How To Draw A Stormtrooper FN-2199 (Toy Giveaway)

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Checkers who are we gonna draw today FN [Music] 2199 yeah we're going to draw this guy he's so cool he's from Star Wars and this is the pop toy of FN 2199 yeah he's got this really cool sword on him and we really like these toys because they got this cool drawing of them on the box and this is what we're going to draw yeah we're going to look at this and then do it step by step you guys can follow along with us if we go too fast what can they do pause the video yeah you guys can pause the video all right you ready to start yeah now we're going to use a Sharpie and you want to make sure that you have more than one sheet of paper so that your marker doesn't go through to the table and we also have colored pencils we're going to use blue and this is going to be for that cool sword thing it's going to have electricity coming out of it and we got gray for some shading on the Stormtroopers helmet and body and we have black for the details yeah let's move that off to the side and let's start drawing yeah first we're going to draw his helmet so we're going to draw a line right in the middle of the paper that goes across oops a little wobbly you can turn your paper this way if it makes it easier there we go I'll straighten it out while you draw yours yeah you can just draw it straight that'll make it easier good keep going yeah that's a good size little longer maybe a little longer on this side then we're going to draw the top of his helmet and it's not completely round like a rain line it's got a little Corners in the side but we don't want to draw them Square so a little corner over there and we're going to curve over to the other side and then curve down see how you can see a little Corners rounded Corners good and then curve down W that's a big helmet I like it it's good good job okay let's draw a line right under this one right across I okay draw draw straight lines today there we go there we go now on this side let's draw a line that curves out see how right at the end it starts curving and hooking out now we're going to draw a diagonal line that comes towards the middle on both sides we're going to do that same line over on this side now we're going to connect in between these with a curve going up now let's draw the rest of the details on his helmets let's first start with his goggles so right here let's draw a line that comes in right here and we're going to draw another little dot on this side so we have the equal spacing and then we're going to draw his first eye with the U shape that comes up and then we're going to go curve down and then back up on this side now let's draw one more line that goes right next to that line and traces around and makes the same shape good now we're going to draw the detail on his mask so one short line here and a short line on the other side and then we're going to draw a line that's diagonal on both sides coming into the middle and then we're going to connect them with another curve going up now let's draw a little diagonal line next to that first line we drew and then we're going to draw a line that traces around that first design oh he's looking cool all right now let's draw one line here and another line on the other side now right here on the corner let's draw a circle I think this is like a valve and then we're going to draw a line that connects to his cheek and then we're going to trace around so we're going to go over and then connect to the other cheek good now right here on his cheeks we're going to draw little vents so diagonal lines that would be fun having an air conditioner helmet yeah I wish I had an air conditioned helmet that looked just like a stormtrooper helmet yes good now we drew them on both sides we're done with this helmet well actually there's a little detail let's draw little details on both sides and then we're going to draw that same detail up here on the top of his helmet good job Checkers on drawing his helmet give me five now we're going to draw his body next you ready yes okay we're going to draw two diagonal lines coming out from his cheeks so one on this side and one on this side and I like these pop toys because they got these big helmets and little bodies chibi chiby yeah kind of Chibi style I guess that's what you could call it chiby style 3D toys yeah and then a little diagonal line on both sides good now let's connect for his belt he's got a lot of details and we're going to leave out some of these details just to make them a little easier okay okay so right here let's draw a curve that goes over his belly good and then we'll draw a little line here for his armpit armor on both sides or armor and then we're going to connect on this side and same on this side good and then let's draw he's got a little vent underneath his chin so I'm going to draw a little line and then another little line this one's going to be shorter and then we'll connect on both sides now on this side of his chest let's draw more vents cool he looks so awesome now let's draw two more lines here and I'll draw two more lines next to it good and then on this side we're going to draw a rectangle so let's draw a long or a wide rectangle good and then we can draw little lines inside of that we finished his body now let's draw his arms yeah okay this first arm is going to come out to the side right here so we're going to start on on his cheek and we're going to curve down and it's going to come close to his waist see it comes down about the same distance yeah keep going there you go now let's draw the other side of his arm so we're going to draw a curve up first so it's kind of curving into his elbow area and then we're going to draw a line down good now let's connect this into the other side perfect now we'll draw his thumb so draw a little line or a little U shape there's thumb and then we're going to draw a backward C good and then we'll draw a frontward c there's this finger now let's connect it all the way over to the other side of his arm yeah that looks awesome now let's add the details to this arm so he has a shoulder plate so a little line and then we're going to connect up the zigzag good now I we're going really fast aren't we yes and what can our friends do pause the video yeah you guys don't forget you can always pause the video if you need a little extra time to catch up okay let's draw this armor on his bicep so a little line coming down and then another line going all the way across good now let's draw the armor on his front arm so another AR line and then this is for his wrist good and then let's draw a line going this direction and then that same line is going to be on this armor perfect now he has a little plate on the top of his glove and then we'll connect a small line for his his front finger his first finger and then let's add two little vents on his forearm we did it that looks really cool huh yes okay let's draw his other arm and we're going to draw that cool sword that he has or whatever it is it's like a it's like a bat yes that's awesome and then okay so let's draw this curve right over here so the same kind of shoulder curve and then we're going to draw a short line for forearm and then we're going to draw a curve underneath so this is the other side of his arm good and then let's connect those two lines with a curve going this direction yeah now let's add those details so let's draw his shoulder plate it's the same design that's over here on this side and then we're going to draw that same line over here on this