Gold dredging very high quality gold out a HUGE GOLD POCKET!

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hey hey hey what's up guys it's kyle here i'm in the creek and this is going to be the second time that i have brought this gold dredge down here this is a four inch pro line gold dredge we got the air hook up and everything got the nozzle and the hole i'm gonna be working and uh yeah i got my uh wetsuit in today so that's good got some knee pads we got the face mask right there so hopefully we'll get on some good gold today i did find a few little pickers or what we call missouri nuggets right up in there in that crack right there so there's gold there there has to be gold down here well at least that's what i'm hoping right but anyways i'm gonna go ahead and suit up gear up and uh we're gonna start this bad boy up stay tuned i'm gonna let her warm up for a little bit just a couple minutes got the dive mask on get this mask on let's get it so [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh so [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my it yeah look at that [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] ah i can't change [Music] there we go [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] so it looks like we got a nice closet right here [Music] oh yeah we got metal [Music] they found a huge pocket full of metal and just to be some gold in there [Music] [Music] oh [Music] now [Music] there we go [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] whew [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Laughter] hmm [Music] woohoo so so [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] whew [Music] my [Music] look how clean that is that's my dreadful whoo man this is so fun i don't have it all the way open because i don't want to blow the gold out i did find a nice pocket with some metal in it so that is a freaking awesome sign let's go take a look at this sluice box real quick look at that big old chunk of hematite baby yeah buddy look where it goes through that hose i've got a couple rocks up there [Music] actually i'm going to come up here and get some of this some nice cracks in the bedrock whew uh [Music] so gonna need a tool so so so so so so so so so oh yeah [Music] so so so [Music] so okay [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all right i have dredged out this whole freaking hole right here about knee deep nice little swimming hole now oh this feels good blend that dr i'm just letting that dredge hose run a little bit so i could stratify some uh material down so when we clean it up i won't have all that big stuff in there and make it a little bit easier on myself we're probably going to be running out of gas here soon anyways here's what she looks like looking good looking good man i can't [Music] i'll let her run for a little bit okay it's been about i don't know five seven minutes i think she's uh all stratified down by now so this shutter off turn that gas off take a look in the box there's some hematite right there oh yeah there we go look at that oh no that's an old bullet or not but it's definitely a bullet come down here oh got some heavy uh metal right there got some nails here usually when i have nails and heavy stuff like that there's golden here but you never know yeah there's nails right there right there cool this should be exciting first thing you gotta do is just take this little wingnut off oh wow and all swirly uh i see a bunch of purple that's usually a good sign wow look at that look at all that nice let's put this back on here so i don't lose it oh that's some lead right there sweet all right i'm gonna go get my big concrete mixing pan and we'll put it all in there bunch of metal in here there's that [Music] um [Music] all right now i think if i turn the dredge back on actually let me get this dredge secure on land maybe and i'll turn it back on so we can get all that material out try help if i climb this thing first some water in the system let's try that again so there it goes there we go there's everything we wanted all right well in that process my pan went completely underwater and uh some mats fell out right here so now i'm going to dredge this whole area the dredge only came with miners moss for some reason i don't know if that's right i don't know if some people do that i had a carpet under mine but i'm assuming after some buildup it doesn't really matter um so i'm going to dredge this area just in case i lost anything but i did see a piece of gold in here and uh so i know there's gold i know there's gold in here so that's good it was just a tiny speck but i know i got one piece in there so that's good anyways i'm gonna dredge this real quick and then we'll put all the material in there the correct way so okay perfect time to run out of gas maybe i didn't have enough going on [Music] do false announcement glad this is all flat i can feel everything really what's going on here oh i had the freaking gas off one please good stuff under this rock so oh so oh yeah cleaned up the last goal then possibly got some more foreign oh yes that's nice woof it feels good in the meantime it's gonna cool because down freaking cooking in this wetsuit oh yeah [Applause] all the way through the dredge that was freaking sweet okay look at all this in there now and try not to freaking spill anything this time that's awesome i already see fish playing in the hole i just made new brooding ground and got all those metals out of there all that lead cleaned it up for him nice anyways it's that time of the day guys time to do a clean out i packed the dredge up in the taco already here's all the dredge cons and it's looking good i see lead hematite nails so we might get a couple pieces of gold today anyways oh got the little scoop here all i'm going to do is scoop some out put it in the bucket a brand new snuffer bottle and let's go to town i'll see you when i get to the heavies all right we are at the heavies and