How to get minion slots FAST in Hypixel SkyBlock (complete guide)

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hey guys i'm back for another video and welcome to another high pixel sky block tutorial and today first of all it's been a while since i've done one of these and today we're going to be talking about minions so in my opinion minions are one of the most important things to focus on in skyblock because they work autonomously they don't require active effort when grinding and as someone that's made i would say i don't know eight profiles at this point in every single one of them they've been useful except for the speedrun profile because yeah anyway the goal in today's video is to teach you guys how to most effectively uh take advantage of the minion system and how to avoid a lot of shortcomings that i went through when learning all the tips and tricks that i'm about to share with you guys now before we get into that uh you should consider getting the 30 virus bad line cloak as you can see right here by my weird camera angles it is the matrix on your back look at that beautiful thing anyways you can get it in the description or with the link in the pin comment well anyways let's get right into it so before we even get to the tips themselves i want to explain some of the questions that you need to ask yourself when considering which minions to put down which order whatever and the first question is how quickly does a minion fill up some minions are worthless when placed down because the storage fills up too quickly and you can't continuously collect it in time and you just lose efficiency obviously when you just start out the game you can't get super compactors for every single minion you know you're stuck with regular compactors which limits you a lot so something like a zombie minion or a skeleton minion will be pretty useless because they will fill up almost immediately like within like an hour and then you'll have to come back every single hour to empty it and then of course when you go to bed at night that's eight hours of productivity lost and it's just not worth it so that's the first question that you have to consider and the second one is is that minion even worth placing at all uh because it turns out some minions are worthless i mean they're only useful for unique minion counts which give you more minion slots you actually don't need to place them down at all and that's because manual grinding for example farming or buying materials from the bazaar is actually much more time and coin efficient also another thing to consider is that some minions are more coin efficient than others uh for some it's just faster to buy the drops for one minion by selling the drops of another minion because you'll simply get more value out of one type over another and finally the third question is what grinds should you focus on to optimize minions so again which minion crafts can you do by farming manually or which grinds should you leave for the minions themselves with those questions out of the way let's define the different categories of minion so the first category a minion is the easy to level up with manual farming or buying from bizarre npc but terrible to place down category of minion that's a long name so we're just going to shorten it to the manual farming minions so don't place these down ever don't bother just farm manually so uh the first and most obvious example is all the wood minions all the crop farming minions mushroom nether wart wheat carrot potato pumpkin and melon another one is cobblestone because of devices like this one right here and then there is ice and sand believe it or not gravel now i have a gravel minion down right now but uh this is because i am very uh i would say very far into the mid game and just need a lot of flint and this is a profile where i can't buy from bizarre so for me it's an exception but for like most of you you never need to place this guy down as well as uh of course enderman the second category of minion is the worth placing immediately with compactors in medium storage category uh this includes coal redstone lapis glowstone iron gold emerald and if you're desperate for unique minions slime so these are worth placing immediately i categorize them as the mining minions pretty much and slimes you know its own little thing but still counts mighty minions are great because you know compactors are extremely cheap medium storage is extremely cheap and they fill up fairly slowly because of the compactor even with diamond spreading so these are a great option for those just starting out at the end of this little categorization thing we're going to describe the full minion guide so explain more on that so that leaves the final category which is the don't bother placing without a super compactor aka save for last category uh this goes for the fish minion which in addition to needing a super compactor you also need a large storage because these guys have all sorts of different drops so you're best off with a large storage clay and snow especially snow if you're not using a super compactor you're gonna have a bad time also large storages help a lot if you want to you know let a minion go for two days without collecting and stone is another one that you basically it's a prerequisite to get a supercompactor before you even bother placing it and in addition to that all hostile and passive mob minions except for blaze and gas because they're actually extremely slow you don't