Landing the Bush Bonanza on the Highway

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now they're gonna set search-and-rescue can't get all them if there is a car coming we're not gonna all faint but they're not gonna know what the last minute do see there's somebody going that way I just landed somewhere it's clear now just go for it you want me to take over the backup Miller vlogs yeah I'll take something [Music] we're here in Lewiston Idaho this morning it's 6:00 a.m. we got three extra gallons of gas just at what we needed to go check out cool grass strip on the Snake River [Music] Lewiston Nez first County Airport a Lewiston Idaho win zero six zero at zero four Lucy's bracket boy after three to six seven hotel Papa still frustrated to Activia part of the balance nice little e 25 so I ended up bar just will grab the strip just on the Oregon side of the Snake River you ready to go our control everyone has a 36-hour hotel pause there you go one two bonanza three six seven hotel Papa listen to only one to play for take us out to parse your prove it [Music] a couple extra our camp today [Music] we're in Idaho right now we're gonna follow the Snake River over here and that's Oregon on that side Idaho on this side got a r8 to em Naha Oregon that's the closest town anyway that's the middle of nowhere but but you're not gonna you're just gonna go direct there right you're not gonna wade through the river right very much but actually we probably will follow this thing over just a little bit because otherwise I have to keep climbing forever but it will bring the power back serve the gas so this strip is charted as being sixteen hundred feet long it looks like it's actually a little bit longer than that but we take off plant at 1600 feet anyway there are a few things though that we need to do this safely and then also just a couple things they were doing today to make it as safe as possible that we probably wouldn't need to do but we're doing anyway because we can so it's only about a ten-minute flight over here from where we spent the night so we left most of our stuff you know back at the hotel just so that we're that much lighter especially because we you know we got extra we got probably 50 pounds of camera gear we got a little extra fuel to go fly around get you guys all the shots things like that so we were doing this for real you know we can certainly buy in with whatever we want but you know here we've got all that extra stuff too you know we're doing it first thing in the morning so it's nice cool you know every degree that it gets warmer the density altitude just rising and of course you know we got a look we're gonna see what the wind is doing ideally we'd kind of land to the south and depart to the north that we were kind of landing approver and departing down river so we're gonna see what the wind is doing if you let us do that and also you know it's down at the bottom who knows what's gonna be done anyway do a couple of passes see how this feels and then we just have to remember the three miles north of the airport power line crosses the river you know I don't repeat above the bottom we'll go from there yeah maybe we land maybe we don't share those power lines here and just a few miles okay where are these power lines right there oh right there yeah okay okay so we know where those are bottle orange balls on those they know this is a busy river there's all kinds of strips along this river most of them aren't I've been on the sectional if the Idaho chart okay so the airport's at a thousand EMSL to all start the sending so we get down here and take a look at this thing pull the power way back should be just around this corner here basically there or no right down here there we go see you there all right get right down there I don't see it actually hold on oh we're like right over there yeah hey I don't have a good angle on it this is funny just flying around in this little Valley this is fun oh yeah we don't get to land Doug bar traffic the hands of this in the hotel profits for half South to be doing a little preparation for the north Doug bar of course there's no published seat at frequencies out here so we're just using 22 nine but have put the gear down here we go yeah I think I would definitely prefer to you know take off this way and not this way right looks all right doesn't think it's a little uphill just at the answer they're coming this way do you see that looks like basically kind of Crossman so not too much weight to worry about go back to you just want more this way and the ball this is a tight Canyon not a lot of room but turn around in here although you got to be careful I have a nice wide spot McCain in it practice those shantel's only turn over this way just a little bit at that a backer out this way hair Alliance they're that crazy how big that diffident power lines is yeah they're so heavy on that far yeah we're gonna throw the gear back down one notch and flaps ahead now this way they're not going to land no go around see I think the whole thing is