Upgrading ALL of my farming tools for the FINAL TIME! - Hypixel Skyblock

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hello gamers and welcome back to another high pixel skyblock video as you might have noticed this video is by far the longest and for good reason it took me basically two weeks of grinding to finish it and an extra five days to edit it so if you end up enjoying it and you're part of the 70 who's not subscribed i would really appreciate it but anyways basically one month ago i hit 30 000 subscribers and i said this i really suck at making special videos but i might make something if i get the rank and today i finally got no i didn't but honestly i'm tired of waiting and i don't want to make you guys wait any longer so today is the day and when i said special i mentioned this video is going to have more grundy than any of my previous videos wait what are you talking about oh hey i haven't seen you around in a while yeah yeah whatever dude when you said more grinding you weren't talking about oh yeah it's called a nighttime a couple of months ago i made a video about getting cultivating eight on five of my tools that alone took like four days now i have every single farming tool there is and some of these don't even have a million crops on them like the cactus and the mushrooms cultivating eight only took five million crops on each one of my tools but cultivating nine is not five million not 10 million but 20 million crops on every single farming tool there is i already hate this with two exceptions because when i was grinding to get my wheat hoe to tier 3 i got this to cultivate a9 and when my co-op accidentally deleted a gauss-carrico he grinded carrots for days and got this to cultivate 9 basically by himself i barely helped so i only have to worry about 5 hoes and 3 axes but getting all the tools to cultivate a9 is not the only thing i'll be doing in this video i'm gonna rebuild a third of my farms when i look at this it's beautiful it's organized it's nice looking but then i go down here and it's just it's a mess i mean to be fair it kind of looks nice in its own way but i can't have this and that on the same island so this has to go before i start grinding i'm gonna have to rebuild my potato farm my pumpkin farm and my sugarcane farm and also clean this up i have a lot of items in these chests and i'm gonna have to move my minion setup somewhere else which gets me to the third goal of the video to finally get farming 60. and honestly i kinda needed to do this anyways in my last video i spent everything i had on getting actually good gear most of my purse isn't even mine actually the winners for the giveaway from last time are yet to be picked so that's why i still have the 30 million oh i'm already farming 59 and i'm like one third of my minions wait did i just oh i just got my name 49. one last thing before we get to destroying the old farms i don't want all of this stuff to go to waste so we're gonna harvest everything and drain them of the water before we destroy them because if we don't do that the water is going to make everything 20 times harder i'm going to let my co-op harvest the pumpkins while i harvest the potatoes using my cactus knife because it and the fungi cutter are the only hoes that don't have replenish and since this is going to be the final harvest before i destroy the farm i don't want to replant everything oh and if you're confused let me explain the cultivating enchant does not require you to farm that tool's specific crop for example i'm farming potatoes using the cactus tool but the counter still goes up and i intend to take full advantage of that because there is no way i'm going to farm 20 million mushrooms 20 million cacti and 20 million pumpkins because those crops are painfully slow and we're finally done every single one of these farms is fully drained of water and all the crops are gone except for pumpkins of course because we're still gonna have to get rid of these now that all the preparations are complete apart from that it is time to destroy and rebuild everything i just noticed that we missed a single pumpkin right here be gone oh alright now it's time [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] me oh well we're finally done i seriously underestimated how long these farms are going to take it took us basically two days to destroy and rebuild everything from scratch we wanted an infinite sugarcane farm which is why we went for three for pumpkins we obviously want enough for a contest so that's why we went with two layers but for potatoes and carrots we just wanted two because one looks boring there is a contest in 30 minutes for carrots pumpkins and sugarcane only one layer of my carrot farm is ready for harvest which should be enough for a contest and both my pumpkin and sugarcane farms are full but i'm not going to be participating in this contest because it's 5 am yeah my sleep schedule is completely ruined again we're also planning to replace this glowstone with sea lanterns so that it matches the rest of the farms and to add lights to the melon farm because we don't have enough lights for the melons to grow anyways i really need to rest so i'll start the farming grind tomorrow and we are done with the melon now that both the melon farm and sleep are out of the way i have a very important announcement while building these farms this happened [Music] what you're kidding right no way oh my god no way no way dude so yeah i finally have youtube rank all it took was a month of waiting and for me to complain but i don't want to talk about it i finally have the rack okay anyways it's time for me to start grinding for the farming tools and there is a cocoa beans contest in 37 minutes i'm gonna be prioritizing the tools that don't have cultivating eight before i start grinding everything to cultivate a nine and since my cocoa beans farm is infinite i can just farm until it's time for the contest so let me just get my cocoa chopper and the rest of my hose for that extra farming fortune my chopper is currently at 4.3 million counter i'm hoping to get at least 700k from harvesting the entire farm and also my sack is empty so i can tell how much enchanted cocoa beans i'm gonna get from this anyways it's time to start i haven't farmed cocoa beans in a while so i'm not sure about the speed i'm pretty sure it was 150 though so that's what i'm going to use and i'm also going to disable players and enable blocks because i prefer this i think if i walk backwards it's going to be better because i don't miss a single one in the third layer anyways i'm basically two-thirds of the way through my farm so after this contest i'm probably gonna be done oh and if you've watched my cocoa chopper video then you know that for some reason turbo coco 3 is better than terrible coco 5 so yeah unless they fix that enchant then the enchant is still broken oh and by the way because the farms took two days to build derpy is already mayor and i'm getting 50 percent more skillex xp which means i'm gonna get 24 xp per block in my cocoa beans farm because i break