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*music* Matt: Flying about 5,000 miles this week, after Sun n' Fun we're heading to the Bahamas for a couple days Ok you guys all set back there? Luke & Brian: Yep Matt: Ok, let's go to the Bahamas! Luke: Let's do it! Matt: North Palm Beach Traffic, Bonanza 7HP departing Runway 31 North Palm Beach BeechJet 307MT: North Palm Beach Departure Traffic, BeechJet 307MT departing the pattern to the northwest 964JA: Traffic 964JA departing Runway 31 Matt: So now before we head out over the water I've got my life vest on, we'll go over a quick little safety briefing. So we've got this lovely uh life raft right here between the seats uh there are life vests in these seat back pockets and also under that seat but mostly under that seat Luke: Ok Matt: Um in the event of an emergency, uh you'd wanna open the door before we impact the water or whatever so to do that you push the button, rotate the handle clockwise, open it just slightly, then rotate the handle, don't push the button, rotate the handle back counter clockwise so that it's latched *altitude alert* can't shut again and the other thing is uh don't get out of your seatbelt until everything kinda comes to a complete stop and you know how to get out of the airplane cause otherwise if you fall out of your seat you'll be very disoriented and probably not know how to get out of the airplane Bimini Traffic, Bonanza 7HP is 5 to the north, gonna be entering the left downwind for Runway 28 Bimini Bimini Traffic, Bonanza 7HP is left downwind 28, we've got the departing traffic South Bimini That water is just so nice Luke: It's so shallow out here Matt: Right Miami Center, Bonanza 367HP ATC: Standby Luke: So the message to the guy who is supposed to pick us up uh didn't get through so I guess I'll just call him when we get there and hopefully he can come get us Matt: I mean we can call him from the sat phone Luke: Yeah that'd work too Luke: Can you hear him? Matt: Uh how'd that go? Luke: Good, he will have a ride I think Matt: Ok cool Brian: Damian sounds amazing Luke: Damian sounds like a total bro *laughing* Luke: *accent* I was wondering if you were still coming man Brian: I am Matt: Miami, Bonanza 367HP I think we're just gonna forget Miami and figure out how VFR in the Bahamas works Brian: He's just blown you off so many times now Matt: Nassau Approach, Bonanza 367HP, like to transit at 7,500 to Rock Sound ATC: Roger Negative flight plan, contact Radio 128.0 for a flight plan on file Luke: Is that where we were? Matt: No that's...apparently we have to file a flight plan or something, I don't know how this... Radio, Bonanza 367HP FSS: Roger, a flight plan has to be on file um go ahead and put the flight plan the information Roger, flight plan will be on file, standby for squawk code Matt: Ok! Rachel: *laughing* Matt: And that is how you fly VFR in the Bahamas *music* Brian: I don't think I brought a toothbrush ATC: 367HP service is terminated, squawk 1200 Matt: 7HP goodnight ATC: Goodnight Matt: Do you suppose we have to close the flight plan? The water just looks so pretty Ok gear's down Luke: Oh cool Matt: Hi this is N367HP uh can I close a VFR flight plan in the Bahamas with you? Luke: It's fascinating Matt: Then they gave us a squawk code, I don't actually know exactly how it works Ok awesome, thank you Got somebody on the west coast so he's transferring me to Miami *laughing* Luke: *laughing* that's gonna be helpful Matt: Yeah so Miami didn't seem to know either but he said he was gonna send a message to Nassau telling them that we got here so we should be all good Luke: Ok they're helpful! They're crushing it for us Luke: Are you Damian? Awesome, we're the group yeah *music* Brian: Damian, how many people live on this island? Damian: Not sure, not sure Matt: So there was a frog in the toilet this morning, and uh now we're gonna go check out the Ocean Hole Brian: Is your machete part of your business? Brian: I think I chugged that water too quickly, now I just kinda feel weird Matt: The Rock Sound control area is 700 AGL to 6,000, it says to contact Nassau Approach 121.0 so we're not gonna do that, we're just gonna fly at 700 AGL *music* Matt: So pretty Luke: Amazing Brian: Super pretty Brian: Matt, I got your text when I got back, I liked it it said "we'll be there in 20 minutes, we've had an incident" *laughing* Luke: It could mean so many things Brian: It could mean anything Luke: Anything from a frog up to the house burned down Brian: Right, the house burned down, I broke my leg, like I'm at the emergency room Rachel: We called the one doctor, he's on his way Brian: Right, *laughing* I was waiting for Damian to be like, "I'm the doctor" *laughing* Matt: So we're coming up on Norman's Cay which is this really fun little island uh back in the late 70s, early 80s it was the headquarters of drug lord Carlos Lehder uh so some pretty interesting history around here uh but there is still a crashed DC-3 just off the coast so we're gonna fly over that, we're gonna land Oh hey there's somebody else here! Brian: Oh I see the resturant Matt: There are two planes Luke: Oh man Matt: Ok three green, prop's full forward *music* Matt: So last time we were in Norman's Cay we didn't actually have any way to get out to the crashed DC-3 cause we didn't have a boat, it was too far to swim, so this time we decided to bring our own boat, inflate it, and paddle out there except that we actually have no idea now where the plane crash is cause we can't see it from the ground but we're gonna try to find it, see what happens Brian: We have no water, we're gonna die Matt: We also have no water Matt: We're currently going 2 knots Man: Are you okay? Matt: Yeah we're just trying to go see the wreck! Man: The current's pretty strong! Brian: It's so strong! Man: Where are you from? Brian: We're from Boston but we flew here in an airplane and we brought this little raft out Man: Ok, so you're land-based? Brian: Yeah Man: Not on one of these boats? Matt: Yeah Man: Ok, well be careful cause that current gets ya, next stop is Andros Luke: Could you give us a tow out there? Man: Sure Brian: Yeah! Luke: Thanks man! Brian: We basically made almost no progress while rowing and those guys were like, look at these pathetic, land-based pieces of sh... Man: Are you guys Patriots fans? Brian: No! Wait which one should I say? Luke: Always say no, always say no *laughing* *music* Brian: Oh fishes! Luke: They're everywhere! Brian: That was a good adventure, I feel satisfied with that adventure Luke: Yeah Matt: That was good So we just left Norman's Cay and uh well here's Brian with an update Brian: So we're leaving Norman's Cay, we um spent some time in an inflatable raft paddling upstream, we made no progress whatsoever Luke: Yep Brian: and um a nice, fine gentleman from South Carolina came and towed us out to the wreck Luke: I'm pretty sure they were from Baltimore Brian: Baltimore, South Carolina Matt: South Carolina was the lunch people Brian: Oh, Baltimore Luke: We met lots of great people today *laughing* Brian: They towed us out to the wreck, we spent some time swimming around it in the current, it was pretty fun Matt: and now we're gonna head to Exuma, get some fuel, and then over to San Salvador Brian: Should I mention Christopher Columbus? *music* Brian: Awesome sunset Brian: Does anybody have any idea where to go? *music* Matt: So it turns out the only restaurant on the island that's supposedly still open this late isn't actually open so we don't really know what to do but then we found this lady here and apparently she's gonna give us a ride so Brian: You missed an important part, it's not open, it's a gambling cafe Woman: Little mobile food van right under the tree here, don't know if they're still open, if not, there's a club further on down *music* Brian: *singing* "on the road again, I just can't wait to get on the road again" Matt: Hi this is N367HP we'd like to arrive at 12:30 Ok perfect, thank you so much San Salvador, Bonanza 7HP is departing Runway 10, San Salvador ATC: N367HP, Miami Center, radar contact 14 miles northwest San Salvador airport cleared to Fort Pierce International Airport via direct SURFN, Sierra-Uniform-Romeo-Foxtrot-November, Bahama Route 62V, ANGEE, direct climb and maintain 8,000 Matt: Ok we're cleared to the Fort Pierce Airport via direct SURFN, BR 62V, ANGEE, then direct, climb and maintain 8,000, Bonanza 367HP