First Time Landing a Jet + My Favorite Airport Restaurant

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that he is here like +25 wave with this excuse the piece here a little pricey so we're trying to recoup it in fact [Music] I'm not a nice fit for like this camera is gonna be a pack of L back Arctic Mario identify van Hotel Papa monitor tower one she could fight killer this is right this is the air support three of them and in four three six oh no Papa can I tell you ready maker putting in the seven hotel Papa why where am i heading from these foods are let me to of there pick up a headache is there left to pick up a medicament dilemma that's just day late on we're good here Scimitar 500 context-specific for today look at the parties get much above it I could he send someone to use their unlikely my tell me Cyrus Beverly's trying to find room I see if I continue to have to pull hold of this you know my claim i Roger there we go full power [Music] traffic six o'clock same outside together gate please what are you humming help it took my falconer MEP very full we finally find a point is it all right a facility for you [Music] the telephones bonanza three six of an hotel phone 1000 feet now before I hang q30 and answer three think of until Papa took a departure Britain went up against an opportunity ever threatened how do you plan the trends within the bubbly I know hate help me to church I'll relieve you of the four thousand five hundred and basically be below it and then beyond it on me or get a joy I'll pick it up up had a nice night here in Laguna Beach stayed with Brad the guy with the Mustang that we flew it into a few days ago and yeah also if use right on the beach right here now we're gonna fly up to Camarillo for lunch my favorite Airport restaurants in the whole world and other one of my favorite airports like it's just kind of a really cool little place lecture the first place I ever flew this airplane and just love the restaurant there everyone does so it's probably going to be pretty busy and we might have to wait for a little bit but that's okay a little bit is it an hour okay so right now we're in this little eight thousand foot square we're going to be through this five thousand foot area and we'll just really miss this 2004 area over there then just skirt the edge of that running off to Camarillo no special flight rules no bravo clearances just an extra two minutes to keep things simple never thought about everything when advocating stricter brother space it's like okay on to the proper bomb good direct that's easy [Music] saved a minute a lovely little shortcut - so now we can almost like tell aunt but out here the water is not super cold we've got life vests and there's a lot of ships and rescue would not be far off it was like in February of 2014 I came out here - you know in San Diego Gillespie field to go look at this airplane that I was potentially gonna leave to go fly around the world and so I'm first like me airplane nice hat right seat we do some other guy up to Emory Oh at lunch oh you're done 22 5.21 q 5.2 bonanza minute topic a day and then after lunch I jumped a lot in the left seat and flew this plane for the first time is a little different than it didn't have this panel thank god this is the auto pilots about the only thing that is the same so I just Steve gauges and old garment 5:30 - this thing for the first time loved it a few months later food around the world come here Japanese a36 I'm going to tell Papa eat to the southeast and there's a three six seven hotel Papa came where tower make straight-in runway - six report pulling off on them for a four mile final runway 2 6 and the 3 6 7 I jump up that's we have power lines down there and just fit us on just inside a file where we got traffic ahead of here right Bonanza 1500 report inside to fall look at less than one mine yeah it's a stop traffic inside a friendly golf Roger number to follow that traffic for only Tuesday clear land never keep all the traffic to six little ends for us to hear my office demet are six Bravo Charlie squawk VFR the more the pattern and extend upwind one mile past the parchment over there I pulled off I don't like failure this day traffic 12 o'clock same altitude probably continue knowing traffic 11 o'clock same altitude scallion Podgorica freaking fruit 5 traffic 10 o'clock to make this intersection 0-2 6 tango we report they steer with a heading here right three miles 2000 indicated little place almost eat to thank oh yeah here's one Delta Mike number to follow us by Sean O'Reilly Tuesday's clear land [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we just stopped here at Camarillo to grab a little bite to eat it's a fantastic restaurant but because of that there's currently an hour and 45 minute wait so we're gonna hop over to Santa Paula check out that Airport Maryland is pretty cool and the rain come back it and then have lunch we ran into Robert here who and like defended San Diego when I finished my flight around the world stuff like that's we were chatting and you heard that we were gonna do up over to Santa Paula he's like hey can I ride along sure usually I don't really do like sort of you know I don't pick up too many you know people off the off the streets of just go flying but you know this is kind of a little sport just worked out perfectly so we're gonna go do it but yeah so we got our little pleasure here I don't think I'm gonna work all the way over an hour 45 vo dicot be frequent that's right I did my first takeoff yeah really yeah I'm gonna tell Papa you gonna can continue in your climb above 13 this traffic ahead and to your left one mile 1000 forward alright thought about