slightly uphill this way right that's the very end here is it the other way but yeah I don't see anything that makes me not want to land here no okay let's go back and land let's do it oh hey there's like some parameters down there so out here in the middle of nowhere there's no cell service under the radio coverage certainly no ATSB coverage but thanks to Sirius XM we still have tons of weather information right at our fingertips yeah it's crazy how different the windows are like up here we got a 10 that head went down there we got like a 5 knot crosswind yeah there it is probably just make a little pattern right here yeah just turn your trick your pattern in this little valley at Doug we're trash bonanza 7 hotel palm up down when landing south that bar full flaps right here just to give us a little more yeah good stabilized approach really important coming in here slip this turn just a little bit [Music] cake you're stirring popsicle forward on the fullest tank the little bit fast we'll see where we end up here in just a second yeah we'll be good just slip out pull the power off easy buddy good not to get any sunflowers with the prop yeah let's call flight service taxi to the Sun oh my god those are crickets Megan is that search and rescue can't get all of them a surprise but I should be able to see the satellite I just park in the middle here at shutdown hi this is November 3 6 7 Hotel Papa like to close our VFR flight plan hi this is November 3 6 7 a hotel Papa liked to close our VFR flight plan sure standby thanks for calling great thank you we made it here Doug bar just incredible scenery there are crickets everywhere they're just I mean every working step they're just flying up and we definitely murdered some with the airplane this thing's gonna need a damn good bath after this [Music] [Applause] [Music] first gets photos I'm gonna blast out of here we were gonna go explore up here and stuff but they were so big swarms of bees and bee hive so we're just thinking you know we'll do it another time it is a little tight we'd not want to come in here any yeah hotter or heavier yeah finding that right balance of like nose up to go over these little Hills here and minimize drag to actually get off the ground it's the challenge you like that little bump there so we don't want to get the nose too high or anything it's speed here about another couple knots and there we go we're not VIX here I didn't notice on the way in there's this little house if I am full boat launch down here fun stuff okay well that was cool here's me TV on the road I was just oh yeah couple of them yeah so there are some other people out here but it's a pretty remote pretty hard to get to without an airplane yeah who's this power line so watch that if you come in here you know it's a little tight in the Bonanza but it's fun it's kind of just what they tell you in like primary flight training you know there are short field takeoffs and they're soft field takeoffs but there aren't really soft short field takeoffs cause like you know the techniques completely contradict each other but yeah so here we've just got to find that right mix of you know saving the nosewheel of the prop but at the same time you know making sure that we don't have too much drag that we can't get out of there at all so the Snake River is Oregon here Idaho there Washington ten miles ahead that way so we're right on track or maybe like a half gallon behind schedule on fuel appluse now we're going to pop back to Lewiston grab the rest of our stuff with the hotel this thing is gonna need a good good bath yet maybe we can see at the FBO they've got a hose if that nosewheel at least where all those bug guts like baked on there right it's good idea TenPoint the zero gallon 10.0 gallon on the dot I'm impressed I'm done let's just let's call it a day right here [Music] [Music] where they so I got some fuel we cleaned all the bugs off and now we're gonna go ahead to the field station in over Oregon land on the road there grab a burger and a milkshake hopefully we'll be able to taxi paths between all of the sciences jerk yeah six seven hotel lift the ground you ready provider that's actually for departure runway 3-0 taxi via Delta cross one two three zero three zero Delta charlie cross three zero open hands of three six seven hotel is it interesting transmission yeah not least of which speak because it started with Cherokee right it seems like they're very on top of it a hell just using hey all the time now that we've been in Canada for like I've been using it a little bit more a little I've been using it before but now it's just slipping out just slipping everything is a three six seven hotel officer you go 3-0 via farther south and then the 360 Motel propolis entire runway 3-0 cleared for takeoff left turn left to developers 3:04 their potato fan three six [Music] I'll head on out over there it has always of course on these backcountry missions we've got you know spider tracks on the panel we've got injuries for portable communication a Sat phone built into