How To Draw A Funny Sandwich

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hey art friends welcome back to another let's draw uh live let's draw yeah are you ready to draw yeah do you hope our friends are ready to draw too yeah yes you haven't done one in a while have you yeah you're excited yeah oh we got our volume turned up we're gonna have to turn our volume down on our computer too it's a little quiet let's do that there we go sorry i messed up well what are we drawing today did you forget what are we drawing um sandwich a sandwich yeah we're gonna draw a sandwich we hope you guys are gonna follow along with us yesterday what did we draw with hadley a toaster a toaster a funny toaster and some funny toast today we're gonna draw a funny sandwich but before we do that we gotta spotlight one of our awesome art friends don't we yeah and look at that did it awesome the challenge was to finish by dr finish your art by drawing your counter your kitchen counter and they did oh i can't believe how many things they drew on their drawing they've got the counter they've got the cupboards they got even the little plug that's plugging the toaster in and they've got the there's a little person over here spreading jelly on some toast and it looks like it's screaming because it's gonna somebody's gonna eat and there's even butter and a knife i love it they did such a great job on their challenge in fact all of our art friends did amazing on the challenge it was really cool to check out all of their drawings there were some really cute ones and some funny ones what was your what's your favorite part on this drawing probably the peanut butter the pin you like the peanut butter and the jelly yeah i like the peanut butter yeah it looks like a waffle huh right by the toaster it says yum and then if the i think it's a waffle and say no don't eat me all right well we hope you guys are excited you got your art supplies all ready we want to give a big shout out to everybody that's participating in our live chat you want to shout them out say hi say hi and we're going to try to answer a lot of your questions and comments and give you shout outs during the lesson too okay dude what do they need for this lesson marker over here marker paper paper pencil and some colorings yeah something to color with now if we ever go too fast remind our art friends what were you eating the color inside what can they do if we go too fast pause the video yeah pause the video even though this is live now also you got your marker ready now you're ready now you do it okay now we're first going to start by drawing the top of our sandwich and also we're going to draw we're going to draw it funny too we're going to draw a cartoon version so we're first going to start by drawing an upside down watch this it's a really wide view we're going to go up like this across we're drawing a sub sandwich or a foot long sandwich like sub foot long subway sub subway subway hey we're gonna give some of you guys shout outs too we're gonna try to keep an eye on the live chat while we're doing the lesson but while we're coloring it'll be a little easier to shout you guys out so lori merced says hi mrs hubs she's actually not with us right now she she's not uh in this one maybe the next one mrs hoops oh all right you ready for the next step yeah we're gonna draw the bottom of our piece of bread so this is the top piece of bread we're gonna connect we're gonna draw a line that goes all the way over and connects to the other side sarah bensaid ben said says please shout me out and let's see tara says can you can you do a youtube logo video that would be really cool to draw the youtube logo and aiden pickles says i love them we love you too aiden and oh somebody just asked for an alligator mr pigeon mr pigeon says are you making funny faces asked us to draw uh an alligate alligator that would be way cool oh and valerie asks us what are the colored pencils that we're using we're using prismacolor colored pencils but you can use whatever color whatever brand you want and i also have links below this video where you can head over to amazon and purchase the same colored pencils am i talking too much no are you making fun of me no okay what should we draw next on our bread we're going to draw it down we're drawing the top layer first then we're going to draw the next layer let's draw some lettuce do you like lettuce we just got a donation did we get a donation and i missed it yep you know what and i think i noticed that we got some donations wow before we even started and i'll have to look okay let's draw let's draw the lettuce and then i'll see what the donation was i can check it so i'm going to draw a wavy line like this i'm going to draw all the way over to the middle then i'm going to draw another one right next to it and then i'm going to draw another one next to that one for the very far right side okay let me see if i can find the donation this is so cool thank you guys so much i gotta scroll down where is where's it at where's it at here we go we did thank you so much noobs are out they uh donated 99 cents thank you oh and also dalton said hey i've been watching you for a while now they donated two dollars i think that was before the stream even