side side good and then we'll draw his elbow line and then we can draw little line coming off it looks like an upside down y okay and then remember these lines on this side so let's draw one line here and then another line on this plate now let's draw his fist draw his thumb first and then draw over and then this line is going to come straight out for the other side of his fist and then we'll connect those two now let's finish his thumb so right in the middle we'll draw a line halfway down and then we'll curve back up and then right here we're going to connect and that's where his index finger is white and then the rest of his glove is black so let's draw the rest of the fingers draw a line between his thumb and the other side of his hand and then we're going to draw two lines in here to split his fingers now let's draw that cool weapon that he has we're going to draw a rectangle underneath his fist then let's draw two diagonal lines on the bottom of the rectangle and then connect those now let's draw a couple small V's for spikes on the bottom of that yeah then you're going to run out of room so draw this next part kind of small so you don't go off the page okay so we're going to draw a small little rectangle coming out of that one the left side then we're going to draw a longer rectangle okay at the end of this we're going to draw a line that extends out top and bottom and then we're gonna draw longer lines come all the way across good now on the inside let's draw two more lines but they're going to be shorter than those that we just drew okay so two more lines inside and then we'll connect with a diagonal line to the outside we're almost done let's draw a couple Stripes going down the side of this sword thing I wish I knew what it was called uh Blade with electricity yeah now we're going to add more details with electricity the blue colored pencil at the end let's draw his belt next so right here we're going to draw a rectangle and then we're going to connect with an L shape right here and then underneath his belt we're going to draw draw a line all the way across to the other side and then connect to his hip good and then let's add two more details there and then two more right next to that one all right let's draw his legs next so we're going to draw little U right here and then we're going to draw a line coming down for the inside of his leg and then another one on this side good now we're going to draw the outside of his legs so we're going to start over here and we're going to get further away from his ankle crazy kid I know you're laughing now we're going to draw the outside of this leg over here we're going to draw another line see how it get further away towards his ankles so we get wider good now down here at the bottom on this side so I'm going to draw draw this a little longer and we're going to connect each side do the same on this side there we go we got his legs yeah now let's draw the details so I'm going to draw a curve this way and a curve the other way so S curve and we're going to draw that same S curve over here but you'll need to draw it behind this the little box on his belt good now let's draw his thigh armor and we'll do the same on this side now let's draw a u shape where his knees would be and we'll draw that same U on this side and then we're going to draw an SL line coming back down to connect to the inside of his leg now we need to draw the armor on his on his knees so let's draw another U and then we'll draw a line connecting the top of the U and we'll do the same on this side a u and connect the top now let's draw his heel on both sides longer straight line down and then we're going to draw a short line on each side okay now we're going to draw his ankle so U and then we'll connect over to that Short Lane then do the same on this side we're almost done we just need to draw his feet so we're going to draw the toes first draw curve out we'll draw a curve out on this side too good and then right at the bottom we're going to connect from one side to the other and same on this side now right down here at the bottom let's draw a thicker line for the bottom of his shoes or his boots we did it you ready to color them yeah okay let's fast forward right now good job man now we just did some scribbling with the blue to make it look like electricity you did a great job did you have fun yeah okay let's get our light gray and we're going to add shading to the white armor now we want to make sure when we're using our gray that we don't press too hard because we don't want it to look gray we want it to look white with shadows on it okay so let's start on his nose first and we're going to do a light little shadow on the on the side of his nose right here and in the middle of this Shadow you can get a little darker and then towards it towards the center of his nose get lighter see how that makes it look like it dips is that cool yeah now we're going to do the same shadow on the other side of his nose now we're going to add a really cool shadow on his helmet up here so I'm going to draw a line that matches the outside of his helmet and this is going to be the center of the Shadow so we're going to start this part is going to be dark and then we're going to fade out towards the middle so we'll go all the way around and just fade to towards the middle of his forehead but be dark in the center now you guys at home can pause the video right now to match the shading if you need a little extra time so the center of the Shadow is dark and then it fades out towards the middle of the forehead and then it also Fades out towards the edge of the helmet all right you ready for the next part yes let's do a little Shadow underneath his chin and also on his shoulder so over here this is going to make it look like his helmet is overlapping the rest of his armor now I'm also going to color in solid his little valve and then also shade this bottom part of his helmet now let's shade underneath his armpits on the side of his body and we'll do that on both sides then we're going to shade down his arm and also this arm now let's shade his legs we're going to shade the inside of his leg and go all the way down to his foot so we'll start dark right here and then fade out to the left and do the same up here on the top and then we'll flip that and do the opposite on this side so we'll start dark on the inside of his leg and then toward towards the outside will get lighter and lighter and Fade Out we finished him did you have fun yeah give me another five now you guys remember you can pause the video to take a little extra time to finish that shading and you don't want to press too hard to make sure that he still looks white we hope you had a lot of fun following along with us and drawing your own Stormtrooper remember it's okay if your drawings don't look exactly like ours because what's the most important thing to have fun yeah to have fun now we still need to give away our cool toy our FN 2999999 now how can our art friends enter to win this have your parent leave a comment below yeah leave a comment below this video on YouTube and tell us what your favorite Star Wars character is and you'll be entered to win this when are we going to pick the winner tomorrow we'll announce the winner in the comments below tomorrow and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 1,381,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, Star Wars, Stormtrooper, fn-2199, chibi
Id: d6sYBdafTh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2016
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