three at a time and each one gives me eight and that's 24. i don't remember my personal record for this but i'm pretty sure i'm going to beat it because i already got 100k less than six minutes into this contest oh and also planting the fourth layer was a complete waste of time because no matter what i try i just don't reach it so if you're going to build the cocoa beans farm do the smart thing and only plant three layers it's already enough of a pain to plant them manually don't give yourself more work like i did wait oh cultivating it is only 5 million for whatever reason i thought it was 10 million but nope it's just 8 million and i already have it so after this contest i don't have to worry about cocoa beans for a while because i'm gonna have to focus on the fungi cutter and the cactus knife i just finished farming my farm and the contest ended at the same exact time from that i got basically one million counter i also got 5.6 000 enchanted cocoa beans i don't even know how many cookies those are anyways i just claimed the first contest and i'm gonna need all the tickets i can get because i need 500 tickets to unlock farming 60. and that's not the only thing i need to guess for i also need 450 to upgrade my extra farming jobs chance i'm pretty sure there is one more upgrade after this so yeah i'm gonna have to participate in every contest i can there's one in 35 minutes for carrots melons and mushrooms now i have two options i can either use the fungi cutter in far mushrooms the proper way or i can add the replenish insulin to this and use it to farm carrots and i don't really have to worry about buying the replenish enchant because i just farmed a lot of cocoa beans and i can easily craft it myself whenever i farm mushrooms i have to really focus so that i don't miss a single mushroom and that just hurts my eyes but for carrots the head box is a lot larger and i don't actually have to focus while farming there is the replenish book i'm honestly not too confident about getting cold because carrots are somewhat competitive so i might actually need the carrot hoe in order to get gold i'm not really after the gold medal itself i just want the extra tickets from getting gold i haven't farmed carrots since forever and i really like farming carrots i didn't actually know this but they give less xp than cocoa beans actually i think that's because i'm not using the proper tool for carrots let me just try with the carrot hoe and i'm getting 9.1 that's actually a huge difference my fungi cutter is currently at 660k and i'm definitely not gonna get it to one million in this contest but i do have two carat layers so i'm gonna farm both of them and that's probably gonna give me somewhere around 1.3 million and also i just remembered that derpy being mayor means the auction house is closed so crafting that replenish book was the only way that i could get it with seven minutes in the contest i am sitting at a comfortable 7k over silver sure it's not the 80k or so i would have if i was using the gas card hoe but it's good enough for safe gold i'm just gonna quickly check what contest is next and there is a carrot contest again wheat is a lot slower compared to carrots so i'm not gonna farm my second carrot layer instead i'm gonna keep it for the next contest and then farm it again with the fungi cutter that way i would hit two birds with one stone i would get my fungi cutter higher and i would participate in another contest oh my god no no no no no please no i was trying to get rid of the dirt block but i avoided my mushroom home i'm just gonna use the tickets i got now to buy a mathematical hobo print wait is it and it's so insane oh it's it's it's separate it's not in the mathematical blueprint uh cutter yay i'm gonna have to reforge this recombobulate it and put the enchants on again and then grind it to 20 million crops from zero harvesting five because i can't get harvesting six right now oh i just remembered something else farming for dummies i can't get that and even if i can it's super expensive replenish and finally cultivating there we go i should have probably done this a lot earlier but uh i finally locked these tools in place anyways there is half an hour left until the contest so i'm just gonna farm some sugarcane until then because uh yes i also changed my sugarcane farm design i built the semi afk one so i just have to find the spot i think right here is good enough now i can just press my a key to move forward and i just got cultivating two and when i reach the end i automatically move here and i can press my s key to move backwards so yeah i don't actually have to do anything and i just got called to be 83 and to make this even better i can change my attack slash destroy button to let's say space and then i can just set this to whatever now i can just hold my space bar and the s key and i can farm this is definitely going to make the grind a lot easier like i don't actually have to pay attention when farming sugarcane anymore but it still sucks that i lost a hoe with one million counter because that's a lot and it was also recombilated hat farming for dummies and turbo mushroom five all of those things combined are probably gonna cost me somewhere around 15 million coins at least i just finished the first layer of my sugarcane farm and i have no way to get out i actually finished it just in time for the carrot contest oh and by the way i got like 227k from that so harvest of the fall farm is gonna get me somewhere around 660k i'm actually gonna disable the instant glenn because the tools look super clean without it look at them they're beautiful cultivating six is actually 600k so i'm definitely going to get it during this contest and i just did the lead that gold has over me keeps growing so i'm gonna use my gauss carrot hoe until i secure gold and then switch back to the fungicutter i was really hoping to get all of my tools to cultivating eight today but because of what happened i'm not gonna be able to do that honestly at this point i would be happy to get just another tool to cultivating eight all right that contest is over and the next one actually has mushrooms normally i would farm between contests but there's something i completely forgot to do i actually forgot to place my minions which is a huge waste because one of derby's perks is to also double the minion output i'm gonna use my clay minions because i don't really need farming xp anymore i need fishing xp and that's the last one actual fishing minions are way too expensive so i'm just gonna use clay it's also good for money so that's pretty good i actually have not farmed mushrooms at all since my mushrooms video i just i really hate this farm but on the bright side i can easily get gold in here so that's just free jackets and also having a custom texture pack like the one i have right now makes farming mushrooms a lot easier because you can easily tell what mode you're using whether you're using the brown mushrooms mode or the red mushrooms and i broke my personal record with a brand new tool how anyways by claiming this i can