How To Draw Bumblebee Transformer

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do we have a name for our bird yet yeah we do don't we should wait till the end of the video to tell our friends yeah we love our new pet she's super awesome she's starting to get used to us because we've been working with her a lot haven't we yeah oh wow no pet in the backbone she doesn't like it and we asked you guys at the beginning of this week to help us name her because we couldn't figure out a name yeah and we've picked a name so be sure to stay to the end of the video we're and we're gonna tell you what we named her also we're gonna try to feed her by our hands right put some seeds in our hands to see if she'll eat eat from her hands so be sure to stay to the very end all right dude let's move her off to the side and we're gonna start a giant lesson okay all right she's got your marker yeah and we got our paper we hope her art friends are gonna follow along with us if we go too fast what can they do pause the video yeah you guys can always pause the video artful she chirped mm-hmm owner she's gonna trip a lot during our video we might not be able to get through this oh she likes us doesn't she yeah all right you ready for the first step okay we're gonna draw him kind of punching towards us and so we're gonna draw his face first right in the middle good this is awesome all right so we're going to draw we're going to draw a little rectangle right in the middle of the paper okay and then this is this is the little symbol right in the front of his head okay and we can color that in so it's just a long rectangle good job then we're going to put a square you underneath it this is really small hopefully our friends can see it okay now we're going to draw two lines one on this side coming out and one on this side coming out too and I wonder I kind of I'm thinking we're gonna need to extend our paper because he might get really big yeah all right so this is his eyebrows this is his forehead and then this is his nose right in the middle so let's draw his eyes and we can just draw it all kind of peanut shapes not peanut-shaped almonds different nut and for his eyes because he looks kind of Angry yeah cool and we can put his eyebrows I don't know why transform just have eyebrows but this one does alright little eyebrows over both sides of its eyes good okay now let's draw the shape that goes around his head or let's come down here let's do his mouth first so we're going to do a little kind of a smile kind of straight across yeah good job okay now we're going to draw the shape that goes around his face so we're going to come down on both sides with another diagonal line okay and then we're going to come back under the eye on both sides with diagonal lines good okay now right under his mouth we're going to come down kind of far we're going to draw a half of a box yes good job and then now we're going to connect up here so under his eye down to his chin and then on this side do the same thing sweet we got his face in there okay now he's got two I think vents on the side of his cheeks so one kind of rectangle shape over here that's filled in and then another rectangle shape on the other side yeah I'm fun yeah cool kind of looks like side sides right well it's one of the one of the other transformers okay now let's keep going so we're gonna draw on another a box up here at the top so half of a box she's on okay now we're going to draw the top of his head so we're going to draw another box like we did on his chin it's that same shape half of half of a box there we go okay and now we're going to draw two little lines that come out of the side that's the top of his head she wants to come play with us doesn't she yeah she's good okay then we're gonna draw a diagonal line that comes down on both sides and I can tell we're gonna probably definitely extend our paper yeah okay now we're going to draw straight lines straight down so this is the site this is the side of his head okay and then we're going to actually let's extend these down paths to his cheeks good all right okay now let's draw little diagonal lines that come out on the sides okay and then another diagonal that kind of matches his cheeks right here and we're going to come back in all the way almost touching this chin and then we're going to draw us where you so down over and then back up catch calm you looks awesome now we can draw them a little squishier next time a little more narrow because he's kind of wired on all right so now let's draw the part that comes around his neck so we're going to drop this at this side a line that comes out here and it's going to come down by his cheek and almost to his chin and then straight down from there good and then we're gonna draw straight across so right oh yeah right here straight across good maybe too far no that's good it's good I like it it's okay we're practicing aren't we yeah so it's okay if we're if it's not if it doesn't look exactly right so a little line that comes over here out of this the back of his head and then down good and then just a little line back out and then we're going to connect those two awesome we did it okay now let's come back here we're going to finish drawing his chest so another line that goes comes out from the side of his head it goes a little longer then we're going to draw another line that comes down now we're going to draw a big curve line that's that comes out past that line and curves all the way down passes past his neck awesome now we're going to come back over here and we're going to draw a curved line that's almost exactly like that and we're gonna stop just a little higher than the other one good good that's awesome hey Alex come over here we're gonna do I think this is the windshield of the car that goes across his chest so V you see how I matched his neck good okay now we're gonna do another one right next to that one awesome even better yeah good