10 Aircraft you can FLY WITHOUT A LICENSE

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let's say you want to get into aviation but you don't have the time or the money to spend on training or getting your pilot's license well there are still a lot of options out there for you and they're called ultralights so today we're gonna be taking a look at 10 of the coolest designs that you can fly right now no training or license required now under the FAA these aircraft fall under part 103 which basically means that they can't weigh more than 254 pounds or 155 kilograms fly faster than 55 knots and only the pilot can be the sole occupant of the aircraft and I will say that it's a pretty terrible idea to try and fly one of these without any training and don't take my word for it just search YouTube for flying an ultralight with no training and see what you find but anyway let's take a look at ten of the coolest designs that you can fly right now without a license legally number one on the list is an airplane designed specifically to meet the part 103 regulations the aerolite 103 was designed in 1997 and has many features that certified airplanes have these include a yoke for pitch and roll rudder pedals tricycle landing gear and even flaps as many options for engines ranging from the 20 horsepower earth f33 up to the 64 horsepower MZ 202 a brand new era light will run you about $17,000 for the kit and $20,000 for a fully assembled airplane the Aero light 103 has been a proven design that is a great introduction to ultralight fixed-wing aircraft perhaps the most successful and popular ultralight is the Quicksilver the Quicksilver has been around since the late 1970s and was originally designed as a weight-shift hang glider as the ultralight craze started in the 80s the Quicksilver gained some design improvements such as a landing gear and control surfaces today the Quicksilver MX 103 is their answer to the part 103 FAA regulations it features a 50 horsepower earth f23 engine completely open cockpit side control stick and a long track record in the ultralight world today you can purchase a brand new fully built Quicksilver MX for around $19,000 or you can find a used one for as low as $3500 if you're looking for a sporty ultralight that is known for its superb handling and performance the Kolb Firefly is the one for you the Firefly stems from a design by Homer Cole back in the 1970s called the Kolb flyer as time went on the Kolbe underwent some design changes and today we have the Kolb Firefly it features folding strut braced wings a tail dragger landing gear and a 40 to 50 horsepower engine the kit is still available today and will run you about twenty thousand dollars for a brand new aircraft including the engine although the Kolbe is priced above previously mentioned ultralights its performance and handling is far superior personally if I were to go with an ultralight I think I would go with the cold [Applause] [Music] let's break away from fixed-wing aircraft and look into some rotary wings the Benson v8 gyro copter is a gyro plane which was designed by Igor Benson back in the 1950s it features a 72 horsepower McCulloch engine which was originally used in military target drones the McCulloch engine propels the aircraft forward and the relative air spins the rotor blade this allows a gyro copter to fly incredibly slow and descend vertically these characteristics make the gyro plane safe in the event of an engine failure today the Benson company has closed but the plans to build a Benson gyro copter are still available and used ones remain in the market there are also many similar designs for gyroplanes that fall under the part 103 regulations these include the butterfly and the gyro beam a Benson gyro copter is perhaps the most compact and unique aircraft that you can fly without a license [Applause] [Music] now you may want to fly something that is the epitome of cool and you want to do it from any backyard the mosquito air personal helicopter is the aircraft for you it features a completely open cockpit 60 horsepower MZ 202 engine and can take off and land vertically making it a true helicopter even though the design looks simple the kit is going to cost about $30,000 legally you don't need any training to fly the mosquito but if you're gonna purchase one directly from the company they won't sell you the rotor blades unless you prove that you have ten hours of training to me that's okay because with spinning blades that close to your head you'll want to know what you're doing now that we've reached the middle list here's a friendly reminder to LIKE and subscribe your likes comments and subscriptions help keep the content flowing alright let's get back to it moving back to fixed-wing aircraft for number six we have the Hummel Ultra Cruiser the Hummel ultra Cruiser is the only all-metal fixed-wing ultralight available today and was designed by