do this turbo mushrooms1 i just need like 15 more of those books and i'll be done anyways next contest is gonna have cocoa beans melons and potatoes i'm probably gonna farm potatoes using the fungi cutter which is almost at one million crops but the next mushrooms contest is not happening for another three and a half hours hopefully that's long enough for the farm to grow again because it's super painfully slow that's why i hate mushrooms i really hate mushrooms why did i have to throw the fungi cutter out i mean on the bright side at least i didn't throw my wheat hoe away which is worth like 200 million coins i have to fix my feet oh i guess not i missed a couple of seconds in the contest because of that but it shouldn't really matter because it's just potatoes i am super laggy though so that might be a problem i'm hoping to get at least 300k from a single layer of potatoes and then i can harvest the second one to finally get this to cultivating seven maybe i underestimated how competitive potatoes are it's been over five minutes of farming and i still kind of get gold in fact the lead that gold has on me keeps growing so i guess i have to use my potato hoe in order to secure gold and then i'll switch back to my fungi cutter it's actually kind of sad how much i've neglected this hoe because it's the very first tool that i ever maxed out but now i barely use it because i don't really farm potatoes that much anymore and there it is cultivating seven now i can stop focusing on my fungi cutter and move on to the cactus knife and since it doesn't have replenished and i don't want to waste another replenished book i'm not gonna farm potatoes i'm not gonna farm cactus either because i really hate it this crop is garbage for manual farming that leaves me with two options mushrooms and good old sugarcane you already know i'm going to choose and luckily for me the next contest actually has sugar cane in it so i can basically just go afk for nearly an hour why is there a block missing here what is this alright don't worry about where i got that block from but i fixed it now it's time for me to take a little break because i'm super tired and being semi-afk is basically taking a break i did not stop farming at all my cactus knife is currently at 1.8 million counter and because sugarcane is extremely competitive i was not able to get gold but then i went back to my funka cutter because it has replenished and uh it's now at 2.2 million and the farm is somewhat acceptable i'm pretty sure i just saw some weird red thing but i don't know i've been farming the whole day so it might be hallucinating anyways after this contest i'm going to be able to upgrade my turbo instead to tier 3 which means um less books to get to tier five yes i'm hoping that this mushroom contest is normal because every single time i farm the mushrooms so far something weird happens and also i found a way to farm without causing too much strain on my eyes previously i was focusing on my cursor which means i had to focus on every single mushroom that i passed but now i just aim at the middle of the block look at the horizon and farm alright that contest has just ended and once again it was not a normal contest because i'm gold with 101 000 mushrooms but the requirement for gold in this specific contest is 106 000 mushrooms anyhow now i can claim that mushroom contest and do this again turbo mushrooms too just two more of those contests and i'll have turbo mushroom three my fungi cutter is almost halfway to cultivating eight so i'm gonna work on that and then get this one to halfway to cultivating it as well both of these tools are now halfway to cultivating eight which means they're one-eighth of the way to cultivating nine but i am super tired right now it's 2 a.m and i need to rest i've been farming for the entire day i literally just woke up five minutes ago but there's a mushrooms contest happening you could probably already tell from my morning voice that i just woke up and i have to farm mushrooms what a great start to my day but on the bright side after this contest i'm gonna get all the books i need to upgrade my turbo inch sand because yesterday before i logged off there was a mushrooms contest happening and i participated in that and even though i'm like seven minutes late i'm probably gonna get gold very easily because barely anyone farms mushrooms and 6k just disappeared i think i just have to get used to mushroom contests being weird all right that contest just ended which means i can just do this and this and finally this already back to turbo mushrooms three four more contests after this one and i'll have turbo mushrooms four and then eight contests after that and i'll have turbo mushrooms five the next contest has cactus melons and netherwarts i can farm in other words using my fungi cutter because it has replenish but i'm definitely not gonna get gold even while using the proper tool i have to focus during the contest or else i don't get gold melons are obviously out of the question because i'm focusing on the fungi cutter and the cactus knife for now which leaves me with a single option cactus anyways turns out when i was farming cactus in my video i was farming it wrong you're supposed to farm it like this with 400 speed the design i copied is six blocks wide so i thought we're supposed to break them three by three but no you're supposed to break two by two and go at 400 speed you just zoom across this side until you reach the end and then you zoom across this side i don't really know what to do with this because i can't reach it from this side i can only reach a single block or i can farm from this side there are two explanations to that the first being i'm just an idiot and i'm doing it wrong again or the second one is it's actually supposed to be harvested three locks by three blocks either way it's just cactus and i really don't care i just wanted to share that information in case one of you guys wanted to build a cactus farm if you do that then don't make the same mistake as me and build it six blocks wide i think the best is four blocks wide because uh you're not gonna have this weird thing going on and i'm pretty sure this method of harvesting is a lot faster than the one i did in my cactus video remember when i said the xp you get from cactus is laughable i wasn't lying you get 4xp per cactus block sure you actually get hxp because you break two blocks at once but because you get absolutely no money from doing this i don't think it's worth it you're better off farming sugar cane or potatoes or anything else there are only two other crops that are as bad as cactus or worse when it comes to farming xp first bean mushrooms because mushrooms and the second is netherworts because they give absolutely no farming xp they give alchemy xp i just found a new problem with my harvesting method i'm already done and i still have 10 minutes left in the contest i guess i can go back and harvest the ones i skipped but this farming method is way too fast which means if i want to continue farming like this i'm gonna have to add a second