The Value of Law For Kingdom Living Part 2 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message we want to focus this morning on part two of last week's segment where we talked about the value of law in Kingdom living sit up with me the value of law in Kingdom living part two every single session will help you understand the role of law in life the kingdom of God is a country it is not a religion that's why it's called a kingdom a kingdom is a country headed by a king ruled by a king with citizens unlike all countries the kingdom of God is built on law now I'm going to show you a photograph of something that may sound strange Harvey relates to law but you're looking at a 747 Boeing jumbo jet it weighs write this down six hundred thousand pounds right there are many six hundred thousand pounds of more than half a million pounds that equipment right there that equipment can never be moved on the ground 600,000 pounds of weight I am sure that you've done what I've done many times you stood at the airport's you looked out that glass window and I know what you said how do they fly that come on be honest so you asked the question this monster look at this equipment and it takes off and it flies like feather question how does 600,000 pounds fly and like feather listen carefully because you and I do the same thing with our lives we look at our situation and we say to ourselves how am I going to ever get out of this we say the same thing about our lives that we say about that massive jet how do we get out of this situation how do we survive what we going through I was speaking this morning to one of our pilots it's a very experienced pilot he's a member of our board and I asked him how does 600,000 pounds leave the ground his answer he said 600,000 power leaves the ground because the law of gravity is canceled by another law called lifts we don't destroy the law of gravity he says we actually use it he said we use the law of gravity but we defy it by putting another law in place I said how do you do that he said when I pushed the trottle of 600,000 pounds when the speed hits a hundred and 60 miles per hour the speed creates a new law and the wings used the new law he says and if you stay on the ground I couldn't understand what he said until he said repeat that he said when the aircraft hits 160 miles per hour it is impossible to keep it on their own almost say this again he says as long as it's still it's impossible to move it but when it hits a certain speed another law kicks in and he said to me if it stays on the ground it will destroy itself this is strange he said if an aircraft is on the ground at 160 miles per hour it will destroy just and disintegrate because once it hits 160 it cannot stay on the ground because it creates another law is called the law of aerodynamics gravity surrenders to the law of lifts so what makes that aircraft fly laws what's going to bring you out of your mess laws there are laws that are keeping you down there are laws that are causing you to be depressed but God has some other laws that you're supposed to kick in to that's supposed to cause you to lift away from the depression don't pray for the depression to go away that's my point gravity doesn't go away you go away you look at the aircraft and you say to yourself this is impossible it's only impossible if you stay under the law of gravity but if you can just discover another law gravity becomes your servant do you know that gravity makes the law of lift possible I feel like shouting all by myself the very thing that's holding you down will eventually push you up if you kicked it another another low gravity sometime there's some people in your life they trying to hold you down guys it don't fight them create another law of love and they will push shoot and understand they don't know why they pushing you but you working at a different level then the captain told me he said now once you get up there you are operating on a completely different law gravity is let you go and you can look down on gravity and it doesn't touch it he says you can look down at the earth and it has no effect on you because you are operating on a different law but he said to me you gotta keep the speed I said why he said if you drop the speed below 150 the plane turns into a rock and false I said are you telling me captain that whatever got you there gotta keep you there oh Jesus up please that means once you get a different level you can go down keep friends and folks on where you are no more you gotta say the people are keeping where you are tell hallelujah somebody the law that you're operating act separates who you associate with there are some people you cannot mix with any more they are pigeons than you are an eagle this is their nose there's no association and some of you are still trying to keep friends with people who in gravity can you imagine only a law lift six hundred thousand pounds just alone the Holy Spirit is telling us a simple truth and here it is Matthew 16:18 jesus said I will give you the keys of the kingdom watch this whatever you lock up on earth heaven will support it whatever you open on earth heavenly kicks in it's a different law he says not a word keys I looked it up in Hebrew it means laws principles he said look I will give you the kind of either one give you give me what some laws which means when you were born you didn't know them this is why the entire year I'm gonna be teaching you the laws found in his word because once you I'm living by them friends I'm telling you if I tell you about my life I don't talk much anymore book about my life because behaviors get jealous but let me tell you something if you began to operate on the laws no no said you I can't talk about this you don't need to manipulate anything if you're operating by laws laws are natural the aircraft lifts naturally the pilot says if you try to keep it on the ground it will destroy itself in other words once you kick into a certain law you can't help yourself you have to take off I will give you keys that means you weren't born with them your church didn't teach you there your parents don't know that I will give you keys what will happen to the keys he says when you learn these Keys