ATC: Bonanza 367HP, read back is correct and uh correction to climb and maintain flight level 080, use standard ocean altimeter 2992 Matt: Ok we'll maintain flight level 080, 7HP Luke: Do we need to eat the rest of the food before Fort Pierce? Matt: Yeah Luke: It's the perfect size for snacking, we're snacking so hard right now *laughing* Luke: I haven't snacked this hard in years! Brian: Perfect size for breakfast ATC: N367HP, radar services are terminated, contact Nassau Approach 125.3, and if you're not able to reach them on 25.3 you can try them on 121.0 Matt: Nassau Approach, Bonanza 367HP, flight level 080 ATC: 367HP what's your position? Matt: Uh 367HP is 84 miles from the Nassau VOR on the uh 102 radial ATC: 7HP confirm you're requesting a clearance as well, sir, say your destination Matt: Yeah we're going to Fort Pierce uh we had a clearance from Miami Center ATC: Ok roger, you're radar identified just east of uh northeast of the Rock Sound airport, 8,200, Nassau station pressure 3011 Matt: Ok 3011 and uh we were maintaining flight level 080, you want us at 8,000 now? ATC: Affirmative sir, uh flight level 080 Matt: Do you want the flight level? Or just 8,000 on 3011? ATC: Ok confirm you're on 2992 Matt: Yeah we were on 2992 ATC: You can remain on that altimeter setting sir and uh maintain flight level 080 Matt: 7HP ATC: N367HP the Miami Center is a little busy, radar service is terminated, and give them a call now on their frequency 125.7, maintain, and confirm you received a clearance already or are you still requesting a clearance? Matt: No we had a clearance from them and we'll contact them 125.7 Bonanza 367HP, good day ATC: roger, good day Matt: Fort Pierce Tower, Bonanza 367HP visual 10 RIght ATC: Lance 6CH you have a stuck mic sir ATC: Cessna 84U Runway 10 Right, line up and wait 1183U: Line up at wait, 10 Right, 1183U Matt: Ground, Bonanza 367HP, 14 going to Customs ATC: N367HP, Ft. Pierce Ground, roger, continue down the runway sir, turn right on C4 straight into Customs *music* ATC: N367HP Fort Pierce Tower Runway 32, line up and wait, traffic landing Runway 10 Brian: A lot of the early Apollo work was done like out on the tip of that thing that juts out the launch complex that SpaceX is using is if you look at the VAB and you go maybe like one clock direction to the right. And you go directly south and you see those complex of buildings, that's where I used to work Matt: Last year on the way to Sun n' Fun we saw the SpaceX launch that ended in the first successful barge landing Luke: Yeah that was pretty epic, we were, what, about this close right? Matt: Yeah Brian: Welded, 3D printed, carbon fiber *laughing* Luke: Matt, you said we're going somewhere close to Charlotte? Matt: Yeah it's the Charlotte-Monroe Executive Airport ATC: 367HP contact Savannah 120.4 Matt: 120.4 Bonanza 367HP, good day *music* Luke: So our pizza's gonna be waiting for us while we're 155 miles away, that's kinda fun just sitting forlornly in this box waiting for 367HP to arrive *laughing* Brian: Waiting for the confusing mass of numbers and letters to show up I liked the way you described that, "I'm going to give you a string of what seems like random numbers and letters, but someone that you deliver it to will know what it means" She was like, "Ok, whatever" Luke: That's exactly what she said *laughing* ATC: Bonanza 7HP I have an amendment to your clearance Matt: Direct Utica, V490, Cambridge, direct Keene, direct Gardner, V431, LOBBY then direct, Bonanza 367HP Matt: Approach, Bonanza 367HP we were wondering if we could do one turn in holding at the Cambridge VOR
Channel: Matt Guthmiller
Views: 215,727
Rating: 4.9122338 out of 5
Keywords: flying, aviation, flight vlog, airplane, landing, airport, pilot, cockpit, general aviation, night flight, cross country flight, airport vlog, pilot vlog, flying video, aircraft, atc audio, air traffic control, ifr, atc, control tower, single pilot, travel vlog, beechcraft bonanza, ifr cross country, instrument approach, airplane landing, glass cockpit, flight, single pilot ifr, ifr flight, steveo1kinevo, avgeek
Id: tiUTcgQ978Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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