On the gold on new years day

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well well we're finally back in the river it's only been uh seven months but uh that's the way it goes sometimes this covert 19 has really messed things up and me and darren are no exceptions to that we've actually had to go out and help a mate for the last seven months with his job which is actually my trade in the building industry he's um he's been snowed under so we said we'll help him out over winter and unfortunately the work just kept on getting busier and busier and busier so we haven't really had much time to get up here but we've got a few trips over christmas to do and then obviously we have to go help him back again next year but well at least we get three trips in so we're just going to set the dredge up and get it down into the river finish off this little spot here and then work our way up to that hole which we're bloody excited to get into so a few rocks for us to winch out like this big one here and there's that big one over there as well we'll get him out today once i've done them then we'll fire the dredge up and we'll start dredging and hopefully get a couple of tanks in today so yeah got one motor on we'll just uh slide it down the bank and into the water down here and uh into it alrighty ho we'll uh crack on and try and set this beast up all right here we go with our first attempt i might not do it this first attempt but we'll give it a crack anyway so uh here we go audio mode give it heaps it'll probably slip but i think i'll stand back a bit more i just want to roll it over yeah sit underneath it [Music] all right i have to reset it and try it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's all right we'll give it another crack all right reset we have another crack at it it's too big to stick the rock need over so we haven't used a strop it does work but it just takes a few times to get it to get it to work properly figure out where to put it in properly it looks like a better grip there we go [Music] no i missed it again [Music] [Applause] well i might be able to get the rocket on me now [Music] right reset it again third time to charm all right got the uh rock knit on there now it's actually not too bad now this is overhanging this crack wheel dredging so it's actually a bit further off at the top of the bedrock now so it might be safe to dredge but we'll just give it one more crack here mate just try and pull it up a few more inches just to make it a bit more safer there we go oh oh right it's gonna get splashed [Music] oh look at that perfect perfect that'll do and i didn't even get wet i'm happy with that nice as far as it needs to go all right we'll go uh when a couple of those ones out over there and then uh we can get a lot of gear on and start trigging right time for the second rock if any of you guys seen our last video when we're up here actually dredging underneath this rock here we pulled pretty close to uh half to three-quarters ounce out um and then this big rock kind of fell into the crack we couldn't finish it off and plus we want to dredge up into here so we're just going to try and move it at least you know you know a couple feet over here um just so we can get underneath it and work around it properly all through here has been done so if we can just move it i don't know if this rock neck is going to hold it yeah jan crank it up i might have to muck around with the crowbar and try and hold it down just have to get him to go slowly make sure the rock neck gets a good bite on it i don't know if it will though it might slip off it's quite a funny shape rock so it's going to slip might no slip don't think it's gonna hold [Music] all right hold yeah it's gonna slip off so i'm just gonna try and move this side down i think you can just give us a little bit of slag just slacking it off a little bit if i can push it down a bit more hard to do with one hand but anyway [Music] it might do it a little ridge on that rock there i'm just trying to get it under oh right here give it another crack deep [Music] here we go [Music] yep thought that might happen all right i'll have to uh come back to it i've got to use two hands for this all right just changed back to the strop it's going to work a lot better i think so we'll give it another crack it's a big rock it hasn't got a very good spot to winch from it's just slipped off again that's right i'll just reposition it try and tuck it around underneath it a bit more oh that water's still cold okay that might do it just want to cradle it just like drags it we're not too worried about lifting it [Applause] [Music] yeah it's a big rock all right i'll have to uh have another crack at it okay this time i think i might have got it set up a bit better now hello it's a big big rock so here we go look at that what a beast [Music] all right yeah perfect that's exactly where we need it now if we have to we can just roll it back into the river once we finish stretching awesome chief up the top there making sure everything's all right excellent now open up this whole area now safe to dredge all right time to suit up all right up and running finally it's uh just after four o'clock so probably only gonna get one tangent today we've ended up mucking around for a little bit longer than we should have but but nice to hear that sound again so we'll get one tank in and we'll clean up a little bit maybe have a look in that right hand side and see if we can see any gold and it's hitting nice got some friends that have come up to see us and they're having a pan down the back there we used to have the dredge parked up there and we had never actually dressed it out so there's a good chance that there'd be some gold down there so i hope they find some all righty ho we'll get them motors fired up and we'll get this hot water going and we'll jump in and see what we can find oh that's us done that's uh not much gold in there at all i'll show you