially like a perfect testament of like how his ability to teach and the success that comes from just knowing and looking getting out there and just really seeking this information because i was more like an institution like nine to five type of worker and there's no way i was blending up this guy yeah ever all right you go you're in college and right i went to college you know i was pre-med all that type of stuff you know what i'm saying so doctor yeah you know gotta be a doctor you know what i'm saying got to be a doctor back then that was and my family is like you know all doctors nurses and things like that but yeah just like you know um when we first fostered our relationship that's something that because i was always like you know long-minded like you know what i mean i'm trying to make sure the legacy i talk to him about this all the time like bloodline we got to make sure like our bloodlines are like legends like you know like names like rockefeller things like that you know mansa musa like that type of name but essentially once he started talking about this and like i was doing this i was putting in action what he was talking about like you know i'm saying that's one thing too that you have to be like you know you have to really put into action the things that you learn because you can learn you know a million things for a million times if you never actually put it into action it would never really like you know manifest anything so um i started putting the action i was i started making good money and then there was a point like we were even have we had a business where like we're making a bunch of money yeah yeah and i still wouldn't quit my job just because it was we did we had a water uh damage restoration company we ran for a hot like large-scale apartment complexes so like i don't know what you guys have in new york you know 500 units are better you know we're doing water damage restoration plus coming so our checks was big water restoration yeah yeah emergency you know water damage restoration pipe bursts things like that y'all going in yeah because i had construction experience i was in real estate for a lot of house and stuff like that we built that company up and i'm like dude you make it like we're making like twenty three thousand dollars a week you like you won't quit yeah and i'm like dude why not i'm like you know this is it and he's like man i just can't you know this in the third just the same thing when he when he made it right that too man when he made when he made his his entire salary in stock trading that's what i think in like a week you know that's when he was like all right man i'm i'm done yeah and that that was it i was just like i was very similar yeah yeah once i locked in to that perspective once i put in perspective like went out to eat one day and i was just like oh my god nah and it was at the point also when i was at work like the more like the more i went to work the le the more money that i was losing just because my focus was just distracted like it was just this and that at work like get this done you know what i mean and it's just like man this this doesn't make sense you know yeah so all right so you so you build you so you decide to start the cheat code which is you you got an idea of blending these technical analysis things together to technical allocate technical analysis indicators together to make your own proprietary one um so you learn how to code um how much money does this cost to start this business so we put aside uh about eighty thousand justice to start and this was all from from money that we traded up right now i gotta put in perspectives too when us when we when february came around uh february what february 2020 okay right i was i had i had a home improvement company i was running pretty much myself you know just just from the ground up i lost a whole bunch of money uh my real estate projects things went really soft back in 2018 lost much money crypto to almost a quarter million dollars in crypto that i made and everything just went south a lot right um and so i had to start over oh i started back over with a construction company had some money in the markets things like that uh the market came crashing down i was distracted things like things of that nature and uh my parents ended up catching covet right early on when this whole thing happened so i left everything i'm talking about like drop my construction company my girl is pregnant at home uh my portfolio was not paying nothing look at attention to it because i just you know at that time you know you guys know up in new york about you every day you got yeah hospitals bodies coming out body bags and stuff like that and both of them ended up having that you know what i'm saying so i literally went over there um to take care of them and um he lost everything almost you know not even almost did lose everything you know i'm saying my whole business shut down because i was there for almost like two months you know what i'm saying um and then and it was just was rough i had maybe like a couple grand left and so when when when they they both went to the hospital they both were hospitalized for them for a couple weeks um my dad literally was on the death bed like they were about to you know pull the plug on the whole thing and he ended up getting the treatment um and turn it around so that that he came home got they got stabilized everything was cool went back home um that i left that left i left their house with about two thousand dollars and that two thousand dollars you know within the um about it was about maybe a month and a half i flipped that two thousand dollars into 120 right and so that 120 was where i was like okay how did you how did you flip two thousand to 120 options obviously tesla was a big one uh i had peloton i got got in on a peloton run um and this was this now oh actually yeah apple contract so i flipped a lot of those from uh up to 24 000. then apple took me from 24 to like 82 in one day it was and it was only like a four or five percent move in the stock itself but i went hard in it because i have a philosophy of trading with um you know i don't remember if this was warren buffett or um or uh lynch who said this but it was basically talking about um putting instead of diversifying all your eggs into multiple baskets put your eggs into one basket and watch the hell out the basket you know what i'm saying so i kind of really took that philosophy when it came to trading it's like if i'm gonna get in and out of a trade i don't really need to diversify as much right not saying that you shouldn't have proper risk management i don't want anybody thinking i'm saying that i'm not saying go all-in disclaimer but what i'm saying is that you know when it came to my trades i did a lot of due villages i did a lot of technical due diligence and it's perfect too right so i had experience well stop if anybody's not familiar at that time so it's march 2020 yeah so this this one when i was still making these trades this was around july yeah june at this point okay so um so yeah it's already there yeah the market was amazing from march all the way into september it was one of the greatest greatest recoveries in stock market history so um that's the thing with options i just want people just to be aware that you know if you get in low you can you know you can make a tremendous amount of money um but but if you're getting that done you're going to get better all the time that's what technicals come into play you understand when when is the right time when is it not so you so you got in because of technical analysis 100 yeah so so it would be and again we're talking short swing trades so what's a swing trade a swing trade is essentially holding the stock for you know you're holding overnight but less than let's say a month or so so it's not day trading but it's not long for it and so for me my sweet spot was really like you know three four days maybe you know what i'm saying um sometimes and so for me my main training strategy really is identifying consolidation points within bullish trends what's this called what's the consultation because that one is it's moving so always yep so like that's what amt has been doing for the last three months yeah exactly amd's a beautiful trade to do that with because it will it md likes to bounce between its resistance so it's very predictable trade to take right um and so for me it was like all right if you go back and look at amazon's chart you look at even tesla chart there's periods where you have a bullish trend up and then you'll have a period where it'll trade sideways for a while consolidation and then at some point it'll break out of consolidation and make another leg up and so i like to identify those periods of consolidation points then identify our sit-ins patience is a lot a big part of it you don't have to trade every single day and i think that's one of the biggest things that people make mistakes on yeah is they want to be in trades all the time yeah