How To Face The Future With Fearless Confidence Part 3 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message how to face the future with fellows countenance part 3 turn to Isaiah 46 and then please take some notes I want to begin this session with a statement and then a couple of examples I want you to remember if you can the greatest mystery in life is that your destiny was chosen by God but its fulfillment is decided by you I'm going to say it again your destiny is chosen by God but its fulfillment is decided by you that's a heavy responsibility in other words God has already completed your life and he has written a book on you and finished your life and you are already successful but making it to the end of that destiny is your decision it's like a parrot who pays thousands of dollars for their child to go to college because the parent already sees a degree but the child goes to college and instead of participating and disciplining and studying the child races time keeps company that distracts him or her and the child does not graduate in other words the parents destiny is already set for the child but whether the child graduates is decided by the child that's the way God has your life you have already been chosen by God to succeed but you have to cooperate with that decision to make sure you arrive at God's results for you is that clear let me tell you a little story that has blessed me over a period of time as I think about it more and more there was an old man they call him the Oracle this is a sage an old man and it's a true story way out in the in the Eastern countries he was the village wise man and everybody what problems went to him to give him their problems and he would give them advice he was a very wise man and they called him the Oracle the man who was the voice who had the word and he was helping people with their problems given their wisdom two young boys decided that they are going to trick the old man so that they can make him look like he's a fool he doesn't have wisdom so the two young boys decided that they're gonna do something so they they caught a little bird small little bird and they took it in their hands and the bird was alive and everything and they said what we'll do is we'll go to visit the Oracle and we'll hold the bird in our hands behind our backs and we'll ask the Oracle if the bird is alive or dead let's see how smart he is if he says he's dead we will keep him alive it says he's alive then I'll squeeze him and he'll be dead and we'll make the Oracle look like a fool so they thought it was a great idea so they went to his little heart and they knocked on the door and he opened the door and the old man twinkle in his eyes for this beard and everything he looked at them and the young boys were giggling and they say excuse me sir we want to ask you a puzzle if you can solve it for us please behind our backs we have a bird can you tell us whether it's alive or dead interesting question the old man looked at them for a minute and then he smiled and he said whether he's alive or dead is up to you you see that's exactly what your life is God gave you a bird it's your life whether that life succeeds or fails is not up to God in other words that decision lies within your hands that is why this year what happens this year is not up to God he's already planned your year for you it's now up to us to decide what are we gonna do you know write it down please that your future is certain whether you arrive there is up to you God has already decided your future and it's a good one but you don't have to arrive there you can decide another future many of us have been facing a lot of difficulties in the past and and you will face difficulties this year problems and difficulties are wonderful because they literally force you to grow you never grow in good times I repeat you never grow in good times pressure is the incubator for progress here's a mountain Mount Everest the highest mountain in the world and one of the great names connected to Mount Everest is a man named Mallory in the nineteen twenties Mallory the great mountain climber took his team to climb Mount Everest and Mallory's expedition was a failure he almost went to the top and suddenly there was a massive snowdrift and it came down and Mallory's expedition was stopped he was killed most of his team was killed he never made it but a couple of them survived and they had a banquet a few weeks after that in honor of this great man and his attempt to climb this mountain and the survivor that they had present they invite him to speak on behalf of the team that had died and and this man did something and says something I will never forget he stood there and he looked at the crowd tears came to his eyes because they were showing the photographs of of the expedition and and the leaders and he remembered how he escaped and here's what he says he said more amorous you beat us once Mauri amorous you beat us twice you defeated us because we didn't make it and on the third try you defeated us and you killed us you killed our leader he said but there's one thing I know what Everest we will defeat you now here's the highest mountain in the world no one had ever climbed it no one had succeeded people were killed every time they tried and this last group were killed except these couple survivors and here's this guy saying I don't care how many died we will defeat you not Everest here's why he says because you cannot get any bigger but we can [Applause] what an attitude mountains don't grow but you and I do in other words we gonna find a way you can't get any bigger you you are set but we will find a way to defeat you and you know friends the next expedition was successful I have come here to tell you that the things that you are facing cannot get any bigger but you can your fake can get bigger than the mountain you face that's why you can tell any mountain this year I will defeat you say with me I will defeat you no matter