need a compactor or a supercompactor for either of those they fill up so slowly with a medium storage that you could just leave them for two days and you'll be fine and you know slime because of the compactor i guess with all of that out of the way let's get into the complete guide for using minions in high pixel skyblock so before you even place a minion you should head over to the community center once you go to uh elizabeth which i know looks like me because nick hider but just ignore that you head over to the account and profile upgrades section and the first thing or second thing you're gonna see is minion slots uh all these upgrades are free so immediately start the first minion slots upgrade and if you want you can get gems speed up the upgrade process immediately go to the next one and the next one the next one but you know that is optional there are a maximum of five minion slots just from this so uh if you press tab as well you can see your upgrades at the bottom there make sure you always have one going if you have one available also there are account wide upgrades for example i have magic find going right now but yeah you want to have a minion slot upgrade going at all times until you have all five of those unlocked through the community center so that's the first thing and it's the easiest thing because you literally just have to click a few buttons so another thing once you've done that is to come back to your island you actually start out i think it's with five minion slots and you want to place as many mining minions as you can for example coal uh coal is extremely easy to get because you don't even need to go to the deep caverns for him same goes for iron same goes for gold place these guys immediately and if you are able to go to the deep caverns i would also suggest lapis especially redstone i would suggest even two redstone because accessory bag sizes are very helpful diamond and emerald these two are extremely slow you don't even have to worry about them filling up without a storage to be honest as long as you have a compactor so that brings up a good point one of the first things that you want to do before you really go crazy with minions is obviously use up all the minion slots you have place all the minions because you have some grinding to do first what you need to do is unlock the bazaar which requires i think it's tier seven in mining farming and forging getting mining to level seven is really simple just get yourself uh craft yourself a diamond pick by going to the deep caverns you don't need a lot of these enchantments as long as you got efficiency and telekinesis you should be fine getting yourself to mining seven really quickly farming seven is also extremely easy all you need to do is head over to the farm merchant purchase a rookie how put harvesting five on it if you can by enchanting but if you can't do that i guess technically you don't need harvesting five but it speeds things up a lot at least telekinesis and then what you could do is through the hub selector i'm pretty sure if you have a rank you can do this go into a lobby that's relatively empty head over to some of these wheat patches over here get your farming level up by farming everything here all the different wheat patches they're all over the place you know that's already three four five six and then once you're through with all the wheat you can actually go all the way over here and in here there are caves which will have carrots in them then you could farm some carrots the same way much less patches in here but you know carrots are still helpful for collections and upgrading minions as well so this is a helpful thing to do but yeah get your farming up to level seven this way all you need is a telekinesis rookie how also there are uh some potatoes in the middle here all around all over the place actually there's potato uh there's some netherward some wheat this new hub actually has a lot more farms than the old one does yeah that's really easy as well it's probably i would say easier than mining and then finally you have to get forging to level seven now this one's gonna be a little difficult so just get some coins and then you need to head over to the mine merchant buy yourself three gold ingots i've already bought all the gold i can for today but buy three gold ingots uh get two sticks craft yourself a golden axe try and get it with efficiency five either through an enchant table or collecting enough redstone to afford the efficiency engine or alternatively you can try and buy an efficiency book from the auction house which is very much possible once you have efficiency five on a golden axe this is very specific it has to be efficiency five not four and it has to be a golden axe not a diamond axe you'll see why i get telekinesis on that bad boy and then you need to unlock the collection what is it coal three which is only 250 coal and you will unlock the haste potion once you have haste you need to go and grab yourself one enchanted glow stun which means you have to get to combat five it's really easy to get to combat five i would suggest the fastest way to do that is to go over here to the weaponsmith grab yourself an undead sword enchant it with smite five if possible and then i get telekinesis on it and go crazy uh killing things in the deep caverns whether it be lapis zombies if you can survive also one thing i forgot to mention the armorsmith sells growth for oh no it's growth one diamond armor which is pretty good