cactus layer that's not gonna happen never i'm already done with that again i'm honestly not sure if i'm gonna get gold or not because there's over five minutes left in this contest but while farming this cactus i realized something i'm missing out on a lot of xp i don't have a godpod active so let me just fix that 1500 bits don't mind if i do there we go now i'm gonna get 20 percent more farming experience also i'm pretty sure i just destroyed my cactus personal best my previous record was 90 000 and now i'm at 123k so i got an extra 30k it's been like two minutes since i stopped farming and the difference between gold and silver barely changed so i think i'm safe next contest also has cactus but this time there is another option which is carrots so i'm gonna use my fungi cutter i got my cactus knife to 3.2 million from the sugar cane and i'm hoping to get my fungi cutter to at least like 3.5 million from farming potatoes because i'm gonna be farming both layers i actually got over a stack of enchanted baked potatoes yesterday how is the contest not started yet what oh it's carrots i'm so glad i noticed i'm pretty sure they're more competitive than potatoes and i was about a minute late to the contest so i might have to use my carrot hair again just to secure gold move really i can tolerate almost anything and really no no no wait kick they literally moved to be in my way at the last second i can tolerate anything in hypoxics of skyblock except when people stand in my way i really can't stand that maybe opening my island was not a good idea after all and i just finished farming both layers i actually didn't know i don't have a hole here let me just fix that there we go and luckily next contest does have mushrooms in it so i'm just going to farm mushrooms again i got my hoe to nearly 3.9 million so if i get 110 000 mushrooms in this mushrooms i'm gonna hit four million and i'm pretty sure the next contest actually has sugar cane in it and yes it does which means i can just use my cactus knife after this contest for like one and a half hours i will participate in a contest and hopefully get the cactus knife to 4 million as well also because of the new sugar cane design i actually ran out of movies to watch so comment down your favorite movies and if i haven't watched them then i'll watch them hopefully maybe i don't know i was pretty surprised when i saw how many mushrooms there are because i just harvested it when i woke up until i remembered that it's been three hours since that happened and i've been farming ever since it's been a while since that clip and a lot has happened both of my tools are now nearly five million counter which means just one more contest on each one of them and i'll have cultivating eight and there's actually a cactus contest happening right now with a mushrooms contest happening right after it but not only that i also got enough xp for farming level 60. actually i'm 22 over the required amount but i still didn't increase my level cap i just need to do that and i'll get it but i can't buy farming 60 yet because i don't have the tickets also i just thought of something what if i fly while farming cactus if i do this i can just move forward and farm the third row sure it's probably faster if i go at 400 speed but that was way too fast and i just got it cultivating eight now i just have to do that four more times on this single tool i really hate this why did i do this now it's time for the mushrooms i'm like 40k away from cultivating eight on this tool but since mushrooms are super slow it's probably gonna take around eight minutes of farming and also i only need one more contest after this one to get my turbo engine to tier four and there it is now that both of them have cultivating eight i can move on to the rest of my tools none of my axes have cultivate a9 but i don't have any of them on me right now the way i'm going to get cultivating 9 on all of my tools is i'm going to focus the one that is closest to cultivating 9. and right now that's my nether words hoe at 16.9 million only 3.1 million and i'll have it at cultivate 89. i'm just gonna finish this contest first and now i have to claim my contests to get enough tickets to upgrade my farming cap i'm pretty sure these tickets are not enough but with these i definitely do have enough alright it's time farming 60. i got a million coins from that that's some serious coin right there on position 1719 out of nearly 11.7 million players why am i proud of that that just shows how much of a no life i am i'm gonna need basically the same amount of tickets if i want the next extra farming drops upgrade which means i still have to participate in every single contest i can and speaking of contests the next one actually has another words in it unfortunately my netherworts farm is not infinite so i can't just keep farming in other words until the contest but fortunately this hoe already has replenish so i'm just gonna farm carrots or potatoes actually because i just feel like farming potatoes right now until it's time for the contest and since the contest is happening in over half an hour i'm probably gonna get this to 17.5 million at least the netherworld's contest has just started and i actually found a way to break every single netherword even though i'm in 1.8 you don't actually need the larger hitboxes you just need to aim at the right spot i don't bother with it too much because even though i miss a couple of nether words i can still get gold i'm not sure at how many networks i get in a single contest i haven't farmed them in forever but i'm hoping that it's somewhere around 400k because that would mean i can already make it to 18 million counter there we go i just found the good spot and now i'm breaking every single netherward also i still haven't reforged my netherwards hoe to the other reforge i still have it on blessed because i don't know which one is better so i just kept it on the one that i already had some of you might have noticed that i have a time thing on the top right corner of my screen i enabled that so i don't miss contests because they start at the 15th minute of every hour and as you can see it's currently 2 19 a.m that's right everyone else is sleeping and i'm here farming in other words yay anyways it seems like i'm actually gonna get 18 million counter after this contest because it's been less than 10 minutes into the contest and i'm already at 200k so at this rate i'm gonna get over 400k at the end and that's exactly what i just did my counter is now at 18.1 million if you think i'll go sleep then you are mistaken there is a mushrooms contest in slightly over two and a half hours and this contest is the last one i need to get the turbo instant my fungi cutter to tier 4. but until then there are two other contests this one has potatoes pumpkins and sugarcane and this one has cocoa beans netherwoods and potatoes which means i'm going to keep farming until it's time for the mushrooms contest i'm obviously going to use my in other words hoe and i'm going to farm carrots this time because my first potato layer