How To Draw A Lamborghini Huracan (Front View)

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jack we had so much fun drawing a cobra last time what are we gonna draw today a lamborghini yeah we hope you're gonna follow along with us now we are gonna use sharpies to draw a car but if you feel more comfortable drawing with a pencil feel free to they could go back over it with a marker what else do they need for this lesson some paper and something to color with all right let's get started yes let's first start by drawing two lines on the side of our paper now this is going to be for the wheel arch or the part that goes over the wheel and we're drawing a front view of the lamborghini so it's going to be facing right at us we're going to draw a curve well actually it's a straight line a lot of the lamborghini lines look straight but they do have a little bit of curve to them so we're going to draw it about that tall and then we'll come over here and we want to match that same height over here on the right side so we're going to draw another curve right here or straight line i'm going to do it again i like using sharpies or markers when we're drawing because we don't spend any time at erasing we just make sure that we have fun and practice practice yeah now on the top of each of these lines we're going to draw a diagonal line that comes in and we'll do the same thing over here on this side now both sides we're looking right at the lamborghini so it's symmetrical it's the same on both sides and that's okay if it doesn't look exactly the same but we want to practice and try as hard as we can to make it look like it matches on both sides now let's draw the bottom so we're first going to draw a curve or a line that comes in and it's going to come in further than this diagonal line further to the center and we'll do the same thing over here on this side cool now we're going to draw a diagonal line that comes up on both sides awesome it's already starting to look cool yeah now we're going to draw a diagonal line that connects down here to this bottom one all the way up to the top i'll do the same thing over here i love the shapes on a lamborghini they're so cool and geometric now we're going to draw the top of the hood so we're going to draw another diagonal line it's really subtle comes in and it's almost right above this little corner we'll do the same thing on this side next we're going to connect these two lines the line in the middle almost looks like there's not even a bend there i like yours you can really see the little bend in that line now we're going to draw the mouth or the intake down here at the bottom of our lamborghini so we'll start up here and we're going to draw another straight line that connects these two shapes together all right now we're going to draw another line that comes up just barely and we're going to stop before we get to the end and then we're going to do the same thing over here on this side come up just a little bit stop before you hit the end i like turning my paper too sometimes that's easier to draw now we're going to draw a diagonal line that comes down not all the way though we'll do the same thing over here and then right down here at the bottom there you go right down here at the bottom we're going to draw a short diagonal line coming back in and we'll do the same thing over here cool now let's draw a line that matches the bottom line and almost connects to the center shape yeah same thing over here and then right here we're going to come all the way up and then touch that corner line connect to that corner line on both sides next let's draw another line that connects the two ends together the two sides and then we're gonna repeat that same line and draw another one right above it now let's come up right in the middle and we're going to draw the hood emblem we're going to draw a v do you know what the uh the logo is for a lamborghini it's a bowl yeah bowl now let's draw a curve on top of that v to connect the top then let's color in that shape next let's draw the line for the front of the hood so we're going to draw two points i'm going to put two points and they're going to be right above the emblem yes with a little gap now let's draw a line that connects that point out to the diagonal line and we'll do the same thing on the other side now in between these two lines we'll draw a short diagonal line up over and then a diagonal line back down cool all right now we're going to draw the headlights let's draw a diagonal line that's going to go up right here and then before you get to the end stop and leave a little gap now let's finish the headlight we'll draw another line coming down over and then back up and connect to that corner now let's repeat that same shape over here on the left side draw a diagonal line that comes up then we'll draw that short diagonal line down and then we'll draw the bottom and then short diagonal line to connect to the corner looks really cool now that's okay that the two shapes on each side look a little different right yeah and it's okay that your drawing looks a little different than mine both of them look awesome the most important thing is to have fun have fun and to practice practice remember to practice and have fun all right let's keep going now let's draw the windshield or the windscreen we're going to draw another diagonal line that comes up on both sides we want these to match same height and the same angle then we're going to draw the top of our car we're going to draw another curve that connects these two lines together now let's actually draw the windshield there you go we're