started and leandro donated you are the best drawers and they said uh donate 1.99 thank you guys so much for your donations means a lot you got your lettuce done almost almost almost keep going i'm gonna check out the comments a little bit more there we go this is awesome crafty pro says this is awesome thank you so much uh cassandra says omg is this still going yes we're live right now yeah you didn't miss it if you if you did just join us though and you haven't started your drawing yet you can pause the video start it over after you get your supplies ready let's draw tomatoes next should we okay we're going to draw we're going to draw uh ovals not ovals uh let's see u shapes like this so i'm gonna we're only drawing part of it because it's overlapping it's underneath our lettuce then i'm going to draw watch this we're going to draw another one right below it wow you did a great tomato and we're going to draw another one right look at this right below it like that it's super skinny super skinny that's the side of our tomato and then i'm gonna i'm gonna repeat that same step right next to it watch this we're gonna do another one right next to it so we can layer our tomatoes i'm gonna draw a bunch usually when you go to subway or subway you get lots of tomatoes so i'm going to do a whole line of them look at that oh and i like it so you can overlap them too if you want but go all the way across your sandwich okay is that cool while you're doing that i'm going to answer some more comments michaela let's see michaela wes says can i get a shout out and flower123 says it's my birthday happy birthday happy birthday uh lakesh lake shea shia says shout out kendall says hi i love you all we love you too and monkey are you singing a happy birthday song and daniel daniel snotterly says shout out and uh bag studios bag studios says can i get a shout out and lucy thorne wants us to draw a football player we we should draw a football player yeah yeah okay you got your tomatoes let's do the next layer we're going to do cheese okay so the cheese we're going to draw uh v shapes so there's a v which could draw sideways v like this and then i'm going to draw another sideways v it looks like a chip sharp cheese and we're drawing sharp cheese looks like a chip cheese chip looks like a chip cheese so i'm gonna go all the way across and you can layer so you can even add a second layer of cheese if you want i'm gonna i always ask for extra cheese on my subway sandwich or my foot long we never even go to subway them not as much yeah we don't go as much we just make sandwiches at home so keep going keep adding little v's that go all the way across your sandwich now next week i also want to mention that monday and tuesday and wednesday we won't be posting a list a lesson on monday through wednesday because of the holiday fourth of july is coming up and we're going to do a bunch of family stuff right and fireworks and fireworks we're going to do fireworks and eat lots of good food and we're going to spend a lot of time with family so monday tuesday wednesday we're going to take off but then we'll be back on thursday which is the 5th july 5th okay what should we draw next what's our sandwich missing it needs it's got cheese vegetables and one of the most important parts meat fry sauce fry sauce maybe let's draw some meat we like fry sauce don't we yeah and then so i'm just gonna the meat's gonna look a little bit like salad but when we color it brown it won't look like salad so i'm gonna draw a wavy line for this layer and you guys can add extra stuff too you could use your imagination to add other things maybe you like olives or pickles or what else do you like on your subway sandwich um i forgot everything you really just like peanut butter and jelly kevin kevin asked for a shout out uh ollie's roblox game says can you draw a hammerhead shark we we actually have drawn a hammerhead shark it was a while ago we didn't color it but you can search on her channel to find it uh shout out please i love your channel that's from sparkle turtle thank you sparkle for the nice comment and aiden pickles says i love them we love you too you got your meat on there yeah got your beef okay let's draw the last the last part of our sandwich is the bottom part of the bread so we're just gonna we're gonna repeat the same shape but upside down so we're gonna start here we're gonna go all the way across the bottom like this and then connect over to the other side for the last piece of bread adam dab wants a shout out and libby phillips says it's my birthday too do you want to say happy birthday to libby [Music] [Laughter] zach connor says you're the basket cool can you draw a ship oh webkinz asked us if we could draw simba do you know who simba is no from lion king all right what's our what's our sandwich missing um up here something on top a seat seeds we could draw seeds we could draw a funny face fluffy yeah every time i'm going to draw two circles i'm going to try and figure out a different mouth to draw than what i've drawn on the last ones and i'm trying i'm stuck i'm not sure what i'm going to draw so i'm going to draw a smaller circle inside for the highlight so the eyes look shiny color in the big circle if you leave it like