the sluice box but it's hardly worth there's only about three or four pieces in there it's probably a few more than that but it's not really worth it so we worked right up into this big crack up in here and it really didn't have anything in it at all a couple little pieces and that was it if i can get in there hearing right up into there we blew all that out blew out that whole crack right through there and it just wasn't much in it so either the gold the main pay of the goal is running through the center of the river or someone's been here before us so we won't really know until we move those rocks and hit up that side but it could just be the goals in the center but we definitely know there'd be gold on that side wow i wouldn't say definitely but it should be so uh yeah that's us done for the day we'll uh get back to the hut and have some dinner and we'll see you in the morning here we go day two in the river and we're just about to file the dredge up for the first tank and we'll just come through and work this right-hand side and uh finish that off there's a couple of cracks we're gonna break open and hopefully there'll be some gold in it so uh yeah we'll fire the motors up and crack into it and hopefully there'll be some gold i can show you so oh wow [Music] so all right that's the first tank done how about that crack with all that gold in it man that was something special so we finished off right through there and uh we finished off working over that left-hand side we just had to open that crack up again it was all filled up with gravel after our last uh time we're up here so we've opened all that up again but i said look in the box we've actually got a fair bit of gold in there wow but there's a little bit oh get over these lines beautiful day so glad we're not dredging in winter at the moment i don't know if you can see all that but yeah they came out of that crack it's actually quite a nice little piece that one there nothing massive but um yeah it's starting to get a bit in there so if it carries all of that the whole trip we'll be doing it right at the end of it i'd say oh well we'll have something to eat and a quick drink and we'll fire these motors back up again and get into it oh that's just done for the day we decided to uh call it a bit earlier we need to uh winch those big rocks back down the river now and try and sort this water flow out a little bit she's pretty crunchy to try and dredging but we've got a little bit more gold in the box so we're kind of happy with what we're getting i didn't take any footage underwater i just didn't really see much and it just wasn't worth it but we're starting to get there a little bit more in there but there's not as much in there as we thought there was going to be but uh it might get better yet i doubt anyone else has dredged it so hopefully we'll find a couple of the pockets that holding a bit of gold yeah we'll do some work on these records and then um we're back into it tomorrow all right day three which is another cracker of a day so hopefully today we'll have a fairly good uh go on this rapid here we came down last night and built a little dam just to take that white flow out winch that big rock out we do pull these dams apart every time we finish with them just so it doesn't affect anything trying to swim up the river so we get their motors warmed up that hot water going and no mucking around today we're straight into it [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Laughter] so [Music] [Music] so [Laughter] so so [Laughter] it [Laughter] then well that's the first hang done and uh been working these cracks right along there you can see that bedrock which is right along here we've worked all them and they're on some halfway decent gold i didn't get to video all of it but um i've got most of it on there we're gonna have a look at this box because it's definitely starting to turn a nice golden color i can get on the dredge oh yeah yep it's definitely starting to change and those are some of the nuggets we just picked out of the box definitely a lot more in there now a lot getting beat down into this miner's moss too i'm pretty stoked for that look at it all i mean we've already moved a few meters up the river or maybe even a meter and a half so uh we're doing all right besides think the whole trip will be well that's us done i didn't uh do any underwater filming on that uh last tank it just wasn't worth it there's not much gold to show us and it was very swift in there it doesn't look like it but when you're actually in there working it's it's getting blown around all over the place but uh it might have been done it looks like it might have been done so but we still got a little bit here and there look in that box and a little bit more showing up a little bit of fine gold we've been blowing out the cracks with the water blaster it flies out there you see the old bit flicker but there's a couple nice pieces in here and and there but nothing really big hopefully that'll change at some stage yeah so tomorrow we'll work this left-hand side and hopefully be a little bit more but yeah that current man she's she's hard yakker in there oh well back to the hut and uh we'll catch us in the morning all right day four and we've almost finished it's a little rapid we got that little section there to do and then uh we'll just power our way up through all this bedrock here and then into the hole man i hope that hole's got some gold in it so i'm looking forward to that it looks like we'll get all this done this trip and the next trip will be on that hole just in front of us there so here's your story get the embley motors warming up get that hot water going and uh straight into it and hopefully there'll be some gold to show you with any luck i think it's all been done though but um you never know they miss a bit here and there so we will pick it up all right into it so [Laughter] so you [Laughter] do [Laughter] do [Laughter] so