Maxing Out THE MOST EXPENSIVE TOOL In Hypixel Skyblock...

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hello gamers and welcome back to another hopxo skyblock video i once again have been farming wheat a lot more wheat i got an extra 3 million on my wheat counter and an extra 3.6 million on my cultivating counter which means i'm only three million wheat away from the next upgrade which is going to be the legendary rarity upgrade at 10 million counter after that the only thing left would be to craft it to tier 3. anyways before i get to the farming there is actually something i want to try so while holding my wee toe in my hand and with my level 100 legendary elephant pet i get 501 farming fortune but if i get my farming tools on me i'm gonna get 521 this is not a bug by the way it's supposed to happen it's all thanks to the farming for dummies books the way this thing works it just gives an extra farming fortune it doesn't require you to hold it in your hand so if you have tools in your inventory that have the book you're gonna get the extra farming fortune even if you don't use the tool for some reason i have six tools but it's only given me 20 extra farming fortune it might be the axis so i'm just gonna put a hoe away and if it goes down then it's the axis yeah it's 516 so it is the ax so i'm just gonna get my hose on me and put away the axes i just got an extra 20 farming fortune for free so i'll take it also because i'm farming wheat gotta do this that that that that and now it's not gonna sound as bad oh yeah right this happened the seven shiny relics have all been found now that it's active we get a random buff for 20 minutes for the next two days currently we have the ferry soul infusion i don't really care about that the only thing i care about from this actually is the farming xp buff we can get a 25 farming xp buff which is going to be pretty good because i'm actually super close to farming 53. why is that not working i'm not really surprised anymore it's hypixel skyblock after all the surprise would be if it actually worked and we also get a brand new pet item it's called the flying pig and it grants your pigbet the ability to fly while you're near your island and you can break crops 50 blocks away and you no longer need to hold a carrot on a stick to control your pick that sounds super good right no it's garbage because that would mean you're going to have to use your pig bet and sacrifice your elephant bet wait what the hell is happening oh a new buff is being selected what's it going to be pog dude pog yeah we just got an extra 25 so i'm just gonna go straight to farming anyways this flying pig thingy might be useful for people who don't have a legendary elephant pet also there is a bug where people can break crops on your island using this thing yeah with the basket of seeds being disabled future interests here and they removed it now it only grants you the ability to fly and you no longer need the carrot on a stick instead of fixing it they completely removed it good job hypixel good job anyways i'm gonna take advantage of the free 25 percent extra farming xp now since i'm three million away from upgrading my hoe it's going to take me around six full harvests of my entire farm to get this to 10 million because i get around 500k from a full harvest and it takes around an hour and a half to fully harvest this i need to do that six times i hate this by the way i completely forgot to do this at the beginning but did you know only around thirty percent of the people that watch my videos are actually subscribed yeah it's stupid so if you end up enjoying watching me suffer for the next 10 or so minutes then consider subscribing it's right there literally thank you i might end up getting two farming levels in this video again just like last video i'm super close to level 53 already so i'm gonna have to go and upgrade my farming cap again but until then i'm just gonna have to keep farming wheat i just realized that the next farming level is gonna require more than 5 million farming xp that's still nothing compared to how much i need to get farming 60 but still only about 3 200 people made it to where i am right now in the farming scale so i wonder how many people actually made it to farming 60. there we go farmer 53 that took slightly longer than i expected but hey it was over a hundred thousand farming xp anyways now it's time to raise this farming cap once again and i'm gonna need a hundred jacob's tickets there we go i can level this up three more times so my actual farming cap is 57 because i still need gold medals and three other collections anyways it's time to go back to farming and discover how much xp i'm actually going to need 5.2 million not too bad it's just an extra 300k wait trying buff is not actually we got another farming experience back to back that's pretty fog and you know what i'm actually gonna go collect my melon minions right now they don't have that many melons in them because i just collected them yesterday but it should be a decent amount of farming xp i'm also gonna get my melon dicer i'm gonna explain why in a second most of