so instead of focusing on one or two trades at a time they're like i'm gonna put a little bit of my portfolio in this trade and then you end up with 20 trades going and you're like well i can't manage on that so how did you determine the allocation because you said you went heavy is it was it a number of contracts or was a certain amount of money that you were allocating to that position um it would be a certain portion of my portfolio i typically would do like about 50 of my portfolio in one particular trade at a time and again our the preface is by saying this is not yeah this is not this is not saying strictly this is a very specific type of trading style and it's not your typical textbook a lot of people who do trade or be like oh my god he's doing risk management but i have very strong uh risk management i will i know when i'm going to get out and i base my my my stop losses based off of technical support levels so if i break a technical support level i know what i'm risking right and i know that i'm going to exit my trade and i know what my upside is but if you if you time your trade at the point of least risk which is typically when you get a break out of a consolidation point because once it's consolidating you're basically what's what's happening is telling you the sellers are kind of going away as as the stock consolidates to say okay buyers and sellers are fighting over this particular price point and neither one of them are winning so it's kind of stabilizing out and then once it starts to break out it's suddenly okay buyers are now clearly almost like tug of war you think a tug of war of two teams tugging and then once the team starts really gaining momentum it typically got that way so now if you if you do get you set your supports level you know that if it returns back to that level chances are now the buyer it's a false breakout and the buyers are going to get crushed right or something like that would apple be a good example of that now since it was i remember in january of this year it got up to like 145 and now it's just been centered like this yeah at last i checked i haven't i haven't looked at apple's chart the past week because we've been swamped with work but last time i checked uh apple had made a nice bullish pattern and then it had a false breakout and then that got invalidated due to us i think a lot due to the overall market pullback with tech tech is just you know what was over yeah and there's not much you can do about that so last time i checked i didn't really have a really strong chart that i like um to kind of play with so i like to right now the way i feel about you even the entire tech sector is we need time to stabilize we need time to find a a consolidation area that's going to say this is where tech is found is base and then figure out if we're going to move from there higher or low you know what i'm saying so um that's how i kind of look at that whole situation without going to everybody else so um okay so yeah because this is like what day traders do right so day trading people that you know obviously you know the safest way most responsible way to buy stock is find a good company and buy it and just hold it for 30 years that's what ian says all the time yeah that's definitely the way to go for sure buy apple um but you can there are people that day trade and the day trading no matter whether you're day trading crypto or your day trading you know um precious metals your day trading stocks you're not necessarily looking at fundamentals you could potentially be looking at news right but it's more so you're looking at charts this is why when you see people like looking in front of a television or their computer screens all day that's what they're actually doing they're looking for a tick forex trading same thing they're looking for ticks up ticks down where they can actually get in a point and get out of a point and you don't just have to do that intraday you can do that for weeks you can do that for 10 days you can do that for a month the longer you go the longer your your time schedule is on how you plan on holding that trade the more you need to understand both fundamentals and technicals so i always tell people you're gonna go the shorter you go the better of a technical trader you better be if you want to go in you want to day trade people i want to be a day trader well if you don't if you're not an expert expert technical analysis trader then you you're doing yourself a huge service and you're not going to be successful right if you if you say on the same perspective if you want to be a long-term trade the more important is to understand the fundamentals right because you don't want to buy a company that's losing money every every every month their earnings are going down every month the profitability is going down the price of earnings ratio is just is out of whack you're going to find yourself in a world of hurt even if you're going long term because yes good stocks go up typically you know over the long term but not all stocks some stocks do go down over the long term and you'll find big companies end up in the penny stocks because they they were you know the models weren't good so if you learn fundamentals you want to be you know if you look if you want to be a longer-term trader you need to be stronger at your fundamentals uh and then i always say that with even with long-term uh investors or long-term traders i'll say long-term traders um going on y'all gold fuel has completely revolutionized the energy drink market it's formulated with clean natural ingredients and is the only energy drink to use cordycep mushrooms cordyceps help your body use oxygen more efficiently and have been used in chinese medicine for thousands of years not only that it's been known to help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation so if you're looking for an energy drink that matches your style and represents your hustle drink gold fuel it only makes sense click the link below and use our promo code eyl 20 to get 20 off from one go to the next cheers family you learning technicals goes hand in hand with fundamentals because if you want to know the optimal point yes you can hold the stock for 30 years right but optimally if a soccer is going through a one-year down period right which happens sometimes you may want to skip that year out right and be able to reinvest at a lower time frame um you know based off of technical so if you have both you can really uh maximize your your your value your portfolio and then to that point too like that's a great point because a lot of people dollar costs averaging right like that's that's a houston today like everybody you know you especially holding long term um you can average down on you know certain companies that might not be good companies but just because of technical analysis you could be able to know that this company has broke a major like you know support level that you probably don't want to be dollar cost averaging at that point right so you just want to hold and wait for the pivot to be able to reverse on the market and then you know get in at that point but yeah so all right let's talk about some recent events that's happened gamestop yeah chico caught that thing both times yeah so we called it okay yeah chico carnegie in both times we caught it and it caught it at uh at i think about 30 something dollars the first run that gave the buy signal and the uptrend and everything like that um the first run at 30 30 something dollars uh and then i think it caught a sell signal i want to say around four or something i don't remember the specific number but if anybody got the chico you could definitely check it out and then the second time around i was actually on the way to to go uh have lunch with this guy yeah and i'm driving him like that he's like yo should i get cheap like did you could give us matter of fact that same time i was on the call with jamal too yeah yeah yeah so so i was on the call with jamal talking about apple he's talking about apple uh earnings play you know what i'm saying i was like yeah you know this in the third so i'm looking at my phone at the same time i'm like damn gamestop i guess i've got a buy signal at 44 right so i'm like damn i might want to i might want to tap that real quick just to see what happens you're getting a text message no no this is me just looking at my phone yeah i saw i saw i did see an alert that came through and said gamestop is going up and stuff like that so i looked at my phone checked in with the cheat code i was like yeah game stuff got bicycle so by the time i got to the destination we was eating lunch at we're sitting down having a conversation with a couple other people and i look at my phone again gamestop is like eighty dollars yeah i said yeah i said maybe i should go ahead and do this and then the market closes while we're having the conversation and then right after mark close that thing went up to 120 dollars i was like so what happened how did that happen