How To Draw Cartoon Spider-Man

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hey our friends today we're going to be drawing the cartoon fun man first chukker you get your marker yeah alright I hope you guys are gonna follow along with us you have something to draw with and so paper in front of you today is Monday so be sure to check art for kids hub calm for the show yard slideshow yes you put it right on our homepage and if you want to send your art to us to be featured next Monday what's our email address are freaky subtly yes my art at art for kids oh yeah be sure to have a parent take a photo of your drawings and one photo to us to that email address and then we'll feature you in our next slide show on our homepage yes you're all ready to draw spider-man ah let's do it for this project you're also going to need colored pencils because we color spider-man at the end we're going to use a dark blue light blue light red and a dark red we'll put those off to the side and we're going to use our markers first we're going to draw a cartoon version of spider-man so we're going to try and keep it nice and easy we're going to first start with his head we're going to draw an upside-down egg shape okay alright so we're going to start down here well right in the middle we're going to draw it upside down so that we have down at the bottom a shape that looks like his chin so I'm going to draw an upside down egg so down here it's kind of has a point for his chin and then it's big and round up here at the top for his forehead there yeah that's a good spot let's see you're going to start by the top of the head right here we'll just draw his head right in the middle of the paper yeah and then down here at the bottom you're gonna have this chin it's a little pointy ER and up at the top round yeah it's gonna have a skinny head that's okay top round yeah just like that good job just kinda has a flat head that's alright it's totally cool no mistakes right yeah what's the most important thing Jaffa yes to have fun and to practice alright let's draw his eyes so right in the middle of well towards the bottom but in the middle of his head he's going to be looking off to the left we're going to put two dots and they're not they're close together but not too close and that's because we want to leave a space where his nose would be yeah that's that's perfect now here we're going to draw for one eye we're going to draw a football shape because he's spider-man he has bug eyes yeah and this can maybe come closer to the edge of his head there we go and then the bottom bottom of his eye it looks like a football American football good now on this side we're gonna draw another eye but it's gonna be squashed because it's on the side of his head we're going to draw it come up and touch side and then down here at the bottom the bottom of his eye now when the outside that's okay good we got his face he looks like an alien doesn't he yes okay now we're going to fast forward but we're going to thicken up his eyes but we want to make sure we leave a gap in between his eyes for his for his mask all right we got the thicker line going around his eyes now you're ready for the spiderweb yeah and his mask in the middle right in between his eyes were going to draw an a shape we're going to draw the center of his mask and then the spiderwebs going to go out from that and then below we're going to do a v-shape to connect one side to the other looks like he's got a little teeny dinah nose yes now we're going to draw the first part of the spiderweb going over his forehead it's going to go in between his eyes and then curve over the top of his head so we'll go up and then curve over and that makes his head look round now we're going to draw two more webs coming out this one's going to go over it this eye and see how we're still curving it the agate and then one more over this side this side is going to come up over his eye and then just barely curve he looks angry go ahead now we're going to draw two going down one two we're going to draw one going over his cheek on this side and then another one on this side of his cheek now that we got those lines let's draw the other part of his web okay so we're going to draw the first and they're kind of you shapes that connect each other so right in between his eyes then we're going to draw one right here just over his eye and then we're going to connect to the middle of his forehead and over to the other one and then down to his eye good job now we're going to draw the last one on top of his head it's going to curve over to the middle and then down to the next one and then we're going to curve down to his eye now let's draw the ones over his mouth so we're going to draw one right under his eye and it's going to connect to the next one over to the next one until we get all the way over to the side we did his face now we're going to draw his body his arms let's start with his shoulder we're going to start with a v-shape right here I just start with a V that's for shoulder muscle now we're going to curve up and connect to his cheek now we're going to draw his arms so this is the shoulder and the arm is going to come out under his shoulder and we're going to draw the outside of his arm good now let's draw his fist so we're going to connect one side to the other that and I'm leaving a little gap for his thumb and then we'll draw a C shape for his thumb cool now halfway up his arm we're going to draw a contour line a curved line see how that makes his arm look round now let's draw the spiderwebs we're going to draw three lines down one two three then we're going to draw the webs that connect in between those lines so just draw you shapes I'm going to draw one more below that one we did it good job now let's draw the spider webs on his shoulder draw one curve this way and then we'll draw another curve going the other way and then we're going to connect them by drawing lines upside down use shapes and I'm going to draw a couple more up here and if we go too fast what