Baldur's Gate 3 Combat Guide - 7 Essential Tips & Mechanics to DOMINATE

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welcome to my Baldur's Gate 3 combat guide a video designed to turn you from Zero to Hero and help you fight through the turn-based Strategic combat that is inside of Baldur's Gate 3. let's jump straight in firstly actions bonuses and reactions we'll start relatively simple and then work our way through during combat each character will have an action that they can generally use once per turn alongside that they'll also likely have bonus actions and these can vary wildly from different items that you could use on yourself like healing potions to Battlefield effects like a bottle full of grease to individual character actions and these could be specialized depending on your class as well so make sure you take a look and familiarize yourself though most characters will be able to do things like jumping and shoving on top of their normal attacks and movements over on the right you'll notice their reactions specifically most commonly it'll be the opportunity attack which basically lets you strike an enemy that moves within your range as a reaction so it can happen during their turn you don't have to manually trigger it yourself you can always watch out for it by checking for these red swords that look like they're staring into the side of your character that means that an enemy will strike you with an opportunity attack if you try and move outside of their range so you might need to do something like a cunning action if you're a rogue to disengage normal characters can do it as well though it will take a standard action point instead of a bonus one to quickly run your booty out of trouble you can also look of course to use a variety of spells and items to disengage outside of that as well to avoid those nasty reactions and as a final note here for this first tip I would just say make use of everything even if you may or may not need it like this extra armor here on my wonderful cleric you should generally try and utilize every single action you've got for if free character because you never know give it a go give it a shove you might just knock them off the edge and win the fight that way melee ranged or spellcaster let's talk about the three different classes and what they really ought to be doing and not doing ranged attackers will almost always be looking to have high dexterity so it could be a fantastic Rogue assassin like me it's dexterity that directly relates to those ranged attacks as well as agility and reflexes moving through to the more traditional melee class like a fighter here it's more about your strength rather than your dexterity so you'll want to have muscles and strong physical power there is one Exception by the way finesse which I was using on my rogue that can take advantage of strength or dexterity for those slightly more beautiful melee weapons and lastly of course we have our spellcasters likely the most complex of the three groups instead of dexterity and strength you're likely looking at and intelligence although it does depend a little bit if you're not a spell casting wizard then instead you'll be looking at wisdom for Druids and clerics or alternatively Charisma for bards paladins warlocks so on and so forth make sure you also take note of the gear that you're using because it will have a proficiency as well it's not just your melee weapon it's your armor so for a rogue for example I'm looking for some lighter weight gear not this middleweight or heavyweight item that I'm currently looking at and it's really important that you lean into your proficiencies and build them up as you develop your class you'll also of course get additional features and actions and all of the things that we've been talking about a quick note at the end of this section generally it's not a good idea to split up into multiple classes until at least level three or four and generally those spell casters Wizards can be a bit more complex next up let's talk about actually hitting your target what does it mean and how does it work jumbo well you'll always see this percentage in this case it's very high and we'll talk about that a bit later in the video about these different modifiers and how they're impacting it but at a base level the percentage is the chance that you will hit it has nothing to do with damage it's just the chance that the attack will hit here unfortunately I missed ahead of 50 50. here again it's a 50 50 and I managed to get the strike we'll talk a bit about saved roles later in the video it's important to note though that the percentage chance is completely separate from damage and you can use different things like lurking in the shadows or getting high ground advantage over an enemy using the battlefield terrain to your advantage to try and lift up this figure it is essentially your attack roll against their armor score and that alongside of those other environmental or spell-based factors will determine whether you're at attack hits or misses as an example you can examine any enemy to check their armor class the higher the enemy's armor class the lower the chance that you'll actually hit them so an enemy with relatively low armor will be ripe for the taking and then of course I can lean into those other things like The High Ground Advantage like the effective range which we'll talk about just a little bit later in the video but it's also important that we understand okay so once we hit them how much damage do how much damage can we actually strike them for hitting tab or I or what have you will open up your inventory and here you can check your Vital Statistics like your armor class so the chance of you dodging an attack and your actual damage itself this of course takes into account the weapon that you're using and specifically how it's rolled you can also check other little things that you might have that are helping you out like an initiative the assassinate one for example I've got here among many many others now in terms of the actual strike itself here I have advantage over a prone enemy it's an easy strike and if we open up the combat log we can see exactly what happened firstly they hit an armor class rating of 11. my attack roll I rolled a D20 had some advantages was 22. that means that my attack hit once it hit how much damage did it do well this depends on the weapon and my overall extra abilities that are being factored in so we've hit them for sure and we've rolled one d8 plus some extra damage for my dexterity modifiers and