Tator Island Equals Diamonds @ The Crater of Diamonds.

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if i could find more of this i will have big diamonds right there at the tip of my finger you can see that shine oh nice look at that facet right there oh my gosh wow look how bright that thing is i think it's going to hold a charge here we go oh my gosh wow welcome back to another adventure miners prospectors and rock counters it's always good to see you back at the channel and if you're new to my channel i hope you like what you see in this video and you decide to subscribe i am back at the crater of diamond state park i'm at what you call tater island this is all material that was dug up around 2000-ish and the crater diamonds dug up a lot of material from way down around the park they would get the gravel layers that are six to seven eight feet down and they spread it all across this area at one time this was loaded and it still is today you can see after this hard rain we just had there's gravel everywhere and we call it tater island just because of all the gravel a lot of the jaspers you'll see almost look like a potato so this right here is what we call tater island so in this video i'll be working tater island we're gonna fill up 12 buckets get them washed get the centers made and pick out some diamonds this area is known for three carrots there's been a lot of three carrots two carrots it's just a matter of time before somebody's gonna get another one this is the arkansas diamond 20 000 subscriber giveaway we've reached 20 000 subscribers so we're gonna have another arkansas diamond giveaway all you gotta do is leave a comment on this video be subscribed don't forget to smash the thumbs up button you know it's been raining for days and i'm actually so far doing pretty good with the bigger wagon my other wagon was so muddy i had to drag it out of here i've got to the north wash and i had to turn around and it took me one hour to get from there all the way to the boot wash so hopefully this bigger wagon is going to help a lot better let's take a look at the clip with my wagon full of mud trying to figure out why i cannot go and that's why look at that this mud used to not do that out here oh what the hell is going on with this stuff and this is my morning trying to get my wagon back to the parking lot and some of you may wonder do i come out here during the rain heck no i come out here after the rain i'm just dragging my wheel that wheel's locked up with mud perfect i made it all the way to my cage which is by the south wash and the mud did not build up like last time all this stuff out that's full of water nasty water cowl lick supplement decided i'm going to take 12 buckets go get them filled up with material get them washed we're going to get some centers made today let's hopefully get a diamond on video or two or three or four still have buckets to wash this is some james archer gravel i got 18 buckets of it or 15 buckets to wash here's what it looks like that's the small classifier here's the larger really good looking gravel man look at that just loaded with gravel all right i'm gonna park my wagon here i gotta carry everything to the east drain right there is the okie dokie shovel that's probably really muddy but i might try to go down it just to get my buckets down there but as far as carrying buckets up this might be a nightmare so i may have to carry them by hand all the way across the field to here then i can use the wagon take them to the wash this right here is what we used to call tater island had lots of jasper at one time it was covered in just tater rocks and gravel i mean solid but you know after years have gone by there's some good stuff right here look at all that nice build up of gravel right here too i have to scoop some of that up this thing was spitting out three carrots for a while all this material came down from the gravel layers that the crater diamonds dug up with the backhoe and they spread it across the field maybe it was in the 2003 time somewhere in there but uh definitely thinned out but right now i'm seeing lots of gravel look at all that tater island this looks pretty good right here this right here looks really good remove this larger rock don't look like much it's gonna be stuck to it [Applause] all right another one let's take a closer look at where i'm working so you can get an idea yeah i got a couple scoops out of here pretty much a bucket and then i came over to this washout coming off tater island and this one it seems really good i mean it's just full of gravel so what i'm doing i'm scraping through the hard pan which is this and getting all the material that's sitting on top of that and there can be cavities in that hard pan and what this is is boreka i'm gonna scrape this whole drain because the diamonds are gonna fall in these lower spots that's our advantage is working these low spots you work these low spots you'll get some diamonds here's a really good buildup up here lots of small rocks all right we got two four buckets filled up out of the 12. what i'm going to do now is kind of do some scouting and then set my bucket down where i want to get the gravel i mean really they're just this whole stretch right here all of this right here and what we looked at a minute ago all that it just keeps going up there's hundreds of buckets of material just in these low spots if you can see those indicators you'll have a better chance of getting just heavy minerals which could lead to a diamond okay i filled up a bucket of pretty good material right here in this trench scraping down to this hard pan right here above it lots of gravel in it that's all you want to look for two more buckets to fill up when you get these two right here there's that spot we looked at earlier you get all that somehow i miscounted we have 13 buckets to wash i may just go grab another bucket and make it 14 because it's a lot easier to carry two buckets than one bucket across the field so let me go grab another bucket fill it up and we'll be ready to wash about 70 pounds each finally last two buckets [Applause] all right got all the buckets carried to the south wash time to get bucket number one done [Applause] thank you [Applause] i got bucket number one washed let's scrape this bottom classifier and see if we got any heavies oh my gosh look at that loaded with heavy minerals oh my gosh what is that yeah it's looking good nice let me know if you see a diamond wow oh that right there looks pretty right there all right i'll keep on going i can't wait to see these centers