this it kind of looks like his mouth doesn't it like his mouth has got all the food in there yeah and then i'm going to draw let's see draw a little wiggly lines here on the side maybe he's nervous yeah i'm just going to draw a smile just a happy is a happy foot long and actually if you want sometimes on the top of the bread there's little uh they make little marks on top of the bread so i'm gonna add little v's for the top the very top of the bread oh as ferris says please draw a national animal of pakistan i don't even know what the national animal is maybe you could help leave a comment and let me know what that national animal is um michaela wants you to sing happy birthday song to me no well let's just say happy birthday happy birthday michaela yeah mikayla we'll be here all day if we're singing a happy birthday to every single person that has a birthday hey you did a great job on your sandwich buddy did you did you have fun yeah now we're not completely done are we yeah what do we still need to do to our sandwich to finish it color it yeah we need to color our sandwiches and we're going to use our colored pencils our prismacolor but you guys could use oil pastels you could use markers anything you want really you don't have to use colored pencils now i'm going to use this light brown this color to color our bread and then i'm also going to use a darker brown to add some shading this color yeah this is actually uh it's called beige and i'm going to use this to color our our bread and then we're going to try to do some more shout outs and also answer a few more comments now i want to know what you guys if you guys have any big plans for the 4th of july we're going to do family stuff that's from that book what that thing is from a book oh the pigeon yeah mr pigeon that's from the pitching book huh you saw the the channel icon mr pigeon oh we love that book don't we yeah can you draw a building elsa asked and tiffany hahn wants a shout out also miss anna eve rick wants a shout out and zach connor says i'm subscribed thank you so much zach connor now if you guys are watching this actually later so we're doing it live right now but we're gonna post this video on our channel so you guys can re-watch it later so if you're watching this later be sure to subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so that you don't miss our next live stream our next live drive uh draw draw along so we love doing those don't we austin yeah we love talking to our art friends live all right what are you most excited about for fourth of july food or fireworks um mostly um fireworks fireworks you used to be kind of scared of them though are you still scared of them no but happy's more scared she's more scared she is a little scared huh she was super scared when she was little we had to keep her inside the house when we were lighting off fireworks oh the animal name is uh mark uh marcar from uh oh that's cool i'll have to look that up i'm i don't even know what animal that is i have to check it out you want to sharpen you need a sharpener you don't need to sharpen there you go okay all right it's okay i'll sharpen it anytime you need okay no not now angela says draw the fifa logo that would be way cool i love getting your guys's requests fireworks are my favorite adam dab says fireworks are my favorite we got to do some of those fireworks that actually go up into the sky and explode those ones are cool yeah what was that something fall oh two markers two markers i love your little face man it turned out awesome now our friends we could challenge them to do something else with their drawing what do you think they they could draw uh more sandwiches they could draw kind of like the toast you could do the same thing but i have a different challenge that we're gonna give our art friends at the very end okay i've already thought of it i know what it's gonna be because we're gonna be on break i want to give them a big a big challenge to post something on instagram oh crafts and do diys queen says you should do more watercolor tutorials we should i love doing watercolor tutorials one of the reasons why we haven't done as many is because it they just take a lot longer to create they're a lot there's a lot more involved you want me to sharpen it again i push so hard elena elena doyle says i want to shout out you daniels snotterly says you are my favorite youtube thank you tried north korea flag wow we should do more flags we should draw more flags have you drawn with chalk we haven't done uh actually we have we've done one i was thinking if i still had it uh we did a sunflower with chalk with pastels and with the chalk pastels not the oil pastels and that was a lot of fun it's really cool we should do more can you draw a funny guy yay flags aiden pickle wants flags oscar vlog says you're the bomb miss uh miss brumlo says stitch and angel two draw and libby phillips says it's her birthday too happy birthday happy birthday we're good i'm so close you were going to sing i know let me sweep your drawing there we go dude your sandwich is looking really cool it's looking super tasty i'm going to switch to green and i'm going to start coloring my lettuce and then i'm going to switch to red we'll do the tomatoes you guys