AIRPLANE OWNERSHIP! Do you want to BUY A PLANE? The PROS AND CONS of owning an airplane!

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just right remind myself I was gonna say and put on my glasses because I can't see do you want to know what's involved in owning an aircraft I want to talk about some of the pluses and minuses of owning an aircraft I own an airplane and I know not everybody owns an airplane it's quite a luxury and I'm very grateful that I'm able to to do that but I want to talk about I've owned the plane let's see for a couple of years I guess I'm talk about why I bought the plane of the pluses and minuses of plane ownership if you want to know what it's like to own an airplane you want to watch people that definitely aren't pilots probably think that owning an airplane is just like oh my god you must be mega rich if you own an airplane and that's not necessarily the case because you can buy an airplane for relatively inexpensively and you can spend a ton of money on an airplane just depends on what your wants and your needs and your goals are for the airplane airplanes they don't like cars you can buy one that was you know it's quite old and it will be fine you know sometimes they have two engine overhauled and it can last for a really really long time my airplane I love my airplane by the way it is just I have a Piper Archer three single-engine piston airplane it's a low-wing airplane there are also high wing single-engine airplanes and actually trained mostly in one of those it was a Cessna 172 which is a very common trainer airplane I know not everyone that's gonna become a pilot it's gonna own an airplane it just depends on what your goals are with airplane ownership mine was specifically for visiting family and friends and being able to travel long distances the purpose of getting my pilot's license was not necessarily to move on to the airlines otherwise most people that do that don't buy an airplane why not the post but I would say quite a few people don't buy an airplane after they get their license because their plan is to be flying for an airline or some other commercial operator so they're gonna train and then they're gonna become probably a CFI or they're gonna work for another company to build their time they're not gonna need an airplane to build time in or to use for travel because their goal is to get to a place where they're traveling and flying or their job so that wouldn't have time really to fly that much anyway if they had their on the airplane by airplane when I was at the tail end of my private pilot training after the private pilot's license I wanted to get my instrument rating so that I could fly in instrument conditions which means you can't necessarily see outside you're using your instruments in your airplane to stay straight and level and you're not actually able to look outside and use outside references and then I want to eat my commercial license after that I wanted to buy my airplane because I really wanted to use it to travel as soon as possible even as soon as I got my private pilot's license I did just that I flew lots of places and gained a lot of hours in that airplane and then I went on to use that plane for my instrument went on use it for my commercial I loved it I go visit my family quite a bit in Tennessee I live in Ohio and it makes it really easy to go visit my mom and my sister in Tennessee it makes it easy to go visit friends and family and other places to take friends and family like my cousins to different places and I have really enjoyed my airplane moving on the pluses of owning an aircraft are that it's yours and you know the airplane very well you know it sounds you know how it feels when you're flying it if you're you know you notice the noise or something doesn't feel right you're more in tune to that because you're familiar with the airplane you've put a lot of time in it another bonus is that you can keep all your stuff in the airplane if you're in a club or you're renting airplanes then up sometimes you have to carry your headset and your clipboard and everything else with you and if you have your own and you just leave it on in there like a pair sunglasses in there I've got ink pens I've got suckers I've got everything that I could possibly want in the airplane all I have to do is show up get in and I'm good to go another plus obviously is I can fly whenever I want to whenever you know I feel like taking off I can I don't have to worry about the availability of an airplane if you're in a club then often I don't know a whole lot about clubs but I know usually they have several airplanes that you pay like a membership fee and then you have access to these planes I don't know how hard it is to actually reserved these I guess it depends on how many members are in the club and how many airplanes there are the other great thing is I know what the maintenance I know if it's up to date on the maintenance I guess I know when all was changed because I'm the one that requested it get changed and yes I requested I don't change my own oil although one uncle wants to teach me I'm just not ready for that yet I'm the one that knows when it was done I'm the one that is aware of what needs to be done although that is also a - because I'm not always aware there are some things that I lose track of also know when you have your own airplane you get to know really well like your white and balanced limit for airplane gets older it doesn't always perform as the Poh would state that is like a brand new engine and maximum performance capability with that and your airplane as it gets older doesn't actually usually stay within that criteria I don't know if criteria is the right word stay performing that well as it gets older so the airplane that I have I picked it out I knew what I wanted I know the equipment that I wanted it had a glass cockpit that's what I wanted I wanted the ability to add XM whether to to the airplane you buy your own airplane you're not wondering when you show up a flight school that you might be renting a plane that what kind of shape the airplanes in it's really up to you to keep it in the shape that you want it in which is a plus and a minus because you're the person that's gonna keep it clean you're the person responsible for getting the trash out of it and cleaning it after the after your flight now often times when you have a glass cockpit you can get weather features right there in the cockpit current weather although it's not yes can be delayed a little bit and I should want a little disclaimer I brought that and you can get a subscription from Sirius XM radio they have AV packages people don't know that I didn't know that when I first got a plane you actually can add it on to your Sirius XM subscription that you already have at the aviation package and of course they have several different levels that you can choose from as far as what all you want there what that allows for me a screen in my airplane that shows weather can zoom in and zoom out as far as you want to kind of see where everything is when you're flying and planning your course or if you need to deviate while you're flying somewhere some of the minuses of owning and airplanes are well the big ones are the costs it's it's expensive it is I'm not gonna lie there are the options of hankering your airplane which means putting it into a building into a hangar like an airplane garage or you can tie it down at the airport they have specific tie-downs for your airplane mine is hangar I live in Cincinnati Ohio