going to draw another diagonal line but look at this up at the top it's closer together than down at the bottom and we'll do the same thing over here line that comes up it's closer at the top than at the bottom yeah now we're going to draw another curve and look at this when you connect these two it's a little thicker in the middle than it is on the ends yeah there you go now let's draw the mirrors we're first going to draw a horizontal line like that now on this side we're going to draw a sideways v it looks like an arrow and on this side we're just going to draw a diagonal line cool then let's connect the top and also the bottom then over here let's draw two lines to connect the mirror into the body and then up here at the top we could draw another line that comes down and connects to the arm or the neck of the mirror now let's repeat those same steps over here on this side and we want to try to make it the same size so we'll draw that horizontal line first then we'll draw the arrow shape then the diagonal line and we're going a little faster because we're repeating the same steps then connect the top and the bottom what was the next step uh connect it yeah two lines for the neck or the arm of the mirror and then one more line from the top of the mirror down to the neck all right we did the mirrors those look like really cool mirrors now let's draw the wheels we'll start over here and we're just going to draw a line that comes down and extends past the body and we'll do the same thing over here we don't want to go too far because lamborghinis are really low to the ground then we're going to draw a line that comes in for the bottom of the wheel both sides and we want really thick tires so you could even come in further even on both sides yeah maybe even a little more there's nothing wrong with thick tires all right then we're going to draw a curve that comes up and on both sides to finish your tires now we could do the same thing we did on the cobra we could actually make this look more 3d by drawing another line for the back tires and then a short line up and do the same thing over on this side all right jack i think we have two more things we need to draw let's draw the little detail down the middle of the hood so let's first draw a curve or a straight line diagonal line both sides then at the top we're going to draw a small little arrow now on each side we're going to draw a curve like this that starts at the top or the edge of the arrow and then curves into the bottom and we'll do the same thing over here on this side oh that looks so cool now let's draw the details on the headlights lamborghinis have the coolest headlights so we'll start here and we're going to draw a diagonal line on both sides and actually let's just stay on one side and we'll finish the headlight on one side and then repeat the same steps over here now we're going to draw a line a short line that comes down and then a diagonal line to meet the the first line we drew yeah then we're going to repeat that same line draw it again then we're going to draw the second headlight little sideways v and then we'll draw a smaller one right next to it just so little details in here then on the end we're just going to draw a diagonal line that comes in now let's repeat those same steps over here draw that short line and then diagonal line to meet it and then repeat that same line on the outside of that then the sideways v and a small sideways v next to it and then one line on the outside all right jack we did it we finished drawing our lamborghinis it looks really cool except it's gonna look even cooler once we do what color it yeah we need to color our cars now this part we're going to fast forward but at the end if you want to match the same coloring you can pause the video and use our drawings as inspiration to color your drawings all right jack you ready to fast forward yeah [Music] jack great job on coloring your lamborghini don't you think it looks better colored in yeah yeah i think so too i hope you guys at home are going to take time to color your drawings also now you can pause the video right now to match the same coloring use our drawings as inspiration to finish your drawings we use markers and colored pencils we first use the markers to color our lamborghini's solid yellow and also the windshield and the intake black then what do we use to add the highlights and shadows on top of the markers colored pencils yeah we used a white colored pencil for the highlight and we used kind of this dark yellow or orange for the shading what do the highlights and the shading add to the drawing makes it look 3d yeah it looks way more 3d we also used a gray colored pencil to add tread to our tires we hope you had a lot of fun drawing your lamborghini yeah we do we hope you had a lot of fun i'm sure your drawings turned out super cool remember it's really challenging to make your your drawing look symmetrical which means the same on both sides yeah both sides the left side looks exactly the same as the right side when you're drawing the best way to get better at doing that is by practicing yeah practicing practice a lot practice drawing this lamborghini a couple times i promise the second time you draw this it'll turn out even better than the first time we'll see you later our friends goodbye
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 3,478,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, teens, older kids, 13 and up, Lamborghini, Huracan, art for teenagers
Id: Dqxesak1ESI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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