what you face you remember that your future is already said something I thought was interesting a statement I wrote down and and I keep this pretty close to me in my Bible it says it takes just as much faith to believe you are going to fail as it takes to believe you are going to succeed say might as well use the faith properly what is faith believe if you believe you're not going to succeed you won't put you're wasting your belief you might as well use it on believing you're going to succeed and that's why they conquered Mount Everest I challenge you this wonderful new opportunity you have this year to stay to stay in the mode of positive faith I will succeed this year I will how do we know the future is so sure I want to review this very quickly write this down if you didn't or buy this tape or CD number one the future of purpose is very clear the future of all creation is hidden in creation it's number one number two the future existed before the present and number three the future is unmanifested purpose your future is already there but not manifested number for the future of a product is in the manufacturers past if manufacture always knows the future of his product and number five the future is unreleased destiny number six the future is your predestination and number seven your future is God's past he's already been there and that's why you can have peace a number eight the future is the end trapped in the beginning sit with me the future is the end trapped in the beginning here's an apple I was going to bring one today but I figured this is good enough if you open that Apple in that Apple you'll find a little group of seeds little black seeds there do you know that in those seeds are apple trees do you agree yes and there are apples in those seeds as well right yeah so that means the future of that Apple is inside the Apple and the future of the apple seed is inside the seed that's why I say God places the future of everything in itself the attitude therefore we've been getting is that our future is ahead of us and that's not true your future is not ahead of you is trapped within you very important number two you possess your future when now apples possess their seeds now and seeds possess trees now and so it is everything God created an egg is a chicken now all it needs is a little process the future of everything is in the thing so when you approach life through the years you gotta remember this year is in me Oh help me Jesus I made a decision for this year and I'm praying for God to help me keep it my decision is that this year will be five to one anybody made that with me Holy Spirit said to me I'm gonna do in one year what it takes five years to do he said but you got to work with me I told him I'm working with him he said therefore you got to be careful who you allowed to waste your time [Applause] hallelujah some of the things that you've been putting up with you can't put up with anymore there's some things you have to forget about this year in order to move on to things you're supposed to do there are some people you're gonna have to forget this year to move on to what you have to do very important number three God is committed to the future he placed in you and this is very important we top of this last time a number for your future is more important than your past it's always good to remember that no matter what happens in the past it's not as important as your future so don't live in the past number five your future is more valuable than your past no matter how great you have been in the past there's something greater on the inside no matter how much you've accomplished in the past there's more to accomplish on the inside I made a statement last week I make it again and that is what is around you it's not as important as what is in you it's more important to know that God is deposit is more powerful than the things that happen around you Paul the Apostle said it this way greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world you must believe in that deposit number six your future is more powerful than your past oh I tell you this one is a blessing number seven Jesus died to forgive your past but also to salvage your future I believe that Jesus is more concerned about your future than your past because he took of your past by throwing it away he threw it in a place called the sea of forgetfulness because he doesn't even want to think about it anymore and that is why you shouldn't think about it anymore the only person that can condemn you and do something about the condemnation is God we're talking to myself this morning let me tell you half of the people you worried about finding out about your past and we're worried about because if God be for you who can be against you this is why it is important and listen to me carefully because I've seen some of our people make mistakes here even this local assembly and around the world when you do something stupid when you make a mistake when you fail or if you sin or if you do something that is ungodly the first thing you must do is be honest I beg you be honest because God cannot help you if you are not honest that's why the Bible says confess your sins the word confessed doesn't mean to actually say things you know the word confessed means to agree very interesting word in the Greek language it means to agree with God in essence if God said that's wrong agree quickly say yeah that's wrong but if you keep pretending it ain't wrong God can't forgive you he can't release you from it it's important that you learn how to deal with your past so your past has no effect on your future I discovered the Apostle Paul the Apostle Paul was a an accomplice to serial killing is that too big a word for you the Apostle Paul was in cahoots with murdering is that too deep for you another one Paul was the killer okay Paul killed so many people be not sure how many we don't know the number but you know Paul did what was interesting when Paul went