is still growing and i only have my second one and as i showed you the upcoming contest has potatoes then i'll just keep farming something else until it's time for this one go back to farming in other words farm something else during these days and then farm the mushrooms it's been around two hours since that clip but i have no time to chit chat because the netherworts contest has already started i got my hoe to 19.6 million counters so if i get another 400k in this contest i'm gonna get cultivating nine oh my god i just realized something whenever i farm warts i do the opposite because i really like this sound too bad though because i'm only like 15k away from getting cultivated nine what the why it's 4 30 a.m who's calling me oh my god there it is cultivating nine i'm done with this tool i still have two minutes left in the contest and if i stop farming i'm definitely dropping down to silver because this is netherworth and it's super competitive and if you're wondering who was calling it's my dumb co-op i just dropped down to silver well if you're watching this i just made it back to gold i hope you're happy oh my god i just dropped why and the contest has ended now i just have to worry about this this this this this this and finally this and as you might have noticed my melon dicer is only one million away from cultivating nine so until it's time for the mushrooms contest i'm gonna go farm melons i actually have not farmed melons in a very long time but my co-op has been farming melons and pumpkins like crazy and that's why the counter on both the melon dicer and the pumpkin dicer is decently high but i'm definitely not gonna get 1 million from a single harvest of my farm pumpkins are super bad for the counter because i would only get around 100k so that's out of the question and since i don't have replenish on my melon dicer that leaves me with a single option good old sugar cane if you thought using my fungi cutter and my cactus knife jafarm sugar cane was cursed then you clearly didn't watch my previous cultivating video because i farmed sugarcane with a pumpkin dicer and this time i'm doing it with a melon dicer anyways the mushrooms contest has probably just started yep there it is since normally which is a word i use very cautiously when it comes to mushrooms i only need around 60k to secure gold so as soon as i hit that i'm gonna go back to farming melons because i don't want to waste my time on mushrooms this way i can get the turbo mushrooms book i need and also get my melon dicer to cultivate a 9. alright that's good enough for me but if i almost drop out of gold i can always just fly up there and continue farming mushrooms and there we go cultivating 9. yep another tool off of my list now i'm only down to two axes and four hoes in time for the contest to end and for me to claim the book i need with that book i will now be able to craft turbo mushrooms four boom there it is now that i finally got into turbo mushrooms 4 it's time to recombinate it but as i explained at the very beginning of this video the money in my purse is not mine i only have 2.8 million however i have been farming a lot and i think it would only be appropriate to use mushrooms to get the recombinator the red mushrooms are going to sell for 3.5 million i still have 780 here and they are worth nearly 2 million and the brown mushrooms are 920k second batch is 500k and i also have this chest which has a decent amount of mushrooms that i forgot to sell last time oh this is 3 million wow and these are 750k however mushrooms take forever to sell so i'm just gonna go sleep and claim all the money in the morning and recombinate it i actually got a lot done today i got both the fungi cutter and the cactus knife to cultivating eight and i got two tools to cultivate a nine but my grind is far from over but as you can see it's nearly six am right now and i need to rest i'll continue grinding tomorrow it is now the next morning and just like yesterday i literally just woke up like seven minutes ago i barely knew who i am but i know one thing for sure i don't have time to think because a mushroom's contest is about to start quickly before that starts i'm just going to continue what i was doing yesterday that is actually a lot of money i'm going to set up a buy order for recombilator real quick because i'm going to save 100k whatever i'm just going to set up a buy order because i don't need it right now when i woke up i couldn't even tell what time it is i looked at my phone i saw that it was 1pm but for some reason my brain registered that at 3 pm i'm just gonna do what i did yesterday where i farm only half my farm and then stop because i don't really need to farm the entire thing to secure gold because barely anyone farms mushrooms i'm actually pretty curious about my position if it shows oh i just noticed my collection in melons 95.4 million to be fair the vast majority of that is thanks to minions but i only had those minions up since technoblade oh and i'm still top 1000 in wheat collection and the reason my collection is so low compared to the counter of my ho no it's not because my co-op farmed wheat apparently if you are like me and you're in a co-op your collection gets divided by how many people there are in your co-op i just said co-op like 10 times and since there are two people in mind my collection gets divided by two i'm actually surprised this thing didn't fail i guess i'm just gonna have to instant buy it 6.7 million wait what 5.8 million i saved nearly a million coins now what happened you know what i can wait no problem while i wait for that order to fill up i'm not gonna farm i just woke up remember so i'm gonna go eat okay the contest is soon what am i looking at why well that girl's the abomination to the side there is a sugar cane contest happening in 10 seconds and my goal for today is to get at least two more tools to cultivate a nine those being my sugar cane hoe and my potato hoe because they have the highest counters so let me just set my speed 327 can you not please okay out i'm actually curious to see how much sugarcane i'm gonna get from my entire farm with my sugarcane home because so far i've only been using my cactus knife or my fungi cutter okay i think this farming method is actually slower than my normal farming method and since this is a contest i'm not gonna be afk so i'm just gonna use the old one i am done and i got slightly over 800k on my sugarcane hoe anyways the contest that's starting in two minutes has potatoes in it and so does the one after that so i'm going to farm my first layer of potatoes for the first contest stop farming potatoes go back to farming sugarcane until it's time for the second contest and farm my second layer that was a lot to take in i hope it made sense and i also got 5.6 000 enchanted sugar from that harvest which is 35 enchanted sugarcane 1.8 million from an hour of farming whenever i farm potatoes carrots are wheat i always get rid of this thing first can you please not get my way i always farm this part first because once i do that i can now just do this and