whatever you lock up another way you can stop things you can lock things up you you can stop things from working you can stop gravity and heaven will kick in with another roll I'm gonna give you laws that will bring heaven to interfere in earth okay gravity thought it was in charge until the law of lift arrived I'm telling you gods but do something this week to defy everything they saying about you yeah God is going to do some things in your life this year that people would say that is impossible anybody got an impossible situation right now hold your hand up I got a few right now too everybody say all things are possible if I believe the laws of God give God a big hand clap you coming out of that stuff he's gonna put you at a different level that is the key to life the key to life Jesus says is learning the keys the laws this is why I put this you write this down the most important knowledge in life is law the pilot is trained to understand the law of lift that's why he goes to pilot training they teach the pilot all the details about aerodynamics so that he knows how that machine runs the most important knowledge on earth is laws if you learn laws you can defy life define it's a big word a define means you can embarrass life you can tell life that's what you say but here's what I'm gonna do life says as are far I can go but I go above where my sister stopped there was laws allow you to tell life it doesn't stop here I am going beyond your limitations I am going above your fence that you built I have some laws that will lift me above your restrictions this laws like this down number two the most powerful force on earth is law once you learn the laws of life life becomes your servant you don't need to experiment in life all you got to do is learn the laws of life and activate them and they work for you what I love about what the pilot said to me I can't get out of my mind he says when it hits 160 it creates a new law and if you try to stay on the ground the equipment will explode that is incredible to me you getting it someone what one person got it he said look once you hit the law wow you don't have trying nothing matter of fact let me quote what he said to me this morning he said when you leave the ground at 160 he says ready for this he says you lose control and the law takes over the aircraft the tree divot he said pilots don't fly planes they just steer them I said what he says you see watch it the law it and takes up by itself all you gotta do is steer it God's about to take you to a level already gonna do sit back somebody showed kicking the law he said now when you on the ground gravity is in control now when you hit lift lift takes control you lose control and he said if you try to control the aircraft at 160 and try to keep it on the ground it will explode laws are so powerful that once you learn them and you use them you become irresistible let me tell you an open another way I told you last time that laws make success automatic planes fly automatic you know automatic pilot it's simply the pilot putting in the codes into the computer to steer the aircraft not to fly it it's flying by itself because it has another law it just stairs it God is going to position you will you be like Jesus Christ you say I only say what I hear my father say I want to do it I say my father do what I'm on another law I'm controlled by something bigger I just do what he say go where he sent me to go I'm just enjoying this ride I'm just kind of steering this thing you know there's big monsters under control of another law that means that pilots are not in control of the aircraft they are only steering the law of live takes over write this down laws law is inherent in creation you know lift was always there let me ask you a question to prove it how many of you believe that Moses could have flown an aircraft in his day I totally believe it I believe in Genesis you could have flown an aircraft guaranteed how do I know because nothing that exists today did not exist when Moses was alive this is exciting to me listen all Moses had to do was to put the combinations together there was air there was I and all there was aluminum there was wood there was oil everything he just couldn't combine them to create another law and so the Wright brothers came along and used the very stuff that was there in Moses time in other words God don't want you to invent no new revelation for you to go to the next level his word is forever you gotta be able to combine the pieces you have everything you need to do anything you need to do but you gotta understand the laws the laws of God built-in pilots do not create aerodynamics it was here in Joshua time Moses time Ezekiel time but they could not understand or did not understand the way we have during the Wright brothers time to combine those laws so please remember this one law is necessary you have to live by laws law is also essential if there was no gravity you would fall on your face right now what makes you stand up straight is gravity is pulling you to the earth that's why you can stand up without that law you will collapse this is why when the astronauts leave the pull of gravity they float the tongue to hold them straight they can't even control them their own bodies if astronaut was the swing his hand in space like this he'd fall his hand the weight would push it see what took nothing's holding him the more gravity is necessary in order for you to live on earth Lois therefore cannot be disrespected write this down the key to success in life is law I beg you young people especially to hear me because somehow youthfulness believes that you don't need to live by laws what kept me as a teenager even as a virgin at age 25 man and my wife was nothing but just simple knowledge of laws I kept my virginity because of laws every problem in your life is a violation of a law there's something you violated laws are designed to protect you from problems write this down please absence of law is the beginning of destruction the law of a plant is soil pull the plant from the soil you don't need to kill it it's self destruction the law of fish is water they need water that's the law you take a fish out of water you ain't gotta kill it itself