to a town the Bible says that people began to murmur and they were afraid for they knew his past now what rapport did Paul would walk up in the crowd and he would stand before them and instead of pretending that he is perfect everything was cool he began his speech this way he would say men and brethren of Athens and Galatia and Ephesus I am Saul who is now called Paul I am he who used to hunt down Christians and I am he who received papers to kill them and I am he that destroyed their churches and their church houses I am he who attacked them and killed them and scattered them I am he but thanks be unto God now listen listen see we need to learn that lesson we don't we don't learn that lesson football see once a man tells you publicly what you want to gossip about privately he destroyed the gossip as long as it is still in SYP SYP country it can be used against you and that is why the Bible taught when a man or a woman falls into sin and believe me friends you know as a leadership I have been very very negligent in this area recently them days are over now if you fall into sin and is brought to my attention you will be bored before this church you listen to me clear that scripture what the battle is Benham a person bring him before the Brethren so that he will be an example to those who are also liable to fall but what it also does it also destroys the gossip see God is smart if you stand up and say ok I did mess up and I did do this you all please receive me and forgive me I am sorry for God how can you gossip on that deal with your past come on tell your neighbor deal with your past so you can go to your future say it again deal with your past so you can go to see a lot of everybody and you have a great future your future is great but you you have to deal with your past and make sure it doesn't interfere everybody got a history they don't want you to know about it if it ever becomes necessary for you to deal with that deal with it publicly thank God some things are forgiving them and already forgotten but if you get involved and you do something that affects the body of Christ on its witness in the community then the church community must deal with that not the world the community of the believers is that clear very important Jesus forgave your past so you could salvage your future now here's the scripture I want you to think about again I am God is a a 46 verse 9 I am God there's no other I am God and there's none like me I make known the end from the beginning and from ancient times what is yet to come I say my purpose will stand it's one of my favorite verses in the Bible that has bought me through these years this verse is very important remember I told you that your future is God's past well this verse proves it God says I am God there's none like me why I'm the only God who sets the end before I begin I finished things before I stopped them I complete before I commence in other words God never begins anything at the beginning he ends at first and then he backs up when he starts that means when God starts anything he's already finished it's very important to understand this that means God completes your life first and then he backs up when he starts your life which means that when he started your life that is proof that is already finished so your future is actually God's pass he's already finished your future now he's backing up to start your beginning with the future already finished he said there's no other God who can do that that's why that verse is important very important for us I am God and there's none like me no other I love it take neighbor I'm finished say it again I'm finished the fact that you began is evidence that there's something finished that you were born to start say love God don't allow anything to start unless is already finished that's what he said I said the end before I begin so that's why God doesn't panic about anything you don't panic when you finished you only worry when you're not sure about the outcome but if you already completed the outcome before you start it there's no need to worry can I hear an amen that's why in your hand right now you have a book that has the end and the beginning in it already and we are somewhere in the middle you know down into the central here in it you cannot offset a little bit because we are off into the to the beginning of the return in other words God is not concerned about what's happening in the world he's already finished so no matter how many people worry about religions growing and different sects growing and all these things going on look I'm already finished don't worry about it I'm already finished so this is the principle of God his confidence is in the fact that he's finished write this down only those who dare to fail greatly can never achieve greatly what makes a person daring to try great things because they know they're finished remember now our session from watch night is dealing with how do you face the future with confidence it's easy once you know that the futures already finished you can then walk with confidence it's no longer an experimentation are you with me now something I found out about God very interesting about God God doesn't mind if you try Thanks but he has a way of getting you to go in the direction he wants you to go in eventually Georgia to say amen to that see in other words some of us ain't sure what God wanted for our future right now but that's no problem so God let you try this and try that and try this and then you know you keep walking your top walk it up in other words you try something and it ain't work and so you know you try this and this oldest work and you go to that door see and God will get you eventually to where he wants you to go through the experiences of the mistakes and the closed doors and the locked doors he'll eventually get you where he wants you why he loves you and he doesn't drag you to your destiny he gives you the privilege of deciding every step along the way