okay now we're gonna do another V right here a little further down and then across just like the other ones it's starting to look like him yeah it's pretty cool okay let's draw some details in his neck we're gonna draw kind of an L shape that comes down and matches his neck then we can draw two lines right under his chin sweet and then another one back up good okay now let's come over here there's a lot of details on this guy right he looks super cool the more details we put in there so let's keep going we're gonna do another curve just like the one right next to it it's for his shoulder okay and then this line is going to be at the same angle as the V good and then let's keep going with that actually and take it all the way almost all the way across his chest and then we're going to come straight down this is for the rest of his armor on this chest and then another angle so we're going to zigzag back up but let's put a little line another diagonal line that matches this line there we go and then we're going to zigzag back up so one line up over this matches that line then we're get into the exact back up and then in finished with his chest sweet okay now let's draw his shoulder over here and as fists so let's do the fist first because it's the first thing that's closest to us she's go nuts all right so we're going to draw a diagonal line from there and this is the first part of his fist good now we're going to draw a big diagonal line back and it's okay because his fist is going to be close to us so it looks like it's bigger okay so now we're going to draw another diagonal line down now we're going to connect from over here and kind of do an L shape that's his first good now his thumb so we'll do another shape just like that first one we did and then connect it into his fingers all right okay now let's put the details on his fist so we're going to put three lines one two three so you got four fingers so get five yeah he's got five fingers do a little line here on this knuckle and then another line and now let's keep going up and then across and then each one of these knuckles go up and over up over and the last one just connect good job yeah good now he's got these little rectangles on his knuckles so we'll go down over back up and repeat them on every single finger good does that fist look awesome yeah okay now let's draw his arm so we're going to draw a line that comes out of his fist and then a v-shape good and then we're going to draw a line that comes under his thumb and then connect it into them good now we're going to match that same top line so a line that comes over and then back down oh whoops no that's all right you can end it right there yeah good job then we're going to draw a couple details down here just two lines that come across like that awesome okay now let's draw his shoulder a little line that comes out of his fist to the left then we're going to draw a curved line that connects up to the other line that we had yeah then we'll put a little upside-down L so many details then let's put two little rectangles right next to each other go ahead okay the next part is where the wheel is that's on his shoulder so we draw another curve that comes out of his arm and connects up to that other line we drew then we're going to extend it out pass a little more good then we're going to draw a diagonal line down and then a big giant curve all the way down into his arm awesome okay now for the tricky part we're going to draw his wheel in there so I'm going to turn it this way so we can draw the ellipse and/or the oval and I'm going to start right here and we're going to draw big oval shape that's really close to the shoulder line yeah I know it's really good hey now what we can do is we're going to draw another ellipse or oval inside of this one but I'm drawing that close to the left side see how it's touching the line over here okay now let's come back up we're going to do another detail on the shoulder line next to this one and then we'll come back into the wheel okay we're done with this armed it let's go over to this side and we'll finish this arm on this side so we're going to draw another curve that comes out and ends right here good then we're going to draw a straight line up straight line over and this is going to go let's take it further over his head and then diagonal I'm back down into his head okay now this is red on him and then we're going to draw the other red part that's on this side since he's symmetrical so line that comes up and then back down okay now let's draw the this detail over here on this side we'll draw a curve here and I'm going to bring this further down actually so almost down here we're going to line it up with the windshield that's on his chest good now there's these little rectangles over here let's draw them over here if you can fit them in I'm just going to do one I think there we go now let's draw his forearm and its fist so we're going to come right here and line straight out and then this fist is going to be a lot smaller than this one because it's further away from us okay then we're going to draw a straight line down and then a bent line down and back into his body then we're going to come back up here and draw another one like that that cool okay now let's draw his fist straight line up and then over this is good before his thumb and we're going to come back down then we'll come all the way in so it's like a box then we're going to draw another little box in the bottom left corner oh not quite there we go draw his fingers so that's his thumb then we're going to draw a V sideways B and then back into his wrist it's a lot smaller hand huh yeah it's because it's super far away all right and then a straight line down from his thumb and then three lines for his fingers one two three and we're done okay now let's draw the headlights that are under right under his chest so we drop an L shape right here good and then this is the