the plane at a 406 ELT so if anything were to happen got multiple ways to get in touch with people and we've got ways to close the flight plan you know I'm gonna get there that as far back as it goes yeah see you can go oh that's now we're talking there you go all right fine thank you sleep [Music] I ain't have to sniff this back dude yeah do a good nap though I could certainly go another hour yeah I think this is probably the start of the road right here and we're still 40 miles out but it's basically just yes I guess it straight out weird right now so it's straight ahead on the other side of this little outcropping or whatever yes see we're coming up on this big Alvord desert okay Alvers wait just that so and then it's just a little bit beyond that okay so let's start looking for right dude but this isn't the road you land on is it yeah okay this is the stretch straight ahead yeah there's no baby yeah even if we can't I don't want to is that no we're not gonna go see you know because the problem is we're out of court go into a corner here right so we're not gonna be if there is a car coming we're not gonna know yeah any other aspect of that is Nate but they're not gonna know till the last minute to great so you know we want to minimize all of that see here but they look so good for science so land pass this bridge because look how yeah that little yeah that thing there is a sign right there there's a few signs off the left pray and pass there one okay good well there's one time it's off yeah oh that's that's good okay we should there are two signs up here right at the intersection you mean yeah you know so you know beside like we can walk it so there's a guy pulling out go in the other direction well it's how far can you taxi you think right away yeah that's what I'm thinking okay let's look this way is there a car up there is that just something big next to the right this is something I think we got plenty of times I'd go for it right now okay let's let's do a low approach and here I want to time this so that we know how long that is that we're looking at there between those signs I think you got plenty well I know we got plenty to land but I want to make sure we got put in take off so I'm gonna start this base we had 135 knots right now starting now our doing a hard 25 we'll call it she's like this sign here yeah this sign here right past it is another sign but but that signs far enough off okay well this is really great here just to see so it's 18 seconds at 125 knots let's call it 120 to be safe 18 over 60 times 2 is about half a mile times half a nautical mile times 5,280 times 0.15 so it's about 3,600 feet that should be good I don't know how he just did that but this is like basic pilotage you learned this like but you did it so fast like that was not what sake oh yeah so watch for that amount that tail went there from the mouth felt like somebody picked up the tail right through it go back this way do you do a low approach gears down on this one or just land probably just land I want to stay I want to see there's anybody else how that - there's somebody going that way I just plain excel here it's clear now just go for it okay [Music] but it just passed this next sign there [Music] maybe palaces want you just to be safe [Music] boom I think will be good on all the bushes about this little no passing zone right here yeah okay I'm gonna hop out whenever you come just on the top of the hill yeah I'm just stop okay I'd stop before the 22:9 let's turn it on okay well I mean here I can I probably know it he is I mean these aren't that tight it no get off the edge here that would be very bad okay are we on the road here yeah yeah it's hard for me to tell when you scoot forward like that I just lose the peripheral vision okay we got it at this point I don't think the powerline is too low right like we definitely got this yeah no you're good easy okay this taxi up it looks like oh this right here yeah just behind this fan we're great my friend the motel parking permit l-like in the car spots up there every car spot oh it's right here oh yeah no do it they will push back if we had [Music] sighs pre-cool we just landed on the road over there and attacked it in the parking lot pull right up they're gonna grab bitey [Music] [Music] how's it looking we good down I left a little dust there [Music] where do you want me to stand in front yet probably behind ya cuz then I'll be in the ditch yeah well just go a long ways ahead to get the take off just tell me when you're good car come in this is what I didn't want to do this twice well I'm gonna move over I'm gonna stay right here until they like you know get the picture and slow down and then I'm gonna move over while they move over into the ditch you don't have much room to move over and they don't have anywhere to move over they're coming just move to the side of it [Music] i won dude I think you just hop in and we forget the pictures just go yeah okay you good good yeah okay okay I don't see any more cars I don't want to do that again [Music] here you get 13 ounce we got like a 10 not till a couple not pill and I guess [Music] there we go yeah of course of course now there's not another car for miles but I just didn't want to do that two more times you know yeah okay well so that was a fun little stop there at the field station that was awesome that was awesome a burger was great at the milkshakes were fantastic huge there's huge grew the good stop in their feed a chance just you know be careful watch for traffic all the dust double the other two best double over there for for that yeah nice that's huge yeah I'd be 2,000 feet and I saw that when we were getting ready to take off well I guess on the topic of safety you know I'm sure people are gonna be asking is this safe is it legal for it we certainly got some questions on Instagram already which by the way if you don't follow me on instagram at backing unfamiliar call him at SJC spotter but he's not a spotter I was spotter you know we don't have we're not super white or not coming in with full tanks of gas either you know we carefully surveyed the area we can't we timed it to see how long how that distance was between the signs stuff like that to make sure that we knew we were getting into we get in and get out and we have you know we got a great great great go around options obviously so wasn't too concerned about that but certainly could do that and then we were coordinating for the taxi out and it's something smaller it's probably a little easier but here we know we didn't want to follow up traffic so I waited to fire up until he was ready at the top of the hill with a radio to tell me you know when it was clear as far as legality you know there's the FAA has no regulations against landing on a road there's no federal laws against landing on a road as far as we can tell Oregon State law is somewhat ambiguous on this road but certainly this is a popular client destination people do it all the time and no one seems to care we're doing it very safely the fact of the matter is if you want to come fly in to the field station they've got awesome food they've got mow gasps for air planet if you burn that nice long at least three or three thousand feet of sign free signage free road way to take off and land up loosely that's a good style it's been a good day what is a pretty cool airports go home today that's a big day for me fine weeks all right you ready start down six I'll sharpen Hamza three six seven Hotel popsicle Plaza 1200 with whiskey runway three zero three zero no bother okay so this pretty much concludes our whole trip this is a super fun day now I'm going to get dropped off here in San Carlos he's gonna fare the plane over to read of you there you go they get it detailed after we got it so dirty today and then gonna come back to me after 182 after dinner now if I go fly this thank you feels good to be all [Music] these are quickly we're glad for zero so how about oh yeah slip it in it's a little cross without the left [Music] oh don't float like I don't mess around yeah all right Owen here taking over the vlog just had a great time here in San Carlos for the past five minutes dropping men off he's going to the city dinner with his buddy I'm taking this airplane back to my home base for UW where our detailer is gonna clean up after our busy day today they give it a nice wash and wax format 20 flies all tomorrow Jarvis three six seven hotel table is very good 3:06 Arvin hopefully for takeoff right now in departure proof right down clear takeout 3:05 all right let's rock n roll [Music] bears being implications at the grave did that cross with correction and she's ready to fly [Music] look uh stay out here a contract are 18.6 maybe it takes ever stops here I'd answer that my hotel proper contract mother Karen one more 955 thank you sir that spot a contact I want to 4.37 Oh tell Papa radar service terminated Romania code and contact read one-one-niner point they keep the code 98 36052 pucks BM to Harbin after three six seven hotel down to San Jose one thousand five minutes number two following system approaching left base runway through and left for delenn where to clear land through all my six three seven turn right charlie in contact ground three alpha tango cross runway three one right and right taxi be a Yankee fever right baby oh yeah that's how you do it all right I have a home it feels amazing great trip now it's time to give this bird a pass dec 5 2014
Channel: Matt Guthmiller
Views: 290,620
Rating: 4.8842812 out of 5
Keywords: aviation, pilot, flight vlog, airplanes, aircraft, beechcraft bonanza, matt guthmiller, landing on a road, landing on the highway, backcountry flying, bush pilot, grass runway, fields station, dug bar, stol, short field landing, soft field takeoff, off airport, takeoff, landing, cross country flight, cockpit, plane lands on highway, plane lands on road, cockpit takeoffs, pilot life, cockpit view, general aviation
Id: Bo-w2kuaOw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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