and he gives you wisdom insight and sometimes even bring people who irritate you to get you in the right place can I hear an amen and some of the greatest problems you are afraid of have come to direct you to your destiny a motor fantasy see some of you right now I believe in the bush the mixed play you are in the bush with some smelly sheep things don't look good you you you your situation with this is terrible Lord I already dreamt something but this says not what I dropped this is bush business and the company I'm keeping is smelly people and then oh boy should I say this and then the Lord brings an authority into your life in the bush an authority said give some instructions and the authority says I want you to take this bag of lunch to your brothers now see some night you disobey authority and authority setting you up some folks don't understand pastoring pastoring is to train the Saints for the work of their ministry but you got to submit to that authority suppose David I'm referring to him you know that I said to his daddy I ain't goin I'm a disobeying my my parents I ain't goin taking on lunch and no brothers I'm busy I know what I want I won't do something else he could have disobeyed his father but do you know that waiting and the other end of that instruction was a big giant who was born to send in to the throne mister deep for you [Music] but it started with a simple instruction from an authority and the instruction did not say go to your brother's there's a giant that you must kill and after will you would be how favor the king and then you shall become king no it just simply says take some lunch see the instruction that's sometimes and sound too deep doesn't sound too powerful like you get a powerful dream I ever it's just take some lunch we normally meet our destiny casually under obedience hallelujah a couple of people who got married under my connections you know pastor Richard was one of them we got we were we were you know it's true we we were students you didn't know Sheena come on let's be deep about this he and our friends came oh right I'm you know I knew Ruth Ann introduced I didn't know what's gonna happen now we got two children later in other words I wonder if some of you looking for a spouse and pastor Asian is the connection he may tell you to do something in the next seminar coming up for in the conference in August even tell you work in this area yeah oh yeah I do busy let's see and the price opposed to be flying in with a million dollars in their lives supposed to meet you at that spot and marry you but you disobeyed the authority in a simple instruction come on say a message some time to things you desire through a simple instruction you gotta be willing to take a big chance to do great things the security of the future once you write this down Ephesians chapter 1 I am so secure in my future I can't wait to get there and I'm not concerned with anything look at what it says in Ephesians 1 verse 3 praise be to God and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us past tense in every in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing for he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight in love he predestined us you should underline that verse in your Bible is probably one of the most beautiful verses in scripture first of all he says I praise God why because he's the father he's the source of our Lord Jesus Christ and this source has already blessed you he had already blessed you with every spiritual blessing we're in the heavenly realm this is a credible statement Force's look everything you will need to be successful was already prepared before you was conceived I'm trying to determine how deep I should go into this Thank You Holy Spirit okay follow me carefully this is very very critical if you read this verse you see something here it says he hath already blessed you past tense with every spiritual blessing well I can't hear you where is it okay so everything you need he had already blessed you with it but it's hidden in the unseen world the next verse says therefore he chose you King James Version not what God prepared what you would need before he conceived you or would a burden I carry comprende comprende after staying as German me see you understand listen God is deep I remember is a 46 makes sense he says he finished everything first then he backed up and started you when he finish everything first that means everything that you need to finish he finished that too then he backed up and started you so you started broke but you got everything now Paul understood it Paul picks it up pauses look before he chose you he already put on reserve everything you would need I'm talking I don't want you to be spiritual but this I want to be practical about this that means everything you need for 2004 already exists somebody got it they hold on to your stuff and when you need it it's supposed to come to you if you don't understand this you spend most of your life Freddie worrying tension high blood pressure stress growth this cancer dead it was Paul wrote in book of Philippians he says look in all things I am content whether Ironmen in plenty or in lack why because my God shall supply see in Chapter all that I need according to his bank account in other words positive I don't worry about nothing cuz everything's already worried for it's a new word it word for he had already blessed you with every spiritual blessing is trapped in the heavenly realms now here when I guess what had to learn we're giving you my real hard now I had to learn this I had to learn how do you get the stuff out of the unseen that belongs to you into the scene that's the challenge how do you get it out well it's not difficult to understand very simple to try it ok I have a son and I said before he was born I turned my wife okay we're gonna put aside fifty thousand dollars for his college tuition before he's born okay so now let's have a baby in other words we put the