as far as that how did it know that that was going to be a good time to buy it because of the algorithm so because of the data that it uses it compiles data based off of volatility right so it compares it essentially takes previous price action and the characteristics of that price action it's not just about a stock going up or down but it's also how it goes up and down right it's also how it's going up and down compared to previous points where it went up and down to tell you okay this is probably a point in time where volatility is coming and the volatility is coming up then that's typically give you buy trends if volatility is coming down it's going to typically give you a sale trend and so uh you know us as traders we operate off of volatility if the stock does not move up or down we don't really make money unless you have a strategy that's based off of you know spread due to a strategy like you know like sprint you guys are looking at it and you're saying this is a buy student are we buying the stock are we doing an option what are we doing with it oh so so we're options traders primarily okay um so so that would be an option straight for us but you know this the software is based for stock trading and obviously options are derivative stocks so we can take taking this away also you know it also it works the same way for forex trading everything etcetera etcetera they got bitcoin at like eleven thousand or twelve thousand dollars we got buy sitting on bitcoin i felt like when we were so crazy we were doing the class that we had where i was i was like yo tesla you know what i'm thinking about short and tesla stuff like that but everybody everybody was like oh man don't do it and i'm like yo you know i'm looking at cheat code i'm i'm seeing everything lining up telling me like it was going down this thing is going down and it was and i hadn't gotten a signal like that since covet and it was almost the same type of signal so i'm looking at i'm like all right i'm kind of waiting for this to happen a lot of times like other times i thought about short tests i didn't get any signals on it so i didn't i didn't mess with it but at that time i got all the signals lined up so i'm like all right let me just wait for a little confirmation then once it broke that support line i jumped in with a bunch of puts and made a ton of money on that downtrend i just hopped out a little early you know i hopped out around like 650 but i could have caught all the way down to five something um but yeah those that was a good trend and so that's how that's how it works so um you said division eventually is to take the company public right 100 yeah so what's what's the process for that uh so right now we're actually working with the attorney to get construct make sure the company is structured in the proper way so a lot of what we're going to need to do it is a certain amount of first seed like investors that are already part of the company right like already investors prior to taking the company public so that's one of the first steps we got to do and then we have to restructure the way we we structure the corporation but overall you know the whole the whole idea is we still have a couple of um milestones that we we're going to hit personally you know as far as how we want our development to go and then numbers that we want to hit before we we take the company public but one thing i got to say about even going public is i just got to encourage everybody you know as our community black people in our community um we have we've kind of worked through this process of education on starting we've always been entrepreneurial in this country and other countries right we've always been entrepreneurial whether that entrepreneurialism was stifled by outside forces or not the fact is we've always had that energy um i think one thing about about it um you know since you had marcus garvey taking this company you know onto stock market things like that it really hasn't been prevalent for us to enter that space marcus garvey coming up yeah yeah when the largest is the first you know first company black home company to go public what's the name of it i remember the name okay but you know it was a i think it was a shipping company that he took to the public yeah um and so the whole thing about that is you know that is where the money is if you look at the richest people in the world jeff bezos uh you know elon musk elon musk's first person in the world why because his stock that he owns what what research i think like can we get some research small but i think i think it's 4 000 companies i saw the stock market roughly and 12 are black yeah and a lot of them we don't even know if as as traders and as investors i think you know we know i think maybe four or five there's a for our no pharmaceutical medical supply company there's urban one it's different companies like that but yeah right but you know when it comes to like you know our our our our you know we got some amazing entrepreneurs out here amazing we got amazing black entrepreneurs out here right now killing the game and the capital markets is where representatives that's where the money is right and the thing is i know so many i know a handful of other raised entrepreneurs i know personally that's taking their companies public and they're not even on a major level they just took the company public and we think about it like it's some some big mysterious thing that we have to do but the other day we just have to have really good companies enough capital and take that thing and make it happen because at the end of the day that's where the money is and if we want to really see you know first off close the wealth gap second off if we want to really reach heights that um you know our maximum potential we got to go where the money is and that's our plan so why why do you think more people have not taken that company public i think i think it's just the education the awareness and just the fact that um it's not made known or made like uh it's not like it thin right like in every community like if i feel like in other communities it's just something that they're aware of right like if you look at elon musk everybody's saying like oh elon musk like just came out of nowhere and became like you know multi-billionaire right like elon musk had billions right before that but he came out and literally made hundreds of billions in a very short span of time right you can't that kind of money is not something you can legit make in just business just by you know like within a year or whatever it may be so the the marketplace is literally an engine a financial engine right like a like a wealth vehicle that you can capitalize on just based off of other people investing in your company and like one thing i always say with like you know our community we make like everything like anything that if you look at trends right like anything that black people really stamp on goes right like we move markets we we're known to have like a our expenditure is like in a trillions of dollars as as a marketplace so imagine that being reflected in the marketplace with the amazing companies and entrepreneurs that we have on hand currently we'll be making billionaires overnight like you know what i mean i think we had this conversation yeah you know you opened my mind to it and i think the key is that it was out the realm of belief yeah we've never we've never seen it it's been right right like we've never especially from i guess our demographic right we've never we just never seen it right and and so like when you we had this conversation i'm thinking like that's really brilliant but what is what is some of the corporate nothing comes from but yeah i don't because like how is there a certain revenue threshold that you have to think i was going so like i'm you got companies that are shell companies that don't have anything but a corporation that our public that go publicly and you can buy a publicly a publicly traded show company today right now if you want to go public in the next couple months you can buy a publicly traded shell company do a reverse merger and you have a public company but at the end of the day what's the reverse merchant reverse merge is essentially when you you uh uh a privately held company will merge with a publicly held entity right and to create a new corporation a new entity that one kind of merges into the other right so um at the end of the day you got a you got b b merges with a and we call ourselves something new right you give the coin to something new or you can keep getting the name of the of the entity that is being the entity that's being acquired which will be the the actively trained comprehensive actively not actively trained actively uh active business that's when jay said on right no need to discuss further ipo hole yeah reverse merger yep that's exactly yeah and then you also take over all the legalities of the already so the whole point of the reverse merger is that the first company has everything