for beginning obviously so once you go to the deep caverns you can go and fight i would suggest the pigmen and the redstone section they give the most combat xp for the amount you can kill and anyway once you get combat 5 you need to head to the blazing fortress once you're there obviously all you got to do is collect enough glowstone preferably for the recipe for enchanted glowstone and then the enchanted redstone i guess you can get from the uh the area with the pigment anyway once you get enchanted glowstone enchanted redstone you head back to your island place down a brewing stand which you can buy from the alchemist in the hub boom boom and boom obviously buy another wart from the alchemist as well you can also buy glass bottles from her fill them with water boom boom boom another wart in there you know how brewing works in minecraft then you throw in your coal your enchanted glowstone dust enchanted redstone dust and in the end you should get haste three potions so now you have an efficiency five telekinesis one golden axe don't worry about replenish you don't need that and haste three so you drink the haze three potion and then you head out to to start with right here right in the hub and as you can see you can instant shop logs now this is an important concept in skyblock first of all this is going to get you to forging seven in no time at all you will get this within probably five minutes but there are more uses for this than just unlocking the bazaar so this is useful to get the collections required for all the different wood minions in the game extremely quickly and with uh oak specifically you actually want to keep on doing this process that i'm showing here especially the big old chunks of wood right here you do this for long enough until you've unlocked the recipe for the medium storage which is 5 000 logs now that sounds like a lot but with haste 3 efficiency 5 golden axe that is less than a half an hour this is what i would suggest you get the medium storage recipe and then uh once you're done with that you're able to use the bizarre because you have tier seven and the three required skills so now that you've done that you can actually go ahead and collect enough wood to get every single foraging minion to i would say about tier six which requires 16 enchanted wood of each type for the latest level eight for the level before that eight stacks of regular wood before that so on so forth at the start of the game you're not gonna have that much money so you do have to manually grind at least the first six upgrades but six minions six upgrades that's immediately 36 unique minions that is a ton and it should get you a few minion slots so once you head over to the park you should be able to do the same thing with oh or yeah oak birch and then as you progress in forging level it'll let you jump up these pads here spruce dark oak acacia and finally jungle now jungle is actually quite helpful because i would suggest actually going up to jungle as soon as possible once your foraging level's high enough because if you unlock the jungle axe recipe which is right here 5 000 jungle wood now again it sounds like a lot but with haste it's really not that bad now this is useful because if you get this guy to efficiency five and telekinesis one with the haste three then what you could do is you compare them together now i have a tree capitator which is an upgraded jungle axe let's just act like it's a jungle axe so let's say i'm going nuts mining the wood piles right and then i pass by a tree i go boop and then i go and mine another wood pile and it gives me more efficiency because i can technically be farming two trees at once i think that's a good way and you know the jungle axe and the tree cap have a cool down so it is helpful to dual wheel the axis and swap between them constantly because you just get wood faster that way so anyway back to minions right so you've gotten theoretically speaking all of your wood minions to tier six now you need to head back to the oak area and you want to collect enough oak wood to get a medium storage for every minion that you have so far now if i'm going to guess you probably at this point are gonna have like what eight minion slots uh so you give a medium storage to every minion that you've already placed on your island up until this point plus the uh the minions that you just unlock the slots for and again once you have those three extra minion slots fill it with more mining minions do not place a wood minion they are useless again i would suggest redstone lapis is really good for xp lapis is good for well haste books efficiency i know efficiency books not haste books minion slots coal is actually yeah i would suggest a lot of coal as well and you'll see why in a bit uh so anyway yeah make sure all your minion slots are in use obviously and then get the medium storage for the mom and then it's time for the next step so after you've given everybody a medium storage here's what you do so you go back to the mine merchant you buy three more gold and instead of crafting an axe now you craft a pickaxe now i have a stonk with efficiency six on it but you can get an efficiency five golden axe with your haste three and you will be able to achieve the same thing so if we head over into the caves here as you can see i can instant mine stone and this is super important because this is how you're going to get the compactor recipe so we go here compactor requires 2.5 k cobblestone even easier than