thing aside first then we have the baby now when the baby comes the baby is a baby college begins at 18 17 18 years old so now for 18 years it's already there but he don't need it yet in other words he has 50,000 that belongs to him but it doesn't move because what it is reserved for is not ready to draw down on it yet only if you're gonna get me there are some things that God put aside for this year before the earth was and it belonged to 2004 and God been waiting for this year for you to get to a certain spot where you draw down on the stuff oh you understand me and here you are worrying worrying about this bill and that bill and I wanna say hey just position yourself [Music] [Applause] kind of move that time oh I feel like screaming all by myself see I have come today to tell you everything you need is history to God so how do you pull your unseen reserves to the scene by the assignment it comes when it is needed that's why it seems so hard to get I love that prophecy today Lord you know I appreciate the prophecy says you ain't gotta push nothing cuz when the time come for God to expose you even those who are jealous of me it says shall open the door with the jealousy you know in other words spending whatever is your horse when the trying pounds whoever got it [Applause] say it give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up good say it loud give it up give it up give it up give it then she hasn't let's call it now call it now give it up give it up give it up hallelujah brother Oh Edward see let me tell you something let your hand me everybody come it's just just obey the authority for ii say loud everything that belongs to me in 2004 come now go ahead brace it [Applause] it's coming it's coming listen girl sometimes you push so hard he's a god wide cause it was the same 2003 stuff oh you missed it that's why it's so tough just the same to hear for it he said when you stepped over now here comes the blessing for 2004 already reserved and that's why sometimes you become so discouraged because you trying so hard to get this thing done and it ain't a matter of God not wanting it to happen but it's the wrong year Holy Spirit say it again literally say Lord everything reserved for this year give it up now come to me you toward me now hallelujah this year [Music] notice this versus deep it says because he has said those things aside therefore he chose you that's another thing you can think about in other words God set aside everything you will need your woman everything you need young man he said inside before he was even conceived and then he conceived you because they will set aside God got some stuff and made you just to use it up I don't understand the God this is deep man your blessings are not ahead of you they behind you but you pull them toward you as you walk in his will step day by day they come and therefore everything you need is gonna come and is gonna look for you I like what God told Moses he said tell the people first of all obey me keep my Commandments obey my laws he says and all of these blessings shall come upon you he says and they shall chase you down and overtake [Music] but you gotta do what Oh big get in his assignment last year God gave us me attracted a blessing a big one an airplane no struggle no fight no begging matter of fact the thing chased us down I was running from the phone call everybody when the phone call was already there by the time I got the phone call the lady says they are looking for you everywhere we can't find a say for what I believe this year you about to be smothered by 2004 blessings they're gonna be so much look at anybody one receive that in Jesus name I receive an overtaking blessing a blessing that overtakes anybody ready for that kind of open door hallelujah he chose you therefore because he's reserved these things before the world began look at verse 11 in him you were also chosen having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will for your life oh what a loaded verse your future is easy for God look at this in him you also chosen how having been predestined pedis time means destination said before beginning that's all it means prettiest time but it says according to what the plan a voice is the plan now it doesn't say a plan can I hear an amen I feel like I need something I know what I need what I need yeah everybody say a plan and the plan God says I have said oh that's interesting I'd better not use that a plan I want to do a demonstration to show you how this works God says I have pre set your destination then I backed up and I started your life baby born conceived he said my your future is already finished and I have a plan to get you there okay let me try it again your purpose is your destination the plan is the route now he said read it he says I pre destinated you and then I did according to the plan God has a way to get you to your destination he has a way to get you to your future lord have mercy there's a way it's not just the future there's a way also he's set for it now God will always tell you your destiny you'll always see these big dreams you'll see these big did he cause an Isaiah for success well I said the end before the beginning and then I make known at the beginning what does he have to come in otherwise he tells you the destination but woody doesn't ever tell you oh praise God tell Micah please sample struggling too much of this sound listen God says I set your future I set our route to get you there I'll tell you the future but I'm not gonna tell you the route do you know why because you are at the beginning and end the future the purpose is you finished a custom what are quick miles are you teach okay listen please get this tape so you hear 10 times to figure it out okay so come on sis look I have finished your future I begin you now when I begin you you don't look anything like your future you're not ready for that future you ain't got the maturity and the dignity and the experience and the