that you need to be able to list on the stock market if you're a private company and you don't have you there's a lot that goes into like you know just like not just the process yeah the process is the process but that company yeah has everything that you need you don't have everything that you need you you know reverse merging with that company merge and then you have everything you need essentially you take on all the credibility there's a specific capital threshold no so the thing about is there's capital requirements to to um to you know pay for the fees and listing legal fees and things like that to list but as far as like having to have a certain amount of capital it depends on the exchange you want to list on somebody if you want to go into nasdaq or something like that nasa has the highest list of requirements of anything else you have new york soccer teams but then you also have the otc markets a lot of us sleep on the otc markets but you have a lot of decent companies that are actually listening occ that can uplift as they go along so it's an entire process we don't need to discard any of the the different um you know exchanges that you can list on the point is get there right once you get there and this is the other thing about it and we talk about price of stock and stuff like that that's not really the most important thing the most important thing is having the leverage to be able to acquire other companies right you can do stock transactions you can do options transactions you know to be able to acquire other companies there's just so the whole world opens up to you that's not opened typically as as a private privately owned corporation and so that's kind of our plan obviously we're not experts at the at doing it we haven't done it yet i've done spent a lot of years researching a lot of years talking to attorneys about it and make it step by step but at the end of the day you know my our plan is to literally to kick down the door for our group and our generation to that space and bring that information and that and that process back to everybody else and really be able to partner with other people and do things that we can right just encourage people to do it you know what i mean because there was this uh coffee company that jamal and i were familiar with way back when called looking and uh they got profit but they're back on the otc market and i'm like oh this is what they're doing they just changed the name right and so it went from like a two dollar stock now to almost like a nine dollar sale and so that's important because now they don't have to pay the fee for being in i guess whatever what would that's that they were the nasty so now they just go otc pay a lower entry level and still can exist as a company yeah it's kind of like essentially like an athlete going to the g league right to get the exposure get everything you need get the experience and then once the nba sees you or you're ready to go to the nba you go to your pro day and then you know try out and get into the mba that's about as simple as i think i could put it and if i'm thinking sports yeah like i do like josh gordon right exactly josh gets suspended he's gotta figure out he's playing differently right until he can get back to the nfl right gotcha yeah otc over-the-counter over-the-counter yeah yep counter stocks this is a lot less lot less listing requirements lot less oversized farms you know uh financial statements and all that other type of stuff but the thing about that area is if you operate as a proper company you do even if they don't have the oversight you make sure that all your stuff is in line you do your financial statements you operate within your company as if you were trading on an asset at the end of the day you do what you're supposed to do things are gonna everything will line up and that's the way i see this is all you know um you know in our our roadmap you know our plan is literally whether we go occ we go straight to new york stock exchange whatever it is you know we just build a really really good company if you take build a really really good company whatever you want to do with it at that point you'll be able to do right we have our company right our business right as it stands we have amazing revenue we have amazing profit margins we have everything we need to explain um and there's so many other businesses that are out there that are in the same space sas companies um e-commerce businesses that's a as a software as a service so you know software's and service companies are our amazing business model and our plan is actually to expand and purchase more software as a service company what is software as a service code so you build a software and uh you essentially sell it as a service on a monthly subscription basis you know man so and um it's just an amazing amazing business model because you know once it's built you know the infrastructure around it is just administrative really once once a product is built and then you just have subscription revenue that you can constantly grow if it's a really good product and has a use case for millions of people your job is really just to make amazing people aware about it so that you can continue to expand the company and and then take that model and grow it and honestly i gotta say you know we're just having this yeah we're just having this conversation uh not too long ago but i've been i was big in real estate you know i mean i was big in real estate and i'm never knocking real estate at all yeah but he would die for real estate he used to be that tax yeah yeah and i got to put that out there but i started i started to look at it and i was like damn man if i got x amount of capital and i wanted to uh to put it to work in a particular industry right if my pro my mindset is growth right if i'm trying to grow you know within a certain time frame sas businesses really offer an um a unbeatable uh type of model business model right because i put my capital up i have my digital real estate my website my you know different things that's out there landing pages and sources of traffic and you build something once and the revenue comes consistently if i want to put ad spend into it if i spend a thousand dollars in ads i might come back with two thousand three thousand dollars the next day or week or whatever it is uh within a short period of time it's the velocity of money you know i mean so when i look at what i can do in real estate all right well i can put my money in real estate and and do that i'm never not i'm not again i'm not saying not to what i'm saying is i got to wait for my capital come back at least on a monthly basis right you know we have monthly tenants but then you you know there's expenses and things like that so a certain amount of profit when i look at you know says i can put my same capital to work and and says and my velocity comes back within a couple days a couple weeks maybe it means the velocity is quicker so if i can turn my money around quicker i can grow my capital quicker and my equity in my company scales a lot more differently you look at real estate you got cap rates right for your real estate on how to value commercial properties with a sas business if i do uh if i have a uh um sas business based off of let's say tech right obviously check right um my valuations may be eight times uh my my monthly recurring revenue my annual recurring revenue uh if i add things in like data consumer data that i also add to that to that business and this is something i actually got off of my bro told us something that we looked into i was like dude yeah so based on how we can you can expand your potential uh your potential um uh valuation on your company just by adding different things like like data being a database company versus uh you know just a standard sas company so there's a lot of flexibility on how you can grow your valuation and your equity in your company you know with sas instead of eight times like as a regular evaluation for a sas company if you add data it's 25 times it can be up to 25 to 25. so that's that's that's a huge factor yeah so when you look at if you look at building our portfolios i rather i'm looking at now from our perspectives build our portfolio sas companies right same way with a real estate-based uh portfolio and then combine all that together and create a company that's a massively held you know uh um yeah entity that's that's in the sad space so that's that's kind of one thing we again want to encourage other entrepreneurs out there other black entrepreneurs particularly to to start looking into more sure the more you know man yeah yeah the real estate space is something that special it's vital yeah vital especially in this day and age it's not like it right so talk about all right so talk about the company so what what exactly do you guys offer like what's your product suite so we over our our primary product is our cheat code algo that's our product that's our sas products right um and which we're constantly