you know that if you hold your stunk while claiming diamonds you're gonna get slightly more mining experience the same thing happens if you're holding your melon dicer when collecting melon minions because the melon dicer gives an extra five percent farming exp from melons and it also works on minions also last time i said that i have them at tier 11 and that they're maxed tier 12 farming minions are a thing now i forgot anyways it's time to claim my minions i'm actually going to hold off on claiming the diamonds until we get a mining xp boost so i'm only going to claim the melons i only got around 300k from that but from a single day that's pretty good wait i just realized i'm getting 10 farming xp from a single wheat now before it was only around 8. i don't know what's going on but i'm not complaining that's free farming xp wait am i using oh yeah i was just using the rabbit pet i'm stupid i'm glad i noticed that quickly because i would have wasted a lot of wheat if i didn't anyways i'm just gonna continue farming wheat when i'm done i'm probably gonna be slightly over 7.5 million because i have slightly more farming fortune with these tools that i'm used to so i'm gonna get slightly more wheat maybe even over six stacks who knows because i get around two stacks per layer and the farming xp buff just expired now we're getting double mop drops sounds kind of useless to be honest because i doubt that it works on actual drops that are worth it like slayer drops or dragon drops or whatever i think it's only gonna be on like rotten flesh and bones and useless stuff like that doesn't really matter to me since i'm just gonna be farming either way the farming experience is back by the way i'm participating in a melon contest because there is a wheat contest after this and if i just kept farming wheat i would have been done with my farm before the contest had started so i decided to take a break from wheat and farm melons because there is a melon contest the melon contest has just ended so i'm back to farming wheat and since i'm about 30 into my second weed layer that's probably going to be enough time for my first wheat layer to grow so i can harvest it and participate in the contest no way we just got another farming experience buff thanks to this i'm probably gonna be at 1 million farming xp by the time i'm done with the contest yeah already at one mill i mean currently i'm still at 700k but i still have a full layer to be harvested i'm pretty sure i'm going to get over 150k it just ended and we get double pet stats imagine if it doubled abilities as well i would have 360 farming fortune just from my elephant pet but unfortunately that's not how it works it just doubles the stats anyways there is only around a minute left till the contest and i still have a couple of rows on my third layer so it's probably gonna start while i'm still here and then i can go back to my first layer which is probably ready for harvest already because it's been over an hour since i farmed it and there we go the contest has just started it hasn't even been a minute and i'm already gold i mean that's to be expected but after this contest i'm gonna have over 7.5 million on my wheat counter which means just another five full harvests of the farm and my hose rarity will be upgraded to legendary i just got enchanted hay bale in my hot bar which means i got over six stacks and i still have a row to complete in my third layer so i am getting over two stacks per layer now i don't know if it's due to the extra farming fortune or to my farming level or both but yeah i'm getting more weed than i used to there we go that's just done but that doesn't mean i'm done i still have 13 minutes in the contest and my first layer is ready to be harvested again it seems like i'm probably gonna get one million xp before the contest ends but i just reached a hundred k weed and i still have six minutes to go in the contest i might actually break my personal record oh we just got another double pet stat shrine kinda cringe not gonna lie i was hoping for another farming xp buff but i guess i'm not that lucky all right time to check if i did it and yes i did my previous record was a hundred and forty three thousand with the same exact hoe and i got an extra five thousand a week sure it's not much but if this was any other crops that difference would be huge are you kidding me i'm 500 xp away from one million you know what i'm just gonna farmweed in the lobby and there we go 1 million farming xp i am the top 3 073rd player out of 9.5 million also look at this top zero percent in wheat collection i still have a couple of rows to farm on the first layer so i'm gonna do that and then i'm gonna take a break i just finished harvesting the entire farm for the second time also i lied i didn't take a break but now i will because my ho is at eight million wheat and my cultivating is almost halfway to cultivate a nine because i'm gonna need 20 million to get cultivating [Music] nine [Music] alright gamers i just got my hoe to 9 million but before i continue farming there is a farming upgrade i completely forgot about i'm of course talking