booking all right no oh yes remember Hibbert Oh Papa traveling on olfactory zoom own navigation frequency change approved it I mean nine naked huge that Apollo traffic enhancers about five and a half of the South and reenter he left downwind for runway two Tuesday Nepal pagers three green warning terrain terrain approach on yeah right here this little Valley flight right over the mountain I meant the land traffic 12 o'clock low zero miles [Music] [Music] I love how busy this place it mystical oh yeah awesome all airport community final camry okay okay we got a guy down went over there I'll see you right over here we got the lights on good every little bit of runway here close this and go baby here we go [Music] it's alive I know good Golikov acrimony 6 8 3 the little junkyard planting to pay for to do traffic six o'clock same altitude zero miles hey Paul chakra under 702 Papa's office suits to deferring to the alpha count of all Syrians have any of the three sticks of a no tell Papa D to the north purple stuff there's five dinars the end of the three six have no tell Papa carrot are make right traffic runway to tick certified November spread traffic do you think we have time ever and I just Frank top five to Northridge on top the hotel Bob ident about to pop identity there make right traffic for runway to six these caution there's multiple cop outbound Northwest on Connie I don't have to look at al mcdeere right now my opportunity and be careful yeah never had our RV Niner five seven twelve use the Aral Sea you've got to identify them if they're comparable because I don't want that 600 gold both I'm wearing I don't wanna clock him I'll then bound for right trapped out of the other floors I think you guys just looking for that this we justify all this road or whatever then where is the other guy in agree lefties just but that's but there's a certain q5 traffic she resolved to one o'clock in bound for right traffic Bonanza 1,400 bottom mile half at right guard 75 for K through 5 thank you back this part we should be good target six microwave two six four one have a departing for Elmo have enough so Papa bird dog bath up your right side as you in sight 7 off that's all the traffic turns your fi Mike three changer proof I find one two four point seven zero five eight seven - number to follow bonanza form alfono runway two six four the option number two if all those bananas at three mile fun run way to fix critter lamp every look for the may have Atlanta the eight haven't in Aroostook lecture number three followed by Anza north of gun your position on the opposite down to one thousand three hundred and ik ated runway to fix same altitude we have to go around oh yeah the exits fast he doesn't even have to exit this has to be it's like well toe relic eater something like that yeah okay yeah cool traffic 11 o'clock same eight five one seven rich in winter 1885 one here come a time we make a right traffic runway two six I did right traffic left at ready to copy okay we're back well do still hasn't gone off JP and Brad are gonna be hearing a little bit in the Mustang they're gonna join us for lunch now we're you have an awesome bite to eat here in Camarillo [Applause] [Music] so good like the food here is amazing you got airplanes everywhere I'm the pilot tons of awesome people come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we just had a super fun lunch and ong decided this videos just no longer good enough for them so they're right right citation Mustang with Brad now we're gonna kind of the bureau race just a little bit to your Santa Barbara I think I'm gonna beat we wanted to get the student radius jets there's just a lot more to do to get going in such a short flight they don't really have much of a speed advantage on us today just like the very first time I flew this airplane names of seven hotel Papa archers while Mike alpha informs us that you just fool around the world in that bonanza and sends his regards how they use actually a few years ago to help but I think it's another pop species approving you have a great day hey do you do there's an absolutely epic views out here this mouse lover boy every girl it's hot down here one of the things the only downside to flying around like Southern California or anywhere the summer and a small plane like this is it's just so hot down low especially if you're waiting on the ground so I love these clothes to administer your supply because it's basically just like having air conditioning in the plane so they just keep you perfectly timed for the perfectly comfortable torture no matter what 7 sorry everyone has a 3 6 7 FL top and I have to be fed of 1500 or four six nine hundred contact departure have a nice little supports or thanks for subside three six seven hotel Papa Santa Barbara teller one way to five Cleveland traffic entering a ripe base 1/2 mile final stuff that report doesn't say c5 spittle and the traffic so no problem traffic 2 o'clock same out when we're cannot enter you're right down one right down with us on one side down justa for you for zulu have approved [Music] [Music] [Music] got it that was a successful start within 34 seconds once you take a prepare every seven a my mic router only seven clear for takeoff win three 6:05 all right take off line it up all the breaks pull it up a half way hey that looks good what up about half way go on keep going about right there looking good go all the way firewall forward all the way hold on to that and brakes released okay you fly the plane I'm gonna call it out we've got our speed alive yeah it's 50 60 70 s cross-checked don't keep going wait until we get 90 there's 90 knots rotate okay positive rate gear up