iterating constantly improving on and constantly uh you know just bringing value to then we have our our second kind of tier would be our educational program and so for chico we also do classes free we do free classes we have a free free classes we do twice a week on how to use the cheat code so that people can learn live we sit on zoom we teach then we have a free community which people can kind of come to and we talk about stocks options give games stuff like that right so before we move from that the cheat code um just in general usually just for people that are completely new and just don't know what the cheat code is even from this conversation it is a soft it's a trade-in software that tells you exactly when to buy um and exactly when to sell and then as you're trading it does have a live trade in manager that actually gives you uh stop loss values that you can have as a mental stop-loss or you can actually implement in your chart yeah exactly and then take profit points because you want to you want to take profit on the way up right not the way down so we try to impart to everybody as we can scale out of your positions on the way up so that you don't have to worry about oh you know i don't know when to sell you get into a really good trade you're like oh i'm scared to take profit like scale out slowly so that's why we set that set up got a lot of features there um so that's our main thing and then we have the free community discord community we teach you know and we talk we do all types of stuff and there's about 3000 people deep in there and in that program we have a premium product that our premium service where we do live trade alerts we do uh classes from beginner to advanced every week um that kind of thing and then we have our master class program which we recently launched and that's launching uh tomorrow actually april 1st uh we're gonna run them every two months and uh that is an eight week master class we just go from beginner trader all the way to advanced we teach you know absolutely absolutely nothing to being able to trade advanced trading you know within eight weeks um so that's something we really did a brain dump on like you know as much as we could get out of our heads into the course is what we provide there that's live we teach it you know and we have a community as well we can you have access tools we talk all day long and and make sure people get that information uh and then finally um what else we got and then we got the 10k challenge yeah 10k challenge is a really cool cool thing it's um something we launched basically we start off with a thousand dollars an account um and then we basically would trade that account our admin team would trade that account uh and the trades that they take live you know uh other people are able to kind of uh witness follow along i can mimic it yeah yeah it's completely optional it's not something we're like oh you have to do this at the third but it's not it's basically so you can kind of see how we do it right and then you can either emulate it or not essentially like giving you fish while you you know learn how to fish right so yeah that's pretty much the main you know products that we have or services that we offer but i think the main thing that we really want our community to to to do is is really just wherever you get your information from get the information you know because a lot of people out here getting into the market and just trying to hand this is a skill skill-based game you wouldn't go out onto a uh go and go to rucker park right and yeah yeah you just you just learned how to ball the other day right you got a basketball you've been dribbling around one three-pointer yeah you want to head out to rocket park that you're going to do something right right so um it's how it is we we want everybody to it's not technical versus fundamentals we need to learn both you need to have an understanding because sometimes it's going to be the time to day trade and things like that sometimes it's going to be time to just put it into long term and just chill out yeah right and that's where i'm at right now well i don't know when i talked to jamal and i talked to you guys a couple months ago you guys were training like man honestly i don't like the market right now yeah i'm gonna stash into some value trades and i'm gonna sit there and that was january you know i mean and everybody was still kind of going to tech route and i'm like i made a bunch of money on tank i made a bunch of money on tesla i made a much money on those things now i'm kind of just hanging out i'm gonna stash my money in some value stuff i'm gonna hang out long term so i'll figure out what the market's gonna do got everything going on with interest rates and all this other type of stuff market knowledge is is the kind of like the third leg technical fundamentals of market knowledge understanding what's happening in the market the economy how the economy works yep the four-star macroeconomics that's important too to realize sometimes like i just put a substantial amount of money in some long-term positions because it's like you get caught up in trying to run somebody else's race and measure your success but yeah the worst thing you can do is get a bag and blow it and you can blow it every day if you don't know what to do there's nothing wrong with not doing anything or just playing and see cash is in position playing it safe until until you know you figure it out if you want to start to trade again or you know make short-term you know situations or options and stuff like that just but you feel pressured to do something just to do it right now and that's when you lose money and agree you get greed your eyes get big you see you know see everything going up crazy like i want to get it man i'm telling you man like i've been through and it took me a long time to understand that what you talking about and i think that's very wise of you even you know as um an individual in the space that you recognize that early you know man because for me it took me a long time i started young and i ate being young and high risk individual and i was a hot head you know what man so it took me a while every aspect you can think of i was just i was a hot head aggressive you know things like that and i had to learn over time like yo sometimes you just got to learn how to chill out and and and you know i've been through multiple market cycles to see the the um you know the irrationality that comes last time the crypto market went crazy in 2017 your rationality was was crazy i turned 5 to 250 k in that market but then lost like 200 000 in a night emotional disparities it takes market maturity yeah for sure it takes more mental fortune yeah too it takes patience it takes all of that right so like when you when you've gone through that when you can see something like that mm-hmm i mean there's nothing you can't see now that's i see myself saying you know what oh man it's running it's running yeah let me get in yeah that's a fact but after you after you've done it a few times and you've messed up a few times yeah you know you're grateful enough to actually come back in because you didn't lose your position and it's like all right well i know it now my eyes have trained to see it yeah right i know that you know i mean it's like the the if you're on the field right i'm i can read the defense now right i know i know what to do all money that you walk away from is money won you never lost like potential money to gain is not real money yeah you never make money until you sell like you know what i'm saying like those are real things that i had to personally learn myself you know what i'm saying and always beat it down in my head i'm like yo like i'm ready to go all right on display you know what i mean like and you get excited you know what i'm saying when you start like you know winning and things like that you definitely get excited and you can you can't get swept off your feet and i always say this like you know after your biggest gains is when you were most likely gonna experience your biggest losses because you're most vulnerable there mentally you know that's the psychological aspect that's created yeah you think you're just god you know you're you're on the heart god level you know what i'm saying you're not there yet yeah yeah that's a that's a fact and like i said that's something that you know you can't compare yourself to anybody else you can't count anybody else's wins you gotta run your own race that's it realize that defense is the best offense best take profits don't be greedy don't be emotional all of these things come into play because if not you can really hurt yourself in a short period of time and um like i said there's nothing there's nothing worse than getting money and then losing and losing and that's one thing i got i got to say even for for traders and this kind of goes into what you're talking about with uh getting money and losing it as a trader even if you're a short-term trader short-term