i don't have to worry about those two blocks at the very end especially over here it's kind of annoying also i think i might be able to reach 500k in this contest after five minutes of farming i had hit 125k multiply that by four and you have 500k in 20 minutes and i actually did it i actually went over 500k and i got 520k the reason i'm excited is because this is my current personal record after the farming nerf i think my previous highest record was 490k anyways my hoe is kind of close to 15 million so i'm gonna get this one to 15 million before i continue farming with the sugarcane home actually never mind the potatoes because i just realized this contest also has mushrooms i only farmed it like one and a half hours ago but it's already back up oh wait that was three hours ago never mind since i can get somewhere around 800k sugarcane per hour it's gonna take me somewhere near three hours to get that tool to cultivate a nine as for my potato hoe i'm probably going to get 1 million from a full harvest of my potato farm and nearly 1 million from a full harvest of my carrot farm so yeah it's probably doable to get both of those tools to cultivate deny today but anyways my recombinator order is actually filled i'm also gonna set up one for a booster cookie oh and the order actually filled anyways i am here to recombilate this guy to epic thank you very cool i only need two things to get my fungal cutter back to where it was a turbo mushrooms four book and five farming for dummies unfortunately the auction house is still closed for another three days-ish so getting de-farming for dummies is impossible but when it comes to the turbo enchant i only need to participate in six more mushrooms contests and i'll be able to craft it it might be hard to believe but i took a break well more of a blackout i don't know what it is with mushroom contests but whenever i wake up they're the first thing that i do and yes i just said woke up because my quote on quote break was me falling to sleep i was farming for a very long time my sugar cane how is nearly at 19.4 million and my potato hoe is at 15.8 million well it's not like i just flat out lost consciousness that's a bit dramatic it's more of like when you're in class and you're extremely bored you can't even keep your eyes open yeah that's what happened unfortunately i also missed a mushrooms contest while i was sleeping but i woke up just in time for this one so that's pretty pog anyways i just finished that contest but before i go back to farming i'm gonna take an eating break i haven't eaten anything yet apart from the first meal of the day you could call it breakfast but at the time that i ate it i would call it lunch anyways i'll see you in like uh five days hours weeks months all right it's been like four hours since that i ate which was nice and i also got both of my hoes to like 1 000 crops away from cultivating eight it's nearly five am like usual no big deal so let me just get cultivating nine on my sugar cane hoe there it is i'm not a psychopath by the way i'm actually gonna get rid of this time to quickly get it on the potato hill and i already did i only have to grind for my cactus knife my fungi cutter my cocoa chopper and my pumpkin dicer i also managed to get four mushrooms contests today i need to turn this on there we go that's the first one second one third one and the fourth one and i'm pretty sure if i claim these contests i'm gonna be able to upgrade my farmhand perk this right here was the very first contest that i started the grind with and since then i have participated in 42 contests with the vast majority of them being gold alright i'm hoping this is enough and it's not okay i guess i'm gonna have to get my extra tickets hopefully this is enough and yes it is and this time i'm going to need a thousand tickets i think today wasn't too bad i got two tools to cultivate nine and i got half the contest i needed for turbo mushrooms five so i'm gonna call it a day remember the whole sleep thing yeah forget about that i once again made the mistake of checking which contest is next and i noticed that the next contest has mushrooms in it so i had to participate i just realized something i'm not really farming for gold when it comes to mushrooms i'm farming for the enchant so i can stop right now i'm gonna get ten thousand mushrooms just to secure silver and then i'll go sleep because i really couldn't care less about gold and mushrooms right now the tickets would be nice down the line but i'm sure i'm going to participate in more contests during my grind my very messed up sleeping schedule aside i want to check out the upcoming contests because there is one in like six minutes and of course it has mushrooms this must be some sort of curse for the past three days whenever i wake up the first contest always has mushrooms anyways let me just get my tools that are missing my co-op locked up with the tools and uh he's been offline for like seven hours bruh don't worry though i managed to get him online and now i have my fungi cutter that's inside my head anyways the contest started which means i have to continue firing mushrooms this was the last thing i did yesterday and the first thing i'm doing today but after this contest i only need two more to fully max this thing out apart from the farming for dummies last time i bought that it was one million coins each sure it was very expensive but i was happy because i knew i wouldn't need them anymore little did i know a couple of weeks later i would void one of my tools and i would need them oh and also i am now number 1240 moving up in life all right there's a minute left in the contest but i basically have saved gold but on the topic of farming for dummies mike co-op has a single book and i'm gonna take it i already asked his permission i'm not just stealing that let me just apply it to get a single farming fortune also for some reason i'm not feeling it today i just don't feel like spending eight hours farming at least not right now so i'm gonna take a short break go play some bed wars and then when i'm feeling it i'm gonna come back to farming there is no escape for me farming is eternal enough fun time to continue grinding and today's tool is going to be none other than the pumpkin dicer because it has the highest counter at 14 million as i explained pumpkins are very slow i only get around 150k from harvesting the entire farm so instead of farming pumpkins to level up my pumpkin dicer i am instead going to be farming melons and sugarcane i was also planning to farm cocoa beans but then i remembered that i need replenish for that plus the pumpkin dicer is gonna instantly break the wood which is not very cool oh would you look at that there is the millions contest in five minutes and a sugarcane contest after that so after this melon contest i'm just gonna go basically afk my sugarcane farm with my pumpkin dicer yes even more cursed stuff i'm hoping to get somewhere around 700k from a full harvest of my melon farm and then maybe another million while i spend an hour and a half farming sugarcane it's