wisdom for that future so I gotta work out a route to prepare you for the future I read me in other words the plan is not to keep you from the future but to prepare you for that future I'm telling you that is why evil he won't tell you about the plan in the heart man makes the plans but God directs the steps the what steps the what steps he don't tell you any more than the next step and the plan is not really to keep you from the future is to prepare you for it because the future God made for you demands a great woman a mature man a wise woman an excellent man and right now you ain't that talk to me so God has this whole plan set up lord have mercy and he got all these things God mercy now he got all these things shut up all these things set up all these things set up all these things set up and you call them traps he call them training he got set seven all these things shut up hey and the first one they tear off your clothes [Applause] your own family tear off your clothes [Applause] the next one they put you in a pit boy I didn't plan for this cause I ain't no but I need to work on your maturity next one they put you in prison he said yeah but you see there's a plan the fella in prison can introduce you to your purpose [Applause] [Music] now let's be honest if God told Joseph you will be on a throne rolling serving your family feeding the whole nation King however here's the route [Applause] Jolla say keep your loan and your money I'm gonna stay right here and be a shepherd of smelly sheep he works out everything he works on what everything to conform he works out everything to conform he works out everything to conform now don't miss this he works so how many things see them watch this very important he has this plan worked oh for you but you decide to do something dumb you get pregnant so you're going off course see yeah of course and you go to this alley for nine months and you shamed and everything and everyone talking about you or you get off into drugs and do something dumb I'm struggle useless and everybody talking about you can say all what you do in the alley here he said look I forgive you he says and then he says he he makes everything not just the good things [Applause] you ought to give him praise he says I want you to bring the baby I'm gonna conform it back bring the baby don't leave the baby but I don't wait the baby in he's a good god he said look bringing your drug addiction bring it bring it but I'm gonna wait it in as a testimony not missing I'm gonna shoot him and I could make a drug addict into a world changer it doesn't matter where you been what you did or who you been with he wants to conform it back into the purpose of his will for your life you are a shot and praise him he wants all your garbage he wants all his sins he working in praise God he conforms fit to his will conform means he makes it fit oh you don't understand someday say how am I ever gonna face them again cuz I forget them I'm gonna confirm this thing and I'm gonna make you an envy of all those who criticized in you I don't know but you got a respawn correctly you gotta respond correctly that plan some of you are in the middle of a pit right now you say pastor miles they saying what I saw where I am right now where can't they say what I saw the place and I read this thing what I saw what I do in this thing what I saw what I wear and they're saying what I saw what I driving they see what I saw gaaah say yeah but I want you to drive that for a while I got a humble you make you drive a voice Riyad until you don't care then I'll give you a rose rose the plan is to prepare you some of the things that are happening to me some of you can't handle you can't take it you you wouldn't able to handle the pressure the pressure and the temptation so God took me through a lot of stuff you know to get me to the spot in my life now he done prophesied and data he can take me to the next area which means that what I've been through the last few years were preparations and sometimes you struggle in the preparations I don't want to be here to see right it's saying God this angle yes is God this thing yes it is God listen yes it is God he preparing you for the big one let's hasn't thank God for the pit no thank him in the pit right now open your mouth loud and shout forget in the pit Iook at abul abbas at it you got this idea it's so big and wonderful and you're saying god is taking so long God says no you taking so long you would learn yet so I keep you there your future has a route and even if you leave the route he goes after you can I hear an amen let me tell you what God hangs out in alleys oh I feel the prophecy coming off the Lord hangs on an Ally's he looks for those who went off the course come on somebody why he knows the deposit that's inside of him he knows their future that's why God likes you he likes what he put in you he comes after what he knows you are your biggest mistakes attract God don't you ever condemn yourself because he would put you back in the route he would put you back on the plan and he'd make what you did a wonderful testimony your future is more powerful than your mistakes get over your divorce get over it fast too much work to do get over having the baby you had it good get the baby in the plan to get on with your life respond correctly and stay in the fellowship of God because his future for you and make your critics ashamed I'm a shuttle by myself what God has for you will amaze those who have no hope for you that's why you can have confidence in the future thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Munroe Global possible please visit us online at [Music] you you thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at [Music] you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 111,908
Rating: 4.8390579 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 17sec (3857 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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