trade with a long-term perspective right so if you if you're looking at like i want to make my money short-term right you're doing it with the perspective of okay long term i want my portfolio to grow long term right i don't want to just make money today and then lose money tomorrow right you want to make the money and you want to continuously grow it even if it's with small profit amounts every day that you and a lot of times we sleep on this once you get to the point where you got a hundred thousand two hundred thousand dollars in your car you know traded it up or what not you're like oh yeah you know you make two thousand dollars today it's like that's not a good day yeah right but bro you just made two thousand dollars in a day if you make two thousand dollars a day every day right it's crazy you're gonna make what seven hundred thousand dollars in a year something like that right so so at the end of the day if you have a hundred thousand two hundred thousand if you have two thousand two hundred thousand dollars account that's one percent a day that you can just and you can make that relatively easily with just a little bit of effort right even if it's a half percent a day you know what i'm saying something like that you can make a decent amount of money on a long-term perspective short-term trading and i think that's the the argument that happens a lot of times is long-term versus a short-term and is that the third right we're all long-term traders everybody wants to make money and for the long term you don't want to make money tomorrow and not have it the next day so you know i think we just all have to kind of take that into consideration for even for all my guys out there who are short-term technical traders you know try to keep a mindset of long-term keep that goal in mind wow cause that's all that matters at the end of the day that is the fact and um yeah as i always say education is extremely important you can't skip over it no yeah it was all how you guys talk about the fintech you know a black fintech company is extremely important and dreams taken in public and all of that so you know as always whenever we bring somebody on that educational platform we always try to you know have a special offer for eyl uh supporters um yeah and you guys are gracious enough to do that so the bundle from my understanding the bundle is every single thing that you offer right yep all bundled together for you for a year so so you guys are giving 500 off right yep okay so yeah so 500 off um and the website is so once again explain explain what that what that bundle actually represents yeah so uh for the bundle you're going to be getting um the cheat code i'll go software which tells you when to buy and sell with the stop loss take profit points uh great great technical analysis talk about that yeah so i i'm glad you brought that out there's a lot of times when we say we're students of the game right right i know y'all personally yeah that's a fact the first thing i did was sign up yeah and not text you after and he wasn't like oh troy it's all good it was like no i want to support your business number one right but i also want to learn right so i found myself diving in every morning so like guys in text messages i'm studying i'm going into the discord right i'm looking at my body cells because now i'm adding another piece to my arsenal so a lot of times we talk about do the homework do the homework right g code has become part of my my homework now so it's like all right i've done my technical analysis from what i know i have my indicators let me double check it with what you guys are doing and like i said man the platform blew me away right so i had to my brother was blown away everybody around us was blown away and um i'm i was like look this this is something special man we got to connect with these guys so again man being a student of the game and watching what you guys have done has been incredible so i i encourage you so talk about like how like specifically like give an example because i know you've been you've been very bullish on it and you're right yeah yeah yeah definitely yeah yeah so like i said i i'll find stocks and um i'll do my technical analysis on it i'll do a little bit of fundamentals and then i'll go in to see all right one of the best things i think was the cc curve yeah and when i really understood the cc curve what is the cc so cc curve really is is a swing and so you can see when the stock is about to change right from a bicycle to a cell signal so and it's very very obvious because it's either going to be red or green smooth you can kind of see from the texture of the color like all right if it's in dark red it's just hit this negative right hit this negative downturn and as it paces up you'll see it turn light red and then you can see go green and one of the things i took from you uh francis is like you know what don't get it right away i want it to be a momentum trade so i haven't been doing that a lot i was like all right well it came out of the the swing all right let me get in now so i can catch the ups right and he was like you know what let's see the momentum let's wait a day right let's let's change it and that's another dope thing too is that it does it by hour right so it could be you could look at the four hour chart right look at the three hour chart you can look down in 30 minutes right that's for this for that that's five five yeah so i started out during the week and then i got down to four hours now i feel comfortable at the four hours so i could see it right and i could see that first pick up right it's like okay second tick all right now this is my entry point right um and so it's helped me tremendously in doing my research and doing my data my data analysis of my positions that i'm getting right and that's that's the same feedback we got from the uh forex guy that tried it um he actually like a like a swing trader too no he's a scalper he's a scalpel yeah there was there was one guy that was a forex scalper and he was getting in and out of trading and what he said was that everything that he does in his own technicals yeah right he had two screens you know these guys he had like so yeah yeah so he's got he's out scoring he's doing his technical one and he's got the cheat code overlaid on the other one he's like every time he he gets his signal on his technicals he looks over and then already he got it so he's like damn he's like i'm sitting there looking at him like that man well what am i even doing this for if i already got here that's kind of honestly trying to fight it yeah yeah yeah one point i want to make is that you know we got to understand something in the marketplace we are it's a competitive area right there's always a buyer a winner and a loser in every transaction when somebody's making money somebody's losing money right now the hedge funds institutional traders uh you know they have you know people people have multi million dollars even billion dollar uh you know high frequency trading bots and all types of different tools that they have at their advantage to make sure that they win at the end of the day we saw that with the gamestop thing to go to any lengths to do what they have to do to win you all understand that these guys have billions of dollars to put towards advanced trading tools and and resources to make sure that they win and we don't right that's the whole goal is that you know big banks take a little bank they're not fighting each other to win their money from themselves right they're trying to take money from out of retail hands right because we don't want us putting money we take our stimulus money we put in the market we don't really know a whole lot of technicals and stuff like that and then you know sometimes it's almost like a casino at some point if you don't if you don't really put a perspective on it so you know for us we developed the software it was kind of like the retail traders version of some of the things that the institutional guys are using because if you go back and even when you look at we had this conversation on clubhouse not too long ago where there's a bunch of hedge fund guys in the room and they're like kind of like kind of bragging to each other about how you know their their firm caught the uh the bullish trend coming back to the market at the bottom of covet right they're like oh yeah we you know our friend was the first firm on on the on wall street to call the market coming back in april 10th or call the market come back april 14th and they're like oh well my firm did this in the third when i went back and looked at the chico chico called that thing march 20 something like a week two weeks before they were talking about and it gave us all the bullet signals saying everything was coming back man so i'm like go if these guys are you know with all their millions of billions of dollars of research and tools and things like that that they have at their disposal this gives us a fighting chair a real chance of of being