been a while since that clip and my axe is currently 50k away from cultivating nine and since i have not farmed pumpkins at all in this video i think it's only appropriate that i level it up by farming them sure pumpkins are excellent for xp and even for money they're not too bad but since i don't need xp anymore at all i'm already farming 60 and i'm not doing this for the money either i didn't really have a reason to farm bumpkins because i just had better options to get my counter up which is pretty sad because if my potato hoe was my first hoe my pumpkin dicer is my first proper tool ever some of the layers in my old pumpkin farm have been there before my co-op member even joined and as you can see it's currently three a.m my last clip was at six p.m which means i've been gone for nine hours don't freak out i haven't been farming for nine hours just five yep it took five hours of farming to get this thing from 14 million to where it is right now because of the way i decided to level up my tools it's not going to get easier over time it's only going to get harder because i already leveled up all the tools that were near cultivating 9. and there it is cultivating nine now i can put this thing aside and focus on the last three of my tools anyways i also participated in enough mushrooms contest to upgrade my engine to tier 5. i just have to combine everything and apply it there we go almost back to its full glory auction house is still closed for another day so i'll soon be able to max it out because i barely used any of these tools since getting cultivating eight they're all still at five million well not really my cocoa chopper is currently at six point two million and my fungi cutter is at six million though the cactus knife is still at five million that's a combined 43 million crops that i need to level them up i still have a lot of grinding ahead of me but it's currently 3 a.m and i'm really tired honestly i don't want to stay up till 6 a.m again so i'll just continue later tomorrow yeah i just skipped a day but that's because i simply did not farm i had realized that i was farming for five days straight non-stop from the moment that i opened my eyes till the moment that i closed them i just couldn't do it anymore so i took a break but i don't want to prolong this grind any longer so it's time to continue simply because i did not farm that does not mean that my tools weren't used my co-op actually farmed and he got the coco chopper to 8.1 million thanks to that it's possible for me to get it to cultivate 89 in a single day also yesterday was the day when the giveaways ended which is why i now only have 5 million and the auction house is back which means i can get the remaining farming for dummies i'm hoping that five million is enough to afford four of them at least they're up to two mil last time they were at one mil why but i don't have a choice so oh i i can't afford the third book i'll just sell more mushrooms i guess all right that just sold and now it goes down in price are you kidding me i guess this is what i get for being too quick it is officially done the cocoa chopper is an axe but unlike my pumpkin dicer this one has replenished because i need replenish in order to farm cocoa beans which means i can also use an axe to farm my carrots and potatoes the video just got 20 times more cursed but i can already hear people saying what's the point the cocoa beans farm is more than infinite it's a black hole well it's pretty simple when farming cocoa beans i get around 380k per 20 minutes but if i farm carrots or potatoes even while using the wrong tools i'm gonna get around 530 per 20 minutes that's a 50k difference or 150k per hour so yeah it's gonna save me a lot of time i can use this single tool to farm almost every single crop that i have i can use it to farm mushrooms cocoa beans wheat melons netherworks carrots potatoes pumpkins and sugarcane as well i can't use it to farm cactus though because cactus anyways that means i need a single tool for the entire day i can use it to participate in any upcoming contest with a guaranteed silver medal at least i can even use it to get golden mushrooms cocoa beans wheat melons and maybe even pumpkins anyways i have a counter to level up i actually did not realize how cursed it would be to farm carrots with an axe i have a little semi-afk method to show you for farming carrots same with potatoes of course if you just aim at like the center and then do this you can basically semi-afk this even with this design i know there is an actual proper design for semi-afk when it comes to carrots and potatoes but since i already have this built might as well you can change your left-click key to once again anything and then you can farm with only your keyboard when you're at the end you can just press your left key and keep doing it actually never mind everything i just said about potatoes and carrots i have just participated in a potato contest and i barely got 245k the reason is pretty simple once i thought about it there is an enchant that hoes use that axes cannot use harvesting harvesting 6 gives you 75 extra farming fortune and also the farming for dummies don't work on axes for some reason so yeah you get a lot less farming fortune using axes so i guess i'm gonna have to give up on firing potatoes and carrots and stick to farming cocoa beans and melons talking about harvesting actually reminded me that i'm also missing it on my fungi cutter so let me just get one and there are 750 000 coins sure it's expensive but it's a lot cheaper than farming for dummies there we go now it is maxed out that means i definitely could have gotten more from carrots and potatoes but my theory on harvesting being a critical enchant still stands there is another potato contest in about three hours so i'll participate in that as well with the elephant pet this time and see how big of a difference that makes this very epic gamer is giving me 69 million coins but once again because i don't take contraband i'm gonna give this away on my discord there will probably be seven winners for this each one taking 10 million coins i'm gonna add a million coins of my own just to make things fair oh and uh don't worry those coins are legal anyways it's now been over three hours and i have some news i managed to get gold in a potato contest with my coco chopper it's usually over 400k for golden potatoes but this time it was only 360k so that's why i managed to do it i was wrong i only got 380k which is a lot less than what i said i would get but melons are by far the best i got over 520k in 20 minutes oh and my cocoa chopper is currently at 11.6 million so just another 8.5 and i'll be done i don't even remember what i was talking about in my last clip but i am currently less than two thousand crops away from cultivating nine and there it is that marks the ninth max tool only two more to go but since the counter on both of them is super low it's going to take me three days to level both of them up i kind of have a headache right now and it's 4 am so i'm just gonna go sleep and continue