oh there we go up top up top nice chunky piece there's a nice chunker right there see if i can get not mess this up with my shadow there's two pieces actually there's one right here and then the bigger one right there you guys should see that sweet and go ahead and snuff those up and we'll move on scoop number two and if you guys are wondering what gold paint i'm using this is the garrett super sluice i think this is the biggest one they make i love it works great i'll see you when i get to the heavies [Applause] this is the end result of scoop number two we got some nails and lead in there and i did see one nope maybe two no maybe just one it's one little fly poop right there i'm just gonna set the camera right there this is scoop number three [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] coming down to the heaviest [Applause] [Applause] give her a little shake down [Applause] got a couple fly poops in this one one two three four little pieces they're up top here probably not gonna be able to see it on camera oh there's moved over here snuff those up and move on i think this is number four there's a couple of fly poops in there but look at that nugget of pyrite and that negative something interesting there's some gold right there i'm not really sure what that is moving on bottom of pan number five i believe got some heavies up in here one of the neighbors just stopped by to say hi and i see some fly poop up top nothing big yet oh there's a little chunker in the corner right there the sun's messing everything up but oh well got some lead nails hematite black sand and a little bit of gold all right last pan i did one without you guys there's about i don't know four fly peeps in there some water in here [Applause] all this righty it i'll get to you when uh i get to the heavies oh my oh my i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew the last pan the bottom of the bucket was gonna be in freaking credible oh my gosh let's get in the shade here oh hell yeah look at that oh my gosh oh my gosh this is just fell oh my gosh this this just made my whole day look at all that gold in there oh my gosh hell yes guys oh yeah buddy [Music] look at all that oh my gosh this is the best one this is the best best pan of my life probably oh my lord oh my gosh oh my oh my goodness i said it sorry i'm saying that a lot look at all that gold look at all that gold oh my gosh oh my gosh i thought today i was gonna get skunked and just get freaking fly poop oh that's so exciting man oh man man oh man how wonderful this is just wonderful those are chunky chunky pieces sorry guys i got a little too excited right there but i haven't seen this much gold in a while dang dang look at that one oh my gosh there's that bullet there's that bullet that we saw earlier right here heck yeah i'm gonna go through this one more time and then snuff the rest up dang oh my gosh that was so good that was so good anything else hiding in here i see a couple pieces all right i'll be back there's a couple more pieces in there but you guys seen the majority of it we're gonna pack the rest of this stuff up i need to get home and then pull it out we'll put it all into a pan and take a look at it may even get the microscope up to it as well so stay tuned guys how freaking exciting is that man oh my gosh i cannot wait to get home and put that all in a pan to show you guys i knew i knew it i knew the last pan was going to be the best obviously because gold is super heavy and it's going to be on the bottom when i'm scooping stuff up the gold isn't going to go in the little shovel or trowel whatever you want to call it but i didn't ex i did not expect that much at all and for you guys that don't know i'm in missouri so this is all glacial gold how insane man so stoked to get home i'll see you guys soon all right we're back at home and i could already see the gold in there let's see what it looks like wow all right i'll clean this up and get all this magnetite out of here and we'll have a closer look here in a second jamie's holding the camera as probably every everyone can tell and the light look what i have for doing right now i work from home so don't she's holding this light up i get shaky after a while all right let me get this thing here we go it was stupid on your part to ask hold the camera when you know i shake anyway look at that i'll try to get all that together stay tuned oh okay there it is i'll take it from here thank you check that out guys i put something next to it so you could tell tell the size which is a 9 mil 9 millimeter 9 millimeter bullet next to the pile of gold found today that was a nice little pocket nice little pocket let's check it out under a microscope i organized some points look at that wadlow oh wow i'm not going to wear the gold because i'm not going to register on a scale it's not enough but there's a lot let's get a closer look i think the best part of this video is when i dropped the gopro and it went through the dredge nozzle out the sluice box and i called it i need to turn this down to like 10. there we go huh good quality gold here so there's my index finger for reference yeah yeah but yeah hope you guys enjoyed the video there'll be many more to come and if you're new to my channel don't forget to hit that subscribe button feel free to give it a thumbs up and i will see you guys on the next adventure man it's pretty isn't it she all right i think i got her don't feel any more over here foreign do foreign so [Music] get all that out put her in that pan right there
Channel: Kyle Thiemann
Views: 32,360
Rating: 4.7905407 out of 5
Keywords: gold, prospecting, dredging, howto, panningforgold, findinggold, kayaking, nuggets, points, indian, sluicebox, goldpan, dredge, gopro, glacier, proline, golddredge, high, quality
Id: OQaubSBtei4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 38sec (4778 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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