you ready to this command bar okay 400 feet give us some zero flaps okay and I'll set the return t200 remember read my blank counted for a minute I would have heart rate mic mic night okay come to so feel the participation easily like 1,100 3,000 I turn to 0-0 over eighth of an eighth Mike Mike Santa Barbara departure radar contact climb and maintain 18,000 hey how's that ain't now let's take it from pick up power to cruise power you look and see here we were looking for cruise so that said Clym sorry have that clam okay over eight Mike Mike turn right heading five five two five five eight Mike like a little heavier on rotation that I think I expected I'm not used to using my right thumb for a trim yeah we've either had a little bit of nose trim minute but but now what's once you get the hang of it at 50 K he played a fly huh yeah that's so smooth too okay so what we're doing is basically flying JP and Owen back up to the San Jose area so I decided to offer to let me fly on this leg so I'm getting to check out the citation Mustang so we're gonna fly that up there then I'm gonna come back right in the back on the way back and take the bonanza I think fly down to San Diego for the night but just having some fun flying around in a jet for now all right somebody Mike Mike La Center comma maintain flight level to fix or expect a level off that little cue secondary know if you want pull one throttle back to idle like mommy's leftovers right luckily for you beer we're flying right now to define one inch of you tivity - pretty cool we're losing a little bit out - right but the plan would be free Oh Cooper good Evie eyes all deal right yeah I don't anything that's pretty cool you can dial into that brooch if you want the ILS kind of fly it give yourself some descent at the period or or you can just do the pigeon awful just type on the cross board it wonder though topless 6391 contact approach one two five point three five if I think I'm gonna I think an 870 Mike McKnight effort across board one zero thousand maintain at 7,000 open altimeter trees there one side support it how we did dial her seven seven thousand here Marie Mike Mike the Beavers average fastened underneath it little perch on with gorilla little every other traffic you might like the same heading not taking like a little ye I got a little laughed at or before that amazing food so what to watch your flaps ever focus that's one et cetera good they're great but ours gotta be one two zero point two here we got that cop to things already and he's clearness for the approach right so I think you can go ahead and fly them like my contact here without one to zero point I want you to appoint you a mic mic guy Hey okay gears coming down I can say 7/8 Mike Mike Edward tower in Ukrainian for only a few right left yep traffic 12 o'clock and about a mile with making a straight in front wait we dried assessed at 1400 hey Mike look looks like he's off all left a little bit there I think yeah is that good no a little high is he a little low no was he able to you only guy for sure you write 1,400 it must be right in front of us what's never read up today I'm sorry Pharaoh but I just got that okay you can come any amount on the visuals of my final right now not at all I'm gonna need you to paint as a light runway q8 right flap eggshell hold on it is up just a little bit here fair one come on oh there's a great laughs right there there's 150 I'm gonna go flaps full hey just cause he's gonna speed up very nice about short final cut like that the foam movie now painted number K on the number 2 for round one way to a dry fall the diamond star when we chimera could never kew much on their land to it right GG stuff we're gonna do hold short of Omega 5 I think it should be idle here pen occasion 8 Mike Mike runway can we left for their life this come on Jayla little anemic like they say Mike Mike the traffic for the parallel runway is at one thousand twelve o'clock and about three-quarters Olmo so I'll see em do ya do what yeah traffic no hello anybody still on the traffic we're looking we're gonna get down I would think we're a little lower it now Oh just looking at the happy yeah having 3.0 ahead on this three couple good night it has a very grand pop this 43 officer can I take for you hey out start bleep maps will speed them to make sure minimums minimums do we want to cross now Marshall dad clover town Mart house anyways cause I ain't airport Volta way to do but just let it bleed off the speed a little bit I love that okay to Uppercross XD we are on their q7 Mike I just put it down put it to her no right taxiway Delta and hey parking French Delta gonna turn 50 said my father that knows speed brakes extent it breaking it off is going Y to you we're DQ alpha taxi West pees via alpha on this freak have a good night to alpha what PSP alpha with you another her which our leader and she said I'm like you said you to go into I tried it commander down dress there don't you so much doctor trying to give me a straight ahead on this freak so that was pretty fun my first time landing a jet I'm told I'm told it may have been the smoothest landing of the day I don't know if that's true but [Music]
Channel: Matt Guthmiller
Views: 297,115
Rating: 4.9108119 out of 5
Keywords: aviation, flying, pilot, cockpit, citation mustang, cessna, cessna citation, beechcraft bonanza, flying a jet, jet cockpit, jet, private jet, airplanes, aircraft, landing a jet, landing, takeoff, ifr, atc, atc audio, vfr, matt guthmiller, citation jet, airport, flight vlog, flight, general aviation, jet landing
Id: Y7ZkSeJVidg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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