Mori Hummel back in 1999 it features a four-stroke 1/2 VW engine ranging from twenty eight to forty five horsepower this engine isn't very common in ultralights today and its low RPM give it a classic and beautiful sound the tail dragger landing gear and low wing design make the ultra cruiser a fun airplane to fly and great airplane to look at the kit - engine is around fourteen thousand dollars and the plans can be purchased for two hundred and sixty dollars number seven on the list is an ultra-light known for its incredible airframe strength the phantom x1 or the Phantom classic is a high wing tractor configuration ultralight that can withstand up to nine positive G's and six negative G's this makes it a popular ultralight for aerobatics and there are a number of videos out there showcasing what the Phantom can do it uses a 40 to 50 horsepower engine and the kit - engine is $11,500 if you want to fly something where you can be confident that the wings won't break when doing outside loops the Phantom is the airplane for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you want to fly a twin-engine airplane without a license number eight is the plane for you although the ultra flight lays air had a short production run between 1979 and 1984 used aircraft can still be found today the first version featured to 5.5 horsepower chainsaw engines which were enough to power the laser with its 36 foot wingspan and twelve to one glide ratio later models used to nine point five horsepower Rotex 185 engines and were equipped with a floor mounted control stick tail wheels on the inverted V tail and toe brakes for each of the main landing gear wheels the wings are covered in a clear mylar or tedlar PVF film giving it that unique lays air clear wing the laser is a true classic designed from the 1980s age of ultralights [Music] if you want to fly and transport your aircraft easily number nine is a choice for you powered paragliding is a relatively modern way of flying without a license the pilot wears a para motor which features engines between 14 and 30 horsepower and they achieve flight under a paraglider which can be packed away into a backpack the paramotor design originally came from hang gliding and was later adapted for paragliders as their popularity rose in the late 1980s pilots can either launch and land on foot or elect to use a small trike and have more of the aircraft feel the largest downsides of the powered paraglider are the low flight speeds and high sensitivity to turbulent air conditions the paraglider wings and paramotor setups differ greatly depending on the type of flying the pilot does this sport is growing quickly and a brand new beginner setup can be purchased between seven to ten thousand dollars [Applause] number 10 is an aircraft for the true classic adventurer the cloud hopper balloon is a single-seat hot-air balloon in which the pilot is strapped into a harness instead of standing in a basket according to the FAA balloons fall under unpowered flight which makes a cloud hopper required to be under 155 pounds instead of the 254 pounds to be regulated under part 103 the pilots harness can swivel 360 degrees allowing them to face any direction for launch and landing and the cloud hopper can fly for about an hour and a half to fly the cloud hopper you'll need a ground crew to pick you up as you are completely dependent on wind direction this makes a cloud hopper the least controllable aircraft in a list but if you enjoy long moments of silence and the serenity of floating along where mother nature decides the cloud hopper is for you today there are two manufacturers of the cloud hopper style balloon and they will run about 20,000 dollars for a new hopper nice vo yeah number 11 is a bonus there could have easily been hundreds of ultralights in this list if I included them all number 11 is the option of creating your own one-of-a-kind ultralight all you have to do is make sure that it is under 254 pounds flies under 55 knots and stalls at 24 knots [Applause] thanks so much for watching and if you enjoyed the video make sure to LIKE and subscribe also if you like this awesome shirt that I'm wearing you can order one linked below and until next time blue skies and safe flights [Music]
Channel: FloridaFlying
Views: 1,796,291
Rating: 4.9093013 out of 5
Keywords: top, ten, 10, best, greatest, airplanes, aircraft, helicopter, no, license, homebuilt, ultralight, cheapest, cheap, fly, training, part, 103, kit, homemade, inexpensive, pilot, airplane, plane, gyrocopter, gyroplane, backyard, stol, takeoff, landing, short, small, without, flight, cockpit, anyone, cost, expensive, plans, built, home, garage, quicksilver, aerolite, kolb, bensen, paramotor, paraglider, hot, air, balloon, lazair, phantom, hummel, hang, glider, mosquito
Id: DmQ_aFBoCys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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