could add every you know other vegetables like olives and what else could they add what else do you like what's your favorite kind of sandwich austin do you like turkey roast beef ham peanut butter jelly chicken meatballs got you stumped [Laughter] draw a banana because i love bananas that's from the i'm banana channel that's what i like honestly bananas bananas peanut butter and bananas i love peanut butter and banana sandwiches those are way good now we actually have drawn a banana you could go over to our channel and search it and you'll be able to find a funny banana that was a really funny one actually i think hadley did that one all right now i'm gonna switch to red i'm gonna start coloring my tomatoes this is a big sandwich it's a foot long mine doesn't even really look like football yeah do you know where my favorite sandwich place is though what it's not subway it's jcw's well i like jcw's too in and out what no i like i like uh um uh i totally forgot pot bellies i like pot bellies you like pot bellies too don't you yeah pot belly sandwich uh they have a really good oreo shake that's why i like going there and they got really good pickles let me sweep your dry oh yeah they do have pickles yeah they're really big pickles olive oil olivia loves pickles doesn't she yes it takes long to color something big that's from cassandra valdez it does sometimes it does take a long time to color but are you having fun yeah it's fun to color i think it's coloring is like my favorite thing and actually when we do the pre-recordings when we just record we don't do it live sometimes i think it's fun because me and you have fun yeah uh coloring but then we fast forward it and you guys don't get to see the how much fun we have while we're coloring it yeah yeah but that's but i think that's why you need a friend that's why you should always have a friend when you're when you're doing art and a friend could be a parent it could be your next door neighbor it could be a brother and sister it could be a cousin like the pirate video yeah when we drop drought at school yeah we you guys all drew together didn't you and also we count as your friends so i think when you're coloring something big and it might take like a long time it's still a blast it's still way fun because you're coloring you're doing art with your friends all right now i'm going to switch to my beef color brown where's beef beef beef and cheese beef and cheese beef and cheddar then i'm also going to add some shading friends drawing with friends is always is always my favorite and you guys are my friends did you know that [Laughter] draw a goat i am left-handed that's from foxy fan i think left-hand artists are awesome they're super cool um cheryl says please shout out to my little girl izzy bullock as she's a huge fan thank you cheryl say shout out to izzy say hi izzy hi izzy yeah she's drawing with us and can you draw more fortnite that's from bodhi dunn um yeah we're gonna draw more fortnite uh jack and i are working on the next one we're gonna try and we're gonna try and figure out which one we wanna draw next um i think it's gonna be that carbide guy and we're also planning to draw more uh incredibles yeah don't worry if you've been wondering when we're going to draw more incredibles we will i promise he wouldn't saw the movie all by himself yes they know i've told them you're still bitter about it i can tell i'm gonna add a little shake i'm still mad at you i know you are enough i'm sorry i apologize i feel really bad i'll make it up to you i promise i do you know you went and watched it i know i kind of kept it a secret i went because i thought it's long and sometimes you don't like seeing long movies right i like seeing you still wanted to go i know i know halfway through the movie you're like can i have more popcorn and then i gotta go get more popcorn because you're bored i'm gonna add a little shading underneath to make my my bread look more 3d so i just added a dark layer i used my dark brown and i started really dark on the edges like this and then got lighter towards the middle so sometimes it sometimes i i use black for the shading but sometimes black is too dark so if you just use a darker color of the same so just a darker version of the same color it works better so we use light brown for the bread and i'm using a dark brown to add the shading if i use black it might be too dark and you're doing great look at that you're shading i love it i'm also going to color the spikes in here a little bit darker and let's see if we can answer a few more comments because we're actually almost done and we're going to miss you guys while we're on break next week oh jules says i'm left-handed too please drop baby hippo squishy forever says i broke my wrist that doesn't sound good you gotta if you broke your wrist you should try drawing with the other hand yeah yeah you should practice but that doesn't feel good do you get the overhead view of your drawing elizabeth asks how we get this view right here where we're recording our drawing it's just the second camera and we've got it mounted to the ceiling it's aimed down that's all nothing too complicated there we go i'm almost done you know what we can add more i could use a dark green