ended up with a 10 damage roll and here's that weapon you can see specifically that it rolls a 1d8 and then adds three extra piercing damage and that's how we ended up with our score a reminder of course a d8 is simply an eight-sided die so it's rolling that and then adding three and that's how we ultimately got to our 10 damage seven plus three this enemy over here has a slightly higher Armor class than the first one we destroyed while they were laying down prone on the roof at 13 instead of 11 and that means that the chance of me hitting them will be a bit lower 65 in this case and in this specific instance my damage will be lower as well why because I'm using a worse weapon it doesn't have extra piercing damage as you can see down the bottom right and it's only rolling a D4 die so I can only really hit them between 1 and 4 damage however it was at least a successful strike thanks to the overwhelming their armor advantages and disadvantages can also play a key role in really how your attacks hit whether they will or won't the key factor here you can see an enemy two of them both drunk and asleep one inside of my effective range 88 chance to hit them and one just outside of it in this case only a 75 chance to hit you can see the advantage or disadvantage effects happening right up the top sleeping and Target outside normal range two canceling each other out now in practice an advantaged role like this one here and now this one here that I've changed my range should give you a really high chance to hit because you're rolling two dice instead of one you're combating two dice against their one the game will take the higher score when you have the advantage so it's a much better idea to attack with advantage of course other factors like the opponent's Armor class will be having an impact here and I could look to get high ground move through the shadows and do other things to lift up my advantaged role enemies who are prone who are impacted by spells or Greece who don't see you lurking in the shadows or who are interestingly surprised causing them to skip their first turn will be at various disadvantages in combat when the game is specifically referring to that Advantage like I have here thanks to a weapon enchantment and that I'm hiding it's referring to the fact that I'm rolling an additional attack dice again just to reiterate that greatly increases my chances of actually hitting the enemy once the strike goes through I'm almost guaranteed to deal damage then you should also take advantage of the environment so many things are collapsible like Bridges to knock your enemies down and force them prone of course grease and fire traps are ever popular and you could even take down their war drum to stop them bringing in reinforcements a quick note on saving throws these can take place at all sorts of times like when you take a special attack against an enemy that may have an additional effect like causing them to drop their weapon many many spells fall under this category as well as they have extra kinds of additional effects or as you're literally navigating around the world you'll notice these throws too like moving through difficult terrain or getting caught in a web you're constantly rolling the die or rolling the dice to try and save yourself from extra effects that are taking place these saving throws generally leverage your skills and proficiencies so it might be a dexterity saving role that saves you from something that requires you to do a bit of a dip and a dive for example saving throws are really important they'll mitigate potentially spell damage maybe half of it save you from nasty effects so it's important to keep in mind that all of these roles are happening basically automatically and all of the time and finally let's talk about Reviving our fallen friends hopefully not full and foes when a teammate a character goes down like this during battle they will themselves roll to try and pick themselves up or fail and that's indicated by these two bars one reaching around and up to the left and the other moving down to the right towards the skull every time they roll they'll increase that bar either the progress bar towards the star yay they'll get back up or down toward the skull this character has one towards each of them so they'll keep rolling on their turns until they hopefully as demonstrated by this one in the top left save themselves by getting three successful save rolls before three failures we can of course help a character up at any time this character quite close to perishing so I'll pick them up first and thankfully my wonderful sorcerer has actually successfully saved themselves in that case you can use the help action but keep in mind that you'll be lifting them up on one hit point so a little bit of strategy here here you might want to pick up someone whose turn it is next so that they can heal themselves or of course pick up the person who's at the greatest threat of literally dying not just falling down in this case that's what I'm going to do here because they have one failed role already you can of course also revive from a distance using a variety of spells healing abilities to lift a character up and when you do that you'll be Reviving them on a little bit of Health too so it can be a good idea instead of trying to use the help action especially if you're in a bit of a desperate situation you're trying to pick lots of people up they're down over here they're down over there you just can't revive them and actually have them stay alive long enough to carry out the strike you could also use a scroll to pick them back up and don't worry without any spoilers you can revive a character who has fully died inside or outside of combat in the story itself so don't panic too much but do try and keep them alive and that concludes today's video Everybody for my Essential beginner's guide for combat in Boulder Escape 3. I hope this carried you through ideally taught you something new if it did show me some love below and I'll see you all next time take care everybody bye
Channel: JumboPixel
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, bg3, baldur's gate 3 review, baldur's gate, baldurs gate, baldur's gate 3 trailer, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 combat guide, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 beginner tips, baldurs gate 3 review, larian studios, ps5, baldurs gate 3 romance, baldurs gate 3 best class
Id: JJbpssn2sw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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