the foraging and as you can see uh compactor requires seven enchanted cobble and an enchanted redstone now if you did the thing with the haste potions you should already have the recipe for enchanted redstone and you should also have access to the bizarre if you have access to the bazaar you could circumvent this entire step actually by just going to the bazaar and purchasing compactors the only thing about that is that they do cost coins if i go in bazaar and i go to compactor each one costs roughly 5 000 coins and i would suggest getting the coins by just hopping lobbies gathering wheat selling the wheat then boom you can afford compactors for all your minions so if you've been doing everything according to plan you should have every minion on your island with a uh medium storage and a compactor all right the next step is very easy now what you do is if you go back to bazaar you'll notice that there is the mining section we go to coal enchanted charcoal buy instantly and a stack is 143 000 coins being only a stack uh if you buy them one at a time they're 2 200 coins very cheap buy as much enchanted charcoal as you can afford and give it to every single one of your minions it is by far the best early game fuel source i would ignore every other fuel source in the game no one chanted bread no regular coal no enchanted coal uh if we go into enchanted charcoal it gives a 20 boost in speed to your minion for 36 hours that is vital you know and if you only have eight minion slots it's only gonna cost you like 16 000 coins so it's very much worth it always keep your minions topped up with enchanted charcoal now again this is my hardcore profile so i can't use bizarre in the ah but i do recognize how powerful they are which is why you know i i'm not doing the methods that i said but they are recommended nonetheless but anyway yeah never use any other fuel other than enchanted charcoal enchanted lava buckets and never use solar panels all the time in chat people are like oh can i just get a solar panel which is cheaper than uh lava bucket because you know if i put a day saver it's always day which means i always get the 25 boost wrong it only gives you the boost if you're online and you're gonna get kicked you can't afk in your island all the time so you're gonna lose efficiency get lava buckets don't be lazy but that's really late in the game so you have to worry about that right now oh and one other thing i would actually say don't bother placing a diamond minion unless you absolutely have to and there's no other minions to place because you could get diamonds spreading and give it to any other minion if we go to the diamond collection as you can see diamond spreading is unlocked to 5 000 collections so maybe you should place a minion just to get the first 5000 but as you can see enchanted diamond diamond spreading it's extremely cheap it's only 160 diamonds plus eight vines and you get vines through the trades menu for jungle leaves and if you go to i think it's jungle collection you should get the vines tray there you go after 500 jungle woods so you should have that if you got all your wood minions up so it requires jungle leaves get some shears to go to the park mine jungle leaves craft diamond spreadings use them in everything as you can see all of my coal minions here have diamond spreading very important uh this this guy does not because flint shovel so that's that's an acceptable reason not to use diamond spreading uh but anyway yeah and same goes for auto smelters with the gold minions that's another thing always put auto smelters on gold and iron minions you don't want to smell what they make afterwards it's a waste of time and it pretty sure the compactor wouldn't even work without an auto smelter as well so after you've done all of that you've probably spent at least two or three hours playing skyblock you're probably gonna want to take a break uh go on to the next day in the following days you should manually grind for some other minion types while the mining minions are doing their thing now what minions do you grind for manually well first of all there's gravel so it turns out uh if you go to the spider's den let's just go back down to the bottom and you'll notice that the spider's den actually has a little area over here that has gravel now if you grab yourself a flint shovel and you mine this gravel i think it would lock the gravel or flinch shovel in gravel collection but anyways you can mine gravel this way preferably in private lobbies because then every single spot's gonna be full of gravel and you'll get tons and tons of it you can get all the way to the critical potion recipe which in my opinion is one of the most important aspects of flint collection so if you go over here critical potion ten thousand flint that is a grind but it is possible i would say four to five private lobbies worth of gravel should be enough to get you to the critical potion recipe and along the way obviously you can use all that flint you've been collecting to upgrade your flint minions so no need to place one down on your island another grind that's fairly easy and does not require you to put a minion down is with cobblestone so as you can see over here this is a cobblestone generator it's fairly simple to make it just requires uh so you make this thing however high this is one two three four five six seven eight blocks tall you should notice one two three four five blocks of height with the cobble six blocks with the water