let's do that i'm going to use dark green and i'm going to add a little shadow on the lettuce too right here i'm going to add shadows so that it looks like it's more 3d look at that oh it looks cool michaela west just asked if we could draw omega we actually have we just drew omega this week so be sure to check that out on our channel it was a way fun lesson gracie mcfaul wants a shout out and right rhea riya ask for a penguin and hadley's been dying to draw the blue penguin hasn't she which i think is the smallest penguin that that's living oh look at your shading dude your shading looks really cool do you want to color in the little spikes and then we're actually i think we're all finished we could add darker i'm going to use that same brown i'm going to add a little shadow on the tomatoes also maybe i'll use uh brat black on the tomatoes yeah let me see i'm gonna switch to black the brown still it works but it's not as dark so we can go a little bit darker if you want for dark shadow on the tomatoes and make it look really 3d is there another black you want another black you can use that one and then i'll switch to this one and survival item survival says i'm new to your channel i drew the tools for father's day that's way cool and welcome to our channel i'm so glad you found us we love drawing and we love meeting new art friends all over the world so it's cool to that you found us i hope your dad i'm sure he loved the the uh tools that you drew for him for father's day i bet it turned out really cool and reena renee johnston says you rock oh and lol surprise says my cat died i'm sorry i'm sorry i laughed but i really didn't mean to if i'm so sorry that you can't die let's see bye rick piper says realistic arctic fox please oh my gosh that would be cool we drew a cartoon arctic fox it turned out awesome it was really cool i feel so bad we love we we have we had pets um a while ago and one of them passed away one of them died we came home and it was kevin yeah he broke his leg yeah we we couldn't save him and we lost them and we felt so bad huh that was really sad you okay all right we did it we finished our sandwiches man it turned out really cool i love how yours turned out now you guys remember at home it's okay if your drawings look different our drawings look different right hey let me get a little sweeper and sweep you again [Laughter] all right well let's see let's see a few more comments and then ah let's see draw a dalmatian beanie boo says draw dalmatian alyssa says we should do vlogs draw the world cup shout out emily says can i have a shout out and clyde clydey says shout out and then uh i thought i saw a question in here where did it go it's so hard to check these out oh you should draw a lily and says you should draw a polaroid camera with a picture i love polaroid cameras that would be way fun we'll do that one would that be fun you know what the polaroid is we saw it at target they're the big cameras and then when you take a picture it comes out the front oh and you actually have a picture it's not a digital picture all right dude did you have fun drawing your sandwich yeah well we're not completely done are we we need to challenge our art friends now you guys could finish this drawing by adding a background but i want to give you a different challenge a super challenge since we're going to be on break next week during the 4th of july i want to challenge you guys to draw something epic about 4th of july it could be anything you could draw fireworks you could draw your favorite thing to do on the 4th of july you could draw a firework yeah you could draw it exploded you could draw an eagle you could draw the american flag anything you want something that has to do with the um with uh the fourth of july independence day and then when we come back on thursday we're gonna pick a few more spotlights we're not going to do one we'll do a couple because we want to show off a bunch of our art friends art we want to see how cool it turned out yeah sound awesome you're going to help me pick them out yeah all right you promise yeah all right well we hope you guys have an awesome weekend we hope you had a lot of fun drawing with us live today we want to give one more shout out to everybody that participated in our live chat we hope you guys had fun following along with us be sure to ask your parents when you're all done with the challenge i almost forgot to tell them ask your parents to post a photo of your 4th of july epic challenge on instagram tag it tag us in it and also use the hashtag afkh challenge challenge afk h challenge that helps us be able to keep all the photos together and so we can find it easy and then we'll pick three or four spotlight artists in our next lesson which will be on thursday july 5th you want to say goodbye to our friends we love drawing with you and we'll see you later our friends goodbye
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 1,636,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, for kids, tutorial, step by step, art lesson, directed drawing, cartooning, 4 kids, draw along, sandwich, footlong, subway, food, funny, cute, kawaii
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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