headlight that's blue so I'm going to draw another line right there and then I line up awesome okay now we need to draw the headlights on this side so we're going to come right here and draw a line straight across so start maybe right here and then drop right into there you could drop kind of curved there you go good then we're going to draw a diagonal line this way and we're going to zigzag kind of like we did right here back to his fist or his arm so we're going to draw a line down and then into his fist or his arm ice good job okay now let's put the headlight in there so jaw bent line hey Kelly yeah it's a big headline do we get so close to being done let's draw his belly next hey we'll draw a curve comes out of his chest okay and then we're also going to do another zigzag so a line in and a line down and then this is the bottom of his belly good and then we're going to zigzag back up so we'll go over 1 and up then over again and then connect into the side piece go okay now let's draw the side of his body so we're going to come out this is his waist right here we're going to do another diagonal line and then back up that's the side of his belly cool awesome dude so you can make this a little wider let's come out over here so this line bring this line over here and then up and that's okay that you have an extra line in there it's going to look like more details okay now let's draw the next part of his body so we're going to draw a diagonal line there are a ton of diagonal lines huh yeah so one out on this side and then another one out on this side then we're going to draw two straight lines one on this side and another on the other side then we're going to draw my down and then straight across then we're going to draw one line diagonal on this side so we're getting closer to each other huh yeah this kind of looks like his underwear this work Superman Superman's it away so we draw a diagonal line okay and then on this side we're gonna draw one more line back up and then we're gonna draw back down so many lines huh and then let's connect it now we're going to draw a line all the way down his chest and it curves like that okay and then straight down right there it looks like parts he's I made out of a bunch of different parts huh yeah okay let's extend our paper because we need more room for his legs okay all right checkers we extended our paper and all we did was we turned it over put some extra paper down and then taped it yeah we have extra room down here for his big long legs yeah already keep going yeah all right okay all right the next step is we're gonna draw this first leg that's extending down further hey so we're okay we're gonna draw a diagonal line out and then we're gonna do another zigzag or diagonally this way and then another line straight down so this line matches that line good okay now we're going to draw the other side of this leg so a little line out okay and then another line down and then this line matches the side of his leg now let's draw his knee so we're going to draw a shape up over and then back down that's going to be as me good and then we can connect this line in okay now let's finish his knee we're going to draw a shape that's like this one but the other direction so down over and then back up now let's draw the little details on his knee so we'll draw this shape or line up and then over to create a shape on this side and then we're going to do the same on the other side of his knee line up over to the side the little rectangle up here close to the top of his leg so line down over and then back up he's looking so cool man yeah we hope you guys at home are having fun also if you guys need a little break because this is a long video yeah go ahead and pause it and then come back alright but we're gonna keep going right yeah okay let's do let's finish his leg so we're gonna draw another line back here and then another line on the other side of his leg just a smaller one okay now let's draw two straight lines of big ones come all the way down and all the way down over here oh you know what you can just pretend like it's you can have it go off the page like yeah that's okay the whole foot might go off or you can just end it right there because that's then it could be a little shorter too that's good alright now a diagonal on both sides good yours is a little further that's okay so draw a line from here to there good and then I'm going to draw a little line on this side and a little line on this side so now we're at the same spot okay now we're going to draw a big u to connect these two so we're going to come down and then come back up that's going to be this foot he is huge yeah okay now especially is like okay he's got a lot of details in this bottom part of his leg so we're going to go a little quicker but our friends can always pause it so we're going to draw all these details a little quicker line up over and then back down then we're going to draw another one right next to it up over and then back down again cut now we're going to draw the front part of this leg up over and then back down Oh same thing over and over lots of details alright and then let's drive up oh no just over twice okay now let's draw some details on the side so we'll draw a line a little line on both sides up a little line in then we're going to draw down and then back in good now let's draw this side draw a little diagonal it comes from this corner good now we'll draw a little line almost connect to his knee then we're going to draw a straight line down and match this right you can just go in if you want I'm gonna come back down sweetie there don't look super awesome all right now he's got some more details down here on his foot so we're going to draw a little wing that comes out of the side of his foot and then a wing on this side too good awesome okay now there's some more details on the on this part of his foot so we'll draw a line here and a line on this side get that