the strikes when you violate law you don't hurt law longer it's you so God created life to function by law and this is why the kingdom of God is simply the return of God's laws to earth can I put it this way the goal of God was to fill the earth again with his kingdom to bring his laws back we call it colonization and God put us here to establish those laws in the earth so that we can become heaven on earth that's what God intended God intended earth to be ruled by the laws of heaven earth was never to be a victim of its own local laws it's supposed to be dominated by the laws of heaven and therefore the kingdom of heaven is invisible but very practical laws produce the culture of heaven on earth which makes work natural the community of God's people are supposed to live at a different level of life where they define what life says the Lord make me like Jesus please there's a local sink as I am gay that's a lower I created I mean it exists but that's that's what I call it hey boys a sink sink means if you go down on the Long Wharf out here and you step on the water you'll sink okay that's a law why gravity pulls you down and you go into the water Jesus decided to step out on the water he kicks in another law and the water became concrete now I don't understand this okay peter is next to him drinking water drowning he on top of the same water reaching out his hand now this is the same what you only get the miracle but you don't get America let me say it again they stand on the same lake he's standing on the water Peter drowning right next to him see that means the water is responding differently to both of them okay let me--just prophesy cuz and what's gonna happen to you this year God is going to show himself off in your life because of the laws you're gonna obey that people right around you are gonna be sinking in the same situation and you're gonna be standing firm not because of the thing but because of the two different laws you operating on they're going to say no to the person who came right before you and say yes to you when you get to the gate why because they're going to be two different laws in response we operate from a different set of laws so the kingdom of God is the country of God it has different laws I want to train and teach you how to live under a different set of laws on earth so that earth responds to you differently don't miss next week I'm going to give you an announcement to show you how the laws work you know religion can religion is gravity religion this holds you down the kingdom of God is aerodynamics it defies everything that the earth tells you can undo this is why we got to learn the keys he says matter of fact let me show you something that Thomas did you see all nations are built on laws and nations are built on law and sustained by law very quickly and the quality of life in a nation determined by the kind of laws that people keep and our society our social system is based on law in other words Jesus was saying that he would say you have heard it said but it shall not be so among you he was talking to this eye he said look he said that's the way they live out there but in this community we got a different lifestyle he says oh Jesus he said look you have been taught that they get money you gotta go and work all month and get paid he said well in this kingdom you can catch a fish and in the fish's mouth is enough to pay for everybody's taxes this is a strange Kingdom believing the ridiculous is Kingdom lifestyle you gotta believe what the ridiculous I'm begging God to help me explain this ladies and gentlemen we supposed to live as a different community before the end of this year they're going to be massive testimonies coming from this group of people I want to show you before we go an example of something first of all break this down what is law I'll give you a thousand definitions during the next couple of weeks but here's one to remember law is inherent principles inherent means they are built-in that regulate the nature of life they also regulate the nature of relationships the aircraft relationship to the earth is controlled by laws so law is inherent its built-in to the creation and it designs the relationships and it also affects relationships that are both natural and supernatural both physical and spiritual and they guarantee maximum fulfillment of potential it shows you what the thing can do who would dream that a six hundred thousand pound aircraft could fly like a bird simply because it has the potential to do it but in order for it to fulfill that potential it must use some blowers nothing is truly impossible nothing is impossible because once you learn the laws the laws make everything that seemed impossible possible please get this CD all right here's the last part I want to tell you man was paid to live by what natural spiritual law you create by you you were created to live by what natural laws especially you create it to live that way that means you can decide that you're gonna live by them or not decide you were designed for that I'll leave with the number two human relationships are also built on principles of law how I relate to you has to do with the law and we're getting it too deep social relationships are products of law how you relate to people who are married and not married has to be based on law you know I to run around my friends but now America are not my friends no more I'm married now and the law has changed I don't see you no more you can't see me more cuz I got wife now brother well she hadn't picked yet I ain't that good I happy I it's a good hand to pick me I go at home to my wife that's a different kind of law you can't hang around clubs after you married different laws and if you married you can't have every woman do we hug your wife different kind of hugs their laws mine hey I mean your marriage so indeed you can tell people that you throw in your home because that in their business different Lords the law of silence he and the Lord kicks in with your mother and father's too when you get mad you can give mama $20 every week anymore you get actually wife now Oh Lord mama don't want to end all this no more but that's the way it works it's a different law used to pay your