about the farmhand upgrade i have it at 20 right now but since i have 115 gold medals just laying around might as well upgrade it my 68 tickets are definitely not enough so i'm gonna have to claim my 49 unclaimed contest rewards with the vast majority being gold and i'm done before i start upgrading though i just want to see how much these tickets are worth it's 7.9 million coins for almost 1200 tickets a couple of months ago this would probably go for like 20 million coins but now it's only at 7.9 anyways time to start upgrading this i think the max for this is like 30 and i have it at 26 now because i was able to upgrade it three times by the way i got a bunch of comments on my last video about my discord link not working it's not my fault i don't know what's going on the link works perfectly fine for me and for a lot of other people because we're still getting new members through the same exact link but it doesn't work for other people i tried creating a new link but i just get the same exact link back so this chord is just being stupid i guess not as stupid as a hypixel not enabling basket of seeds though i really don't understand why basket of seeds is not enabled already because backpacks are already fixed and so is the enderchest anyways after this contest i'm probably gonna be at 2.6 million farming xp which is halfway to farming 54 by the way all right the contest just ended and i obviously got gold and there it is 50 of the way to farming 54. also i'm in the top 3 000 players when it comes to farming now i wonder about my wheat collection though bruh i'm in the top 1k i guess that really shows how much people hate wheat anyways my hair is at 9.2 million so just another 800k on my counter until it's upgraded by the way if you're wondering why my farm is not 100 infinite at three layers that's because i only have the free island upgrade so if you have the free island upgrade or the default island size you're gonna need four or five layers for your farm to be infinite if you have the max island size i'm pretty sure only three layers is more than enough anyways back to the endless farming 10 million wheat and there it is legendary hoe but obviously i'm not stopping here i need to craft a tier 3 for it to be mythic and now have 51 tightly tight hay bale in total i still need 13 because i want to farm at least one stack by myself i was not expecting this but it took an extra 2.3 million on my weed counter in order for me to get a full stack of tightly tight hay bale but that's just one fourth of the total amount that i need just wondering though how much does that cost for 46 million i'm gonna need nearly 140 million for just three stacks me and my co-op only have 30 million combined i'm gonna leave 10 million in the bank because i don't want my co-op to be broke but i've been preparing for this for a while and if you've been watching my videos for a while you know exactly what's in these chests i have two chests of enchanted clay a double chest of enchanted snow a double chest of enchanted diamonds with 32 diamond blocks and also 25 refined diamonds i thought i was being smart converting my diamond blocks into refined diamonds but i was wrong they're cheaper with clay it's better to sell to npc shops so i'm just gonna sell it i'm gonna put this stuff away just so i don't accidentally sell it [Music] now it's time for the snow [Music] for the diamonds i'm not really sure if it's better to sell to bizarre or mpc shop so i'm gonna check it's better to sell my diamond blocks at npc shops so poop same with enchanted diamonds for these they're basically worthless at npc shop but in the bazaar they're worth 9.8 million this is 50 enchanted diamond blocks by the way but obviously that's not enough so i'm gonna have to pay a visit to my good old friend it's where i keep my farming stuff and since i've only been farming wheat lately i don't have much i used a lot of my sugar cane to get alchemy 50 and i sold the rest and i haven't farmed it ever since so that's why i only have 10 but i do have a decent amount of polished pumpkins enchanted golden carrots and i got a lot of melons from my minions and since i didn't sell my baked potatoes last time i still have a lot i'm going to start by selling my sugarcane because it's probably the cheapest at half a million coins my pumpkins are gonna get me 10.7 million coins golden carrots are 5.2 million coins melons are 8.3 million potatoes are 10.4 million but i'm not gonna sell them like this i'm gonna make them into hot potato books and then sell them for extra money because i need it i really do that wasn't as painful as it used to be for some reason anyways i'm done putting everything in the bazaar and i already have 16.3 millions to claim but i still have more stuff to sell remember these yeah i'm also going to be selling the turbo enchants i got from the contests speaking of which i have six more contests to claim and i also broke my personal record oh yeah i also made it to farmy 54 so i have to raise my farming cap again and now it's time to combine them this is gonna be painful and now it's time to sell all of this stuff