so you put the water up here it flows down into a hole right next to where you're standing and every single block over here behind this cobblestone has lava as you can see here uh every single lava needs to be a source you can't have it flow down or it won't work so what i would suggest is placing dirt all along this line break one row of dirt at a time place the lava it'll interact with the water create the cobblestone keep doing that over and over and over again until every spot is full you should get enough cobblestone to afford yourself either a haste set which would be really convenient because then you don't need potions but up until that point you can still get away with haste three with a either a stonk but that's 500k so that's a lot of money or you know a golden axe and then with the haste potion you can go crazy over here it is an annoying process but you could do this and just in case you don't unlock the teleport pad recipe that's fine you could just uh without the teleport pad once at the end you can walk backwards but anyway yeah this is a really quick way to get the cobblestone required to upgrade that minion so again no need to place it down netherwart has its own special process so if we go fast travel blazing fortress we grab ourselves the rookie held that we made earlier again if you can get harvesting five that make this process a lot better you head up here and then once you get into a new lobby you can teleport your way over here if you have an aote it's convenient and then you can do this you can collect every single netherwar that you can find in the i'll show you all the spots i'm gonna do my typical run through this is a really lucky lobby no one's been here recently doing nether warts so this is a great way to unlock the potion bag and of course get the raw materials for the potion affinity talisman ring and artifact as well as upgrading the netherwort minion for those ever so valuable unique minion crafts so we'll just get all of these guys that's not every spot so let's go up here make our way towards the other half of the blazing fortress castle thing and you'll see some in other words there but for now we're going to start all the way over here just run past the blazes and you'll see another patch right here get all of these now sometimes you're going to get a crappy lobby because other people are doing this and there's not going to be any netherwarts there just keep swapping lobbies until you find this oh there's also a spot that many people miss over here so we're going to go and you can see some people actually gathered these recently there's a downstairs to this room which almost no one knows about until now obviously but yeah there's more netherworks down here with the blazes we head up and then there's one last spot you can go to and that's over here and then boom and then once you've made your circuit around every single spot for netherwarts you can actually go back to where you started down here then you go to the warp pad and you hop on over to the spiders then and then you hop back and you have a new lobby and you can repeat the process over and over and over again mushroom is fairly similar to this process so if i were to go to the barn because i don't have a travel scroll for the uh the mushroom desert but anyway if you want mushrooms fast you don't need to place the minion as always what you can do is actually go over here to the mushroom desert you'll notice there's a whole bunch of mushrooms up there you grab yourself your golden axe if you have a hay string i think that's enough to actually insta chop these but i have golden axe with haste three and as you can see just like with trees you can instant chop the whole thing unfortunately it doesn't work with the tree capitator or the jungle axe but this is a really quick way to get shrooms as you can see uh you can get your collections up pretty fast also i mean if you're late enough game maybe it is worth placing a mushroom minion but this is a fairly efficient way to do it do things as long as you have a good lobby with not a lot of competition going on as i showed earlier in my method to level up farming quickly if i go back to spawn these same patches of wheat and over there carrot can be used to collect wheat and carrot you don't actually need your own farm on your island this is a fairly efficient way to get the wheat and carrots required to upgrade your minions and then finally if we go back to our island there are a few crops that i would recommend you make a manual farm for several of which i'm about to show right here well all of them actually if you want to level up melon and pumpkin you're best off making a farm like this one with uh two blocks of melon or pumpkin two blocks of slabs two blocks of melon or pumpkin two blocks of slabs repeat make sure it's well lit make sure you got water i did this weird hybrid design where it's like really compact but there's a water source every eight blocks in a grid this is really great for having it rapidly regrow it is nice to have a potato or carrot farm on your island but you don't really need the carrots actually because the hub has plenty beans i would not recommend doing too much of this but i guess you can farm like put down like maybe one layer farm like as many beans as you have to to get the collection and buy the rest from bizarre again another word i wouldn't recommend but because i stream a lot there's people competing with me for the netherwar while i stream