mama's rent for it enough but not you married brother it's a different relationship see all these things are result of laws write this down law is the key to prosperity if you follow laws you don't need to seek prosperity it happens naturally I am prosperous not because I tried to be I just will be the laws of God and I'm talking about it's hard work sometime to obey the laws of God but you got to understand that if I obey this law I will Jesus Christ came to earth to restore law I can't make it more simple than that Jesus came to her to do what we stole off that's what he came to do Jesus came to earth to give us back law so we can get order back because law produces order the whole world is out of order the Bible says in Psalm 82 and law is the only solution to disorder so he came to earth to bring law to restore order back to God's planet and he says to us I command you to do this I command you to do that why he's bringing law back to us look at 4:17 he says for the time has come when he begins to preach repent why for the country of heaven has arrived Matthew 4:17 look at Matthew 4:23 and Jesus Christ went throughout all Galilee teaching and preaching in their synagogues worth the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness among them he preached what the country of God has cooked very important now watch this the King of God brings the law of God back to earth this is the message today the value of law is that it is the key to life when I use the word law again please don't think about those religious laws I'm not talking about that because they will destroy you they will bring death I'm talking about the laws that God placed in his wonderful creation and his spiritual revelation for you to obey to give you life and prosperity look at Matthew 5:3 blessed are those who are what poor and spirit why they don't need money if they get the kingdom laws he says they will prosper look at the next one Matthew chapter five or thirty you are what the salt of the earth you supposed to be the ones adding flavour and excellence this one is good you are what the light of the world a city on a hill that no one could miss boy one day I'm a teacher on this verse this is a deep person the Bible says if you obey God they can't ignore you look at that verse he said that you if you follow God's laws they will have to recognize you they'll bring you trophies and plaques look at it these are the new-fallen my law you'd be like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden when you live in God's way even if they are jealous they have to respect and recognize you Abraham obeyed God's laws and the Bible says he became the richest man in the Mesopotamia the richest man in the whole region was a man of God Solomon had Kings traveling hundreds of miles just to see him because of his prosperity and success in life I prophesied that God is about to make you so prosperous that they will have to recognize you even though they don't like you but what he says put your light get a shine right this way down like Hebrew word for light means knowledge it doesn't mean you don't glow like a bug it means knowledge people word for light is what knowledge knowledge of Revelation truth he says if you are revelation tree laws you understand the laws of God you understand God's knowledge he said you'd be like a city that they cannot escape people come from all over the world to see where I live some of them are here this morning they come to check to see where does dr. Monroe come from what makes this man what he is where does he live what is this church like where where his people and they come because there is a light there's knowledge this revelation going out there's lifestyle that they see and they say I want to know where that's coming from when you live the laws of God they cannot ignore you because the laws of God brings results I just cover sending four people people love successful people they avoid failures if you broke people there's a void you come to notice that yeah you ain't got nothing anybody want to talk to you come on baby honest this is why the Bible says and you follow the laws of God ready for this whoo I'm a teacher in this one day so bad the Lord showed me this last year he said I told you you will be a lender let me tell you something the lender a lender is not a borrower a soundy pay he says my people is supposed to be the borrower's the lender is always sought after you want to know people who got something hmm lift your hand up right now for Lord Jesus let this word sink into the hearts of your people transform their revelatory thinking let them become receivers and practices of your law that they may experience the lifestyle of a lender in Jesus name Amen say it I will become a lender that's his promise you borrowing now that's temporary lending is your destiny coming nothing in God's kingdom is always temporary you would always have plenty in God's kingdom when you kick in those laws now I want to show you the picture this - this what I wanna close yeah hey boys at lighthouse I found out something a principal is actually a law like a lighthouse we got lighthouses in the Bahamas here's something about lighthouses first of all lighthouses guides and standards when you are in a boat and you don't know what the ocean of life is like you're gonna depend on that lighthouse a law is like a lighthouse number two lighthouses have some principles first of all they are always established on rock don't confuse a lighthouse with a buoy some of y'all are following buoys buoys change location lighthouses are built we're on a rock praise God laws are on a rock number two lighthouses never move you don't want to guide your ship by something let's move it laws don't change number three lighthouses are a sign of warning when you see a lighthouse it's telling you don't come here don't come close to this see a law not only is a blessing it's a warning when God gives you a law he is trying to protect you from destruction God is okay do not commit fornication now somehow I'm sure the prison behind you with much smiling gorram I'm sure that like guarantee that we got some of those intelligent human beings on the entire universe because they smarter than