here's my concentrated material it's time to take all this put it in a bucket because a couple more dumps it'll be full i don't want to lose any material so i'll scoop all that up put it in a bucket and keep going [Applause] um so this is bucket number eight you can see it's a lot of brecca and mud remember side to side paint the house you can even wax on or wax off lots of gravel lots and lots of gravel there's the bottom let's get it ready this is number 12 and it's loaded with gravel i couldn't believe this one had so much gravel look at all that this gravel right here is the gravel we are looking for if i can find more of this we will get big diamonds let's go ahead and scrape the bottom classifier and see what kind of heavy we got see look at that if i could find more of this i will have big diamonds and there's more out there definitely be going back getting more buckets i brought this board to lay over this table that way i don't lose any of my material falling through the cracks let's get some centers made they're going to be awesome no i went ahead and laid out 24 more buckets to fill up i'm going to get these filled up get them washed and hopefully get a diamond that's going to be 48 buckets of material washed from tater island [Music] working on getting the buckets off the field 24. so it would be 38 buckets total not 48 so hopefully we'll get a diamond out of that here's everything from tater island and i'll be using my concentrating centering device and a different angle here's all the buckets and the other two are from a hole and i have really good confidence we'll find several diamonds in that material to be looking out for that video okay i'm going to go ahead and finish making my centers and i'll bring you all back in once i get them all the way down the mats i want to thank all my youtube supporters and patreons because of you i was able to get these rubber mats they're perfect to make your centers you can take them to the diamond mine with you flipping material and you can save all your material if you want to save it you just scoop it all up you'll be able to fold these up and pour it in a bucket so once again thank you so much here's the first three centers from tater island and they're looking pretty good that's for sure let me know if you see a diamond beautiful centers all the good indicators like hematite spinel garnets piece of metal lots of good indicators off tater island just a matter of time we'll have a diamond may already have one i just gotta find it and all that once it dries everything else will dull out and the diamonds won't they'll keep their clarity and we'll be able to spot them a lot better amazing centers and that was a quarter of a bucket we still have all of that to go through all right going over the first bucket yeah that's about a bucket and a half if that checking out this center right here let me know if you see anything a little different than what we normally see in our centers a little grasshopper about a day old oh how cute little bitty thing oh and so far lowe's has a diamond we've got one more home depot that was the last lowe's bucket will green have a diamond will the gray have a diamond or will the white have the diamond right about where my finger is at the tip of my finger there is a small garnet this mulch right there the tip of my finger about mid frame middle of the frame round number five i looked at all the centers over here and right here and we have a diamond everyone check it out i'm gonna let you try and find it first so let me know if you see the diamond i'll go up the center real slow and you can just kind of see if you can see it do you see it yep right there the tip of my finger that silver looking metallic shine all right we got a diamond off tater island right there that metallic shine at the tip of my finger that sun really helps it okay i believe that's diamond 43 i have to go through all my printouts but that could be diamond 43 let's get the spoon and scoop it out because that right there is a diamond you definitely don't want to use tweezers on if you got a two carrot and up yeah you can go ahead and grab it with the tweezers because if i go to use my fingers it's just going to sink down deeper into the gravel all right there it is i'm going to get the spoon oh nice look at that facet right there and see how it's sticking to those other rocks little diamonds will stick to things see how it's still it's stuck to it and that diamond will stick to your finger see how that diamond stuck to that rock there's a proof that diamonds will stick when they're wet and when they're small like this now when i touch it and move all this around it should break it free there we go all right there's the diamond yes a beautiful diamond from tater island awesome and that thing is really nice check that out look at those facets good clarity nice and clean not much carbon and right there's a little bit of carbon that black spot other than that it's a nice clean diamond almost flawless oh and i just dropped the flawless diamond oh here it is it's right there so you can see the difference compared to all those other rocks and that diamond there's the diamond and there's everything else a little wet so everything's still giving a shine but it's nothing like that and the facets aren't smooth and rounded we got several more buckets to work two four six least six more bucks to work round number seven down to just the gray bucket in the white bucket from tater island didn't see anything on those three but right here on this fourth one we have a really nice garnet right there right there at the end of my shovel right there at the end of the spoon see the red dark red color good one see if we can't move that out a little bit there we go it might have helped here's the diamond under the microscope this is how they determine if it's a real diamond from the crater of diamonds if it doesn't have those facets they will not register the diamond or the stone it's a pretty diamond let's take a look at it under the uv light looks like it turned out to be 11 point and there's the diamond let's hit this with the uv light and test to see if it's fluorescent because a lot of the diamonds at the crater diamonds will fluoresce it here is the uv light that i'll be using you can see right there very high powered uv light let me turn the light off oh my gosh it is i can it's a blue it glows blue it looks like it's turning blue here's another diamond this is my 43rd diamond came out of a hole let's see if it's fluorescent there we go there's the side with the facet