can our fronts do on the idea yes you guys can always pause the video if we're going too fast and you need extra time to catch up now let's draw the other hand over here this would be coming out the side of his head so one our one line for his arm and then another line for the other side of his arm and then we're going to connect it then let's draw his fingers okay we'll draw a little thumb sticking out then we're going to draws other fingers sticking out and they're just use shapes I'm going to draw three fingers are you having fun yeah good now we're going to draw the spider webs so we're going to draw two lines I'm back and we're going to draw the cross webs now on each of his fingers I'm going to do another spider web on each of his fingers now let's draw his body we're going to draw a little curve right here for his chest and then we're going to draw a curve coming out over his shoulder and then down good now we're going to draw an upside-down u that connects to his arm now we're going to draw his belt line a little curved to make his body look round and we can draw a little spider webs next let's draw his legs we'll draw the first one coming out in front of them like he's kicking we're going to draw a line coming up under his chin and then it's going to bend down good and then we'll draw the top of his foot then we're going to draw the bottom of his foot and it's going to curve the other direction and this is going to be down to where his heel is good and then we're going to come up and then into his arm now the bottom of his feet so his legs are blue but the bottom of his feet have spider webs on them so we'll draw a contour line on that part we'll also draw a contour line on his foot and then let's draw the spider webs so let's draw three lines 1 2 3 and then we can draw the cross webs and watch this I'm going to go we draw they use so that they curve and I like the top of his booth you see that so I'm going to curve like this and then curve down so I can kind of make a c-shaped backwards see shape that matches the top of his boot yes just like that and curve down there you go what's he missing oh he's all the way yeah he's missing this leg over here we're gonna draw a light coming down okay Drazen top of his leg that comes down to his knee and then we're gonna draw his muscle or the bottom part of his leg and then we got a draws foot curve coming this way and then back up now we need to draw his spiderweb shoe over on this side okay so John curve going this direction so it looks like his foots going back and we'll draw two lines going down his shoe then we're going to draw one coming up his foot and then let's draw the webs going across so draw little use shapes going down and connecting and then also on his foot all right now what is he missing the spider is saying on his back yeah a spider is symbol on his costume so let's draw a curve going down his back and then color it in and then we'll draw the little spider legs little lines coming out from the center circle or the body of the spider checkers good job on drawing spider-man he's going to look even better once we color them you got your colored pencils we have our dark blue or light blue light red and our dark red and we're going to use the darker colors to do the shading okay so first let's get our red and we're going to color in we're going to do a circle so I watch this we're going to color red draw a little curve like this so we're going to come through his eye and we're going to finish that circle down here at the bottom black hole then the inside of this we're going to color with the light red can it outside we're going to color with the dark red okay we're going to do the same thing on the shoulder we're going to put a circle right here and that's going to be light red and then we're going to draw a little curve right here and the left side is going to be red light red and then the right side is going to be dark red and then let's do a little curve here on his shoe and then also on his arm right here we're going to do a u-shape so we're going to color inside here here here in the middle of his face and on his shoulder bright red and the rest is going to be dark red okay ready fast hard yeah let's do it right good job dude now we're going to switch to our light blue and we're going to draw so right here where we have that line on his boot for that light red we're going to continue that line up onto his knee it's a little curve like that and on the left side is going to be light blue this side is going to be dark blue then we're going to draw another line right here and it's going to continue into his glove so right where we have that line separating the two Reds we're going to continue that with the blue and then over here we're also going to add another highlight this could be right here on the top of his leg jemelle a little oval shape like that and inside is going to be light blue and dark blue on the other you ready fast forward again yeah let's do it we finish her spider-man did you have fun yeah you did a great job he looks amazing amazing spider-man yeah the last step that we did was we went around with her sharpie and we thickened the outside line so he looks like he's popping right off the page now we're going to leave him just like this but you guys at home I want to challenge you to finish your backgrounds you could draw spider webs shooting out of his wrists or you could even draw the the city the buildings in the background and fill in the whole paper we hope you had a lot of fun following along with us it's okay if you're drawing so look exactly like ours because the most important thing is to have fun yes to have fun and we'll see you later our friends good bye oh you shoot a spiderweb
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 4,390,796
Rating: 4.4333062 out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, spider-man, marvel, comic book
Id: Ngz2vfk2n1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2016
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