able to protect ourselves or be able to just have fun success in the market that you know other we wouldn't have otherwise and even myself as a tr when i go back and i look at uh kovit we got the the sell signal uncovered the day covets before covert even started to really the or the market start spy started to drop we got the cell signal down a day before that right i wouldn't have saw that if i was just trading myself without without that right right i wouldn't i wouldn't have said damn the market's about to really come down i wouldn't i would have known i would have just thought it was a little small pullback little flick right you know same thing with the tesla trade i would have been bio well tesla's always going up this is just going to be another blip in untested downturn this past you know february something that that happened but chico was screaming at me like man right no this is it you know what i mean and so yeah i like that it's an institutional tool for retail investors yeah that's true right the crazy part is like the institutional like investors have tools like bloomberg terminals things that cost like tens of thousands of dollars right and news that you see on the news before it gets to the news these guys already know they got it you know what i'm saying so it's like cheat code also works in like conjunction with like you know detecting influx also in like you know just various things like calculations and things like that so if like these guys are moving their money big money is moving their money out of the market and you don't know it right like you're just waiting on the news to be like oh covet 19 here we're shutting down all businesses before that news article is set out on the news these guys have already made that transaction and been able to protect all their all their capital so um that's that's essentially the thing and that's it a lot of other information and we also understand data how important data is into factoring into these trades right because a lot of these guys are purchasing our data you trade on robinhood you think robin hood is free and so i'm going to say robin specifically but other platforms that have free commission trading stuff like that it's not always free right because it is paying them one way but you're paying in your data because hedge funds and institutional guys are buying that data so they know what it is that you're trading where you got your stop losses and things like that and that they can kind of use for their programs and things like that to run right and i'm not trying to paint hedge funds as bad and you know individuals per se but everybody's looking to win and they have the resources to make sure that they went so they're pert they purchase data they purchase our user data we don't have anything yeah you know and there are there's other tools out there that you can use that would give us information that's why our goal is to look not just this but build out a suite of tools that you know let's say we need to know you know when uh when money is going in and out of a particular stock you know senators are different information there's things that we can get we'll see touching places all gold that's kind of what i mentioned earlier our milestones before going public we want to go we're going to have these tools built out first and foremost so that you know you can just go on your phone and say damn you know i see that you know 10 million dollars just flew out of at this particular trade you know you know on whatever uh platform and you'll be able to kind of take that into your your understanding before you set your trade so it's again like i said technicals fundamentals and then market knowledge knowing what's going on in the market you know what i mean it's not just technicals and fundamentals market knowledge is a component people don't really talk enough about and then i think the last part about it is this emotional intelligence being able to manage your emotions and trading uh and then you'll be a fully well-rounded trader fully well-equipped to have success in the market on a regular basis so so you get that algorithm that tells you when they when they trade yeah um you get that boot camp yeah you get the um boot camp the eight weeks boot camp um you also get the premium discord channels with the trade alerts the admins and the discord the community for a year um and then you also get to participate in our 10k challenge which is you know following along with the uh trades that we make taking a thousand dollars with ten thousand dollars you can mimic you can mimic that yep you can mimic that all of that all of that five hundred dollars off the only place that you can get the 500 off is that website ey we appreciate you guys for that and once again if you are i said you guys bring up a good point i just talked about 60 minutes a while ago and he was talking about how um you know um like institutions they showed like their trading room and their trading room was just computers they have these super computers if you want to be a day trader if you want to be a swing trader you want to be a trader period right you have to use software right it's impossible not to so you're not trading with hp's right because that's the competition that you're up against all right we're in the age of technology so for you guys to like i said start that company defend that company and give the regular retail investors an opportunity to um look at not just you know figure out charts for themselves right but actually give them a software to actually help them with the charts absolutely is extremely valuable so i definitely encourage every single person like i said troy has actually used it i'm not really a big technical person right um right but i do look at charts from time to time what you think yeah that's that's that's that's that's majority of us as long as our community somebody's got that you know what's funny about that though is that there is a a powerful tool it's a trading it's it's becoming more prevalent because we think about viral something i call it viral trading right we got people see uh somebody say oh yeah this is the stock we're trading right it goes on twitter people share it yeah and it goes on instagram it goes on tick tock and then everybody's like it's basically yo what you think yeah yeah i think i think does coin is a good turn and all of a sudden everybody's hurt and that's another that's another form of data because if you look at it we even have an etf now um what's it called uh measures the yeah what's it called yes that's basically measurement that's data that they're taking to be able to to informatively make their trades and that's what they're now manifesting in the etf for everybody to participate but they've been doing it yeah so that's data that we wanted like when we talk about our group chat that is our example yeah that's friends hit me up back like i'm looking at that that's our discord but yeah that's this community yeah and i hit you yeah even in the hedge funnel or when you work on wall street everybody has different jobs everybody doesn't look at um technical analysis right some people are fundamental some people outside english some people just go out and make relationships with different people to actually bring the money in they call rain makers so lobbyists exactly i look at i look at my role it's the same way i'm not that's smart i'm in the streets i'm in the street i'm in the streets troy's in the office i'm in the streets yeah that's good man that's a good combination yeah that's a fact yeah man you gotta have that man especially in partnerships man yeah yeah yeah people overlook any of this right we got two brothers working together right two brothers working together right like that's so it's something special it's so we always talk about this in our community you know we we have a habit especially as black men of wanting to like everybody wants to be the boss i want to go out and do this i want to go do this on my own i want to do this but at the end of the day man sometimes it's really about just you know bringing what you have to the table and building something bigger than yourself you know right and that's really what it's about i've had multiple businesses on my own you know i mean it had various levels of success in all of them but really until we partnered up and really you know he was able to he does things that i'm not particularly good at or i don't particularly want to do it i do things that he's not particularly good at or he doesn't want to do right and we're able to build kind of like a full structured type of type of business model and that same thing with you guys that's community man that's community and same thing you were like hey i want to show this to trap i want to show this to you that's a phone call let's get on the phone with them and so now you building and when we i spoke to paula she was like um i'm like oh this episode was incredible she was like yeah i spoke to francis i'm like