the other side doesn't have a good facet like that one oh yeah see it's not even fluorescent you see it doesn't change instantly i have the uv light on i even have this light on let me turn this off but this thing is blue look at that look how that diamond just oh my gosh wow that's probably the best fluorescent diamond i have ever found at the crater diamonds this is awesome see this one on the left doesn't even do anything but man this thing just this could hold a charge and could probably keep glowing i'm going to turn both lights off and see if we can get this diamond to stay glowing like that sometimes the diamonds will keep glowing sometimes it's just for a flash and your eyes can barely catch it and then sometimes they will keep glowing just like that for seconds kind of green green that one's like green when i directly but this one's blue all right let's turn off the lights okay the lights are off and the diamond is already glowing so i want to put the light right on it for a couple seconds and we will see if it will hold a charge sometimes i'll continue to keep glowing i want to turn the light off look how bright that thing is i think it's going to hold a charge here we go oh my gosh wow oh look at that it's starting to fade oh my gosh wow that was so cool let's do it again this diamond will hold a charge and glow at night that's how awesome these arkansas diamonds are compared to any diamond in the world i have many fluorescent diamonds and none of them will do this hold a charge that long all right i'm gonna turn the light off here we go oh my gosh wow look at that that is so cool i'm zooming in and out and just fading away to where i can't focus and then it's starting to slowly just it's still glowing it is still glowing i can still see that thing look at that it's just glowing it has been seconds wow i mean it's just glowing that thing just that thing just stays glowing it's still and glowing wow i mean it's starting to fade that is crazy man one more time i wish you could focus on it for a little bit longer all right here we go oh it's so cool and then it fades and with the naked eye it's just amazing the video is one thing but looking at it in person is something else it's just glowing okay so there you have it these arkansas diamonds are fluorescent and they can continue to glow if you have the correct uv light this is a long wave uv light that i got off ebay wow that is so awesome glowing diamonds not too many diamonds will do this that's a 100 percent fluorescent and i take that back this other one is fluorescent as well it's a green fluorescent it just doesn't hold a charge and isn't as bright as that one i mean look at that but that is a green fluorescent diamond both of my latest diamonds are fluorescent and one of them stays glowing that's just unreal and slowly fades off it's been over 10 seconds and it's still glowing so there you have the experiment with the long wave uv light these diamonds are fluorescent now we're going to look at some bigger diamonds like my 42 point and a 27 point i believe and this one's almost a texahedra texahetrahedron and this one came out of the east drain with one other diamond that was also a 42 point and let's see if these diamonds will fluorescent and as you can see this one has a little bit and this diamond over here has nothing but this one definitely fluorescence blue wow that just is crazy right there gosh look at that this one is not fluorescent here is an example of a diamond that of an arkansas diamond that isn't fluorescent at all see that one there list a little bit is that bottom corner let's turn the light off and now you can really see how this one just doesn't this doesn't do anything with the light at a distance see going to it nothing see how these are glowing so you can see the one on the back is just glowing that one's glowing on the bottom right here and this one is doing nothing so there you have a non-fluorescent diamond compared to three diamonds that are fluorescent this one just just can't get enough of that one let's see if this one will hold a charge that it shine on the diamond for a little bit i'm going to turn the light off oh my gosh wow oh incredible that thing like lit up even brighter that thing had a flash like a an electric spark what in the heck is going on here that was crazy let's do that again wow that is so cool oh my gosh awesome and this diamond back here is always glowing so there you have a good example of fluorescent arkansas diamonds that will fluorescent under a long wave uv light the diamonds that won't we've seen a diamond that fluorescents unlike no other diamond and it's just a matter of time if you follow my method look for the gravel you will also be finding diamonds and always dig where your gut tells you to dig if you made it this far in the video you are a true diamond miner ivan's fan and i can't thank you all enough for the support if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be able to make these videos and i want to give back as much as i can to my youtubers here is the arkansas diamond that i'll be giving away let's take a look at it out of the case also this beautiful quartz crystal from arkansas nice and clear this one also glows blue under the uv light so the winner will be getting a fluorescent arkansas diamond that's pretty rare and you can get your long wave uv light and do your own testing with your gemstones and other minerals all right be sure and leave a comment and you're entered to win and you must be subscribed because i do check the winner of this diamond will be announced on my youtube community tab facebook page instagram here's the diamond sealed up in the case once the channel gets to 50 000 subscribers i'll give away a bigger diamond over a quarter carat white gem quality texture hexahedron formation very rare check out this tree has some dried up mushrooms attached to it get those things are massive look how big that one is [Music] reality i
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 85,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diamonds, amethysts, aquamarine, opal, garnets, Mine, Mining, Prospecting, Rockhounding, Gemstones, Gold, Diamond mining, Diamond miners, Real Diamonds, Arkansas Diamonds, Searching Diamonds, Crater of Diamonds, Gravel, Heavy minerals, Lamproite, Saurka, Concentrate, Diamond ore, Adventure, Expedition, Hiking, Camping, Digging holes, African diamonds, Herkimer Diamonds, Herkimer crystals
Id: dEHU401N69w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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