deep you've got a rat you ran out of room but that's okay for art friends running out of room - that's okay - you just reach in like it's going off the page and you can imagine where it's at yeah we're done with this foot checkers let's come up here and finish his his other leg this one's gonna be a lot easier we're gonna straight out then we're gonna come down and then back a little diagonal out oh did you go all the way that's okay focusing on that that's okay don't worry about it that's fine now I'm getting to do a little diagonal line and then back in and you made it more simple that's fine all right okay now let's do one more next to it so you can just do another simple line next to it if you want yes just like that okay now we're going to come down again one more and then this one's gonna be straight across - like yours good job now he's got a little piece of armor on his knee and that's this piece right here but we're going to draw a side view of it so we're going to come out and then up okay and then a small little line at the top and then we're going to match the line that we did we just drew good and then a diagonal line to connect those two awesome now let's draw this this shape over here on this side cool he looks so cool man okay the last little bit is we need to draw his wings which are also the doors to the car right yeah he doesn't fly he doesn't fly but they look like wings so we're gonna draw the first door over here behind this shoulder line and then another line up and then a teeny line good and then we're going to draw a longer line down to the side of the door and then back in to its shoulder my hand squeaky good and then we got one more little detail there and then the handle for the door is a little rectangle good ok now let's draw the other door this one's going to come out of his head up and then we're going to match kind of the same thing we did over here and then a small little line up then we're going to draw longer one back down and then all the way into his back duty looks so awesome this might be my new favorite snow we've done there's so many details though aren't I having fun all right and then I drew another line right there good he's got one last little piece and it's over here behind his and under his arm so one line out and straight across and back up good and then another line back in and then diagonal all the way up to his body good tail it looks like a tail huh now we're going to do a couple bet lines for details one like that one right next to it another one and then one last one right under that one good job we got one last thing we forgot his symbol right on his chest so let's draw a little V right there and then two lines on each side going back up okay and then across and then we're going to color the rest of the symbol red and we're not going to use our markers okay all right checkers we did it give me five Jeff on yeah good now we're going to fast forward the rest of the rest of the lesson because we're going to color him and our art friends can pause it at the end so that they can match the same colors that we did okay okay all right let's do it right man you jackers man we did it he looks so cool I love how big he is it's my favorite when we draw really big drawings because they look even cooler than if they were really small you promised you add fun yeah yeah we hope you guys had a lot of fun drawing your bumblebee - I know it was a lot of details on yeah and this one you kind of have to have a lot of patience to get through the whole thing and to work at it but remember to practice practicing is the second most important thing next to having fun right because I promise the second time you draw it will turn out better than the first time all right do we need to tell our friends what we named our bird huh yeah and we need to try and feed them yeah all right let's move all our stuff clean it all up and then we'll bring her back right yeah all right we got her back on our table and you got some food ha yeah you're gonna try to feed her I'm gonna I'm gonna use my iPhone and we're gonna get a close-up video okay okay all right so we want to see if you can feed her from your hand let's see if she's gonna eat it oh come on you can mean it go ahead go ahead you can eat it oh she's doing it all right checkers you got to tell her art friends what we named her Kiwi yeah we loved all of the names our art friends gave right yeah yeah there were so many cool ideas and we loved we loved a bunch of them but I think Kiwi was definitely our favorite and I think it was our friend's favorite too we had so many people tell us that they thought we should name her cute and why do you think it's a good name because she's green yeah she's the same colors as the Kiwi huh yeah man she loves those seeds ah yeah see if you can move your hand a little closer and see if she'll hop up on your hand yeah keep going slowly Oh little closer she's like what are you doing come on Kiwi Kiwi she looked at me get a little closer move ahead a little closer see if she'll eat some more here I'm gonna get this closer oh there we go so I go ahead a little closer see if she'll jump up by your hand I'll get just a little closer right under her belly here you go a little closer keep going she'll step up maybe maybe there she goes oh come on you can good well we want to thank all of our friends for helping us namer huh you guys are super awesome thanks for all of your cool ideas we hope you like Kiwi - we love it yeah it's a perfect name for going there alright Kiwi help help us say goodbye to our friends okay say goodbye see you later our breaths goodbye you
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 665,088
Rating: 4.5540328 out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, Drawing (Interest), Bumblebee (Fictional Character)
Id: TLa0Axs1AKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2015
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