God God doesn't explain too much you know lighthouses don't talk at all they just what stand there right doc they stand and they just shine they don't say nothing lighthouse has no siren why they say look I am silently right the law of God is silently right do not commit fun to get it they don't talk laws they don't talk my mama say if you can't listen you will feel light house it just like your mama if you can't listen to the lighthouse light you will feel the rocks on your bottle they don't explain see God doesn't see like okay don't commit fornication because this is that that you know you have any psychological problems emotional problems have bad memories you know you have guilty he said no no don't come here adultery he said don't come in front of kpop finish he can say nothing else it's just a warning the troubles we create because we test the lighthouse [Music] let me see how no sky could go to the rock and not get it somehow be just smarter than God cuz of a foul shall not covet that's a no he made it alone it's a lord he said do not cover covered means you look at what she wearing and you will have to constitute to that that's the law it's against the law to do that why that could break you you crush your life trying to be like the juices on the rocks of Pride and some folks even in the boat break up they start pretending the book good they just went down lighthouse is never threatened by storms of or ships listen to me you cannot threaten a lighthouse when it's down calm the light of Stanford miller-stone hurricanes no hurricane ever hit the light of odhner western Esplanade ever he stands in every storm and one thing you'll find standing out in the storm is over is there light up since obviously all my life has been there we had many storms it just stands there because the Word of God is always stable now if you are in the lighthouse in a storm lord have mercy if the lighthouse is still standing then you know everything gonna be all right you got your own boat and you don't feel safe get into the lighthouse get into a law of God hide yourself into the Word of God so when everything around you is blowing and falling apart you know the name of the Lord is like a strong lighthouse they do run into it give God a hand for safety the laws of God will protect you number six it's a big one that's why it's in yellow line ours is submission to a lighthouse provides protection when you obey the lighthouse lattices don't come here you protect your every law of God when you submit to it protects you laws do not destroy they protect at number seven lighthouses are used as a guide and a measure to protect your life you want to obey the laws of God as a guide it protects you and number eight lighthouse will protect life that's why you have a lighthouse the laws of God protected life at number ten number nine rather lighthouses can never be violated you know you've heard the story of the two Admirals who were doing their exercises in England in the North Sea near Alaska the in Alaska during the summer season there's not a fork because of the cold air and you can hardly see it there but they do a lot of training up there in that area even the Russians do it because they're there not any ships coming through there too much so they can practice warfare you know naval exercises and there's a true story they say the two Admirals were doing exercises in the North Sea up there and the falx came down they couldn't see each other and one of them of course went off to the opposite direction to make sure he doesn't you know collide with the other ship massive warships and suddenly one of the men on the deck saw a light and obviously you know his conclusion that's the other ship so he reported it to the Admiral and he says we've got you know our other ship over there and they're heading in our direction and so Artemis says send a message to him you know with the message light to tell him that he must turn three degrees to the north so we don't collide and of course he kept on going toward the light and so the Sailor went up and he did the light and the message you know sent was please change your ship 3 D 3 degrees to the right so that we do not collide and he waited for an answer he lit a light and an answer came back the answer says you turn three degrees to the right so the optimum became a little bit per turn how dare you refuse my instruction so he said send another message tell him to turn three degrees to the right or I will Ram him and the Sailor send a message and the lights a message back says you turned three degrees to the right all around you by this time the admin is angry he is insulting how do you tell me what to do you don't order me around on the eye bro Sun s it back he said tell him if he does not turn treat agrees immediately I will put on speed and I remember him and destroy him and then are the enemy says you tell him I am AB know so and so from the naval drones also dddd dddd am a DVD he's a Telugu I am and the guy said message back you turn three degrees to the right over the RAM you so says Apple P D D D D D pH D D D D that's who I am and the light send a message back say you turn to the Greece to the right and I am the lighthouse the Admiral quickly turn Gentiles and that's life if God says to turn you better turn oh you are gonna crash on the rocks the lighthouse is always in charge and it's there to protect you and finally lighthouses is the law of life God gave us laws so we don't crash it is my prayer today that you would fall in love this year with the laws of God you would take that Bible up again and not use it as a religious book anymore you will use it as the laws of God he was steadied to find the laws so you can obey the laws and protect the ship that you are living in which is your life and may the lord give you the wisdom to be able to recognize the difference between a buoy and a lighthouse thank you very much god bless you thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 32,459
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: Q0jxSdAB9Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 55sec (3055 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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