and then of course sugarcane farm two sugarcane one slab two sugar cane one slab of course with water underneath sugarcane is very good for farming on your island okay some other minions you can upgrade almost right away actually from the bazaar is you can buy all the mats to upgrade these minions to tier 11 basically just from the bazaar right away and that's ice sand ender pearl more levels of wood because wood's actually really cheap if we check in here the prices for wood is like nothing as you can see you can easily get all your wood minions to tier 11 with fairly little cost again farming manually for wood is a pain past tier 6 i would require or i would suggest just buying from bazaar and any other minion really any minion in the game i would suggest pre-enchanted material stage you can buy almost all the materials from bazaar with very little personal cost so like end stone minion for example you can at least get it to tier 4 using materials you bought from bazaar it'll cost you almost nothing so that's a really great way to get all sorts of unique minions all you got to do is unlock the recipe first which takes barely any time at all so i guess uh after that keep on leveling up your mining minions make sure that every unique minion or make sure that every minion slot you get is filled with one of these guys that has the ability to use a compactor and you give him uh medium storage fill every slot with them upgrade them as you go i would not suggest going further than tier seven or eight i would only suggest going to tier viii if you need a unique not because you want more efficiency but typically a level seven is where you want to stop with uh minion levels with mining for now and this is the stage where you continue manually farming for the easy minions and buying materials from bizarre for the slightly more annoying minions and then leaving the mining ones to upgrade themselves with their own materials but at this point you want to start grinding for supercompactor so either you can use this to grind for the cobblestone manually i would suggest a personal compactor if you're gonna do that or a sack of sacks with you know mining sack but that again this is a very extensive process but super compactors are expensive so if you're too poor to afford supercompactors you could mine them the cobblestone manually and if you have redstone minions down you can get the enchanted redstone block i mean since i'm on my hardcore i can't even buy supercompactor so as you can see this morning i got enough cobble just for two of those so that was annoying but you can do that and as you get more super compactors slowly replace some of your mining minions with the more annoying ones that i mentioned earlier like the ones that have mob drops for example creeper zombie skeleton up here is spider cow you could do pig or rabbit or any mob minion other than slime i would say anything that requires a supercompactor to swap them out with the uh mining one as oh and of course i would say the first one you should do is fish the first minion you should use a super compactor on is fish because you get all sorts of collections from it so then that brings you to the final stage of minions once you get about 20 slots i would say you should convert your island to mostly making money or unlocking a few collections maybe with four or five minions but like the other 15 should be all about making money so if you don't have super compactors i guess you can start out with i don't know i don't know what a good minion for money without a super competitor would be to be honest to try and get super compactors if you get super compactors you can get snow minions 15 snow minions tier 11 will generate quite a bit of money and then those remaining five slots could be used to unlock collections if you want you can use hyper catalyst to get the cat or to get the uh minion upgrades done and out of the way uh really quickly but it will cost you or not many upgrades i meant the um the collections out of the way yeah once you get past 20 slots you should focus on just getting money because then you can use that money to buy materials in the bazaar to further upgrade every other minion in the game and then that's i would suggest the last three you should even bother going for would be if i go in here uh you want snow minion try and get snow minions from either trades or the winter event but don't even bother with the flower minion or revenant or tarantula until uh save them for last just save them for absolute last well there you go that is my conclusive tutorial on how to do minion slots in hypixel skyblock as efficiently as possible i would say tldr this is just everything you can do to maximize the efficiency of your profile by manually farming for the easy minions to farm that way and leaving the more difficult grinds for the minions themselves to do well anyway i guess that's it and again if you want to uh look pretty awesome in your uh skyblock experience i mean look at this look at this bad line cloak this thing's incredible if you want to pick this up again the uh the link is in the pinned comment and the description well anyways i guess that's it so i hope you guys enjoyed and i'll see you guys later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ThirtyVirus
Views: 667,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thirtyvirus
Id: D_8oc4CTxWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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