and it gets called here and I wanted it to be nice and warm and cozy when I got into it although it's not warm and cozy but hangar is still cool when it's you know 30 degrees outside it's not heated or anything I think you can get heated hangars I'm sure I'm sure you can I mean you could get anything you want as long as you're willing to pay for it right it does help keep it a little bit warmer and it keeps the winds you know off of me when I'm in there and I'm free flying in the plane ready I'm not standing out in the the bitter wind and what did things I read recently was that people tend to rush their pre-flight when it's cold outside I got totally believe that because when I was in flight training when it was cold outside you just wanted to hurry up and get in the airplane and turn the heat on get the heat cranking cuz it's it hurts your fingers are cold and we've got a really loud truck outside there along with the cost of hangar rental which it varies where you're located it's about $300 a month I have to pay to hangar my airplane and that is painful when I'm not flying that much I am responsible for the maintenance cost as well and all change originally when I first started getting my whole change it was $300 to get them all changed and it goes by hours like every 40 to 50 hours I need to get my all changed and then I found this great guy at my hair for it that will do the oil changes for me for about a hundred dollars when you're in a club or you rent planes from a flight school or an airport they are typically responsible for the maintenance and getting the things done I'm sure there's some shared cost when you belong to a club that may be part of your dues or it may be something you pay out-of-pocket every year I don't know I don't know that much about that I have to pay for a Sirius XM subscription and I don't remember what that is I pay insurance on the airplane and the insurance on my airplane is about $1,100 a year I have been thinking about getting a tailwheel airplane it actually is about twice as much the maintenance you have to get an annual on your airplane if you're on an airplane and the annuals that I have gotten I got one right when I bought the plane and then one a little over a year ago and then one just a few months ago and so I've had three and they ranged in cost from painful about $3,000 to $5,000 every year you have to do that it depends on what they find what needs to be replaced they check like everything on the airplane hoses and and valves and you know nuts and bolts and like everything so if you need things replaced it's gonna be more expensive and who has to for that you do you can give a loan for an airplane there are only like certain banks that will give you a loan you typically have to put down 15 to 20 percent when you get the loan and then you have a payment depending on how much your loan is for every month as well on top of that so it's adding up isn't it well the cost of freedom some of the other things that you have to do when you own the airplane is make sure as we talked about before it's a it's a bonus that you know that your equipment and everything is up to date but that also means that you are the one making sure that it's up today I have something called these four 30s and when you're playing up two of them and then I have this avid I'm system that has to be updated so every month I have to take these cards out of my airplane go to my laptop and actually download the most recent updates every 28 days it's my responsibility to make sure those are done but the one that has to clean my airplane in the summer that can be a hot yucky mess you bugs all over the front of your plane and there's a lot of bug guts everywhere yeah it's nasty and when it's hot and you're in the hangar so know what you can do it outside the hangar for me in particular I have to kind of move my airplane out because there's just like a taxiway and there could be other airplanes that want to get by so I need to push it out of the way and that basically back into my yard I am also responsible for the log books and making sure everything that gets done gets put into the log books you go to sell it then the buyer is going to want to know everything's been done it's been maintained and everything is in compliance you had to kind of come up with a system to remember when things need to be done because there are things that are required to be done a year and things that don't require dwell every 28 days these GPS cards there are things that need to be done every two years and recently my pitot-static was supposed to be checked like three months ago she just went right over my head that you need to do this you're supposed to do that three months ago I was like oh okay well let's do that what do you know registration renewal if I have an Ohio registration oh please yes I have my FAA registration that I just had to have to do and then Ohio of course has her own as if there isn't enough course they don't forget about you they find you hey it's time to pay us there is a lot to owning an airplane as you can see this worth it to be able to supply somewhere and to have that freedom and flexibility of having your own airplane I am sort of at a stage or at a point right now where my engines suggested engine overhaul time this is getting to that place and getting a new engine I could keep on airplane give totally overhauled engine and that was costing me for my airplane every airplane is different about thirty to forty thousand dollars I have to decide if I want to do that I have to decide if I want to keep flying that or if I want to sell it there are other planes that I wouldn't mind having I haven't actually been flying much but I don't know if I want to keep the plane and I'm afraid that something else is going to happen to it I don't want to pour more money into it right now do I want to go a different route I don't know time will tell every day I'm like thinking about it and making less the pros and cons I want list percent that is what goes into owning an airplane the pluses and minuses just for me this is just my take on it everyone I'm sure has their own opinion and their own take on owning their own claims if it's worth it or not if they would do it again would I do it in yes I would do it again definitely I love my airplane if I say goodbye my airplane I'm gonna be sad definitely attached to this airplane I love it when I see it I just makes me smile if you're interested in by an airplane hopefully that will help you decide that'll give you some things to think about leave your comments if you want to give me any advice I would appreciate it please make sure you subscribe to this channel for more information similar to this and make sure you're following me on social media at micro Kelly I'm on Twitter or snapchat Instagram Facebook what is your opinion tell me what to do
Channel: flyGIRL Kelley
Views: 60,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, pilots, flight, airplanes, planes, natalie kelley, flygirl kelley, private pilot, female pilots, aviation101, private pilot license, fly girl, pilot jobs, pilot hobby, aviation hobby, flights, general aviation, pilot training, aviation training, how to fly, tips on flying, how to fly an airplane, how to become a private pilot, how to fly a plane, owning an airplane, airplane ownership, should I buy an airplane, what does a small plane cost, private travel, plane costs
Id: aS-0LrMBwgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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