oh this is community right this is it right here in front of us and you know what's crazy back in the homeland this is how we operate like tribes everything like we eat from the same bowl we go hunting food together like you know what i'm saying like if you don't do the work you're not eating like that's literally the motto you know i'm saying like ever since i was a kid just because my brother is seven years older than me so i always hung out with like you know that's why like i matured early essentially but it's just the idea of like you know going far we get things done together faster you know what i'm saying like if we're trying to prepare a meal okay you get the ingredients you get salt you get you know uh uh cayenne pepper you get you know what i'm saying you got the chicken you you know boil the water bring the salt except just look at street fighter you know you got ken and ryu double dragon yeah all the now we appreciate you brothers man so um what would you like to leave the people what what's what's some final words you would like to tell the people how can they follow you on social media all that yeah for sure so you can follow us at uh c-h-e-a-t dot i'll go on instagram you can follow my instagram is quay trades quake k-w-a-y dot trades yeah and then my instagram is the real jehu you know the real j-e-h-u yeah yeah and i think the final word i particularly want to say is just i just want to encourage everybody out there particularly those in our community uh to always think bigger i'm not gonna say dream bigger right because you know like you talking about earlier it's a dream to dream you gotta be asleep right uh but you know i think bigger right right whatever it is that you got you can always make it significantly bigger you're never going to get bigger unless you think bigger first and then take the actions necessary to make it to that point um and so that's that's one thing i just kind of want to leave everybody with and then when it comes to trading you know um for my traders out there or my people who are in the markets who are in the the investment world um make sure you're using all the any resources and all resources that's that's within your grasp you know if you're not if you really not um if you're not putting forth the effort of reaching out to you know education or tools or whatever it is you can use to your advantage then you're really not trying and if you're not trying you're not gonna find success in the marketplace um and this is one of the most important things and i think the last thing i know is long the last thing i want to leave with is invest in your kids you know what i'm saying teach your kids whatever you learning now you can teach your children and you if your child can understand it i promise you you know what i'm saying these kids are coming up i promise you they can understand you don't have to you have to go deep into you know uh you know whatever technical analysis made things like that but you could teach some fundamental principles you could see some you know even right now my son just started his first uh candle business you know he's eight years old he started a little candle business he also trades you know he has a little little trading account he does when he's uh you know she's off from school and things like that um but those things it was very simple for me to teach him it didn't take a lot and he's not i'm not he's not he's a great kid i'm not saying he's smarter than anybody else's kid none of that type of stuff these are very simple things that you could teach your children and i promise like with the knowledge you have today the things i learned at 13 is the same thing we sitting here talking about now at 30. you know what i'm saying and i'm taking with me some 60 70 80 years old so i got alzheimer's right god forbid not going to work you know i mean that's the thing yeah man like just to emphasize on the things he says like i'm super big into legacy um i grew up in the homeland i've seen i i just want like our community just to be able to like you know come together like no matter the walk of life right because we all have everybody comes from a different lens right in this life thing right we all have different experiences we all have different like you know just motivations and things like that but just we have to be able to kill ego in our community to be able to move forward i think that's one of the biggest things holding us back and when it comes to like the invest in space do not be afraid to invest in your education right like you know of course go to youtube do all that like you know i'm saying that's you have to be dedicated right like the this investing thing the number one thing is you have to be able to want to have a better life for yourself right like if you're not motivated individually as somebody that wants to be in a better position for not just you your family and things like that because that's one thing that we've realized like and that's a sacrifice that we've made like as far as time like he's telling you his kid was his child was being born and we're out here trying to get on calls in the house in that in the house you know what i'm saying so it's it's different like you just have to be able to you just you just have to be able to just want better for yourself and um just just capitalize on that you know what i'm saying reach and seek out this information at the highest level because we're living in the age of information there's no reason there's no reason to be there not this type of information out there yeah and you and when we willing if you look at when you're going to college uh you know i was taking classes and things like that each one of my classes was like three grand for a biology class that i never saw i never did anything with biology in my life outside of making children right you know what i'm saying um it's not something that's not something that i use right uh so i spent three thousand dollars on that i have debt to this day for classes that i never did anything with if i'm willing to to go three thousand dollars in a debt for a a class that i've never used before then why wouldn't you know why wouldn't i four hundred dollars two hundred dollars there's fifty dollar programs out there there's two thousand dollars programs out there you're gonna get what you put in right this is information that you can literally i mean at night everybody i think that that's been in the market understands or most people there's been to work understand that this is something that can change your life for good i've i've done it i haven't worked a nine-to-five job since 2011. right you know what i'm saying and and i was pressed on my hand to fight and he was personally able to quit his night he had a good nine to five job you know pushing on six figures and he was able to you know to quit that just from the information that you know i gave to him he ran with and he's been able to you know to do what he's been able to do with so i think it's just the most important thing is just understanding wherever you get it from it doesn't have to be through us through anybody you see around or whatever it is anywhere get the information first and foremost what i'm saying and then once you have the information then you'll be able to apply that information and then don't be afraid to put a little bit of capital up in the markets for yourself to try to to to apply that that what you're learning you know because it's only um it's only going to benefit you in the long run so i appreciate you guys man sure troy how's keeping it yeah information on us application on you that's the rules and shout out to everybody on that is our private paid program obviously we got that from uh our good brother nifty also rest in peace to him all right honor the two year anniversary of his death so we we're gonna treat the marathon runner of course uh so shout out to everybody on again the the top tier uh tier five you all have access to eyel university the number one place for everything in the world of entrepreneurialism uh business and finance man and shout out to all the earners that have been part of that shot everybody in our facebook group uh everybody that's been attending our classes and applying this information that's a lot of information um so there's so much that you can apply in the real world man so these guys are doing it and you're doing it too so kudos to you and shout out to everybody supporting our merch on uh uh earning leisure and uh yeah i already told him i already put my order in i need that so yeah we greatly appreciate that uh thank you absolutely that's it thank you guys for rocking with us we'll see you next week peace peace my graduates from my school being forbes back drop back drop my drop back drop bag
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 188,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 51sec (5331 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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