so well that's the first tank done and there ain't much gold in there so i think someone's already been here before us there's a bit of a pity but the next thing we should have all this area here finished off and then we'll just start working our way up to that big hole and if we get enough time in this trip we'll just start having a play around in there and see what we can find so uh yeah we'll get that dredge fire back up again and uh crack on into it so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] hold [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] good well that's us done for the day and i don't mind meeting it i'm pretty pooped seven months out of the river i think i lost my fitness for this a little bit but we're almost through this little stretch here we just found this another big crack running right across the river it's got a little bit of gold in it not heaps but there's a bit in it so did that crack there had a little bit in it it's quite nice to see but it's definitely been done i'll tell you what the old timers they must have got heaps out of here amazing we'll go look at that box because it's uh it's starting to look pretty good it's um definitely looking better than what it was yesterday but nothing big and chunky though just all this little kind of small goal oh yeah so it's definitely starting to uh accumulate a bit better now a lot more on these mats a couple nice little uh nice little nuggies in there like i say nothing massive but still pretty happy with it considering it's been dredged so definitely by then tomorrow we'll be up at that hole so we're all right back to the heart i think i'm gonna be having an early night tonight we'll see you in the morning all right guys it's day five and woohoo new year's day so happy new year to everyone what an awesome place to be for new year's day absolutely loving it so for today's mish we're just going to work out this crack here's the last creek we've got to do in this little set of rapids and then we'll just cruise on up through this bedrock and uh hopefully get maybe a tank or so in that big hole oh looking forward to it we're pretty uh sure there's going to be some nice gold in there for us so roddy ho we'll get their motors fired up and crack into it [Laughter] so so [Laughter] [Laughter] foreign oh oh [Music] wow [Music] oh so [Music] oh oh [Laughter] well that's the first tank done and man alive there's some good gold in there especially in that crack right here i couldn't believe how much was left in there so we're just working these uh center crack up the river that's definitely been done it's uh it hasn't got much gold in it there's a heap of lid in there so i'm happy to be taking that out of the river we'll go have a look at that box and it's uh definitely that tank was probably close to five maybe even eight grams that tank which was bloody awesome to see let's just hope it's um you know find a couple more cracks like that before the trip is over it doesn't look like we're going to get to uh that hole this trip just because how long it's taking to clean them cracks out but of course slippery but look at that man like we're happy with seeing all that there right definitely a lot getting beat down to the miners moss there's actually even quite a lot in these back rifles a bit hard to see but this is some of the lid we've been pulling out this tank look at all that people 22 bullets in there an old lead head nail so yeah audio we'll guess i'm going to guess the motors up and uh carry on [Music] [Laughter] so [Laughter] so [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] so so oh yes [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] well guys there it is us we are done for the trip and uh i don't mind a minion i'm fairly buggered we've come a few up the river though easy 15 20 meters we finished just uh right there with that really big rockers finished cleaning out those cracks it wasn't a heap of gold in them but it was quite nice having a swim around with that eel haven't seen him around for a while so what we'll do is we'll go back to cam and uh we'll get out of our gear and have a quick coffee and uh come back down with the waiters on and uh have a clean up and i'll show you what's in the box then all right guys come back from the heart we have a clean up and that's how it's looking not too bad we'll just pull this front riffle out and have a better look at what's in there so i'm looking too bad at all yeah very nice definitely so we've got over the ounce mark this trip a couple nice pieces in here awesome all right we'll clean these mats up and then we'll stick it through the trap right the trap time let's see how we get [Applause] on [Music] starting to get a little bit come through lots of lid lots of lid this time there we go starting to get a bit more yellow coming through nice little pieces so doesn't look good now looking good well and there we have it not a bad trip at all very happy with that time to uh tie the dredge up and uh take this back to the hut and pin it out and weigh it up well there we have it which is all panned out and it's not looking too bad at all so we just got to uh dry it out and chuck it on the scales and see what we ended up with so this is our our home away from home out lavish living a quarters when we're away gotta have the fire it dries our suits out all right we'll chuck that in a pot and uh we'll dry it out all right moment of truth what do we have here in fort he'll be nice will we make an ounce oh we have oh just shy of 40. still pretty happy with that 38.7 that's not bad for a week attrition let's just hope that holds a heap more alright until then guys stay safe and see when we get back you
Channel: abyss dredging
Views: 195,252
Rating: 4.8354373 out of 5
Id: 4XFxShZe9LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 35sec (2915 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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