i'm gonna start with the tier ones turbo pumpkin one is 145k that's a lot for tier one turbo kn1 is 75k turbo warts is stupidly cheap at 29k now it's time for the tier 2. turbo pumpkin 2 is 220k turbo carry 2 is 260k turbo cane 2 is 145 k turbo e2 is 148 k now it's time for the tier 3. turbo carat is 735 k for a tier 3. turbo wheat 3 is dirt cheap at 175 k that's because you can literally get bronze or silver farming in a lobby so i'm not that surprised turbo pumpkin 3 is half a million turbo cane 3 is 300k now it's time for the tier 4s turbo potato 4 is 550k turbo 84 is 450k which is a decent price to be honest and finally the only tier 5 which is turbo melon goes for 2.2 million coins i already have basically 25 million to claim in the bazaar none of my sugarcane sold my melon order is filled so are my golden carrots my pumpkins barely sold anything and most of my hot potato books are not selling their fine diamonds surprisingly sold a lot anyways i'm just gonna set these back up in the bazaar and i'm gonna go sleep it's 2 am yeah by the way no i didn't forget about my 142 gold medals it's just that i need tickets in order to buy items i don't know if you noticed but i recently used all of my tickets anyways my bizarre orders are all filled except for their fine diamonds and i already claimed them because i'm an idiot in total i got 36 million coins to climb from the bazaar i really don't understand why there is no claim all button so i'm gonna have to climb everything manually [Music] and i have 3.7 million in the auction house oh the turbo melon didn't sell that explains it but even if everything sold it's nowhere near enough i need around 150 million coins in order to buy the three remaining stacks so how am i gonna do that it's been ages since i've done this but i'm planning to bizarre flip and right now buying 144 enchanted eggs and crafting them into a super enchanted egg and then selling it after that is super profitable so i'm gonna do that for a while if i can i can even instantly sell the egg and i still make profit but i'm not going to do that i'm just going to create a sell order now it's time to do that in bulk this is going to take in forever so i'm just going to check if i make profit by instantly buying the eggs so if i buy 144 eggs instantly it's gonna cost me 307 000 coins and if i create a sell order for the super enchanted egg it's gonna be 335 k so i still make profit even if i instantly buy the eggs i've been flipping for basically two days now i flipped all sorts of stuff i did super enchanted eggs for a while but then i got bored so i started crafting super compactors and then selling them but that also got boring then i moved to flipping fuming potato books because i get around 30k per flip which is pretty good and now i'm sitting at 100 million coins also my book sold so i'm gonna claim that i had 82 million coins before i started flipping so i got around 18 million coins from flipping but i can't do it anymore somehow bizarre flipping is more boring than farming so i'm gonna stop instead i asked my co-op if i can sell his stuff and he agreed he got slightly over half a stack of polished pumpkins slightly under a stack of mutant netherward over four stacks of enchanted golden carrots over two stacks of enchanted baked potatoes slightly under seven stacks of enchanted melon blocks over two stacks of enchanted sugarcane and 59 enchanted diamond blocks i really didn't want to resort to this but hey he's my co-op starting off with the enchanted golden carrots at 12.8 million coins enchanted sugarcane at 7.2 million coins polished pumpkins are four million coins in other words is probably the cheapest at 2.2 million coins for the diamonds it's better to sell to npc shop but for the enchanted diamond blocks i get slightly more coins if i create a sell order so i'm gonna do that the enchanted millions are slightly under 11 million coins and for the potatoes i need to craft them into hot potato books i just finished setting everything up also i got a carpentary level yeah possibly the most useless skill i think this is enough all right i'm just going to claim everything and if something didn't sell i'm just going to give it back to my co-op because i probably have enough coins already all right they don't stack all right now that i have 130 million coins so i can set up a buy order for three stacks of tightly tied hay bale it's gonna cost me 116 million coins to set this up there we go i'm really hoping this order fails overnight because i really don't want to instant buy this while that's happening i'm gonna go farm some wheat i'm kind of close to top 500 in wheat collection and it would be a nice flex so yeah i'm also getting wheat in the process so i won't have to waste as many coins and i might actually make it to cultivating 9 because i'm only 5 million away someone else set up an order for a hundred and fifty tightly tied hay bale they're either as dumb as i am and are trying to craft a tier three wheat hoe or they're just flipping it for easy profit anyways i'm just gonna cancel my order and set it up again i farmed so much wheat that i don't