grinding tomorrow the headache i just talked about like 10 seconds ago got pretty bad the next day i woke up with an awful migraine but luckily for me farming requires next to no brain activity so i was able to just chill and farm for three days as i said i had a pretty bad migraine so i didn't want to talk because that would just make it worse so let me just give you a quick recap of what happened i spent the first day getting both tools to 10 million counter and to make that easier on myself i added the replenish enchant on my cactus knife because if i do it with sugar cane only it's gonna take days then i spent the next day getting my fungi cutter to 20 million counter and i also took some more contraband for the giveaway and on the third day i got my cactus knife to cultivating 9. and i also took an extra stack of music in other words i'm just going to sell this netherworks for 4.9 million which gets me 18 million coins for the giveaway i'm actually gonna have three giveaways now the first is going to be for the armor and the flower of truth the second one is going to be for the baby yeti and finally the third one with eight winners getting 10 million coins each well then i did it i got every single farming tool there is to cultivate a9 but i'm not done yet and even though i didn't really care about contests in those three days i still participated in a lot of them i'm talking about 34 contests in total i participated in 73 contests anyways it's time to claim all of these tickets these tickets are unfortunately not enough but that's not an issue because i have 214 gold medals to spend actually i can get even more but that's not the point because i can convert each gold medal to eight tickets all right maybe that's enough and yes it is i maxed it out how much is a thousand tickets it's 18 million coins i just spent 18 million coins on that oh and by the way i got quite a lot of farming xp to the point where i am now in the top 900 oh and i got like three carpetary levels since i started and now it's the moment of truth how much money did i make in this chest i have all the mushrooms that i have left i should have over a double chest of each type of mushroom but since i sold most of them to upgrade my fungal cutter i'm only left with a couple of stacks but anyways the red mushrooms are gonna get me 3.5 million coins the brown mushrooms are going to be a lot cheaper at 1.1 million coins that's not too bad and in the second chest i have my wheat melons netherwards and a couple polished pumpkins i have this sweet here since forever so i'm not gonna count it in pumpkins are definitely going to be the cheapest at 770k for six polished pumpkins that's a really good price in other words is gonna get me 5.3 million i'm honestly expecting quite a lot of money from the melons and they are worth 22.6 million coins and in the last chest is a fortune you can clearly tell that i focused a lot on potatoes carrots and sugarcane the enchanted golden carrots are gonna get me 22.6 million coins just like the melons and the sugarcane is 21.3 million that is surprising i was not expecting this many coins from the sugarcane and you guys probably know the deal with potatoes and cookies now i just have to craft these cookies into replenish books to sell them for a lot more each replenished book is worth somewhere around 1.2 million so after selling all of these i'm gonna be setting around 12 million coins now it's time for the real pay i'm gonna have to craft all of these potatoes into hot potato books but i just want to see how much they're worth as potatoes 27.3 million a single enchanted baked potato goes for 28.8 million but a single hot potato book goes for 31.4 million it might seem like a small difference but when we're talking in these big numbers those are millions of coins so i'm just gonna spend the next half an hour start crafting all of these potatoes to hot potato books and then setting up a sell offer i have just reached my bizarre order limit meaning i'm gonna have to claim the stuff that's sold if i want to set up new orders all of my sugar games sold so i'm just gonna claim that same with the netherworts pumpkins as for the rest i'm just gonna claim the coins and then cancel the orders and set them back up again i just need to claim that and i'm done there's only a single book left but once this sells i'm gonna be at 200 million coins which means i got 120 million coins so far but there is one more thing i can sell i still have all of the turbo enchants from those contests i'm gonna combine everything and then sell it well that took a while but everything has now sold for a total of basically 7 million coins let me just claim it if i had sold the 1500 tickets i used to upgrade that perk i would have made 26 millions just from the tickets so in total i could have made somewhere around 30 million coins just from the contests alone that's a lot of coins but anyways from basically 10 days of constant farming i have made a total of 126 million coins actually somewhere around 130 because i sold a lot of my mushrooms i could have made a lot more than that if i used the proper tools and i farmed the most profitable crops like in other words i barely farmed nether warts but none of that matters because the grind is finally over for now because if this video gets 10 000 likes i'll get one of those duels to cultivating 10 that's right 100 million crops why do i do this to myself and the two weeks it took me to grind for this video a lot happened i got youtube wreck and farming 60 and like three carpentary levels and i am now in the top 900 farmers on the server i rebuilt like one-third of my farms and i got all of my tools to cultivate nine but the craziest thing of all of that is that you watched till the very end so thank you so much and for that i have a surprise for you i'm gonna be giving away five of my capes on my discord but it's not gonna be a normal giveaway only the people that watch till the very end will be able to win everyone can participate but only you can win because i'm gonna set a password that i'm gonna say right now somewhere on the screen and unless the winner knows the password i'm not gonna give them the cape anyways that's basically it for this video so thank you so much for watching gamers and thank you to my channel members and i'll see you gamers later peace you
Channel: Intrests
Views: 266,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hypixel, Intrests, Skyblock, Hypixel Skyblock, Pythagorean Potato Hoe, Gauss carrot hoe hypixel skyblock, minecraft skyblock, legendary elephant pet, Jacob's contest, Grinding, Max hoe, pumpkin dicer, This Axe Is INSANE - Hypixel Skyblock, easiest gold medal contest, jacob's contest, best axe for melons, best axe for coco beans, coco chopper, farming 60, Newton netherwarts hoe, gold medal, Euclid's wheat hoe, sugar cane hoe, fungi cutter, youtube rank, infinite farms
Id: B-o5L2HzRTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 33sec (3873 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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