even remember when i started i made it to the top 500 players in wheat collection somehow for some reason it's only at 5.6 million when i have 16.1 million on my weto and i know for a fact no one else used this hoe so i don't understand why i only have 5.6 million also i leveled up in farming again i was not expecting that but it happened and by some miracle my order actually filled i was able to buy the remaining three stacks from the bazaar it cost me a fortune but it saved me a lot of time kinda late though because i already grinded 21 tightly tight hay bale and made it to top 500. anyways it's time to finally craft the tier 3 without i just want to see how much money this is worth right now they're worth 136 million coins for some reason they're usually around 180 million coins for four stacks they're only two hundred and six i i bought them for like 600k each bruh i don't know why but they dropped in price big time and the tickets are 1.8 million i'm really hoping i get this crafting recipe right because every single time i try to craft a tier 3 hoe i always mess it up please tell me this is it god damn it ignoring that there it is boom wait did i i think i just got a million carpenter xp from that oh my god what [Music] totally worth it yeah 200 million down the train let me just explain to you how stupidly expensive this tool is to craft the tier 3 just in terms of resources it's around 180 million normally anyways then we have the recombinator the blessed reforge the replenish enchant the cultivating enchanted delicate enchant turbo e5 harvesting sticks the farming for dummies books i think that's it and all of that combined is around 200 million coins normally i don't know why it's cheap now don't blame me okay leave me alone anyways as usual there is a wheat contest happening in five minutes so i'm gonna go farm and see how much wheat i'm gonna get with this hoe because with this hoe i'm supposed to get 25 percent more weed than my previous home all right the final contest has just started i also have all of my hoes on me so i'm getting that sweet 20 extra farming fortune and i'm gonna have to remember to raise my main level cap after this but after this contest or during the contest i'm gonna have cultivating nine on my weed my first tool to reach cultivating nine is a weetho yeah it's kind of sad okay this is actually insane i'm at 90 000 wheat with 10 minutes remaining in the contest at this rate i'm probably gonna end up at 180k i'm pretty sure my previous record was around 156k so if i get 100k that's a big difference for some reason i'm nervous farming with a 200 million hoe so yeah my turns are not as smooth as usual so that might be affecting the result a little bit but i still got 90 000 wheat in 10 minutes for any other crop except pumpkins that is hot smoking garbage but for wheat that's unheard of at least for me oh my god cultivating 9. and now it's the moment of truth i obviously broke my previous record which was a hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and fifty-five wheat i'm too lazy to do the math but that is a huge difference does that mean it's worth it definitely not complete waste of money complete waste of time don't do this please don't do it but hey i got enough weight to craft a tightly tight hay bale in a single contest that's pretty neat oh yeah and also i need to upgrade that i doubt the two unclaimed contests will give me enough tickets i'm just gonna buy the tickets i guess wait a stack is half a million yeah no thank you i'll grind for it it's been ages since this happened but we got no donators very pog so i just want to give a huge thank you to bananaman iii and tjmj very very pog donations are appreciated but you don't have to a lot of stuff happened during this week yes this video took a week to record i know first of all i leveled up my farming skill three times and now i'm in the top 2500 players when it comes to farming and i made it to top 500 in wheat collection 5 000 likes for top 100 question mark yeah no i'm just kidding that's not happening but most importantly i crafted the most pointless tool in the game a tier three without i called it pointless because i can literally get gold with a rookie hoe but hey probably less people have this than hyperion so it's a cool flex but what's even crazier is the fact that you watched till the very end so thank you so much for watching gamers and i'll see you later peace [Music] you
Channel: Intrests
Views: 283,935
Rating: 4.9495044 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hypixel, Intrests, Skyblock, Hypixel Skyblock, Newton netherwarts hoe, hypixel skyblock update, 200 million coins in hypixel skylock, Hypixel SkyBlock Lemon, Maxing Out The ULTIMATE HOE In Hypixel Skyblock..., legendary elephant pet, gold medal, Grinding, hypixel skyblock grind, Max hoe, wheat farm hypixel skyblock, nether warts hoe, Euclid's wheat hoe, Gauss carrot hoe, infinite wheat farm, how to, thirtyvirus, akinsoft, refraction, jacob's contest, expensive, coins
Id: DMw17e107gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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